Biographies of House Members 337
BIOGRAPHIES OF HOUSE MEMBERS 337 RICHARD THOMPSON Speaker RICHARD THOMPSON, Democrat, of Lavalette, Wayne County, 17th District. Elected to the House of Delegates in 1980, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006. Vice Chairman, Committee on Legislative Rule-Making Review, 76th Legislature; CoChairman, Committee on Parks and Recreation, 77th Legislature; Elected Speaker on January 10, 2007, at the beginning of the 78th Legislature, the 55th Speaker of the House of Delegates. (See biographical sketch on page 359) [337] 338 BIOGRAPHIES OF HOUSE MEMBERS BIOGRAPHIES OF HOUSE MEMBERS FIRST DELEGATE DISTRICT [Hancock County and a Portion of Brooke County] JOE DELONG 1st District, Hancock County Democrat Majority Leader Vice President, East Coast Pipeline Born December 14, 1972, in Weirton, West Virginia, the son of Robert and Teresa DeLong Education West Virginia University, B.S. Wife Stacy Nowicki Affiliations Member, Alpha-Zeta Honors Fraternity; Past Vice President, Mountaineer Horseman’s Benevolent and Protective Association; Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America; Member, West Virginia University football team, 5 years; Licensed thoroughbred horse trainer Legislative Service Elected to House, 2000-2006 Legislative Positions Held Chairman, Committee on Veterans Affairs, Assistant Majority Whip, 77th Legislture Religion Methodist Address 409 Laurel Drive, Weirton 26062 Telephone 479-0545 O. 748-2533 H. BIOGRAPHIES OF HOUSE MEMBERS 339 RANDY SWARTZMILLER 1st District, Hancock County Democrat Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security Regulatory Compliance Management
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