Geographer Helps Iraqi Relief Effort Kasperson Elected To
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Volume 38, Number 6 • June 2003 In This Issue Kasperson Elected to NAS oger E. Kasperson, Professor at A Fellow and Past President Clark University and Director of the Risk Society of America, R of the Stockholm Environment Kasperson is the only non- Institute (SEI), was recently elected economist social scientist to to the National Academy of Science. serve on the Board of the Envi- He was chosen for his outstanding ronmental Protection Agency, From the Meridian ................2 achievements in risk, hazards, and and is the only non-physical President’s Column ..............3 vulnerability research, including scientist to serve as Director of work establishing the role of the the SEI, a post he currently 2004 Annual Meeting social amplification-attenuation of holds while on leave from Clark Call for Papers ........................5 risk and moral analysis in technolog- University. Kasperson returns Grants & Awards ..................11 ical choice, and in developing vulner- to Clark in 2004. Grants & Competitions......11 ability analysis for global environ- Kasperson's election, mark- Award Deadlines ................11 mental change and regions at risk. Kasperson ing the third geographer to be Geographic Centers ..........15 “My election came as a complete surprise. This elected in the last four years, brings the total Call for Papers ......................15 is something that I never expected, and I feel very number of geographers in NAS to thirteen. He New Members........................16 fortunate to be included with such accomplished joins Brian Berry, Karl Butzer, Michael Goodchild, New Appointments............16 scientists. I want to note that because my work Robert Kates, Susan Hanson, Akin Mabogunje, Members of Note ................16 over my career has been highly collaborative, this Billie Turner, II, Gilbert White, Gordon Wolman, Books Received....................17 honor is shared with others, particularly my wife, and Julian Wolpert, members of Section 64 Jobs in Geography..............18 Jeanne X. Kasperson, who was my co-author and (Human-environmental science), Thomas Dunne collaborator on most of my work over the past in Section 15 (Geology), and Jared Diamond Events ......................................23 two decades, but others in geography and the (Section 63, Environmental Sciences and Quarter Century ..................24 Marsh Institute at Clark University as well,” com- Ecology), who recently joined the Department of mented Kasperson. Geography, UCLA. ■ Geographer Helps Iraqi Relief Effort IS analyst Shawn Boeser left her Seattle University, where she com- 2004 home in May for Iraq, where she will be pleted a master’s degree in mapping relief work for the United Centennial G geography at Huxley College Nations. An AAG member and graduate of of the Environment. Prior to Western Washington University, Boeser is under Meeting her U.N. assignment, Boeser contract with the U.N. Office for the Coordina- worked for three years with Call for Papers ....5 tion for Humanitarian Affairs, to help map the location of refugee camps, water stores, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Special Events ....9 supply routes in order to coordinate the delivery Foundation, mapping impov- Archives ............12 of medical supplies and water to Iraqi refugees. Boeser erished areas for foundation After earning her bachelor’s degree in geog- grants. Her assignment in Iraq, in addition to 14-19 March raphy from the University of Minnesota, Boeser mapping delivery routes, will also entail map- Philadelphia, PA moved to Bellingham, Washington to work ping reports of land mines to help aid workers as a GIS specialist at Western Washington travel safely to areas of need. ■ AAG Newsletter 1 June 2003 From the Meridian AAG Newsletter Federal Funding for of the Association of American Geography Education? Geographers hile attending the American The point of this isn’t that I am opposed Council of Learned Societies to funding for history. It is that geography is Douglas Richardson, Publisher W (ACLS) annual meeting in almost completely neglected in the funding Amy Jo Woodruff, Philadelphia last month, I had occasion to for these major federal education programs. Director of Publications witness the celebrations of For example, the No Child Heather M. Baker, Editor the historians as they tallied Left Behind Act identifies their multiple legislative nine “core academic subjects” Megan D. Nortrup, Editorial Assistant gains in education funding (English, reading or language on numerous fronts over the arts, mathematics, science, AAG Voice 202-234-1450 past few years. Bruce Cole, foreign languages, civics and AAG Fax 202-234-2744 Director of the National government, economics, arts, [email protected] Endowment for the Human- history, and geography). ities (NEH), announced at While we can be grateful that the meeting a proposed $25 geography is included as a USPS 987-380 ISSN 0275-3995 million increase in NEH core subject in the NCLB, it is funding, all of which is to be the only discipline identified Richardson The AAG Newsletter ISSN 0275-3995 earmarked for teaching his- in the Act with no specific is published monthly by the Associa- tory. The massive “No Child Left Behind” program provisions or funding associated tion of American Geographers, 1710 Act (NCLB), now in its second year of with it. The compilation below, drawn from 16th Street NW, Washington, DC implementation, provides federal funding an excellent report by NGS intern Ryan 20009-3198. The cost of an annual for history education in “such sums as Daley for GENIP (the report, entiled “No subscription is $25.00 The subscrip- necessary” (the FY 2004 budget request is Geographer Left Behind,” is available on the tion price is included in the annual for $100 million as a necessary sum). New AAG website at, dues of the Association. Not available legislation (S. 504) is pending and gaining summarizes all of the disciplines for which to non-members. Periodicals postage momentum, which would authorize an the NCLB has established programs and the paid in Washington, DC. All news additional $25 million appropriation to amount of funding authorized by the Act. items and letters, including job listings, establish and fund “a national alliance of This chart dramatically illustrates the should be sent to the Editor at the teachers of American history and civics and need to establish for geography an effec- address below or to [email protected]. other purposes.” tive, sustained, on-going public policy All Newsletter materials must arrive at the Association office by the NCLB Program Name Legislation Reference Authorized Appropriations 1st of the month preceding the month Reading First Title I, Part B, subpart 1 $900,000,000 of the publication. This includes job Early Reading First Title I, Part B, subpart 2 $75,000,000 listings. Material will be published on Even Start Title I, Part B, subpart 3 $260,000,000 a space available basis and at the dis- Improving Literacy cretion of the editorial staff. Through School Libraries Title I, Part B, subpart 4 $250,000,000 When your address changes, please Science and Mathematics Partnerships Title II, Part B $450,000,000 notify the Association office immediate- Writing (National Writing Project) Title II, Part C, subpart 2 $15,000,000 ly. Six weeks notice is necessary to Civic Education Title II, Part C, subpart 3 $30,000,000 insure uninterrupted delivery of AAG Teaching of Traditional American History Title II, Part C, subpart 4 “Such Sums as Necessary” publications. To assist the AAG office in Foreign Language Assistance Program Title II, Part C, subpart 9 $28,750,000 your address change, include the address Physical Education (Not a "core Title II, Part C, subpart 10 Feds. pay 90% for 1st yr, label with your change of address. academic subject") 75% for 2nd, 3rd, etc. Postmaster: Send address changes Excellence in Economic Education Title II, Part C, subpart 13 Feds. pay 50% of grants to AAG Newsletter, 1710 16th Street Arts in Education Title II, Part C, subpart 15 Decided on per grant basis NW, Washington, DC 20009-3198, or Geography N/A N/A [email protected]. Continued on page 4 2 AAG Newsletter President’s Column Volume 38, Number 6 Pathways to Geography his marks my final column as AAG offers and exposed me to geography courses. With President and I must say it has been a broad-based education the historical transitions T both fun and challenging to reflect that has served me well that have occurred in many upon what would be best to communicate throughout my life. departments and universi- each month to the general membership I then had the good ties, we must not lose site of through the AAG Newsletter. This also fortune to go to Oregon the importance of linking marks the transition to my role as immedi- State University where I our best geography faculty ate Past President, and in that position, was influenced by Richard with students who are dis- my difficult task of beginning to reflect Highsmith, James Lahey, covering the discipline in a upon what would be most appropriate as a Granville Jensen, Gordon world regional geography theme for the Past President’s address I Matzke, Keith Muckle- or introductory physical will give at our association’s Centennial ston, Jon Kimerling, geography course. Some of Meeting in Philadelphia. The Centennial Chuck Rosenfeld, Jim Nellis these courses also include Meeting, which has been in the planning Pease, Bob Frenkel, and future K-12 teachers, whose stages for some time, promises to be out- Mary Lou Nolan. I also learned a great ideas about geography will be formulated standing, and will be celebrated through deal from my graduate student contem- in these courses. As universities have put special events, sessions, and publications, poraries, people like Steve Walsh, Owen ever increasing emphasis on extramural many of which will reflect on the path- Furuseth, Dick Marsten, and Bill Hamil- funding and refereed journal publica- ways the Association and the discipline ton, among others.