JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL a Biotecnologia Para Conhecimento Novozymes De Todos

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JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL a Biotecnologia Para Conhecimento Novozymes De Todos Jan / Mai 2019 Danish-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce JAIR BOLSONARO PRESIDENT BRAZIL A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. bioblog.com.br O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: www.bioblog.com.br A Biotecnologia para conhecimento Novozymes de todos. bioblog.com.br O Bioblog é uma iniciativa da Novozymes, multinacional dinamarquesa líder mundial no segmento de soluções enzimáticas e microrganismos, que visa disseminar conhecimento nas áreas de biologia, biotecnologia e sustentabilidade. Com matérias que descrevem desde conceitos básicos, tais como o que é uma enzima ou o que é sustentabilidade, até conteúdos mais robustos, como o cenário do biocombustível no Brasil, o Bioblog é uma rica fonte de informações para as pessoas que desejam estar atualizadas acerca dos principais temas que tratam do desenvolvimento de tecnologias sustentáveis. Acesse o Bioblog e descubra como o universo da biotecnologia está mais próximo do seu dia-a-dia do que você imagina: www.bioblog.com.br EDITORIAL Brazilian Review H.R.H. Princess Benedikte Brazil has a 8 new president ANNIVERSARY H.R.H. Princess Benedikte 8 ECONOMICS Jair Bolsonaro Ambassador Nicolai Prytz 12 Fernando Honorato, Bradesco 14 Jair Bolsonaro was inaugurated on January 1st as president with Mario Mesquita, Banco Itaú 16 a cabinet of 22 ministers and his key objective are reforms. The Luciano Sobral, Santander 18 first priority is the “Previdência” reform and the final reform Economical News 20 proposal will be presented by the end of January. Brazilian public has many expectations to the new government INFORMATION and we are all cautiously optimistic. New President Jair Bolsonaro 6 The Brazilian economy is slightly improving and the prediction Brazil New Ministers 10 is a growth of 2,5% with an inflation of 4,0%, a interest rate of LEGO Bricks Workshop 48 6,5% and the trade balance of 50,0-55,0 billion and unemploy- Feira Escandinava 2018 50 ment of 11,9%. But, Brazil badly needs the social and political Chamber Christmas Lunch 56 reforms. Rio Activities 58 Denmark will have its elections latest June and it is most likely Chamber Lunch - Banco Santander 60 a change of government will take place but still everything can Princess Benedikte Institute 64 happen. The polls are still very close in regard to the red-blue Danes living abroad 66 political groups. It is important to notice ISS will sell their opera- Maibritt Wolthers Exibition, Santos 68 tion in Brasil and Maersk Line and Damco have merged. Herlufsholm - An extraordinary school 74 The Dansih-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce will be very active Transparency International Corruption 2017 78 in 2019 with the following program. Why brillant people sometimes do dumb things 80 th PROFILES Feb 14 - Ambassador Nikolaj Prytz th ISS Strategy Update 24 Mar 14 - Business Council Meeting - Novo Nordisk Novo Nordisk 26 Mar 25th - General Assembly Nordika 28 Apr 2nd - IFU, Helle Bjerre Vestas 30 May 8/9th - Thomas Bustrup - Danish Industry Grundfos 32 May 27th - Jesper Rhode Andersen (Start-ups) Ferring Phamaceuticals 34 Jun 11th - Mercuri Urval Danfoss 36 Jul 4th - Chamber Prize 2019 - Gilberto Gil Maersk Line - Damco 38 Sep 18th - Business Council Nilfisk 40 Oct 9th - Danish Investment Seminar Hempel 42 Nov 19th - Octavio de Barros - Economist LEGO - Ivonne Olivares 44 Nov 29th - Christmas Party Blue Water Shipping 46 SPORTS We wish all the members and friends a very successful 2019 with Caroline Wozniacki wins China Open 83 a growing economy and less unemployment and many new op- Morten Soubak wins African Championship 84 portunities in the Brazilian Market. 32 Jens Olesen Juan Jose Garcia Chiesa President Brazil General Manager, Grundfos Brazil New President 2019 Jair Bolsonaro Brazil’s new president Jair Bolsonaro from eration Car Wash. Lula was from the start of ber 6, 2018, i.e. just under a month till the the Social Liberal Party (PSL) was elected af- the election campaign the l candidate that first-round election day on October 7, 2018, ter a second-round head-to-head election on led big in all polls but after his fall to run with a knife in the city of Juiz de Fora, Minas October 28, 2018 against the candidate from it gave Bolsonaro (PSL)’s election campaign Gerais, during his election campaign rally. It the Workers` Party (PT), Fernando Haddad. a boost and it gave the Workers` Party (PT) made Bolsonaro unable to continue his elec- The whole election campaign was marked something to think about. They had to de- tion campaign. There were no political de- by former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio cide who should be their presidential candi- bates on national Television or any political Lula da Silva (PT) trying to run for president date so late in the political campaign. They meetings between Bolsonaro and his politi- again, but he was denied this possibility selected Fernando Haddad, former Minister cal rival Haddad thought the rest of the elec- in August of 2018 by the Election Court, a of Education in both Lula’s and Dilma’s gov- tion campaign. Bolsonaro communicated a decision later upheld by the Supreme Court ernment and former Mayor of Sao Paulo. lot though social media with videos and text due to the 12-year and 1-month sentence for The first round election was overshadowed message from hospital and his home, where corruption that Lula got for his role in Op- by Bolsonaro getting attacked, on Septem- he was recovering. Even though neither Bolsonaro nor Haddad got over 50% of the votes in the first round it was clear that they would advance to the second-round election. So the election would be a battle between economic liber- alism/ social conservatism (Bolsonaro, PSL) against democratic socialism (Haddad, PT). In the second-round election campaign Bol- sonaro led all political polls over his rival candidate Haddad that in the last days be- fore election day got some momentum in his campaign. Despite Bolsonaro’s health prob- lems and the fact that he was not able to run a successful election campaign, the result of the second-round election was: 6 jul/sep 2014 • Jair Bolsonaro from the right- wing Social Liberal Party (PSL) 55.13% • Fernando Haddad from the left-wing Workers` Party (PT) 44.87% Jair Bolsonaro will take office on January 1, 2019. The New President has not always been in politics. Bolsonaro has a military background as he served in the rank of Captain from 1977-1988. He entered the political scene in 1988 representing the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) in the Rio de Janeiro City Council. Later on, in 1990 he was elected to the Lower Chamber of Con- gress where he served for 27 years until 2018 where Bolsonaro leave the Christian Demo- cratic Party (PDC) and joined the Social Lib- eral Party (PSL) to become their Presidential Candidate. A lot has been has been written and said about Bolsonaro, and he is a per- son that split the Brazilian people. The next couple of months and further on will show if he can gather the Brazilian people, make the necessary reforms to push Brazil forward both politically, socially and economically, but also which way he will take Brazil on both the domestic and international scene. MBM jul/sep 2014 7 H.R.H. Princess Benedikte celebrates her 75 years anniversary On Monday 29th of April her H.R.H. Princess Benedikte will cel- ebrate her 75 years anniversary in Copenhagen with many ac- tivities and a special exhibition at Koldinghus Museum called “A Princess of Her Time”. H.R.H. Princess Benedikte has been a great supporter of Brazil and will inaugurate the Princess Bene- dikte Institute in Curitiba on the 22nd – 23rd of October. H.R.H. will spend one week in Brazil which include Sao Paulo, Curitiba and Iguazu Falls. We all look forward to this special visit with H.R.H. Princess Benedikte who will be accompanied by her “Lady in Waiting” Mrs. Anne Dorthe Iuel and the Danish ambassador Nicolai Prytz. The event which will be a special celebration of HRH with Girls Scouts and a special inauguration of the Princess Benedikte Institute in Curitiba which is H.R.H. first patronage outside Denmark. This will be a very exciting time. JOL Brazil New Ministers Hamilton Mourao, Vice President Jair Bolsonaro, President Onyx Lorenzoni Gustavo Bebianno Chief of staff Secretary-General of the Presidency Paulo Guedes Augusto Heleno Marcos Pontes Dr. Sergio Moro Economy Institutional Security Science and Technology Justice and Public Security 10 apr/jul 2015 Tereza Cristina Fernando Azevedo e Silva Ernesto Araujo Roberto Campos Neto Agriculture Defence Foreign Affairs President of the Central Bank Wagner Rosario Luiz Henrique Mandetta Andre Luiz Mendonca Ricardo Velez Rodriguez Controlling-General Health Attorney General Education of the Union Carlos Alberto Tarcisio Gomes de Freitas Gustavo Canuto Osmar Terra dos Santos Cruz Infrastructure Regional Development Citizenship Secretary of Government Marcelo Alvaro Antonio Bento Costa Lima Damares Alves Ricardo de Aquino Salles Tourism Mines and Energy Women, Family and Environment Human Rights apr/jul 2015 11 Trust - A Danish Resource To put it very bluntly, I believe that trust is much more than an emotion.
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