I' American Thursday nJiht headt>d into a long Me­ dents with 206 injurie and 7 Cat31ities, the highe t in THE HIGH POINT oC the day In citie and town morial Da)' w !tend 01 picnic , par d , auto trips r cent y ar . The 0\' r· aU ~y ar .lemori31 Day 3CCi· throughout the nation will be the parades, peechcs, and tilt! nK'Race of high 'ay deaUJ. d nt a\erag is 130 ac id nls, 65 Injured, and 3 latali· and traditional trloot to the nation' war dead. Russell Bro\\n. tale lety Commi ioner, id til' . In the We t a de troyer and na\'al patrol plane will ~rgency Iowa has joined with Ih'e other lat in a coordinated IN IOWA CITY, traffic i. expected to be h a\'y on drop flower upon lhe Paeiric. A flower·bedecked raft lurgency campai n against IraCrlC lalahli .. The crux of the lIigh 'ay 6 coming in on Dubuque l. becall.! of the was to be let adrift down 1he f ippi Ri\'er from Icra::ltdown i that if an Iowa re id nt is caught in a d tour around 0 Itdale. Abo,· normal framc is ex· Sl Louis. exeeu, mD\'ini tr me \'101 lion - din , improper in , pected on Highway 261, including Dodge tr t traffic AND IN WASHINGTON, the cask ts bearing the un· Kress ia­ etc., - in one of til other tate. the "iolalion will be to Solon. known Idi r oC World War II and Koren will take mem· Ireport d to the Iowa tate Saf ty Commis ion.' All city, . tate and county office will be clo d on their place be id their World War I counterpart In office nd the violator wlU recei~ 10 a point for th Memor" I Day, a will banks and the Po t ornc win· Arlington Cemel ry. In olemn ceremony, Pre ident \;olation. dow . Retail store will clo a well, With the excep­ Ei nhow r will pre nt the Medal oC Honor 10 the DRIVERS FROM ALL the participating tate will lion of a f 110' grocery tore and re t3ur nlS wbich namele ca ualti . be obliged to comply (rlclly with aU our traffic laws, \I ill remain open for holiday n ds. and Iowa drivers In a r tales can expect trict Lake Macbrid will be open for tbe hoJida)', with Chicago' .1emorial D3y ob rvance will ha\'e a sa! ty nforc menl. Brown aid. conce ions, boating and picnic C cHili nailabl. not of dne.. Hundred oC polic men, civic I 3c1er The partlcipallng tat are Ulinoi , Wi..con In, In· There will be no o\'emight camping allowed, howe\'er. and church dignitari are to gather at O'Hare Field dian , Kentucky, 11. ourl lid Iowa. CITY PARK Will also be open, with III wimming to honor a Idi r or God - Samuel Cardinal Slritcb. i person may 10 their liv in traffic accld nt. pool, wbich open. at 1 p.m. tod y. prob bly the main The Ch ~ cago Cardinal, who died this week in Rome, on lo\\'a highway from 6 p.m. Thursd y to midnight attraction. PICOJC cacilitie , the merry·go-round, f rrl wa to be nown hom ror burial Tuesday. Sund y. th tate Salety Departm nt ha ilmated. \I h el, nd other rid , nd the 100 lor Ih kids will Mo t of the naUon. howe\'er, had a happy welcome In 1954, the I t three-da)' Memorial Day w kend, al. 0 be {ealur d. Cor Ih fir I holiday of pring. There wa pi nty to do th r w r 459 accid nts In Iowa. including 73 injuri Can in" on the Iowa Ri\'er will also be popular - mammoth sports e\'enls ucb a the Indianapoli and 5 fatalities. \\ ith canoe ror rent behind the Iowa lemori31 nion Spe dway. bu. ball double header, and visits to the La t ye3r. a 4·day week nd. acci· Cor is cent an hour. Colks back home. il owan SPrt)irll! Tlte State Uni1 pr ityof lotw flnd till" P(JOplp of Iowa City . ..... "" n fl .. "' , 'd Wire and Phoio SCm 'I' au e ower 'Out For A Good Time' NOtTleE Jury Hits 29 Oil Companies 'Paris Calm Will Form The D.lly low.n will not SOME 350 PERSONS - SIX FROM IOWA - will 110 oul on U.S. hi"hwlYs for. llood tim. thll Momorl.1 publish. now.popor tho morn· 'th P , F" Ch InC ri si Sl- New Cabinet Day w"kond ond me.t violent deaths in car accidents, accordln, to Ihe National Saf.ty Council's pr.­ in, of Slturday, Moy 31, In W dlct!!'n. Scon" .Imiler to tho ono shown in the pi~luro abovo will ~orrify trav~l.ra, yot tho low. death ~~ ..,....onco of Momorl.1 D • ." toll II pr.dlcted to claim two live. tach day during the 3·day hohc!ay, The pIcture, I prlze·winner In AL!XANDRIA ~~~~-Tw~!~~~d .nts. Th~~~~U~ pen.lty SUI Professor T R F an SUI .xhlbit, was taken In October, 1953, by Jack K.nnedy, Council Bluffs Nonp.r.iI. The noxt Issue will Ito pultliJi,· nin oil companl ., Including m3ny upon convlclle., Is • fin. of $50,. orman C. 1 i r, S I profe or 0 un rance od TuesdlY, Juno 3 of the nation' laree t, Thursday 000 for ..ch defend. nt, of p. ycholo y, reportl'd that Pari werl' accu d by a F d ral grand The Indictment charged th d· wa QuIet In e\'ery observoble way jury of conspirinK to fix the prIce tendant. beginning in 1 56 and Sunday d pite th political tur· Accepted After Appeal GM I Union Voters Will Cast Primary Plum Grove of crude 011 and auto gaSOline . contlnulni lhrouih January, 1957, moil. By President Coty THE GRAND jury which r turn· "engal!t'd In an unlawful combina· Mei r arrived in the Fr ncb capl· Bargain; No ('d the indictment before . 01 t. tlon nd can piracy to rai e, fix. tal undoy on II research ml Ion PARIS (A'! - Gen. Cbarle Dc Judie Altx-rt V. Bryan has been and stoblliz prlc s of crud 011 In connt'cllon with a ludy on ~h· Gaulle agreed Tbur day night to Election Ballots Monday Land Zoning hearini evid 'n e inc' torch, 1957 throughout th nil ct d morkel." crl'ath'l' procl'SSI'S oC arUst. form a new Frl'nch Government Contract Yet D niol of wronedoini came THE AFFECTED mork two de· Ill' add d In a leller to hi wIfe but In Isted he have full pow r to Primary election In John. on County will be held Monday, June 2, wlm), from v('rlll d lendants. crlbed as all of Ihe country ex· that "0 Gaulle wa basically a h ad olf civil war. DETROIT I.fI - Both General starting at 1 a.m. in Iowa City and 8 a .m. in oth r pr ·dncts. PRESIDENT COTY gave hIm the Johnson County Auditor William L. Kanak said about 18,00() ballots To Council Th. St.nd.rd 011 Co, of N.w cept th liv Western tates oc ymbol of reform." Motors Corp. and the United Aulo task with the grave warning to Workers doggedly held to no·budge have been printed, and will be 'cnt Lo the 33 precincts in th county. Iowa City Council will bold a JerHY, one of the flr.t to com· California, Or ,on, Wa hmiton, "Althou,h anythini can happen, He said nearly 100 abs 'ntee ballot have been mail'd oul. ment, cote,crlully denied thot Idaho and Arizona. th(' gen ral opinion is tbat ord rly ParHam nt lind IlII Frenchmen stands Thursday in negotiations to Plans call for ballot counting in Iowa City precinct to begin at public hearln, Monday nliht con· the comp.ny or .ny of Its .fflli. Crude oil prlc.. ,.ner.lly wer. proce will in time work for a that th ir choice ha narrowed to write a new wage contract to reo 9 p.m. Monday. Oakdale pI' cinct \'01 will b counted at 8 p.m., and cernlni tbe propo d r zoning Crom .to. hod vlolotod tho ontitrust incr.. "d by 3S conls 0 borrel In Ix'tter situation than has ('xi t~d In the e alternatives: place one expiring at 11 :59 o'clock th' oth r 23 pr cincls will tart cia A residenllal to bu illl' of I.ws. Jonuary, lf57. This was followocl thl' past Ce-w yur ," Meier aid. Do G.ullo or civil war. Thursday night. counting at 11 p.m. land n xt to Plum Grev ."ere, W F. K{'nnrdy, vlce·pre Id nt Ity a ,.n,r.' increase of 1 c.nt Meier had been in London where Th ational Asembly majorily But the union said there will be Voter will be hand d ballots ac· a housing d v lopm nl in south· and Ii: neral counsel of Sh II Oil • glllon in Itto rot.1I price of h tudi d a number of British would hav to do a revolutionary no strike. And GM said it will Surprise ~ct cording to th ir political prC!fer­ east 10wII City. Co., aid Governm 'nt lawyer and "OIolino. cr atlve artists and lectur d at reversal to accept De Gaulle, continue operating under lts own ence.
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