I' American Thursday nJiht headt>d into a long Me­ dents with 206 injurie and 7 Cat31ities, the highe t in THE HIGH POINT oC the day In citie and town morial Da)' w !tend 01 picnic , par d , auto trips r cent y ar . The 0\' r· aU ~y ar .lemori31 Day 3CCi· throughout the nation will be the parades, peechcs, and tilt! nK'Race of high 'ay deaUJ. d nt a\erag is 130 ac id nls, 65 Injured, and 3 latali· and traditional trloot to the nation' war dead. Russell Bro\\n. tale lety Commi ioner, id til' . In the We t a de troyer and na\'al patrol plane will ~rgency Iowa has joined with Ih'e other lat in a coordinated IN IOWA CITY, traffic i. expected to be h a\'y on drop flower upon lhe Paeiric. A flower·bedecked raft lurgency campai n against IraCrlC lalahli .. The crux of the lIigh 'ay 6 coming in on Dubuque l. becall.! of the was to be let adrift down 1he f ippi Ri\'er from Icra::ltdown i that if an Iowa re id nt is caught in a d tour around 0 Itdale. Abo,· normal framc is ex· Sl Louis. exeeu, mD\'ini tr me \'101 lion - din , improper in , pected on Highway 261, including Dodge tr t traffic AND IN WASHINGTON, the cask ts bearing the un· Kress ia­ etc., - in one of til other tate. the "iolalion will be to Solon. known Idi r oC World War II and Koren will take mem· Ireport d to the Iowa tate Saf ty Commis ion.' All city, . tate and county office will be clo d on their place be id their World War I counterpart In office nd the violator wlU recei~ 10 a point for th Memor" I Day, a will banks and the Po t ornc win· Arlington Cemel ry. In olemn ceremony, Pre ident \;olation. . dow . Retail store will clo a well, With the excep­ Ei nhow r will pre nt the Medal oC Honor 10 the DRIVERS FROM ALL the participating tate will lion of a f 110' grocery tore and re t3ur nlS wbich namele ca ualti . be obliged to comply (rlclly with aU our traffic laws, \I ill remain open for holiday n ds. and Iowa drivers In a r tales can expect trict Lake Macbrid will be open for tbe hoJida)', with Chicago' .1emorial D3y ob rvance will ha\'e a sa! ty nforc menl. Brown aid. conce ions, boating and picnic C cHili nailabl. not of dne.. Hundred oC polic men, civic I 3c1er The partlcipallng tat are Ulinoi , Wi..con In, In· There will be no o\'emight camping allowed, howe\'er. and church dignitari are to gather at O'Hare Field dian , Kentucky, 11. ourl lid Iowa. CITY PARK Will also be open, with III wimming to honor a Idi r or God - Samuel Cardinal Slritcb. i person may 10 their liv in traffic accld nt. pool, wbich open. at 1 p.m. tod y. prob bly the main The Ch ~ cago Cardinal, who died this week in Rome, on lo\\'a highway from 6 p.m. Thursd y to midnight attraction. PICOJC cacilitie , the merry·go-round, f rrl wa to be nown hom ror burial Tuesday. Sund y. th tate Salety Departm nt ha ilmated. \I h el, nd other rid , nd the 100 lor Ih kids will Mo t of the naUon. howe\'er, had a happy welcome In 1954, the I t three-da)' Memorial Day w kend, al. 0 be {ealur d. Cor Ih fir I holiday of pring. There wa pi nty to do th r w r 459 accid nts In Iowa. including 73 injuri Can in" on the Iowa Ri\'er will also be popular - mammoth sports e\'enls ucb a the Indianapoli and 5 fatalities. \\ ith canoe ror rent behind the Iowa lemori31 nion Spe dway. bu. ball double header, and visits to the La t ye3r. a 4·day week nd. acci· Cor is cent an hour. Colks back home. il owan SPrt)irll! Tlte State Uni1 pr ityof lotw flnd till" P(JOplp of Iowa City

...... "" n fl .. "' , 'd Wire and Phoio SCm 'I' au e ower

'Out For A Good Time' NOtTleE Jury Hits 29 Oil Companies 'Paris Calm Will Form The D.lly low.n will not SOME 350 PERSONS - SIX FROM IOWA - will 110 oul on U.S. hi"hwlYs for. llood tim. thll Momorl.1 publish. now.popor tho morn· 'th P , F" Ch InC ri si Sl- New Cabinet Day w"kond ond me.t violent deaths in car accidents, accordln, to Ihe National Saf.ty Council's pr.­ in, of Slturday, Moy 31, In W dlct!!'n. Scon" .Imiler to tho ono shown in the pi~luro abovo will ~orrify trav~l.ra, yot tho low. death ~~ ..,....onco of Momorl.1 D • ." toll II pr.dlcted to claim two live. tach day during the 3·day hohc!ay, The pIcture, I prlze·winner In AL!XANDRIA ~~~~-Tw~!~~~d .nts. Th~~~~U~ pen.lty SUI Professor T R F an SUI .xhlbit, was taken In October, 1953, by Jack K.nnedy, Council Bluffs Nonp.r.iI. The noxt Issue will Ito pultliJi,· nin oil companl ., Including m3ny upon convlclle., Is • fin. of $50,. orman C. 1 i r, S I profe or 0 un rance od TuesdlY, Juno 3 of the nation' laree t, Thursday 000 for ..ch defend. nt, of p. ycholo y, reportl'd that Pari werl' accu d by a F d ral grand The Indictment charged th d· wa QuIet In e\'ery observoble way jury of conspirinK to fix the prIce tendant. beginning in 1 56 and Sunday d pite th political tur· Accepted After Appeal GM I Union Voters Will Cast Primary Plum Grove of crude 011 and auto gaSOline . contlnulni lhrouih January, 1957, moil. By President Coty THE GRAND jury which r turn· "engal!t'd In an unlawful combina· Mei r arrived in the Fr ncb capl· Bargain; No ('d the indictment before . 01 t. tlon nd can piracy to rai e, fix. tal undoy on II research ml Ion PARIS (A'! - Gen. Cbarle Dc Judie Altx-rt V. Bryan has been and stoblliz prlc s of crud 011 In connt'cllon with a ludy on ~h· Gaulle agreed Tbur day night to Election Ballots Monday Land Zoning hearini evid 'n e inc' torch, 1957 throughout th nil ct d morkel." crl'ath'l' procl'SSI'S oC arUst. form a new Frl'nch Government Contract Yet D niol of wronedoini came THE AFFECTED mork two de· Ill' add d In a leller to hi wIfe but In Isted he have full pow r to Primary election In John. on County will be held Monday, June 2, wlm), from v('rlll d lendants. crlbed as all of Ihe country ex· that "0 Gaulle wa basically a h ad olf civil war. DETROIT I.fI - Both General starting at 1 a.m. in Iowa City and 8 a .m. in oth r pr ·dncts. PRESIDENT COTY gave hIm the Johnson County Auditor William L. Kanak said about 18,00() ballots To Council Th. St.nd.rd 011 Co, of N.w cept th liv Western tates oc ymbol of reform." Motors Corp. and the United Aulo task with the grave warning to Workers doggedly held to no·budge have been printed, and will be 'cnt Lo the 33 precincts in th county. Iowa City Council will bold a JerHY, one of the flr.t to com· California, Or ,on, Wa hmiton, "Althou,h anythini can happen, He said nearly 100 abs 'ntee ballot have been mail'd oul. ment, cote,crlully denied thot Idaho and Arizona. th(' gen ral opinion is tbat ord rly ParHam nt lind IlII Frenchmen stands Thursday in negotiations to Plans call for ballot counting in Iowa City precinct to begin at public hearln, Monday nliht con· the comp.ny or .ny of Its .fflli. Crude oil prlc.. ,.ner.lly wer. proce will in time work for a that th ir choice ha narrowed to write a new wage contract to reo 9 p.m. Monday. Oakdale pI' cinct \'01 will b counted at 8 p.m., and cernlni tbe propo d r zoning Crom .to. hod vlolotod tho ontitrust incr.. "d by 3S conls 0 borrel In Ix'tter situation than has ('xi t~d In the e alternatives: place one expiring at 11 :59 o'clock th' oth r 23 pr cincls will tart cia A residenllal to bu illl' of I.ws. Jonuary, lf57. This was followocl thl' past Ce-w yur ," Meier aid. Do G.ullo or civil war. Thursday night. counting at 11 p.m. land n xt to Plum Grev ."ere, W F. K{'nnrdy, vlce·pre Id nt Ity a ,.n,r.' increase of 1 c.nt Meier had been in London where Th ational Asembly majorily But the union said there will be Voter will be hand d ballots ac· a housing d v lopm nl in south· and Ii: neral counsel of Sh II Oil • glllon in Itto rot.1I price of h tudi d a number of British would hav to do a revolutionary no strike. And GM said it will Surprise ~ct cording to th ir political prC!fer­ east 10wII City. Co., aid Governm 'nt lawyer and "OIolino. cr atlve artists and lectur d at reversal to accept De Gaulle, continue operating under lts own ence. Plum Grovl' rc Idenls have clr- conoml t " . em obel' d with Th Indiclmrnt. Id "th com· Cambridge Unl\'er Hy and at th The towering g n ral's rightists employment and working terms. DEMOCRATIC candidate are: culated petition prot sUng th pro. c!eanlng up nonexl tant conspira. blnatlon and con piracy consi t'd Unlver Ity oC London . id as and any spectr of authorl· The bargaining picture was the By Treasury: tarian Government are distasteful Herschel C. Lovele s, governor; po I'd r zonin.g and asking the City Cles that they cannot underslan~ Iof an aan' ment. . understanding I Sinc the sur prore sor arrived same at Ford Motor Co. and Cbrys­ Edward J . McManus or Corbin Council to retain the cia s A re I. t~e normal p,~oce e of a compeli. and concert of a lion among tht' In Pari ,th majority oC d mono to the big blocs In Parliament, e • ler Corp. So were the operating Crawford, lieutenant governor; dential claSSIfication of the pro. hv(' mark t. d f ndant .. for Ih purpose of Iralion and trlk s In conn clion ~cially th key SociaH ts. prospects after company·union can· Bond Sale Edith M. John on, ecr tory of perty which ls own d by Frantz SIMILAR DENIA.LS came from raiSing. fixing and tablllzing" I with th current governmental DE GAULLE'S PARIS office said tracts run out there Sunday. tate; J . Rex Weddle, auditor; Con tructlon Company. th Texa Co., the Gulf Oil Co, the price oC crudt' oil and auto go . cri. I have occurred. in a communique the pow'rs be UAW President Walter P. Reu· WASHINGTO IA'I - The Gov· ek are provided for in the con· Harvey E. Montgomery, tr a urer. Th re I aLo proJ)t'rty Immedi. Citles n 'lce . Co., th Standard ------ther returned to the bargaining ernment Thursday announced tltulion. table at ror the plans to refinance $9.5 billion of Erne t L. Olson or Nel'l F. Hill, ately w t oC the hou ini ar a al. 011 .C? 01 Indiana, Humble 011 &. It quoted him further as saying: first time since negotiations began the National debt and added a sur· ecrctary of agriculture; Don' II· ready zoned for Industrial u. e. It Refining Co., and other .. "I do not k_ how to undor· prise - the sale of $1 blilion In son or William II. Welch, attorney i owned by City Attorney Edward Th. ono·count Indlctm.nt Tunisia, France Exchange two months ago. So did Loui G. Lucas. ,horll.d vlol.tion of s.ct. I of toko the tOik If conductl", ttIo Seaton, GMs' vice·president for in· long·term bonds. g neral ; Harold E . Hughe , Bern· bu.in... ef Itto .tato .nd Itto no­ There had been advance specu­ ard J. Marlin or Gorge E. Cutler, . . tho Sherm.n Antitrust Llw. No dustrial relations. But a£ter two T.he Plum Grove reSidents, In indlvldulls wore n.mod 01 de. tion unl... ttIole hldlspon ..ltl. hours both agreed tbere had been lation that the Trea ury might two commerce commi ioners. their petition, r qu t the City Charges; Will Go To UN condition•• ro ,Ivon mo with ttIo no progress, despite their presence. offer a long·term bond as part of Scott SWisher, state repres nta­ Council to either r zone the Lucas frank and brood confi.nc:o re· Reuther told newsmen at a re­ the refinancing operation. How· live of forty·first district; WHliam property or make oth r dl position De Gaulle's Return NITED NATIONS N I ' qulred for ttIo he.lth of Fr.nc:., cess; "We made no progress. The ever ·there had been litlle or no L. Kanak, county audItor; Lumir in order to provide a "buCfer ar a" ' .Y. I.fI -I ci m hng to deal with their of the ,t... , ond of the republic." talk of borrowing new cash W. Jansa. county treasurer; R. between the residential and indus. Seen As Harmful Tunisia ond France filed charges charges thllt French mllitary company still maintains its po i­ . I aualn t each other before th Corce station. d on Tunisian terri· The full powers he seeks would tion to take it or leave it." tllrough a sale of a "long one." Neilson Miller, clerk of elghtb di • t approach those of a dictatorship. ria lones. I ..'IOSCOW ,..v... - Presl'dent Kle· U.. N Sc It Co '1 Th doryt were gUi It y 0 C ac ts 0 c armed All three automakers have oCCer· The effect of the sale will be to trict court. Harry unamaker: 1406 Plu.m St., menU Voro hilov told n w m n at .. cur y . uncI ur ay aggr sslon. He wants them to run ror a periOd ed to extend Cor two years cur· add a billion dollars to the na· Aaron T. Rowe or William A. a Plum Grove re Id nt, aid, "] a Finni h Emba y reception nigbt as a re ult or rec nt clashes Fronce then rcque ted that the to be set by the National Assem· tional debt. now about $275 bil· rently expiring 3·year contracts. Kern, herlff; Emil G. Trott or Pt;Opl from .oth r class A Thur day night. "We have rea on in Tuni la. Council at the ame me Ung take bly. lion. ho~ I Tbey provide annual productivity Ralph L. Neuzil, county aHorney; resldenual areas wlll come to the to think that De Gaulle' r turn The Tunisians asked for a Coun· up what It called a Tunisian br ach THE GENERAL did not specify In addition to offering the long· wage Increases and contain pay es· George D. Callaban, county coro­ public hearing and repre ent tbeir at thi lime may do more harm of their agreem nt on stationing in accepting President Coly's offer term issue, the Treasury will of· calalors geared to the cost of liv­ ner: Emil ovy or Lawrence J. ow~ areas. Tbe PI~m Gro\'e sit· than good," French troops in Tunisia. of the premiership how long he ing. fer two other securities in ex· Dvorsky, supervisor. uatlon could conceivably happen Preml'r Primary Electian Day hoped to run the country single During the afternoon session the change for notes and bonds which REPUBLICAN candIdates are: anywh re in Iowa City." avoided di cussion or the Fr nch The Frencb 01 0 asked th3t the handed. union formally proposed to G M will mature June 15. Holders oC Changed in Louisiana Council consider its complaint But he previously bad made William a. Murray or W. H. Nicho· Home values are at best, uncer· cri Is. Feb. 14 about Tunisian aid to AI· President Harlow Curtice that cur· the expiring securities can accept las, governor; Alan Vest, Jack known through his Collowers that the new models or lake co h. tain in the ab cnce of prolective or- But Voro hilov, speaking to BATON ROUGE, La. IVP)) geri3n r bel . 11 wanlll the National Assembly, rent contracts be extended for a Miller or W. L. Mooty, lieutenant dinances specifically stating that We tern carre pondent, IIsked trief fixed period. OCCicials said they were bor· governor; Melvin D. Synborst, sec· no indu trial or business zone may them what tbey thought oC the it. Gov. Earl Long Thursday i(Oed French delegate Guillaume habitually divided and split wide Reuther said this could be one, rowing new cash now in hopes of retary of state. be adj3cent to clas A re idential uation in Pari . into law a bill changing congres· Georg ·Picot, in II letter to Ihe open now over the general's ascen· two, three weeks or a month at delaying future cash borrowing Cbet B. Aker, ouditor; M. L. lones, Nunamaker said. When on replied that tbe d· ional primary election days from Council Pre ident, sold tb French dency, to adjourn for a full year. It w •• in .n he.vy the company's option. until after JUly. Abrahamson, treasurer; Clyde Class A re idenee areas are reo velopments may end ravorably. the Tu sdays to Saturdays, giving rise have proposed regrouping French .tme...... ,. Spry, secr tary of agriculture ; slricted to single Camily dwellings, Pre ident told him, "I hope to peculotion oC po ibl di rran· troops in Tunisia. The Tuni ians with ftrffe thot cety w.""" P.r­ Sovie~ lI.mont and the n.tl... th.t ...1), orman A. Erbe, attorney general. two.fiat and duplexes. There may that IS right, but we have some chi em nt of Jewish voters. have been demanding their com- De G.un, could IIV. Frlnco John H. Cruickshank, Frank B. also be municipally owned utilities rea on to think that i nOl so." Saturday Is the Jewish Sabbath. plete withdrawal. frem civil wa, _. 1eans, Dean Reed, Herbert M. and building, public owned com· News Digest ------.------=------.----.:.:...... :..------Within three hours, the general Reed, John M. Ropes, Lloyd R. sped to the seething capital from (From Daily Iowan Leosod Wires) Smith. J . C. Tallman, or John A. hIs rural home Cor the third time Tollman, two commerce commis' In a week. Here he received, and Government Reports Unemployment Down; ioners; Fred Schwengel or a. 1. :~~~~;~~\;~::;~~~~; New Plastic, Alterproof ID accepted. the chance to bead Benefits Drop for Fifth Straight Week Ludwig, state repre ntative forty· France's 26th postwar Government. first di trict. includeindUfitrial. botels, Class Bapartm re idence nlS areaand ' C d To Be Issued In Fall The outcome stili depends on R. J . Jones, county recorder; a r s WASHINGTON IA'I - The Government reported Thursday that un· other multi·family dwellings. Bu· the whims of the National Assem· employment among workers insured for jobless benefils dropped by Albert J. Murphy, sheriff; Shirley iness zones include retail and reI" bly, where feeling against De Porter, Charles A. Barker or 82,00() during the week of May 17 to 3,Ol9,500. reational bu ine es and indu trial Two identification cards, one cal surface that couse the word cards with raised type. Gaulle runs high In leftist and Roger H. ]vie, county attorney; This was the firth straight weekly decline in insured unemployment includes everything except such temporary and one permanent, will "" to appear when an eraser \ Picture will take up one side oC center parties. Oren Alt, supervisor. from a high of 3,363.300 during the week ended April 12. things as glue Cactories, powder be issued to SUI students nexl year is used on the Ignature. the card. They will be put on by a Former President Vincent Auriol AU polLing places will close at 8 Over the 5·week period insured unemployment dropped by 10 per works and stock rendering plants. instead or the card which is now in The students name and student heat process and any attempt to charged that De Gaulle had en· p.m. cent and the rate of unemployment among insured workers from 8.1 use. number will be tamped into the alter them will ruin the card, Mc- couraged sedition in Alieria. That NINE POLLING AREAS in Iowa to 7.2 per cent. RED PREDICTION Tbe permanent card (shown in plastic card (Jower wbite space) so Carrel said. charge drew a 62·29 endorsement City are: Fir t Ward, First Prc· rrom Socialist deputies, a key MOSCOW (UPIl - A prominent picture) will be made of plastic. tbat they can be used as type to McCarrell also said that ap­ cinct, Johnson County Court House; group needed by

--~"'~"''''''''';-''''''''' .. .'. THE DAilY IOWAN-Iowa City, low.l-f'rlday, May It, lt~ ... 3 ONE FINED I...... ~ .. ~ SUI w.omen' Will ,Atten WRA Tells Only one person was Hned in DON'T GET police court Thur"CI y. I Dt>an All n Radtke. A'l., Decorah. MARRIED .•• was flllNl S2 by Judge Ansel Ctmp­ ... wu~.. t ••Iu .., u.,ltl. French University in Fall .,Itla' ~r .. leu - a••• ud ••• A.a .. I Alums Will Intramural man for improper regi tration of ..... H ... llb. J_',. ... ~4 . ' a,kl.:t. ' W."tlI8" a •• lu. -rlla.k •• " " ...... An SUI eot'd recei\'td noUce this hi motor, hi Ie. "'''''.'11'' P ...... * W" •• I ... FI.w ...... week that she ba been areepted Char ~ of driving ithout a WH~I.' Cal<. Hla'" an. 'lIs .~ to attend the Unh'ersity of Aix· Ii use w re dropped on \ r I r-..t .. Have Picnic tarseille in Franre for her 1958- Champions persons wben they produced yalid Hall's Bridal Shop '59 junlDr y r abroad. Winners oC the pring intramural lice in court. 127 South Dubuque City Park in Iowa City will be Barbara Slemmons, A2, Nevada, the site of an unusual picnic Sun· will begin next September to Ih'e toumamenl$ of the SUI Women' d.1y afternoon. with a French family in A1x while R reation Msociation ha"e been Families and other groups en· l!tudyln, a course in Arts, Educa· annoUDcl.'d. joying the Memorial Day weekend tion and Literature at the ramed Taking honors in the mixed vol. Univ rslly. leyball tournament was Chi Orne· VOTE there will be ioined by "alumni" The University of Aix·MarseiUe of the 1953-54 polio epidemics who is affill ttd with the IftStitute for gaO second leam. Placing were for were hospitalized at the SUI American Universities and tives Chi Om ea's first ltam. second; Medical Center. Endish peaking ud nt an op­ Dell Gamma, third. The former patients will come portunity to tudy in France with· ftOOIl tournam nt winn ra were EMIL /rom all parts oC the state. They out the probl nu oC a language Curri r. fir I; and two Pi B t., will arrive in wheel chairs, on barrier. Outstandlnc tudents are crutches and in braces. Some­ recommended to the Instihlle by Phi t ams, second and third. NOVY, rully recovered-will walk onto the faculty members and advisors. • lim h Id n. A2 . Norwich, '. Y .. scene without aid of any ldnd. The Institute provides nol only d Ceated Sandra Leake. A'l.. Bur. Democratic Candidate Dr. William D. Paul. professor a vl,orous lntell clual life for its stud ntl, but also CaeiliU for Eur­ lington. 2-6. 11-6, 6-4, in the tenni for of medicine and chief of the polio· tournam nt sl ngl s divi ion. rehabilitat ion center, says 60 or 70 opean tra\'t'l and ports: tennis. of the former patients are expect· golr. swimming on the beaches of Barb Slemmons The double match wa won by SUPERVISOR the Ri viera or in ancient Roman ed. Friends and relalives of the To France in the Fall Su Duke. A'l. , We t Burlington. baths, as well as excursionslD and Nancy Bailey. AS , Cedar Ra­ 1959 Term "al umni" probably will push the cities that still ha\'e tbeir Gr k. total to some 100 pe rsons. Roman and Medieval monuments. pid. Th Y d feat d th te m oC Your vote Will eo "These people are an inspira· Appreciatod Durin, the winter, skiing groups Thefts Reported to Lllli:m Harada. AI. Lahaina. Maui JUNE 2 tion," Dr . Paul says of the group. go to nearby French Alps. T. H., and h ron an Ott'gh n, "They could have given up, with One Day Early Miss Slemmons will have acCt' Iowa City Police AI. loline. m. . 7-5, 8·10. 8-2. • I have spent more than 25 years rving th rubllc as town· many or them becoming completely to a raculty which . be ides Ameri­ Women's Recreation As oclation ship trusiee, school bo rd dir tor. chairman 0 North Liberly Two therts were reported to Iowa Mutual Telephone 0 •• ond oC orlh Liberty Fire Truck associa· helpless burdens upon their fami· IT WAS ALL QUIET whon Marci. RoblnSOft. A1. D.llas Contor, and can prore sors. will include schol­ will reo ume II chedule or Intra· lies. Instead, they have shown an City police Thur d y. tion. county Farm Bureau I gi lature director. chairman of Don Mol,berry. A2. Hopkinton. arrivod at the I_a City municipal ars from the Univ r lti s or Pari , mural n xt Call with a swimming Johnson County Farm Bur au. and pres nt chairman. John on amazing amount of spirit and de· pool Thundav aftornoon only to find that they woro a day .arly. Oxford, London and Geneva. Michael R. Lie ch, 1503 Rochest· m t and a volleyball tournament. County Agricultural association t ponsor of th 4·11 foir). termination. As a result, probably Th. pool open, for tho lummer s.. SOft at 1 p.m. today. Thur,day, Miss Slemmons will receive er Ave., r ported a go ld , 17·J weI Dote for tht' e\' nt will be an· el'ery one of them is able to take parle emptoyeo, finishod filling the pool and painting. Tho pool, American university credits (or This Ad Paid for bv Mr. Novy Longines wri t watch taken rrom nounc d in the fall by Diann Ch r· care of at least his basic needs. wo.thor permitting, will be open from 1 10 , p.m. ovoryda., until her work In Aix . fY. A2, Cincinnati, Ohio. and many are completely independ· Labor Oay. -D.IIV Iowan Photo by K.tlo Harrll, a cabinet in th Specialti Operat· nl. Many keep house and manage Ing Room at Univer ity HO pltal. . .. • , ... ', h their homes. Many are working full 80m time betwe n 5:30 p.m. Wed· ·1He7.·:.,. . ~ .';tI',: ~'.:'. ,:', time and supporting themselve City Record n day and 6:55 a.m. Thur. day. and their families." Tell Rotary About Operation Th watch ... as valued at $90.$100 . Marti ... LlcenMI: The idea of a reunion evolved Someon took $30 In bills Crom a several yea rs ago when a group Charles W. Willis, 39, St4llwood FOR THE nnd Jeanne M. John on. 36, Iowa cash reeister at th Brown Derby of the former patients decided they som tim between 12 :30 and 8,15 should get together occasionally to Of Coralville Oil Terminal City. James W. Biggers Jr.. 26, Gary, a.m. Thur day whll the to\, rn find out how all were getting along. The 27 large storage tanks oC the early SO·s. Lorenz said. 1,200 was clo d. Th money had been BeST Sunday's pi cnic will be the third the Coralville Terminal of the miles oC pi pe line were laid. Ind., and Cornelia Anderson, 23, IN QUALITY Jowa Ci ty. lefl for tilt' bar attendont to open since the original plans were de· Great Lakes Pipe Line Co. are one Originally, ho ,aid, most of with lot r in th mornin,. l Om r Fountain, 2i, Iowa City and velop!'d. oC the most distinctive land marks the distribution of ,asoline .nd The cafe part oC the tov rn was in this area. They provide storage Ruth Charbon. 23. Iowa City, oil wa. don, by railroad tank Vernon C. Bell, 31, Davenport opened at 4:30 a.m. but the theft facilities for thousands of barrels uri. which woro flllod al various wa not disco\' r d until 8: 15 when of gasoline and fllel oil piped to and Shirl y A. Reynolds, '¥T, Dav· Dentists Hold points along tho pIpe line, strotch. Import. the tav rn opened. Iowa City and. other points in the Ing north to Duluth. Minn. BIrth.: middle western slate Crom refin· The Second World War, Lorenz Mr. ond Mr •. Robert D. Odell, eries in the southwe L xplalned, n ces itated that mo t I '!) West Liberty. girl. fay 29. C?U t' Post-Grad A. J. Lorenz. superintend nt oC of the tank cars be moved to lh fro and Mrs. Ro, r Ferleman. J em6 the Coralville terminal which be· east and we t coasts. "It was 407 N. Dubuqu St .. girl, May 29. \.!:======gan providing petroleum products then," he said, "that th gasoline Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paxton, Refresher for this area in 193t, told a noon trucks which w on our high· Coralville boy, May 29. ENGINEERS will pre·reil I r (or meeling oC the Iowa City Rotary ways today cam into gfneral the foil mester beCore June 4 In Fifteen denti sts from Iowa. mi­ Club Thursday that many Improve· use." He added that today 90 per the Engin ring Building. nols. Missouri. Wisconsin, South ments have been made in the op­ cent oC Ule gasoline comin, from Delta Chi Honors Dakota. Nebraska and Canada will eralion of the terminal since the points such as th terminal at PSI OMEGA WIVES' CLUB will attend a post·graduate refresher company began opeartion during Coralville Is shipped by truck. Patton, Law Prof honor pro pectJve members at a course in periodontology Mond oy the depression years. The largest storage tanks at Ihe AT PRICES through Friday next week at the brunch Saturday at 10 a.m. in lh Searching for a more economical Coralville terminal, on of five O. K. Patton. Professor Emeritus home oC targarel Ellis, Coralville. YOU CAN AFFORD SUI College of Dentistry. method of transporting petroleum t rminals along the company pipe In SUI Colleg of Law was honored Periodontology Is tbe study and products to the middle west during line, are capable oC storing 40,000 by Delta Chi social fraternity as ..._--''';';';'=;';';';~'"''''';.;.;.;.;;.;;.;.._--, ireaiment oC diseases oC the sup· barrels of oil or gasoline. the founde r or the Iowa Chapter. porting tissues of the teeth. Some oC the physical aspecl$ At th dlnn r Wednesday night, The refresher course will be un· Eta Kappa Nu Names of the actual pumpin, oC the members also announc d ~ be­ der the direction of Dr. G. P. Ivan· Norb Malik President various products were also ex· ginning of a O. K. Patton Scholar­ MAKE ME TOO ICE CREAM A cle, head of the Department of plal.ned by Loren~. Go olines of ship award to be given annually to Periodontology at SUI. The pro· Norb Malik, E3. Cedar Rapids, vanous types may be pumped the local chapter member with the gram Is designed to present basic is the president of Eta Kappa Nu. along the same pipe. he said. lie hi,hest arode point average. REGULAR ITEM ON YOUR biologic and histologic material of honorary electrical engineering fra· explained that the different types Patton wtIl join the faculty of the supporting tissues of the teeth tcrnity, Cor the summer and Call are pumped one after the other by OhIo State University on a leave of and oral mucous J;)lembranes. semesters. oulomatic slation electronically ab nee Crom SUI. For more than SUMMER MENUS Other areas to be discussed in· Other new ofIicers are: Charles controlled by terminals such a the 30 years he has been v ry active elude inflammatory and dystrophic Shank. E3. Cedar Rapid , vice· one at Coralville. in national and local fraternity af· diseases. Correlation of clinical president; Omar Benson. Ea. Britt. Cairs. VANILLA AND FLAVORS aspects of periodontics will also be recording secretary: Norman Han· emphasized during the 5·day ses· sen. E3. Kanawha. treasurer; Jack Two Students Honored This Squirrel Went sion. Glover, E3, Sleubenville, Ohio. cor· responding secretory; and David By ROTC Department Through The Ringer Monk, E3, Iowa City. Bridge secre­ HAGERSTOWN . Md. Lfl-Curios· tary. A $25 prize was won by James Faculty Members J. Rauker, AI. East Lake, Ohio. ity put the squeeze on one gray fo r his essay in the American Miii· qulrrel Thursday. FillER LOWER Elected to SUI Lehr Heads Collegiate tary History Contest spon orcd by Mrs. Roscow Reel was in the LET'S ALL VOTE Chamber of Commerce the SUI departm nt of Military basement of her hou ,doing the FOODS PRICES Three members of the SUI rac· Science. family laundry. The squirrel hop· IN THE PRIMARIES ulty ha ve been elected to the Uni­ George Lehr, C3, Kirk ville, Mo., The subject of Rauker's essay ped through an open window and Monday - June 2 versity's graduate council. accord· recenUy was elected president of was "Lee's Surrender at Appo. onto the washing machine. His tail ing to Dean Walter F. Loehwing oC the Collegiate Chamber oC Com· mattox." The theme stated the ur­ lot caught in the wringer. G.M.LUDWIG IOWA CITY'S CONVENIENT SUPERMARKET the graduate college. merce Cor the coming school year. render was not formal or well Mrs. Reel wasn't in lime to slop They are Karl Kammermeyer. Other officers are: Paul Petti­ planned. It. Repuhlican CandUiatc for head oC the Chemical Engineering john. C3, Shell Rock. vice·presi· All military science fresl)men talc Repre entalice Department; Alexander C. Kern, dent; Karen Schnede, C3, Durant, were entered in the contest. Saunders Pol march Tbll .4 paid lor by O. M. Ludwll professor of English, and Boyd R. secretary; and James Gustavson , Outstanding service in promot· McCandless, dlrector of the Iowa ca, Spirit Lake. ing the ROTC program won Roger Of Kappa Alpha Psi Child Welfare Research Station. ----- W. Stoltenberg. L1. Donahue. the PhilUp Saunders, 1.2, Mason City, To serve for three years begin· WRITES CHAPTER IN BOOK Army Meritorious Service Key this has been elected polmarch or Kap­ ning next Scptem ber on the execu· Dr. William B. Bean, SUI profes· week. pa Alpha Psi social fraternity. live group representing the facul· sor and head of inlernal medicine, Col. M. V. Kirkbride, professor Other o(£icers are: Paul Petti· Make Your Space Reservation NOW ty, they succeed retiring members is the author of a chapler In a and head or military scienee and G, Orlando, Fla., vice·polmarch; Harold P. Bechtoldt. associate pro· newly·published book entitled tactics awarded the key. Victor Wilkerson. A3. Washington. Cessor of psychology; Allen T. " Drugs of Choice. 1958-1959." Stoltenberg was a cadet major D. C.. keeper or record ; Hayward Craig, professor oC mathematics, Title oC the chapter authored by and the commander of "B" Com· Campbell. G, AbbevUle, La ., ex· For and Ralph L. Shriner, head of lhe Dr. Bean is "The Choice of Drugs pany whicb was named the best chequer; and Robert Lee, M3, Iowa Chemistry Department. (or Nlltritional Diso rders." company in spring ceremonies. City, stradegisl. -Politte.' AdVertisement- -Political Adver'l.emeRt- -PoilU ... Ah.,U .....1.- The Annual

.. VOTE • • • UNIVERSITY EDITION: IN THE PRI'MARY of FOR 'The-1)aily Iowan BILL NICHOLAS The Greatest Issue of the Year! Featuring FQR GOVERNOR • All Campus Activities and • What's Coming in Iowa ., Events Athletics • 't " , {Paid by friends of Bill Nicholas - Jim NesbiH, Chairman} • New University Projects • SUI Facil·ities and Services • 1 I. "II' tt., .. I I .J I Pa,e 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, low_Friday, May 30, 1'51

linue l -' iJlSUIfi ApPI lbe 10 ilIStru! Bryan Favored British Wightman tIJt 5\1 Jrish KO Big Villanova Beecham 2-1 Jacobs Fires fjcials crease Cup Team N~med Underdog in IbiS yl In Car That For June Meeting • . Hopi ren Champs In Favored in 64 to Lead other LONDON (A'I..... The British Wight- Webb f.g ht might Won Last Year Track Meet man Cup te~nis learn wa~ complet- MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (.fI- Spider I' Western by 2 summ' ed today WI~. the nammg of 18- Webb whose power-laden Cirst sible INDIANAPOLIS (A'l.....Jimmy Bry­ NCAA Tourney VILLANOVA, Pa. 1m - Villanova year-old Chrtstme Truman and 19- boast a college education shapes Counl) an, a throttle-tromping deadeye seeks Its second straight ICA4 out­ ye~r:old An~ Haydon fo: the com- up a 2-1 favorite over poetry-recit- DETROIT 1m _ Tommy Jacobs I KALAMAZOO, Mich. 1m - Notre from Arizona, seems the driver of door track and field title this week­ petib?n agamst lhe Umted State~ ing Jimmy Beecham in their sched· equalled the course record with an Dame eliminated Big Ten Champ­ end and just about everyone but The destiny in what may be the fastest :on Minnesota 11-7 and Western at Wimbledon June 13-14. wed lo-round television boxing eight under par 64 Thursday and "500" ever over the Indianapolis Villanova Coach Jim Elliott Is The British team showed only match tonight. grabbed a two·slroke lead alter ciety i .Ylicpigan swamped Valparaiso ready to concede victory to the Motor Speedway's famed "brick­ ({net.) 24-2 in the NCAA District one change from the one that lost Webb, the sixth-ranking middle- the first round of the $25,000 West. June • Wildcats. at Pittsburgb last year, 6-1. Pat weight, has advice from an ex- ern Open Golf Tournament. Dr. G< yard" today. 4 baseball double elimination I Headed by "'e fabuioul Ron Ward, a member of the 1956 team, pert to try lor a knockout, but to The 23-year-old from Whittier. }load. Th. ulual "countle .." lSO,OOO tou1'llament Thursday. beleny, in his I.. t home appear­ replaces 18-year-old Sheila Arm- be patient about it. Calif., went out in 31 strokes and In Cl witnesses will be on hand, in bottl Notre Dame jumped on three ance, 'ylllanove will have winners' e pienic and Roman circus mood, strong. Trainer Carl Nelson, who used back In 33 as he met ttl, record. held a Minnesota pitchers {or six runs of flv. ev.nts in I.. t YOlr'1 mHts 81 deeth luric, around every tum. The United States team is made to set up and supervise Joe Louis' Ihered by four others, at the ))Ubuq 'n the first inning, combining four back for the trial heets today end, When the 33 fastest drivers in hits and three walks. Gopher up of Althea Gibson, New York ; training camps, has been telling ',7'5.yard leyout at nearby Rid A bl most IIk.ly, for Saturday's fi­ Karol Fageros. Miami; Mrs. Doro- Web to stalk - wait for his op- Run Golf Club_ the pi! speedway history respond to track starter Saxe Roberts gave up three nals President Tony Hulman's command thy Head Knode, Alemeda, Calif., ponent to make a mistake, then Jacobs, who has been on the cir· hits and walked two men before Delany in lhe mile and half-mile, and Mimi Arnold, Redwood City, boom! cuit less than a year, missed three at 9:52 a.m., CST, "Gentlemen, )C'n~ relieved with none out. - Ed Collymore in the 100 and 220- Calif. Nelson also says, "n's not pulls from distances of 10 feet or start your engines." Bryan will be Notre Dame starter Charles yard dashes, and highjumper Phil healthy to have a kId like Beecham less but made up for lhem with a purring in the third row. SYll'\Con held Minnesota in check Reavis all are given good chances around for 10 rounds." 30-fool birdie chip on the 411·yatd. But this 51-year-Old racer from until the last two innings when SE of repeating their 1957 triumphs. Beecham, a Miami boy, has a par four, No. 14 hole. He dropped the Gophers picked up live runs. Vienna Bids for Games Phoenix, making his seventh Me­ Collymore, and Delany in the half reputation for beating rated oppo- other birdie putts of 12 and 17 leel morial Day race start, is driving the Valparaiso (1·1) and Notre Dame mile, are expected to meet the VIENNA IA'! - Vienna Thursday nents. Recently he erased Willie as he repeated his fir t round per· (I -1) meet in the first game of horizontal-engined Belond special toughosl opposition. entered the bidding for the 1964 Vaughan's ranking by pounding formance in last week's Kansas Fe which won the 500 last year for Sam , Friday's play with unbeaten West­ Collymore was a surprise re­ summer Olympic Games. out a decision over the Californian. City Open . Hanks. Bryan finished third last ern Michigan scheduled to play the placement last year when team­ Mayor Franz Jonas advised the In a return match Beecham and Par at the Red Run course is Trad year. Supports Minor Sports winner in the sccond game. The mate George Sydnor injured him­ Austrian Olympic Committee lhat Vaughn drew. 36-36-72 and a field of 146 teed-otr war dE In this roaring, dizzy 200·lap test district winner competes in the self. This year, Sydnor is in top it wants the games and is pre- Both have had 29 professional in the 55th Western Open in which observ around the 2~2 mile brick and as­ COACH OF IOWA'S FIRST Big Ten t.nnis champions, Don Klotx, NCAA tournament at Omaha next form and Collymore is trying to pared to meet expenditures of ap- fights. Webb has lost only tbree Doug Ford is defen ding champion. vices \ phalt track, Bryan musl overhaul said he believes more emphe.i, ahould be put on "minor aports." month. shake leg miseries. proximately $1,200,000. He asked and has scored 14 kayos. Beech- Masters Champion Arnold Pal· ily Me some pretty good drivers and some K/on said they are the attlletic endeevors a person follows when Ire DIYi, of LaSelle, who late­ school days ere over. the committee to forward the Dan- I am has won 23 times, lost 5 and mer of Latrobe, Pa., had a pair 01 ports. pretly snappy cars. Fair and warm Says D/Amato Turned ly h.. developed into OIIe of "'e ube city's proposal to the Inter- drawn once. His victories include 33's Cor a 66, two strokes off the The weather is predicted. "etlon'. top trackmen, looml IS national Olympic Committee. seven knockouls. pace. Muscular Frank Stranahan a.m. h I n pole position as the 11 rows Down $250,000 OHer the fevorlte in the sprints. of Toledo and Bob Rosburg of Palo 1 seph's Davis also must be given a 50-50 of 3 cars per row make the heart­ HOUSTON, Tcx. 1m - The presi­ BUSTIN' BUe Alto, Calif., were another stroke Marlin stopping roar into the first run is Emphasize Minor chance of defeating defending • • • • • • By Alan Mav.r dent of Texas Boxing Enter­ back at 67. Knight Miami's Dick Rathmann in a Mc­ prises, Inc., said Thursday the champion Mike Herman of NYU in 'II.MVX Palmer made tremendous chip- , with tl Namara special which set II manager of World Heavyweight the broad jump. Both have leaped ping payoff. Three tim es he was master quelifying record of 145.974 25 feet, 8 inches this year. tHOMAS, Boxing Champion Floyd Patter­ P/;;S8U/IGH in mild trouble and recovered with THE m.p.h. Sports: Don Klotz son has turned down a $250,000 Delany appears a shoo-in for the brilliant chip shots. mile title with Peter Close of St. POWeR by the Completing Lhe first row are Ed 11 orrer for a title fight here this Four players tied at 68. They Eugent Elisian, Oakland, Calif., who set By LOU YOUNKIN summer with Roy Harris. John's the only opponent capable #lffER- ' are Bruce Crampton, of Sidney. . SteH Writer of pushing the Irish Olympian to II one-lap mark of 146.508, and Jim­ Don Klotz coach of Iowa's first Big Ten Tennis champions, is a Meyer Rex Braun said he re- Australia, Mike Souchak of Gro · my Reece, Indianapolis, both driv­ a fast time. singer, N. Y.; Don Whitt of Ala· staunch supPorter of the so-called "minor sports." ceived a telegram Thursday morn- ]11 the 880, however, Delany fa­ ing Zink specials. Klotz said he is a firm believer that people should have the funda- ing from Cu O'Amato, Patterson's meda, Calif., and long·hiltin& The second row includes the only mentals in at least six minor sports by the time they leave high school. manager. ces formidable opposition from George Bayer of San Gabriel, 24 former champion entered, Johnnie "j've had people tell me they "There's nothing we can do Manhattan's Tom Murphy, if Mur­ Calif. Pl\rsons of Van Nuys, Cali£" win­ would trade all their football and about tennis a few minutes." That now, " Braun said. He added, how­ phy's Injured rigbt knee has re­ spOnded to treatment, and from ner of the 1950 rain-shortened race, basketball exPerience for a more young man was Art Andrews, 10- ever, that negotiations have not Joe Soprano, also of Manhattan. Pal rounded background in some of wa's Big Ten singles champion and been terminated. Canada Baseball driving a Oat-engine Gerhardt. Manhattan and Penn State are Bryan certainly has the knowhow these other sports." half oC the Big Ten doubles cham- "We made the man an ofCer and rated the chief threats to Villanova. Game Postponed Brig. to rna ter the "brickyard" and thc HE LISTED THE "other" sporls pionship team along with team- he turned it down," Braun said. tired N t B b P ttl t "It's as simple as tllat." field which includes eight rookies. as swimming, golf, bowling, tennis, rna e 0 0 las . . Due To Elephants comma Winner of the triple A. and USAC archery, horseshoes. badminton and Klotz was born 52 years ago in Patterson is scheduled to starl Morrow, Norton To big car titlcs three of the past four volleyball, in which people can par- Winthrop, Iow.a. He attended In- intensive training Monday for a PETERBOROUGH, Ont. LI'I - A Iowa ( years, Bryan won the I1rst 5OO-mile ticipate after leaving school. dependence High Sch~ol where he title defense, the nature of which Meet in Cal Relays minor league baseball game wa IOOay ~ race at Monza, Italy, last year. "Do 't get 1e wrong I'm sure lettered four years In ba.sketball _h_as_n_o_t_be_e_n_a_n_n_ou_n_c_c_d_. ___ postponed Wednesday night on ac· Twen MODESTO, Calif. 1.4'1 - Olympic count of elephants. The cigar-chomping Bryan races n . 'I and track and lWo years m base- march knocking football or basketbal . I ball. " We didn't have a tennis sprint cl1ampion Bobby Morrow, with a case of spare stogies at­ no~ Players of the South End Jets and 1 I1ke them very much, but I be- t m" h sa'd who already has lost once this . the South End Maple Leafs arrived form a tached to his cockpit. !ieve ~opl~ should have proper e~e' dide pla~ 'lennis as a young­ year to fleet CaUlornian Ray Nor­ and Gil Last year's 500 winner, 43-year­ at Peterborough Exhibition grounds mstruch,on In th~se other fields ster though. "I used to hit the ton, tests his foe again Saturday to find an elephant herd prowling ' HONe old Hanks will be on the sidelines night over a faster track at the too. II s SQm~thlng . you ca~, do ball against the end of the barn the playing field. will be watching, as director of racing w~en you acq Ire a lIttle age, he until J knocked the boards out," California Relays. for the speedway, for the likely This shapes up as the biggest Reason: A circus is performing sor and sa:,d. . he said. "Tben I would nail Ulem I nearby and the elephants are using sh~tterin9 of the race record of race in We career of the 20-year­ senting A lot of people conSider lhese back up and go back to hitting the the baseball field bet ween shows. 135.601 m.p.h. set last Memoriel sports as 'sissy sports,' .. Klotz ball again." old Norton, a junior at San Jose bride, : Day. said. "The~ they are ~~az~d Klotz is a graduate ol Iowa State State College. who earlier this militar~ The contingent of daredevil new­ when they dlscov~r. the actlVlty IS Teachers College in Cedar Falls. year jOined the group of those Air FOI comers is headed by the race's not only more dlUlcult than they He played two years of tennis sharing the world record 9.3 sec­ Calahal AMEItJCAN' LEAG1lE onds In the lOO·yard dash. Precedi youngest driver, A. J. Foyt, 23, of th?ught, but lun too.". lhere, losing one year of eligibility W I. P.I OB TONIGHT' TuciOn, Ariz., his 12th quaJi(ying .York ..... 25 8 .758 Morrew, ttle Texan fram Abi­ , . There IS, ,~o suc~ th,I,ng. as a because he went through his un­ City .. .. 18 16 .529 IN THE spot was the highest for a rookie. SISSY sport, he saId. If It was dergraduate work in only three Cleveland ...... 20 20 .500 lene Christian College, reced Nor­ Foyt is driving a rebuilt Dean sissy i~ ~ouldn 't be a sport." years. Bost<1n ...... 19 20 .487 ton at the LOI Angeles Coli,eum Chicago ...... 17 19 .472 Iowa City Mil special, driven to victory at Monza . Tenms In IOwa ~as al a low ebb "That was during the depression Deltalt ...... 18 21 .462 ReleYI and lost by • foot In 9.7 by Bryan. m 1947, Klotz said. He named and you didn't have time or money BaltlQ10re ...... a 20 .412 over e Ilow grass track. In the fifth row will be the Clinton and Dubuque as about the Ito waste," he said. "I slrung ten­ WalhlnlllOn . •... 15 22 .405 Entered against Morrow and AREA ,I Na ",Fand dadily" of the 500, Paul only two cities that had anywhere nis rackets to help work my way ' - THURSDAY'S Rt;SULTS Norton are such speedsters as Sames scheduled. NEW ENJOYMENT RUllO, oldest man in the fl.ld et near a good tennis setup. . . through," he added. I TODAY'S PITCHERS . tbe University of California's Wil­ 44 .end mekin, his 12th start. "TODA Y THE "SPORT ~s gomg After gradul\tion, Klotz coached ~hJnlf\On at New York (2) lie White: who also holds a victory Ra q. (2-4) and Kemmerer (1-3) VS Twice a runnerup, RUlso un­ st~ong in Iowa, he sal,d. He and taught at J1artwick, Strawber­ ~ over Morrow; Orlando Hazley of FOR YOU To Shanlz (4-0) and Ford (6-2). do~btedly will be the crowd's pomted out that Cedar RapIds, Da- ry Point and Creston. "I coached Bbatall al Baltimore (2) - Sulltvan Oklahoma State, Mike Agostini of ( 1-~ ,II: and Smllh (3-0) VI Johnson \1-3) Fresno State, and Bill Woodhouse, ON CHANNEL 41 sentimental favorite at he pilots venport an~ W~terloo alone employ almost all sports and taughl almost and Portocarrero 12-21 . hil . Novi spetial. In lest year's three full-time mstr~ctors each and all courses," he said. "I have mi­ CI." eland at Kansas City (2) - Abilene Christian. morning-afternoon - Toman." /1.1) The sprinters share the top bill­ ril~, Russo led for 24 leps, wind­ ~,cvcral. mo~e . part.tune. emplo~ec,s. nors In everything," he laughed, and Narleskl \5-4) vs Terry \2·3) and ing Up fourth. The .nse m mlcrest , .. n lenllls .. n "you name il and I have it." Klotz Gar,?:r (B-H . ing with Australian ml1er Herb Chicago at Detroit (2) - Pierce (2-4) Elliott who ran a 3:57.8 in the Driving skill is one thing, but ~?wa IS astronomical, K!otz said. received his masters degree at SUI. and ,pollovan 12-5) V5 Bunning 12-4) durability of the mechanized thoro­ At Davenport lhey have LDcreased Klotz and his wife have no chil- and Aguirre (1-0) or Morgan (0-31. Coliseum Relays, the second fast­ cst time ever run. oughbreds which snarl through lap their tennis enrollment from dren. "These are our boys," he " NATIONAL LBAGUE eftc{ lap is another. Last year, around ~O o~ 30 to n.ea~ IY ~." said, waving his arm toward the W L Pcl OS Sail Francisco .. 27 14 . 8~' only 17 ot the 33 starters finished. The flse m tennis 10 thiS state lennis courts in front oC him where MIIWllukee ..... 23 14 .622 2 can be traced back to Klotz. He his squad was working out. Plt~l)urllh ...... 2t 11 .538 ~ has become lhe unofficial Mr. Ten- Chicago ...... • 20 23 .464 8 Gallant-Man, Bold Philadelphia .... 17 21 .447 8'h nis for the ent6-e state. On several Cincinnati ...... IS 18 .441 8%1 occasions he has gone into a town, N. Y. Prepared St. Loula ...... 16 21 .432 9 Look Sharp RUler Entered In talked over their tennis situation Los Angeles .. .. J5 24 .384 II Make a Good Impression All YIQ~ with public leaders, and started To Build New Park TIIURSDAY'S RESULTS Carter Handicap the ball rolling toward a successful No games scheduled . FAYI~/T£ TODAY'S PITCHERS By Being Well Groomed NEW YORK IA'! - One of the top tennis and recreation program. For NL Franchise San Francisco at SI. Louis (2) Hom'eward ~8~ horse races oC the year is in pros­ Klotz said be believes the sum­ Gomez (5-3) and McCormIck 14-0) vs MlzeU (2-~) and Brosnan (4-4). NiHlMM.t pect today at Belmont Park when mer recreatilllt programs are as NEW YORK (/PI - Mayor Wagner Milwaukee at Pltl!burgh (2) - Rush JEFFERSON BARBER 14-2) and Burdette (4-3) vs Law (5-3) Bold Ruler and GaUant Man, two important, if not more important, said Thursday night that New York and Raydon (0-1 ), old rivals, meet along with eight than the school systems in the de­ City was prepared to build a base­ Los Angeles at Chicago (2 ) - Podres SHOP otbers in the $5O,ooo-added Carter velopment oC tennis players. "The ball park and lease It to a franchise (4-31 and Newcombe (0-41 vs Phillips Bound? " (3-0) Dnd Drabowsky 12-5). Handicap. basic point, lMwever, is to give the owner on reasonable terms. Clnclnnali at PhiladelphIa - HaddIx Hot.1 J'fferson Phone SUS Bold Ruler, the 1957 horse of the youngsters the chance to play ten­ The mayor said, however, there 12-31 v. Simmons (4-41 . year owned by the Wheatley Sta­ nis under good instructors," he was no hope oE any transfer of a ble, faces a formidable task with said. National League club to the city 'a high weight of 155 pounds in the "These clinics staged by various next year. Don~t Pack It .•• 7-furlongs sprint. Since the Carter organizations .' are a real boon to A special mayor's committee, was inaugurated in 1895, only one tennis," Klotz· said. "When a horse - Tom Fool in 1953 - has youngster has picked up the game named to bring a National League Don/t Lug It ..• won with 135 pounds. taught by his instructor, the clin· franchise to New York, met with This will be their first me.t­ ics are able to help him with the Mayor Wagner and issued a prog­ ing .inee Bold Ruler beat Gal­ finer points of Lbe game which ress report, in which it said the lant Men, owned by Ralph Lowe, his instructor is unable to do," he next step was up to baseball itself. ... lind the Kerr Stabl,'s Round Ta­ said. The committee reported it would bl. in ttle Trenton- Handicap lest Klotz becalJle a physical educa­ be possible to build a modern 52.000- November et Gerden Stete . ~ tion instructor at SUI during the seat stadium for approximately Gallant Man carries 128 pound:t, 1946-47 school year following three­ $12,000,000. It would be peid for by Store It! and is making his initial start of and·a·half years service with the the sale of bonds which would be the season. Bold Ruler won the Coast Guard. The next year he outside the city's legal debit limit. Toboggan Handicap here May 17 was named tennis coach. Store Your Clothes at New Process with 133 pounds, in his 1958 racing He recalls seeing a youngster No box or bag-No 'imit! ; FUNERAL 'HOME I Solve your packing problems. Save time ra debut. Both colts, now 4. were idle playing tennis in lhe streets or I with injuries since last year ]qwa City. thllt first. year in 1947. ~ DAVIS GARMENT and effort. Why haul your winter clothing 118 The Carter is noted for its upsets "IT DIDN'T TAKE a second look 507 E. COLLEGE ST. with you? Just call New Process. When and there arc plenty of light­ to tell the young man was loaded weighted horses capable oC win­ with talent, Klotz said. "I stopped you want your clothing returned just call II ,ning. and talked to him and we chatted and they will be delivered cleqn a"d fresh PHONE 3240 - Ready To Wear. Storage only $3.95. I !ll you (an ... 313 DIAL South distinctivt . bring in for 4177 J ' , on'y 3.95 p'u. c/eanin mens wear ~ INSURAHCEt..'200 t~~do rental­ ...... ~ ...... !,eadquarterJ " --...... _.... . -...... ios E. 'CoUeg~ . : ,.o,orll .p'd.- "' ONI c" ", THE' DAILY IOWAN-low" city, 'owe-Frlct.y, M"y )t, ltSl-Page 5 NoRed Cross America Not on God's Side: Presbyterians- , ., Swim Lessons Journalism I f .. This Summer liIalJ.,of fame ~hurch .~rucilies U.S. Foreign Pelicy The Johnson County chapter of .the American Red Cross Wednes­ PITTSBURGH IUPH - The Wednesday by the merger oC two "willuDy and openly deCy .. (lect'ney. Declared thal co-existance with United Pre byt rian church in the major Pre byterian bodies. It con- But It said Americans h~ talked communist nations i hthe only al ...* day announced that it will discon­ Picks Starzel U.S.A., issuing its Cir t official taied some of the most scathing long enough about the 0 r side's tinue swimming lessons because of pronounce I'!'Ient , Thursday blasted criticism of .S. foreign relations sins and the time he rome to ternative to co-extinction" in Utis- YJ insufficient funds. Frank J. tanel, gen ral man- the idea that America is uphold- which any church has "oiced ince , "admit our own faults." nuclear age. Approximately 2.000 children of ag r oC lhe A' ialed Pr . • thl ing God's ide In the global mug· the cold war began. "Contrition fw our sinl will do To Kcept .... inevit.bility of the Iowa City area tool$. the free w It II I ted to 10ll'a' Jour­ gle with communism. The critkism w.. pointed up ",.... hi c...... en .tmosphe,.. lncre.sing hostility betwHn com- instruction courses last year at nalism Uall of Fame. "Whil m n.atlons are great- by HIe fact tf\.t P ... ~t Ei ..n- cenducive to peace tf\_ ,"II munism .nd tM h ..t ...ve.ls our \be swimming pool. Red Cross of­ tanel wa eho I'n by member er inners than others. th ~ is no '-rer Mel *"t.ry of St...... 1..... doneUIICing HIe .in. of 10" of f.ith in God .nd In the ficials reported a "substantial in- of Kappa Tau. Alpha IKTAI. na­ righteous n lion upon earth," the Jehn F05tor Dull...... members oHlen... power of truth," .... me.nge crease" in prospective registrations HOlla! society dedie ted to lhe church d lared in a m sag cano l ef .... P,...... ri ... Church. On peclfic Coreign policy i u • nid. this year. recognition and prom tion oC scOOI­ ing {or "penitence" and a return The me age wa adopted in a th Pr byt rians: "Communi m can be met in a ~ : : r~lUp in journ b.m. KTA names to Christian principl in U_S. vole vat aft r a bri ( d bate in Denounced the "international hy- positi"e way only by the promo- Hopes have been expressed lhal one m mbt,r to the hall oC lame other organizations or agencies foreign policy. II which on minister prot ed that pocricy" oC upplying " aid to !lon of truth and the practice oC might be able to join in making the ch YE'ar by a rE't vole of THE UOO-WORD me age w "~pl will think w are pinko." countrie ruled by dictators. goodness. Peopl will not be con- • m mber from II Ii t of distinguish­ summer swimming program po­ o"crwhelmingly approved by the IT REFERRED to communist I DEPLORED THE tendency to I,inced that we are iot re ted i/\ ed nomin ubmiUecame new. editor of Advertiling Rat" furnlohfd EXTRA iJar" I'OOm for ing department for eOUllI •. Lau...s,., racnll N , Clo ROOMS lor men. 1-111a, u •• ODe 017 Ie • WOl'(i In. eM.OO Available June 14 Call ROOMS for men. Phon. ..II until TYPING - win attA!r ':00 p.m, 1-. Seven Services Scheduled oC the nhersal Portland Cement I Two Day...... lOe • Word ' · Il:103 .fler I or Inquire apl• •• II W, noon. ID83 .It.. r 2:00 pm. I-S GENERAL "pine, mlmeo.... PhJnl. · A, . oclation in Ctliengo. H ...... ,n. I-S FOR AiN'T: Cool t;;;;;;;t to;-;;;;;;:e]O Notary Public. Mary V Burn. 8111 Joining the A sociatcd Pre s in I Three DaYI ,.,.... 12c: a Word S-ROOM luml&hed apartment tor lum- E, Cbureh at. fowa S ... te Bank Bull.dlnl ntal HIlS S·' For Memorial Day Here 1929. he received uccesslve pro· Four Day•• ,.,... 14e. Word m r Ion. call Da\t WIllIa"" 31P, ROOM for mIn. W ..t lid .. I bl",,"; TYP]SG '~J7 , I-UR motion In ew York City nd ~=-=-=-~ __-:- _____1-_5 fJ'Om h,.. ~tala on bus lIN. Dial 1-1100. Five nay...... ,. 15c • Word ~. 5-10 Wor\< Wantod Traditional services honoring the George Bachman will serve as ice will be Emil G. Trott. low Columbu • 0 ., and wa. made gen­ .pt Teu Day...... 2Oc. Word ~30 NICE room. 1-1511, war dead will mark Memorial Day deacon and sub-deacon. City attorney. The Re\. )\;orman eral mnn grin OctobE'r. 1948. BABY SITTING - ReIer nc.... '-4G3l. observances here today, Seven ser­ Stanel i a /T)l'mber o( Igma ODe Monln .. J9c • Word DOUBLE. .In,le room for m.n. ,·4 The Iowa Avenue Bridge will be Hobbs will dclh'er the invocation Apartment for Rent el In Re.lOnlble. .-1.... I-J vices will honor the dead. the Iowa the scene of a service honoring the and benediction. IX!lta Chi and th Nalional Pre (Kinlmum Cbaree soc) . Club. 1)ELUXE room. "over" ...duatlon. \\y ~1('.morial Day association re­ Navy dead. Delivering the invoca· The Women's Reli ( Corp~ will PItACTICALLV n w lurnl hod .parl- ....Uot .fl«r S:OO p.m. 1-10 ------Auto. for Sal. ports. tion will be the Rev. A. C. Hofrich­ al '0 hold , cniel! at Ul G.A.R. lot DI.play Ach mf'nt tor at\Jdent couplf: Summf"r « ... on or by year. 111 , Dubuque MEN'S umm.r roo"", Show~n . Cook- t.ro-TII' 1~5 , 21000 mUe. Tonn~.u 8 ODe Insertion . The first service will start at ter, Jr. The Iowa City High School (or the unknown wnr dl'ad at 9:30 'Know Your Children' alt.. 5:00 p.," '·JO Inl pnvll Ie 130 N. Cllnlon and 114 CO' t. wlndwlnl . fell' bt'l • h .t- . a.m. In the new section of st. Jo­ Band and the Women's Relief Corps a,m, Sl.2D • CoIul1\II IDch N. Capllol, ms or I-:sea. 1-1' .r. end wire wh~l . 11 ,8G500. I",d FURN}!IHI.D .poTlmen •. W So. Capi- Narln • • YMCA. C..!ar R.plds. 10 .... 8-4 seph's Cemetery. The Rev. John will also participate. World War I servic . to be held To Feature Dr. Muuss Five IDsertJoDl a Month. tol . 1-13 ROOlll Martin will be celebrant for the WSUI''l radiO child study pro· Each Insertion " The annual parade through down· al 9:50 a .m. at the Paul J. Prybil 3 'INO toE rOOrTa for ~.uate Knights of Columbus field mass town Iowa City to Oakland Ceme­ grave, will be led by Eugene Beu­ gram, "Know Your Children," will 11.00 a Colunua IDcb .ludenlL 3:1115. pres nt the 10 t oC the 17 broad· with the Rev, William Meyers as tery will starl at 9 a.m., led by Brig. ter .V.F.W. Post No. 258J; Frank J . reo 1n8ertlODl • Month. ROOM (or Men- DI.I 7411. master oC ceremonies. Gen, William J. Hayek, a retired Elch r, Amerienn Legion Post No. en t in it urrent weri s .10ndlly Each Insertion ...... ,. ,.ROOM unfurnl&hfd .portment. Prl- v.... balh ~1oH UI Ulwn, 01 I ~l DOUBLE .nd 11".r.e room. THE SERMON will be delivered National Guard commander. 17; and Gordon W. Kinney, V.F.W. at 12 :45 p.m. 1-28 ,ummer, Sho",en, 1513. by Ibe Rev. Joseph Barry. The Rev. "Wh'n a Part'nt DO(' Look at DIAL PRESIDING at the 9:30 a.m. Post O. 3949 !'URN1 II~D S.r-oo- m"--. "'po- r'"'tm- .- n-I--r-or DoiiiLi: and .In,l. room. tor m n '51 HILL. fAN IS.ooo mile , Be t of- Eugene Hoenig and the Rev, Grand Army of the Republic Serv- the Child' World" will be the topic lumm.r. I-Ieu. '·30 IludenlL 402 N, Dod.e. Phone 1-02... ftr. C. II Cedar R plel. E ,nplre " ATTHE ANNUALLY-er eled ~e­ of the gue. t sJl('nk r. Dr. Rolf 8-12 3-1512 . -SO moria I Day platform, Hugh F. l'n­ CHOICE .portment tor four men. ,tf4 ~~ __ ------~ fuuss. rc arch as I tant profe· '·17 SINO!..E room for .,.duate wom.n EXCELU:NT lrI porlillon. '41 Ply. * * * * * * bury. SU1 speech prore or, will d . sor at the I Iowa Child WelCare ------sludent. Phon. fllO. 8-20 mouth _.n. ICIOd lI r • b tI ry. liver the main addr s allO: 15 lI .m, ' ·RooM ruml hod .pal1menl. prlv.le , ', - radlo. h .ler. t50.00. Dial '5~. . 5-!III Rest'arch talion. 4191 bath. c10ee tn - women or eouplf> 2 DOUBLE room. for m n. Prh'at. 24 Groups in Memorial Day Lincoln's G ttysburg Addre. swill A,.II.ble Jun 10, 01.1 ",1, $·31 klu,hen .nd balh . • -all. . 1-24 Dr. Muu will di. cu s hi topic Personal be read by J . Newman Toomt'Y. wllh progr3m mod rator Fran LAROE furnhhed .Plrlmenl In K.lon. 1 DOUBLE room. 10. summer 'Iu· Iowa City attorney B. Mileollanoou. for Sal. ro. 6umm r !Ie 10/\ ~ . OO . CAr dentt, men, DI.I 54..8. 8-, PEItSONA L loa". on typewriter. Horowitz, a r st.'arch ociat lit poo'-, can Frink Icoll""l) 1.7 at.... r 7 The invocalion and benediction th Rc. l'arch Stallon. WSUI Is phono.r.phl. ru equlpmenl. Parade; Will Start at 9 A.Me RUG • • rm ch.lr. TV and other rurnl_ pm, '-3 Holp Wantod IIOCK-EY& LOAN CO. Burkeley UOI~1 will bc delivered by lh Rev, heard ot 910 kilocycles. II.,. 01.1 7217. 8- 4 AJ' ARTJiUNT for ft!)1, IIIllllllled Bulldln,. Phone 4~~ . I-IR Brig. Gen. William J. Hayek. re­ V.F.W. Po. t No. 3949 color guard. GeorgI;' E, Bachman. TAPPAN 1'1 ran,e, 38-lnoh • • ·burn.r. Adull .DI.I ..~" &-10 REAL ..lAir .. Irom. n . Imm""lli. open. lired Notional Guard cavalry troop The V.F .W. Post is in charge of Ipwa City attorney Scott Swlshl'r U~ 11.01 cperwnCfd- roo" for ,;;n:; The parade units wlll move we t program. Music will b pro\,idt·d by !.ale, '-02:17, ..!j houlln. unIt. (',ood pay. r1n, IlOve. Iowa City Memorial Day parade from College and Gilbert Streets the Iowa City 1Iigh School band. tlaby Silt'"" M •• I pl.nnln, lok.n Ure 01. 12 m •• I, ".Incb fAJE TIC TV. ,,000 Good _ 11' per ",.k, 1I0-IO mono Phonl '.%661 or 2 . W HFEL tr.ller. B~.. I ort~r . C.II 0411 today at 9 a.m. to Clinton St.. north on Clinton to SWISHER WILL al. 0 deliver nn condition 8-5821. 0·30 "'· ...11 I..Ibt'n u Evenlnal. 5-:10 WANTED blb1 lltUne 1-2604. 8-4 3300. • 6- 13 Twenty·four organizations will Church St., east on Church to Linn address at an 11 : 15 a .m, Cl'remony TAPPAN p. r.nle 38 Inch • • -burner. eXHllenl conditIon. W lInahou.. maTch in the parade scheduled to St., north on Linn to Brown St., at Memory Gurd 'n Crmctery, Autom.tle Wa. her used 8 monthl. Re.­ House for Rent form at the intersection of College and east on Brown to Governor St., Th invocation and benediction IOn tor ~Uln, - mo\ In, out 0/ al.t . and the Oakland Cemetery en- will be given by the Rev. G. Thoma I e- and Gilbert Streets. trance, Fatlaruso. Iowa City atlorney KENNY HOFER W:ANTED HONORARY PARADE marshals Units taking part in the parade Roger II , Ivle will be in charge of I and IU. tld""ultrllelJ will be Col. G. C. Kirk. SUI profes­ A4m. - Only PUo , T\!I\II , sor and head of ail' science. repre­ Iowawill appear City High in the School followin Band;g order: Wo- ftihe;sier;v;ic;e;' :::~~~:=::l Experienced Produce Manager Uo, ~I... Olrl Nlhl senting the Army ; Col. M. Y. Kirk· men's Relief Corps; Daughters of ~_ ~ I I "Romantlc ' elo'":'1 bride, SUI professor and head of Union Veterans; Spanish-American War Veterans and Auxiliary; I ______L ., ! ] ;i (. J .,_ JIMMY SMITH military science, repre enting the and til. Ortb~ .. lra. Due TO promotion with i n ou r Air Force; and Cmdr. George D. 8:1~.ghters of the American Revolu· Calaban, representing the Navy. IOWA PREMIERE SATURDAY S P E C I A L RIDER 10 8Ol1ton . ' ~ Ford, June 10th organization, we have created Preceding the marshals will be the 1311.00, Dial I-D7N. ' -3 DISABLED AMERICAN Velcr- "'''''.'WOIIUDlllItIlDIIT Student Rates SOc House For Sal. ans; Knights of Columbus; Amer!- --..wltIlCML0fIlUIII11 CAR POOL to DlvtnpOrl, week day. with ID Cud this .ummer. M4a. 8_11 INCOME hou Weat aide. Po Ion an opening for an experienced can Legion Post No. 17 and Auxil- ~ r WANTED rIde ... 10 &han ~lCDen • • ~ June Itlla - Larew Co. II1II1. 8-3 iary ; American Legion Post No. 17 ~.aD·~ Mills Claims ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sacnmento, C.Ufornl. on June tt.4s fruit-and-vegetable man to take Auxiliary Juniors; V,F,W, Post No. .. _ Phone 438L. 1-10 Pel. for Sale 2581 and Auxiliary; V.F,W Po t .... E No. 3949 and Auxiliary; Moo e ••• II ______Male Help Wanted ' COCKER Pupple. lor lkle. Dial1-16R 4600.e., charge of our produce depart­ National Debt Lodge and Auxiliary. r AC:'RE I [ ,) f.'l;"~ WANTFD: S.I~.m.n (or a well-know" Eagles Lodge and Auxiliary : 34th IQ NI~YJrJl .. popul.r line of home and commercl.1 ment. Satisfactory references Reconnaissance Company; Clearing I _lID 0111 DIll. NOW TUESDAY CQulpmcnL ro .... City turlUlcy. U yoo To Hit Peak Ends are now emplOYM •• nd wlnt 10 bet~t Iowa' City Transfer Company, Iowa Nalional Guard; "U.. rnll __ ,"our poaalUon do /l01 h ...ltale 10 appbl required. Engineering Co. A. 224th 'National_nn OrnrlMII JlrYlmV~M,.Uliim Your applie.tlon wIlL be kept «>nf/. WASHINGTON (uPIl - Chair· d~nU ..\. Bo" 13. 8-3 & Storage _Co. Guard; Headquarters Company. IIUD[/\IIIIIIIIIIlWMI IlWUI JJlNIl man Wilbur Mills /D·Ark.l of th e THE LAUGH OF House Ways &. Means Committee 410 Infantry Regiment; and the TINA l.OO~f PR ICES Instruction • Good Starting Pay Iowa City Saddle Club. This Eng",g.menl predicted Thursday that the Fed· I YOUR LIFE-TIME! BALLROOM dance leuonl, Special eral budgct deficit next year would M-C·M prwe!Ita il on file. MImi Youde Wurlu. Dial 141$. Matinee 7Sc Eve. 90c 1-15k • Liberal Extra Benefits climb to its highest pea k in thc CanemoScopo and METROCOLOR ~ nation's peacetime history. University Profs -Doors Open 1:1S-- • Profit Sharing Plan He also told the House Rules GLENN- FORD Late.t Arrival ANIlE fRANCIS Committee the Administration End Meet Monday r1.fflJ:.r'f.~~ from Gormanyl would ask Congress before it ad­ The • Excellent Chances for journed to raise the ceiling on the The final meeting of the Iowa ~ .11:. 1~. r.. !51 national debt (or the second time conference of the American Asso­ BMW lsetta 600 Advancement ciation of University Professors Starts TO.DAY 'End. this year. Congress earlier · 5 passenger sedan - big 51 ter rarily boosted the limit from $275 IAAUP ) will be held in the House Monday' to $280 billion. Chamber o( Old Capitol Monday, ~ FIRn RUN MiTt S to the already proven BMW June 2. lsetta 300. Apply in person on Thursday, Friday or Mills said his Tax· Writing Com­ mittee would support an Adminis· The group will elect o(ficers (or Sal.s & Sorvice At Saturday A.M., May 29 to June 1. Ben­ tralion request for a second hike. the 1958·59 year during the first portion of the meeting. Chirps Brake & ner Food Store Highway 6 East. Ask He gave no figures. But Govern· I ment officials have indicated the Charles F. Davidson, sur asso­ Alignmont S.rvice for manager. debt ceiling might have to be raised ciate professor of law, will speak I!" EIIII Illy', Cod .. a.pl• •• Ia. to $290 billion. and lead a discussion of "Group Mills made his predictions in ask· Retirement, Insurance, Disability, ing the rules group to authorize and Medical Programs at SUI." noor debate on his committee's bill William Porter of the SUI School providing for another one year ex­ of Journalism served as chairman tension oC present corporate and of the AAUP during the 1956-57 excise Isales) lax rates. year.


Ijitd niH ., -ENOl NOW SATURDAY- TV/s-


PLUS-COLOR CARTOON LATe S"OW SATURDAY "TOUCH AND GO" "IT CONQUERED .THE WORLD" p ... '-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, Iowa-Friday, May 30, 1958 A~ti~~, , ~t~d5~'~-.uu----r --or og Jjgs Sti~a;~;:n'f~rdGive four Recitals fl:, U. t'II-,elty' ,AlJ:e'rg' ·er· aturday SUI students will present Cour lhe pinno by Rulh Englehorn, AI, "Breake Now My I leart and DYf" In I Y' recitals in the next week. Lansing. lie will play "Prelude by Campian, "Kindertoteh Lieder" by Mahler and "Dover Beach" b Il's almost all over except for Gerald W. Buxton. Jr.. A4 , Iowa et Allegro " by Bozza, "Tubac- more e£ficicnt and economical Barber. The pooling oC electric generat· the barking. City. tuba. and John Kromer, A4, chanale" by Boutry and "Sonata" ing facilities of five major Iowa generating equipment. Pianist Myran Storm, M. Kes. utilities including the Iowa·llUneis Whitmore said that lowa·lllinois Deadline for purchase of Iowa Manly, euphonium, will share a Iby McKay. wick, will present a recital Tues­ Gas and Electric Company which has started a $20 million construc­ City dog tags i~ Saturday noon I recital Saturday at 2 p.m. in North Soprano Maria Hatges, A4,' Ma· day at 4 p.m. in North Music Han serves Iowa City became a pro­ lion project at its Riverside Gen· ~nd there are still . about 300 un· Music Hall. son City. will not present her reo Included in the recital will be hcen~d dogs roaming the City, a . I . . bability this week with the filing erating Station on the Mississippi worker in the city clerk's office Buxton Will be accompanied by cltal scheduled preVIOusly Cor Sun· "Three Part Invention o. 7, in of an agreement signed by the res· River just above Bettendorf in an· Minor" and "Three Part InventiOll' pective presidents for approval by ticipation of the pooLIng agreement. said Thursday. Irs. Buxton on the piano. He will day. No.3, in D Major" by Bach. "Sou­ By Thursday noon 960 licenses play "Sonatina Classica" by Troje· Ruthann Jensen, A4, Mt. Pleas- the Federal Power Commission. He said the new installation will ata in C Major. K. 309" by Moun, CHARLES H. WHITMORE, presi. have more than twice the electric ha~ been sold but th.e~e a~e an IMiller, "A ir and Bourree" by Bach ant. contralto, will present a recital "Preludes" by Debussy and "Elev. dent of 10wa·lllinois said it is an· e~timated 1,300 dogs hvtng In the and "Second Concerto" by Willi. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in North Music en Children'S Pieces" by Casella. generating capacity of any unit city. ticipated the agreement will be· now in operation in the State of The deadline was extended Crom ams. Hall. She will be accompanied by come eCfective July 1, 1958. UNEMPLOYMENT AREAS Iowa. April 1 until June 1. Sale of tags Kromer will be accompanied on JoNell lIIelchert, A4, Clinton, on The other companies participat· WASHI GTON mPil - The La. Preliminary engineering w!ll be slarted the rirst of the year but the piano. ing are Iowa Electric Light and started immediately and constru~· bor Department Wednesday classi Power with headquarters in Cedar ~ales have lagged until 800 delin· Design Exhibit Extended Included in the recital will be (jed 86 major industrial centers a tion work is to get underway in quency repOrts were sent last Rapids ; Iowa Power and Light, Des April of 1959 with actual operation · th bo toot "The Lowest Trees Have Top " areas of " ubstantial" unemploy· STUDENTS at the Ho.pital.Schooi fo,. Sev .... ly Handicapped Chil· Moines; Iowa Public Service, wee.k SInce en a u ags Through Monday Night dren It SUt discuss some a,.eas of nutrition with their homemaking oC the new generating unit sched· a day have been sold. and "Come Away , Come Sweet ment. Included were three of na· Sioux City; and Iowa Southern tion's biggest cities - New York,! ..aclltr, (far I,ft) Margaret Wolf, SU I g,.aduate assist.nt from uled for June of 1961, Whitmore Arter June 1 a warning will be The 10th nanual Design Exhibi- Love" by Dowland, "So Beaulie on Wavuly, in the n,wty.installed home economics room at the school. Utilities, Centerville. said. Issued then dogs without tags may the Watcrs Stood" by Ferrabosco, Chicago, and Cleveland . Se ...d .re Ho.pital.Schooi students (from left) Shirl_y Heibel, Sioux Whitmore said that the high be impounded by the city dog tion at SUl will be open to the pub- CIty, Twila Schroeder, Tipton. and Barbara Wilson, Brooklyn. Th, voltage lines of the five companies homemaking ,.oom and th_ course are designed to teach boys and LENIN PEACE WINNERS catcher. Those impounded can be lie through Monday. Originally are already partially interconnect· LONDON (uPIl _ Five social picked up by the owners after they scheduled to end Sunday, the show Ilrl. at the .chool to adapt some household tasks to their own ed. Abilities. -SUI Photo, leaders from five nations were pay $3 costs, $2 Cor a license and will remain up so that Iowa City y,- By pooling their generating fa· 75 cents per day for keep Edward S. Rose .. NOTICE lh ' f th r t . residents voling Monday in the pri· ' Sk 'II cilities, Whitmore said, the most among e winners 0 e n erna· Continued violation oC the city Come to our Pharmacy for any· cfficient units available to the var· tional Lenin Peace Prizes, Radio ordinance requiring licenses can mary election at the Art BuJ1ding thing in the manne,. of DRUGS We need a dependable mlln to . 0 ma kIng I S ious companies can be operated to Moscow announced Thursday. lead to 30 days in jail and a Cine of will have a chance to view the and MEDICINES-and especial. start work immediately thru H m,e meet the requirements oC their The winners included a Japan· $100. unique pieces of furniture, archi- August. Must have plenty of Iy if if is a PRESCRIPTION to self confidence, willingness to be filled - you are always weI· work long hours filling orders ",' aught At Hosp-Ital ~~~~~e:re~!~O~~eS~aITh~~fl~~~~~ :o!~t~~:~itn:l,!re~v:~fe:~,v~::~ COLORED COAL ~~~~~~~ S;~~Ch::c:~;e ~~~~!~s a~~ in our sales department. Rush and help oCfset increasing costs. of the prohibition" oC nuclear display. season earn $2500. Car neces· Benefits the participants expect weapOns; German author Arnold ESSE~: Germa~y (uPII-"Black Today, Saturday and Sunday tlle sary. Write personnel depart· • to achieve are: Zweig; Swedish aulhor Arthur as coal? - Not 10 West Germany show will be open from 2·5 p.m. ment, .ConC,i,nement to a wheelchair i~ no reason Cor "getting out.oC the 1, THE SUPPLY of the combined Lindquist; French trade unionist today. Coal colored green, red'i Monday hours will be 8 a.m. to 10 DRUG SHOP dls~es for students at the Hospltal·School for Severely Handicapped power loads providing adequate Louis Saillant ; and Czech religiOUS silver and gold went on the market pm 109 S. Dubuque St. P.O. Box 2601, Des Moines. Such homemaking skills as baking a cake, washing dishes, making reserve capacl.y requlremen s W,I ~~ren~SUIbeds, dusting furniture,. washing clothes and entertaining guests are Iless overall 1Installed ' generatingt ~ i~~h~O~~~r~P~ro~f~.~~~~~c~H~ro~m~d~a~.~~w~.~e~S~~~y~fu~r~h~~~e~o~w~n~e~~~.~~~· ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ now within the realm of pOssibility for students at til school through capacity, resulting in savings. a new ho~em~king prog,ram ~dded to the curriculum last September. 2. The ability to meet emergency FARM FRESH CUT':'UP or HALVES FOR BAR-B-Q Up t~ ,th ls POlnh the children s parents and the youngstcrs themselves conditions in any of the systems never dreamed that they woult' with less likelihood of impairment OPEN MEMORIAL DAY be able to perform .these everyday 5U I Ph "t of service to the public. ~~S~\~~:! ~~~ P~~~~~~I.IY able per· YSICIS S 3. T~E PLANN.ING of new}n. 9:00 a.m. to 9;00 p.m. ~. stallatlons housmg generating to 2 lb. Average A homemakmg room was In equipment on a more economical stalled at the sch,OOI especia~ly fOI WI-II basis and greater utilization of use by the handicapped children, Attempt providing kitchen cabinets. count· Pdt c . ers, a sink, stove, electric mixe.r, frying pan, toaster. automabc Alt'tudeI Test ostgra ua e washer and dryer and refrigerator M d M - in the kitchen area. On the other If the sun cooperates with a e eehng each side of the room in the living area "flare·up" Memorial Day weekend will see the 82nd high-altitude ve, FRYERS· are a davenport and tabie and hicle launched in fntcrnational Geo· Set for SUI , chairs. physical Year (lGY) errorts of SUI NORWOOD SKINLESS Twenty·three students - eight physicists. lb. pkg. girls and fiCteen boys ranging in Research associate Kin y Ander­ Physicians (rom all parts of the cello of age from 9 to 18 years _ are en. son and Donald Enemark, Prince· nation are expected to attend a bag 8 19( ton, Minn., E3, will leave the cam· FRANKS rolled in five homemaking classes pus today Cor Parker Airport near postgraduate course Monday taught by an SUI graduate assist· Sioux Falls, S. D. through Friday at the SUI College of Medicine. ant, Margaret Wolf, Waverly. Their object: a "round the clock GENUINE SPRING LAMB Arranged by the American Col­ 1n addition to the nutrition and and then some" flight oC a 75·foot· 60%. lege oC Physicians, the course will ' food preparation units, students diameter balloon to relate cosmic discuss correct table manners, ray directions in terms o[ time be the second which the national lb. Jar organization has held at SUI in the SHOULDER ROAST hints for good grooming. and prob· and to gather more information on . past two years. The event will be lems in understanding themselves X-ray showers around 20 miles up. " and others, The students invite Ready Cor a 9 p.m. to 1l a.m. sky built around the topic "Principles their parents and staff members to ride is a 5O·pound box, measuring and Practice of Internal Medi- RED RIPE special parties Cor practice in en- 22 by 17 by 14 inches. cine." tertaining and being good hosts. Anderson chose this we kend Cor Dr. William B. Bean, proCessor Not having had a chance to en· the expedition because sizable ex· and head oC internal medicine, will tertain previously, many oC them plosions are expected on the sur­ be director of the course. Dr. must learn such an elementary Cace of the sun lVithin the next few George N. Bedell of the same de· Lb. thing as what to say to guests, days, he said. The "educated partment, will be associate direct· or. Assistant directors will be Dr. ~OMA OES Miss Wolf says. guess" i based on ob ervations . 'Because the homemaking pro- from the University of Colorado's Ian Maclean Smith and Dr. James A. Clifton. gram is on an individual basis, mountain·peak obse rvatory. CALIFORNIA WHITE FRESH much private instruction is reo "TIVO huge regions on the sun More. than 30 members oC SUI's quired - eve n more in this sub· which ha ve been qui et for several medical staff will participate in ject than in other class work at the weeks are expected 10 become cen­ teaching aspects oC the week.long .POTATOES 10 Ibs. 49¢ Asparagus bch.l~ school. For this reason, Miss Wolf ters of activity. Resultant solar meeting. and an occupational therapist, Mrs. nares and possible bur ts of parti· Visiting speakers will be Dr. Gardner Thornberry, spend a great cles might make their presence Ward Fowler, Mayo Clinic, Ro· deal of time with each student - Celt within Earth's atmosphere," chester, Minn .; Stanley M. Hend· FRESH RED 'learning the house hold tasks that Anderson explained. ricks, public health veterinarian, FRESH BAKERY FOODS Iowa State Department oC Health; each can perform and how he can ' During 14 similar IGY balloon best do them. flights at Hudson Bay last sum­ Dr. Rachimel Levine, chairman of STRAWBERRIES qt. 39¢ the Department of Medicine at ~ .one of the basic goals of the mer and in other sky-combing ven· Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago ; I ANGEL in· newly. inaugurated homemaking tures, SUI physicist have noted Dr. Clark H. Millikan, the Mayo C program is to teach independent creasing cosmic and X·radiation Clinic; Dr. Jeremiah Stamler, as­ HUNT'S ea. thinking on the part o( the stu- about 36 hours after the sighting sistant director. Cardiovascular bottles FOOD dents. Not all oC the students at oC a disturbance on the sun. 6 29" ' 39 Department, Medical Research In· 14oz. the school can perform the maniPu-1 Anderson suggested western stitute, Michael Reese Hospital; plu.depo.it bottles lative tasks, Miss WoH said. How. South Dakota as a "good guess" and Dr. Richard W. Vilter, pro· RAISIN ever, each one can think through for a parachute landing of the in· fessor and head oC the Department HY-VEE POTATO CATSUP 6 C his own problem and learn to adapt struments after their release Crom of Medicine at the University of the tasks to his own needs. the balloon but said it is difficult HI-C DRINK Cincinnati. BREAD loaf Acting in an advisory capacity to predict the speed and direction One day of the conference will be 28 in equipping and adapting the of stratospheric winds. He will not devoted to each of the following homemaking room were Eugenia track the flight by airplane, relying topics or groups oC topics: car· CHIPS 46 oz. c Unsliced 'Whitehead, professor and chair· instead upon a finder telephoning diology, endocrinology, hematOlOgy" Can man of the SUI Home Economics and returning the scientifically val· diseases of the lungs, and Infectious BREAD l>epartment, and Geraldine Cle- uable equipment. l-Ib. ORANGE C disease and gastroenterology. 23 well, associate proCessor and head The new apparatus includes two Teaching will be conduded in a c Bag NORTHERN for ••• of the Ho~e E.cono~ics Depart- geiger tubes for cosmic ray count· combination o[ lectures, seminars, I 2 25 80 ct. ment at University High School. ing, an ionization chamber Cor mea· an, d round table discussions, and I' 39 The home economics proCessors suring more numerous low-energy the presentation oC medical ca~s. Regular 65c NAPKINS pkg. w.orked with the Hospital·School particles as in X·rays, and a more The pOstgraduate courses are ar­ 25( staff in selecting the equipment, sensitive radio transmitter with 2 ranged each year as a means of I planning the arrangement of the probably twice the liCetime oC those helping members of the American BRIQUETS 79 large room and setting up units to in previous SUI balloons bearing College of PhYSicians keep abreast be covered in the homemaking Ander on's instrument •. A camera of the latest advances in the medi, Charcoal10-lb. bag ( ev course. package within the box will pro· cal field. WESTERN WONDER - FRESH FROZEN sh Much oC the equipment and many vide a record. of temperatures as C , utensils are especially designed for a check o.n mstrumental perfor­ sa Jlandicapped individuals. Kitchen man~e durmg the ~xtreme ranges co counters and chopping boards are of night and day climates. Robert Jones Club CHARCOAL th, lower in height than the average, To Meet Today ac jJermitting work from a wheel LIGHTER 1 chair. The lower shelves in the PRIMARY­ The Robert Jones Club, an organ· STRAW~ BERRI • • kltchjln cabinets can be pulled out ES • (Continued from page 1) ization of 30 leading orthopedic D ' lor easy reaching. Students can surgeons from the United States also wash and wipe dishes Crom a FLUID pt. can and Canada, will meet today " wheel chair, as the sink is so built Morse and West Branch; Hardin, through Saturday at the SUI Col· tfiat the wheel chair can be wheeled Cosgrove School; Jefferson, Shuey· lege of Medicine. , ,. under it. ville School ; The club is named in memory of HOLIDAY WHOLE Both shallow ar1d deep sinks are LibeEty, Town Hall at Hills ; Lin· the late Dr. Robert Jones. founder A NEW MEMBER provided. Cakes can be mixed coin, Lenabaugh School; Madison, of the British Orthopedic Associa· quickly with an electric mixer c ,I Cross Road School; Monroe, Cloud tlon and "father of rehabilitation." OF THE GROWING Sweet .Pickles cit which is on a shelf at chair level. School; OxCord, City HaU at Ox· Honored guest for the event 'Will,' The stove area oC the kitchen has Quart Jar ...... M, ford ; Penn, Township Hall at North be Dr. Arthur Steindler. renowned HY-VEE FAMILY 39 CII been arranged so that it is acces· Liberty; orthopedic surgeon who was pro· an sible from two sides. Students Pleasant Valley, Township Hall; fessor and head of orthopedics at can reach pans on the stove from Ira Scott, Center School ; Sharon, Ma. sur Crom 1915 to 1949. The physi· GRANDEE STUFFED , the dining area, thug eliminating ciano now a member of the medi­ SALAD · many steps. sonic Hall ; Union, Center School; cal starc at Mercy Hospital In Iowa in c fre Washington, Center School; and City, holds the rank of distingulshed pa AT MEETING West Lucas, school on I.W.V. coun· service professor emeritus at the DRESSING try road ; University. OLIVES • • • 39 Dr, E. C. Ferguson, assistant OAKDALE, Oakdale Sanatorium; Speakers Cor the meeting will be tIw I proCessor in the SUI Department University Heights, 1000 Melrose Drs. Carroll B. Larson, 1. V. Pon. eli of full Ophthalmology, is attending a Ave. ; Coralville, Town Hall at Cor- seti, J. R. Carter, Genevieve HY-VEE 101 meeting of the Retina Foundation alville. Stearns, Michael Bonflilio. Adrian tifl today and Saturday in Ipswich, Kanak said unof(lcial election reo Flatt, Rus~ll Meyers and W. D. 11.1 Mall. suits should be known after 11 p.m. Paul from l~e College of Medicine; ItK ~ meeting, at which attendance Monday. Dn. Da d )I" Paul and E. T', pI'! Is by I~vitatlon, will concern retinal The official count Cor county can- JJrlMnall fro ' the V_an 'ell deta~nt surgery. Speakers didates will be made June 10, and ministrat n ospltal Ih )owa '~ " : 'tIn froni;lgefmany, Austria and the the repOrt for state candidates is and Dr. William Catalona ( Jlm'I"" . UD1ted~ ltate. will participate. due June 23, I ~ 4 Illi 1t~ ,. ~I 'f