University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies

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University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies Тартуский университет Tartu Ülikool Труды по знаковым системам Töid märgisüsteemide alalt 28 Т арту — Т artu 2000 University of Tartu Sign Systems Studies volume 28 Editors: Peeter Torop Michail Lotman Kalevi Kull В TARTU UNIVERSITY I PRESS Tartu 2000 Sign Systems Studies is an international journal of semiotics and sign processes in culture and nature Periodicity: one volume per year Official languages: English and Russian Established in 1964 Address of the editorial office: Department of Semiotics University of Tartu Tiigi St. 78, Tartu 50410, Estonia e-mail: [email protected] Information and subscription: Assistant editor: Silvi Salupere Editorial board: Irina Avramets Jelena Grigorjeva Ülle Pärli Anti Randviir The publication has been supported by the Estonian Science Foundation and the Estonian Ministry of Education © University of Tartu, 2000 ISSN 1406-4243 ISBN 9985-56-542-8 Tartu University Press Tiigi 78, Tartu 50410, Estonia Order No. 688 '*« м . z с Juri Lotman and Thomas A. Sebeok in Bergen, Norway, during Lotman’s first journey ever to the West (October 3, 1986). Sign Systems Studies 28, 2000 Table of contents Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman, Kalevi Kull Intercommunication: Editors’ com m ents................................... 11 General semiotics John Deely Semiotics as a postmodern recovery of the cultural unconscious.................................................................................... 15 Семиотика как переоткрытие бессознательного культуры в постмодернистскую эпоху. Резюме .................................... 47 Semiootika kui kultuuri mitteteadvuse uuestiavastamine postmodernistlikul ajajärgul. Kokkuvõte.................................... 48 Winfried Nöth Umberto Eco’s semiotic threshold..................................................49 “Семиотический порог” Умберто Эко. Резюме .......................60 Umberto Eco “semiootiline lävi”. Kokkuvõte ........................... ....61 Jaakko Hintikka Language as a “mirror of nature” ................................................... 62 Язык как “зеркало природы”. .Резкше ...................................... 71 Keel kui “looduse peegel”. Kokkuvõte....................................... ... 72 Frederik Stj ernfeit Mereology and semiotics ................................................................ 73 Мереология и семиотика Резю м е........................................... ... 98 Mereoloogia ja semiootika. Kokkuvõte..........................................98 6 Table o f contents Semiotics of culture Marcel Dane si A note on Vico and Lotman: Semiotics as a “science of the imagination” .............................. 99 Заметки о Вико и Лотмане: семиотика как “наука воображения”. Резюме .............................................................. 114 Vico ja Lotman: semiootika kui “kujutlusteadus”. Kokkuvõte....................................................................................... 115 Peeter Torop Интерсемиотическое пространство: Адрианополь в Петербурге “Преступления и наказания” Ф. М. Достоевского .................................................................... 116 The intersemiotic space: Adrianopol in F. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and punishment” St. Petersburg. Abstract.................... 116 Intersemiootiline ruum: Adrianopol F. Dostojevski “Kuritöö ja karistuse” Peterburis. Kokkuvõte ........................... 133 Dinda L. Gorlee Text semiotics: Textology as survival-machine........................ 134 Семиотика текста: текстология как машина выживания. Резюме........................................................................................... 156 Teksti semiootika: tekstoloogia kui ellujäämismasin. Kokkuvõte....................................................................................... 157 Thomas G. Winner Czech and Tartu-Moscow Semiotics: The Cultural Semiotics of Vladimir Macura (1945-1999)...... 158 Чешская и Тартуско-Московская семиотика: культурная семиотика Владимира Мацуры (1945-1999). Резюме ........................................................................................... 179 Tšehhi ja Tartu-Moskva koolkonna semiootika: Vladimir Macura (1945-1999) kultuurisemiootika. Kokkuvõte ...................................................................................... 180 Table of contents 7 Tomi Huttunett От “словообразов” к “главокадрам”: имажинистский монтаж Анатолия Мариенгофа................. 181 From “word-images” to “chapter-shots”: The imaginist montage of Anatolij Mariengof. A bstract......... 181 “Sõnakujunditelt” “peatükikaadriteni”: Anatoli Mariengofi imažinistlik montaaž. Kokkuvõte ............. 198 Irina Avramets Жанровая дефиниция произведений Достоевского............ 199 On the definition of genre of Dostoevsky’s works. A bstract.... 199 Dostojevski tekstide žanrimääratlus. Kokkuvõte....................... 215 Michail Lotman Русский стих: метрика, системы стихосложения, просодия (генеративный подход)........................................... 217 Russian verse: Its metrics, versification systems, and prosody (Generative synopsis). A bstract.................................................. 217 Vene värss: meetrika, värsisüsteemid ja prosoodika (generatiivne ülevaade). Kokkuvõte ............................................ 241 Marina Grishakova V. Nabokov’s “Bend Sinister”: A social message or an experiment with tim e?......................... 242 “Bend Sinister” Владимира Набокова: социальное сообщение или эксперимент со временем? Резюме .......................................................................................... 262 V. Nabokovi “Bend Sinister”: sotsiaalne teade või eksperiment ajaga? Kokkuvõte................. 263 Jose Sanjines The book at the outskirts of culture: Cortäzar’s first alm anac............................................................... 264 Книга на периферии культуры: первый альманах Кортасара. Резюме..................................... 279 Raamatud kultuuri perifeerias: esimene Cortazari almanahh. Kokkuvõte ................................... 280 8 Table o f contents Linnart Mäll On the concept of humanistic base texts.................................... 281 О концепции базовых гуманистических текстов. Резюме ........................................................................................... 287 Humanistlike baastekstide kontseptsioonist. Kokkuvõte.......... 288 Ecosemiotics Roland Posner Semiotic pollution: Deliberations towards an ecology of signs ................................ 290 Семиотическое загрязнение: размышления об экологии знаков. Резюме .......................... 307 Semiootiline saastamine: mõtisklus märkide ökoloogiast. Kokkuvõte ............................... 308 Dagmar Schmauks Teddy bears, Tamagotchis, transgenic mice: A semiotic typology of artificial animals................................... 309 Плюшевые медведи, тамагучи, трансгенные мыши: семиотическая типология искусственных животных. Резюме ........................................................................................... 324 Plüüškarud, tamagotchi, transgeensed hiired: tehisloomade semiootiline tüpoloogia. Kokkuvõte.................... 325 Biosemiotics Kalevi Kull An introduction to phytosemiotics: Semiotic botany and vegetative sign systems ........................... 326 Введение в фитосемиотику: семиотическая ботаника и вегетативные знаковые системы. Р езю м е......................................................................... 350 Sissejuhatus futosemiootikasse: semiootiline botaanika ja vegetatiivsed märgisüsteemid. Kokkuvõte ...................................................................................... 350 Table of contents 9 Felice Cimatti The circular semiosis of Giorgio P ro d i........................................351 Циркулярный семиозис Джорджио Проди. Резю м е.............378 Giorgio Prodi tsirkulaarne semioosis. Kokkuvõte .......................379 Aleksei Turovski The semiotics of animal freedom: A zoologist’s attempt to perceive the semiotic aim of H. H ediger...................................................................................... 380 Семиотика животной свободы: попытка зоолога понять семиотическую цель X. Хедигера. Резю ме.................................................................. 387 Loomse vabaduse semiootika: zooloogi katse mõista H. Hedigeri semiootilist eesmärki. Kokkuvõte ...................................................................................... 387 Myrdene Anderson Sharing G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s fabricational noise ............... 388 Разделяя “фабрикационный шум” Г. Ивлина Хатчинсона. Резюме .......................................................................................... 396 Osasaamine G. Evelyn Hutchinson’i “valmistusmürast”. Kokkuvõte ...................................................................................... 396 Sabine Brauckmann Steps towards an ecology of cognition: A holistic essay ............................................................................. 397 Шаги к экологии познания: холистическое эссе. Резюме .................................................... 419 Teadvustuse ökoloogia poole: holistlik essee. Kokkuvõte ............................................................ 420 2 10 Table o f contents Reviews Winfried Nöth, Kalevi Kull Discovering ecosemiotics ........................................................... 421 Anti Randviir, Eero Tarasti, Vilmos Voigt Finno-Ugric semiotics: Cultures and m etacultures................... 425 Sign Systems Studies 28, 2000 Intercommunication:
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