: Live the dream

Israel North America United Kingdom Beit Ofer: 5 Nachum Hefzadi 42 East 69th Street JNF House - Spring Villa Park Jerusalem, 95484 New York, NY 10021 Edgware, Middx HA8 7ED, UK Tel: (02) 659-5800 Tel: 1-866-4-ALIYAH Tel: 0800-075-7200 www.nbn.org.il NEFESH B’NEFESH TODAY

BUILDING A STRONGER ISRAEL, ONE PERSON AT A TIME Since its founding, in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh has revitalized western Aliyah (immigration to Israel) and brought over 24,000 Olim (new immigrants) from the USA, Canada and the UK. By removing or minimizing the financial, professional, logistical and social obstacles that potential Olim face, Nefesh B’Nefesh has not only significantly increased the numbers of Olim, but also helped ensure their successful absorption in Israel. While global Aliyah has been steadily declining over recent years, the amount of Olim arriving from North America and the UK, the countries where Nefesh B’Nefesh operates, is increasing.

Seven Successful Years of Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah Retention Rate: 98% Olim Employed: 94% New Sabras (Babies Born): 1,200+ Marriages/ Engagements: 460+ (including 8 couples who met on NBN flights) Where they live: 135 cities throughout Israel

By the end of June 2010, Nefesh B’Nefesh will have assisted over 25,000 Olim and brought 41 charter and 47 group Aliyah flights


Partnership with the Government of Israel In November 2005, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon authorized governmental funding for Nefesh B’Nefesh on a trial basis. In September 2008, the Israeli government formally recognized Nefesh B’Nefesh in a decision designed to enhance Aliyah from the West. A unanimous cabinet decision gave the authority to the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption to permanently fund part of Nefesh B’Nefesh’s annual Aliyah-servicing budget. In 2010, recognizing the importance of Western Aliyah, the government ratified a decision to fund up to 50% of Nefesh B’Nefesh’s annual budget. In May 2008, with the help of Nefesh B’Nefesh, a Knesset lobby was established in order to encourage Aliyah from western countries. The lobby aims to raise awareness of the unique needs of western Olim and further remove obstacles that they may face during the initial stages of their acclimation.

Cooperative Venture with the Jewish Agency In September 2008, Nefesh B’Nefesh and the (JAFI) reached a historic agreement which produced an unprecedented collaborative venture for North American Aliyah. The most significant implication of the new agreement is that North American Aliyah will now be processed through one application overseen by Nefesh B’Nefesh. Whereas in the past, new Olim had to open an Aliyah file with the Jewish Agency and then apply separately with Nefesh B’Nefesh for Aliyah services, the new streamlined process will provide a “one-stop shop” making it even more time efficient and convenient for Olim.


NBN Overseas Activities

The NBN Overseas Department is responsible for increasing awareness among North American and British Jews regarding their Aliyah options, by conducting highly informative and inspirational Aliyah-related programming. A comprehensive calendar of events is coordinated by NBN’s professional staff, who travel extensively to meet with potential Olim abroad.

Various forums such as: interactive ‘Aliyah Planning Workshops’, ‘Experts Seminars’ on healthcare, taxes and budgeting, and ‘One-on-One’ meetings are offered to address all the needs of prospective Olim. Additionally, events are specifically catered for targeted audiences including: retirees, singles, young professionals, families and students on campuses.

NBN’s overseas strategy also strives to remain flexible and responsive to all inquiries regarding Aliyah, as people from more remote locations express interest in NBN services. In addition, NBN leverages new technology such as a user-friendly online calendar and a comprehensive library of Webinars (online seminars) to make Aliyah information readily available to potential Olim.

To date, more than 30,000 individuals have attended NBN overseas programs

The Overseas Department organizes over 500 Aliyah events each year, meeting an average of 7,000 prospective Olim annually

A concerted effort is being made to cultivate and expand NBN’s partnerships with all official Jewish denominations and major Jewish organizations. As part of this strategy, NBN attends several Israeli and Jewish fairs and conferences throughout the year such as the Israeli Day Parade, the General Assembly and Jewish Conferences throughout North America and the UK.


POST-ALIYAH SERVICES NBN’s Department of Guidance and Community Resources ensures that our Olim are thriving in Israel and equipped to build successful, fulfilling lives for themselves. In an effort to meet the social needs of the Olim, and proactively address their concerns, NBN has divided the country into regions, each served by a regional social worker. Our staff helps Olim find appropriate communities and conducts extensive educational programming relating to the school system, healthcare, finances, real estate, family dynamics and national service. A dedicated social worker also serves the needs of our Olim soldiers on active duty.

Nefesh B’Nefesh helps Olim understand the Israeli educational system and find suitable schools for their children. Our Regional Coordinators liaise with the schools and the Ministry of Education in order to create a curriculum that focuses on the individual needs of Olim. They are also in regular contact with Oleh families to help ensure a successful social and educational integration.

A comprehensive online Community Database that profiles over 70 communities around the country has been created, so that potential Olim are able to research schools, , summer camps and other information regarding various communities across Israel, prior to their Aliyah.

Each year, NBN coordinates over 130 social and educational programs throughout Israel

A dedicated Events and Programs Coordinator oversees an extensive array of social events for children, teens, young professionals, singles, families, and retirees in Israel. The social programs include seminars, hikes, museum visits, skiing, boat rides, game nights and more. They provide the perfect forum for Olim to expand their social networks and benefit from mutual support.

Every Oleh is called on a monthly basis during their first year of Aliyah

NBN strives to proactively identify issues Olim may be facing before they become more serious. The most effective tool at our disposal for accomplishing this is regular monthly calls to the Olim inquiring about their integration, their children’s adjustment, and their success in navigating the “Israeli System.” The social workers offer support and concrete advice, and also connect the Olim with valuable resources available in their community. Each Oleh is paired with a buddy family We recognize that importance of connecting Olim with a buddy family, who is generally an experienced Oleh that assists them with their social and communal integration. This is an extremely important and beneficial relationship for new Olim.


EMPLOYMENT & CAREER ASSISTANCE “As a Development Manager in the continually growing hi-tech Nefesh B’Nefesh has a dedicated Employment Department which industry in Israel, I have found helps Olim find suitable jobs in their fields. The Employment Nefesh B’Nefesh to be a vital Department is in touch with Olim from the pre-Aliyah stage until addition to the recruitment well after arrival in Israel, providing them with resources to enable them to conduct job searches and find gainful employment. scene. NBN has been responsible for several key hires at IBM.” Our staff travels regularly to cities throughout the US, Canada and - IBM Jerusalem the UK conducting employment-related seminars and personal meetings with prospective Olim in order provide information about their fields and relevant professional contacts. “Nefesh B’Nefesh is a professional organization that The relationships established with these individuals often continue provides us with excellent via email and phone well after Olim arrive in Israel. The Olim are candidates for open positions at advised on how to adapt their resumes to the Israeli market and El Al. It is always a pleasure to given tips on interviewing and contract negotiations. The resumes of work with them.” Olim are entered into the department’s internal database and sent out for appropriate jobs. Seminars and workshops on employment - El Al Israel Airlines related topics are also conducted for Olim within Israel.

The NBN Employment Department also liaises with government “It is a great pleasure for us agencies in order to help facilitate local licensing for relevant at Mizrahi Tefahot to work professions. We are in regular contact with the Ministries of Health, with Nefesh B’Nefesh on our Education and Immigrant Absorption. In addition, the NBN website open positions. The candidates is constantly updated with relevant articles and employment forwarded to us are high quality information. The department’s staff receives hundreds of email and experienced.” inquiries from prospective Olim each month. - Bank Mizrachi Tefahot Amongst our growing list of high profile clients are: Intel, CheckPoint, KPMG, Hadassah Hospital, “Nefesh B’Nefesh has been Office Depot, Israel Aircraft Industries, EL AL, a valuable aid to our HR Yad Vashem, NDS, Motorola, the IDF and many more department in helping us recruit highly skilled western-trained professionals for positions at Yigal Arnon & Co.” - Yigal Arnon & Co.



The Soldier Aliyah Fund was established by Nefesh B’Nefesh in order to assist and support the brave young men and women who choose to serve in the Israel Defense Forces upon making Aliyah. Through this fund, Nefesh B’Nefesh is able to provide our soldiers throughout their IDF experience with the following specialized services:

• Navigating the army bureaucracy • Keeping in regular contact and providing emotional support • Financial assistance • Finding adoptive families • Providing hosts for Shabbat and holidays • Sending care packages throughout the year • Pre and Post Aliyah guidance

NEFESH B’NEFESH IN THE IDF • Since 2002, NBN has sponsored and supported more than 1,550 Oleh soldiers • Currently, NBN has close to 500 soldiers in active duty and National Service • NBN is a sponsor of Garin Tzabar – sponsoring more than 130 soldiers annually • NBN Olim have joined the most elite units in the IDF, including: the Air Force, “Matkal” and Navy Seals • Over 400 NBN Olim (on average) enlist in the IDF every year


Physician ALIYAH Fellowship program

Since 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh has sponsored and facilitated the Aliyah of more than 170 doctors and 450 medical professionals

In response to the impending physician shortage expected in Israel in the coming years, the Legacy Heritage Foundation challenged NBN to increase the number of physicians it sponsors annually. With a generous gift, NBN was able to launch a fellowship whose objective is to increase the number of Anglo physicians moving to Israel. In addition, NBN took upon itself to structure an incentive program that integrates the physicians into the Israel medical infrastructure.

The Physician Aliyah Program has been met with great success, with interest by physicians abroad and support of the Israeli medical establishment far exceeding our expectations. It has also received a remarkable response from the US and Canadian Jewish medical communities.

In 2010, NBN will bring an additional 50 physicians on Aliyah

7 Go North with Nefesh B’Nefesh


Nefesh B’Nefesh recently launched ‘Go North’, which is aimed at encouraging Anglo Olim to settle in Northern Israel. The unparalleled $10 million project was made possible through a generous gift and partnership with the Russell Berrie Foundation (of Teaneck, NJ) together with funding from Israeli philanthropists and from the Government of Israel. In Spring of 2009 The Jewish National Fund (JNF-US) became an official partner in this historic project providing significant financial,logistical and developmental support.

In January 2010, the Ministry of the Development of the Negev and Galil announced a new joint government initiative with Nefesh B’Nefesh to encourage Aliyah to Israel’s periphery. As part of the initiative, the Ministry of the Development of the Negev and Galil and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption will provide increased support for Olim who move to the North and South of the country.

The program’s objective is to bring 1,500 NBN Olim to Northern Israel

The ‘Go North’ program aims to encourage Olim who are drawn to Northern Israel but are held back because of concerns that moving to a less developed area will be more costly and difficult. The program addresses these issues by providing significant financial grants and other forms of assistance specifically geared to make their Aliyah and absorption experience more successful. It is designed to ease the transition into communities in the North by creating the conditions for seamless professional and social integration. The benefits include enhanced financial grants, employment assistance, creating suitable social infrastructures and transportation subsidies. Nefesh B’Nefesh also appointed dedicated employment professionals and regional coordinators who assist Olim with their employment and social needs.

The Ministry for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee Negev Galilee - Israel's Region of Possibilities


HI-TECH ALIYAH Nefesh B’Nefesh strives to remain at the forefront of modern innovation by applying state of the art technology to our Aliyah services.

In-flight Aliyah Processing In-flight Passport Control In cooperation with Israel’s Israel Border Patrol has authorized Ministries of Interior and Nefesh B’Nefesh to scan the Immigrant Absorption, NBN passports of Olim flying on our developed software to help chartered Aliyah flights, with the streamline the Aliyah process use of cutting edge technological on board the Aliyah Flights via tools, ensuring a quicker and more the use of PC tablets. seamless disembarkation upon arrival.

One-Stop-Shop Webinars Aliyah Application Nefesh B’Nefesh employs the The new ‘One Stop Aliyah latest technology to make Application’ is a joint venture Aliyah-related information and of the Jewish Agency and resources even more accessible, Nefesh B’Nefesh, designed to by offering online seminars simplify the Aliyah process. The known as “Webinars”. These new applications enable prospective 30-minute Webinars offer potential Olim to simultaneously apply for Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim the ability to interact with each other services and also have their Aliyah eligibility and NBN Aliyah professionals in “real-time” approved by the Jewish Agency. The applications using video presentations and online chat are available online, as an interactive application, capabilities, from the comfort of their with live chat support. own homes.

Online Business Directory The NBN Online Aliyahpedia Nefesh B’Nefesh hosts an Nefesh B’Nefesh’s Aliyahpedia online business directory, provides the answers to providing Olim with a everything you ever wanted comprehensive listing of to know about Aliyah. This businesses and services comprehensive database of nation-wide, as well as special Aliyah-related information covers discounts for Nefesh B’Nefesh a vast array of topics, including Olim. The website contains a yellow-pages Aliyah Planning, Benefits, Army, Schools, type listing in English of businesses Housing, Employment, Retirement, and and services. more! The site offers an intuitive search function from a pool of hundreds of Aliyah- related entries. Users can ask questions and make comments and receive real-time responses from NBN staff.