Killingworth Moor Engagement Statement December 2017 Killingworth Moor Draft Masterplan Response Schedule Contents Engagement Process ...........................................................................................................................................................................2 Summary of Key Issues .......................................................................................................................................................................3 Amendments to Masterplan .................................................................................................................................................................4 General Masterplan Comments ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Development layout principles ........................................................................................................................................................... 57 Road and Transport Improvements .................................................................................................................................................... 84 Flood prevention and sustainable drainage ...................................................................................................................................... 162 Schools, health and community facilities .......................................................................................................................................... 168 Open space and recreation .............................................................................................................................................................. 186 Wildlife and ecology ......................................................................................................................................................................... 203 Historic environment and heritage .................................................................................................................................................... 220 Engagement Process As part of the Masterplan preparation, a four week public Engagement was undertaken from the 23rd October – 20th November 2017. During the public engagement three ‘drop in’ events were held with the local community at the following locations: • Thursday, November 2, 2017, 3pm to 8pm – White Swan Centre , Citadel East, Killingworth, NE12 6SS • Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 5pm to 8pm – Holystone Primary School, Whitley Road, Holystone, NE27 0DA • Monday, November 13, 2017. 2pm to 5pm, – Palmersville Recreation Rooms, 11 Palm Court, Palmersville, NE12 9HW The engagement was advertised through the following methods: • A press release to publicise the engagement. • Posters displayed at local libraries. • Leaflets delivered to local residents, providing details of the drop in events, the engagement period and how to comment of the draft Masterplan. • An email was sent to everyone on the Local Plan engagement database which includes statutory consultees, stakeholders, residents and anybody else who has requested to be kept informed of any future engagement relating to planning policy. • The draft Masterplan was be made available to view on the Council’s planning website and local libraries, Customer Service Centres and Quadrant reception. Following the public engagement, this Engagement Statement has been produced which summarises the main issues raised by representations and the subsequent changes to the Masterplan. A total of 125 representations were received for the consultation. The number of comments received for each topic area is shown below: Issue raised Number of comments received Road and Transport Improvements 105 General Masterplan Comments 89 Development layout principles 61 Wildlife and Ecology 61 Open space and recreation 58 Schools, health and community facilities 55 Flood prevention and sustainable drainage 45 Historic environment and heritage 42 Summary of Key Issues • Road traffic, congestion and air quality concerns. • More information sought on details of designs of road junctions and pedestrian / cycling crossing. • Greater thought for horse riders / bridleways. • General issues regarding schools, health capacity, provision of community services. • Surface water flood risk and sewerage capacity. • Concern at overall loss of fields and impact upon character and identity of communities. • Impact of link road as positioned upon residents to rear of Forest Gate. • Objection to creation of through road / bus route at Moorfield Drive, Stephenson Park. • Concerns about the through traffic at Killingworth village and traffic management of Killingworth Lane B1317. General support for closure at appropriate location to address through traffic impacts. • Concerns about the through traffic at Holystone. • Concern that the Masterplan generally does not avoid the merging of Killingworth with Forest Hall and Palmersville. Amendments to Masterplan Link Road Alignment The layout of the link road near Forest Gate has been realigned in order to create a buffer between rear gardens of existing homes at Forest Gate and the link road. To the south of the link road, the layout of the houses have been moved further back in order to provide a slightly larger break between new development and Palmersville. Draft Masterplan Proposed final Masterplan Stephenson Park / Moorfield Drive Moorfield Drive will not be accessible for through-traffic from Phase 2 onwards. This change has been reflected in the Masterplan Guidance. Internal road layout The number of junctions coming off the Link Road into the ‘Backworth Bridge’ Character Area has been reduced from two to one. This has reduced the number of roads required to cross the Seatonburn Wagonway. The road Layout in the ‘Metro Edge’ Character Area has also been updated to allow a future bus service to connect with the potential metro station. Draft Masterplan Proposed final Masterplan Movement Plan A movement plan has been produced for the whole site to show a network of safe and attractive links within and through the new development and adjacent areas. The plan includes a network of bridleways. Draft Masterplan Proposed final Masterplan General Masterplan Comments Comment Respondent Comments Officer Response Amendments Reference Type / Name proposed / made KMDM85 CPRE CPRE Northumberland is pleased to see that a sizeable amount of green Noted. Remaining open space will None. Northumberland space has been included in both Masterplan sites, though it is not clear if all be subject to a range of functions. of it has free public access. Some areas of biodiversity value for example will have limited recreation access. KMDM4 National Grid We have reviewed the above consultation document and can confirm that Response noted None National Grid has no comments to make in response to this consultation. KMDM76 Save Killingworth Far too many houses on Killingworth Moor no infrastructure includes roads The proposed infrastructure is None. Moor to support the proposed development - a branch GP surgery will not be expected to be sufficient to address anywhere near enough to support this level of population the impacts of development. This includes provision of transport improvements and health. Regarding health and provision of primary care the Council is working directly with the Clinical Commissioning Group KMDM126 Northumberland On behalf of Northumberland Estates, we wish to make representations to Comments noted. Opportunities to Additional wording Estates the Killingworth Moor Masterplan. The Masterplan has been positively review the phasing and to strengthen prepared in a collaborative manner between North Tyneside Council and the infrastructure delivery will be direction provided Killingworth Moor Consortium (Banks, Bellway, Northumberland Estates). considered and additional wording to flexible delivery of The proposed Masterplan is the result of several years’ worth of hard work, within the Masterplan Guidance to phases of and it is encouraging to have got to this stage in the delivery of one of North ensure sufficiently robust direction development and Tyneside’s strategic housing sites. The proposed Phasing Plan in support of is in place to provide flexibility for infrastructure the Masterplan allows for multiple outlets of development which are linked delivery of homes whilst securing delivery. to the provision of Phase 1 infrastructure works in a manner to ensure a infrastructure delivery at the right measured and steady delivery of housing in line with the Council’s annual time will be considered. housing target. Phase 1 identified as part of the Masterplan is logical and soundly based, however the Masterplan Guidance should include a review mechanism in relation to future phases in order to allow flexibility to market 1 | P a g e General Masterplan Comments Comment Respondent Comments Officer Response Amendments Reference Type / Name proposed / made and other matters which may arise. This would allow land identified as Phase 2 and 3 to be delivered interchangeably with appropriate justification. Northumberland Estates confirms support for the Phasing of the first stages of development as set out in the masterplan. These areas are well reasoned and align with infrastructure phasing and will enable early delivery of the Masterplan meeting the Council’s aim of 790 new houses per year. KMDM128 Killingworth On behalf of the Killingworth
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