
CENSUS OF , 1931




A. D. F. DUNDAS, I. C. S., Superintendent of Census Operations.

7llnl'l'lID BT T8B IIftlf"'! BIl, G'IVllll."(I1RH ~·H.1'IO:r1!iBY AII'D PlI.UU!Il'IG, BOOI[ DBP,)! A.lI'D l'OlMS 81'01111, 1I0RTH·WBS-r JRON'rl•• 'PBovtNOll 1938 TABLE OF CONTENTS

CHAPTER I-Enumeration

Paragraph Subject Page

Object of the Administration Report I 2 Opening remarks and Establishment 1 3 The record of 192 I CensU6 I 4- Permanent Advance X 5 Drafting and translation of forms and instructions 'oo I 6 Printing 2 7 Date of the Census 2 8 Draft Census Calendar and Progress Report 3 9 Formation of Census Divisions , .. 4 10 House numbering 4 I I The Preliminary Records ... 4 12 Inspection of Enumeration Records 4 13 Use of household schedules 4 14 Special arrangements 4 IS N on-Synchronous areas 5 16 Provisional totals ... 5 17 Their accuracy 5 18 Industrial Census 6 19 Attitude of the public towards Cerlsus operations 6 20 District Census Expenditure 6

CHAPTER II-Slip Copying

Organisation .oo 10 Sta.ff and accommodation ... 10 Material required before the receipt of the books from districts 10 Instructions to staff 10 Calculation of rewards and hnes II Supervision II Village tables II

Sorting. Making up of boxes Sorting staff Procedure in sorting ... Lessons learned in the course of sorting

Compilation and Tabulation

Staff .. ' 13 Method of Compilation, Tabulation and Checking ... 13 Preparation of final tables ... 13 Special difficulty of certai~ tables ... 13 Special statistical material for the Report 14


The cost of the Census 16

Appendices A List of Census pa pers and files preserved ...... B Statement of Census Establishment employed in cODl~ection with the Census) 193 I ••• ...... v C Castes or Tribes returned ... oo. x




I. This part of the Census Report is published mainly for tl'e g!li~anc(' Object of tho Administration of thf' Provinc:al Superinte:11ent at the next Census. Report.

2. Captain \':aJ:arl took over charge of his dLlt:es as Sllperintendent, Census Opening remarks Operc:tions, :\ I ,rlh ~T est F[,:ntifr Province, un the J s.t ~f AlJri: 19.3° and i~s:.J~? and Establish· .his first Circular of mstruC:I0I;S to all Deputy Corr.mlsslUners on the 12th AprIl. menta In tLe 1'1idd!e of Mav ow:ng to political di5tJrbances r.e was deputed as Assistant COTl1missiunl"r Char5.1.rJ.Lla, ir: a2dition to his duties. He remained there t:ntil 6th Septe'O'ber ard GL: ing ~'~c period of deputation could hardly find anv time to devotE' to tre Cens::s work. IIe was again dteputed as Special ~!agistrate a~ Dera Ismail Kral1 fror:1 tht' 17th Sep~ember to 9th .1\overnber I ::31 I a:1d as Additiona: Di~'r:ct Mag:.:;t:-ate, P('shawa~, in January 1932. On the 8th Apnl 193:', he was appo:nted to From the 8th April to 27th July K. Subtll Muhamrrad Kran was:n charge o~ opera:ions. en the 28th July Mr. A. n F. Dundas. I. C. 5., was appOI:1:crl to complt'te Ule writing d ~;;c report

T11 t he beginning the office staff cOllsistec of aHead Clerk deputed from the Revenue Co~ r::iss:o:1cr's OSlce, oce Jamadar and 011r Orderly. The Ilead Clerk was chrirg t e :~st yea paid at th~ -ate (·f Rs. !O3 per rr.enscm wFd: w:.s raisted :n •he fo;jowing year to H s. 126 per rr.ersem. One typist was e11lployed on R s. 50 Ft': ;;'e'1sem ,,,,it h ~f"cct from tl'e 151 of June 1930 aI'd was discharged on the 11 st May 193 1. The above establishment was the 0111) staff entertained for tre ·O:F.ce Of the Sererintet'dent during the whu: opt'r~tions.

3. Most of t!1e files acd papers relating to Accounts ar:d IY:16'1g of the The record of Cen5Ls Rrport, e~c., ?feSt'f\'e1 at tl~e 19:::! I CenSL:s were not found and the 1921 Census. Supe:-in' er:d"'1t in Cl ns· qut'nce suf+ererl considerable inrOT'W:liencc a!1d lin· necessary labom. In '1lOst of the districts the CensLs R.('~)sters ;:nd Maps of J9~I had '-wen ~It'st'rrl'd Slhe s;:t(sbctt...ri:Y, but in the Pl'C;]oawar District in sp:tr of ~('rcatt'rJ rteql!(~sts i:-om the CensllS office must of the va!uab:e records had beel' dcstruycd. Owing to ths th' worK of prrpa;oing Cer'sas ~1aps in each ~l!b Divis:on, tb> lorl11atior. (~ Cersus Divisiur:s etc) tOl)k 'llLd: longer than w('u!d have bc;e:l t; e ca!::c h·.d the rccords of the previolls Ccns..:s been avail' able.

4- In t ht' Cirst ins:ance a per'l1aneI1t advance of Rs. 75 was sanct:oncc: h Permanent the GOVFrn;'lent ot ~Ild a but in Dt'cem ber 1930 tl]is was enb.r.cf'd to Rs 2('d Advance. subiect to the e0'1 1;tion tLat the ('nhanced limi: wo~:d be reduced wi~h the di'"'1inution of :lctivit:es.

5. The nrst thipg to be done in connectior. with the Cpnslls was the draft. Drafting and ing of the Provinc:al C('ns~s Cor:e 0'1 the Encs spedlcd in the I'11periat CC'11SllS translation of forms and Code. It was preferred to :5S: e Part I of the Provinria: Coce complcte irs:ead instructions. of by Chapters and it naturally tock a longer tirre than It would bve taken if issued by Chapters. In order to carryon the wo;k a Circular Letter was issued in the beginning of April dea!ir.g with all surts (if preli:ninary stages of the oper;:J.

tions ~ c.omp:t'te Code in Eng:is.h was issued in ~he end of Septerrber J930 , and COplfS In vernacular were suppbed to the officers cO'lcerred in the seceJlld "elk of November J930. A separate Manual containing instructions for cba.rge Superintendents, Supervisors and Enumerators in English and was also­ issued. In addition to these printed publications a large number of impor:ant Circulars were sent to all Deputy ,Commissioners, Politica.l Agents and District Census 0fti

Printing. 6. In 1931 the printing 0'£ all lithographed forms and instructions was entrusted to the Lakshmi Art Steal!l Press, City, whilst the.Circulars, lnstructions and Report in English were printed oy the Manager, Govemrnemt Printing & Stationery Office, ;\' orth-W-est Frontier Prov.ince, Peshawar. Apart from any cj,angts which may occur in the Province, the nex-t Superintendent will probably be well advised to place his forms and Codes (Urdu) with the- Laks.hmi Art Steam Press, Peshawar, and all other work in 1;:ngJish with the Government Press. The contract which s.hould -be made with the pr'yare press must include special rates for all forms according to si+t-and these rates should vary according as one or both sides are lithograHl'ed. S,ome provision should be made for rates fOf'miscellaneous printing such as that requirt:d for the Codes, Manua1s and correction slips and these should certainly not be based on a Government contract with another firm, nor should they, he. r~es which can only be calculated by ox.perts. The contract should ,be for such work as -the Superintendent places ·with t-he firm and not for all his f.orms. He should be able at any time to transfer his work to another firm or to ..expedite its execution by allotting'portions "of;:;it.to other firms. The contraclt should stat~ that rates for any special work Icag..;l:>e-fixed-by agreement atJess than the r,ates which would apply under·th~ ongtRal cOfltract. The printers should agree to keep all stones needed for forms Iset-:up' until they receive an order from t1; e Supel intendent allowing them to ,deface or distribute them; they should also agree to set apart adequate and suitable storage room for blank paper and prepared forms in bulk. They should further agree to distribute forms by hand, post and rail, correctly counted (ip bundles of 100 each tied with a' string for cOi1\'cnience of counting) and securely packed, withiJl twenty-four hours of rece:ving a distribution order. Sup.print,en,d.e.nt should endeavour to get his forms rr:nted well in advance j as far as possible the total requirements for each form should be printed off in one batch and the whole of the foreseen requirements for Enumeration, Slip Copying and Sorting.should be finished some three weeks before the date for ti·e final 0ensus j h'owev,~r c.aJ:efuRy the estimates are work-ed out it is probable that ur~~nt indents for enumeration forms will come in during the last fortnight and trrat indents for additional slips will be fe€eived after slip-copying hp.s been started.

Oat. of the 7. The 193 1 Census was held_ on the night of tne ;26th February 193J.. Census. TIhe date as far as_ this Province was conce~rned proved' suitable in all respects except that a slight di:ffi,cuJty' was experiem:ed in -rJ-e Slip -Copying work in the Dera Ismail Kh-an district owing to the fact that the Girdawari fell at about the same time. S T,HtE. P.RJilLI Ml:NAR(¥ OPERATID N.

8. In order to ensure the timdy ~nd &imultaneous completion of each Draft CensuS" stage of the work a draft Census Calendar in the following form was worked out Calendar anll Progress and: circmlate'd fbr guitiance of the officers ooncerAed :- Report.

North- West Frontier Province Calendar, 1930 '31.

I. Preparation of General Vil!age and Town By the 1St of June RCfgisters. 1930 at the latest.

2. ApPglntment of Charge Superintendents By the end of June 1930.

3· Preparation of Charge Reg:ster l3y the J 5th ] uly J 930, at the latest.

Abstracts of Charg~ Registers to reach Pro­ By the 15th August vincial Super.intendcnt. 1930.

~. Report of the Charg~ Superintendents to Not later than the District Census Officers regarding changes end of September. in the CensusJ

6. A,ppointment or Supervisors and ~_ numerators By the end of Sep­ tember 1930. 7· Training of Charge Superintendents, Super­ l'y the 15th October. ViSOFS and Enumerators in House-numbering, and Delimitation of Blocks and Circles. 8'. House numbering and preparation of House I5th October to I5th 1ists. I\ovember.

9,· Circle and Block M<\ps By the 20th l\ ovem­ ber.

10. Submission to Provincia1 Superintendent of a Not later than the revised abs~ract of the Charge Kegister 15th November. tog~ther with the indent tor household schedules, Enumeration Passes, etc.

1'1. Distribution of Forms ... December 1930.

Tr-aining of Census Staff I st half of October and who:e of December 1930. ) Rural areas 2nd to 31st January 193 I. 13. Preliminary Enumeration 1Towns ••• 20t h January to 15th February 193 1•

) Rural areas I st to 26th February Testing of the Preliminary J 931. Records. l Towns 16th to 26th Feb­ ruary 193 I.

IS. Final Enumeration ... 26th February 193 I about 7 p. m. till midnight. 16. Enumerator's Abstract ... 27 th February I931. I,? Cir~le Sum m;,u;y ••• 27th February 1931. 18. Chgare ~qmmary 28th February 1931.

l~. T~legraphing of PFOv;ncial Tot-aJs As soon as possible. To faci;ilate the watching of the progress of work they were _also required 4 to submit their fortnighlIy progress reports in the form below :_

CEKSUS 193 I. Progress Report of the District/Agency for the fortnight ending 15th '3 1st 193°·

Remark, by the Date laid Probable district or down in the Sub-Divisional Name of Work Work date of Rerr.arks by Tahsil or Code for Census Officer completed in completion completion the Deputy town to date hand if work not of work in of work Commissioner in hand up-to-date, hand and any other general remarks I " I - I 'Formation of 9. Elaborate instructions for the formation of Census Divisions are con­ .-census ,Divisions. tained in Chapter III of the Provincial Code of Census Procedure 1931 and t?ere is no nece~sity for further elu~idation sav~ to emphasise that th; Kanungo's Clr.:;le sh::mld form the most convement charge 111 rutal areas. Assistants may be appointed for exceptionally large charges or circles. Towns should be divided by Wards and Mohallas. Charge Superintendents of rural and urban areas should all work under the D:strict Census Officer.::; who generally happens to be Revenue Ehtra Assistant Commissioner. Sub-Divisional Officers, in rural. areas and the Secretary Municipal Committee in an urban area, are the persons best fitted for the work. .. The nature of the Agency employed as Charge Superintendents, Supervisors and Enumerators, is shown in tabular form in Statements I and I A appended to this Chapter It is important to insist on a proper numbering of charges, circles, blocks and houses. Charges, to be numbered by distr:cts, must include military charges, z·. e., the Deputy Commissioner of each district must allot to each Military Station Commander one or more charge numbers and include them in his charge registers with all the civil charges. [n many cases the Military charges were left out until the last moment. Circles should be numbered by Tahsils, Cantonments and Municipalities irrespective of charges. Numbering of blocks is by circles. Numbering of houses should be by villages, wards or Cantonments.

House 10. The in structions in Chapter V I of the Provincial Code were found numbering. sufficimt and suitab1e.

The Prelimi­ I!. 1 Chapter VII of the Provincial Code deals with the preliminary tnumera­ nary Records. tion and the instructions given therein proved entirely suitab!e. The instruc­ tions regarding numbers of forms to be distributed and the system of keeping smalllocal reserves worked admirably, and very few indents for extra forms were received from districts.

'Inspection of 1'2. The Superintendent visited every Tal: sil and district headquarters once Enumeration at least during the house numbering and again during the preliminary enumera­ records. tion.

Use of 13. In the smaller Cantcnments and Civil Lines house-hold schedules were household dispensed with and regular English schedulf's used, but in all the larger European schedules. residential areas, such as Peshawar Cantonment, house-aold schedules had to be used owing to a lack of trained enumf'rators who were literate in English.

Special 14. Special arrangements necessary for the enulY eration of travellers on .Arrangements. railways, travellers by boats, pilgrims, carters, tour_ing officials, Poli~e .Stations, Jails, etc, are described in chapter. IX and appendIx II of the Prov.mclal C~de. These instructions were found sufficIent and worked successfully 111 practIce. The only criticism received for future use is that passenger tickets should be distribut~~ only to the head of the Railway Ad'llinistration and not direct to stations 5 Non­ 15. The Censlls was synchronous throughout the Province except in synchronous certain areas which were considered unsafe at night on account of the disturbed areas . .condition of the border, or where snow and long distance; involved rendered it impossible for the E'numerators to visit all the houses in their blocks by night. The preliminary record for these tracts was checked either on the afternoon of the 26th or the l1'0rning of the 27th February. The areas so treated included the Kagan Va1Jey in Hazara and certain outlying tracts in District.

16, Arrangements were made for the preparation and despatch by. wire Provisional totals. of provi~ional totals from districts and agency headquarters. All Deputy Com'missioners and Political Agents were requested to take necessary steps to have their totals telegraphed within a week of the taking of the Census. These totals were expected to be wired before 3rd March 193 r. The dates of their actual receipt are shown below.

District or agency Date of receipt of provisional totals. Hazara 2nd March 1931. ... Ditto. Bannu ... Ditto. Ditto. Peshawar 3rd March 1931. SOllth ,.. 28th February 1931 \ Kurram 1st March 1931. North Waziristan 2nd March 193 I. Khyber 3rd March 1931. Malakand 6th March 1931. Note. - The latest date for the receipt of final totals was fixed the 3rd March 1931. On the 6th March 193 I the totals were telegraphed and tabular statement sent as well on the same day, which was also kept ready. The delay in the receipt of totals from was due to snow ()n the Lowarai Pass which prevented the pa~sage of mails from Chitra1.

17. The comparative accuracy of the provisional totals may be seen from Their the table below. They compare at first sight unfavourably with the figures for Accuracy_ 1921 when the total error for the Province was + '03 I per cent. instead of the £gure of + '07 for the present year. The individual errors were however considerably larger in 1921, and to some extent cancelled one another ~ut in th~ total. The absolute variations for H.azara. and for Trans-frontier posts, for example, were 3,482 and 2,919 respectively 111 1921 and 481 and 17 in the present census :-

Variation of final from provisional figures Provisional District or Agency totals Final totals Absolute Percentage ------Hazara 669,636 670,117 + 481 +'°7

Peshawar 974,786 974,321 -465 -'°5 Kohat 234.455 .236,273 +1,818 + ·s Bannu 270,427 270,30 1 -126 -'°5 Dera Ismail Khan 274,076 274,064 -12 -'°°4 -,------_ Tot;ll districts 2,423,380 2,4 25,076 of 1,696 +'°7


Total Agency and Tribal Areas (post only) ... 46,<\68 46,451 -17 ,_------To'" N.-W. F. P. ... J '.,69,'4' - -:.47',::- + 1,679 +'°7 6 IndustriaL C...... 18. No itldustria:l census was taken. Tne in Justrial development of the Province is.sti.IL too s:n~n to j,ustify any su,:'h census. An Industrial St:1rvey is mQreover' avarla:b'}e havmg been prepared qy Mr. M. A. Rafee in 1928.

Attitude of the 19. With thtrpoJ:itrcal situation in the North-West Frontier Plovince still public towards Census incompletely restored a.ftE:'r the Ul:}settring events of t930, it might be: supposed operations. that the atmosphere would have been inimical to a:n operation requiring as an ~ssential factor for its success the co-operation of all classes of the population 'Y·hatev.er their political convictions. News was indeed received that the AU India Congress Committee' had instructed its lo.:al bodies to boycott the Census. But no such boycott was for a moment attempted in this Province. Qn the Gonurary, all' communities ·(.and p?-rticulatly the minority communities) in this Pr:ovince were more th~n usually alive to the political sigJ,1ificance of the present Census, and to the necessity for obtaining an accurate record of the strength of their communities.

DJstrict 20. Rules regarding district census charges are given in Chapter IV of the Census Expenditure. Provillc~al Census Code. It may be seen from Statement III at the end of this Chapter that the total district expenditure has been very considerably reduced from that of 1921. The reduction from Rs 2,759-5-2 to Rs. 772 7-6 was produced by reduction in almost every item, but particularly by the elImination of the charges for remuneration of census officers in Kohat and Bannu ~nd by economy in, housewl:lUmbering in Peshawar. Outsta:nding gO'od work in connection with Cens[.;s operations in districts wa rewarded by, Sanads, (Certificates). Three classes of sanad were adopted as·on previous o,ccasions, one printed in gold, one in red and one ~n black. The number of sanads for each district was fixed according to the population figures but was modtfied according to the recommendations of Deputy Commissioners. The ~tatement bdaw shows the number actually issued both in the present census and m 1921 :-

Slinads issued

District 1st clasS' 2nd class 3rd class ------l·------

... ~ 1931 11' 1,05 liDO (1921 9 I~~ 25 0 ---.------~------_...... ___ ~------... p931 50 S Pe;;hawar ( 19,21 14L 501 -...__.--~-...... ---..------.,--~-t...-.-- ~ ------_ ------9, Kobat -_._------:------II ---- 9 56 106 Bannu 8 45 100 ------.-.-.--~- ~---. --~- ---~ ( 193 1 10 54 108 Dera Ismail K.han ... ( 9 1 21 9 52 104

.. ~ 1931 5 Malakarrd Agency ( 192 1 ---.------~------1 1 Khyber ... ~ 93 ( 192 1

The Census Act lays down that <;ensus records are not open to inspection or admissible as evidence in a Court of Law. In the present census a note to th:s effect was printed on every COver and on every general or household schedule. In spite of this some Courts sent summonses to Census officials to present the census records as evidence. The summonses were returned unserved with a note e~plaining the situation. Lest any thing of the sort may happen in the next few year.s, enumeration books at headquarters have been destroyed as far as column 3 (name) before bein.g sold, and. Deputy Commissioners of districts have been asked to take similar. action. 7 .. I /, 0 I ~ III / 11) " C., I I ,,'" 11) I I bIl" 10 ..... 00 00 0 t-.. ..., .."V I ..C') I I ~.s t-. <:! ~ '"

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«)rlanlzatlon. P'-- In the Censuses of 1911 and 1921 slip copying was done in the Central Office at Peshawar. Advantages and defe~ts of this systtm are discussed in paragraph I of the Imperial Census Code, Part II, Chapter 2. On the present occasion slip copving was for the first time carried out in districts. In Kohat Bannu and Hazara slip copying was done in the Tahsil under the supervision of TahsildarR. In Dera Ismail Khan it was done at district headquarters under the supervision of the Revenue Extra Assistant Commissioner. At the same time the Central Office was opened at Peshawar in which the slip copying f9r Peshawar District and trans-frontier posts was carried out. The opening of this Central Office was of advantage for the subsequent organization necessary for the work of sorting and compilation. The District Kanungo of Dera Ismail Khan and Tahsil Office Kanungos ,from Hazara, Bannu and Kohat were sent to the Census Office, Peshawar for training in slip copying on the 23rd February 193 I, and returned taking with them the blank slips, forms, registers, etc., required in connection with copying operations on the following day. They were paid their actual expenses. These Kanungos then gave similar training at their own headquarters to the Patwaris and Kanungos who were to do the work or supervise it in Tahsils and districts. ( qO£l

·Staft and It.. Arrangements for the accommodation of copyists and supervisors who were .accommodation. Patwaris and Kanungos were made in Tahsils by the Tahsildars, and in Dera Ismail Khan by the Revenue Extra Assistant Commissioner. The Central Office establishment at Pes]lawar consistp-d of a Deputy Superintendent selected from among the ranks of Naib Tal:sildars and Naib Tahsildar candidates at Rs. 180 per mensem, two Inspectors, one of whom was a field Kanungo from Peshawar District on Rs. 90 per mensem and the other a graauate on Rs. 80 per mensem . one Record Keeper on Rs. 80 with an Assistant on Rs. So; an Accountant o~ Rs. 75 per mensem ; five Kanungos as supervisors on Rs. 50 and two outsiders on the same rate i 52 Patwaris, mostly supplied from Peshawar District, who were given Rs. 7 per mensem .as. census allowan~e in addi.tion t? th~ir grade pay, 25 others employed on SImIlar pay accordmg to theIr qualIficatIons, and four English copyists at Rs. 35 per mensem. The menial staff attached to the office consisted of two chaprasis only i the sweeper, chowkidar and water-carrier of the Government Mehmankhana in which the slip copying establishment was accommodated were given small allowances according to the requirements of the different stages of work. When the office of the Superintendent was in the Victoria Memorial Hall a similar allowance was given to the menials of that building. A statement at the end of this report shows details of the establishment in each stage of the work with the period for which it was engaged. The revenue staff deputed for slip copying was required to attend the Census Office on the 6th March 193 I, bot it W::l S not till a week later that all the Patwaris had arrived.

'Material About 70 feet of wooden shelves two feet wide were fixed in one room to required before the make a Re~ord Room f~r the copying bo?k f?rms, slips, ~tc. Each copyist was receipt of the provided With a box of pIgeon holes for hIS shps, a penct1, some thread and a books from sufficient numbe.r of blank sI_ips of .all kinds. One hundre~ and sixty nine boxes ilistricts. containi~g 24 pIgeon hole.s, SIX .honzo~t~lly and ~our vertIcally, we.re required. Some dIfficulty was expenenced III obtammg these m a hurry and In future it­ will be advisable. to make all such arrangements as long as possible before-hand.

'I nstructions The method of tabulation is to he found in Chapter I of paragraph 2 of the

10 II

Provincial C oce, Part II Chapter I Paragraph 2. The abbreviations used are to be found in the same. chapter. An Urdu. ranslation of the Imperial Ce'1sus Cole, Part II Chapter II, was given to the supervising staff for gUldance in checking copying work, and in filling in b:ank co]umns in the sche.1u:es wherever these might have been accidentally left blank by enumerators. No special slips were devised for infirmities, but as in previOllS census practice the ordinary sli~s were userl. The C:a:~y out-turn of these was less than 150 owing to tl:e time occ~'pied in searching the enumeration books.

The daily out·put fixed for copyists was tt:e copying of 500 slips as in 1921. Calculation 'Gangs; of 10 JT'en ander one supervisor and an assistant Wf're forn:ed. The of rewards and tines. method of C'a:cu)ating rewarrs and fines wac; to pay Re. I for everv 500 extra slips copied in the course () a month. Copyis's cmp'oyf d on the s!ips of rural .areas were more easily able to {'am rewards than those doing s::p copying of towns and cantonments who frund it difficult to reach the daily sta,1dard of soo slips. Slip coping sta~ted 0:1 the 12th March 1931 and finished in the Central 'Office on the 15th April 1031. A state'11ent at the end of tHs chapter g ves detai:s of slip-copying otlices in the districts and tahsil headgua:::-ters. The daily -out-turn of slips did not reach the standard rate of 500 s~ips in out offices since the copying was not dOlle continuous:y by the who~e staff. rt was at first mtcflded to pay rpwaros to the Revenue staff who worked in out oftces to enab!e them .to meet the extra expenses inl'urred by them fo:, leaving thf+ circ:es and working .at headquarters. but when ~t was found that the staff had not worked lip to the desired standard. halti:1g and travelling allowances for the journeys to and from copying offict's were pair! on the has:s of the tirr:c within which the work should >have bten fi:1:sl:ed a: the st:~Ilr1ard rate of 500 slips a day.

In the case of o,:t-offices the duties of Record Keener were performed bv ~.re Supervision • .office Kanungo, F:eld Kal11mgos and se:ected Patwaris worked QS SUDervisors and Assistant Supt'rvisors. The checking of the work was dune by Tahsildars at Tahsils and by ~re ReVPl1Ue Extra Assistant Commissioner and District Kanungo .in Dera Ismaii K' an. In t he Central Cffice it was lln(~t'r the direct charge of the Deputy Superir.t( ndent. Mistakes in tre ear~ier stages were about on{' or two .per cent. b:.t soon 2prreased to two or three rer mz'lte. Supervisors arc Assistant Supervisors began by ch~ck;ng every entry made by copyists. but afterwards checked from 5 to 20 per Ctl:t, of tl'e entries according to the standard of the particular (opyist. The Deputy Superinte::1dent and the Inspectors c ecked the work of the Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors. Since the acc-:..rracy of tJoe census tables and all 5ubsequent work depends on the accuracy of the slip -copying, the checking rr:ust be as thorough .3S possib:e. The staff emplo) ed on 'Slip copying is one which is not generally in the habit of sit'ing in offices and is, therefore, anxious to be rid of tr..e work as soon as possible and retu:-n to its own -headquarters. The slips sent to out ofEces were sufficient except in the case of Sikhs. Telegrams were received asking fur more red slips for Sikhs, but the s~lpply in 'stock in the Central Office also gave out, and since no rr.ore red paper coc~d be found at short notice slips p:-cvious;y Interded for M us~ims [lad to be dyed red. The stock of M usiim and Hindu slips was sufficient, but it will be advisable in future to keep sheets of paper in stock for emergency pr:nting for the smaller ..communities. As a rule slips from slip-copying office5 were received in good time. During "the preparation of village tab!f's and the rr>aking up of boxes some difficu:ty was experienced a5 in some cases tota:s by vi::ages were not given in register A and in some cases many mistakes were detected in the tota;s that were given. Such .errors and omissions are most disconcerting.

A special gang was organized under a supervisor to prepare village tables in Village tables. accordance with paragraph 7 of the Imperial Code of Census, Part II, Chapter 3. These tables were prepared from register A and provided all material for Imper;al tables numbers 1 to 5 and No. 16. The village registers were afterwards bound and sent to their respective districts and Tahsils for record. They are not 'Printed but office copies of them are preserved in the Civil Secretariat along with -other necessary census records. 12


Making UP of After the slips have been received from copying offices and the work 0 boxes. slip- copying in the Central Office is complete, there is the intermediate stage,. before sorting can be begun, of making up the boxes and counting the slips put into them. Detailed instructions for this are contained in the Imperial Code, of Census, Chapter I II paragraphs 5 and 6. The slips received and copied were in the charge of the Record Keeper, and for this reason the making-up of the boxes was entrusted to him under the immediate supervision of the Deputy Superin­ tendent. As already noted, there were a great many mistakes in registers A as. received from copying offices. This resulted in the difficulty that the slips when counted did not tally with t~e totals in the registers, and no sorting could be­ undertaken until the totals of the slips and the totals in the registers had been­ made to agree.

Sorting staff. The copying-staff of the Centra1 Office was not sufficient for the sorting: operations of the whole Province, but was supplemented by revenue officials from each of the districts who had been employed on copying work in their own he.?ld­ quarters. These persons brought with them a local knowledge of castes and: occupations, and were therefore of greater value than any who could have been employed casually on similar rates of pay. In this manner eight Patwaris were brought in from Hazara, five Patwaris and one Kanungo candidate each from Bannu and Kohat, and seven Patwaris and two Kanungo candidates from Dera Ismail Khan. They worked as Sorters and Supervisors from the 15th April 193 t. The total number of Sorters wa6 not less than 100 and not more than 110 at any one time.

Procedure in The sorters were arranged in gangs oi-about 10 persons, the whole being' .orting. under two Inspectors. Sorting began on the 18th April and was finished on the 3 I st May. The procedure observed was in all cases that prescribed in the lmperial Code of Census, Part II, Chapter III, paragraphs 8 to 39. Translations· in Urdu were printed on the back of all the Sorter's tickets for all the tables for which sorting was required. Later instructions received in the form of circular letters etc. were explained verbally to the staff. Each sorter was given two boxes containing altogether from 2; ,000 to 35,000 slips. It was found by experience that the number was in some ca£es too Jarge for the boxes provided, and that slips could not be taken in and out of the pigeon-holes without becoming twisted.

Lessons It was found advisable that slips for males and females should be put in' learned in the course of separate boxes. It would also probably prove more satisfactory if sorting were sorting. done by tahsils or districts instead of for the whole office at one time. As soon as the slips of one tahsil or district are ready, sorting for that area should be begun. The compilation section should also be started as soon as sorting is· undertaken. In this way the irregularities reveaJed by the checking of the compilation staff can be quickly rectified, and the difficulties experienced in one table of a tahsil can be avoid{d in the same table of another tahsil which is slightly behind the first. No Urdu translation of Chapter III of Part II of the Provincial Code of Census" as printed, but such a translation would have been of value to sorters and 5upervisors since the instructions on the back of the tickets can not be full enoug h to cover all the points dealt with in the code. The standard daily tasks for sorting main tables are given in paragraph 18 of Chapter Ill, and are based on recommendations and experience of the Superintendents of 1921. The following rates were fixed for the tables :-

Table No. VI {Rural ••• 20,000 Urban 15,000 VII 4,000 " VIII 6,000 " lX .. '\ 4,000 " X { Rural 4.000 " ... Town ••• 3,000 XI " ... 4,000 X II { Males ...... 9°00 " Females ... 15,000 13

{ \if 000 Tal)J!,! ~0. X [V a;es 9. Fen:a:es ... J 5,000

I' XV-l 16,000 XV-II 16,000 " XVII 4,000 " ... " XIX ... 4,000 The sorters we"(' req':ired to wo,k u? to the task fixed for eae h table. Rewards a:1.1 fines fo; s,)!ters were worked out in the SJ.'11C wav as :n tl:e case of copying. The t:nw spent and req~i"ed to fin:sh the sorting o(a table were calcu­ lated, and the difft';C'nce I)f the ti!::e saved or l;xtra spent was taken as reward or Ene after cl:'duC'tin b six hours ;:5 a c:a y's w(\rking perioJ. The task fixed was reasonab:e and it was diC:c'.:l~ f..);- a surter to earn a rewa:-ci unless he worked before or af~er office hours.

CO~1PILATIO:\: A:\,O TABCLATIO~ Ir:st!:lIct:O'1S for cOP'pilation and 1 a 1,u:ation arc to he fo:md ir:. Cha tcr IV of Staft. Part II uf thl' h:'per:al COGI' of Census. Tht' wholf' wor~ of c0'11?i.at!fl!1 {,am the checking ard postjng of sor~I'r's ticke~s to the preparing of t~e E:la: tables ~or the press was cone' h y the COr:.lpi~ation Staff, under the i:nr.lediate sllpervis:oll (If the Deputy Su:)er:rt('f]c1en~. Tht~ CO'11p:lation o!flce WJS divided into two sections viz. (II tlat in which ~~e ':a~!es wt':-e cU'Tlpiled and prepared for the press and (2) that in which the tab\·s Wt re decked inderenden>ly of ~h(! co~p]ing section. The suhsidia'Y tables were p"f'pared hy a se!f'ctec staff wOlkirg w:tt, the Df:p'Jty Superintendent The b("sf Eng':sh- kr:owing sorters were em?l()ye~ as C (I!1lp::ers and two 0;- tJ.rl'E' Sllpf'rvi~ors were also engaged dur:ng comp::atiol1 and tabulation.

The different stages IJf compi:at:on were :- Method of Checking of sorter's ticke~s. compilation, ( (I) tabulation and Section I ~ \2' C0'11piling of ta~:es. checking. ( '3) Pre:.arir:g of tah:es in final form for t:lC Press. Section II S (4) Special chf'cking. I_ ~.~) Prin:ing. TJ-.e WOI k of the cht>ck:ng branch was to cI:eck the circle nU'11bcrs and totals:n tl~e so·ter's t:cke's, so as to e'1sure that all tJ,e t:ckets for each table had been ;-pce:vec' and that tLe totals were cor~ect. Tl:ese sorter's tickets were then (reeked by th(' special c:ler king staff, W:lO brought ail the errors and irreg:_daritics to the rot:ce of the D( puty Seperintendent so that. if nvccssary, further il'ves!iga~io!1 mig ht be mar:e Tl.e com pi:ing staff posted t 1e so:-te:-'s tickt>ts in t. (' ,'ompiidtiun reg:sters according to :ht! instructions g:ven in the Code. Th' c. f~la: tah1es" blanch then prt'pared the tina: tahles from the ('omp;Jcttiun rC'g:s:ers. T"c final tables were sc;utinisec hy tJ-.e s;Jecia: cht'ck:ng staff. wi,\) (. hechd all th.· to~als and app1ied the tes~s and Cfl1SS :-efe;-e'lces laid down 17 tLe Ct·nsus Cummiss:oner, {or Ir.dia in his Memo. :'\0 . .1~-Comp., tatec1 th' 2rd Ju~y I93 I. The DC'pt:ty Sllpt.:ri:l>endcnt comparee the final tab:es with til ~c of 1921 and a:: strihlg changes were noted.

Tl~C tin"l tab~f's along with cOJTlpila~ion reg:sters we,e then submitte'J to the Preparation or SuperiT'tl'pcl'nt fllr approval and r:rders. In the case of unexpected v::lriatiOl:s final tables. . from t}'e figmes of 192 I. a furtl:er enqeiry was ordered. Fair COits were prep:~ft d iO:- the p:-css and for the Census COD':nissioncr for India for approval. Tl.e pmofs on flTe:pts frold the press were again checked by the Deputy St:p~ r:p'elldent al'l.d t:-e Superinten,ient. During the checking of the proofs it was f(l, 11,.1, that st'cond and ~hird proofs were freqm'ntly requ:red. Besides this it was also found that it was not sdncient to chec!{ only those 5gJres in a second or th:rd proof which had been corrected in the first proof. Figures which had btf'n corrt'cted in a previOt:s proof were frequentl y found altered ;n a later proof, so that every figure in each proof bad to be checked. Final orders for print:ng were given, when the tables had been finally approved by the Cens!ls Commissioner for India.

The pff'parat:on of the Occupation table is a lengthy and complicate.:l SpeCial process, and three comp]ers under a S!lpervisor were separately e:nployed for difficulty of certain table•• the starting of the Compilation work, to prepare the classification sheets from the sorter's tickets, before taking in ~and the actual compilation. The occupa­ tion tables .were prepared by this staff. The preparing of the language tables also requires sp:?cial attention. The entries in the sorter's tickets before their being posted in the compilation register&~hould be classified carefully according to Sir George Grierson's scheme. The language c1a,ssification made by the general public and the enumerators can not -easily be made to corre~pcnd with 'Sir George Grierson's scheme. The compHation and preparation of the remaining tables requires no special comments' ~hey are prepared according to the instructions laid dowh in the' Code. '

SpeciaJ 'In adclition to the 'Imperial, Provincial and Subsidiary tables, a great <'eal of .tatistlcal material for material and statements are l"equired "for part I (the Report part) of the main the Report. volume which was collected and prepared by the Deputy Superintentlent and one or two men who were retained on duty until the closi~g of the Census Office. IS


'1) 0. ~ >''' .,; F ...'c, oe" " 0 ' o " c .z I~;;..o ..0" .00. -~ 8 " ., " ~ ;1 ~ ij § 2 -:;;" "E ~-a I~5..<:: (fJ "-'" ~ ~ 0 « -- 2 ------3 4 5 6 7 -.-._8 ') Mansehr.l 208,660 41 ----r:-I 3-J-31 18-3 31 4:0 , f t ! r Arnb arid Phulra 37.943 8 1'3-3-31 :,)8-331 35 1 1 ~ I I 'i-Hazara ... ) I I Abbottabatl 2 ,I I 253,77<) 5, I 5-3-3 1 20-3-31 381l , I HAripur 9 I 3 ) 169,735 4 I 3-33' 1'>-3-3 1 25:3 I I , p ..,hawar 9'l4,321 I Pesha var . uS 15-4-31 ~604 '" ( Trans r rontler Posts 46,45 1 ~ "'" j I S ( Kohat , .. \ 88,310 42 1-3-31 I 12-3-31 221 I I I 6 i-Ko>Ut .. ~ Teri 103,011 30 3-3-3 r II-3-31 393 I ( I 1 ) l Hangu 44,952 It 3-331 1 ~-3-31 !.I 91

I( !·3~3r 17-$-31 8 Banl'lil 161,882 42 ( 201 ( 1-4-31 3-4-31 JBaltllU .. I ~ 108,4 19 51 2 3-31 1 8 9 14-3-3 I 19

( Dera bmai; Khan 17I,019 56 3-3-:11 20-J 31 175 I 10 • Der.a hrnai. Khan .. ~ Tank 51,194 JO 3-3-31 12-3'3' i7 I I l Kulachi st,Rs I 35 3-.1-31 13-3-31 ·5:

• Including Engli.h ~lips. STATEMENT II -SORTING

Nun.ber of units sorted for table No.

I I 1-;--- - 1-- Per:od \,1 J! IX I VI VI: < I x: I x:r I XUII Xl\', xv IXV-U(VIJ, XIX

I I I 3 7 - ----,_____ ~ ' 5 !_~ 1__' _ 8 ~ I~; _11 I~~ I 13 I~ I , ,------Up to the end of April I ~31 6 117 II I ... , I Up to the er.d of May I I 1 I 193 , III 17 I 5 18 I 17 5 7. 17 114 14 7

Totll !'-'8-'-: r,:-s-: :~1-17---5- ~ 1-1-7 I 17 I 17 '7 7

Note. For tables NOI. IX, XII is the dl>tfict for No. XIX distncts, P.,hawar City and Trani.Frontier Posts are units for sorting. In tile ca5e of all other tabtes, it is the Taa31l, Tralu-Frontier PO.:it. a'ld Pe.ihawar City i.e. \16 tahllls, one ,'rans-P'rontier Posts and One POohawar City). OEAFTER III

THE COST OF THE CENSUS Statement I and II atpended 10 this chapter srow respectively the actual -ccst of He Census Orerations stage 1: y stage, 'with total e>;penditure up to 31St Dfcember ]932, and an fsfmate of the probable crarges for prinfng, "binding and distribution of the Report. The nett cost of the operations, after deducting Census receipts and .recoveries mare from Mun:cipalities, is approximately Rs. 90,000. Con-pa:-ison with the figures of 192 I is misJeaciog-, sioce 00 the present occas;Qo the pay -and Censl's allowar.ce of the wrole staff has reen dlb:ted to the head Census while in 192] only tre allowances were debited to Census and pay was debited to the departments from which personnel was borrowed. If the pay of the .superintendent, the heaviest item of this nature, is excluded from the total as was done in 192 I, the increase in expenditure is from Rs. 49,562 to Rs. 53,4 to, ~n increase of about eight per cent. j this compares favourably with the incre lse vf 7"7 per cent. in the population, and gives the same figure as in 1921 of F s. 21'6 expenditure per 1,000 of the population enumerated. In view of the fact that there has been a rise during the decade of some 2S per cent. in the .average pay of all concerned, including those whose pay contributes in a large rr.easure to printing charges, a much Jarger increase in total expenditure might have been expected. The cost of enumeration was Rs. 756-4'0, of Superintendence, including lhe pay of the Superintendent, Rs. 52.366, of Abstraction and Compilation RS.22,925-5-5 and of Printing and Stationery charges RS.18,209-11-1. The amount recovered from M unicipaEties and N ot'rfied Areas rose from R s. 2,:;';9 3.6 in 192 I to R s. 3,950- I I 3 at the present Census. The increase 'is due both to an increase in population and to a rise in the rate of contribution. The contribut:on was calculated at the rate of Rs. 150, representing three .months' salary of one tabulating cJerk, per 1,000 of .the population concerned.

I. Expend:ture distributed under the heads prescribed by the Census Commissioner Under the Mad 37-Mz'scellaneous-stat£s#cs (Census)

Total .!('" Sub-head 1930-31 1931-32 193:1-33, .. I '930 -33 .. a0 ~

2 3 4 5 6 1 .__ 1,- ,-~ -- -- -_--- Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. r A.-ray of Officers. , Pay of officers ... Non-voted ' 14,429 9 0 16,1]8 2 0 s,_98:1 0 0 36,589 1 J 0 I Deputation Allowances of 2,200 0 0 2,400 0 0 899 0 0 5,499 0 0 ! officers Non-voted.

~----- .----- g I Total A.-I... Non-voted ... 16,fi29 9 0 18,573 :a 0 6,881 ------~ 1·'088'~ tJ A.-2 - Pay of Establishments. ~l Superinfendent's Office. .... 1 Pay of men deputed to Census 1,430 <4 0 1,561 11 0 3 1 0 0 3,02~ 15 0 Duty.

Pay of men without substantive 517 0 0 406 5 0 1-4 0 0 997 5 0 appointments. ___,------Total A.-2 ... Voted ... 1,947 4 0 105 0 0 I 4,o~o -4 0 I 17

I. - Expenditure distributed under the heads prescribed by the Census Comm;ssioner-continued

Cl1der the head 37-Mt"sceltaneous-statz"stz"cs (Census) ... I Total Sub-head 1931-':3 2 1 1930-33 8 ~• 6 ------.------t---·---3 4 --- 5------1--7 Rs. a. p. Rs. ~. p. Rs. a. p. R. a. p .

.A.-3 oAr 'W

Tro~'rlli"K and OtMr AlloeJanres.

Officers 876 14 0 420 0 0 2,061 14 0

E~tab!ishl1'ent 260 3 0 to 0 0 610 11 0

Other A':owances to 32 0 0 99 I) 0 E~tab:ishment.


Voted 10 0 0 Total A.3 ~ Non-voted .•• 420 0 0 2,06[ [4 0

A·-4-Conti.. g,ncies.

Pun'hase and repair of 316 12 6 60 0 0 furmturll.

Stationery ... 306 2 0 J6 0 0 586 14 0

Po~tage and Tele~ram 3So 0 0 175 0 0 52S 0 0 charges.

Freight !,6 5 0 60 0 0 4ill 2 0

J\f iscelIane('us 106 II 6 335 II 0 7"" 0 0 516 6 6

Telephone charbes 216 II 0 35 9 0 .:IS 1 4 0

Hot and c( Id weather 52 9 0 .38 4 0 90 13 0 charges.

Purchase of books and 74 6 0 4'7 1 0 501 13 0 maps.

Other Cont:ngencies 103 5 0 103 S 0

Total A.-~ ... V.t.,d 1.433 0 0 TSO 0 0

Total A.- i Voted ... 4,257 4 0 3,693 3 0 265 0 0 8,215 7 0 Superin- tendence. Non-voted 17,394 9 0 19,455 0 0 7,301 0 0 044,150 9 0

Total for Superinten· 21,651 13 0 23,148 3 0 o 0 I dence. l

B.-r -Fay 01 EstlJhlisl"nl'nts

Di"trict Office ... 160 0 0 f Rerr.uneration of Census ,so 0 0 50 0 0 Officers. --'--~--I------1 11 Total 8.-1 Voted ... 210 0 0 ]3 14 0 ------B.-:J -AlloUla ..clS, H" .."rIJria, 11 ,Ie.

:::' Travelling Al\owance 56 8 0 26 8 0 ------1------L Total B.-2 ... Voted ... 26 8 0 18

I. Expenditure distributed under the heads prescribed by the Census Commissioner-concluded

Under the head 37-Mz'scella11eous-staHstt"cs- (Census)-concluded '

Total Sub-heai 0 1 1 2 z 193 -3 19 3 -3 193 -33 1930 -33 1 ~ 6 _--I __ _.. ...--1... · ____ ------1--3 ---<4------5 -_ 7 Rs. a. p. Rs a. p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p.

. ( B.-J-Continl{l!ncil!s• ill - 8 6 86 81 Stationery 3 6 9 '" '" 3 9 6 8 House numberin~ charges 27 8 0 '" '" 27 0 .~ I Miscellaneous 28 1 0 3 II 6 ... 3[ [2 6 ~H ------~I Total B'-3 ••• Voted ... 442 2 6 3 II 6 ... 445 14 0 l -_ _.-_-- - lEI Total B.-En.meration 678 10 6 7 7 9 6 .. 756 4 0 --- Voted. ------r C.--P ay of Esillbli.rhmmts.

Pay of Establishment 411 0 6 0 0 [8,499 J r 0 -_ ------3.0 5 --. I {) Total C.-2 •.• Voted ... 15.043 4 II ._0 ------3,065 0 0 ------18,499 II C.-3-Allo'l1,lanCls, Hono,.aria, I etc.

Travelling Allowance 3 0 0 ... 2,973 0 0 --._ ------'- -- Total C.-3 •.. V.ted ... ------1---· 3 0 () '" ._ -----2,973 0 0 C·-4-C01dinl{encies.

purchase and repair of 245 4 0 9 7 9 0 ... 342 13 0 furniture.

Stationery log I 0 63 10 0 ... 172 II {) Postage and telegram 90 0 0 ... 90 0 0 charges.

Freight 44 8 0 5 5 5 0 10 0 0 109 13 0 Miscellaneous :z66 12 0 0 3 n 100 0 0 656 IS 11 . Hot an i rold weather 2 10 6 7 II 0 ",,0 0 0 80 S 6 cha.rges. ------Total C.-4 '" Voted '" 668 3~ 6 6 JJ ISO 0 0 1,452 JO '" ------5 Total C.- Abstraction and 668 3 6 2 I II 3,2I 5 0 0 22,925 5 5 compilation Voted. ------

( (I) Enumeration ... (1) Enumeratlon (2) Ab straction (3) Report ~I and com pilation. , Gt~ ( (i) Printing (a) at Government 493 II 0, 3,336 6 () 10,:00' 0 0 14,030 1 0 ~ Presses.

o . (b) at Private J,353 5 0 35! II () ... J,712 0 () ~ I Presses. fIl (;i) Other Charges 2.32 5 ;3 ~ 6 6 6 10 1 t '" 7 ... 2,4 7 -5 ------, ill Tcta! E ... Voted ... 4172 3 7 7 7 6 IO,200 0 0 I8,209 II I rl, ------46,10 ~l Grand Total '" 27,170 [.

Total Account OD which 1930 -31 1931-3:1 1932 -33 Remarks I 1930 -33

I • 3 .. 5 6 -- -, -;;::-::'1-::- a_ p. Rs. a. p. Rs. a. p. A. Recoycred from ... '3.400 8 9 550 2 (5 3,950 II 3 The contribution bas b ••• Municipaiitiea and. worked out at the rate. 10£ Noti6ed are.... Rs. ISO (being three mOlltha' salary of one tabulating clerIc (5 (5 B. Received sale price of ... ~. 400 13 400 13 at RI. So per menaem) for old fuuiture, etC. evcfJ ten thousand of the I popuiati<)D dult with. -



Files ------

In the Dz>trzct alzd 4g,nq Glfices. Genera: Vdlage Register • Circle Lists. 3 Census Maps. 4 Corresp,mdcr:ce ..ind in'port.mt orders issued by tl:c Dep.lty Commissioners in the districts and Pulitical Agents in the agencies. 5 Papers dealing with the division of the district and agency into Cens'ls Divisions.

6 I'~pers regarding the appointment of the staff. 7 Pape:: s regarding tl:e distribt:tion oj forms.

~ Papers regarding the speci:.i arrangements for difficult areas.

9 P;::pe~s rCf{arding the arrangements made for checking the preliminary enumeration.

J 0 Papers regarding t l:e arrangements made fClr bringing in ti1e fin a! totals together with tht drafts Llf reports

In the Secrltart'at o {lice.

Appoint'llent of Captain ;J. L. Mallam as Census Superintendent.

2 Appointment of office Estab:!shment and other matters concerned therewith. 3 Pay and Travelling Al;owance B:lls of Office Establishment. 4 Supply of paper and printing of forms, in two rarts. 5 I Census Report, in two parts. 6 IIn!otrudions from the Census Commissioner for India regarding the compilation of Imperial Tab'es. 7 Budget Estimates fur 1930-31, 193f-32 and 1932-33 and other matters regarding accounts, in three parts. 8 I Permane:1t advance and delegation of powers to the Censlls Superintendent. 9 Census of Depressed and Backward Classes.

10 Census Calendar J 930-3 1.

1 J General instructions from the Census Commissioner for India.

12 Rules, instructions and circulars regarding Census Operations from Census Superintendent, C. P. and Berar. 13 Census 0pNations in the Municipal Areas. 14 Corre&pondcr.ce regarding cities, towns and villages. 15 Enumeration and tabulation of Industries. 16' Purchase of books pamphlets, etc. f 7 Preservation of Census Records. 18 Arrangements for the Railway Census with the Railway Authorities. 19 Rules, Instructions and Circulars issued by the Census Superintendent, , regarding Census Operations in his Province.

20 Indents for Stationery and forms for office use.

J lOver-crowding in the cities. .. 11

No. Files ------In the SIC 1'1141"1 III Olfice- continued u Contingent Bills, in two parts. l3 Distribution of Censu!I\ forms and codes, in two parts. 24 Rules for taking the Cenlus of Cantonments and of Troops on the march elsewhere, in two parts.

25 Changes in area since the Census of 192 r.

~6 Office furnilure. 27 Information regarding persons employed in various Department! . • 8 Rules, Instructions and Circulars regarding Census 0 perations, issued by tlus Census Superintendent, North-West Frontier Province, to all Deputy CommiJ. sioners and Sub-Divisional 0 fficers, etc. '9 Abstract Charge Registers.

30 C~nsus Legislation and rules and orders of the Local ITovernment.

3 I Enumeration Instructions-General Schedule. 32 Enumeration Instructions-Household Schedule. 33 Census of Educated Unemployment. 34 Collection of information as to the rates of Fertility a.nd Mortality. 35 Information required by Barcn Von Eickstedus. 36 Enumeration and Tabulation of Caste, Tribe and Race. 37 Languages a.nd Cultura1 boundaries. 38 Slip copying, in two parts. 39 Building for the office of the Superintendent Census Operations.

40 Miscellaneous corre~pondence, in two parts. 41 ,Pay and Travelling Allowance Bills of Gazetted Officers, in two parts

10 Census ini the Political Agencies ;n the North-West Frontia Provincel two parts. Tour programme of Census Commissioner for India and Superintendent Census and other arrangements regarding Dak and transport. 44 Procla.,!Dation to the public regarding Census. 45 Fortnightly reports from the Deputy Commissioners, in two parts. 46 Religion and Sect. 47 Census Staff. Selection of date of Census in 193 [ and Gazettement of ,6th and 27th February 1931 as General Holidays.

49 Rules, Instructions and Circulars issued by the Census Superintendent, Burma, regarding Census Operations in his Province. 50 Rule., Instructions and Circula.rs issued by the Census Superintendent, Madras, regarding Census Operations in his Province. Rules, Instructions and Circulars issued by the CensHs Superiatendent, Rajputana, and Ajmer-Marwara regarding Census Operations in his Province. Rules, Instructions and Circulars issued by the Census Superintendent, and Orissa, regarding Census Ope ations in his Province. 53 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendent, Assa.m, [rgarding Census Operations in his Province. 111

No. File.

In the "a,.etariat (jjice - continued

54 Rules, Instructions and Circ.ulaca, i"sued by the Census Superintendent, 'I ravancore, regarding Census Operationi in hi~ Province.

55 Rules, Instructions and Circulars issued by the Census Superintendent, United Provinces of and Oudh, regarding Censu~ Operations in his Province. Rules, Instructions and Circulars issned by the Census Superintendent, Bengal, regarding the Census Operations in hi~ Province. 57 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superinttndent, Barod~ State regarding the Census Operations in his Province. 58 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendent, Central Illdia Agency, Indore, regarding the Census Operations in his Provine...

59 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendt'nt, Cochin State, i egarding the Census Operations in his Province. 60 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendent, Kashmi r State, reg;;.rding the CeAsus Operations in his Province. 61 Rules, J nstructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendent, Bombay, regarding Census Operations in his Province. Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Superintendent, Baluchistan, regarding th~ Census Operations in his Province. 63 Non-Synchronous tracts in the North-West Frontier Province. 64 Appointment of a Deputy Superintencent 65 Provisional and final Totals, 66 Printing arrangements, etc., made for the Central Tabulation Office, Peshawar. 67 Tribal Census. 68 Grant of Sanads. 69 Complaints against Census 70 Sorter's Tickets. Weekly progress reports of Central Tabulation 0 !lice. 7 I , 72 Stationery for Census Abstraction and Compilation Office. 73 Despatch of Enumerati n Books to Census 0 ffice. 74 Classificatiun of occupations. 75 Supply of figures for .!\atural Divisions. 76 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Commissioner, State. 77 Rules, Instructions and Circulars, issued by the Census Commissioner, Hyderabad Daccan, Nizam's Government. 18 Pay bills, with Acquittance Rolls of Abstraction Office, in two parts. 79 Administrative ,{ eport. 80 Census of Powindah migration. 81 File containing office orders. 82 Printing and binding of the report. Submission of Imperial Tables to the Census Commissioner for India for approval. 84 j Enquiries for Census figures from other office5. 85 Loan of books. IV

No. Files

In t e Secretarz'at Of!ice -concluded 861 Yital statistics. 87 Birth-place. 88 Density, population and area figure!> of other provinces. 89 Travelling allowance bills of Abstraction office. 90 Literacy figures. 91 Emergency cut in salaries,

93 Tradp stati~tics.

94 Appointment of A. D. F. Dundas, Esquire, 1. C. S., as Cenllus Superintendent and other correspondence connected therewith.

95 Rules, Instructions, and Circulars is.ued by the Census Superintendent, Mysore State', regarding Census Operations in his State.

ltlz'sallaneous. Typed draft of the Census Report with Administrative Report 1931.

~ Jm perial and Provincial Tables in manuscript and printed, and Subsidary Tables (manuscript) . 3 Acquittance Ron Register of Superintendent's Office. 4 Ten bound copies of the printed matter. 5 Printed II:structions of Census Commissioner for India with Imperial Code of Census, part I and II (7 copies each).

6 Contingent Registers in two books (ij Superintendent's 0 tTIce and (ii) Abstraction and Compilation O'ffice. 7 One bound copy of the Village register. 8 Compilation Registers for tables III, VI, VII, ViII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, in 3 parts, XVII and XIX (in wooden box). 9 One C sh Book. I - IVillage Statistics, Kistna District, Madras Presidency. v


Statement of'Office Establishment employed in connection with the Census, 193 I

pate on Date o~. No. Establishment Pay which which joined relie\'ed - - ---"II. Rs.


Head Clerk ,.. 90-6-r80' 1-4-30 29-2-3 2

Second Clerk 45-5-110 1-6-30 3 1-5-3 1

Jemadar 18 1-4-3 0 19-4-32

17-4-30 29-2 -32 1 Chaprasi 14 { 5-8-3 2 { 15- 11-32


I Deputy Superintendent *180 1-3-31 15-1-33

0 11-3-3 I 0 1 { 1St 9 3 -9-3 2 :'Inspectors 2nd 80 6-3-31 3 1-8-3 1

Accountant 75. 18-3-31 31- 8-3 1

1 Record-keeper 80 9-3-31 31-5-31

I Assistant Record-keeper 50 17-3-3 I 24:6-31

2 Supervisors 60 1-9-3 1 30-~-32

1 Supervisor 60 1-9-3 I 30 -3-32

I Do. 50 7-3-3 I 1-6-31

I Do. 50 9-3-31 31-8-3 1

I Do. 50 10-3-3 1 1-6-31

2 Supervisors 50 11-3-3 ! 1-6-31

2 Do. 50 15-4-3 1 31-8-3 1

1 Supervisor • 50 15-4-31 1-6-31 I I Do. 50 18-4-31 1-6-31

I Assistant Supervisor 35 12-3-31 16-4-3 1

I Ditto 35 15-3-3 1 16-4-31

I Ditto 35 16-3-31 20-4-31 5 IA,,;,'ant Superviso", 35 16-3-31 19-4-31 I Compiler .,' 35 16-4-3 ( 30-9-3 1 I Do. ,.. I 35 16-4-31 1-~-31

.-Pt.s Rs. 20 per"ltlCBl1em special pay from the 8th April 1932. Pay RII. 150 upto .tbe 31st August '931 from the 1st ~eptembe£ 1931 pay raiscd to RI. ;aBo. • VI APP ENDIX B- continued

Statement of 0 ffice E$tablishment employed in connection with the CeususJ 193 [-contd.

Date on Date on No. E!!tablishm ent Pay which which joined relieved

..... -- _.... _-. ----1----- _ ---I Rs.


I Compiler 35 1-5-31 31-10-3 1

J Do. 35 s-6-3 1 30-9-3 I

I Do. 30 1-6-3 1 10-6-3 1

I Do. 30 1-6-3 I 7-6-3 1

I Do. 30 2-6"3 I 30-9-3 1

:2 Comp:Iers 30 2-6-3 1 16-9-3 1

I Compiler 30 -2-6-3 1 3°-6-31

I Do. 30 r 1-6-31 30 -9-3 1

Do. 27 2-6-3 1 30 - 6-3 1

Draftsllan 40 J-12-3 1 29-2 -3 2 I I IReport CIe,k 7° 1-3-3:3 J 5-1-33 6-3-3 1 1.6-3 1 1 Chaprasi 14: { 13-6-3 1 { 17-6-3 1

Do. 14 g. 3-3 1 15- 1-33

I Copyist and Sorter _.. 40 7-3-3 1 3 1-3-3 1


I I Copyist and Sorter ... 3S 6-3-3 1

2 I Copyists and Sorters 35 7-3-3 1 I 1 Copyist and Sorter ... 35 10-3-3 I 15-4-3 I J • 3 Copyists and Sorters 35 16-4-3 1 1-6-3 1

Copyist and Sorter ... 31 16-4-3 1 I -5-3 I

8 "

Copyist and Sorter ... 33 7-3-3 I

J Ditto 33 9-3-3 [

:3 Copyists and Sorters 33 9-3-3 1

I Copyist and Sorter " 33 10-3-3 1

1 Ditto 33 13-3-3 1 vii APPENDIX B-continued

Statement of 0 ffice Establishment employed in connection with the Census, 193 [-contd.

Date on Date on \ No. Establishment Pay which which joined relieved --- - Rs.


I Copyist and Sorter ... 33 14-3-31 15-4-31

Ditto 33 16-4-3 1 1-6 31

4 Copyists and Sorters 33 16-4-3 I 26-4- 31

1 Copyist and Sorter .. 0 000 33 19-4-31 1-6-31 1 Ditto 33 20-4-31 1-6-3 1

~ Copyists and Sorters 33 20-4-3 1 26-4-3 1 - 16 1 Copyist and Sorter ... 30 6-3-3 1 15-4-3, r

I Ditto ,.. 30 6-3-3 1 15-3-3 1

2 Copyists and Sorters 30 7-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

1 Copyist and Sorter ... 30 7-3-3 1 15-3-3 1

4 Copyists and Sorters 30 9-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

I Copyist and Sorter ... 30 10-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

I Ditto 30 11-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

I Ditto 30 I1-3-3 1 14-3-3 1

5 Copyists and Sorters 30 1.2-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

Copyist and Sorter 0 •• 30 12-3-31 15-3-31

Ditto 30 18-3-31 15-4-3~ Ditto 30 .20'3-31 15-4-31

Ditto 30 23-3-31 15'4-31 Ditto 30 31-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

J Copyists and 50rters 30 15-4-31 1-6-3 I

J Ditto 30 16-4-3 1 10-6-3 1

1 Copyist and Sorter ••• 30 16 4-3 1 8-6-3 I

15 Copyists and Sorters 30 16-4-3 1 1-6-3 I

I Copyist and Sorter ... 30 16-4-31 30-4-3 1

I Ditto ,3 0 17-4-3 1 1-6-31 3 Copyists and Sorters '''1 30 19-4-3 1 1-6-31 viii ;APPE NDI X B-o-o-continued

State'nlent of Office Establishment employed itl cO'l'lnection wIth the Census, 193I-contd.

Date on Date on No. Establishment 'Which which joined relieved =---1--=------...... --...... - -- RS.------1---

-, Copyists add Sorters 30 1-6-3 1

I Copyist and Sorter ... 1-6-3 1

2 Copyists and Sorters 6-3-31 15-4-31

I Copyist and Sorter ... 6 -3-31 23-3-3 I

1 Ditto ... 27 6-3-3 1 13-3-3'1

7 Copyists and Sortefs 1-3-31 rS-.f,-3 1

I Copyist ~Iid Sitrler ... 27 7-3-3 1 15-3-3 1

I DiUb 2"'/ 9 3-3 1 16-4-3 1

1 Copyists -and Sorters 9-3-3 1 15-4-31

~ Ditto 'r0-3-3 1 15-4-3 1 8 Ditto ... 11-3-3 1 15-4-31

fS ~ Difto '1'2-3- 3 I 15-4-3 1

1l1-(~ Dit'to 13-3-3 t 15-4-3[

(~ , mtlo 27 14-3-3 1 15-4-3 1

~. Ditto 18-3-3 1 r S·4-3I 1 Copyist and -Sorter .:.. '20-3-3 1 J S-4-31 1 Dlno 27 :34-3-3 1 15"4-3 1

I Gitto :J7 24--3-3 J 8"4-3 1

Ditto 27 26-'3-3 1 12"4.31

t " Dino" 27 27":3-3'1 15"4-3 1

'I : Ditto 27 27·3-3 I g"4-3 1

'I :. Dina 27 28-3-'3'1 I S"4-3 [ , 'z :: Ditto '¥8-3-3 1 3-4-31

Ie: Dino 3 0 -3-3 1 t 5-4-3 I

'2) 'Copyist'S':a:'Il-d' ~orters 27 3 1 -3-3 1 15-4-31

·'1 Copyisf ~nd ~Sorter -. 27 3 1 -3':3'1 1 I-~-31

Dlno 7-4-3 1 J 5·4-31 :- IX

APPENDIX B-concluded

Statement of Office Establishment employed in connection with the Census) I93 I - concld.

Date on Date on No. Establishment Pay which which joined relie.ved

~------t---~ --.-_ Rs. l II-ABS1RAOfION AND COMPILATION-concluded

I .,Copyist and Sorter .•. 27 9-4-3 1 15-4-3 1

7 Copyists and Sorters 27 15-4-3 1 1-6-3 1

Copyist and Sorter ... 27 16-4-3 1 10-6-3 1

51 Copyists and Sorters 27 16-4-31 1-6-3 1

I Copyist and Sorter ••. ... 27 16-4-3 1 7-5-3 1

Dilto 27 17-4-3 1 1.6'3 1

3 Gopyists and Sorters 27 19-4-31 I -6-3 I

2 Ditto 27 23-4-3 1 1.6-3 1

I Copyjst and Sorter ... 27 30-4-3 1 1.6-3 1

1 Ditto 27 1-5 -3 1 1-6-3 1

I Ditto ••• 27 15-5-3 1 25-5-3 1



Th;s appendix gives a complete list of Caste entries found in Column 8 (C aste) of t he Census Schedules. Entries relating to Christians and others (, Buddhists and ) were excluded from Imperial Table XV] I and have been emitted from this appendix as well. This append;x is divided into two parts :- Part I.-Index to caste or tribe entries. In this part an the entries have been arranged alphabetically and the names of the caste under which each was classified in table XVII has been noted against it. For the sake of economy, only the larger and better-known sub-castes were sorted and included with the main castes, while the rest were sorted as " Others ". Part I I.-Classified list of the names of castes or tribes. In this part are given all the castes and tribe.s under which the entries have been classed for the purposes of Table XVII. The castes are arran.e-ed rllphabetically.


I Main caste or tribe under Caste or tribe returned in Main caste or tribe nod.. Caste or tribe retu ned in which classed in which classed in the Census Schedules the Census Sched"les I Table XVII Table xvn ______1______

A B-conta. Abasi Others. Bhal Others. Acharji Brahman. Bai Other Pat hans. Adam Khel Pathan . Bai: Other Pathans. ACridi Pathan Afridi. Bajaj Others.

Ahin~ar Lohar. Bajauri Other Pat hans. Ahmad Khel Other Pllthans. Bajwa Others. Ajd Gujar. Bajwal Others. Akhundllada Qureshi. B2lrniki . Akor Khel Other Patltans. Balucq Main caste. Ali Khel OF er P"thans. Bamu Chura. Alilai Other Pathans. Bf.ngash Pathan .

Anand Others. .. Par"lcha. Main caste. Bannuchi Path an Bannuchi.

Aranda Others. Barbali Brahman. Main caste. Other Pathans. Arthur Others. Barsin Others.

Asp! Others. Bat Others. Others. Ba:zid Kbel Otber Pathan •. Main caste. Bband . Awyal .. Oth:rs. Bhangi Chuhra. A:zmara Other ,Pathans: Bhardwaja Others. Bbat Others. B Bhatia Main caste. Babar Other Pathans. ... / Main caste. Badin Kltel Other Pathans. Bhatti ••. Otbe", Bafinda .'" Jolaha. Bhittani '" Pathan Bhittni. ••• Main caste. Xl


Main caste or tribe under Main caste or tribe under Caste or tribe Idumed in Caste or tribe returned in which classed in the Census Schedules which classed in the Censl1s Schedules. Table XVII Table XVII ------_. ------B--eoncld. G-c.,.lld.

Brahman Main caste. Gakkhar Main caste.

Bubak Other Pathans. -;andapur Pathan . Bnluch Other Pathans. Gandhela Mechi. Buneri ( .ther Pathans. Gazar Others. C Gheba Others. Chabak Others. Ghilzai Chadhar Others. G;giani Pathan Gigiant.

Cloaghanai Other Pathans. Gogia Others.

Chaghatta Moghal. Gondal Others.

Chamar Main caste. Gont Others. Chammng . Gorowara Others. Charhoa Dhobl. Gosain Brahma». Main caste. (Gujar) '''1 Gujar. Gujar Chauhan (Jat) Jat. Gurkha Main caste. Chhachi Awan Awan. H Chheru Others. H'lbibani Sheikh. Chc'pra Others. Hadazai Other p .. thans. Chotmurada Others. Hajam Nai. Chuara Maln caste. Hanfi Sheikh. D HassanJ""; Other Pathans. Dakotra Others. Hindlei Awan. Danyal Others. Hooja Others. Main caste. Hot Others. Datt Others. Daudzai Pathan Da'lldzai. I Danr Other Pathans. Isapzai Pathan Yusafzai. Dawalsai Other Pathans. J Dhadhi Others. !ai Otherlo.

Dhaga Others. Jajik Others. Dhanwai Others. Others.

Dhin~a Others. Jaria Others. Dhoba Dhobi. Jaswali Others.

Dhobi Main caste. lat Main ca3te. Dhodhia Others. lawaki Other Pathans Dholi Other.,. Jhamb Others.

Dhund Main caste. Jhander. Others. Pathan Dilua'k. ]hinwar M .. in caste.

Dna Others. Jolaha Main caste. Dunani Patltan . K G Kabuli Other Pat hans. Gadan Other~. Kafshdoz . Gadiban Others. Kaka Rhel Pathan Kh attalr. Gador Others. Ii{ak'krzai Others. Cadun Pathan Gadu•. xn


,. ~ ~ - 10._.""' ....' .. " l\1ain caste ol"iribe under Cast~,or tribe returned in I Caste or tribe retlll'ned in Main caste or tribe under which classed in tho Census-Schedules wloj,h cl... od ;0 I the

.- - " ------L-coHeld. K-concld. , Lohar ... Main caste • K alera ... Jat Lum '" Others, KaIra ... Others. ... Others. M" Kamar Khel ... Other Pathans. Machhi ... Main caste • Kanyal ... Olhers. Madra ... Othen. Kapur ... Others. Mahind ... Other Pa.th an• Karal ... Main caste. .. , • Ka rigar ... . Mahyar . ... .others, K ashmiri ... Main caste. Mahial Othen. Kathuria. ... Others. '" t Malhotra ... Others. K atti Khel .. , Other Pat hans. 1 MaHar ... Main (,,:1ste . Khakrob ... Chuhra . Mallagori ... Other Pathans~ Khallfa ... Darzi. Mallah '" Main caste. ... Pathan Khalil. Mandozai ... Other Pathans• Khanijo ... Others• I Marchanda ... Others. Khar ... Others• Marwat I '" Path an Marwat. K haroti '" . Pathan Ghilzai. , Mashalchi ... Others. ' ... Main caste. I Masti ... Other Pathans. ... Pathan KhaUak. Mattah ... Others. Khera (H) Others. - Maurti Other Pat hans. K hera (M) ... Others . '" Mazhabi ... Chuhra Khiat ... Darzi • Mehtar ... Chuhra. ... ,Others . Mi~han Khel ... Other Pathans. ... Main caste . Mir ... Kashmiri. Khorana '" Others. 1 Mirasi ... Main caste. K harram ... Others. Mirza ... Moghal. Khwaja ... Paracha. Mb.hwani . ... Main caste. Khwaja Sethi ... Paracha. Misr ... Brahman. Kiani ... Others. Mochi ... Main caste. Kochi ... Pathan Ghilzai. Moghal '" Main caste. Kulal ... Kumhar. Mohana ... Mallah. Kumhal ... Main caste. Mohana Jat '" Jat. ... Other Pathans ... Pathan Mohman., . Kunjara ... Baghban. Mohmandzai '" Pathan Mohmandzal." Kutana ... Chuhra. Mond ... Others • L' Muhial ••• .1 Brahmall. Lnlbegi . ... Chuhra. Mullah Khel ... Other Pathans. Laljani ... Chuhra. Mullazai .. ... Other Pathans. Leghari ... Others. ... Other Pa'Kans. Lilari ... Rangrcz. Musalli ... Chuhra. Lishari ~ ... Others. I Mutrib ... Mirasi. Xlll


Main caste or tribe under II C·t t'b t d . Main caste or tribeuadec Caste or tribe returned in whick classed in I a::; e or n ere urne In which classed ia the Census Schedules Tab Ie XVII the Censos Schedules Table XVII ______---1--- ______------N I s Nadaf PenjaT:J II S~chdevm Olhers.

Nai Main caste. Sadan Others.

Nai:ar ., arkhan. Sadozai Other Pathans. Bhatiara. Saggu Others.

Nasir Uther Pathan. Sahibzada Qureshi.

Naumuslim Sheikh. Sahni Otllers. Nilari I Rangrez. Saiga! Others. Nilgar Rangrez. Sain Others. Nunai Other Pathans. Sakar Others. Sanniasi Others. 0 Sarara Main caste. Other Pat hans. Sarban Others.

p Sarwan Others.

PahaT Khel Other Pathans. Sawni Others.

Pakhral Others. Shahani Other...

Pandit Brahman. Shahi Khel Others.

Paracha Ma:n caste. Shawlbaf Other•.

Pathan Main caste. Sheikh Main calite.

Paungar Others. Shori Others.

Pawli Jolaha. ~Sial Others.

Penja Penjara. Sipra Others.

Penjara Main caste. Siqligar Lohar.

Pir Sayad. Sonar I Main caste. pirani Others. Suleman Khel Ghtlzai.

Pirzada Sayad. Swatai Main. caste.

Panjani Others. Swathi Yusafzai Pathan Yusafzai.

pothwari Others. Seyad Main cast~.

Powinda. Pathan Ghilzai. T pushkarana Others. Tanaoli Main:caste. d !J 'to Q Taneja. Others. t:1 b. CJ"ssab Main caste. ~Talwar Others Qassai . Tarin Pathan Tarin. Qureshi Main caste. Tarkhan Main cdste. Teli Main caste. R Path an Turi. ~aja Others I Main caste Main caste. Rajput Bhatti put. U

Rajput Chau han Rajput. Ustrana Pathan U strana.

RajPut Janjua Rajput. Utman Khel Pathan Utman Khe'-!

Rangrez Main ca5te. Other Pathans. Ratllor Raj put. Uttara. Others, XlV

PAR7 I.-Ir\·DEX TO CASTE OR 'ERIBE ENTRIES-.CONCLD. ------~- Main caste or tribe under Caste or tribe returned ill Main caste or tribe under Cute OC'.tribereturned in which classed in • wki·ch classed in the €ensus. Schedules the Cc~sus .sckedules Table.XVII I Table XVII ------_---I v I y Yedn. Others. Yusafzai Pathan YU5a.bai.

w z· Wadhqassai Qassab, Pathan Zadran.

Wazir .. " Pathan Wuir. Zakkha Khel Patbn Afridi • Waairzada ... Pathan Durrani. Zargar Souar. xv

Main cute or tribe unner Caste or tribe returned in , Main caste or tribe under w~ic]l ~1p.ssed in the Census Schedule which classed in. T~bleXVII Table XVII ------A G Arain Arain. Gakhar Gakhu. .Arora Arora. Gujar Ajri. Awan Awan. Chauhan Gular. Chhachi. Gujar.

Hindki. Gurkha Gurkha. B J Baghban Baghball. Jat Chauhan Jat. . Jat. Baluch Mohana Jat.

Bkatia Bhatia. Jhinwar Jhinwar. Bhatiara. Bhatiara. ]olaba Bafinda. Nanbai. Jolaha. Brahman Acharji. Pawli.

Barbali. Brahman. K Gosain. Karal Karal. Misr. Kashmiri Kashmiri. Muhial. Mir.

Pllndit. Khatri Khatri. c Khoja Khoja. Kumhar Kulal. Chamar Chamu. Kumhar. Chamrang. I Chubra Balmiki. L Bamu. Lahar Ahingar. Bhangi. Lahar.

Chuhra. Siqlizar. Khakrob. Kutana. Machhi Machhi. Lalbegi. MaHu Maliar. Lllljani. Mallah Mallah. Mehtar. Mohana. Mazhabl. Mirasi Shand. MusalJi. Mirasi. D Mutrib. Darzi. Mishwani Mishwlni.

Khalifa. Mochi Gandh.ela.

Khiat. Kafsltdoz. Dnobi Charhoa. Mochi.

Dhoba. Moghal Chaghatta. Dhobi. Mirza.

Dhund Dhund. Moghal. XVI


- (I;.~ Main caste or tribe under Main cute or tribe under Caste or tribe returned in Caste or tribe returaedill which classed in the Census Schedules which classed in 1 ..ble XVII Table XVII the Census Schedul_ ------__·t_ ..... N O-c.nttJ. Nai Hajam. Others-contd. Gador. Nai. Gonda!. o Hooja. Hot. Arya!. Jhamb. Attar. Janjua. Awyal. . Aranda. Jhandar. Abbasi. Jajik. Arthur. Jai. Bajaj. Jaria. Barsin. Kalra. Bhardwaji. Khathuria. Bhat. Khanijo. Bhatti. Khera. Bajwal. Khoranda. Bajwa. Kalera. Bat. Kanyal Bhattia. Khar. Bah!. Kapur. Chotmura . Chabak. Chheru. Chadhar. I:~::: Kamangar. Chopra. Lighari. Dua. Lishari. Dhingra. Lurn. Dhodia. Marchanda. Dhaga. Mattah. Dakotra. Madra. Datt. Mahyar. Dhanwai. Mond. Dhodia. Malhotra. Dhali. Mashalchi. ['anyal. Makhial. Gora. Panjani. Gogia. Pakhral. Gorowara. Pathwari. Gheba. Pushkarana. Gadiban. Pirani. Gadan. Pangar. Gazar. . If XYll

PART II-TRIBES AND CASTES-CONTINUED - Main caste or tribe under Main caste or tribe under which ci lssed in Caste or tribe returned in which c1Hssed in Caste or tribe returned in the Censu3 ~chedules 1 Tabl", XVII Table XVII he' Census schedules ------O-coftcl.. d,d P-ctJntinu~d Others-co1tcl .. d~d ... Sachdeva. I Pathan Khattak .. , KakaKhel. Sakar. ;- Khattak Sanniasi. Pathan Khalil .. , Khalil. Sarban. Pathan M arwat ... Marwat. Sial. Pathan Mohmand .. , Mohmand. Sarwan. r athan Mohmandzai .. Mohmandzai. Shaham. Pathan Orainai ... Orakzai. Sam. Pathan:Tarin ... Tarin . Sawni. Pathan T ur ... Turi• Saggu. Pathan ~U strana ... Ustrana . Shori Pathan Wazir ... Mahsud. Sipra. Wazir. Shawlbaf. " Pathan Utman Khel ... Utman KheI . Sadan. Pathan Yusa£zai ... Isapzai . Sahnl. Swathi Yusafzai. S~igal. Yusafzai. Taneja. Pathan~ Zadran Zadran. Talwar. '" Pathan others ... Ali Khel . Uttara. Akor KheI. V.dva. Azmara. Ahmad Khel. Paracha ... Khwaja. Ali Khel. Khawaja Sethi. Ali.zai. Paracha. Bubak. Pathan Afridi ... Adam Khel. lluluch. Afridi. Bajauri. Zakha Khel. Barozai. Pathan Bangash ... Bangash. Badin Khel. Pathall!l Bannuehi ... Bannuehi. Bai Khel• Pathan Bhittani ... Bhiitani. . PathaD Da.dzai '"...... Daudzai. Buneri• Pathan Dilazak ... Dilazalc. , Bnid Khel. Pathan Durrani ... Durrani. Babar• I Wasirzada. Chaghar.zai.

Pathan Gad.n (Jad.D) '" Gad.n. Dawalzai. Pathaa Gandap.. ... Gandapur. D ••r . Patha. Ghilsai ... Ghilsai. Hadani. . Hassan KllleI. Koehi. J_wald. F ••i.dah. Kamar Khel. , Sulema. Khel. Kabuli. PatbaD Gigi•• i ... Gigiani. Khurram • ~. ..1 xVI11

PARt ll-TRIBES AND CASTES-CONCLUDED - Main caste or tribe under Main caste'or tribe under Caste or tribe leturned in Caste or tribe returned which classed In which classed in the Census schedules the Censu,:; schedules Table XVII Table x'{rr. I ------P-concludea Jt-conc!uded

Pathan others - concluded ... Kundi. Raj put ... Rajput (_ hauha.n.

I Khatti Khel. Rajput Janiua.

Ma~ti. Rajput.

Mullagori. Rathor.

Maurti. Rangrez ... Lilari. Michan khel. Nilari.

Mullah:Khd. Nilgar. Mandozai. Rangrez Mullazai. S Multani. Sayad ... Pir. NaSIr. pirzada. . Sa) ad. Sadozai. Sarara ... Sarara. Shahi Khel. Sheikh ... Habibani. Utmanzai. Hanifi. Penj.ara. Nadaf. Naumuslim. Penja Sheikh. Penjara. , Sonar ... Sonar. Q Zargar. Qassab ... Qassab. Swathi ... Swathi. Qassai. I Wadbqasai. T

Qureshi '" Akhunzada. Tanaoli ... Tanaoli. Qureshi. Tarkan ... Karigar. Sahibzada. Najjar. Tarkhall. R Teli .. , Teli. Rajput Rajput Bhatti. Turk ... Tark. '" .