Point Pelee National Park • Common Name

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Point Pelee National Park • Common Name Point Pelee National Park Flora • Common Name (Order Family Genus species) Monocotyledons • Arrow-grass, Marine (Najadales Juncaginaceae Triglochin maritimum) • Arrowhead, Broadleaf (Alismatales Alismataceae Sagittaria latifolia) • Asparagus (Liliales Liliaceae Asparagus officinalis) • Barley, Foxtail (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Hordeum jubatum) • Bellwort (Liliales Liliaceae Uvularia grandiflora) • Bentgrass, Autumn (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agrostis perennans) • Bentgrass, Creepingp (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agrostis stolonifera) • Bluegrass, Marsh (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Poa palustris) • Bluejoint (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Calamagrostis canadensis) • Bluestem, Big (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Andropogon gerardii) • Bluestem, Little (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Schizachyrium scoparium) • Brome, Downy (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Bromus pubescens) • Brome, Smooth (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Bromus inermis) • Bulrush, Bluntscale (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus smithii) • Bulrush, Common Three-square (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus pungens) • Bulrush, Great (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus acutus) • Bulrush, Green (Cyperales Cyperaceae Scirpus atrovirens) • Bulrush, River (Cyperales Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus fluviatilis) • Bulrush, Rusty (Cyperales Cyperaceae Scirpus pendulus) • Bulrush, Slender (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus heterochaetus) • Bulrush, Soft-stem (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani) • Bulrush, Swaying (Cyperales Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus subterminalis) • Bunchgrass, Early (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Sphenopholis intermedia) • Burgrass (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Cenchrus longispinus) • Bur-reed, American (Typhales Sparganiaceae Sparganium americanum) • Bur-reed, Giant (Typhales Sparganiaceae Sparganium eurycarpum) • Bur-reed, Green-fruited (Typhales Sparganiaceae Sparganium emersum emersum) • Camass, Eastern (Liliales Liliaceae Camassia scilloides) • Canarygrass, Reed (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Phalaris arundinacea) • Cattail, Broad-leaf (Typhales Typhaceae Typha latifolia) • Cattail, Narrow-leaf (Typhales Typhaceae Typha angustifolia) • Cattail, White (Typhales Typhaceae Typha X glauca) • Cordgrass, Freshwater (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Spartina pectinata) • Cutgrass, Rice (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Leersia oryzoides) • Cutgrass, Virginia (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Leersia virginica) • Cyperus, Red-rooted (Cyperales Cyperaceae Cyperus erythrorhizos) • Dropseed, Poverty (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Sporobolus vaginiflorus) • Dropseed, Sand (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Sporobolus cryptandrus) • Duckweed, Greater (Arales Lemnaceae Spirodela polyrhiza) • Duckweed, Ivy-leaved (Arales Lemnaceae Lemna trisulca • Duckweed, Lesser (Arales Lemnaceae Lemna minor) • Fescue, Nodding (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Festuca subverticillata • Fescue, Red (Poales Poaceae/Gramineaee Festuca rubra) • Fescue, Sheep (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Festuca ovina) • Fescue, Six-weeks (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Vulpia octoflora) • Fimbry, Autumn (Cyperales Cyperaceae Fimbristylis autumnalis) • Flag, Larger Blue (Liliales Iridaceae Iris versicolor) • Flag, Southern Blue (Liliales Iridaceae Iris virginica) • Garlic (Liliales Alliaceae Allium sativum) • Grass, American Beach (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Ammophila breviligulata) • Grass, Beach (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Triplasis purpurea) • Grass, Bottlebrush (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Hystrix patula) • Grass, Coast Cockspur (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Echinochloa walteri) • Grass, Eel (Vallisneriales Vallisneriaceae Vallisneria americana) • Grass, Indian (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Sorghastrum nutans) • Grass, Rough Barnyard (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Echinochloa muricata) • Grass, Switch (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Panicum virgatum) • Grass, Wiry Witch (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Panicum flexile) • Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arales Araceae Arisaema triphyllum triphyllum) • Ladies'-tresses, Nodding (Orchidales Orchidaceae Spiranthes cernua) • Ladies'-tresses, Shining (Orchidales Orchidaceae Spiranthes lucida) • Leek, Wild (Liliales Alliaceae Allium tricoccum) • Lily, Cow (Nymphaeales Nymphaeaceae Nuphar advena) • Lily, Michigan (Liliales Liliaceae Lilium michiganense) • Lily, White Water (Nymphaeales Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea odorata tuberosa) • Lily, Yellow Pond (Nymphaeales Nymphaeaceae Nuphar variegata) • Lovegrass, Frank's (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Eragrostis frankii) • Lovegrass, Tufted (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Eragrostis pectinacea) • Mannagrass, Floating (Poales Gramineae/Poaceae Glyceria septentrionalis) • Mannagrass, Fowl (Poales Gramineae/Poaceae Glyceria striata) • Mayflower, Canada (Liliales Liliaceae Maianthemum canadense) • Muhly, Mexican (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Muhlenbergia mexicana) • Muhly, Wirestem (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Muhlenbergia frondosa) • Naiad, Slender (Najadales Najadaceae Najas flexilis) • Naiad, Southern (Najadales Najadaceae Najas guadalupensis) • Nimble-will (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Muhlenbergia schreberi) • Orchid, Fen (Orchidales Orchidaceae Liparis loeselii) • Orchid, Leafy Northern Green (Orchidales Orchidaceae Platanthera hyperborea) • Plantain, Northern Water (Alismatales Alismataceae Alisma triviale) • Pondweed, Big-leaf (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton amplifolius) • Pondweed, Curly-leaf (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton zosteriformis) • Pondweed, Fern-leaf (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton robbinsii) • Pondweed, Flat-stalked (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton friesii) • Pondweed, Floating-leaf (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton natans) • Pondweed, Illinois (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton illinoensis) • Pondweed, Leafy (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton foliosus foliosus) • Pondweed, Long-leaf (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton nodosus) • Pondweed, Richardson's (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton richardsonii) • Pondweed. Sago (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Stuckenia pectinata) • Pondweed, Slender (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton pusillus tenuissimus) • Pondweed, Small (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton pusillus pusillus) • Pondweed, Straight-leaved (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton strictifolius) • Pondweed, Various-leaved (Najadales Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton gramineus) • Redtop (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Agrostis gigantea) • Reed, Common (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Phragmites australis) • Reed, Drooping Wood (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Cinna latifolia) • Reedgrass, Tall Wood (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Cinna arundinacea) • Rice, Wild (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Zizania aquatica) • Rush, Alpine (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus alpinoarticulatus) • Rush, Bald Spike (Cyperales Cyperaceae Eleocharis erythropoda) • Rush, Canada (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus canadensis) • Rush, Creeping Spike (Cyperales Cyperaceae Eleocharis smallii) • Rush, Dudley's (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus dudleyi) • Rush, Elliptic Spike (Cyperales Cyperaceae Eleocharis elliptica) • Rush, Jointed (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus nodosus) • Rush, Path (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus tenuis) • Rush, Small-headed (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus brachycephalus) • Rush, Soft (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus effusus) • Rush, Toad (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus bufonius) • Rush, Torrey's (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus torreyi) • Rush, Wiry (Juncales Juncaceae Juncus arcticus balticus) • Rye, Hairy Wild (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Elymus villosus) • Rye, Nodding Wild (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Elymus canadensis) • Rye, Virginia Wild (Poales Poaceae/Gramineae Elymus virginicus) • Sawgrass, Smooth (Cyperales Cyperaceae Cladium mariscoides) • Sedge, Aquatic (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex aquatilis) • Sedge, Awl-fruited (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex stipata) • Sedge, Bebb's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex bebbii) • Sedge, Black (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex nigra) • Sedge, Blunt Broom (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex tribuloides) • Sedge, Bottlebrush (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex hystericina) • Sedge, Bristly (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex comosa) • Sedge, Broad-leaved Woolly (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex pellita) • Sedge, Bur-reed (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex sparganioides) • Sedge, Buxbaum's Brown (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex buxbaumii) • Sedge, Crawe's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex crawei) • Sedge, Crawford's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex crawfordii) • Sedge, Crested (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex cristatella) • Sedge, Dewey's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex deweyana) • Sedge, Emmons' (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex albicans emmonsii) • Sedge, Fescue (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex brevior) • Sedge, Few-fruited Gray (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex oligocarpa) • Sedge, Fox (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex vulpinoidea) • Sedge, Fragrant Flat (Cyperales Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus) • Sedge, Golden (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex aurea) • Sedge, Granular (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex granularis) • Sedge, Gray's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex grayi) • Sedge, Great Plains Flat (Cyperales Cyperaceae Cyperus lupulinus) • Sedge, Green (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex viridula) • Sedge, Hairy (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex hirtifolia) • Sedge, Hairy-fruited (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex lasiocarpa) • Sedge, Hop (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex lupulina) • Sedge, Ivory (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex eburnea) • Sedge, Lake (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex lacustris) • Sedge, Lapland (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex amphibola) • Sedge, Low Umbrella (Cyperales Cyperaceae Cyperus diandrus) • Sedge, Muhlenberg's (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex muhlenbergii) • Sedge, Oval-headed (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex cephalophora) • Sedge, Pennsylvania (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex pensylvanica) • Sedge, Projecting (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex projecta) • Sedge, Sartwell (Cyperales Cyperaceae Carex sartwellii)
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