I' .K HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE SIXTY-FIFTH YEAR BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 NUMBER 19 Everett Wilcox BENJAMIN GEYER Holmes Still Buchanan Enters Died Tuesday in Insists Booze Epworth Hospital PIONEER OF BEND Demo Monopoly Merton Mitchell Drowned Two Floats For Everett Wilcox, 14 year old son. Editor Record, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox, OFJRIVER EXPIRES Wrong again. The political former Buchanan residents, pass­ proportion of the patrons of the ed away Tuesday at the Epworth Last Rites Held at Family old-time saloons was very much in hospital in South Bend, the cause unison with that of the operators. Sunday as River Carries Blossom Parade of his death being pneumonia. The Home Tuesday and Inter­ At the time of my experience in Wilcox family moved to a farm ment Made in Oak Muscatine, there were 114 state north of Three Oaks about two Ridge Cemetery. prohibition saloons there and in Miss Nancy llimmelbero'er to years ago. The funeral will be Ottumwa, 121, all doing well. held this afternoon at 2 o’clock John Graham, formerly of Bu­ be Visiting Queen at Kiddies from the Hayes funeral home in Last rites for Benjamin Geyer, chanan, told me that when he liv­ Boat Over Ind., Mich. Dam Now Here’s Ball at Shadow-land South Bend with burial at Galien. pioneer farmer of the Bend of the ed in Independence, Kas,, under Tonight. Besides the parents one sister, River section, were held-at 2 j. ill. that same sort uf law there was a th e Wilma and a brother, Phay sur­ Tuesday at the farm home, with public fountain in the public park Depression or no depression, vive. Rev. B. W. Staver preaching the Local Realty funeral sermon and interment was under a pavilion. When one want­ SALE OF BEER Proposition Buchanan will make a larger — ----- o------ — ed a drink of water he simply held BREAME REID " showing this year in the Blossom made in Oak Ridge cemetery. 3’tae tile cup under the tap and caught Agency Reports 'Parade than, ever before, with two pallbearers were Fred Tichenor, what he wanted. If he looked up floats entered, one built by the Charles Tichenor, Burton Weaver; TO COMMENCE IN 5 Property Sales MOTHKKS HAY, 1933 B. MERCHANTS Andrew Lyddick, William StoutjOf at a knothole in the ceiling he got EMERGES UNHURT Civic Association and one by the Niles, Edward Roper of Sooth beer; if he winked at the knot he Bi Haws Oriole club. got whiskey. The following transfers of prop­ The Civic Association float will Bend. Death was the result of J. G. Holmes. BUCHANAN TODAY DEFEAT DAYTON a paralytic stroke suffered six erty have been reported by the E. FROM ACCIDENT Only room for a few line's space advertise the Centennial celebra­ weeks ago. C. Wonderlich Realty Agency dur­ (Only a moment in which to write tion to be held here July 27-29, One Restaurant, Five Mer­ ing the past few days. Henry He was born at North Liberty, Force of Men Drag River for {But my heart goes out through a and the entire design is built Ind., May 25, 1S61, being 71 years., chants Qualify for Retail­ Cauffman has purchased the prop­ stretch of space around, that idea. The dates 1833- erty at the corner of Portage and Two Miles Below "Dam ; 1933: will be prominently display­ 11 months and 11 days of age ing; to Begin at 6 p. m. To the: shade of the western hills when he died. He came to the Arctic streets. Mrs. Clara Smith Abandon Dragging and tonight.. ed on the float, and log cabin and Cold Wind Contributes to Er­ Today. of Oak Park, 111., has purchased modern architecture will be com­ Bend of the River when a boy, Establish. Patrol. rors; Bob Morse, Louis and had resided there since. With the property at 605 S. Oak st., To a year-worn woman whose hair bined to represent tile evolution of him on the farm during the past Five licenses for the sale of beer and will take posession June 1st- is gray the city. The design was made Leiter are Stars at in Buchanan were granted at a Mrs. Lillian Conliff of Oak Park, Efforts to recover the body : of by George Himmfelberger, chair­ two years was his son, Ebern Gey­ Mertpn Mitchell by dragging the Whose eyes: are misty with; mem­ Bat. er, by his first marriage, wh^i special meeting of the city council 111., has purchased a property oh ories man of the float committee and held Monday evening, orte to a Chippewa street and will move St. Joseph river were abandoned Robert Geyer contributed some survives him. His first wife died Tuesday afternoon, two days after Of a far but an unforgotten day In a cold damp atmosphere that shortly after the birth of this son restaurant for consumption on the here about June 1st. Michael Nill- When children clambered about fine art work. The chassis is made it hard to hold on to balls, Nationally Known Pure Bred premises at a $100 license fee, ar of Chicago has purchased the the luckless youth lost . his, life Supplied by the Russell Chevrolet the Buchanan Merchants sold the and he was married again to Mary when the boat in which he and her knees. Elizabeth McNally, who died Jiilj’ Holsteins Average 16,450 and four to specially designated Miller farm on the Clear Lajce Sales. On. the float will ride Ma­ Dayton Greyhounds enough base­ merchants at $25 each. road, just west Of town and as1 Breame Reid were in was swept rie Hess, Edna Nelson, Zelda 7, 1932. A grandson, Robert, Pounds of Milk; and over the Indiana and Michigan Only a handful of trivial lines; ball to take the game 7-5. Geyer, lives at the home of Mrs, The restaurant license is held by sumes possession May 15. J. M. Not the tribute that 1 had planned, Frank, Lucille Howe, Blanche Lefty Morse starred on the 629.8 Pounds Fat. M. P. Snyder and the four mer­ Sellers of Chicago has purchased power dam below the River Street Proud, Barbara Hamilton, Frances Ida Rice. bridge. But you will read it, mother of mound and with the stick, crack­ In addition to the son mention­ chants licenses by M. L. Ihrie, M. tile Fred G. Maurer farm at Day- mine,, Sutphen, Marjorie Mitch. ing out a three-bagger that scor­ The South Berrien Dairy Herd Lundgren, Bick Smith and C. J. ton, but does not plan to move The two men had pushed off Tne Oriole float is built around ed above, he is survived by the about 3:30 p. m.-Sunday from the And alt he well if you understand. ed the two wanning runs. After following: a brother, the Rev. Car- Improvement Association has fin­ Wilson. Beer sold at the Snyder here immediately. the German band, all of whom are the fourth Danny Topash continu­ ished another year's work, with cafe may be consumed on the south bank of the river below the members of the club and combines ed the good work on the mound. son Geyer of Cleveland, O.; three bridge in a boat rigged with an And We'll Bet They Conkl sisters, Mrs. Nora Reamer, South very good results. South Berrien premises. The merchants will sell Pour Charlie Ere the Evening the German and; 3.2 motif strong­ Louis Leiter also batted a three- has had an average of 203 cows on by bottle or case for consumption improvised sail, in which they had Bend, Mrs. Mary Leach and Mrs. been navigating that part of'-the Ended ly. The designers of the float state bagger for Dayton. Hep Niles, Belle Cowgill of California. test for each month in the year. off the premises. r. C. T. U. Carry Buchanan people Who attended that they wish to make it plain former American League second The average production per cow Sale will begin at 6 p. m. today, stream frequently in the past the party at Eagle Lake Tuesday that whatever beer ideas may be baseman and outfield star, coach­ for the year was SS57.5 lbs milk with only bottle beer on tap to On Old Gold and weeks. Reid, the survivor, states evening honoring the birthday of embodied in the designing are to ed for the locals at first base and 372.S1 lbs butterfat. The re­ begin with, due to delay in ar­ that they were giving their atten­ Miss: Mabel Payne were Mr. and represent the German band con­ throughout the game. Antiques Wanted turn per dollar spent for feed was rival of fixtures at the Snyder Silver ign tion to adjusting the sail and‘did Mrs. George Karling, Marcus ception and have nothing to do The tally sheet read: $2.30. This was done through Cafe. not notice how far they had drift­ Treat, Charles Landis, and Philip with the principles and practices Buchanan AB For Window Display culling of poorer cows and en- ed down stream until they saw Landsman. When refreshments of the Oriole club. Anyway, Bill Shreve, r f ______________ 5 cow in tile association. The Buchanan W. C. T. U. are that they were within fifty feet of were served Mr. Charles . Landis Baker will Officiate as bungstarter Pfingst, c f --------------------- 4 for Centennial Days The high herd was owned by W. B. A. Hosts carrying on a campaign similar the dam, with the powerful- cur­ poured.
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