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Organisation Mondiale Du Commerce ORGANISATION MONDIALE RESTRICTED GPA/W/315/Add.3 20 décembre 2011 DU COMMERCE (11-6753) Comité des marchés publics RÉUNION AU NIVEAU MINISTÉRIEL DES PARTIES À L'ACCORD DE L'OMC SUR LES MARCHÉS PUBLICS (AMP) (15 DÉCEMBRE 2011, 11 H-13 H) TROISIÈME OFFRE RÉVISÉE ET ENGAGEMENTS MODIFIÉS, RÉSULTANT D'UN "ACCORD POLITIQUE" CONCLU AVEC TOUTES LES PARTIES LE 15 DÉCEMBRE 2011, DE LA PARTIE À L'AMP CI-APRÈS DANS LES NÉGOCIATIONS SUR LA PORTÉE DE L'AMP*: UNION EUROPÉENNE** Addendum * En langue originale seulement. ** Voir les autres addenda au document GPA/W/315 pour les offres finales des autres Parties à l'AMP. GPA/W/315/Add.3 Page 2 EUROPEAN UNION WTO AGREEMENT ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT - EU'S COMMITMENTS RESULTING FROM THE "POLITICAL AGREEMENT" REACHED WITH ALL PARTIES ON 15 DECEMBER 2011 The EU's commitments reflected in the third revised offer are amended as follows: Annex 1 The following category is added: (d) for the goods services and service providers of the United States, Japan and the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, procurement by the following central government contracting authorities of EU Member States provided that they are marked by a double asterisk For the sake of clarity, the EU attaches to this document the list of these entities which will be marked with a double asterisk in the EU's final commitments under Annex 1.1 Notes to Annex 1 Paragraph 2 is deleted and is replaced by the following: The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to suppliers and service providers of Japan, Korea and the USA in contesting the award of contracts to a supplier or service provider of Parties other than those mentioned, which are small or medium sized enterprises under the relevant provisions of EU law, until such time as the EU accepts that they no longer operate discriminatory measures in favour of certain domestic small and minority businesses. Annex 2 Notes to Annex 2 All paragraphs but paragraph 1 are deleted. They are replaced by the following: The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to suppliers and service providers of Japan, Korea and the USA in contesting the award of contracts to a supplier or service provider of Parties other than those mentioned, which are small or medium sized enterprises under the relevant provisions of EU law, until such time as the EU accepts that they no longer operate discriminatory measures in favour of certain domestic small and minority businesses. The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to Japan and Korea in contesting the award of contracts by entities listed under Annex 2 paragraph 2, until such time as the EU accepts that they have completed coverage of sub-central entities. The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to Japan and Korea in contesting that award of contracts by EU entities, whose value is less than the threshold applied for the same category of contracts awarded by these Parties. 1 See page 4 of this document for this list of entities. GPA/W/315/Add.3 Page 3 Annex 3 Notes to Annex 3 The two paragraphs 7 are deleted, and are replaced by the following:: The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to suppliers and service providers of Japan, Korea and the USA in contesting the award of contracts to a supplier or service provider of Parties other than those mentioned, which are small or medium sized enterprises under the relevant provisions of EU law, until such time as the EU accepts that they no longer operate discriminatory measures in favour of certain domestic small and minority businesses. The provisions of Article XVIII shall not apply to Japan and Korea in contesting that award of contracts by EU entities, whose value is less than the threshold applied for the same category of contracts awarded by these Parties. Annex 5 Notes to Annex 5 Paragraph 6 is deleted. GPA/W/315/Add.3 Page 4 ADDITIONAL ENTITIES BULGARIA Висшата атестационна комисия (Higher Attestation Commission)* Национална агенция за оценяване и акредитация (National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency)* Националната агенция за професионално образование и обучение (National Agency for Vocational Education and Training)* Национална комисия за борба с трафика на хора (Bulgarian National Anti-Trafficking Commission)* Дирекция "Материално-техническо осигуряване и социално обслужване" на Министерство на вътрешните работи (Directorate "Material-technical Ensuring and Social Service" at the Ministry of the Interior)* Дирекция "Оперативно издирване" на Министерство на вътрешните работи (Directorate "Operative Investigation" at the Ministry of the Interior)* Дирекция "Финансово-ресурсно осигуряване" на Министерство на вътрешните работи (Directorate "Financial and Resource Ensuring" at the Ministry of the Interior)* Изпълнителна агенция "Военни клубове и информация" (Executive Agency "Military Clubs and Information")* Изпълнителна агенция "Държавна собственост на Министерството на отбраната" (Executive Agency "State Property at the Ministry of Defence")* Изпълнителна агенция "Изпитвания и контролни измервания на въоръжение, техника и имущества"(Executive Agency "Testing and Control Measurements of Arms, Equipment and Property")* Изпълнителна агенция "Социални дейности на Министерството на отбраната" (Executive Agency "Social Activities at the Ministry of Defence")* Национален център за информация и документация (National Center for Information and Documentation)* Национален център по радиобиология и радиационна защита (National Centre for Radiobiology and Radiation Protection)* Национална служба за съвети в земеделието (National Agricultural Advisory Service)* Служба "Военна информация" (Military Information Service)* Служба "Военна полиция" (Military Police)* Авиоотряд 28 (Airsquad 28)* FRANCE Agence de biomédicine* Agence pour l'enseignement du français à l'étranger* Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments* Agence française de sécurité sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail* Centre d'études de l'emploi* Centre national des arts plastiques* Ecole nationale supérieure des arts et techniques du théâtre* Institut national des hautes études de sécurité* Institut de veille sanitaire* Institut national d'histoire de l'art (I.N.H.A.)* Musée du Quai Branly* Autorité de contrôle des assurances et des mutuelles* Autorité de contrôle des nuisances sonores aéroportuaires* GPA/W/315/Add.3 Page 5 Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques et des postes* Comité national d'évaluation des établissements publics à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel* Défenseur des enfants* Haute autorité de lutte contre les discriminations et pour l'égalité* Haute autorité de santé* Médiateur de la République* LATVIA Other state institutions* LITHUANIA Muitinės kriminalinė tarnyba (Customs Criminal Service)* Muitinės informacinių sistemų centras (Customs Information Systems Centre)* Muitinės laboratorija (Customs Laboratory)* Muitinės mokymo centras (Customs Training Centre)* LUXEMBOURG 1. Ministère d'État* 2. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de l'Immigration* Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de l'Immigration - Armée 3. Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement Rural* Ministère de l'Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement Rural: Administration des Services Techniques de l'Agriculture 4. Ministère des Classes moyennes, du Tourisme et du Logement* 5. Ministère de la Culture, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche* 6. Ministère de l'Economie et du Commerce extérieur* 7. Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle* Ministère de l'Education nationale et de la Formation professionnelle: Lycée d'Enseignement Secondaire et d'Enseignement Secondaire Technique 8. Ministère de l'Egalité des chances* 9. Ministère de l'Environnement* Ministère de l'Environnement: Administration de l'Environemment 10. Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration* Ministère de la Famille et de l'Intégration: Maisons de retraite 11. Ministère des Finances* 12. Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme administrative* Ministère de la Fonction publique et de la Réforme administrative: Service Central des Imprimés et des Fournitures de l'État – Centre des technologies de l'information de l'État 13. Ministère de l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement du territoire* Ministère de l'Intérieur et de l'Aménagement du territoire: Police Grand-Ducale – Inspecton générale de Police 14. Ministère de la Justice* Ministère de la Justice: Etablissements Pénitentiaires 15. Ministère de la Santé* Ministère de la Santé: Centre hospitalier neuropsychatrique 16. Ministère de la Sécurité sociale* 18. Ministère du Travail et de l'Emploi* 19. Ministère des Travaux publics* GPA/W/315/Add.3 Page 6 Ministère des Travaux publics: Bâtiments Publics – Ponts et Chaussées NETHERLANDS Regiebureau Inkoop Rijksoverheid – (Coordination of Central Government Purchasing)* Consumentenautoriteit – (Consumer Authority)* Dienst Terugkeer & Vertrek – (Repatriation and Departure Agency)* Adviesdienst Geo-Informatie en ICT —* Corporate Dienst* Data ICT Dienst* Dienst Verkeer en Scheepvaart* Dienst Weg- en Waterbouwkunde (DWW)* Waterdienst* Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat, Hoofddirectie * Port state Control* Directie Toezichtontwikkeling Communicatie en Onderzoek (TCO)* POLAND 1. Sądy powszechne - rejonowe, okręgowe i apelacyjne (Common Court of Law - District Court, Regional Court, Appellate Court)* 2. Biuro Ochrony Rządu (Government Protection Bureau)* 3. Biuro Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego (The National Security Office)* 4 Centralne Biuro Antykorupcyjne
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