Zarif Writes to UN on the Rohingya

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Zarif Writes to UN on the Rohingya WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 38th year No.12922 Sunday SEPTEMBER 10, 2017 Shahrivar 19, 1396 Dhul Hijjah 19, 1438 Iranian, S. Korean bank Iran experiencing Siamand Rahman wins Amir Naderi receives lobbies ink MOU significant boom in 2017 Paralympic ISFA lifetime to boost ties 4 Western tourist arrivals 10 Sport Award 15 achievement award 16 Partners wil lose more if JCPOA breached: Salehi Ali Akbar Salehi, vice president and Following is full text of the inter- Zarif writes to UN director of the Atomic Energy Organi- view: zation of Iran, has said that Iran’s part- President Hassam Rouhani re- ners in the nuclear deal have more to cently threatened that Iran’s nuclear lose than Iran if the agreement, known program could be resuscitated with- as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of in hours if the United States were to Action, is breached. impose new sanctions. How serious is on the Rohingya “If the nuclear agreement is this warning? breached, economically we would A: We are continuously assessing if this face some difficulties, but politically we agreement benefits us, or if the price is too See page 2 would be gaining,” he told Spiegel in high to stay in the deal. If the United States an interview published on Friday. pulls out of the agreement, 2 Gas exports up 64% in 5 months yr/yr ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran try’s daily gas export at 34.8 million deskexported over five cubic meters (mcm) during the five- billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural month period this year and at 21.3 gas during the first five months of the mcm in the same time span last year, current Iranian calendar year (March Shana news agency reported. 21-August 22, 2017), a 64 percent rise Iranian Deputy Oil Minister for from 3.2 bcm in the same period last International Affairs and Trading year. Amir-Hossein Zamaninia told IRNA in Mehdi Jamshidi-Dana, the director early July that neighboring countries for dispatching at the National Iranian and India are Iran’s top priority for gas Gas Company (NIGC), put the coun- exports and Europe is not one for now. Nicki Haley’s empty hands in Vienna By Hossein Karimi suade Amano of imposing unlimited inspec- The publication of the IAEA’s recent report tions on Iranian military sites. The US repre- confirming Iran’s compliance with JCPOA on sentative to the UN was seeking maneuvers the one hand, and the implicit opposition of for unlimited inspections of military and the IAEA officials to the inspection of Irani- non-military sites trying to pave the way for the annulment of this agreement. Abdollah Heydari an military sites on the other hand, are both a serious failure for Niki Haley, the United As stated above, the International States representative to the United Nations. Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has once IRNA/ As Western sources report, Nicky Haley, on again confirmed our country’s compli- On Friday worshipers staged rallies in Tehran to express their anger over the savagery against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. a visit to Vienna, has not been able to per- ance with JCPOA. 7 ARTICLE Saudi accepts, then rejects olive branch offered by Qatar PERSPECTIVE Saudi Arabia says plans to hold talks with to mention that it was Doha that had initiated with Qatar and imposed a blockade against Mehdi Zare By Yuram Abdullah Weiler Qatar have been suspended, shortly after the call. it, accusing Doha of funding “terrorism”. Qa- Professor of engineering Analyst and journalist seismology the emergence of reports that a phone call In its report about the two leaders’ tar has vehemently rejected the allegations as between Qatar’s emir and the Saudi crown call, QNA said that the phone conversation “baseless”. prince hinted at a potential breakthrough in had been coordinated by U.S. President Don- On June 22, the group issued a 13-point a major diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf. ald Trump. list of demands, including the shutdown Earthquake early The call on Friday between Qatar’s Emir In the phone discussion, Sheikh Tamim and of Al Jazeera, limiting ties with Iran, and Hajj: Antidote for Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Saudi Mohammed bin Salman “stressed the need expelling Turkish troops stationed in the the malignancy warning system for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was to resolve this crisis” through dialogue “to country as a prerequisite to lifting the Tehran the first official contact between Doha and ensure the unity and stability” of the Persian blockade. Doha rejected all the demands, of American Riyadh since the start of the crisis more than Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC), said QNA. denouncing them as attempts to infringe ehran is a city known for its high three months ago. The Qatari emir welcomed a proposal by Qatar’s sovereignty. materialism seismic risk. Efforts are focused In the phone call, which was reported by the Saudi crown prince to assign two envoys In what appeared to be a possible break- to reduce earthquake risk in this state media from both countries, the two to resolve the dispute “in a way that does not through, Saudi state news agency SPA initially “There is no crime America will not T leaders expressed a willingness to discuss an affect the sovereignty of states”, the Qatari issued a statement confirming Friday’s phone commit in order to maintain its polit- megalopolis and one of those is to come up with early warning system for end to the rift. news agency added. conversation, saying that Sheikh Tamim had ical, cultural, and military domination earthquakes in Tehran. However, there seems to be a dispute over ’Suspension of dialogue’ called Mohammed bin Salman and “ex- of those parts of the world where it pre- The earthquake early warning protocol - with some reports pointing out to On June 5, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab pressed his desire” to discuss the demands of dominates.” (EEW) system is a seismological tech- Qatar News Agency’s (QNA) apparent failure Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain severed relations the four blockading countries. 13 —Imam Khomeini to Hajj pilgrims, nology aimed at detecting the receiv- September 12, 1980 ing seismic waves in order to switch- Muslims of the world, whether Sunni off automatically, and put waves in Rouhani: Islamic world cannot keep silence on Rohingya tragedy or Shi’a, can attest to the veracity of Imam POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian Pres- tional conference, the president called for In her letter to Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcu- Khomeini’s words of nearly a half century safe mode as fast as possible in the desk ident Hassan Rouhani on pressure on the Myanmar government and ka, executive director of the United Nations’ ago. Since those prescient words were important infrastructures such as ur- Saturday urged international bodies and My- Army to protect Rohingya civilians. agency on women, Ebtekar underlined that ban subway system, systems, hydro- uttered by the Founder of the Islamic Re- anmar neighbors to act in support of Mus- In the meantime, Hesamoddin Ashna, a women and children are most severely hit by public of Iran, the United States, under the carbon reservoirs and tanks, etc. lims in Myanmar. senior cultural advisor to the president, said the anti-human actions in Myanmar, urging The basic concept for early warn- rubric of fighting terrorism, has shed blood “The Islamic world cannot be silent to- Rouhani planned to discuss the Rohingya is- the international body to assume a more ef- and spread chaos in the Muslim world, the ing system is based on receiving pri- wards these incidents,” Rouhani said, refer- sue while in Astana. fective role over the crisis. mary (P) seismic waves, developing an likes of which had not been seen since the ring to cruelty toward the Rohingya Muslims Also, Masoumeh Ebtekar, Iran’s vice pres- On the same day, Ali Khorram, a senior times of the crusades. alarm and sending a warning signal to in the Buddhist majority country. ident for women and family affairs, called on analysts and former Iranian diplomat to UN indicate that the secondary (S) waves Among the crimes committed by Speaking to reporters before his depar- the United Nations to take swift action about bodies in Vienna, said Iran and Turkey should the Washington regime are supporting is coming. (S waves are normally the ture for Astana, Kazakhstan, for an interna- the conditions of the Rohingya Muslims. join hands to help the Myanmar Muslims. most devastating seismic waves). a sanguinary 8-year-long war upon This article will describe an earth- Iran, backing a brutal occupation of quake early warning system which the Palestinian homeland by its Zionist is under development for the city of collaborator, invading the sovereign Tehran. nation of Iraq and subjecting its peo- Seismic records of Iran indicate Abandoned ple to unimaginable humiliation and the occurrence of many devastating death, laying waste to Afghanistan seismic events, some of which were in and forgotten: while coopting a rebellion and turning densely populated areas, in the vicinity it into a proxy war against the former of major faults. Aliabad Soviet Union, instigating and funding Tehran, as an example, with a pop- a terrorist campaign aimed at the le- ulation of more than 10,000,000, is Caravanserai gitimate government of Syria, and surrounded by many active faults. providing military and logistic support Therefore, an earthquake early warn- Detail shows exterior façade of the for the vicious Saudi war against the ing can be a useful short-term solu- crumbling Aliabad Caravanserai near people of Yemen.
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