Second Sunday of Advent December 10, 2017 St. Alexander Parish Administration Directory Parish Administrative Center St. Alexander School 7025 W. 126th St. Palos Heights, IL 60463 126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463 Phone: 708-448-4861 Fax: 708-448-0039 Phone: 708-448-0408 Fax: 708-448-5947 Pastor: …………………….. Rev. Martin Michniewicz ext. 227 Principal: ………………………………………...…… Cathy Biel Associate Pastor: ……………… Rev. Patrick O’Neill ext. 223 Assistant Principal: …………………...……. Mary Dombrowski Deacons: ……………………………. Jim Horton, Tim Keating Administrative Assistants: ……….…...…... Mary Ann Pellicore Director Parish Home & Health Ministry: Jim Horton ext. 232 ……………………………………...……………. Renee Chavez Accounting Department Director: ….. Paula Somers ext. 233 School Web: ………………….... Director of Music: ………………….. Patrick Mooney ext. 224 Parish Center & Parish Athletic Director: School E-Mail: ……………....
[email protected] ……………………………………… Cathy Sullivan - 361-2626 Teen Coordinator: ………………… Sharon Ayres - 448-6624 Counseling Center: ………………………… 448-4861 ext.310 Religious Education Office Director: .…………. Sr. Claire Marie Czerwiec, SSND, LCPC 126th St. and 71st Ave. Palos Heights, IL 60463 St. Alexander’s on the Web …… Phone: 708-448-6624 Parish E-Mail: ……………………….
[email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education: ……………. Nancy Cook Page Two Second Sunday of Advent December 10, 2017 Spreading the Holy Fire Celebrating Christ Risen from the Dead through the 7 Sacraments Sacraments of Initiation BAPTISM CONFIRMATION Celebration of Entrance into Christ’s Church Celebration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit You must be a registered parishioner in this parish. This Sacrament is normally celebrated in 8th Grade and is At least one Godparent must be a practicing Catholic. The a 2 year program of preparation.