Liber Mysterium: Introduction

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Liber Mysterium: Introduction LLiibbeerr MMyysstteerriiuumm The Netbook of Witches and Warlocks A Netbook for incorporating Witches into your D20® Game! By the Netbook of Witches and Warlocks Team Brought to you by the DND Community Council and The Other Side. Liber Mysterium 2 Liber Mysterium Table of Contents Forward.................................................................. 5 Chapter IV: Skills and Feats............................... 48 About this Netbook.............................................. 5 Skills.................................................................. 48 Witch Feats........................................................ 52 Introduction ........................................................... 6 But what is a witch?............................................. 6 Chapter V: Covencraft........................................ 58 Notice and Disclaimer ......................................... 6 Covens and Game Play...................................... 58 Witches in the D20 Game.................................... 7 Witch’s Name ................................................ 58 Witches and Wizards ....................................... 7 Witch’s Mark................................................. 59 Witches and Clerics ......................................... 7 Duties of the Coven ....................................... 59 Witches and Druids.......................................... 7 Officers .......................................................... 59 Being a Witch ...................................................... 8 Coven Names and Symbols ........................... 59 Theology and the Principles of Religion.......... 8 The Coven, Lay-Witches and the Cowan....... 59 Cosmology....................................................... 9 Degrees & Circles.......................................... 59 The Covenstead ............................................. 60 Chapter I: The Witch Class ................................ 10 Permanent .................................................. 60 Witch ................................................................. 10 Temporary ................................................. 60 Game Rule Information ............................. 12 Other Types ............................................... 60 Create Minor Talisman .............................. 13 Tools of the Craft............................................... 61 Human Witch Starting Package ................. 13 Ritual Tools ................................................... 61 Alternate Witch Starting Package .............. 14 Athame....................................................... 61 Chapter II: Traditions......................................... 17 Broom........................................................ 61 Tradition Descriptions ....................................... 17 Cauldron .................................................... 62 Classic Traditon............................................. 17 Censer ........................................................ 62 Craft of the Wise............................................ 19 Chalice....................................................... 62 Ecclectic Witch.............................................. 21 Pentacle...................................................... 62 Faerie Tradition ............................................. 22 Wand.......................................................... 62 Family Tradition ............................................ 24 Other Tools.................................................... 63 Lorelei............................................................ 26 Bell ............................................................ 63 Tantric Witch................................................. 27 Laybrys ...................................................... 63 Tempestarii .................................................... 29 Mortar and Pestle....................................... 63 Venefica......................................................... 32 Staff ........................................................... 63 Voodoo Witch ............................................... 33 Stone .......................................................... 63 Covens and Traditions ....................................... 35 Sword......................................................... 63 Witch’s Tome .................................................... 63 Chapter III: Mystical Paths................................ 36 Contents......................................................... 64 Multi Classing.................................................... 36 Power Ritual .................................................. 64 Witches and Basic Prestige Classes............... 37 Ceremonials ................................................... 64 Prestige Classes ................................................. 37 Closing Rituals............................................... 65 Hermetic Mage .............................................. 37 The Book of Law............................................... 65 Warlock ......................................................... 41 Final Notes..................................................... 65 Multi-Class Paths............................................... 43 Sabbats and Holy Days...................................... 65 Witch Racial Variants........................................ 44 Yule ............................................................... 65 Dwarf............................................................. 44 Candlemas...................................................... 66 Elf .................................................................. 44 Ostara............................................................. 66 Fey ................................................................. 45 Beltane........................................................... 66 Goblinoids ..................................................... 45 Midsummer.................................................... 67 Gnomes.......................................................... 45 Lammas.......................................................... 67 Hags............................................................... 46 Autumn Equinox............................................ 68 Half-Elf.......................................................... 46 Samhain ......................................................... 68 Halflings ........................................................ 47 Witches without a Coven................................... 69 Solitaries........................................................ 69 3 Liber Mysterium Renegades...................................................... 69 Tlazolteol as the Goddess .............................. 73 Notes on Creating a Coven ................................ 70 Chapter VI: Magic .............................................. 74 Examples of Covens .......................................... 70 The Witch’s Patron............................................ 70 Magical Correspondences.................................. 74 The Goddess .................................................. 70 White & Black Magic.................................... 75 The God......................................................... 70 Magic Circles..................................................... 75 Name of the Goddess......................................... 70 Combined Circles .......................................... 77 Artemis as the Goddess.................................. 70 Appendix A: Other Witches................................ 78 Astarte as the Goddess................................... 71 Teen Witch ........................................................ 78 Athena as the Goddess................................... 71 Bast as the Goddess ....................................... 71 Appendix B: The Witch Team............................ 80 Brigit as the Goddess..................................... 71 Appendix C: Open Game License ...................... 81 Diana as the Goddess..................................... 71 Hecate as the Goddess ................................... 71 Appendix D: D20 System License....................... 82 Hel as the Goddess......................................... 72 Holda as the Goddess..................................... 72 References ............................................................ 83 Ishtar as the Goddess ..................................... 72 Isis as the Goddess......................................... 72 Kali as the Goddess ....................................... 73 Lilith as the Goddess...................................... 73 Lovitar as the Goddess................................... 73 4 Liber Mysterium Forward What you now have is not the new D20 version of the Netbook of Witches and Warlocks. Sure, it looks like it. It has D20 rules. It even has rules on how to play a witch character. But it is not yet complete. This is the BETA or draft version of what will be the new Netbook of Witches and Warlocks, and it is a growing, evolving document. Like all things that grow and evolve, this document will need care and stimulation, and that is where you come in. To get a copy of this netbook so early in it’s release cycle is both a benefit and a drawback. The benefit should be obvious, you get this long before it’s official release date. The drawbacks though are less so. Things could change between now and release. Some things are missing; others are
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