Handbook Table of Contents Mission Statement 1 Extra-Curricular Attendance 11 School Rules 1 Daily attendance 12 Skipping 2 Driver’s Licenses 12 Controlled Substance Abuse 2 Bus Notes 12 Student Use of Technology and the Sign-In/Sign-Out Policy 12 Internet 5 Extended Absences 13 Electronic Devices 5 Homework Requests 13 Nonviolent Restraint 5 Make-Up Work 13 Food, Drinks, Flowers, Gifts 6 New Student Enrollment 13 Weapons Policy 6 Important Numbers and Websites 14 Dress Code 6 Emergency Numbers 15 Student Code of Conduct 7 Closed Campus 15 Disciplinary Actions 8 Fire Drills 15 Detention (ASD and Lunch Detention) Good Manners and RSP 16 8 Student Bills 16 In-School Suspension 8 Visitors 16 Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) 8 Textbooks 16 Parking/Driving Restriction 9 Valuables 16 Transitional Program 9 Assembly Days 17 Social suspension 9 Cafeteria: Breakfast and Lunch 17 Expulsion 9 School Improvement Council 18 Attendance 9 School Library 18 Tardiness 10 Musselman by Season 19 Athletic Extra/Curricular Attendance Musselman Clubs 20 11 Student/Parent Agreement 21

Musselman High School Once An Applemen, Always An Applemen

Mission Statement: The mission of Musselman High School is to provide educational excellence for all students in an academically challenging, positive, and safe atmosphere.

SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS School rules are set up to provide everyone an opportunity to attend school and gain the most from their educational opportunity. No one may interfere with the safety, the security, or the opportunity of another person to learn or to teach. All school rules and regulations are in effect at extra-curricular or, co-curricular after-school events and trips as well as during the school day, regardless if the events are held on school or off school property.

1 Rules are in effect at bus stops and on school busses. School Officials have the authority to search students' lockers and their vehicles parked on school property at any time. They also have the right to search a person or property if it is believed to contain contraband or illegal items. Lockers and vehicles are subject to searches by police and police dogs. Penalties for certain offenses may be more severe than those listed here due to the new Safe School's Act. Please refer to the Highlights of the Safe Schools Act for more information. 1. Smoking and tobacco use in any form including chewing, smokeless tobacco, vapes, e-cigarettes (regardless if the liquid contains nicotine or not) is prohibited. Any teacher has the authority to take tobacco in any form from a student. Use of tobacco is defined as having tobacco in your hand, mouth, or possession, (lit or unlit). No form of tobacco can be used on State property by students or guests at any time. This is a State Law and they may be subject to fine, suspension, and tobacco cessation classes. See County Policy. 2. Skipping class or school, including James Rumsey, and Driver's Ed. or any other program, is prohibited. This includes leaving school without properly signing out. Once you set foot on school property, you must sign out properly in order to leave. 3. Controlled Substance Abuse. Controlled substances within the policies meaning shall include all those legally classified as “controlled substance narcotics” or “dangerous substances.” Also included are any stimulants, depressant, or mood altering chemicals (hallucinogenic chemicals, marijuana, alcoholic beverages, etc.) Students shall not use, posses, or distribute any controlled substances at any time on school property, on school buses, or at any school-sponsored event. Intent to use, sell, or distribute “look alike drugs” and various instruments and materials commonly known to be intended for the use of, or preparation of controlled substances is in violation of this policy (Berkeley County Fil: JCDAC) and may be subject to expulsion. First Offense: Student who has in his/her possession and/or is using any of the above stated substances in the school shall be suspended from school for ten (10) days and be required to enroll in and successfully complete a substances abuse program approved by the Department of Pupil Services. The student may be recommended to the transitional school. Student will be recommended for expulsion if this is the second offense. A juvenile petition will be filed by the police and the student will be placed on a 90-day social suspension. Second Offense: For two or more offenses, the student shall be immediately suspended, recommended to the Board of Education for expulsion, and referred to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Prescription drugs and medications are to be checked into the front office upon arrival to school. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ABUSE (Berkeley County File: JCDAC) See County Policy

2 4. Fighting has no place at school and will not be tolerated. Any student who fights or who participates in fights at school will be suspended. See Safe School Highlights. First Offense-- OSS and a letter sent home to parents, and possible expulsion and police report. (Juvenile petition.) The number of days will be up to the administrator’s discretion. Second Offense--10 days OSS, a letter sent home, and a parent conference with administration, and possible expulsion or recommendation to transitional school placement and juvenile petition. Third Offense--Immediate 10-day suspension and a recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion. All offenses carry a 90-day social suspension and a possible juvenile petition. Any students who encourage fights or violence will be subject to disciplinary measures. 5. Threatening a teacher, administrator, or other school staff personnel will not be tolerated. Students will be subject to extensive suspension or possible expulsion along with police charges. (See Safe Schools Act.) 6. Defiance of or profanity directed toward a student, teacher, administrator, or other school staff personnel will not be tolerated. First Offense–Up to 10 days OSS and possible recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion Second Offense--10 day OSS and possible recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion. Third Offense--10 day OSS and recommendation to the Board of Education for expulsion. Additional offenses may carry a 90-day social suspension. See Safe Schools Highlights. 7. Physical assault of a teacher, administrator, or other school staff personnel will not be tolerated. As a part of the emergency procedures in place in our schools, any student who poses an imminent risk of injury to him/herself or to others may be physically poses an imminent risk of injury to him/herself or to others may be physically restrained by school staff in accordance with School Board policies. These could occur along with other emergency actions such as calling the police. Significant violations of the law including assaults on students and staff will be reported to the police. As soon as possible after any such incident the parents or guardian will be informed when any of the actions have occurred (Peterson, 2010). See Safe School Highlights 8. The following activities are expressly prohibited at school: gambling , displays of affection (LIMITED TO STUDENTS HOLDING HANDS ONLY), being in an off-limits area , conduct unbecoming a student at Musselman High School, the carrying, or wearing of ammunition of any kind, cigarettes lighters, matches, water guns, firecrackers, noise makers, and/or other dangerous items are prohibited. 9. Stairwells and restrooms are provided for students to use. They should not be used as meeting places. Students must have a pass or signed planner to leave the classroom area.

3 10. Violations involving vehicles--including but not limited to improper parking, no school registration, speeding, reckless driving, racing, etc. Transporting students off school property without permission may result in loss of driving privileges without a refund for the parking permit or fines. Students could also be charged by the police. Repeated violations may result in the towing of the vehicle. In addition, excessive unexcused sign-in/sign- outs, excessive tardies, skipping and/or transporting students who are skipping, excessive disciplinary referrals, may result in the loss of the student's parking permit. Parking permits are purchased at the discipline office and must be displayed in cars to avoid fines and/or towing expenses. 11. Students are not to arrive before the building opens at 7:15am. Upon arriving, students must immediately enter the building through the designated entrances which will be communicated to students the first few days of school. They will report immediately to the cafeteria. All students are to have left the school grounds by 3:00pm every day unless they are under the direct supervision of a staff member. Students are not to remain after school hours unsupervised. This includes evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays. Once school is over students are to leave and not return until the next school day. 12. Off-limits areas to students: Students are not allowed outside the school building except during emergencies (fire drills, etc.), authorized outside class activities. Loitering on the concrete walkways will not be permitted. 13. Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Cyber Bullying: We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for all of our students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. Bullying is defined as a repeated exposure over time to negative actions on the part of one or more students with the intention of hurting another student. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Cyber-bullying refers to bullying and harassment of others through the use of the Internet or other technology. Cyber-bullying involves sending or posting harmful material or engaging in other forms of social aggression using e-mail, instant messaging, text messages, blogs, cell phones, pagers, personal websites, etc. Cyber-bullying is willful and recurring and may include anger, harassment, threats, sexual remarks, defamation of character, trickery, or impersonation, and can extend to cyber-stalking or cyber threats. Although cyber-bullying may take place outside of the school, it may become a school issue when it affects the educational environment. Engagement in online blogs (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) may result in disciplinary actions if the content of the student’s blog includes defamatory comments regarding the school, faculty, or the students. Bullying and cyber-bullying issues will be left up to the discretion of the administration but may be handled with a consultation with the student, notification of parent by phone, parent conference, and/or

4 disciplinary action. Law enforcement will be contacted if there is an imminent threat of violence and danger to others. Further information concerning Bullying/Cyber-bullying can be gathered from Policy 4373 through the WVDE website. 14. STUDENT USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND THE INTERNET - DISCIPLINARY POLICY -- STATE Computers, networks, and online access are used to support learning and to enhance instruction. These tools and connections to the Internet allow communications with millions of users worldwide making control difficult. Student and parent responsibility for use of technological equipment will require a contract to verify the understanding and acceptance of school, county, and state policies and penalties. The signed application for a student account thus verifies the understanding and acceptance of school, county, and state policies and penalties with regard to the Internet and in particular the compliance to Policy 2460 Use of the Internet by Students and Educators as enacted by the WV Board of Education, November 19, 1994. All students using technology and/or the Internet need be aware that any misuse or breach of policy will result in revocation of student use privileges for the duration of the student's school career in any school in the state of West Virginia and subject themselves to disciplinary action. Electronic communication devices are devices that can be used to record, text, take pictures, make calls, or in any way communicate with others. Musselman High School is not responsible for lost or stolen devices and may not investigate these issues. Students should have a limited expectation of privacy when it comes to electronic communication devices. They can and will be searched if there is reasonable suspicion that school rules or state or federal laws have been broken. This includes but is not limited to text messages, emails, pictures, phone call logs, or any other information that may be found on these devices. Students will immediately be referred at any time that these devices are visible, make a noise, or in any way disrupt the educational process. These devices may not be used to photograph or record anyone without permission. If a student is referred the devices will be confiscated and returned upon discipline. Refusal to hand over one of these devices will result in 1 day of In School Suspension (ISS). First offense for the electronic devices will result in 2 hours of After School Detention. Second offense one day of ISS. Third offense or more, one day of OSS. Students are permitted to use radio headphones, MP3 players, iPods, etc. during the school day as long as students are following the BYOD rules of Green (devices allowed), yellow (devices only with permission), and red (devices off and away) rules set by the county, school, and classroom teacher. If the administration deems it necessary, electronic device policy can be moved to a RED ZONE (complete off and away) from 7:25-2:45 at any time.

5 First Offense: 2 hours of After School Detention – 2:50 PM – 4:50 PM. Student will be able to pick up their electronic device at the end of the day. Second Offense: One day of in-school suspension. Student can pick up their electronic device at the end of the day. Third Offense: One day of Out-of-School suspension. Student will be able to pick up their electronic device at the end of the day. 15. Vandalism will not be tolerated. If vandalism causes damage to the school, the student will be required to pay for the damages and/or cleanup, in addition to disciplinary measures and/or criminal prosecution. (See Safe School Act-possible ISS, OSS, or expulsion depending administrative findings. No posters, signs or other attention-getting devices are to be posted anywhere on school property without the approval of administration. Tape is not to be placed on walls. 16. FOOD, DRINKS, and GIFTS. Food and drinks are not to be taken out of the cafeteria area with the exception of water. Food deliveries are prohibited. Students may not sign out at lunch break. Students may not drink beverages in classrooms or the hallways except for water and approved drinks from the vending machines. Beverages may not be taken into any classroom. Fund- raiser candy sales are prohibited during school hours. Energy drinks are prohibited and will be confiscated. Flower, Balloon, and Gift deliveries are prohibited. 17. WEAPONS POLICY (Berkeley County File: JCDAB) See County Policy

MUSSELMAN HIGH SCHOOL DRESS CODE Students must dress in a manner that does not disrupt or could disrupt the orderly conduct of the education process. Please read the following so you know what is expected of you. 1. Long outerwear, such as trench coats, raincoats or other long coats, or capes shall not be worn during the school day. 2. All students must wear shoes. Only rubber soled shoes are to be worn on the gym floors. Slippers are not considered shoes (see County Policy). 3. Undergarments such as bra straps and shorts must be covered. (See County Policy.) 4. Clothing must be of the appropriate length and looseness so as to not be a distraction to others. 5. For safety reasons, chains, rings, bracelets, and accessories that contain spikes must not be worn. 6. Head coverings (hats, bandannas, headbands, hoods. etc.) are not to be worn inside the building. Bandannas are not to be worn or displayed on school property. 7. Halter or tube tops are not permitted unless covered by another garment. 8. Sleepwear is not permitted.

6 9. Students who wish to wear leggings or yoga pants must have a shirt or other covering fingertip length. 10. No clothing that exposes a bare midriff is permitted. 11. Special dress for special occasions may be required. This might include trips, physical education, school photos, dances, prom and other activities, which may be approved from time to time. Students who attend functions representing the school are expected to look neat and clean in appearance. Formal wear should cover the waist. 12. Writing or lettering on shirts, t-shirts and other apparel such as belts, jackets, pants, hats, pins, buttons, etc must be appropriate for school. No apparel of any kind will be permitted which advertises or alludes to any controlled substance such as drugs, alcohol or tobacco products. No apparel of any kind will be permitted which may be deemed hazardous, or which has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive or disruptive learning environment. Profane, vulgar or violent matter may not be worn or placed upon belongings and papers that are in the school. Writing, displaying, or otherwise advocating violence, sex, drugs, or satanic slogans, gang graphics or symbols. See County Policy. If the administration deems a student’s attire does not meet the guidelines, they must: (1) change into school provided attire, agreeing to return the garments clean or (2) call for a parent/guardian to bring them appropriate attire. The student will not be permitted to leave school to change clothes. If the student refuses, they will be insubordinate and be subject to Out-of- School suspension for up to 3 days.

STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT In October of 1991, the Berkeley County Board of Education approved the following Student Code of Conduct to foster an orderly, safe, and stimulating educational environment for all students, personnel, and the community. To assure that every student has the opportunity to reach their potential, every student in the public schools of Berkeley County shall: 1. Attend school faithfully, complete their assignments on time, and work to their full potential. 2. Behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning or the operation of the school. 3. Obey teachers and principals and others in authority. 4. Refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior toward fellow students, teachers, or other school staff. 5. Refrain from the possession or use of any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products. 6. Principals may temporarily suspend from school any student who consistently fails to abide by the Student Code of Conduct.

7 Berkeley County Board of Education may expel from school any student who consistently fails to abide by the Student Code of Conduct or who commits a serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Disciplinary Actions: DETENTION (ASD and Lunch Detention) After-School Detention (ASD). 2:50-4:50 p.m. If ASD is not served, the student may be subject to one day of In School Suspension. Lunch Detention: Students eat lunch and remain in supervised quiet study hall for the entire lunchtime. If the student fails to attend the detention they will be assigned an alternative discipline. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION In-School Suspension (ISS) is a more severe form of discipline to modify behavior and provide an alternative to out-of-school suspension. The student is removed from their regular classes (they may be removed from one class or all classes) and placed in the suspension room where they are monitored all day. ***A student must serve all days of ISS before returning to regular classes. Signing in or out will result in serving the missed time during the following day in ISS. OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION (OSS) Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) may be used as a disciplinary measure for a period of time not to exceed 10 days at a time. The following rules regarding Out-of-School Suspension are in effect: 1. Students are entitled to an informal hearing before being suspended from school. At this hearing, the principal or assistant principal must tell the student why he/she is being suspended and the student must be given the opportunity to present his/her version of the case. 2. If a student's presence in school endangers persons, property, or threatens to disrupt the academic process, the Principal has the right to suspend the student prior to a hearing. The hearing must be held as soon after the suspension as possible. The student must be notified of the time and place of the hearing. Suspensions involving safe school violations and other forms of endangerment will result not only in OSS, but also counseling and 90 days of social suspension from all extracurricular school activities for an extended time frame determined by administration. 3. Students suspended from school are also suspended from all extra- curricular activities as well. (This includes ball games, practices, team sports, band, dances, and all other Berkeley County Schools activities.) 4. Cases of violence, endangerment, drugs, theft, alcohol, or any incident of a serious nature may be filed with the police authorities. 5. Students on O.S.S. are not permitted on any Berkeley County school property during suspension.

8 O.S.S. is considered an unexcused absence. Alternative discipline measures may be used as deemed necessary by the administration such as, but not limited to: the parent or guardian of a student attending classes with their son or daughter, suspension pending parent conference, etc. PARKING RESTRICTION Parking privileges may be revoked if a student does not adhere to the rules and regulations of tardies, attendance, and discipline. It can be used as a disciplinary action when deemed appropriate by the administration. TRANSITIONAL PROGRAM Any student who violates any rule, regulation, or policy of the class, school, county, West Virginia Code of Conduct, or West Virginia Safe Schools Act may be transferred to the Transitional Program without appeal and without transportation being provided. SOCIAL SUSPENSION Social Suspension is sometimes used as further means of indicating to a student that they must change their undesirable behavior. Social Suspension means a student may not come back on school grounds after the regular school day ends. Social suspension includes attending any function, assembly, event, or sporting activity, after school hours or during the day including but not limited to sporting events, art performances, Homecoming, Prom, and/or graduation. Any student committing an infraction covered by the Safe Schools Act will be placed on social suspension. It can be used as a disciplinary action when deemed appropriate by the administration. EXPULSION Expulsion is the strongest form of discipline and would be used for the more serious cases. Expulsion involves trial-like hearings and may only be done by the Berkeley County Board of Education. Expulsion takes away the property right of a student to attend school in Berkeley County and they may not trespass on any school property.

ATTENDANCE Attendance Policy: Effective June 13, 2015 I. The parent/guardian of any student who has accumulated 3 or more unexcused absences will be mailed a letter notifying them of absences. II. If a student accrues 5 or more unexcused absences, then Written Notice will be served to the parent/guardian and a meeting scheduled with the County Attendance Worker and a school representative. III. If a student accumulates 10 or more unexcused absences, then State Law requires that legal action be taken against the parent or guardian.

9 Berkeley County Schools’ goal is to ensure every student attends school regularly. We realize some absences are unavoidable. Students are considered excused from school for reasons including, but not limited to: student illness, family illness, death in family, medical appointment, religious holiday, health exclusion, medically documented chronic illness, illness or injury verified by a physician, bus failure to run, family emergencies, school approved extracurricular activity, legal obligation, hospitalizations, and if the student is placed in an alternative setting. If these circumstances occur, a student must turn in verification, within two (2) school days of the students return to school in order for the date(s) absent from school to be considered excused. If a verification of absence is not received the absence(s) will be considered unexcused. Absences may be appealed through the School-Based Assistance Team (SAT). Forms are located in the guidance office. In order for a student to gain maximum benefit from Musselman High School's program, he/she must be in attendance. Faithful attendance is the basis for the formation of good work habits and serves as an indicator to future colleges, employers, etc., that the student is responsible and dependable. After 5 and 10 days of absence, parents will be notified if the absence is illegal. The next notification will be a legal notice from the Berkeley County Board of Education. This may result in court action or revocation of WV driver’s license. {Berkeley County File: JB Cf: IHEA} Students missing from the class where the first attendance of the day is taken may have their parent’s notified. ABSENT–Missing half or more of a class period.

Tardy Policy: I. After 5 unexcused sign-ins (tardies to school): a. Parking privileges will be revoked for 45 days. Student will have to reapply at the end of the 45 days, no additional fee will apply. Reinstatement of the parking permit will occur if the student does not have any additional unexcused absences or out of school suspensions. Counselor intervention sessions to address absence issue. II. After 10 unexcused sign-ins (tardies to school): 45 additional days of parking privileges being revoked; from the date of the 10th sign-in. Same reinstatement policy will be in place. 90 days of social suspension (see section on Social Suspension). Parent meeting with truancy officer, assistant principal and counselor. III. After 15 unexcused sign-ins (tardies to school): Parking privileges revoked for remainder of school year. Social probation for remainder of school year. Revocation of WV driver’s license.


TARDY TO CLASS Students who arrive late for class miss valuable instruction time, interrupt instruction for other students, and disrupt the educational process. Use of lockers will not be considered an acceptable excuse for tardy to class. Students should not visit their locker between each and every class. Students have time to visit lockers before or after their lunch shift. The following negative consequences will be in effect for tardy to school each nine-week grading period: 1st tardy to class = warning 2nd tardy to class = warning 3rd tardy to class = lunch detention the following day 4th tardy to class = lunch detention the following day 5th tardy to class = 2 hours of After School Detention 6th or more tardies to class = 2 hours of After School detention 7th tardy and beyond = in school suspension *If a student does not attend lunch detention, they will receive one day of In School Suspension (ISS). *A student will only be marked as tardy for the first 10 minutes of class. After that time they will be considered truant and referred to the office for skipping class.

ATHLETIC EXTRA/CURRICULAR ATTENDANCE Athletes and cheerleaders must be in attendance in school a full day during and a full day after any athletic event or contest in which they may be involved, unless it is the judgment of the principal and/or prior arrangements are made that they can be excused. This includes all practice sessions. Trips returning after 12 midnight may sign in late; but no later than 9:30 a.m.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ATTENDANCE A student is not to attend extra-curricular activities after the regular school day when they have not been in attendance at school that day unless their absence was excused. Trips returning after 12 midnight may sign in late; but no later than 9:30 a.m. Students participating in school-related functions or who are taught by Homebound Instructors will be counted as present and students on home-bound instruction should not attend extra-curricular events unless approved by the doctor, SAT team, or administrator. After a student has been absent twelve (12) days during a year, the social worker or school administrator shall have the prerogative to ask for a doctor's statement, which indicates the reason for the large number of absences. Absences will be considered unexcused when a doctor's statement is not presented after this request is made or if the doctor does not substantiate that when the student's

11 absences were warranted. If students quit or are dropped from the rolls, the State Department of Education will be notified and the student's driver's license will be revoked. The SAT handles all attendance appeals. Attendance appeals must be presented in writing.

DAILY ATTENDANCE The school day begins when a student arrives on school property. Once students arrive at school, under no circumstances are they to leave without permission from their parents who will be contacted through the Sign-In/Sign- Out desk.

Driver’s License (School Attendance Verification Form i.e. Proof of Enrollment) West Virginia State Code 18-8-11 School Attendance as Condition of Licensing for Privilege of Operation of Motor Vehicles requires if a student under the age of 18 is absent more than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) total unexcused days during a school year, the Department of Motor Vehicles may be notified for a student’s driver’s license or instruction permit to be revoked or a student’s privilege to obtain a license or permit be suspended. Students applying to the office for the school attendance verification form must do so during their lunch period. They need to know their social security number in order to have the form completed. Students under 18 who quit school and do not pursue their GED will be referred for revocation of their driver’s license. Students that anticipate needing verification during the summer should make arrangements to get this information before school ends in June. Students who fail to earn five (5) credits, with 3 of these being core classes, within an academic year will lose the privilege of maintaining a driver’s license.

NOTES: Bus Notes All notes must be turned in to the office upon arrival. All notes must be signed, dated, and have a contact phone number for approval by administration. Parents will be contacted to verify notes before the note/request is approved.

Sign-In/Sign-Out Policy A written note is required when a student signs in or signs out. A student will be permitted to sign-in/sign-out with prior parental permission for medical appointments, lawyer appointments, illness, or other reasons as determined by an administrator. Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called by the office to verify before a student may be allowed to leave school.

12 Any student who abuses this privilege will lose their use of the privilege and/or revocation of their driving privileges, and are subject to having their driver's license suspended, and/or are subject to disciplinary measures of ASD, ISS/OSS, and social probation. The administration will determine abuses of the sign-in/sign-out privilege.

EXTENDED ABSENCES Homework service will be provided by the main office after five successive days of absence upon request 24-hour notice is requested. Otherwise, the student should contact a fellow student or friend for make-up work. For extended illness (minimum of 15 days), a student should request homebound instruction from the Guidance Office. (See Homework Requests.)

Homework Requests. As a courtesy, one of the secretaries will collect homework for students who miss five days or more because of medical reasons. Students are responsible for getting their textbooks from their lockers. Parents should call the school as soon as a doctor has verified the need for the child to be home for the five-day period. The office must have twenty-four (24) hours to gather the assignments. The students are responsible for returning the assignments to their teachers. Failure to return work may forfeit any future assistance. If a student misses less than five days, they may want to phone a classmate for their homework assignments. The amount of time required to make up the work will be the same amount of time missed. (i.e. 5 days missed = 5 days to make up the missed assignments)

MAKE-UP WORK Students who are absent excused for any reason will be required to make-up work missed in each class. The amount of time required to make up the work will be the same amount of time missed. Only in extreme cases of prolonged absence will more than one week be allowed to be made up unless permission is granted by the school office. A day's absence does not excuse a student from responsibility for all work on the day or within one day of their return. Grades of “I” [incomplete] may lead to failure if the situation is not remedied immediately. It is the student's responsibility to obtain all make-up work from their teacher, immediately upon return to school. Failure to obtain make-up work is not an excuse for not doing work missed. School staff will gather make-up work for absences over 5 days.

New Student Enrollment. a). All children entering school for the first time in Berkeley County must have received the following immunizations: DPT (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping

13 cough)--series of four and booster after age 4; Polio--series of three and a booster after age 4; Rubeola and Rubella [two doses, 1 after 12 months of age]; two doses chicken pox vaccine date or date of contracted disease; three doses Hepatitis B. All children moving into West Virginia from another state must have an approved tuberculin skin test (TB) done with the results read and evaluated before attending school. b). Any student enrolling from another state must have an original or certified birth certificate at the time of enrollment. c). Any student enrolling must have his/her parents sign a statement affirming his/her current suspension or expulsion status and have the statement notarized. d). Any new student enrolling in Musselman High School and whose parents are not residing within the defined bounds of the attendance zone, must have on file notarized documents signed by the person(s) giving and receiving the school-related parental rights and responsibilities of the student seeking enrollment. e. Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, all West Virginia students entering 7th grade must have had one dose of the Tdap(tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) and one dose of MCV (meningococcal) vaccine. Students entering 12th grade must also have had at least one dose of the Tdap vaccine and a second dose of the meningococcal vaccine. If the first dose of meningococcal vaccine was received after the age of 16, only one dose of this vaccine is required. f.) Proof of residency must be provided. g.) Social Security numbers must be submitted. h.) Parents will be required to sign out of district forms before their student can be approved to enroll at Musselman High School. Students enrolled from another school district will be required to provide documentation of attendance, discipline and academic records. Student and parent must sign an agreement stating the student will abide by all school rules, policies, and procedures at Musselman High.

GENERAL INFORMATION IMPORTANT NUMBERS & WEBSITES School Phone 304-229-1950 School Fax 304-229-1959 School Website: www.applemen.org Address: 126 Excellence Way, Inwood WV 25428 Guidance Office http://musselmancounseling.weebly.com/ Berkeley County Schools Website: www.berkeleycountyschools.org Engradewv.com

14 ACCIDENTS/EMERGENCY NUMBERS At the beginning of school, each student will be asked to take home and fill out an emergency information card. This card should be filled in with the parents' home address and home phone, parents' employers, and their work phones, an emergency phone number in case the parents cannot be reached, and doctor's name and phone number. Additionally, any information pertaining to medical problems the student has must be included on the card. This would include, but is not limited to allergies, kidney problems, diabetes, epilepsy, etc. We need this information to help take better care of our students. Parents should keep in mind that the school should be notified anytime any of the emergency information, especially phone numbers, changes. RETURN THIS CARD TO SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY. Failure to return this card may result in disciplinary action. CLOSED CAMPUS Musselman High School has a closed campus. This means that once students arrive in the morning they may not leave the campus until the end of the school day, unless they have written permission and sign out properly in the office, or co-op students on their way to jobs. Students are not permitted to leave campus for lunch or breakfast and may be subject to disciplinary action and loss of driving privileges. No deliveries including flowers, food, or gifts, are allowed. FIRE DRILLS Emergency Evacuation Procedures are in place and students and staff will be informed of procedures. Indoor evacuation (shelter in place) procedures are also included in our emergency plans. Drills are conducted for two purposes: (1) to train students to evacuate the building quickly and in an orderly manner in case of an emergency; (2) to teach self control in time of emergency. The general rules to follow are as follows: 1. There is a special fire alarm which sounds to signify a fire drill. 2. Maps will be placed in each classroom to indicate the emergency route to be taken to leave the building. 3. When the fire alarm rings, students should file quickly and quietly from the building. 4. Each teacher is responsible for seeing all windows are down and closed after the last student has left the room. 5. Once outside, students should stay in their class groups so the teachers can easily call the rolls. 6. Students should get far enough away from the building so that if a real fire existed, firemen and equipment would have plenty of room in which to operate. 7. There will be a clear signal for everyone to return to the building.

15 8. It is mandatory that at least ten fire drills and five code drills including a lockdown and evacuation be conducted throughout the school year. 9. When in the hall a student should go to the nearest EXIT and find the class that he/she is to be in. If there is an alarm between classes, they should find the class they just left.

GOOD MANNERS AND RSP 1. Students are asked to use “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me please,” and “you are welcome” whenever possible–in and away from school. 2. Do Not wear hats in the auditorium or inside the building--before, during, or after school. 3. Do Not “call out” during graduation, auditorium or stage performances. 4. Walk to the right in hallways and do not stop in crossways. 5. Teacher’s names should always be preceded by titles of Mr., Mrs., Ms., or Ms. Teachers should never be referred to by first names or last names alone whether in their presence or not.

STUDENT BILLS Bills accrued by students for lunches; texts, parking and library fines, and other issue must be paid before graduation and may be turned over to an attorney for collection at any time.

VISITORS All visitors must report in to the main office to see the Principal or Assistant Principal. Visitation to the school should be for a specific and legitimate reason. Visitors will receive an identification badge which must be worn when in the building. Visitors will not be allowed to loiter on school grounds or inside school buildings. They will not be allowed to interrupt or go into classes with friends or relatives for the day. Students should report any strangers on campus to a teacher or to the office immediately. Student visitors are not allowed.

TEXTBOOKS Pupils are responsible for the books issued to them and are financially responsible for any book lost or damaged. A record will be kept on each student's debt, and debts must be paid before the end of the school year. Seniors will be required to pay all debts before graduation practice. VALUABLES Students are not to bring valuables to school. The school assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen items. Money and pocketbooks should be kept with you or checked in to a teacher during activity classes. Keys should be kept on your person. Electronic devices or toys should not to be brought to school.

16 ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES Homeroom teachers are to instruct their students in the following: 1. Students are to stay with their class in regards to their grade level; i.e. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior The proper procedure for getting to the assembly- They are to walk quietly as a group and they are not to go to lockers, water fountains or restrooms. 2. The proper conduct during the assembly- They are to be respectful when the speaker(s) or program is introduced. Remain quiet and attentive during the speech(s) or performance. Politely recognize the speaker(s) or performer(s) with applause at the end of the program. They are to be courteous to participants in the assembly and to their fellow Applemen. Being courteous does not include booing, whistling, or shouting. No warning for disruptive behavior may be given. Leave quietly if you are asked to do so by a faculty member and report to the office immediately. Disruptive behavior or repeated offenses may result in disciplinary measures and/or social suspension. 3. The proper procedure for leaving the assembly--Students are dismissed by the person in charge at the assembly and homeroom teachers. 4. Students show respect to others and should stand for the pledge to the flag, the fight song, and the Alma Mater.

CAFETERIA: BREAKFAST & LUNCH Cafeteria: - The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered at a reasonable price. Improper behavior regarding the cafeteria may result in disciplinary action. The lunchroom management and your fellow students will appreciate your cooperation in: 1. Depositing all lunch litter in wastebaskets. 2. The cafeteria is not to be used as a play area. 3. Proper manners must be used at all times. 4. Absolutely no throwing of food will be tolerated. 5. No food, including milk, may be taken from the cafeteria. 6. Food from the school store must be eaten in the cafeteria; opened drinks may not be taken from the cafeteria with the exception of water. 7. No glass containers permitted. 8. No outside food is permitted.

17 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL The School Improvement Council is charged with the following responsibilities: 1. Encourage the involvement of parents in their child's educational process and in the school. 2. Encourage businesses to provide time for their employees who are parents to meet with teachers concerning their child's education. 3. Encourage advice and suggestions from the business community. 4. Encourage school volunteer programs and mentorship programs. 5. Foster utilization of the school facilities and grounds for public community activities. The council meets at least once each nine weeks. The council is composed of three teachers, two service personnel, three parents or guardians, and two at-large members appointed by the principal. In the past, the council has sponsored an open house, school calendars, assisted with designing the new MHS, and supported the MHS volunteer program, assisted with hot chocolate days, special events.

SCHOOL LIBRARY Musselman High School Library is linked to the Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library as their South Berkeley Branch and operates as a merged library under the name of Musselman-South Berkeley Community Library. The library shall offer to West Virginia residents free and equal access to services and resources, and guidance in their use. Borrowing privileges may be limited or denied for abuse of privileges, failure to return library materials or to pay charges, destruction of library property, etc.

LIBRARY POLICIES • All students and public patrons must have a borrower’s card in good standing with the Martinsburg-Berkeley county Public Library. The card is free. Each Patron is responsible for informing the library of any change of address or telephone number • A $1 fee is charged to replace a lost library card. The fee to replace a lost or mutilated bar code is $1. • The person to whom the card is issued is responsible for all items checked out on that card, including all use made of the card by another individual. The parent or guardian is responsible for all items borrowed by a minor. • The loan period for most library materials is 21 days. Renewals are for one additional three-week period if the books are not on hold for another patron. The patron may renew books by telephone. • No more than three books on any one subject may be checked out at

18 any one time on a card. Materials used for special school assignments will be on reserve and may only be used in the library. • Overdue books for Musselman High School students will be charged affine of $.05 a day. Books may be returned to the Martinsburg Public Library; however, fines must be paid at the Musselman-South Berkeley Community Library branch. • Any patron with overdue items, 30 days beyond the due date, will be blocked from borrowing further items and using the Internet stations until the late items are returned. • A charge will be assessed for all damage. Lost books and damaged books, which must be replaced, will be charged a replacement cost. • Copies of our Internet policy are on file in the library.

No students may use the library facilities as a public patron while school is in session unless accompanied by their parent/guardian. Families are reminded that the collection, since the merger, contains materials suitable for young children, students of all ages, and mature adults. It would be advisable for families to supervise the selection of reading materials. Hours: Sunday Closed; Monday thru Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm Library follows school closings. SPORTS

Fall Winter Spring Football (Varsity, JV, Freshman) Boys (Varsity, JV, (Varsity, JV) Girls (Varsity, JV, Freshman) Freshman) (Varsity, JV) Boys Soccer (Varsity, JV) Girls Basketball (Varsity, JV, Track (Boys & Girls) Girls Soccer (Varsity, JV) Freshman) (Boys & Girls) Cross Country (Boys & Girls) (Varsity, JV, Freshman)

Please call the Musselman High School and ask for the Athletics Office for more information. Athletics website: www.musselmanathletics.org

Clubs: Students at Musselman High School are expected to get involved. Club Drive is held in the first two weeks of school. Students meet with their clubs one a month during the sponsor teacher’s planning period. Please read from the list below to see the clubs offered by Musselman High School.

19 Club Short Description Sponsor Avid Readers Club A book club for students who love to read and have Ruppenthal discussions on what they’re reading! Bible Club The Bible Club allows students of faith to gather and Miller discuss issues that are relevant to them within a Biblical context. Chess Club Learn chess basics and play against other students. Long DECA DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs Meadows in marketing finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Diversity Club We celebrate our differences! Collings Dude, Be Nice. A group of students committed to encouraging a McClintock positive school culture. Gay- Straight To promote understanding and provide a welcoming Rakes Alliance space at school for LGBTQ students and allies. Environment Club Students committed to encouraging safe and healthy Raines treatment of the environment. Fellowship of Student athletes joining together to celebrate their Kleppner Christian Athletes Christian faith. Future Farmers of Students of the school who like to explore and be Huffman America involved with the elements of farming. Library Club For students to better understand the organization Gochenour and procedures of our library. RAZE/SADD Students who want to encourage making safe TBD decisions. Relay for Life This group of students meets to help fundraise TBD money for cancer research. Rotary Interact This is a community oriented group that encourages Spencer our students to get involved. Students Active in Students show appreciation to administrators, French Education teachers and service personnel, visit area elementary schools to read to students and give a scholarship to a senior member every year. Student Council We provide a forum for student opinion of school Branch Association activities through positive student leadership with the mission of continuing traditions as well as providing a Renaissance program that recognizes academics and attendance. Tactical Gamers Students who enjoy a variety of games that Valdesalice incorporate strategy. Tri-M Music honor society. West Yarn Society Yarn Society is a group who gets together to work on Kahre knitting and/or crocheting projects. Youth Leadership We work to become knowledgeable on the functions Elliott Association of active citizens and the workings of government.

20 Musselman High School Code of Conduct/Handbook Agreement

Student Agreement: I have read and agree to abide by the expectations, rules, regulations, and the Student Code of Conduct and Handbook of Musselman High School. In addition, I agree to respect and abide by the expectations, rules, and regulations in the Berkeley County Student Handbook.

Printed Student Name: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Guardian Agreement: I expect my student to abide by the Musselman Code of Conduct/Handbook and the rules and regulations in the Berkeley County Schools Student Handbook.

Printed Guardian Name: ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Please tear out this completed page and turn it in to:

______Room #______

Due Date: ______