S1.0 SF1 Book Listing Schools in , 1914-1926

S1.0 SF2 Scrapbook on Reverend Philip McDevitt’s tenure as Superintendent of Catholic Schools, 1914-1929

S1.0 SF3 06/03/1919, corporators meeting: West Philadelphia Catholic High School for Boys

C2.0 SF4 Parochial Schools Participation in Sesquicentennial, International Exposition, 1926

C4.0 SF5 Music syllabus data 1927, requirements for teachers of music

C4.0 SF6 Major Courses in High Schools, listing (passing grade – 70) 1914-1929

C4.0 SF7 Credentials Bureau of – general information on texts and schedules in high schools c. 1914-1929

E1.0 SF8 N.C.E.A. (National Catholic Educational Association) 1929, Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Middle States, 1931

E1.0 SF9 Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania, 1928-1934

E1.0 SF10 The Commission on Secondary Schools of the Association of Colleges and secondary Schools of the Middle States and Maryland – General information and list of accredited secondary schools, 05/01/1928

E1.0 SF11 Preparation and convention of Catholic Educational Association, 12/27-28, 1929

E2.0 SF12 Results of the Pressey diagnostic tests in English Composition for Philadelphia parish schools, 06/15/1928

F1.0 SF13 Report of School savings – Beneficial Savings Bank, 1928, 1929

H1.0 SF14 To Miss Mary Spencer, from John J. Bonner, 03/08/1927, Health Education

H1.0 SF15 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from Department of Public Health, 10/25/1928, 04/05/1929, investigation of health conditions in Parochial Schools

H1.0 SF16 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from John J. Coyle, 11/02/1928, proposal of a policy and the procedure of State Council of Education concerning approval of new degrees requested by accredited institutions

S1.0 SF17 Example of a school report card, supervisors report, and minimum weekly time schedule, grades 1-8, c. 1914-1929

S1.0 SF18 Official School Calendar – card, 09/1928 – 06/1929

S2.0 SF19 Correspondence & Materials concerning the James Laughlin Scholarship to Trinity College 1927 – 1936

S2.0 SF20 Difficulties with the school board in Upper Nazareth Township, snd Holy Family School (Pastor, P. Frenzkowski) 1927

S SF21 To Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from John J. Bonner, 09/22/1926, problems at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School

S2.0 SF22 To Reverend Michael A. Bennett, from Ignatius A. Quinn, 08/31/1926, Convent Tax exemptions, St. Peter’s Church

S SF23 Re Possibility of a parish school discussions for the following: S.S. Peter and Paul, Tower City; St. Anastasia, Newtown Square; St. Francis, Springfield; St. Georges, Shenandoah; S.S. Cyril and Methodius, Coaldale; Holy Trinity, Morrisville; Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Shenandoah; St. Peter’s, Pottstown; St. Stephen of Hungary, Allentown; Sacred Heart, Allentown; Blessed Sacrament, Philadelphia; c. 1914-1929

S2.0 SF24 Various Information on West Catholic School for Girls, 1926-1927

S2.0 SF25 To Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 06/02/1928, Central High School in the Girardville area

S2.0 SF26 Northeast Catholic High School statistics, 1927 – 1929, concerning accreditation

S4.0 SF27 Listing of New Schools in the Archdiocese, 09/1928 – 09/1939

S4.0 SF28 School statistics, Philadelphia, 12/10/1926 and 03/08/1927

S4.0 SF29 Statistics on Parish Schools 1928-1929; teachers, number of pupils, schools with courses beyond the 8th grade

S5.0 SF30 Diocesan decision concerning admittance of so called foreign and colored children to parochial schools other than those specifically designated for them

T1.0 31 To Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from John J. Bonner, D.D., 09/18/1926, provisions for teachers salaries in High Schools, need for physical education in annexes

H1.0 SF32 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from Walter Smyth, 09/1931, the inclusion of health courses in curriculum

M1.0 SF33 Digest of attendance Laws 1930

S3.0 SF34 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from Board of Public Education, 08/1931, pupil absence at High School Summer School

A1.0 SF35 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from Mr. B.V. Hubbard, 12/1931, The National Debating Society

C2.0 SF36 From John J. Bonner, information concerning the possibility of Armistice Day as a School Holiday, c. 1931 – 1932

C4.0 SF37 Lists of text books for the Archdiocesan Grade Schools, 1931-1932

C4.0 SF38 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from T.G. Foran, 01/1932, a study of achievement in Geography from Grades four to eight in the parish schools

E1.0 SF39 The Catholic Educational Association of Pennsylvania – Information on the 13th Annual Convention, 04/29-30/1932

E1.0 SF40 The National Catholic Welfare Conference, the American Education Week, 11/9-15/1931

E2.0 SF41 Report by Sister M. Theodoretta Zaborowski, S.S.N.D., A.M., “A Study of Diocesan Examinations” 1932

E2.0 SF42 The Results of Eighth Grade Intelligence tests for 1932

E2.0 SF43 To John J. Bonner, from T.G. Foran, 1932, reports on Mid Year and final examinations, grades one through eight

F1.0 SF44 To The Philadelphia Inquirer, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 02/1932, method of support for Catholic Schools

F1.0 SF45 To Reverend Walter A. Bower, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 08/1931, the pastor as one who is financially responsible for the high school tuition of those student parishioners

F1.0 SF46 To William Tanner, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 11/1931, the pastor as one who is financially responsible for his parish school

H1.0 SF47 Letters concerning medical attention to Children in Catholic Schools, c. 1931-1932

M1.0 SF48 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from The Whitehead & Hoag Company, 07/16/1931, Bronze Medals for school awards (includes sample bronze medal)

R1.0 SF49 To Members of the School Board, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 10/28/1931, concerning the annual Archdiocesan school report

S5.0 SF50 Special duties of the superintendents office and the Supervision of Instruction – information, c. 1931 – 1932

S5.0 SF51 To Reverend John J. Bonner, from Mayor Harry A. Mackey, 12/1931, letter expressing gratitude for years of work together

T1.0 SF52 A Listing of the Supervisors for the various orders of Sisters in Philadelphia Parochial Schools, 1931 – 1932

T1.0 SF53 The Diocesan Teacher’s College Classes and requirements, teacher training, summer school, c. 1931 – 1932

V1.0 SF54 Regulations for the admission to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and the Annual Seminary Collection, 1931

A1.0 SF55 The Safety Patrols of Philadelphia Schools, from President Herbert Hoover, 12/1932, commendation for good work, and photograph, Philadelphia Safety Patrol meeting, 1932

C4.0 SF56 Outline of High School Courses in English, c. 1932-1933

E2.0 SF57 General Ability Test, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1933

E2.0 SF58 Archdiocesan Grade School Reports, 1933: 1) Examination schedule and sheets of computation; 2) Sample copies of each exam, grades one through eight; 3) Two examples of class record – general ability test results; 4) two examples of Superintendents records – music

M1.0 SF59 To Father H.R. Weger, Superintendent of Schools, Toledo, from John J. Bonner, 06/1932, letters concerning Sunday School classes for students of Non Catholic Schools

M1.0 SF60 To Reverend William Hammeke, from Reverend John J. Bonner, 06/1932, transfers from Parochial to Public Schools

R1.0 SF61 Report of the Parish Schools, 1932 – 1933

S2.0 SF62 Parish Schools with commercial classes, 09/1933

C1.0 SF63 Notes on school Census and examinations, 1932 – 1933; and school census 1933-1934

C2.0 SF64 Date, 1934 – Letter concerning civic affairs and letters on National Conference of Christians and Jews

E2.0 SF65 Archdiocese of Philadelphia – Final exams – 1934, report, example exams, statistics

F1.0 SF66 Financial Statements 1933-34

F1.0 SF67 Estimated finances of school system for 1934

H1.0 SF68 Department of Public Health – Medical Matters – Nurses Report on Schools 1932

H1.0 SF69 Parish School counselor Reports – 1933-1934 Cathedral School, Philadelphia, PA

H1.0 SF70 Philadelphia Child Health Society 04/25/1934, Parochial School – involvement

R1.0 SF71 Parish School Report Booklets, 1933 – 1934

S1.0 SF72 Official School Calendar, 1933-1934

S2.0 SF73 Charter of John W. Hallahan Catholic Girl’s High School, 05/1933

S2.0 SF74 To John J. Bonner, from Sister Mary Infanta, O.S.F., 1934, conditions at St. Mary Magdalen School, Last Creek, PA [Lost Creek ?]

S4.0 SF75 U.S. Department of the Interior, (Office of Education), private elementary and secondary schools statistical reports, 1933

S5.0 SF76 Correspondence – Original, From Bishop McDevitt, to Monsignor Bonner – Varied Matters, c. 1933-1934

S5.0 SF77 Regulations for the Parish Schools, Joseph M. O’Hara, superintendent, c. 1934

T1.0 SF78 Sisters of Mercy, 1934-1937, correspondence – listings, etc.

T1.0 SF79 Faculty Lists (esp. Sisters) for high schools, principals and teachers meetings – minutes, and Faculty Meetings, 1934-1943

C1.0 SF80 Census Materials, 1934-1935, General Graphs

E1.0 SF81 To Presidents, Liberal Arts & State Teachers Colleges, from James Rule, Commonwealth, Department Instruction, 04/1934, report on meeting of Joint Commission

E1.0 SF82 Convention of the Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania, 1934, included: 1) Correspondence concerning plans to Monsignor Bonner from Secretary, C.E.A.; 2) listings of suggested topics of discussion; 3) programs, bulletins, and copies of speeches dealing with the convention E2.0 SF83 Correspondence – T.G. Foran – Catholic University, to Monsignor Bonner, make up examinations, etc., c. 1934-1935

E2.0 SF84 Results of mid and Final Testing – Grade Schools, 1935 – Example Tests, instructions and Keys

F1.0 SF85 Reports on Audit, Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias, 06/1934, 03/1938 (two copies – examples)

R1.0 SF86 Report of the Parish Schools, 1934-1935

S1.0 SF87 Copies of the Official School Calendar Cards, 1934-1944

S2.0 SF88 To Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from Reverend John J. Bonner, reports on inspection of all individual schools, 1934-1935

S2.0 SF89 Correspondence – Department of Public Instruction, James G. Pentz, Chief, 1) Listing: High Schools and Religious Supervision; 2) Approval of High Schools as accredited secondary schools, c. 1934-1935

S4.0 SF90 1934-1944, Total Catholic School Enrollments for Each Year

T1.0 SF91 Sisters of St. Francis, Glen Riddle – various information, 1934-1939, 1943

T1.0 SF92 Supervisors File – Minutes from Meetings, 1934 – 1938, Supervisors reports, I.H.M.

T1.0 SF93 Teacher Training, 1934

T1.0 SF94 Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus, various information, 1934-39, 1942-1943

T1.0 SF95 Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Various Information, 1942, St. Hedwig’s School, 12/17/1935, regarding problems, to S.M. Charitina, H.F.N., assistant Superintendent, Mount Carmel Catholic High School, Mount Carmel, PA

T1.0 SF96 Sisters of St. Joseph – Various information – 1934, 1936-1939

T1.0 SF97 Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament 1935-1941, correspondence, etc.

T1.0 SF98 Sisters of Christian Charity: 1) various information, 1939; 2) cause of foundress – Pauline von Mallinckrodt, 1935

T1.0 SF99 Sisters of St. Joseph’s Supervisor’s Reports, 1935

C1.0 SF100 Census Materials, 1935-1936, general graphs

E1.0 SF101 Assignment from Dennis Cardinal Dougherty to write paper for Ecclesiastical conference to Monsignor John J. Bonner, from Monsignor Hugh Lamb, Chancellor, c. 1935-1936

E2.0 SF102 Results of Mid and Final testing – grade schools 1936 – Example tests, instructions and Keys

M1.0 SF103 Civil Law Flyer relative to Catholic Parochial Properties

R1.0 SF104 Report of the Parish Schools, 1935 – 1936

S1.0 SF105 School Report – Statistics 1936 – 1937 S2.0 SF106 correspondence from Lester K. Ade, Superintendent of Public Schools to Monsignor Bonner concerning various purposes also inspection of schools, c. 1935-1936

T1.0 SF107 Re: Teacher’s Meetings, 1936 – 1942

T1.0 SF108 Correspondence – agenda etc, on superiors meetings – 1940 from 1935

C1.0 SF109 Census Materials, 1936-1937, General Graphs

C4.0 SF110 10/1936, survey of High School Curricula

C4.0 SF111 To Principals, from Superintendent, 07/22/1936, suggested Course outlines

C4.0 SF112 List of textbooks and references for teachers for specific uses, 1936

E2.0 SF113 Results of Mid and Final Tests, Grade Schools 1937 – Example Tests, Instructions and Keys

F1.0 SF114 From The Philadelphia Archdiocesan Chancery, to all parishes in the Archdiocese, Church finances are not to be defined for the government, c. 1936-1937

M1.0 SF115 1936-1937, High School Uniforms

S1.0 SF116 Schedule two or more grades in one room, 1936-1937

S1.0 SF117 Schedules specifying the amount of time allotted for the different subjects to be taught each day of the week, c. 1936-1937

S1.0 SF118 Official School Calendar, 1936-1937

T1.0 SF119 Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart – various information, withdrawal from St. James, Elkins Park, 1936

T1.0 SF120 Correspondence – Missionary Workers of the Sacred Heart, c. 1936-1937

T1.0 SF121 Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1936-1941 – Correspondence with Monsignor Bonner, lists, etc

V1.0 SF122 To Monsignor Bonner, from Al McGlynn, 1936, addition of St. Charles Seminary to List of Accredited Colleges

C1.0 SF123 Census Materials, 1937 – 1938, General Graphs

C2.0 SF124 Commemorating the progress of Germantown School Participation, 09/14/1937

C4.0 SF125 High School Outlines for Courses of Study, 1937

E2.0 SF126 Results of Mid and Final Testing Grade Schools, 1938 – example tests, Instructions and Keys

E2.0 SF127 Results of Middle and Final Testing – High School, 1938 – Example Testing, Keys, Medians

R1.0 SF128 Re: Report of the Parish Schools, 1937-1938

R1.0 SF129 The 44th – 49th Annual Reports on schools of the Archdiocese from 1938 – 1943 S2.0 SF130 April 1937, Memorandum concerning closing of Holy Trinity School

S4.0 SF131 Analysis of High School Enrollment Sheets, 1928 – 1948

S5.0 SF132 Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, rulings of Cardinal concerning reasons for pupils to leave High School (legitimate reasons and also pupil dismissal), c. 1937-1938

V1.0 SF133 08/1937, To High School, from Superintendent, Permission to Give Vocational talks in high schools

C1.0 SF134 Census Materials, 1938 – 1939, General Graphs

C4.0 SF135 High School Outlines for Courses of study, C. 1938 – 1939

E2.0 SF136 Results of Middle and Final Testing High School, 1939 – Example Testing, Keys, Medians

E2.0 SF137 Results of Mid-Term and Final Testing grade schools 1939 – Example Tests, Instructions and Keys

S2.0 SF138 To Al McGlynn, from Monsignor John J. Bonner, accrediting St. Joseph’s Academy – High School, c. 1938 – 1939

C1.0 SF139 Census Materials, 1939 – 1940, General Graphs

C4.0 SF140 Book List 1939, Grammar Schools, 06/1940, outline of fifth Grade Geography 1939, proposed courses for high school 1939

E1.0 SF141 The Pennsylvania Catholic Educational Association, 04/1940 at Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls

E2.0 SF142 Results of High School Mid Year Testing, 1940, Example testing, keys

E2.0 SF143 Results of Middle Medians High School Testing, 1940, Example Testing, Keys

E2.0 SF144 Results of Mid and Final Testing, Grade Schools, 1940 – Example tests, instructions and keys

S1.0 SF145 School Calendar, 1939 – 1940

T1.0 SF146 Sisters of Saint Joseph, 1940 – 1944, correspondence (Monsignor Bonner), tests, etc.

T1.0 SF147 Bernardine Sisters, 1940-1943, correspondence (Monsignor Bonner), Listings, Etc.

T1.0 SF148 Teachers Handbook – Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Varied Schools, 09/1939

C1.0 SF149 Census Materials, 1940 – 1941, General Graphs

E2.0 SF150 Results of Final Testing – High School, 1941 (Sample testing, keys, etc)

E2.0 SF151 Results of Mid-Year and Final Testing – Grade Schools, 1941 – Example Tests, Instructions and Keys

E2.0 SF152 Results of Middle Testing – High School, 1941 (sample testing, keys, etc.)

E2.0 SF153 Results of Final Test High Schools, 1940, example testing, Keys, etc.

M1.0 SF154 Employment of Children on farms in New Jersey, c. 1940-1941

R1.0 SF155 School Report, 1940 – 1941, statistics, High Schools, Grade Schools

T1.0 SF156 Sisters of St. Francis, Glen Riddle, involvement in High School 1941, Superiors in schools, 1940

T1.0 SF157 Sisters of Notre Dame (School), correspondence, etc., 1941 – 1942

C1.0 SF158 Census Materials, 1941 – 1942, General Graphs

C3.0 SF160 General Emergency Defense Directions for Parochial Schools, 1941 – 1942

C3.0 SF159 Defense directions for schools, Included: Bulletins on Defense, two example arrangements for communications, two example arrangements for school shelter purposes, c. 1941-1942

C3.0 SF161 Descriptions, listing, and Correspondence concerning Defense courses and vocational training for Catholic High School Students, 1941 – 1942

E2.0 SF162 Results of Middle Testing – High School 1942 – Example Testing, Keys, etc

E2.0 SF163 Results of Mid and Final Testing – Grade Schools 1942 – example tests, Instructions and Keys

E2.0 SF164 Results of High School Final Testing 1941, Example Testing, Keys

E2.0 SF165 Results of Final Testing – High School – Example testing, keys, etc

T1.0 SF166 Sister, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Various information, 1942, 11/1929, from Sister M. Paulita, various information 1941

S1.0 SF167 Monsignor John J. Bonner, from Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, 01/1942, change in schedule for school year (Handwritten letter – response)

C1.0 SF168 Census Materials, 1942 – 1943, general graphs

C3.0 SF169 1942 – information in celebration of a Solemn Pontifical Mass 11/01/1942 at Convention Hall – mass intention “to obtain from the mercy of God our country’s victory in the present war” (WWII), school participation

E2.0 SF170 Results of Final Testing – High School 1943 – Example Testing, Keys

E2.0 SF171 Results of Mid and Final Exams, Testing Grade Schools 1943 – Example Exams, Keys, Instructions

E2.0 SF172 Results of Middle Testing – High School 1943 – Example Testing, Keys

F1.0 SF173 Cafeterias of High Schools, Correspondence, Salary Certificates, report of all high school cafeterias, Fiscal Year, 1943

R1.0 SF174 Report of Parish Schools, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1942 – 1943

S2.0 SF175 To Monsignor John J. Bonner, from Monsignor Carroll McCormick, Chancellor, closing of high school for the Allentown Parish of Immaculate Conception, Building of School for St. Stephen’s Shenandoah c. 1942 – 1943

S4.0 SF176 Statistics, 1942 – 1943

S5.0 SF177 Various Form Letters from the Superintendant, 1942 – 1943

C1.0 SF178 Census Materials, 1943 – 1944, General Graphs

C3.0 SF179 Form Letters concerning World War II, Government, Civil Participation, 1942, 1943, 1944

C3.0 SF180 Materials dealing with High School Preparations for the Armed Forces, c. 1943 – 1944

E2.0 SF181 Results of Mid and Final Exam Testing, Grade Schools, 1944 – Example Exams, charts and Median Results

E2.0 SF182 1943 – 1944, Terman – McNemar test of mental ability, Grade 8, copy of the test, sample score lists from parishes directions to superiors from Monsignor Bonner

M1.0 SF183 Concerning Prayers for the Cause of Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton – Schools, etc. 1943

R1.0 SF184 Fiftieth Annual Report – Schools of Archdiocese under Cardinal Dougherty, 06/1944, statistics, etc.

S5.0 SF185 1943 – 1944 Form letters to 8th Graders concerning entrance into High School

S5.0 SF186 Various form letters from Superintendent’s Office, c. 1943 – 1944

A1.0 SF187 Correspondence covering the Scholastic Art Exhibit, 1944 – Concerning Gimbels

A1.0 SF188 High School Athletics, Girls Basketball, 1944 – 1945

C1.0 SF189 Census Information – Archdiocesan Schools, 1944 – 1945

C3.0 SF190 Military Training Bill, C. 1944 – 1945

C3.0 SF191 Materials concerning the Red Cross during WWII – Blood Donations, money, c. 1944 – 1945

C3.0 SF192 Correspondence – to Monsignor Bonner and Schools, Treasury Department – War Finance Committee – 1945

C3.0 SF193 V-E Day, 1945

C3.0 SF194 Correspondence and reports – Post War Education Committee – State Education Council and Standards for Veterans School, 1944

C3.0 SF195 Certificate marking John J. Bonner’s services rendered in civilian defense during the years of war with Germany and Japan (no Date), c. 1944 – 1945

E1.0 SF196 Reports and Meeting Minutes Middle States, C. 1944 – 1945

E1.0 SF197 Pennsylvania Catholic Education Association Correspondence, Monsignor Bonner Minutes – Meetings/Conference Report, 1944

E1.0 SF198, 1945 – 1946 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Our Parish Comfraternity, 07/08/1945, 10/45, 11/45, 01/46, 03/46. 04/46

E1.0 SF199 Correspondence, 1944, confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Bishop Lamb

E1.0 SF200 Correspondence, Monsignor John Bonner, National Conference of Christians and Jews, c. 1944-1945

E1.0 SF201 National Catholic Education Association, Correspondence, Monsignor Bonner, c. 1944- 1945

C4.0 SF202 Book Lists – 1944 – 1945

C4.0 SF203 1944 – 1945, classes in various schools, roster

C4.0 SF204 1944 – 1945, Library Lists of Father Falvey, Catholic Grade Schools Reading Lists and Library Information

C4.0 SF205 Information on Religion Course Revampment, correspondence – Bonner (1944), and booklet on four year religion course in Catholic High Schools

C4.0 SF206 1944- General – History Syllabus

C4.0 SF207 Correspondence, minutes meetings – etc, National Catholic Music Educators, c. 1944- 1945

C4.0 SF208 Tentative course grade lists correspondences – Monsignor John Bonner and Sister Francis Loretto, c. 1944 – 1945

E2.0 SF209 1945 High School Final, Examinations: Medians & Statistics

E2.0 SF210 1945 Examinations – High School Finals

E2.0 SF211 1945 Examinations – Mid Year January High School

E2.0 SF212 Mid Year (January) High School Examinations, results, Medians, Statistics

E2.0 SF213 1945 Examinations – Elementary Finals: Exam Keys, Statistics, Form Letters

E2.0 SF214 1945 – 8th Grade Achievement Test in Reading

E2.0 SF215 Re: Mid Year Examinations – January, 1945, sample examinations

E2.0 SF216 Cooperative tests of the American Council on Education: Various tests, keys, schedules, and correspondence, 1944 – 1945

E2.0 SF217 05/01/1945 – regulations concerning Administering Diocesan Final Exams; 05/01/1945 – regulations concerning administering Diocesan Final Exams

F1.0 SF218 Report on Examination, Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias for Fiscal Year ended 06/30/1945

F1.0 SF219 1944 – 1945, Finances (income, wages, etc.) of various Catholic High Schools

H1.0 SF220 05/05/1944 – Hospital problem Correspondence: Superior General order of St. Francis (Sister Mary Veronica), to Cardinal Dougherty, Need for workers at Catholic Hospitals

H1.0 SF221 Concerning Conference on Education for Safety, Correspondence – Monsignor Bonner, etc., c. 1944 – 1945

H1.0 SF222 1944 – General – Associated Hospital Service of Philadelphia

H1.0 SF223 1944 – 1945 – Infantile Paralysis Program

H1.0 SF224 1944 – Infantile paralysis

H1.0SF225 Department of Public Health – Letters concerning Health School Children – Monsignor Bonner

M1.0 SF226 September, 1944, Mother Seton Guild, prayer Crusade for the Canonization of Elizabeth Ann Seton

M1.0 SF227 1945 confraternity of Christian Doctrine – Reverend John McFadden Releasing of public school children for religious education

M1.0 SF228 Letters to Monsignor Bonner, American Foundation for the Blind, 1945, Anti- Defamation League, 1945

M1.0 SF229 1945 – Reverend Harold E. Keller, Correspondence, Superintendent of schools, Harrisburg Diocese

M1.0 SF230 Varied letters – to/from Monsignor Bonner concerning Foundation Scholarships of various background, c. 1944 – 1945

M1.0 SF231 1944 – 1945, International Business Machines Corporation

M1.0 SF232 06/06/1945, Reverend Francis J. Tuckers Commencement Speech, Immaculata College

M1.0 SF233 03/10/1945: Organization of school systems

M1.0 SF234 11/30/1944 – Foreign Policy Association

M1.0 SF235 Information on Uniforms Problems due to War, 1945

P1.0 SF236 Materials dealing with Radio Broadcasts of Catholic High Schools, C. 1944 – 1945

P1.0 SF237 “School Lore” 1944 and pictures and articles prepared for “School Lore” newspaper

P1.0 SF238 Report – The Philadelphia Catholic Hour 1944 – “What is Catholic Education?”

R1.0 SF239 Information on Schools 1944 – 1945, statistics, “School Report”

S1.0 SF240 05/1945, cost per student in Catholic Schools

S1.0 SF241 Schedule for yearly activities of various high schools, c. 1944 – 1945

S1.0 SF242 School Schedule – Archdiocese, 1944 – 1945

S1.0 SF243 1944 – 1945 – annual report by Reverend F. Furey to the Board of Trustees

S2.0 SF244 September, 1943 – 1944; Annual Report, president, Reverend Francis J. Furey, of Immaculata College

S2.0 SF245 Correspondence to Monsignor John Bonner concerning request change in names Reading Catholic High School

S2.0 SF246 1944 – 1945, St. Hubert’s Catholic High School, Faculty Members

S2.0 SF247 Galley for a Booklet of Description and History Concerning Notre Dame High School, c. 1944 – 1945

S2.0 SF248 Contract – with Oblates St. Francis and NorthEast Catholic High School given by Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, c. 1944 – 1945

S2.0 SF249 1945, Diocesan Summer Schools

S3.0 SF250 Sample letter responses to Monsignor John Bonner concerning the plan for accelerated program in grade schools, c. 1944 – 1945

S3.0 SF251 10/13/1944, summer school program: Daniel A. Lord, S.J., Sodality “Summer Schools of Catholic Action”

S3.0 SF252 05/03/1945, summer school preparation

S3.0 SF253 Regulations concerning the Diocesan Summer School – Superintendents Office and graduation booklet, c. 1944 – 1945

S4.0 SF254 Listings of Catholic High Schools and Colleges Employed, number of students, statistics, etc. (1944 – 1945)

S4.0 SF255 1944 – 1945, private schools, statistics for

S4.0 SF256 08/25/1944, list of high schools to which children from city parishes have been assigned

S5.0 SF257 04/25/1945, obligations in Catholic Training, form letter from Monsignor John Bonner to Catholic School Principles

T1.0 SF258 A report on the results of questionnaires concerning remarks made on present systems of teaching in Catholic Schools

T1.0 SF259 Teacher’s Meetings, 1944

T1.0 SF260 1944 Faculty Meetings, General Outlines (Hallahan High School)

T1.0 SF261 Supervisors meeting minutes, c. 1944 – 1945

A1.0 SF262 Athletic Directors, Athletic Information in Diocesan Schools, 1945 – 1946, Catholic League

A1.0 SF263 National Scholastic Art Contest, 1945

A1.0 SF 264 1945 – 1946, interleague Athletic Commission meetings

C1.0 SF265 School Census, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1945 – 1946

C2.0 SF266 Parochial School involvement in American Red Cross, 1945 C2.0 SF267 Letters to Reverend Edward Reilly about participation on Flag Day Events, 1946

C2.0 SF268 Letters form Monsignor John Bonner about Fire Prevention Week, c. 1945 – 1946

C3.0 SF269 G.I. Bill of Rights (Public Law 346), the legal rights of veterans and their implications for the Catholic High Schools, c. 1946

C3.0 SF270 1945, 1946 Parochial School in Philadelphia, participation in War Bond effort

C3.0 SF271 Sixth and Seventh War Bond Drives, 1944, 1946

C3.0 SF272 Army Day, 04/03/1946

C3.0 SF273 Legal rights of veterans and their implications for the Catholic High School, c. 1946

C3.0 SF274 National Catholic Welfare Conference (Post War Relief), 1946

C3.0 SF275 Citation of Service – 12/1945, Catholic Schools Diocese of Philadelphia, U.S. Treasury Department

C3.0 SF276 11/16/1945: Father John Kelly to Bonner Plan for Military Training during summer

C3.0 SF277 Correspondence, 08/1945, Monsignor, from Robert Bolger, the Mayor’s Philadelphia Committee for Victory, Thanksgiving and rededication

C3.0 SF278 Minutes of the Second Annual Meeting of the Philadelphia Veteran’s Advisory Committee, 1945 – 1946

C3.0 SF279 August and May, 1945, Newspapers: End of the War

C4.0 SF280 An outline of the course of study for High School religion, c. 1945 – 1946

C4.0 SF281 1946 – Schoolman’s week; general suggestions: Program

C4.0 SF282 Correspondence and listings of Text Books used in the Catholic Schools, c. 1945 – 1946

C4.0 SF283 06/06/1946, Journal of Religious Instruction, lists for approved texts, from Paul E. Cambel

C4.0 SF284 Provisions for the various mental levels in Catholic Schools, 10/30/1945, S.M. Celestina, O.S.B.

E1.0 SF285 Pennsylvania Catholic Education Association, 1945 – 1946, minutes

E1.0 SF286 The American Association of School Administrators, 1945 – 1946

E1.0 SF287 1946 – The National Catholic Education Association, Correspondence, Prograpms, Bulletins, publications, etc.

E1.0 SF288 Minutes programs, etc., of Middle States of colleges and secondary schools and affiliated associations, 1945

E1.0 SF289 Minutes of Principals meeting, December, 1946

E1.0 SF290 Catholic Participation in Library Membership of the Franklin Institute for Catholic High Students and Correspondence and announcements, C. 1945 – 1946

E2.0 SF291 Final Examination, 1946 – Grade School and High Schools. (Sample Exams, Median Lists, etc.)

E2.0 SF292 Mid Examinations, 1946 – High School Simple Exams, Median Lists, etc.

E2.0 SF293 Mid and Final Examinations, 1946 – Grade Schools, Sample Exams, Letters, Lists, etc., Terman – McNamar Test of Mental Ability

F1.0 SF294 06/30/1946 report on examination Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias

H1.0 SF295 1946, January – Infantile Paralysis Program, list of schools, letters

H1.0 SF296 Charts: statistics regarding public health, June campaign for Diptheria and whooping cough, 1946 – statistics on various other sickness

H1.0 SF297 Sub-committee on veneral diseases and the steering committee of Department of Public Health Advisory Committee on Health Education – transcript of conversation, 01/09/1946

H1.0 SF298 1945 – 1946, concerning make up work of students after illness (Hallahan High School)

H1.0 SF299 11/23/1945, Physical education in elementary schools, from John T. Foundy

M1.0 SF300 10/01/1945, to Mother Mary of Mercy, S.S.J., from Edward Reilly concerning grant credits to award official diplomas to a seminarian who attended Pottsville Catholic High School

M1.0 SF301 08/09/1945, religious instructions in Public School, Ethel S. Crassan, St. Patrick’s Church, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania

M1.0 SF302 1945, Department of Public Instruction, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Booklet Evaluation of Secondary Credentials, issuance of High School Diplomas, c. 1945 – 1946

M1.0 SF303 1946 released time for purpose of Religious Education, Public School Children

M1.0 SF304 04/16/1946, religious instruction regarding Public Schools, teachers meeting, 1945

M1.0 SF305 10/17/1945, Philadelphia Committee of Italian Relief

M1.0 SF306 Materials concerning uniforms for Catholic Girls High Schools: Eisenberg and O’Hara, c. 1945 – 1946

M1.0 SF307 05/11/1945, National Catholic Welfare Conference – School Lunch Program, to Superintendent

M1.0 SF308 Letter and speech of Robert E. Regan to Monsignor Bonner requesting permission to speak on Catholic Principles on Sex Instructions, c. 1945 – 1946

S1.0 SF309 Official School Calendar Cards – 1945 – 1946

R1.0 SF310 Report of the Parish Schools, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1945 – 1946

R1.0 SF311 Parish Schools Reports, 1944 – 1945; 1945 – 1946

S2.0 SF312 St. Mary’s School in Reading, seventh and eighth grades combined, 09/20/1945, Sister M. Augustine, Assistant Superintendent

S2.0 SF313 1945 – 1946, Student Body Pictures, Baccalaureate Day, Notre Dame, Wyncote

S4.0 SF314 Parochial Schools, Philadelphia, statistics, 1945 – 1946, regulations for the parish schools, Archdiocese of Philadelphia

S4.0 SF315 List of schools with Kindergardens, November 20, 1945, in Archdiocese of Philadelphia

S4.0 SF316 01/25/1946, Father Edward Kelly to Miss B. Burns: Lists of girls colleges and high schools in Archdiocese

S4.0 SF317 1945 Catholic Counciling reports Statistics on cases, agencies, visits, etc.

S3.0 SF318 Regulations of the Diocesan Summer School, 1946

S5.0 SF319 Monsignor John J. Bonner’s Death, 1945, Pamphlets, Articles, etc.

T1.0 SF320 From Monsignor John J. Bonner, to Miss Anne Flaherty, 11/03/1945, concerning important trends in the teaching programs of Catholic School

T1.0 SF321 Report on Supervisors Meetings – 02/1946, and listing of supervisors for 1945 – 1946

T1.0 SF322 Teacher’s Meetings 1945 – Notes for Superiors

T1.0 SF323 Reports and Correspondence concerning Teachers’ Meetings, 1945, 1946, 1947

T1.0 SF324 Materials concerning Sisters of St. Francis and Correspondence with Monsignor Bonner and booklet history of order, c. 1945 – 1946

A1.0 SF325 Listing and Constitution – Pennsylvania Catholic Interscholastic Athletics Association, c. 1946 – 1947

A1.0 SF326 Correspondence – Sandlot Sports Association, Inc., Reverend Ed Reilly, Regarding Catholic Girls High Schools collecting for the Association at a football game (1946)

C1.0 SF327 Census Materials – 1946 – 1947, total Sheets, etc. – High Schools of Archdiocese of Philadelphia

C2.0 SF328 Governors Committee on Higher Education – 1946 Lists and Report

C2.0 SF329 Correspondence with Father Edward Reilly concerning the All American and International Soap Box Derby 1947

C3.0 SF330 General Material – Dealing with Catholic Schools, letter from Reverend H. Lamb concerning Pope Pius XII asking them to aid the starving and homeless children of Europe and Asia, newspaper clippings, c. 1947

C4.0 SF331 Art Education: Catholic High Schools – 1947

C4.0 SF332 List of Criterion for Selection of textbooks for Catholic Schools, c. 1946 – 1947

E4.0 SF333 1947, National Catholic Education Association Conference, Scrap Book, Newspaper Clippings, etc.

E1.0 SF334 Pennsylvania Catholic Educational Association Report of the Religious Committee – 1946 – 1947

E2.0 SF335 Mid Exams – Catholic High Schools, 1947, Example Exams, Medians, etc. results

E2.0 SF336 Mid and Final Examinations – Elementary Catholic Schools, 1947, example exam, medians, etc (results)

E2.0 SF337 Final Examinations, 1947, Catholic High Schools

M1.0 SF338 Speech concerning “Basic Specifications for a Catholic School Building,” Edgar Kirby, Architect, c. 1946 – 1947

M1.0 SF339 Correspondence of Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (including material on Mother Catherine Drexel), c. 1946 – 1947

M1.0 SF340 Report on Overcrowding of High Schools and Letter from Cardinal Dougherty moving ninth grade pupils to public schools, 1947

S1.0 SF341 1946 – 1947, Official School Calendar Archdiocese of Philadelphia

R1.0 SF342 1946 – 1947, Report on the Parish Schools

R1.0 SF343 Schools Report, 1946 – 1947

S2.0 SF344 1946 Evaluating Committee Report on St. Thomas More High School and Accreditation of the School

S2.0 SF345 The rosters and folders of the Standard Evening High School to Parochial Schools, 1947

S5.0 SF346 “Statements of Policy” concerning Diocesan High Schools, 01/1947, Ed. Reilly, Superintendent

S5.0 SF347 Department of Public Instruction – Harrisburg, 1947, correspondence with Reilly – and Newsletter

S5.0 SF348 Reverend Edward Reilly, Superintendent, from Sister M. Lioba, Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital and Catholic Girl’s High School Alumnae, 1947, establishment of an endowment memorial to Monsignor Bonner

S3.0 SF349 Correspondence, etc, concerning Parochial Summer School – 1947 – Elementary and High School

T1.0SF350 Agenda for General Meeting of Secondary School Principals, 1946 – 1947

A1.0 SF351 Pennsylvania Catholic Interscholastic Athletic Association Constitution, 1947

A1.0 SF352 Athletics, Catholic High School Interscholastic League, Constitution Booklet, Board of Directors Meeting, and Correspondence, c. 1947 – 1948

A1.0 SF353 To High Schools, from Father Edward Reilly, 1947-1948, schedule, Girls High School Basketball Materials

A1.0 SF354 03/1-6/1948, information: Ninth Annual Latin Week (Parochial Schools)

C1.0 SF355 1947-1948, Census Materials – reports, charts, etc., parochial schools C2.0 SF356 To Father Reilly, from Society of Commodore Barry, U.S.N., 1947, participation in Barry Day, 1947 – Bands, etc

C2.0 SF357 To Reverend Edward Reilly, from Post Office Department, U.S., 1947, National Letter – Writing Week

C2.0 SF358 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, 1947, Flag Day Association Membership certificate

C3.0 SF359 To Correspondence to Superintendent Reverend Edward Edward Reilly, Material concerning Red Cross Fund, 1948, listings, descriptions, etc.

C3.0 SF360 From Mrs Sylvester A. Lowery, Chariman, 04/17/1948, committee for foreign relief: Archdiocese of Philadelphia

C3.0 SF361 From National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1948, American Overseas Aid United Nations Appeal for Children (Lay Teachers, Federal Aid, etc.)

C4.0 SF362 From Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1947, Addenda: Book Lists for course of Study in English, Grades 1 – 8

C4.0 SF363 1947, Report, the Teaching of Religion

E1.0 SF364 Materials – Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania, correspondence, minutes, meetings, 1946 – 1947, and Report of Religious Committee

E1.0 SF365 From National Catholic Educational Association, 02/12/1948, Tenth Annual Convention of Little Flower High School

E2.0 SF366 1948, Elementary and High School Mid-Year Diocesan Exams

E2.0 SF367 01/1948, High School Exams

H1.0, SF368 To Reverend Edward Reilly, from James Clark – Chairman, March of Dimes – National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc.

S1.0 SF369 1947 – 1948, Official School Calendar

R1.0 SF370 Reports to school board, fifty third annual – 1947 (High School Statistics)

S4.0 SF371 Superintendent’s Office, 1947 – 1951, Summary of Enrollment, 1947 – 1951

T1.0 SF372 To Monsignor Rowan, from Walter Duffy, 03/08/1947, committee on summer institutes for teachers of religion

T1.0 SF373 From Superintendents Office, 09/1947, the annual diocesan teacher’s meetings for superiors and elementary school teachers in Philadelphia and Pottsville

V1.0 SF374 From Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, 1947, correspondence sent to parishes concerning the annual collection for St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook

A1.0 SF375 1948 – 1949, a debate program for the Catholic Student’s Forum

A1.0 SF376 03/1949, directory of Member Schools; Pennsylvania Catholic Interscholastic Athletic Association

A1.0 SF377 Constitution of Pennsylvania Catholic Interscholastic Athletic Association 1949, Handbook of Management, newspaper clipping of Prep’s victory over Harrisburg Central Catholic

C1.0 SF378 1948 – 1949, School Census, High School score sheets, Secondary School Age and Grade tables

C2.0 SF379 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from P.J. McCormich, 01/03/1949, Catholic Education in regard to the American Citizenship Commission

C2.0 SF380 To Monsignor Reilly, from National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc., Patriotic Brotherhood, 1948 – 1949

C3.0 SF381 To Superintendent, from W.E. McManns, 02/19/1949, Bishop’s Fund for Victims of War: National Catholic Welfare Conference, (Also a letter from Helen Keller to Mr. Reilly)

C3.0 SF382 From National Federation of Catholic Colleges, 1948 – 1949, Meeting Reports and Students Relief Campaign

C4.0 SF383 11/07/1949, Religious Instruction Reports: Diocesan Conference

C4.0 SF384 From Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Public Instruction, 01/1950, criteria for the use of a school district in evaluating the highway safety education program

E1.0 SF385 Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania Meeting, 1949 – reports and photograph of the members

E1.0 SF386 To Reverend Edward Reilly, from Victor Green, 03/23/1949, council of education meetings

E1.0 SF387 62nd Annual Convention Plans, 1948 – Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

E1.0 SF388 1949, National Catholic Education Association, Materials, Convention

E2.0 SF389 01/26/1949, Diocesan Mid-Year Exams

E2.0 SF390 01/1949, Mid-Year Examinations

E2.0 SF391 06/1949, High School Medians, Final Examinations

E2.0 SF392 1949, Final Grade School and High School Exams

F1.0 SF393 06/30/1949, Report on Examination, Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias

F1.0 SF394 1948 – 1949, diocesan summer High School – financial report

H1.0 SF395 From Reverend Edward M. Reilly, 01/04/1949 – 01/15/1949, Infantile Paralysis

H1.0 SF396 To Monsignor Reilly, from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 03/1949, Department of Public Health

H1.0 SF397 1949, Correspondence – Medical and Civic Related, 1) Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 2) Reserve Officers Association of U.S.

M1.0 SF398 From National Catholic Building Convention and Exposition, leaflet of information, c. 1948 – 1949

S1.0 SF399 09/1948 – 06/1949, Official School Calendar

R1.0 SF400 1948 – 1949, copy – for report of Archdiocesan Schools Superintendent, etc.

S2.0 SF401 1949, Scripture Institute at Little Flower Catholic High School

S2.0 SF402 To Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, from Reverend Edward Reilly, 07/01/1949, memorandum to his Eminence regarding enrollment at Northeast Catholic High School for Boys

S3.0 SF403 05/06/1949, Summer School Policy and Information

S4.0 SF404 09/09/1948, School Attendance Sheets

S4.0 SF405 09/14/1948, Memorandum to Cardinal Dougherty concerning the elementary school enrollment

S5.0 SF406 1949, pictures of Monsignor Reilly at Villanova

T1.0 SF407 06/10-21/1949, Catholic University of America – Workshop on “The Teacher”

V1.0 SF408 11/1949, “Bulletin” National Catholic Educational Association – Fostering Vocations

A1.0SF409 To Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, from the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 1950, Poster Contest, 03/23/1950, best Mission Sunday Poster (photo enclosed)

C4.0 SF410 09/1949, Addenda to Diocesan Book List

E2.0 SF411 To Superintendents Office, 1950, examination Medians – Final and Mid Year

E2.0 SF412 To Superintendent’s Office, 01/1950, Mid Year Examinations – Archdiocese of Philadelphia for High School and elementary schools

E2.0 SF413 To Superintendent’s Office, 06/1950, Final Examinations – Archdiocese of Philadelphia – Elementary School

E2.0 SF414 To Superintendent’s Office, 06/1950, Archdiocese of Philadelphia High School examinations and answer sheets

F1.0 SF415 To Archdiocese of Philadelphia, from Robert A. O’Connell, C.P.A., Fiscal Year ended 06/30/1950, report on examination Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeteria

F1.0 SF416 05/01/1950, Diocesan Summer School; Policy, financial report

S1.0 SF417 09/1949 – 06/1950, Archdiocese of Philadelphia Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF418 1950, Philosophy of Girls Catholic High Schools; Booklet, Catholic Schools in American Education

S2.0 SF419 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from Reverend Joseph McGlinn, 06/29/1950, school conducted by handmaids of the Sacred Heart in Glenside

T1.0 SF420 10/1949, Teacher’s Meetings (General)

T1.0 SF421 05/01/1950, supervisors, lists and meetings, (1949 – 1950)

A1.0 SF422 1950 – Booklet, Pennsylvania Catholic Interscholastic Athletic Association Constitution and By-Laws

C1.0 SF423 1950 – 1951, School Census, Grand Total Report

E1.0 SF424 48th Annual Convention, 1951, National Catholic Educational Association (Leaflets, Programs, Bulletin, Correspondence

E1.0 SF425 1950 – 1951, minutes of meeting and constitution of the National Federation of Catholic College Students

E1.0 SF426 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from Americans for the Competitive Enterprises System, 07/11/1951, student tour program

E2.0 SF427 1951, sample exams, medians, lists, etc, final examinations – High School and Elementary

E2.0 SF428 1951, final examinations, High School and elementary

R1.0 – SF429 1950-1951, report of the Parish Schools, Archdiocese Booklet

S1.0 SF430 Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 09/1950 – 06/1951, official school calendar

S2.0 SF431 1951 Sheet Music: School Song: Little Flower High School for Schools

S2.0 SF432 From Overbrook School for the Blind, 1950 – 1951, education of the Preschool Child

S5.0 SF433 1950 Statement of Policy – Summer School, 1950

S5.0 SF434 To Superiors, from Edward M. Reilly, 01/20/1951, Civil Defense within the high schools

S5.0 SF435 From Reverend Edward M. Reilly, Superintendent, essay: A History of the Diocesan School System of Philadelphia, c. 1950-1951

A1.0 SF436 1951-1952, Catholic Interscholastic League: Meetings

C1.0 SF437 1951-1952, school census – Materials, Grand Total Sheets, etc.

C2.0 SF438 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from Clement V. Canole, 07/27/1951, certificate recognizes Reilly’s part in the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence

C2.0 SF439 To Monsignor Cletus J. Benjamin, Chancellor, from Edward M. Reilly, 09/26/1951, School Law of the Commonwealth, Pledge of Allegiance

C4.0 SF440 1951 – September, Lists of Recommended Text Books for Elementary Schools

E1.0 SF441 From Catholic Educational Association of Pennsylvania, 1951 – 1952, meeting reports

E2.0 SF442 06/1952, Final Examinations

E2.0 SF443 From Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 01/1952, Mid Year Exams

E2.0 SF444 1952, High School Exams

E2.0 SF445 06/1952, High School Median Final Examinations

E2.0 SF446 01/1952, High School Medians, Mid Year Exams

E2.0 SF447 To Superintendent’s Office, 1952, Final Examinations for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Elementary School

E2.0 S448 To Superintendent’s Office, 1952, Final Examinations for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia High School

F1.0 SF449 06/30/1952, report on examination: Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias

M1.0 SF450 From Catholic University of America, 06/13 – 24/1952, workshop on special education of the Exceptional Child

R1.0 SF451 1951 – 1952, Booklet – Report of the Parish Schools (Archdiocese of Philadelphia)

S1.0 SF452 1951, schools – Diocesan Elementary Material, Correspondence, etc. – Concerning revision of the Class schedules

S2.0 SF453 The Most Reverend Gerald P. O’Hara, from Reverend Edward M. Reilly, 10/04/1951, facts and names associated with the Hallahan Alumnae Association since its beginning

S2.0 SF454 To Archbishop John O’Hara – Memoranda, Reverend Edward M. Reilly, 06/23/1952 – need for a High School in North Central Area of Philadelphia; 06/23/1952 – rise of property (St. Peter and Paul Cemetery) at Marple for a High School; 06/23/1952 – possible need of parish school in Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Southampton; 04/01/1952 – Children of Assumption Parish, Neshaminy Falls

S3.0 SF455 To Principals, from Reverend Edward M. Reilly, 05/09/1952, regulations on registering pupils for advanced credit

S5.0 SF456 To Superiors, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 10/19/1951, student records, etc.

T1.0 SF457 To Board of Education, from John J. Graham, 04/09/1952, lists of pastors, principals

T1.0 SF458 1950, Minutes – General Teachers Meeting

A1.0 SF459 05/3-4/1953, Musicale (Program), Philadelphia Diocesan Catholic Girls High School, Academy of Music

C1.0 SF460 From Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1952 – 1953, grand total of Diocesan School Census

C2.0 SF461 To Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, from Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in behalf of 1952 Pennsylvania Week, 1952, certificate

C3.0 SF462 From Department of Public Instruction, 09/16/1952, Civil Defense

C4.0 SF463 To Superintendent’s Office, from Superintendent’s Office, course of study – History and Civic’s Revised History Syllabus, Grades 4 – 8, c. 1952 – 1953

E1.0 SF464 From Catholic Educational Association of America, 10/16/1952, 02/05/1952, 02/03/1952, minutes of the Executive Board Meetings

E1.0 SF465 From Catholic University of America, 06/12 – 06/23/1953, workshop booklets on education

E2.0 SF466 1953, Mid Year Exams (Median – general)

E2.0 SF467 06/1953, Elementary Final Exams

E2.0 SF468 06/1953, High School Final Exams and Medians

E2.0 SF469 01/1953, High School mid year exams and medians

E2.0 SF470 01/14-16/1953, mid year exams and keys grade school

F1.0 SF471 From Robert A. O’Connell, fiscal year ending 06/30/1953, report on examination of the Philadelphia Catholic High Schools

A1.0 SF472 To Edward M. Reilly, from Richard D. Wood, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 07/24/1952, Children’s Medical Center

M1.0 SF473 To Monsignor Reilly, from J.A. Richards, 06/08/1953, teaching homebound children by phone

M1.0 SF474 1952, Kuhlman – Anderson Test Handbook Information

M1.0 SF475 To Reverend Edward J. Reilly, from Bernard L. Bonniwell, 06/17/1953, Catholic Guidance Center: Proposal for the establishment of

P1.0 SF476 11/1952, 12/1952, 03/1953, 04/1953, 05/1953, a bulletin published monthly by the members of the radio and TV Council of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

R1.0 SF477 1952-1953 Annual Report of the Parish Schools

S1.0 SF478 From Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 09/1952 – 06/1953, Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF479 To Archbishop O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward M. Reilly: 1) Memorandum – proposed renovations of Chapel in the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi, Springfield; 2) Memorandum – concerning the proposal to withdraw three Norbertines (Fathers) from South East Catholic High School (and related correspondence), 06/19/1953; 3) Memorandum – St. Thomas School, Croydon, PA, 05/08/1953; 4) Memorandum – Most Blessed Sacrament School, Philadelphia, 10/24/1952; 5) Memorandum – Holy Spirit School, Sharon Hill, PA, 03/16/1953; 6) Memorandum – revision of a recommendation for the establishment of St. John’s Day School as contained in C.J. of a report submitted on 05/19/1953 – 06/03/1953 – submitted by John J. Graham

S2.0 SF480 To Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas F. McNally, V.G., from John J. Hoydy, 09/03/1952, memorandum - on Annunciation School in Brookline prepared for the Right Reverend Monsignor Thomas F. McNally, V.G.

S2.0 SF481 School Conctruction in Archdiocese, 1952 – 1959

S2.0 SF482 To Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, from Ernst A. Stackes/Charlot G. Coffroth, 02/03/1953 – 01/27/1953, approval of Little Flower High School, Lansdale

S2.0 SF483 To Charlot G. Coffroth, from Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, 01/26/1953, accredidation of Little Flower High School, Lansdale

S4.0 SF484 1950 – 1951, State school systems 1950 – 1951 statistics

S4.0 SF485 To Bishop O’Hara, from Monsignor Reilly, statistics concerning high school system for 1953

S5.0 SF486 1953, statement of policy for High Schools (Principles and regulations)

A1.0 SF487 1953 – 1954, Archdiocesan Catholic Girls High School Basketball League, Official Constitution and By-Laws

A1.0 SF488 To Monsignor Reilly, 1954, Information concerning Youth Orchestra of Philadelphia

C1.0 SF489 1953-1954, school census – Grand Totals Sheet and secondary school age grade table grand totals, enrollment sheet – 1953 – 1954

C2.0 SF490 1953, material and correspondence concerning Philadelphia Safety Council Safety’s Meetings, patrol, etc

C3.0 SF491 To Correspondence, Monsignor Reilly, 1953 – 1954, Philadelphia Civil Defense Education Material Pamphlets and Lists, et al

E1.0 SF492 American Council on Education Memorandum

E1.0 SF493 1954, Catholic High School Quarterly Bulletin, N.C.E.A., Catholic Education in U.S. 1953

E1.0 SF494 1954 February, Catholic Education Association, Philadelphia – Minutes Meeting, Monsignor Reilly, Members

E2.0 SF495 To Reverend Dr. Lallou, from superintendent, 05/06/1954, exam schedule

E2.0 SF496 01/1954, elementary, Mid-year exams – samples, copies, Medians, etc. and finals

E2.0 SF497 01/1954 – Mid Year High School Exams – copies, etc. and Medians list

E2.0 SF498 06/1954 – Finals, High School Exams – copies and Medians

F1.0 SF499 To Monsignor Corr, from 1953 – Memorandum, financing construction of new high schools

M1.0 SF500 To Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from Laurence A. Griffin, 03/09/1954, “Planning the Catholic Elementary School Building” report

M1.0 SF501 1953 – 1954, Material concerning Scholarships and Awards open to High School Students of Catholic Schools

R1.0 SF502 1953 – 1954, report of the Parish Schools Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Supervisors List

S1.0 SF503 1953 – 06/1954 Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF504 1953 – 1954, to Father Brown, Dr. McElroy, School Analysis Report

S2.0 SF505 03/1954, St. James High School, Stats, Little Flower Catholic High, Stats

S3.0 SF506 05/1953, Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, school policy, and schedules S4.0 SF507 1953, enrollments in schools

S5.0 SF508 From Monsignor Reilly, 1954, letters concerning regulations and Policy of High School

S5.0 SF509 09/08/1953, function superintendent’s office

T1.0 SF510 1953 – 1954, superiors of schools, Monsignor Reilly, exploration of development of the lay teachers situation

T1.0 SF511 05/20/1954, Edward B. Rooney, S.J., letter to Presidents (Principles) of Catholic Colleges, Universities, Graduate Schools, High and elementary schools, teaching positions

V1.0 SF512 From Reverend Edward Reilly, 01/08/1954, vocation talks at schools

C1.0 SF513 1954 – 1955, school census

C2.0 SF514 1954, Halloween Observance

C2.0 SF515 05/1955, Archbishop O’Hara, pastors, participation in public school, commencement exercises

C2.0 SF516 11/22/1954, to Monsignor Edward Reilly, from C.P. Jorden, photos, construction of Junior Sanitation units in diocesan elementary schools

C2.0 SF517 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, correspondence – World Affairs Council of Philadelphia and U.N. Day Material

C4.0 SF518 01/01/1955, to Francis J. Gillespie, from Archbishop John F. O’Hara, Gillespie letter enclosed, possibility of Vocational School in Archdiocese

C4.0 SF519 04/12/1955, to Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Sister Mary Louise, O.P., Business Education Program

E1.0 SF520 1955, Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania Bulletins

E1.0 SF521 06/06/1955, Junior Achievement of Philadelphia, meeting

E2.0 SF522 06/1955, Archdiocese of Philadelphia: Final Examinations (Elementary Schools)

E2.0 SF523 01/1955, Archdiocesan Mid Year Examinations, Elementary Schools

E2.0 SF524 06/1955

E2.0 SF525 06/1955, Archdiocesan High School Final Exams

E2.0 SF526 01/1955, High School Medians: Mid Year Exams

E2.0 SF527 12/1954, Mid Year Diocesan High School Exams

F1.0 SF528 06/30/1955, report on Examination Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias for Year ended 06/1955

F1.0 SF529 1954 – 1955, Financial Reports: Various High School

M1.0 SF530 04/19/1954, to pastors, from Cardinal O’Hara, Inquiry classes for non-Catholics M1.0 SF531 12/08/1954, to school children, from Archbishop O’Hara, end of Marian Year and asking for prayers for orphan girl (Patricia Ann Kuntz) placed in non-Catholic home

M1.0 SF532 11/1954, N.C.W.C. Department of Education “The Task Ahead: Catholic Grade Schools”

M1.0 SF533 11/28/1954, from Donald A. Blaes, “The Dilemma of Catholic Education”

R1.0 SF534 1954 – 1955, annual report of parish schools

S1.0 SF535 09/1954 – 06/1955, Archdiocesan Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF536 11/26/1954, change of name of Southwest Catholic to Bishop Neumann High School, Reverend C. Albert Koob, O. Praem, from Archbishop John O’Hara, letter enclosed to O’Hara from Koob

S2.0 SF537 1954-1955, to Archbishop O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, nature and faculty (y. Vincentians) of proposed Bethlehem – Easton High School, letter from O’Hara enclosed

S2.0 SF538 10/1954, correspondence concerning the addition of two classrooms to St. Eleanor’s School in Collegeville

S2.0 SF539 c. 1954 – 1955, Mr. John Brennan, from Archbishop John O’Hara, Brennan Letter enclosed, appointment of Brennan as principal of St. Marie Goretti High School

S2.0 SF540 11/1954 – 07/20/1954, to pastors, from Cardinal O’Hara, donations for Our Lady of Confidence school for retarded Children

S2.0 SF541 c. 1954 – 1955, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, memorandum on consolidation of schools in Coaldale, Lansford, and Tamaqua into one central Catholic High School

S2.0 SF542 09/29/1954, Department of Public instruction, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, notice of closing of Notre Dame High School, Wyncote

S2.0 SF543 1954 – 1955, legal problems in building McDevitt High School

S2.0 SF544 To Archbishop John O’Hara, 02/1955, Memoranda on School Problems concerning classroom facilities at Various High Schools

S2.0 SF545 To Cardinal O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 11/1954, correspondence concerning school for retarded children, and residence for order of teaching priests

S4.0 SF546 From National Catholic Welfare Conference, 1955, “Catholic Elementary Schools, Their Growth and Future,” A Survey

S4.0 SF547 1954 – 1955, list of schools addresses and high schools to which students go

T1.0 SF548 From Brother James, F.S.C., to Archbishop John O’Hara, 09/21/1954, brothers of Christian Schools are unable to accept offer to expand their teaching services in the Archdiocese (response attached)

T1.0 SF549 To Right Reverend Mosignor Edward M. Reilly, from Archbishop O;Hara, 01/10/1955, analysis of elementary school teachers at that time

T1.0 SF550 02/01/1980, sample letter sent to all Pastors and religious superiors concerning lay teachers in the schools T1.0 SF551 04/26/1955, to Right Reverend Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, from Archbishop John O’Hara, enclosed letter from S.E.C.H.S. Teachers to Very Reverend Albert Koob, O. Praem., teachers salaries, petition from lay teachers from S.E.C.H.S.

T1.0 SF552 From Monsignor Edward Reilly, 06/10/1955 – 04/18/1955, lay teachers and lay teaching

T1.0 SF553 To Superiors, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 01/12/1955, lay teachers

V1.0 SF554 1955, religious vocation survey Archdiocese of Philadelphia

V1.0 SF555 03/1955, pastors, from Archbishop O’Hara, Vocations

C1.0 SF556 1955-1966, school census

C4.0 SF557 Norms concerning peration of Diocesan remedial reading program, c. 1955-1956

E1.0 SF558 07/09/1955, minutes of committee on higher education opportunities in Philadelphia

E1.0 SF559 Catholic Education of Pennsylvania, 10/20/1955, meetings

E2.0 SF560 1956 Diocesan Final Exams, City Schools and addresses (Elementary)

E2.0 SF561 06/1956, High School Medians

E2.0 SF562 1956, High School Finals exams, part 1

E2.0 SF563 01/1956, mid year examinations and Median sheets, city schools and addresses

E2.0 SF564 1956, Final Elementary Exams

E2.0 SF565 1956, High School Final Exams, Part 2

E2.0 SF566 01/1956, High School Mid Year Exams and Medians

F1.0 SF567 To Bishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, Diocesan High School Tuition, 1956

F1.0 SF568 1956 – 1957, report on examination, Philadelphia Catholic High Schools

F1.0 SF569 12/1955, accounting regulations for diocesan High Schools of Philadelphia

H1.0 SF570 10/1955 – 10/1956, minutes of the advisory health council meeting

F1.0 SF571 1956, Fire prevention week committee, Monsignor Reilly member (Minutes of Meetings and letters)

M1.0 SF572 1955 – 1956, Vistarama Booklet, Religious Missions Committee

M1.0 SF573 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Archbishop John O’Hara, Scholarships for High School Graduates (Suggestions), 1955 – 1956

R1.0 SF574 1955-1956, Report of the Parish Schools, Archdiocese of Philadelphia

S1.0 SF575 1955-1956, Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF576 To Bishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 1956, closing of St. Joseph’s High School, Girardville

S2.0 SF577 To Bishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 1955, correspondence concerning St. Anne’s Church as a School

S2.0 SF578 To Archbishop John O’Hara, 03/1956, Construction of Our Lady of Confidence Convent

S2.0 SF579 To Archbishop John O’Hara, 10/1955, Augustinians as teachers on staff at Boys High School in Drexel Hill

S2.0 SF580 To Archbishop John O’Hara, Building of a chapel for St. Hubert’s High School, c. 1955 – 1956

S2.0 SF581 To Archbishop John O’Hara , 09/1955, The Building of a Catholic High School in Lansdale

S2.0 SF582 1955-1957, proposals for Notre Dame High School and dedication Information

S2.0 SF583 03/1956, Memoranda on Conditions at Saint Augustine’s School, Philadelphia

S2.0 SF584 To Archbishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, Presentation B.V.M. School, Cheltenham, c. 1955 – 1956

S2.0 SF585 To Archbishop John O’Hara, 10/1955, information on the Building of a High School in Levittown

S2.0 SF586 To Archbishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, St. Joseph’s Hill School, Ashland, PA

S2.0 SF587 To Archbishop John O’Hara, from Reverend Joseph M. Corr, 03/28/1956, a proposed contract for the services of the Vincentians for Notre Dame High School, Green Pond

S2.0 SF588 1955, data for evaluation committee, Notre Dame Catholic High School for Girls

S2.0 SF589 1955, Information Booklets for the Northeast Catholic High School

S4.0 SF590 To Archbishop John O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, c. 1955, 1955 Graduates who are full-time students in college, 09/1955

S4.0 SF591 1955-1956, Delaware County Parochial School enrollment booklet

S4.0 SF591 1955-1956 School Enrollment

T1.0 SF593 To Archbishop John O’Hara, suggestions for the distribution of Diocesan Priests teaching in our High Schools

T1.0 SF594 1956, Principal’s Meeting Minutes and Statement of High School Policy

T1.0 SF595 1955, teaching of Daughters of the Most Holy Redeemer in Diocesan High School

T1.0 SF596 From Dr. Clement Jedrzejewski, 1956, “Teacher Problem: Proposals for Discussion”

A1.0 SF597 12/08/1956, Half-Time Pictures of Interleague Football

C1.0 SF598 1956 – 1957, School Census Grade Totals

C2.0 SF599 1957, Flag Day Association, Monsignor Reilly, Member (Minutes of meetings and letters)

C2.0 SF600 To Monsignor Reilly, 1957, Freedom foundation at Valley Forge Awards – Announcements

C4.0 SF601 01/24/1957, Superintendent’s Office, proposed course of study in High School Religion in Archdiocese of Philadelphia

E1.0 SF602 10/12/1956, Convention Planning Meeting – Elementary Department National Catholic Educational Association – Chicago

E1.0 SF603 1956, 36th Annual Catholic Educational Association Meeting Program

E2.0 SF604 1956, High School Exams (Incomplete)

E2.0 SF605 1957, Elementary Schools: Final Examinations

E2.0 SF606 1957, High School Examinations

E2.0 SF607 1957, High School Examinations

E2.0 SF608 1957, High School Mid Year (Medians and Booklets) Exams

E2.0 SF609 1956, Mid Year Examinations, Elementary Schools

E2.0 SF610 06/1957, High School Medians – Final Exams

E2.0 SF611 1957, Mid-Year Examinations – Elementary

E2.0 SF612 1956-1957, high school Final Exams

F1.0 SF613 06/30/1957, Report on Examination, Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias For the Fiscal Year Ended, 06/30/1957

H1.0 SF614 10/24/1956, minutes of Advisory Health Council Meeting

H1.0 SF615 08/1956, To Monsignor Edward Reilly, employment of Sisters Bon Secours to begin the nursing services in Diocesan High Schools

M1.0 SF616 c. 1956-1957, Decision on Transcripts for graduates from Archdiocesan High Schools of Philadelphia

M1.0 SF617 02/1957, to Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Archbishop John O’Hara, tutoring of slow students by smarter students in High School

M1.0 SF618 07/1956, to Monsignor Reilly, from Cardinal O’Hara, including blacks in scholarship

R1.0 SF619 1956-1957, annual report of the parish schools

R1.0 SF620 1956-1957, to Cardinal O’Hara, Annual Report on School System

S1.0 SF621 1956-1957, Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF622 01/23/1957, to Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Archbishop John O’Hara, suggestion for joining with Carmelite Fathers to open a school in Pottsville – Nativity High School

S2.0 SF623 06/1957, to Monsignor Reilly, building of a High School in West Reading

S4.0 SF624 1956 High School Lists

S5.0 SF625 1956-1957, from Monsignor Reilly, various form letters to official school matters for schools throughout the school System from the Superintendent, Monsignor Reilly

T1.0 SF626 1956-1957, report of the standing committee for lay teachers by Reverend James E. Haflich

T1.0 SF627 1957, examination Questions: Diocesan Workshop for teachers

T1.0 SF628 05/10/1957, lay teacher involvement – in Catholic Schools, Diocesan Lay Teachers Report

T1.0 SF629 05/01/1957 – 05/08/1957, to Archbishop O’Hara, Monsignor Reilly, revision of salary for lay teachers in High Schools in Philadelphia Archdiocese

A1.0 SF630 02/25/1958, 12/09/1957, 11/11/1957, 10/10/1957, 09/17/1957, Inter Scholastic Athletic Association Meetings

A1.0 SF631 1957-1958, school census (with age-grade tables)

C2.0 SF632 Wednesday, 11/20/1957, preliminary program: Sixth National Conference on Catholic Youth Work

C4.0 SF633 1957-1958, annual report on school system

C4.0 SF634 1957, summary progress report on Revision of courses of study

E1.0 SF635 10/17/1957 – 02/08/1957, Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania meetings (Educational Policies Report October 17, 1957)

E1.0 SF636 January 2-23, 1958, minutes of the meeting of the executive committee

E1.0 SF637 1957, Girl Scouts Convention: Picture

E1.0 SF638 08/1958 (part of June), Catholic Educational Exhibitors Association Teachers Institutes and Other Educational Meetings

E1.0 SF639 1957-1958, Monsignor Edward Reilly, from City of Philadelphia, Photos from Solemn Pontifical Mass

E1.0 SF640 1957-1958, Catholic Schools and Education Bulletins and Pamphlets

E1.0 SF641 04/08-11/1958

E2.0 SF642 01/16/1958, mid year exams and school lists and medians, grade school

E2.0 SF643 01/16/1958, Mid Year Exams and school lists, change in syllabus, 10/11/1957, also scores in High Schools

E2.0 SF644 06/1958, finals, High school Exams, Medians

E2.0 SF645 1958, archdiocesan final examinations and score sheets for fifty schools

E2.0 SF646 1958 Finals, High School Examinations

F1.0 SF647 1958, 18 recommendations to help strengthen fund raising for Catholic Colleges and Universities

F1.0 SF648 To Monsignor Reilly, from Robert A. O’Connell, 1958 – end of fiscal year, report on examination: Philadelphia Catholic High School Cafeterias

F1.0 SF648 Financial Statements: 07/1957 – 06/1958, various Archdiocesan High Schools

P1.0 SF650 1957, committee on Higher Education, reports conclusions and recommendation, future higher education

R1.0 SF651 1957-1958 Report on Parish Schools and Report in General

S1.0 SF652 09/1957 – 06/1958, Philadelphia Archdiocesan Official School Calendar

S2.0 SF653 1957-1958, changing of Pius X High School from a parochial to Diocesan School

S3.0 SF654 1957 – High School and elementary Summer School

S3.0 SF655 06/02/1958, 8th grade pupil qualifications

S3.0 SF656 1957-1958 Summer School – High Schools and elementary

S4.0 SF657 1957-1958, enrollment lists

T1.0 SF658 05/1958, superintendent’s office, Norms governing the employment of Lay Teachers in the Parochial Schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia

V1.0 SF659 1957, from Archbishop John O’Hara, 125th Anniversary of the Founding St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

V1.0 SF660 1957-1958, activities of Vocations Week

V1.0 SF661 1957, High School Results – Vocational Plan Survey

A1.0 SF662 1958-1959, Constitution of Catholic High School League of Philadelphia

A1.0 SF663 To and From Right Reverend Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, 1959, Junior Baseball Federation, Inc

A1.0 SF664 1958-1959, constitution of Catholic High School Leagues: Athletics

A1.0 SF665 1959, Questionnaire from Each High School Concerning High School Activities

C1.0 SF666 1958-1959, school census, High Schools

C2.0 SF667 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Report on week, material concerning the United Nations, 1958-1959

C2.0 SF668 1959, to Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Sister Ercolena, F.M.A., National Library Week in Parochial Schools (including pictures)

C2.0 SF669 1959, To Monsignor Reilly, varied correspondence with civic concerns, medical, community, and city related

C2.0 SF670 1959, To Monsignor Reilly, St. Patrick’s Day Observance Association

C3.0 SF671 01/1959, Bishop Joseph McShea, letter concerning visit of First Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan of Hungary and a request for the prayers of school children for the countries behind the Iron Curtain

C3.0 SF672 1959, letters concerning Civil Defense and Schools

C4.0 SF673 1958, addenda to the textbook lists

E1.0 SF674 American Council on Education, 1958 – 1959, Minutes of Meetings, 10, 5/1958, 01/1959

E1.0 SF675 1958-1959, convention programs and membership lists, Catholic Education Association of Pennsylvania

E2.0 SF676 1957, High School – Mid Year Exams

E2.0 SF677 1959, High School Exam Medians

E2.0 SF678 1959, Grade School: Final Examinations

E2.0 SF679 1959, High School – Final Examinations

E2.0 SF680 1959, High School Medians – Examinations

E2.0 SF681 1959, Grade School: Mid Year Exams

F1.0 SF682 07/01/1958 – 06/30/1959, school principal statements

H1.0 SF683 To J.C. O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward J. Reilley, 01/20/1980, School Health Act of 1945

H1.0 SF684 01/12/1959, to J.C. O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, fire alarm systems in schools

H1.0 SF685 02/1959, correspondence concerning Child Health Program in City of Philadelphia

H1.0 SF686 04/30/1959, to Monsignor Edward M. Reilly, J.C.D., Sister Joseph R.S.M., nursing program at Gwynedd-Mercy Junior College

H1.0 SF687 1958-1959, Governors Conference on Fitness

M1.0 SF688 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, problems with Mr. Wayne L. Hartman concerning status of St. Agnes School in Sellersville, c. 1958 – 1959

M1.0 SF689 Reverend Frederick J. Stevenson, Assistant Superintendent, 1958, address delivered at the teacher’s Institutions, on discipline in schools

M1.0 SF690 1959, Vocations Material, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

M1.0 SF691 1959, Regulations for Uniforms – costs, Catholic Girls High Schools

P1.0 SF692 1959, Leaflet: The Shield (Catholic Mission Magazine) – Apostolate of the Catholic Teacher

P1.0 SF693 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from George A. Pflaum, 1959, correspondence concerning Catholic Teaching Publications

P1.0 SF694 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from WHYY – Educational Television and Radio Council, the Media and Education’s Future, Operations Committee and Research Report, 1958- 1959

R1.0 SF695 1959 Statistics concerning Parochial Schools

S1.0 SF696 1958-1959, Official School Calendar

S4.0 SF697 1958-1959, attendance to various Catholic Schools (City Divisions by Parishes)

S4.0 SF698 1958-1959, list – school Buildings (No from 1847 – 1959)

S2.0 SF699 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 1958-1959, a program for the visitation of the schools both Elementary and secondary of the Diocesan School System

S2.0 SF700 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Edward Reilly, 1958-1959, transportation problems at St. Matthias, Bala

S2.0 SF701 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 01/08/1959

S2.0 SF702 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Monsignor Edward Reilly, 07/14/1959, expansion of Archbishop Prendergast High School for Girls, Drexel Hill, PA

S2.0 SF703 1958-1959, listings – New Diocesan High School and Grade Schools and Lists of Negro Enrollments, 09/1958

S2.0 SF704 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Reverend Andrew M. Gajzik, 1958 – 1959, proposal to build school for Sacred Heart Parish, Phoenixville

S2.0 SF705 1958, General Information: Bishop Egan High School

S2.0 SF706 1959, description of Bishop McDevitt High School: Building Plans

S2.0 SF707 1958-1959, information concerning Cardinal Dougherty High School (Handbook, etc)

S2.0 SF708 To Right Reverend Edward M. Reilly, from St. Matthew’s High School, 11/1958, Change of address

S2.0 SF709 Reverend John F. Tocik, O.S.F.S., from Right Reverend Monsignor Edward Reilly, 1959, North East Catholic High School – conditions of physical plant

S3.0 SF710 1958-1959, Policy – promotion policies, High Schools and elementary schools

T1.0 SF712 05/05/1959, High School Principals meetings (List of Diocesan High Schools)

T1.0 SF711 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from Father Reilly, memorandum to John Cardinal O’Hara teaching load of Sisters in Diocesan High School for Girls, 1958-1959

T1.0 SF713 To John Cardinal O’Hara, from 03/1959, Estimates of Teacher Needs in Diocesan High Schools for School year, 1959 – 1960

T1.0 SF714 1959, John Cardinal O’Hara, Memoranda concerning changes in Administration and chaplains of the five Diocesan Girls’ High Schools

T1.0 SF715 1958, General Policies in reference to Lay Teachers

T1.0 SF716 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from John Noone, Chancellor, Correspondence, 1959, Material on Diocesan Schools, Priest and male religious teachers

T1.0 SF717 To Principals and Superiors, 01/23/1959, lay teachers effectiveness: I.Q. Tests

T1.0 SF718 1958-1959, faculty list of Philadelphia Catholic Schools

T1.0 SF719 To Monsignor Edward Reilly, from Sister M. Antonita, list – names of superiors of schools of Archdiocese, 1958-1959

T1.0 SF720 To and From Superintendent’s Office, 1958, diocesan workshop under the auspices of for elementary grades in Diocesan School System