1. Arrival at (HAJ)

In case no shuttle service is organized for you (upon request, if feasible) please take Suburban Railway S5, which departs close to Terminal C (in just one direction!). Please notice: tickets must be bought before entering the train. Tickets preferably are to be obtained at ticket machines at the platform. You may pay with coins or notes in Euro or credit card (app. 20 Euro). Menu on screen can be set to several languages. Final destination for your trip to the workshop is Hauptbahnhof (also: Braunschweig Hbf. = main station). Attention: You must leave S5 at (main station) and change train in the direction of Braunschweig. The train to Braunschweig normally belongs to the category „InterCity“ (IC) or “Regional Express” (RE). Final destinations of these trains might be cities further away, e.g. or Leipzig. Travel time is app. 20 min. from HAJ airport to Hannover Hauptbahnhof and additional 30 – 60 min. from Hannover Hauptbahnhof to Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof (depending on train category). In Braunschweig we recommend to take a taxi to the hotel. Most hotels are in a distance of just very few kilometres (up to app. 10 Euro). 2. Arrival at (FRA)

When arriving at Frankfurt , please move to Level “0” (access in the area of “B”) to reach regional trains at gate “S” or long-distance trains at gate “T”. Information counter of “” (German Railway) is marked by “I” and “DB” (in red color). You may ask there for next connection to Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof (also: Braunschweig Hbf. = Braunschweig main station). You may take a direct connection with long-distance train at gate “T” (mostly of category , ICE), or firstly use a Suburban Railway from gate “S” in the direction of Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. There you have to change to long-distance train (ICE) to Braunschweig. Travel time is app. 10 min. from Frankfurt airport to Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof and roughly 3 hrs. from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof to Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof. Please notice: tickets must be bought before entering the train when using regional trains or suburban railways (tickets for long-distance trains can also be bought in the train itself). Tickets preferably are to be obtained at a DB-counter or ticket machines around the platforms. You may pay with coins or notes in Euro or credit card (app. 80 Euro). In Braunschweig we recommend to take a taxi to the hotel. Most hotels are in a distance of just very few kilometres (up to app. 10 Euro). 3. Braunschweig and Venue

Recommended hotels as well as meeting venues are indicated by numbers or characters. Please note: Braunschweig Hauptbahnhof (main station) is on lower right side.

The Meeting will be held in congress hall of IHK (chamber of commerce and industry), Altstadtmarkt, 38100 Braunschweig, (“A”) which can be reached by an outside stairway (easy to see from place “Altstadtmarkt”). Registration on 30th November, 2010 from 08:15 h, lectures start at 09:00 h.

Reception will happen also on Altstadtmarkt, 38100 Braunschweig, Germany, diagonally opposite in the old town hall („Dornse“) (“B”). Time: 29th November, 2010, 18:00 h.

4. Braunschweig, Portrait of the City

With round 245.000 inhabitants, Braunschweig is the biggest city in the area between and . It is the centre of the region, as much today as it has been in the past. Today's attractive profile of the Lion City is due to its rich and proud history, its steady development as a dynamic place for business, trading, sciences and research as well as its extensive cultural activities.

Braunschweig‟s history is closely linked to the Guelph, Henry the Lion, and his son Otto IV. who was the first and only Guelph emperor. Places of interest like St. Blasii Cathedral or Dankwarderode Castle remind us even today of the powerful Guelph Duke who made Braunschweig his residence in the middle of the 12th century. His lion, in the form of a bronze statue, has stood on the Burgplatz for centuries as a reminder of his power and is still the heraldic sign of the city.

The lively thousand year old history of the Lion City can be seen in the picturesque half- timbered buildings that are particularly well preserved in the area around St. Magni church. The storing and resting place („Wik‟) developed into an important centre for medieval long distance trade. From here on the became navigable and lead the traffic coming from the south via the Aller and to and the . This economic success earned Braunschweig membership in the important Hanseatic League from the 13th century right through to its disbandment in the 17th century. During that time Braunschweig grew into one of the most important cities of this era. Conflicts with the Guelph rulers lead to their move to Wolfenbüttel. That allowed Braunschweig to enjoy its independent and self- governing status until the year 1671 when the re-empowered dukes took control again. The group of buildings around the Altstadtmarkt (old town market) including the gothic Altstadtrathaus (old town hall) and the Gewandhaus (cloth hall) of the mighty drapers reminds us even today of Braunschweig‟s great independence, its evolvement of power and its economic boom years during its Hanseatic League membership.

When Braunschweig became residency of the Guelphs (from 1753/1754)Duke William ordered the royal master builder, Carl Theodor Ottmer, to build a residential palace. This was constructed between 1833 and 1841. This Guelph palace with its impressive façade has recently been rebuilt using some of the original building parts. The palace now houses the municipal libraries, the archive and the cultural institute of the city. Braunschweig can now also add the biggest quadriga in Europe to its numerous sights. This monument can be reached via an accessible visitor‟s platform and offers an impressive view over the old part of the city.

Events Numerous festivals like the Braunschweig Classix Festival, the medieval market, the culture night, the CityJazzNight, the festival „Kultur im Zelt‟, the international film festival and the open-air opera of the Staatstheater Braunschweig are as much part of the diverse cultural life in Braunschweig as are the satire festival or the hipp „Blauhaus Party‟ that regularly takes place in the Staatstheater Braunschweig with the jazz ensemble „Jazzkantine‟. The traditional Staatstheater offers a huge repertoire ranging from classic to modern in all four theatre categories. The free theatre scene with modern productions and festivals also plays an important part in Braunschweig‟s cultural life.

Braunschweig‟s glorious parks and grounds in the city centre, its lakes near the city, its nature and European bird reserve Riddagshausen and varied local recreation areas all add up to a very high standard of living. The river „Oker‟ allows you to circle nearly the whole of the city centre by boat giving you a unique chance to view Braunschweig from a very different perspective. With its closeness to the Lüneburger Heide (heather reserve) and to the mountains Braunschweig provides an ideal starting point for tours into this extraordinary cultural region. 5. General informations

Accommodation Accommodation is organized on request. For details see your personal, additional informations.

Food Breakfast will be served in the hotels. Lunch is prepared at the meeting on 30th November.

European (German) Currency The currency is the Euro (€), issued in denominations of € 500, € 200, € 100, € 50, € 20, € 10 and € 5, and coins of € 2, € 1, as well as 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent. Cash may be obtained at numerous ATM‟s with Maestro-Card or any major credit card.

Energy The electrical voltage is 220 volts, 60 cycles (220V 60Hz). Therefore, those devices designed for 110V need a transformer.

Weather It‟s already winter and temperatures might be around 0°C or even lower. Sunrise is at 08:00 h, sunset at 16:10 h.

6. Hotline

In case of any troubles, please contact us at once:

Email: [email protected]

Phone (landline, office-hours): +49-531-8012-238

Phone (mobile, 24 h): +49-170-7570509