University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies Тартуский университет Tartu Ülikool Труды по знаковым системам Töid märgisüsteemide alalt 28 Т арту — Т artu 2000 University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies volume 28 Editors: Peeter Torop Michail Lotman Kalevi Kull В TARTU UNIVERSITY I PRESS Tartu 2000 Sign Systems Studies is an international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and nature Periodicity: one volume per year Official languages: English and Russian Established in 1964 Address of the editorial office: Department of Semiotics University of Tartu Tiigi St. 78, Tartu 50410, Estonia e-mail:
[email protected] Information and subscription: Assistant editor: Silvi Salupere Editorial board: Irina Avramets Jelena Grigorjeva Ülle Pärli Anti Randviir The publication has been supported by the Estonian Science Foundation and the Estonian Ministry of Education © University of Tartu, 2000 ISSN 1406-4243 ISBN 9985-56-542-8 Tartu University Press Tiigi 78, Tartu 50410, Estonia Order No. 688 '*« м . z с Juri Lotman and Thomas A. Sebeok in Bergen, Norway, during Lotman’s first journey ever to the West (October 3, 1986). Sign Systems Studies 28, 2000 Table of contents Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman, Kalevi Kull Intercommunication: Editors’ com m ents................................... 11 General semiotics John Deely Semiotics as a postmodern recovery of the cultural unconscious.................................................................................... 15 Семиотика как переоткрытие бессознательного культуры