World Congress Against the Death Penalty Oslo Reports

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World Congress Against the Death Penalty Oslo Reports 6TH 21-23 WORLD CONGRESS JUNE AGAINST THE 2016 DEATH PENALTY OSLO REPORTS Acknowledgements CAHIERS DE L’ABOLITION ECPM would like to thank the States which sponsored the Congress, the financial and political partners, the NGO partners, the witnesses, the members of the Core Group, #4 the speakers, the members of the Advisory Panel, the members of the working groups, the volunteers and the participants of the 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty. Sponsor States: Norway, Australia and France. Core Group Member States: Argentina, Australia, Benin, Spain, France, Mexico, the Principality of Monaco, Mongolia, Norway, Rwanda and Switzerland. Members of the Advisory Panel: Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner (ECPM), Robert Badinter, Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan (ECPM), Roger Hood, Aurélie Plaçais (WCADP), Ole Petter Ottersen (UiO) and Sinapan Samydorai (ADPAN) REPORTS Volunteer rapporteurs of the debates: Nkem Adeleye, Hannah Berg, Frida Bjørneseth, Per Høyland, Kaja Joval, Tzushuo Lui, Lelia Marcau, Ilaria Montagna, TH Trude Jacobsen Nytun, Rune Andre Tveit, Momoka Tamura and Richard Vyse. 6 WORLD CONGRESS Publication Director: Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan Editorial Management Team: Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan, Emmanuel Maistre, AGAINST THE DEATH PENALTY Seynabou Benga and Marie-Lina Samuel OSLO 2016 Coordination: Seynabou Benga Art Director: Bérangère Portalier Illustrations: Colombe Salvaresi Photos: Christophe Meireis Copy-editor: Olivier Pradel Translation: Morag Young Layout: Olivier Dechaud Printing: Imprim’ad hoc Ensemble contre la peine de mort 69, rue Michelet 93100 Montreuil – France © ECPM, 2017 LES CAHIERS DE L’ABOLITION CONTENTS #1 4th World Congress Against the Death Penalty • Geneva 2010 • Reports (2011) #2 Iran: the death penalty in question, (2014) A Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 #3 5th World Congress Against the Death Penalty • Madrid 2013 • Reports (2014) I Preface By Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein #4 6th World Congress Against the Death Penalty • Oslo-2016 • Reports (2017) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights........................................................................ 15 II The World Congress: A Civic and Political Event Making a Difference By Raphaël Chenuil-Hazan Executive Director of ECPM ................................................................................................................ 17 III Official Ceremonies..................................................................................................................................... 23 1 OPENING CEREMONY ............................................................................................................................................ 23 2 POLITICAL PARTICIPATION DURING THE CONGRESS ........................................................................ 24 3 FORMAL CLOSING SESSION .............................................................................................................................. 25 IV Programme of debates ......................................................................................................................... 27 B Debates .......................................................................................................................................................................... 29 I The faces of the Congress ............................................................................................................ 31 1 The witnesses who attended the Congress .......................................................................... 32 2 The children of parents sentenced to death or executed ................................... 39 II The Issues .................................................................................................................................................................. 43 1 Region and countries .................................................................................................................................... 43 a) Progress and Set-backs in Asia: the lessons to be learnt ................................... 44 b) The draft Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the abolition of the death penalty in Africa ........ 53 ISBN 978-2-95522-644-5 c) The United States: new allies joining the fight to ISSN : 2-9525533-9-4 end the death penalty ......................................................................................................................... 59 © 2017 4 CAHIERS DE L’ABOLITION #4 reports - 6th world Congress against the death penalty - Oslo 2016 5 2 Vulnerable Groups ........................................................................................................................................ 65 D Appendices.......................................................................................................................................................... 169 a) Individuals with mental disorders .............................................................................................. 66 b) Migrants and minorities: 1 List of Speakers ............................................................................................................................................ 170 strategies to overcome challenges in capital cases ................................................ 73 2 Declaration by His Holiness Pope Francis ........................................................................... 182 3 Declaration by MRs Bayartsetseg JigmiddashState, 3 Context or Pretext? .................................................................................................................................... 79 Secretary of the Mongolian Ministry of Justice .......................................................... 183 a) Political use of the death penalty to counter terrorism ........................................ 80 4 Resolution by Bar Associations Against the Death Penalty ........................... 184 b) The death penalty for drug trafficking in 2016 ............................................................. 84 5 Resolution by the International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger ..... 185 6 Conclusion by MRs Kasthuri Patto on behalf III The Actors for Change ......................................................................................................................... 99 of parliamentarians and the PGA ............................................................................................... 186 1 The Importance of NHRIs in the abolitionist cause ...................................................... 100 7 Map of results of the UN vote for a universal moratorium 2 Mobilinsing young people AROUND the abolitionist cause ..................................... 107 on use of the death penalty – December 2016 ................................................................ 188 3 How to EFFICIENTLY communicate with the media .......................................................... 113 4 Advocating for abolition with Parliamentarians and the executive ..... 117 IV The Tools ................................................................................................................................................................ 123 1 Documenting the use of the death penalty ....................................................................... 124 2 National PATHWAYS to abolition of the death penalty........................................ 131 3 Legal tools for moving towards abolition of the death penalty ............. 134 4 Art at the service of abolition ..................................................................................................... 139 5 The cultural programme OF THE CONGRESS ......................................................................... 142 V alternatives to the death penalty ............................................................................ 145 VI side events .......................................................................................................................................................... 149 C After the debates ............................................................................................................................ 155 1 The Final Declaration th of the 6 World Congress Against the Death Penalty ......................................... 156 2 Afterword by Børge Brende, Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs ... 160 3 ECPM: Our History ........................................................................................................................................ 162 4 ECPM: Our Team ............................................................................................................................................... 164 5 Congress Partners ................................................................................................................................... 165 6 CAHIERS DE L’ABOLITION #4 reports - 6th world Congress against the death penalty - Oslo 2016 7 IOM – International Organization for Migration INDEX OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IS – Islamic State JCPC – Judicial Committee of the Privy Council JPP – Justice Project Pakistan KMMK-G – Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran-Geneva ACAT – Action by Christians Against Torture LACR –The Lebanese Association for Civil Rights ACHPR – African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights MENA – Middle East and North Africa ADPAN – Anti-Death Penalty Asia
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