FB-NEWS15: A Topic-Annotated Facebook Corpus for Emotion Detection and Sentiment Analysis Lucia C. Passaro, Alessandro Bondielli and Alessandro Lenci CoLing Lab, Dipartimento di Filologia, Letteratura e Linguistica University of Pisa (Italy)
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract take part in discussions with larger groups of peo- ple and, consequently, the bond between SN and English. In this paper we present the FB- information is becoming increasingly stronger. NEWS15 corpus, a new Italian resource Mass information is gradually moving towards for sentiment analysis and emotion detec- general platforms, and official websites are losing tion. The corpus has been built by crawl- their lead position in providing information. As ing the Facebook pages of the most impor- noted by Newman et al. (2012), even though the tant newspapers in Italy and it has been use of internet in the years 2009-2012 has grown, organized into topics using LDA. In this the same is not reflected in the consumption of on- work we provide a preliminary analysis line newspapers, probably because of the increas- of the corpus, including the most debated ing use of SN for news diffusion and gathering. news in 2015. If on the one hand this apparent decline of the traditional news platforms may lead to a decline Italiano. In questo lavoro presentiamo il in quality and news coverage (Chyi and Lasorsa, corpus FB- NEWS15, un corpus italiano 2002), on the other hand the rise of SN as plat- creato per scopi di sentiment analysis ed forms to spread news promotes a more fervid de- emotion detection.