The Northumberland Estates, Banks Group and Bellway Killingworth Moor Homes Masterplan Visioning Document Bilfinger GVA, POD, Southern Green, Wardell Armstrong, White Young Green, Hall & Partners and BSG December 2015 KillingworthKillingworth MoorMoor 0.0 CONTENTS MASTERPLANKILLINGWORTH VISIONING MOOR | MASTERPLAN DOCUMENT | VISIONINGDECEMBER DOCUMENT 2015 | DECEMBER 2015 Contents 1.0 Introduction 04 2.0 The Site 10 3.0 Constraints & Opportunities 16 4.0 Planning Policy Context 22 5.0 Environmental Considerations 26 6.0 The Masterplan 38 7.0 Access & Transportation 60 8.0 Phasing / Delivery & Next Steps 66 Appendix I Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, prepared by BSG Appendix II Breeding and Wintering Bird Surveys, prepared by BSG Ecology Appendix III Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy Review prepared by Wardell Armstrong Appendix IV Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, prepared by Southern Green Appendix V Noise Assessment, This document is formatted for double sided printing. prepared by Noise and Vibration Associates pod architects Toffee factory Appendix VI Employment Marketing Lower steenbergs yard Assessment, prepared Newcastle Upon Tyne by Bilfinger GVA NE1 2DF Appendix VII A19 Underpass Options Email: Report, prepared by
[email protected] Fairhurst phone: 0845 872 7288 Appendix VIII Highways Appraisal, prepared by White Young Green 02 Introduction 04 1.0 Killingworth Moor 1.0 INTRODUCTION MASTERPLAN VISIONING DOCUMENT | DECEMBER 2015 MASTERPLAN DOCUMENT This masterplan document is prepared by Bilfinger GVA and POD on behalf of The Northumberland Estates, Banks Group and Bellway Homes. Killingworth Moor represents a major strategic opportunity to bring forward approximately 2,000 new homes, new education facilities (primary and secondary schools), new local facilities, retail and employment uses, together with new green infrastructure amenity space.