Extensions of Remarks E1621 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1621 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS September 15, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1621 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PAYING TRIBUTE TO MARIE thy Day of the Catholic Worker’s Movement, street, the man in the corner store, and innu- MACHELL MILLIKEN followed by a year of community organizing merable others throughout the Bay Area and with VISTA. He moved to the Bay Area in the beyond. His friends have been blessed with HON. THOMAS G. TANCREDO early 1970’s, and by 1984 he was president of his generous nature, his wry sense of humor, OF COLORADO the Alice B Toklas Lesbian/Gay Democratic and his penchant for story telling. He is rarely Club, which grew to be the largest in the without a personal anecdote or a footnote IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country. from history, which he often recalls in perfect Tuesday, September 14, 2004 As a national vice-president of SEIU, Sal iambic pentameter and rhyme. His boundless Mr. TANCREDO. Mr. Speaker, I come be- has helped bring a new sense of urgency energy and enthusiasm is contagious. fore you today with the greatest sadness. within the labor movement to address one of Walter has given so much of himself to the When unexpected tragedies occur to exem- our Nation’s greatest shames—the lack of labor movement and to the people of San plary individuals, it is a blow to the community health insurance coverage for 45 million peo- Francisco, that we must thank his wife Jane as a whole. One such tragedy cost the life of ple. His union’s 100,000 health care members and his children Eric, Lawrence and Mary, for an individual from my home district, Marie are committed to bringing quality health care sharing him with us. We honor him today for Machell Milliken. She was killed on Highway to every American. his courage, his leadership, and his wonderful 84 near Telluride in a car accident. Her hus- I invite my colleagues to join me in saluting friendship. band of 52 years was with her at the time and Sal Roselli in recognition of his service to f survived the accident. America’s health care needs. Mrs. Milliken was born November 21, 1926, f TRIBUTE TO ISABEL SANFORD in Barre, Vermont. She met her husband while IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- attending college at Yale University. Mrs. MENT OF WALTER JOHNSON HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK Milliken was a professor of nursing, vice presi- OF FLORIDA dent of academic affairs at Loretto Heights IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES College and the director of nursing at Regis HON. NANCY PELOSI OF CALIFORNIA Tuesday, September 14, 2004 University. She received the Distinguished IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Alumna Award for the class of 1951. She also Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise to attended and matriculated from Colby College Tuesday, September 14, 2004 celebrate the life and acknowledge the great and the University of Denver. Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to accomplishments of a talented actress, Isabel She is survived by her husband Gordon, pay tribute to a distinguished labor leader, a Sanford, who passed away on July 9, 2004. their children Doug, Karen, David, Anne and great San Franciscan, and a dear friend, Wal- Ms. Sanford and Sherman Hemsley co- one grandchild. ter Johnson, upon his retirement. I join with starred as Louise and George Jefferson in the Mr. Speaker, my thoughts and prayers are my constituents to express our appreciation to sitcom The Jeffersons. Isabel Sanford was with the Milliken family, Marie will be deeply Walter Johnson for 50 years of extraordinary also known affectionately to many as ‘‘Weezy’’ missed. service to the labor community and to the peo- Jefferson. She was a native New Yorker and f ple of San Francisco. We are all fortunate that performed at the world famous Apollo Theater Walter chose to live in San Francisco and be- in her youth. Ms. Sanford made her film debut IN RECOGNITION OF SAL stow upon us his immeasurable talents and in the historic Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. ROSSELLI, LABOR LEADER OF contributions. He has devoted his life to fight- The Jeffersons was one of the first tele- THE YEAR ing for equal rights in the workplace and social vision sitcoms to showcase the black family on justice for all San Franciscans. He believes national television. The Jeffersons moved on HON. GEORGE MILLER deeply in the dignity of all people and the free- up from being the neighbors across the street OF CALIFORNIA doms of our democracy. from Archie Bunker, and moved into a sky- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Born on April 22, 1924, in Amenia, North scraper in New York City. She, along with Dakota, Walter arrived in San Francisco fol- Sherman Hemsley, changed the way America Tuesday, September 14, 2004 lowing three years of service in the United looked at African Americans; breaking down Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. States Army during World War 11. He joined barriers and eliminating stereotypes. Ms. San- Speaker, I rise to congratulate Sal Roselli, a the Department Store Employees Union Local ford was the first black woman to receive an friend of mine and a good friend to working 1100, was elected President in 1958, and in Emmy for Best Actress in a comedy series for people throughout the Nation, who will receive 1964 was elected to his local’s top position of her work on The Jeffersons. the honored title of Labor Leader of the Year Executive Officer. Under Walter’s leadership, Ms. Sanford’s legacy will live on through her in Contra Costa County, California by the the rights of women, people of color, and les- movies and her television but most of all her AFL–CIO, on September 17, 2004. Sal is re- bians and gays working in retail were pro- family and her fans. She will be greatly ceiving this honor in recognition of the con- tected and preserved. His expert guidance re- missed. tributions he has made to bring high quality sulted in his subsequent reelection over the f health care to all Americans. next eleven years. Sal is the President of the Service Employ- Walter was elected Secretary-Treasurer of EARMARK REGIONAL ASSETS FOR ees International Union Local 250, AFL–CIO. the San Francisco Labor Council in 1985, and MIDEAST PEACE Since he became President in 1988 that Union since that time has fought to secure and pro- has become the fastest growing health care tect individual workers’ rights. As a frontline HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN union in the Nation, having seen its member- leader, Walter Johnson has led the fight for OF MARYLAND ship rise from 25,000 to 100,000. During this workers’ benefits, healthcare reform, work- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES time his union has established new standards place equality, and union rights. Walter edu- Tuesday, September 14, 2004 on wages, benefits and quality of care issues cated, enlightened and mobilized union mem- through the collective bargaining process. bers to correct the unjust and unfair practices Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I want to SEIU Local 250 has played a leading role in that existed in the workplace. Walter devel- bring to the attention of the Members of the advancing social justice issues such as immi- oped and maintained strong personal ties with House a newspaper article written by my con- grant rights, health care access, peace and af- his numerous co-workers and union members, stituent, Steven R. Rivkin, which was originally firmative action. and has remained their loyal friend. published on the Financial Times website on Sal’s commitment to working people began Walter’s friendships extend far beyond the June 4th 2004. This piece offers some inter- in the late 1960’s when he worked with Doro- labor community to the homeless man on the esting, pragmatic and innovative views on how ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 05:09 Sep 16, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A14SE8.001 E15PT1.
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