Domestic Nuclear Detection Office If you encounter something suspicious follow your specific local protocols. Radiation Quick Reference Guide Recommend contacting your state fusion center. DNDO is available 24/7 to assist at 1-877-DNDO-JAC / 1-877-363-6522 JAC Information Line 202-254-7179 Email:
[email protected] Nuclear Concerns/ Threats 1. Nuclear Weapon - a device that releases nuclear energy in an ex- Isotopes of Concern for use in RDDs - with common uses plosive manner. Uses Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) and/or 1. Cobalt-60 – cancer treatment, level/ Plutonium. density gauge, teletherapy, radiography, 2. Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) - a nuclear weapon fabricated food sterilization/irradiation, by a terrorist organization or rogue nation. brachytherapy 2. Iridium-192 – Radiography/non- destructive testing, flaw detection, brachy- therapy “cancer seed”, skin cancer Cobalt 60 sources Uranium “superficial” brachytherapy Plutonium 3. Uranium a. Uranium exists naturally in the earth’s crust. Of the different “isotopes” of uranium, U-235 is the one required to produce a Iridium sentinel and nuclear weapon. gamma camera b. Natural uranium contains a small amount of U-235 (<1%) which Cesium Seeds must be separated in complex extraction processes to create HEU. The predominant uranium isotope is U-238. 3. Cesium-137 - Gauge/level gauge, industrial radiography, brachyther- c. Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) refers to uranium usable in weap- apy/teletherapy, well logging/density gauges ons due to its enrichment in U-235. 4. Strontium-90 – Radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG), fis- d. Approximately 25 kg of HEU is required for a nuclear weapon. sion product, industrial gauges, medical treatment e.