I If SPORTING SPORTING SECTION THE WASHINGTON HERALD SECTION t I WASHINGTON D C SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29 1907 NATIONAL LEAGUE BOTH ARE CONFIDENT WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL CAPTAINS AMERICAN LEAGUE ILLS ERROR COSTLY YESTERDAYS RESULTS YESTERDAYS RESULTS er 7 J Boston 2 Washington 3 Cleveland 1 Athletics and Tigers Claim- Boston 0 Pittsbnrgr 5 St Louis 3 ACTV York 1 Wild fleaye St Louis 0 Xeir York 0 St Lonlif fij Sew York 2 Gives Nationals Chicago 2 J Boston 1 ing the Championship TODAYS GAMES Three Scores Brooklyn Chicago STANDING OF THE TEAMS nt W L Pet W I Pit Plillnilclphin nt Cincinnati 87 56 MB Now York CO 7T 41 JtAIN INTERFERED YESTERDAY < Philadelphia 83 55 Mi I St Louis 61 81 BALL GOES INTO PAVILION New York nt St Louis S6 CO 588 Boston 93 87 4 Cleveland 23 63 568 Washington n 95 I STANDING OF TUB TEAMS Doubleheader Will Be PInyeil To- W L Ict W L Pet BROWNS CAPTURE BOTH m 41 713 Brooklyn it41 41 With Clerelnuil One to the Good morrow with Dyprer- riudsmrL K m 611 CIncinnati IT8I 419 Plank nn l w Yen Up X n tt W S3 XI Grlffliys Men Fall to Get Sufficient Turners Substitute Picks hasp tnnd Donovan and Kllllnn Probable PMadefciMa 75 83 5U StnotLash 45 98 313 lilts to Win Chance at Short mid Throivs Over PItellers Both Tennis Conntlng on I DIVIDE New York Sept Louis won two head Allowing Gnnley- Taking Majority DOUBLEHEADER 28St Lister of TheIr Games easy victories from New York today Dclelmnty and Altizer to Score Pirates and Hcnnenterx Ench Tnlte both Dinden and Pelty being effective One Gnnic The second contest was stopped at the j Plttsburg 2S end of the Inning on of Sept The Pirates and sixth account WnshliiKlon 3 Cleveland 1 Beaneaters broke ev m ¬ rain Scores By Hugh Jennings in a doublehead- A driving rainstorm caused a seces- er at Exposition Birrk FIRST GAME this afternoon sion of hostilities in the sixth untag at I tile ou tile Pittsbnrg won the first game 7 to 2 Kt Louis RHOAE New York RHOAH WIwe late oe Au Niles 2b 1 3 e Kerkr ledca My M rf National Park yesterday with the wore boon varttaR Artr Imdt off while Boston took second 6 to 5 Hemphfll el f lIeU H 1 1 G the 90100 lisleI I 3 to 1 to wta sad UWT 1 te pindU phrriaii Scores 0 0 5 0 0 Chase Ib 8 014 1 8 in favor of Washington IIsape There is act a break ia t> bu- if 813801 Mortality 3U 9 1 1 t Threatening clouds acted t a warning annrttef the erotktn who iII we FIRST CAMS Wallace M 11281 ef Yesger 3b 0 1 3 1 I 61280 wa to expected or- ¬ weak Wow dnp will be MmMtiind PtttobMK Dolt I for what be and in I if- KlIOAK RHOAE Spencer c WWisatk 2b 8883538 4 4 8 that we sill wilt man na in WM- > It rf I S HOKNMM rf I 1 1 0 1 01318 ± der to get in the necessary number of m u S 3 I Ib Thowa c I 8 9 iacto and St Ixwk OHM ttM AtklKin I4rsth J I Tenwr Ib Dineen 11988 8 6 Chwhe If 3 3fe 88300 j 180361 CesUeUm n 6 9 3 innings was mutually agreed to will te Wwhinftoo ri CV I I it start ad i Md Ahbatnuoh 2 S HeaawMt cf 0112001 2 0 0 we hicfcy Totals 3 627 9 2 Totals 1 427 2- the game a quarter of an hour before the Puss we Friday TIle net Swactea > 1 S f 2b I St i a- rqtutm tVwgh that my Stetfce 1 3 lUftdafc 11050 Louts ¬ tern dmt nrI- I tf 12400- J time set for the beginning of play How- pUces DOHOMM M 1 3 5 1 Kcw York 8e0982ie B ticM and timfb bad 1kbJwd1se8I16O I ever before had succeeded In a cfaaace to show wtat a aploMUd a Ball e a 1 1 0 0 1668860661 the teems pIth p 814181 2 First base br error St Louis 2 New York 5 1 Js Ea I t I FtelMrtr p 0800T- J getting through rounds be tmder Watch amr HHSB three the rain Ire Left on lasoaNnr York 5 SC Loafa 3 Firat i M TOteM 721U- 4 commenced and remaining innings oUla i l base on bail Off Cirttetaa 1 off Dteeea 2 Struck the Ffctsbers x7B- were played in a downpour which forced By Connie Mack 18813026 out Br OMttetea 1 br Dteeea 2 Sfterifw kit oetflM the faaSe 8881881002 Niles Stolen basesBell ClIMe Wtd pitok bieaeherhes to take to the covered Pint V orrowRoMon 1 Left on b e- was Rinses UmpireMr Egrfk In objec- ¬ Dttntt hMte Friday zmcdto tr s rktobws 4 DeMon 7 ba e cm Ttaw ef UK hour stands Capt Ganley put an We Pint ballsBv kad a deaoi aces to win mt w LeMWd 3 bar KtafcerUr 2 Struck and 50 missiles tion to continuing conditions wont overtook opportauuan BafcFlahertr under the Mea Itae- owtKj LeMMd 1 Home nmAbbatfcchio SECOND bays woa Three GAME but Hurst insisted upon playing and it ibonU aad be win yet aa I la bans WtBflwmwnC Twobara RA- to pitch MtaHitcber BtLwis RIIOAEI N York tea Us acain Moasaj I kaveat- ndall Double pterBtMw U te Tewwjr HH by Nile RHOAB was not until the eighteen players the 1 2b Rector it gifca op by any MThy we t- 91689 11199 neana save Jo yndterBr LetteM 1 Mft ri Uapirvs H o 1 I I nell R 4 two umps large proportion the good a etaaace as l battBu d i I I I I cad a of ai IMmit yet OM eml Mews Johnetaee sad IttMkterhMa TiMe of game SWiM If 0119 base Ib low 0 6 9 99799S crowd was well soaked that play was doevt wake a raMoer aad oe defeat hoar aad K immtte rf 0 I Mortartty 3b 1 0 0 I isnt gotaf to Make na cart up ad gait i Wallace M 0 1 0 2 I ef suspended SKCOXD 3b 1 S 889661 4 My to Bitttef It a Mott- GAME- Yeaeer I I I IWFV I 32 tea better dU e Georgie NIB unwonted to-¬ sad I Mace a eraple of Itttabw- R H O A B I norto StTea 1626 wmiMH Jb with loyalty Ckicato pitchen la RHOAE Jones Ib 1 214 8 e C61129U 1 5 Aadciww if Hoffman 5 S 1 0 I Theses 1 ¬ reseT I beUeve Detroit eaa wate- 23280 rf 8 Pelty p 4 0 I ward his former team mates was direct- dot I Leach 1 NeedhM Ib N w p 96029 tain ita lead ercn If it te ta the lead when Clarke H1 22903 21781 JJ J ly responsible victory I f Sw Mer 3b 5 for the Nationals the 1 1 1 11421 Totals fllSli 0 Totals 2 418 1 3- HriM end J 1 ef 8 2 1 8 0 Tony is suffering from badly 3waeiMnS- I 5 1 1 IttteherTA St Louis 0 9 3 9 0 Turner a i 0062 < Sf toriw olD I 8228 If 1121 0 Sew York sprained back so Nill was placed at Sheehan 1 2288 nddwdX as 0 1 3 1 1180062 Pbelpse First by L OB shortstop The fellow bad just SvttM to The Wii hnlna Heca- 8411 e 0636 1 hue omr St Leak Loft bases little 1 8 8 B G 1 It 8801 St Louis New York FIrst base OB feaJfeOa three chances In the first Delehanty J MPhiladelp a Pa Sept Rate this Caaudts p I 1 HATGHETITESBEATEN a GibwNi 1888 Totak 682173 Newer 4 Strode outBr Petty 1 Twbax Mt raised an easy ftp to Nill but In the afternoon prevented the second of the Jones Sacrifice hitrBeU Stole Totals 7 buMcII fourth with two men on the bases and Detroit games and the Athletic must SK2t i Jones Stone Uapbe Mr Ems Tine of gums Ratted for WHtta fa sbth took two out Altlaer sent a slow bounder to- ¬ noW watt until Monday to renew their 1 hour and 15 ratedto AttendanceVox Bo to 1 6 6 1 1 1 2- to effort to wrest first place train the Tigers ward short which Kill gathered and Ptttabarr 18112105 Navy Yard Victorious Over with a mighty heave let fly on a line Todays game is canceled permanently Left on ba e IttMNNg 7 4 WHITE SOX DEFEAT BOSTON llaMas Fkst tew- into the right field pavilion while Qanley as there is no room on the schedule to OR bilhrOff AMlttm 1 off HoiutM 1 Jilts made George Washington 0 Wfllia in kminfs SUnck Cam Delehanty and Altlaer drifted around play it off A doubleheader was origin- ¬ i iiI mbBr Coml kc Jn Tribe Sot Yet Out of the the Ha 1 br Bonlte 1 IWbaM bttoHoOtean- ally slated Monday on Tuesday i Rnce bases These were the three runs which for and NeedhaM Scrtn UtaNwdhaM Sweoey Knott i for Pennant Pbrlps Stolen 3- beat Cleveland Cleveland comes here for the final aeries ba e LeaoB 2 Aitdereoe Boston Sept 28 Tne White Sox de-¬ Ahbadniiio 3 IteamaMrt lUadaU Hoffmwi Pw l- of three games so te absolutely SLIPPERY FIELD BOTHERSOME an game to-¬ Oberlin n Puzzle there kallKaoU mpirwMtwrs Knddecham feated Boston in Interesting no way and Jobn CsttUlkm figured of crowding In the game which ttaae Time o gaaoe 1 boor and 98 ninotes At day Scorp that Prank Oberlin the weather so inopportunely prevented teadann 8 46 Chicago RHOAB oeten RHOAB wa Just abovt right so the Boston cast- Hahn rf 1 4 CliaOneMfef 81288 off was m be continued this afternoon olleKlniiJi Fumble Ball on the Kick- Jrnn cf 8 8 8 Lan I 1 sent and his l Two games will be played Monday and CARDINALS HAVE EASY TIME Istoell at 1 2 i 3 PatML If 8 Ill1 I record of having pitched hall in off nnd Southeast Eleven Punlien naobwe Ib 8 818 8 Co fooa I I every li order to remain In the running for the Part M I 1 2 el U rfIltllI 110 I I same in which he has performed pennant Giants Illnnkvd l y McCormick Over Line for the Only I usberty If 8 8 2 8 Fenrfe Jb- 1Tl sine joining the Athletics will have to win Iush While Ames 1 I the Nationals New York I K he 6112 1 J both Should they win only one Detroit Is Ineffective- Touclnlo vn IIiitcIictitcN Brace but SliiiTaa e 8 1 1 Shaw e 81428A- locked out a victory over Oberlin but ltrock p 8814 Wteer 81138T- wilt still be in first place and it is doubt- ¬ St Louis Sept The Cardinals ad- ¬ Cannot Score in Second Half t every other game that the former Pil- ¬ ful ¬ oUlv 11 HI TotaK 51r- grim pitched I if Macks men will be able to over- ministered a sound trouncing to the 11 S has baa been placed to the bicago 8 8 8 1 8 8 8 8 k them I or gar- ¬ take Connie however is hopeful- Giants this afternoon in the first game of lbSton credit the Nationals The Naps J of capturing both games Monday the series by a score of 6 to 6 I 188888881 nered just three hhVln the five Innings and Johnny Iforge Washington hmugttraCed Left on basesBoston 7 CMeatw 4 PInt base 7111 depend on thc Jimmy Dygert and Eddie Lush twirled excellent ball for St Louis football season by T
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