Merton Mitchell Drowned Sunday As River Carries Boat Over Ind., Mich
I' .K HEADQUARTERS FOR FIRST TELEHONE WANT ADS CLASS JOB PRINTING TO NUMBER NINE SIXTY-FIFTH YEAR BUCHANAN. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1933 NUMBER 19 Everett Wilcox BENJAMIN GEYER Holmes Still Buchanan Enters Died Tuesday in Insists Booze Epworth Hospital PIONEER OF BEND Demo Monopoly Merton Mitchell Drowned Two Floats For Everett Wilcox, 14 year old son. Editor Record, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcox, OFJRIVER EXPIRES Wrong again. The political former Buchanan residents, pass proportion of the patrons of the ed away Tuesday at the Epworth Last Rites Held at Family old-time saloons was very much in hospital in South Bend, the cause unison with that of the operators. Sunday as River Carries Blossom Parade of his death being pneumonia. The Home Tuesday and Inter At the time of my experience in Wilcox family moved to a farm ment Made in Oak Muscatine, there were 114 state north of Three Oaks about two Ridge Cemetery. prohibition saloons there and in Miss Nancy llimmelbero'er to years ago. The funeral will be Ottumwa, 121, all doing well. held this afternoon at 2 o’clock John Graham, formerly of Bu be Visiting Queen at Kiddies from the Hayes funeral home in Last rites for Benjamin Geyer, chanan, told me that when he liv Boat Over Ind., Mich. Dam Now Here’s Ball at Shadow-land South Bend with burial at Galien. pioneer farmer of the Bend of the ed in Independence, Kas,, under Tonight. Besides the parents one sister, River section, were held-at 2 j. ill. that same sort uf law there was a th e Wilma and a brother, Phay sur Tuesday at the farm home, with public fountain in the public park Depression or no depression, vive.
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