Lines Hold Fast Against Red Hordes TEL
r - / . WEDNESDAY, MAY 16.19B1' ilanrlrrat^r lEttrnins l^^rold Averaf* Dally Nat Praaa Run FMwaM 2*0 i _ _ Officers for a day and the positions r a t the Wwk Cadlag Mre. EaieebeUi WiUon, of that they held; Adrian Schmld- CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS Bfay 12. 1961 IM ey fhtr to p a tO j c4*wdy. Spruce etreet, to eeillni FWday Seats the Officers of Home Auxiliary Youths Guests hauser, Mayor: Fred Bllsh, Town ahowar* towxrd evealxg. TonigM. anemoon on the Manager; Andrew Gibson, South About Town ■pend four morthe ^ ■ ‘tjna reto- Manchester Fire ghlef; George POWER CLEANED 10,187 ttamHag had «*olcr. VNMay g«i- M n. Mildred P. Tedford of 170 T end friend* in Northern Ire* Of Local Club Case, North Mancheater Fire Chief: n t a v •< «ha Ao«H «mhy Mh *• raaiiy daady. a t lUU’o M otii*« Orcle will Hilliard atreet, Paat Department ' In Manrhrstvr and I icitiity lend. " "" Peter Plekculls. Town Engineer; M M at OtnalmUam Maneherter— A City of VUlago Charm hold lU iM t niMtlnf of th« MMon Prealdent of Spanlah War Vet- i James Warren, Building Inspector; toniaht * t «i«M o’clock *t Raymond Roberta, youngeat wn erana auxlllariea. during the year Boys and Girls Who Op Connie Glenney. Park Superinten DKI WKI.I..S .\M) SKl’TIC l .W K S INS T M I.I D at M n. ThonsM RMdell, 67 Thoinan dent: Harold Moore, Police Chief; of-Mr. and Mra. Emmett Ro^rU 1950, aeated the officer* of her home ^ erated Town for Day MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 17,1951 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVB CENTS Drive.
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