The Fight in the Beechwoods. a Study in Canadian History
The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADIANA Queens University at Kingston Lundy's Lane Historical Society. The following lecture, the third of the season, was delivered before the Society and a very large audience on Monday evening, February 18th, 1889, at Niagara Falls Village, (Drummondville), and is now published by the Society's direction. PRICE IO CENTS. Besides many letters of approval from leading students of history in Canada, in relation to the printed papers of the L. L. Hist. Soc, the Reverend Professor of History at West Point Military College, New York, has written in hearty commendation of the first lecture delivered by Mr. Cruikshank, and says that it is the most valuable of all the treatises as yet published in relation to the war of 181 2-14. The Society is very desirous of extending its usefulness by an in- creased membership, and therefore cordially invites co-operation. The membership fee is $1 per annum, which entitles each member to all printed matter issued by the Society. The officers of the Society for the current year are : - President, Rev. Canon G. A. Bull M. A , Niagara Falls South, P. O. - " " " 1st Vice-President, John A. Orchard, Esq , " " " *' " 2nd Vice-President, - Geo. Henderson, Esq, Recording Secretary and Treasurer, - Jas. Wilson, Supt. N. F. Park, [Niagara Falls South, P. 0. Corresponding Secretary, - Rev. Canon Houston, M. A., Niagara Falls. Treasurer of Memorial Fund, - Jas McGlashan, Esq ., Treasurer Wel- [knd County, Welland P. 0., Ont. Drummondville, May 1889. <r^@ THEE ^> HGHTIR THE BEECHWOODS -A. STUDY IN Canadian History BY ERNEST CRUIKSHANK.
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