Mason Band Will Entertai11 At Concert Friday Night Mnsop's hanrl will plqy Its first ' concert of the summer Ji'rlrlny •, nll{ht. The hand will piny on the court nousc lawn, stnrtlng at 7;30, Gr.orge Murthum, rllrccjor of News Index the. Mason school band, Inviter! Voters Choose Want 'ails, Pages 6, 7 and Deputies Agree: B, Part 1., Social news, Pages 4 and 5, 2 Schools Ask Bell to Serve Part 1 i Page 4, Pnl•t 2. To Go Slow on Editorials, P11ge 2, Part 4,, Consideration (?arm newll, Pages a, 4 and In School Post 5, Part 4. Salary Demand Legal news, Page S, Pnl'l i: To Join Mason Page 6, Part 3; Pug~ 6, PaJ•t Altlwugh llwy stIll l'l!luln <1. nwmher~hip In a CIO union, Directors of Nld10ls 8chool In ingltnm rlc!pltlles hiiVI! agreed Deihl . and Gretton In Aurelius nnl lo hurry sulary demandl'l appeared before Mason's school with the hoard of supet·vlsors. board Wedncsclny night to tnll1 Wheat :·Quality Thai's wlwt Deputy Rogm· MltSS· merger. Ralph Hurt of Nichols man, spnl\esmnn fo1' rleputlr-s, and Morytcle Snow of Gretton suld following a meeting of the asltcd tlult the Mason hoard con· Tops All P·revious hoard of SLIIWr\'IHOi'H Tuesday. slder annexation. Police Round Up And thnl wns the gist of what Nlcliols now has 37 pupils In ,;uta•! vi sot' I iuhm·t Bullen oC the first 5 grades and Grelton Ingham Harvests· Alii'C'lliiH I'CljlOrl erl IIH ellllll'mlln huH 35 In the first 6. Boys and Bombs of the wnys nnd m«:!nns c•ommll· Other schools which have rc· Mn~on polke and nheriff's ~Jf· Ice of the hoard. cently shown Interest In merging llccrs mumled up 7 lei hal <•fillltl Mus::;man ml•t with the salaries with Mason, sulci Supt. James II. IJOmbs and moJ'r! than Ihat many :111d wnys anrl mcnns commit· Vander Ven, are Walters, 40 In !Joys Wcrlncsrtay. !Pes. 11«! said thnt he and other first 6 'grades; Harper, 35 In The bombs were stolen from rleputiP~ have been Invited tu first 5; and Webb, 46 In first 5. the office of clw scr•r elary al llw llJliHlllr before the :.l committees . Faced with crowding within fairgrounds, used at fair mnc In ut the August !J mcr!tlng of the its own system, the Mason boarrl call allentlon to special nc•ts. hmll'fl. Supcr·vi~ot· Bullen said thnt recently decided to cut back by Harry S(Jcnn~· L!lscovcrcrl Ill!' one grade all ou tsldc pupils now snlr.rit·~ arc fixed at the llJlnual IJrcal<·ln at tlw scr·l·cl nry's oflir'c fall mct!llllg of the board, sched· being tal1cn at ~ason. Rural Wednesday moming nne! r.•alizerl schools which have been r.:!t!Uc· the dangm 1f Ihe !Joys wlw tool1 ulc•d to begin this year Septcm· IJcr t!l, All ~nlary mailers will lng their own load by sending the bombs at templed to sf' I llwm 6th, 7th anrl 81 h gmde pupils off. He callf'd In ol fieen;. They tw put over until thrm, he slated. He pointer! out that lnst October w111 be permitted to send only soon found iloys who k.H'W ~IJnut when the ~alnry scale was 7th and 8th pupils next year. To the homiJ,; nnrl talc in tiJr• nftcr· adupiPcl the ~herlfr's department handle all their own children, noon hart rounded L'P 1i of. I he many districts may have to pro· dcviPcs. The sPw!nl h was re· rarer! !Jetter than any other. vide addlllonal room and another ported late WrdtH!HriHy 11ighl. AI 1he morning session Tues· teacher, Vander Vcn said. rlay SupervlsnJ· Robert Klocl1 of 'l'hc bombs, callr.rt tor·pcrlons. Lansing 1old colleagues pollee ':At the Wednesday night board arc about as big ns tennis balls. offit'Cl's sltould not be under un· meellng a resolution was adopted They arc filled with TNT, C<~p· irm coni ml. offering to trade parcels of 3 lain Vcrsile 13al)('ock of IIJC slwr· "If the board of supervisors farm land with the Okemos dis· Iff's department said, containing .. provide~ living salaries and cases trlct. Mrs. Helen · Cooper, fa\' enough to blow off a leg or ann. worldng eondillrms, lnteJ·cst of north In Aluicdon, wants her Entry to the secretary's offil'c deputle::; in union organizntlons farm transferred to the Okemos was made by smashing a Will; . . will drop," Supervisor Klnclt dlstl'lct. Basil Fruin and Fred dow, Captain Babcot'k sairt. YOUNG READERS usu~llr become good readers, according to said. Reading from a list pro· Wlcl1hnm on Doble road, on the vlrlcd by deputies, the Lansing tar south of the! Ol1emos district, Miss Lucile Pr.:~tt, bookmobile ibr.:~rian for the county library. Each week day, Miss Pr4tt loads up the bookmobile with popul4r and supervisor recited that deputies wnnt to be transfermd to Ma· Working Crews want salaries of between $4,000 son.· history books and stops at country schools and recreatio~. programs Air ··Force Sets throughout the county. In the picture, Miss Pratt is shown with some and $4,GOrl, instead of lhe $3,300 'l'om Ke1·ry of the stat£! d.:!· Near Finish of to $3,!100 they now r·eceive. They partmcnt of public Instruction of the children who met the bookmobile at Horsebrook school 'west alsn want worl

~, ' /, The table was centered .with a ·and Mrs. James Bobzien, this Approximate .. : Reg11lar- Close-out· Price gift bouquet of roses from Mrs. week ,.. Don' s Ser.vice c,Ju11ntities Price Per Ton \ Mitchell's yard. Mr. and-Mrs. Ernest M. Wink· ,r~~' Orwn until 12. mhl· Donald D. King and uncle, ler and family went to the Irish ... ~m nlg·ht. shtl'ling· .ruly Russell Rhodes, left from Lan· Hllls Sunday. ·They visited the 20 Ton Briquets· I. 5 . s1··. 6 so·· 14 so :'..;· 1. sing Monday, to go to the indue· St. Joseph shrine and Hayes . . tlon center in Detroit for volun· state park at Wamplers lalte. ~~O"~ S & H Green Stamps tary draft. Ronald is the husband Mrs. John, Mitchell entertained - N111·th ot' JU11son on US·127 of Donna King and the san of at . a .one o clock luncheon on 40 . Ton ·Shur·Hot Virginia EgCJ < Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. King of Tuesday,. having as her guests .... ~ . .~13.00' . $11.00 . 4 WINNERS of FREE Gasoline ALREADY! Eden road, Leslie. her nelces, Mrs. Donald Cornwell Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harper, of Hartford, and Mrs. Wayne R. Gordon Slee, Mason Donald Campbell, Meson and 2 daughters Penny and Campbell of Plainwell, her sister, 50 Ton Jerry Jackson, E. lansing Richard 0. Bisel, Dansville Pamela from Eat~n Rapids were Mrs. Harry Peek, Mrs. Peei{'S Semi-Pocahontas· . ' . '-:===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~ dinner guests of Mrs. Harper's daughter·ln·law, Mrs. William I parents, the Elmer l(ings· Peek and her daughter, Mrs. day. The Ronald Kings were also Clarence .Jacobs, all of Mason. 25 Ton Virginia Lump 5 5 there. After dinner all went to Another sister present was Mrs. B·urn~Rit~ 14.00 12.00 At WARE'S the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn· Gertrude Dlsenroth from Leslle, as Rhodes where Mr. and Mrs. and her daughters, Mrs. Donna Arthur Barden, Mr. anil Mrs. Coppens, and Mrs. . Robert 50 Ton Pocahontas A" ATTENTION FARMERS Allan Rhines, and .family, Mr. Browne. MN. Harry Fogg and $15.-50. $13.50 and Mrs. William Lawson and Mrs. Norm~n Mitchell completed. children of Ypsllantl, Mr.. and t~e guest list. · .. Complete Stock of Mrs. Donald Baker and chlldt-en, 1Sharon Palmer, Who Is a sum­ .5 Ton Stoker Coal Mrs. Robert Rhodes and children, mer student at Mlehigan State FARM PRODUCE SPRAYS had already gathered. The occa- making up the time she lost slon · honored Ronald King and while vacationing In Florida last Russell Rhodes as a pre·enllst· year, visited her parents, )'~ir. and ALSO Fly Flakes· Jj J,b 51.80 ment party. Mrs. Robert Palmer, over the · week end. ChaJ•Jes Palmer Is vis· lt!ng his uncle and aunt, Mr. and D·DT Powder 50% Wet.lnble 4 J,b 5 1~59 Obituary Mrs. Sheldon Winslow, In Lapeer ··1· 10·T~n ·Falrbanks.·.Piatform Scal.e.~.Typi S~. T. M. this week. Mr. Palmea• returned · In A-I condition. Must b.• removed by' purch111r · · Marlate 4 I,b 53.85 l~arl i\, Rector from· Shelbyville, Indiana, Mon- . Earl A. Rector, oldest son of day wh~re he checked on· his ' . .Oilly. 5275 John and Sarah Jane Rector, was horses which are In training with Rot~none li Lb 51.29' born September 13, .1883, and died Harold Borlng. · ··.. .rune 30, 1955, In Wheatfield town· - ·The Hudson family reunion · POISON,IVY'WEED KILL . ship. He was the third In a film· was held at the horne· of Mr. and ,2 ·cc»al. Trucks-·11f2. Ton !~t1aae1Da11:ers lly of 6 children. One sister pre· Mrs. Robert Wiltse Sunday. ICoat'. box tr11ch) 1946. and 1947 You·Name ·It-We've Got It or We'll Get It ceded him. In death in December, There were 5.6 In attendance. Mr. 1954. . . · and Mrs. Earl Jewett and fum· 5 VISIT OUR ENLARGED VETERINARY. DEPARTMENT · ·On~y 675 ·. . . . He was married Mareh-2, l912, lly, Mrs./.1\lbert Patton, Mr. and to Stella Becker. All of their mar· Mrs. Jack Jewett and Mr. ... • • '· • ,, ) • • r rled life o,yas spent)n \y.ile!ltfleld. ;Ml'S, , Qo~on Cooley and · For ·.Further lnformation~Phone . . ) ' ::'. W~~P.ELI_V~~ . .' ~ . He worked.: the las~ 10 ·years ,as 'f~om ~es!ck came the· or.... IY·S-4837 '· "' ;.·. •. '•' :''.'-i -,. . . ' ~ '_'\ '' one of the -maintenance men' at way · ·• to·,. attend, Others . '·1·: ,. I-. ... .' .- .. ;. ~ • .: ..; ;: I .·.' .. Shaw ~lall, .. M!chlgon State u~l; fjoom :orari~. Rapids, .. Flint, COAL YARD HOUR~ .· '\ . ' vers!ty. - trolkHIBilland·Park &nd Lennon. ' ' I' •II \. ·His widow, Stella; 3 children, Mrs. Earl ~ew.e~t Is the sec.retary · Mo11doy through·· . ' . . . COAL. QFFICE .. Theron at· home,. Marlon B.arnes fQr. the. group. 'J,'he reunion wll! · ·. Soturdoy •• : io:• ..'"'. ol. La~_sin.r _ .an~ .ol'~l~rence . Du· be'_ln .Grand Rapld5 next year at . Located ot · . Breull of. J;;~nslng; ,and_. a.~Jrand·! 'tJ:le. hom~:of. Mr.· and Mrs. • · · . fo: s:3o p. ·~·~, · · son survive. hi~: · · · · · . · . Smith. .. ' · ·:2801, S.. log1n · · '. T3nsahnll dJarnplnns will hattie tDr lop slxlh IIIHtrll'l .Juulor· Arnl!t'lean Legioll huselmll ilnn· em; ::!ULLII'llny wiwn thu M11snn ~ team rneuts l~llttl lJttlelt pusl Nu, ' 310 u l the fait•gt• committee and the park board nis courts have been built at tulam. the teiephone receiver off · · • s 1 · Ill II.! act IC j ·1 •'ff M · .· 1)' lhe pat·!r at COli t •·p· · based In Japan, Hawaii and Call: nne ~Jell · me stgns ca mg ' ' n Y eA ense. the hoolt, behe11ing It was a dial fornia. rm: tidiness wi}l be )'Josted, . of· , ----- system. Beatvlce has a manual INSTANT PET- Non·Fiit· tiCtals agreed. rhere is no JUII· system and the telephone opel'· FREE 2 Large AD FREE -·---·----- time {'fll'Claker at the park. Just.·ce· Court atol' heard unusual sounds as JAR Dry Milk 29c. With a LMIJI!' • H Fmnk. K Eva~s, county J·,igh· Justice of the Peace Roy w. the men. worlced on the safe. She I f Repu blleans ear :vay engmeer, satd the pat•k area. Adams Is doing business at the notified. police officers. A look· • 1s no~ adeqLiate for the new stand; .. his residence at thll out; made· hjs getaway. He an· Florien+ Air Deodorant 1~ho appear. He blamed of Ash and Lansing swered. . the description ot CROSSE & BLACKWELL ·.·S e.cun t y Program ,g.m St~te b.eer parties .for streets. Actions report.ed by him Smith Nebraslm officers told . ..· . · .· .. ; oft~?}efuse. ,_. _...... · ... during the past week were listed Captain. Nerslle ·Babcock of Relishes EA •. $1.49 Edwin Meister of Lansing, dis-, }fie roads and bndge~ by him as follows: sheriff's staff. 19c trict l'epre~cntalive. of the .U.niled mtttee, Wl~s also authorized to Elwood Quinn,. Leslie, stood, Ingham bondsmen of Allen t:IOLL Y MADISON State~; socu~l secunty admtmstra· set~, ~~ ~lve to _Lansing, lots. ~n jury trial on a drunk driving and Smith arc now attempting tion, c.-.:plamed new nenefits to ~h·e· Lv?;ett ana Po~~on chm·ge Tuesday, the offens-e.talt, to get the men back In the c:oun· BAKER.'S the mot·e than 50 wlw altentled :,'_e_:.~--~~~- ~re_ ot·tgmally ac- lng place last' October 24. The ty. s·weet Pickles 27c the ~ineoln e~uh mecttng at the ' jury returned a verdict of guilty, Chocolate Chips 6 oz 21c Whe,li.Cielcl Gtangc hall Weclnes· p PI U The judge ordi:!red Quinn· to pay MARIO'S day ntghl. Mel.slet: tole) the Rc· , ost ays .nost fine and. costs of $100 and put publican orgamzatwn that the on ·probation for a · , BAKER'S · ~>yslcm opct·ates under 1ts own At L • M t George Dentleld Lansln 1 y~:L Stuffed onves 41c power and does not t•cly on the eglon ee { n . ' g aw r, -School Chocolate Vz LB 49c treaSLII'Y general fund for midi· . left:! ded Qumn, Assistant Prose- (Continued l't•om Page I) tiona! money. B['()Wne·Cavendel' post No. cuto!' Peter J. Treleaven repre- senting the people. district to borrow against the 5 BAKEWS Dale and Shirley Glynn, 10 and of MasQn was host Sundfl!y Richard· Thompke, Lansing, mills which will be raised in the 11, did a soft-shoe danco and delegates from .other posts of found guilty of reckless driving building and site levy, Supt. Van· SWIFT'S EA. 35C· Dot Vz J,n 47c p}aye 3116 Can Illinois, speeding, $.211; The report on the general fund 15c Paul Ballmer, Lansing, speed. showed a balance of $81,618.33 lng, $8. June 30, 1954, In the merger of WheCities 22c DEFIANCE Valerie Anne Vincent, Lansing, districts Mason provided a fund DOCJ Food 3Fon running red light, $4. balance of $48,665.17; Alaledon, NABISCO . . / 27c Dave Blossom Vassar no ll· $30,751.62; Hawley, $2,040.01; and Let Us eense plate, $2. •· ' Wilson, $161.53. c·orn Alexander C. Geiger, Masur, Receipts for the year Included Wheat Thins or Compound excessive noise, $3. $68,528.80 In current property Melvin Cozart, Leslie,. d11lving. tax collections, $3,298.30 In delln· Thins EA. 29c Miriani Frozen Your Next wrong side of. road, $1!5;. quent tax collections, $141.26 In Kenneth Taylor, Chlcag.o~ no Interest on bacit taxes, $34,411.47 ALL-SWEET Pres·cription opevatov's license;. $3. from state primary school fund, ·Sliced · Stanley Lucas, Jackson, pass. $111,650.71 In state school aid, ui· lng on. yellow line,. $10. $38,128,63 in sales tax diversion, Margarine 2. 49e Edward M. Dressel, Lansing,,· $15,337.74 In tuition, and $9,743.72 speeding, $5. In transportation fees. Receipts SWIFT'S ::Strawberries 39c· There Is No Substitute Mary J. Potgeter, Jenison, lm· a.nd beginning balance made pmper license plates 011 car, $4. $~32,014.05 available In the gen· Brookfield Butter L& . 59c Frances Haddad, Toledo, Jm. etal fund. ~·For Quality in Medi·cine proper passing, $5. Paid out were $24,658.78 for ad· 2 Lemonade, 1. l'lukade Ronald A Brooks Mason run· mlnlstratlve costs, $198,877.16 for MINUTE-MAID FROZEN JUICES ..... Pock of 3 3 for 4%.or 6 for 95c or nlng red light· $6 ' ' · Instruction, $32,714.33 for opera· 2 Lemomadc. 1 LelnOit n' Lime Owen. Klnn~y ·Irons m 0 vl~g tlon of school plant, $8,515.37 for · • . • maintenance of school plant, $1,· trailer wl~hout permission, $3. 821.27 for fixed charges, $16,445.19 HOT HOUSE LARGE ' Always Fresh Prescription Drugs Nora E. Ayers, Mason, im. for auxiliary services, $24,026.39 Cukes. 4Fon 25'c. ·proper starting, $3. · for capital outlay, and $76,221.87 Tomatoes . . ·1.u , 3'Jc Watermelons ' Clarence Puft'enberger, Eaton Ior supph~mental disbursements. CELLO. PACK Rapids, running stop sign, $5. That left a balance of $48,733.69 Salad· Grapes· tu 29c: EA. ,,C- . Carrots 2 F.~ 19c Da-vid L. Clark, Mason, exces• In rthe general fund June 30 this ·' . 4 Registered . sive speed,. $7. year. Pharmaci'sts · The big Item In supplemental Ni!WSIDIIltrllllan disbursements was · $73,128.63 INSTALLING.NEWMACI:-ilJNE. MONDAY...:.; WE WILL BARBECUE CHICKEN, SPARE RIIS, PORK I ·Is Strit.en : ' .:. -. ·) •' ·...... to You ·h. d · T. h dl · d transferred to the building aml Serve T eo ore ompson, e tor an · site fund. . publisher of the Wlll!amston En, · ·tet·prJse, ~suffered another -heart JIEART AILMENT rs· FATAL - ' /· ··~ :attack Wednesday afternoon.Hf .. Mrs: Mabel· Hadley, 55, .died · ' .-' · I · - · ET. ,We Deliver. Day or Night . conditionpi tal tf~e~~s~~~. was listed ~;:~~~~ as ct•!Ucal. h~f~ r~~:f~:was an aunt·~~:p~~=rrt~~~e~a~~e~ of J, c. Greene of ·.·.~... ·. G.E.... 0 .. ,. . E·~ Phone: OR-7-0411· The Williamston newspaperman Mason. Funeral services were RG·. s· ,·MARK-.·. . -..:; -.. ·,·,·.. ··.··.· ... ··· •· .. FREE •DELIVERX:6N OF $2:oo. QR· MORE. . :\: iiHtONi I, 51.: : .. , ~~~-montshg~:~~~~~~flln~d~:o~ts~~;l~~. s .was·· eon ne · to :hasp tal• 2o~~~~e~thome In Lansing ~~~~~~~a~!~~~~~~r:~. . Burial .was in i · . , .. · , o~:[)~RS• · ~~d j~~--~~--;.....~---~;.....;;..;.._~-oi-...;.;....;.,;..;~~~~~~ and ·his 'home;: ••.: <:}.' .... Charlotte cemetety; -~ . ~~---~~~~~.-i-~~~...... ~.. ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~il!l...... lllllli• ...... ~-~~~~ .... ~ ... ..-~~~~-., ,. ·sundere llerved ref,•eshment!l 011 Wedding Date Is Reveafed Groups Unite. the greon, . Mrs. Clarence Bolero~ was ehnlr· Soclal 6venb and Persona~ .For Golf_ Play · mnn of the luncheon. f'dinlnturc • • • • ... * bouqr1ets of summer• tlowot•s . wcrr. placed 111 each table tor 4, ;,;··Beaulyrr; _ of Garden Is Br'eal"htaking 1 Sixth District Convenes at / ;~.Garden'J n Club Tours Ford Estate '"' Hy 1\lrs. Wnll••r· Ktr·uu~~~ I 'J'Iw grlli!Jl Pnterl!d tile home anri thm·e n bright reel or· plni< Legion Building ,., . . , tllr·ouiJh tlw main front lwll. Tile plant with starl< white hlnssomH t•fl Mnson-D;umvrlle C.nrrll'll dul~ ~;I ilPaiii,V of t llc lroq grlll sercrm · i'ilxth diHtrlet mn of the Hlnne worl<, mostly new lr.gion huilrilng was preslrlecl .;,,Mr. nnrl Mrs. I fPIIry I• orr!, Ill· ivy r•ovf!l'Prl, II'Pt'P mal<:hless and The mtlsle room hurl n illli(l!, over hy Mr··s. DnrHrld Ct·alws oi Lrslle, prcsiciPnt. nrowne-Cavcn .. dltdr>rl sPr-Ing 11ot n111y Mrs. llmill'rl spar·" "''lfllirl's only 11 hnnd-eurverl on I< paneled, massive ,;,.Ford's Jmno11s ros". gnrrtr·n, hrrt rnr•ntirm of 1111 , mil< paneled 1;all· mantel whleh llnrl her!n brought rler· Auxlliur·y server! 11 huffel ,,,niHo tl1e flr,t flonrol tlu•lr· •·nstll•· w;ry, rkhly r·;u·vr-d, fmrn wiJich fl'Om Elll'npe, In cnntmst In til•' supprr to 1 ttl following tho husl· . •Jllw rnanslr111, I ilr>II' nwl< g;Jl'lh•n 11 wide• a !HI similarly l'ill'Vf'd open rf'st or tllu rnrvlng which had nwet lniJ a111l cle<·tlon or of· ,,,nurl otlwr· garrlr•ns illHI wn~l<:;, stnltwny !Pads to the upper been Iinne right on the grounds flcer·s. "llrrr111glr lawr.' hiiil'H lumiPI'I'rl wttli tli•ors, ilmi of tht• living room by lile greatest nnri best nf · · Th" met!llng ononerl at :J o'clock Ingham County News . gnll'efllliy tn·e·~:ulill' llPrl.-; of with lowi.l' Jllllll'ls l'OIJeeHied lw· Anwr·kan arllsts anrl artisans. at Wllll'll time• plltll'll and nssor·tcrl l I I I cool· mad<' ling was too rliirl<. Till' living nmm plano, wlwr~ musicians nf great· while and blue flowers cncirelcrl tlu; pu nell bowl. .. 'ill'l'Iar•e of Ttnlinn ltH!l'blc has 11 est renoWn llacl giVPn prlvnlf' re­ 1,. Going into till• !~lsed poreh nvr!l'· gllmJ>SC! lnln how lnlert•stlng lilt' . h . h and tlwir· a r~hlldren wPre In Ma· ."olby at lencled. The Lakatos family formel'iy lived in Mlch­ archives as a whole mtrst be . sic· Bmdsl111w of Fenton, trl!nS· .. .trf'es, nrgosn·IIIH• ro''" husln•s 11111 II lnol: of the M;rson 1 r~P~ll o_r ~'nyn~ l<~wnnls .''lu_h 111~rl 1 Lansing, cltapluin. Annual re· . M1·. and Mr·R. Glen Dunn and family ar·e vacationir.g at . lrnd glimps1•d in ganiPII ho11!\s Ill' ! tiJP :Jilllll' room 1n11n• n•t· v s· 'th Mr" Lui<0 Stll•'~illl!s, ntlenrl(•d a meeting nl Ma Bouquets of summer flowers · · · • mr · s. ' ' ', son J{iwnni;; el11h whllr• his wif•• nain for· sevent! wcel>s. ... A few minutr•s rest 11n th<' e·an·' more rwarly lrkP 11 was at the of nearly every rlcscrl)ltion. '!'here ..;crvcd as f'n·hosiPs;.; 111 111 1 de••nrniPd the tables for· the din· . opy-r·overPrl flag .'rtunil,l' fn1· till' 1IIH! lilnrnr: room. gr·ounds for some of the formal were placed throughout the Smith Clifford Petty. Mrs. Mal('()lrn veok touring the Upper Peninsula. They ei'Osscd at t.he Sioux entertainment for lite ev!!nlng lwmc . .,. ynllllJ.r 11111n wll~>rn till' t•'ont J\lo·l 'l'hl' paneling itt tlw dining gardens·. All were grateful forth<> progr·am. Speaker of the day was ocks and stayed at Mt·. and Mrs. Roy Hart's camp at Pick- lnr r·rmlJliiii.\" had '~'Ill as til<' IIIIHn wns of t'll'il malwgany, the courteous arrangemPnls of marl<· . . Petty is I liP fom1nr Elc!nJHJJ' 7.1Pr:;- a representative from the Rc· Durlng the IHislnPss mectrn~ let'. She taught In Mason i)['for·r 'm·cl. · hnsl, ratlwr than 1~11idr•, to sug- s11mc as tile hug!' serving- tnbl.c <'rs to identify each specie of tarded Children Center in Lan­ the gl'Oll)l marie plilllS to go on a her mal'l'inge. Mr·. and Mrs . .James Miller and family vacationed at g<'sl the hPst pl11n for l'iPwin:,: Ill" n~>tclwd tn fit against tlw wall, flower or ;;hruh. As the group sing. trip to Fair Lane a I DPat'IHH'n, ' .,. • ,, ... ,gardens and t lw first ilorn· "f IIJ(' t hP I'Xqu isi t ely r'!ll'VI'd ha nq w~t Pl'Dgresscd alnng . ll~e flnwr•r ~rnncl Haven last week. · Mrs. Wnyrll' Miller hnd charge which they did Tu••sdny. Mrs.l Tfo:ACHER ATTENDS NEJ\ . .Fonl hnnw. I IP "-'Jllililll'd that table and tligh-ha!~i,erl matching- bordered paths, nd,lccttves grew of the dinner ~;erverl hy the Herman Willi made arr;mgP-~ Miss Leola Otis attenriPrl til;· Mt·. and Mt·s. Reuben Nelson of Northlake, Illinois, at·· J-'nir· Lnne is noll' ck . illtrl Is not a part or I he 1·\ml ll St'rl hi' liiC' Fords I lwmseiVC!S, II' (I. * * * mcmhet·s toured tile Smith gar· Ml~s Otis· teaches nt Gicr· Pari . Mrs. Donald Cahee and family of Appleton, Wisconilln, den and lawn. elementary selwol in Lansing. ll't'IVed Saturday t.o visit Mt•. and Mrs. Howard French. .;,· l•'mmrlat ion. ft is 11111 tax Pxempt. 'l'ht> vii'~ I' from this huge hay was There WfiS a stone )lillart!d pa· l[l;il:jl **I~ The liJlpPr ll11o1s ,.,. tlw ;iii morn of thr• hlue g;II'CIPn with quanti· vilinn nt the entrance, with irr~l­ Mt·s. Irene FI'Hnklin is visiting Mt·. and Mt'S. Jack Huf­ ·;,hnme now ll•m'e 1111• l•'r11 d i\!111or tiPs of dPiphinium, r·unterhury llsrs· for climbing roses, and a Events Planned Mr·s. H. J. Karn, Mrs. Orrir ·m·d of Shet·idan, Wyoming. Troth Re·vealed Reynolds and Mr~. Cordle Bash Mr·s. Gayloi'C! Lance left Wednesday to join her husband '·-<·ompany a!'l·lil\t", nnd SClllll' ot'j l!c•lls, rii'PJ' hlne pet11nias, v••ronica , 0 rt nf Inti ice covering, where tlw first ll11or '""' 1111 or 1!11• lm:;c•. I nnrl lllilllY ollwrs, hordl'n•rl with Mrs. Ford, it was said, loved tn ford caller! on Mr·s. Hny Hnbnr·t tt Fmt Bragg, North Carolina. Prior to Fair of Dansville Tuesrlll}'. .,ment rooms ut'l' US<•rl lor 1111'111.1 rlwal'f 11geraturn anrllohelia. Here entertain Intimate friends who Tuesrlay, .July I!J, has been set Mrs. Don Leutc ;u.rd l'amily nnrl Mt·. and Mrs. Bruce Love and Mr·. anci Mrs. Richard Jew· were as interested as she was In ~tt. spent the FoUI'lh of '.July week end at tho .Jewett cottage ,_., apart as general livestock day for Mrs. Lewis i'iprill' nn.l so'n of tt Bem· lake. While they were away Mr. and Mt·s. Lynn her roses. There were sevGml 4.H club members. All beef, Lansing cnlled on tll~ir pm·cnls steps down so lhnt the roses werP sheep nnd swine project members Mt·. unci Mrs. ncrt Wasp<'! ·Ial'lmess and daughters, Marlene and Joyce, of San Carlos, ... protected not only by the border· who wisll may nttcnd S)lecial Wednesday. Loualiee ;;prit,! o' Salifornia, stayed in the ,Jewett home and visited Mason lng shrubs and trees but by n meetings at 4-H club building at Lnnsing i~ s)lcndi ng 1hr. 1W•r•k end :l'iends. The Jewetts returned home last Wednesday and en­ slightly sunken level. There werl' the fairgrounds to sec how to fit with her gmmlparcnts, the \Vas , ortained at a dinnot· and cocl

'1'' '80 years of a vital pC!riod ir weiner roast for older children of of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curti:' •H) American history." the migmnt workers program of Dansville. ... , Members of the club and their Thurscla)' at the home of Darlene Both the young people arc MOHAWK GROVE NOR guests attending were Mrs. Bnrr' and Roger Brown. Each of the graduates of Jnghflm Township flll Zimmerman of Birmingham, Mrs young people had a child as a Agricultural ,oehool. Miss Sly ,..,(i I·I . G. Walt, Mrs. R . G . dcnsonT partner for games during the graduated with lhl' I'! ass of 1 ~~? Mrs. Louis Slid and Debbie, Mrs c~_:_JJ~~,:______·-·------and Mr·. Curl is rr.r·eiverl h io c. A. Clinton, Mrs·. Forest Barry diploma in 1!352. She is a sophn· .. Wentland, Mrs. Clnrencc Diehl, more at Michigan State univer· Mrs. G. E. Manning, Mrs. I<. A Mrs. James Huglws, Mrs. Carl $20.00 Ill I for as little as a month Zimmerman, Mrs. David Diehl. sity. Mr. Curt is was clischarg-eicnic· at Me Margaret Palen wns n dinner luster while waving so gently.- Curls are softer, more-natural-looking Cormick pari<, Williamston, Sun ~uest Tuesday nt the Green from the moment first combed-out, day. home. , Mr·. anrl Mrs. Robert Beebe am! Mrs. Forest-Matteson and Mrs. *ONLY NUTRI·TONIC GIVES. DEEP-DOWN WAVING IKimball were Friday dinner Gerald Wnltersrlorf cnlled on Mr. Fnntastic new Customizer, developed by Nutri-Tonic, causes more guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Lo7.cll Jorrlan nncl fam· Miller and David Wayne. lly of Saginaw Sunday. Darlene thorough waving deep inside hairshnft, for firmer, longer-lasting curls. Mrs. Kathryn Swinehart anc' Matteson returned home Sundny Now, we install Mohawk's Gt'ovenor in, this avel'· *WAVES IN LITTLE AS 10 MINUFES . . son, Ralph, attended t·he Swine 3 'weel:-i: MASON,.·;·, Dnn~vlllc Sunclnr: '. · :, ~, : ·. rfnson until n:ftcr 1..:ibor Day', .. ;;,.,:.:.c..c .. c. -·:-·:- .. ,·,·-·, .·.. ."' . Mrs. August Zimmerman to Leave America Ingham County News July 14~ 1954

Sam Bell o! Ea~t J.,nnslnfl spl!jlt Reside In Her Native Switzerland . tho day at tl)o ICenslnr.tP11 State ro ·r• pari~ pt Brl~hton, . : · · Monday evcqlng r.(lllcrs· qt tho home of Mr. and. Mrs, Clyde, Hill were his hJ'other and .sjst~tr:ln· lnw, Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford uq1, q! Aurelius, ; . ·.. · Mr~. Helen Dedcllanrl sons· and Miss Joyce Holmrt Jeff Saturday afternoon hy cnr to spend ~cvcral . months In Florlrlu, They spent Saturday evening with Mr.. and Mrs, Howard· Helm Iter and Mrs. Clara Kennedy, Ruth ariel Mary ut l~ort Wayne, Jndlnnu, und ,con· tlnuerj on their trip south Sunduy morning, The Helml~ers are !rom Lpnslng, nnd nrc spending' u1e weelt visiting friends ·and . i·e)a· tlves In Indiana nncl a(tendlng the Youth !or ChJ•Iat conference 'nt Winona Lalte, Indlnnn, as well ns the Nazarene confe~ence at ln· dian Lnlw nrmr Kalamazoo, 'rhe Helmkers will return to ·J:.nn~·lpg Sunday evening. · 1 •· Mrs. Kenneth Eifert and Mrs, Elmer Lee from Lnnslng took their children to the Youth Camp of the Free McthodiHt church Monday. 'l'he camp Is at F'llnt nnrl will last throu~hout th!l weelt, Mrs. Francis Lee IIIAo nj:com· pnnlerl the group to Flint. Saturday evening guests. at the home of Mr·, anrl Mrs. Herbert Hurtig and family were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Dawson nnrl .!nmiiY of Lansing. On Sunrlny the Hnr· tlgs and Mr. and Mra·. Lloyd Hayhoe arid family had a picnic 'llnner at the Meridian parlt ·east ~f Holt. · · Sunday aftPrnoon J.Iub!!rt qnrl Vevn Bullen a ttencled the North· west Aurelius F;u·m Bureau· ;m· nual picnic at the Columbia Creel1 parl1 on Curtice ~ond.' . Saturday evening Mr.. nnd Mrs. Walter Ganaway visited at ·the home of Mr. and Mrs.. ' H!!nry Anderson. Sunday dinner gue~IS 1t the Ganaway home were Mr. ~ nd Mrs. Julian Lyon, Jr,, arid Doon~ . ' Tuesday evening Mr.. ~!nd. Mrs. Raymond Holmes visited at ·the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlqs Spellman 'on Cavanaugh riJarl ... · Five stitches· were req'ulr'cd by doctors to close the cut· ·on. the fingers of l~red Welch ·this ·pl)fit week. While · worltlng with .·a ~cythe Fred cut the :ndex fingl!r on his right hand, Fr!Jd Is ttie qon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch of Aurelius road. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jt•ish

IIOW CIIRISTIAN SCIENCt; IIEALS "The Lame Shall Walk" Fot• ~lost Crtrs Station CKLW HOOke on your dial Western Auto ASSOCIATE S1'0RE JULY 17, I95S 0:45a.m. ·

Service 1Jilen l Billy Dexter Has LOOK! Dale R. nnrgess, FN, returned IBirthd~y ·Party 1ome from Newporl, Rhode. Is- William David !Billy) Dexter and, Saturdar. He wp~ assigned Jr., was guest of honor at a birth The Famous o the USS H1ckox. Mr:. and Mrs. day party given at the home o }eorge Burgess nre Ius parents. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willian Organizations Shows at 7 and 9 p. m. Ivan E. Kerr, son of Mr. and Dextei·, Sr., Wednesday after 11r·s. Robel'l Kerr, Mason, recent· noon, Billy celebrated his slxtl Phllathea class of Mason Bap· y was promoted to corpOJ'al birthday anniversary. Georganm 1st Sunday school will meet Roto-Broil "400'' vhlle sm:vlng at the Rhine Engl· Post helped with the party. ii'rlday, July 15, at Rayner pari<, Sunday • Monday 1eer Depot .In Germany. Corporal Guests played games and wer< dason, at 5:30 p. m. for a regular {err, a mechanic ill the 984th presented Davy Ct·oclUs!ness meeting. At 6:30 class America's Most Welcomed G.ift i:nglneet• Field Maintenance Com· favors. They were Bobby Latti nembers will have a picnic din· >any, has been in Germany 17 more', Michael Willis, Kathy Wil m!r, to which Baraca class Is. In· l10nlhs. A 1953 graduate of Ma· son, Nancy'- and Vernon BroWJ' ;!ted. Thos·e attending are to take Regularly Sold at $69.95 ;on high school, he entered the and Linda Dexter. ·heir own beverage, sandwiches trmy In June of that year. Refreshments of cupcai••,i.'\"''''.~:·;.•.tart 511VIn'.] nnw for next yaM's .v;~~llli11n , , , the ha&t va. ¥ 12 cu, t't. Non~c lti!l't·lgemtor $'129.95, Hug!! SO·IJJ freezer Cfltlon eva1:l lt'1 ~~~~ 11 matter of, look. chest, Nnw only $:11!l.!l5, ing aha&Lj, pl~nrdn9 ahe~d, •Wl. SAYING • 30-ln. K e I vI n n t o l' Electr·lc · OR 7-9011 Runge, Completely nutomatlc, AI-lEAD I $2•1!l.95, Honest special nt $17!1.88, '!i..·ton Serve! Air Conditioner, e Wednesday afternoon $349.95, It cool;;, dehumidifies, deadline on elrmslfieds flller·s, cleans nit·, cxlwusts and ventilates. Only $lfl8.88. · 4 40 words for 50c - Ad· • Phllco 2·wny daot• RC>frlgerntor. 1· dltlonul words lc each Autl:'matlc rlefr•oJ>t, AdjustniJI~ · shelves, Also roll-out shelves. e Classllled display ads Butter• · and cheese Jweper, 84c per inch $459.95. Now OS low OS $32!l.95. • Phllco full size Automutlc Elec· of Michigan's larg· trlc Rango with 30·11!. uvcn, • est rural want ad Sl'C· broil under· ·glass nnd jiffy tlons griddle, $399.95. As low as $279.95. • 18 cu. fl. 1\elvlnntor upright Jreezer, $549,95. While they last, some n t $150. NEW ALFALFA HAY- Baled, MILimR- Two Hlnmnn mlllwr Norge 15 cu. ft. chest type Livestock 35c ami 50e per bale. Wh•e Farm units, will sell chenp, Hownrd freezer, Utilizes only 59 Inches tied. Also used water softener. A. Smith, 5 miles south of Mason o! floor space, Now only Equipment on US-127, house No, 2463, phone $.'l39.95. Save $150,00. Only $15j PUREBRED Dur·ae illliii"H, uiunt: Lloyd Hammond, Houle 3, Eaton Rapids. Phone Dimondale, NI· Leslie JU-9-2640. 2Uw3p t per month. strain, l'enliy for service. Can Used Combine be 6·3217. 26w3 • Norge deluxe 'J·wny Dryer· and I registered. Orman Bem·se, Nearly New Farman Super C P.RIME ELECTRIC F'ENCER - Automatic Washm·. With soap 3096 E. FroHL road, Williamston, ' Tmclot· · Also 2 ·water tanlts lor stpclt, and water saver, $530. During 27W'IJl I -'------·----· Grnln Bins Howard .Bouts, Aurelius Center, s·peclnl only $139.95. SHEEP --· ,12 registered Oxford Farm Toois Baler, Mowers, Rnltes seventh house west of the corners • Norge deluxe washer with wa·J . ewes. Choke yn11ng lot. Seveml Rotary Hoes on north side. . 26wtf tl!r nnd soap saver, $289.95. Dur., NEIV HOLLAND C!IOPPEit Lincoln Welders and Supplies · lng snlc only, $229.05. of these slwep at·•· t South Sherman street in Leslie. 3-2631.. 26w3 m. Lansing Economy Furniture, ru1 $- 00 S U $ 1 toys. Closed Sttnday~, open eve- ,-;.. .. ----- ·- ---··---- Size Price Size Price Oscar Ohlinger, 503 West Belle­ 3081 .Eaton .Rapids road .. New and · nlngs till 8. Brattain's Bird 1 ARP::; for harvest and other· 1 fix $ •l. !J xJS $ _ SADDLE HORSE, 'i ycat·s old, vue, Leslie, phone Leslie JU. F A R rVI T R U C K - Chevrolet, used.merchandlse ot all kinds.· ______:s110ppe, 307 Mill street on US-127, farm use available al all~~. X.J Gx 7 2 12x!G · 25 75 . partially broke. Cecil Harter·, 9·9032. 28wl grain-type box, good tires, Choirs·. to on and plenty of .DO YO.U LIKE homemade rolls? I Leslie, phone Leslie 5081. St 0 t•r•.s· anc 1 f or your cot lV en 1encr! 1• x 8 $ S.[J5.8.5 14 x o '$20.75 1).66 Clark road, Dansville. ---. ·------·-- 7 9 5 20·F'l'. ELEVA TOR for small bral·ms nne! motor, $200. Dave & free parldng. 28w1 Let me hake them for you. llw52p at the Mn.son P~ X., now owned xl0 $ n. 14 .1(2 ~~~:~~ 27w2p Dorn Diehl, Dansville, phone 8 75 16 20 gmin ot' corn. Used vet•y little. Store tlu:im In yo·.:r !t·eczer. i' --.-.--. - .• " - • .. . b~ J?ar:vm ~- Dudle_Y: WllO' 8xl2 012.~5 1Gx24 $44.75 Ernest Shaw, :JSll Meridian roml. Dansville MA-32172 or MA-32631. DAVENPORT and chair, Unlver·· Parl,er House, clover-leaf or D~G I OOv--Made "·· ~~~lets, • pr omt~es you !ll my turps "' lo\\·! SxH x COLT-Rcgi~tered Morgan stud sal electric stove, Frigidaire re- lmots, 50c per baiters dozen. Cin-' .~5 lb lor $2. Y~Jlll' dog ltkes It est prtces anywhere. 28wtf I Jo' '12 $13.95 18 24 $50.75 Phone ED-7-7752. 28w1 26w3 1. colt, chestnut, J:i months old. frigerator, 2 bridge lumps, 1 table . 1 or your money b,Lck. Mason Ele· .. ___ ------. -- x $14.95 20x20 $47.50 lamp, assortment of dishes, up· GOc b:lker's vat or· Co., 345 W. Columbin, ONE RETINETTE Kodak cal!l.l10x1': $1G,95 20x24 $56.50 Sire, Blalnsking; d:11n, Cltyanne, n~mon ro~Js, 7d~zcn. $i50. Phone Mason OR-7·0713. 1950 CASE COMBINE, 5 ft. cut, I 949 INTERNATIONAL H trnc· holstered chair, sink with drain· Valerie Bt own, phone OR· GwUp·Io!iRl. phone OR-G-13 1Jl. 27wt f ern, )lract icnlly new, talws 10x1> G $Hl.50~ "fl 2120x:JO "l $67$67.75 75 2ilwt Cl(power111 take·ofl', with tor and cultivator. Leon Causle, bonrd, boy's blothing, sizes 8-1G, -- BORDERLINr 1 E I' J color·ecl slides anrl also hlacl< unc.t 1J2:.x 11l6' .; ,J 'X.:;' • • ,,. ,·rtl,·t"itnlnllt. '·Vt"ll sellS~out· (JJ" Route 2, Leslie on West Vaughn unci Internntlonnl 2·bottom plow. SPRING AND SUMMER---~--- rum· ~ Collt-~'anc 'ng ts I white pictures, timing pictures, x $211_..,''.~,,() · c ' ' Le II JU 9 2333 R f 111 1 Th Shepherd llltppies, exceilent II 2 tt·arle for pigs or bred gilts. t·ond. Phone s e . . . eason or se ng, mov ng. eo mage snle 6 days a week 9 to stock dogs. '!'hey are sired by WiJ. uses .l~odaehrome f m, vet');' gaOl1 i Add 3'/t· Sales-unless fat· far-ms. HOLSTEIN BULL -- l:i months Wayne Taylor, corner Williams-! 27wtf Rardeen, 1123 Sheridan street, .5:30. Open Friday evenings until liam VanAlstine's dog. May be conclttwn. 1 wnnl $30 a~d It cost I' Send cltcek or money ot·der for old. Also combining. Flnyrl tun and Columbia roads, Dans· ------Ill h Lansing, phone IV-9-4188. 9 o'clock. Two locations in Lan· II , me $GO. Phone Dansvrlte !VIA· Jlrom ll shipment _ we pny ,. , , .- , ? ..,~ CINDER BLOCK m c ouses, 28w1 ~een at ·a tTy A 11 ens, 3 20 8 Phil· .3 H 106 Strong street, Fnday 1 . • • • Weldon, ll50 Meridian ruad. Plwtw 111le, phone D,LnS\ tile MA-3;:4 ··~ built for approximately $4.50 sing: 1246 Tttrnet· street and 327 hps road, Haute 4, Mnsun, p? hone 3 • 9S·•tttr·cia".6 .?. . j 11 etght1 anywhere 111 Michigan. Mason OH·7·'IO:J3. 28wl. '8W' V NY LE W h River street. All J-Smlt11 Silo Co 5 00 9 00 24wtf 4 t 1 621 5 the job at no cost to you. Just OR·7·8911 OX·4·189l· wlll deliver ancl erect. Earl) 1936 CHEVROLET Dump Truck · ·rcou~r~j~~ft n~~~ mower, · n. : _. 28wtf ha~~ ~a~Jiv~~c~~- 3to:e~h~~a~~r{ call OR-7-4311. Perldns Hardw ~·tef. 27wtt Renson discount now. Artie Wood In running condition. 400 feet of 2-lnch plane gumwood. :PUPPIES-2 10-week·old p!Jppies blade and trailer. Barber-Greene •-----'------• Leslie. Phone Leslie 4413. 23 . fJ..Anhydrous . Ammonia Cameras, Zeiss, super Ikon, 2.8 : to give away. Burt Warner, 609 . bucket loader· on rubber. Both in · 22w7p 82% NITROGI~N Entire outfit cost $5,645 lens: Kodak, post card size; :west South street, Mnson, phone good condition .. 2619. S. Cednr 'rYPEWRITER - Used Under· Will Now Sell for Stereo with case, almost new. 'oR-7·2842. 28wl road corner of Justamere, Lan· wood office-type. Henvy duty Poultry. Custom AJlpllcatlng BUILDING!': ·- t'oane-deslgner. Tools, miscellaneous and new. , . ' sing, phone Holt OX-4-7691, and not too old. Needs some ad· ... pole ft'ame farm bttlldlngs worl•.. COLLIE PUPPIES, AKC regis· 6wtf '1•.rl $3900. justments, but lool1 at the price, PULLE'I'S..;_WHITE ROCKS, also for you. We .offer a complet<> Dr C Ponton' : tered. Phone OR-7·3181 . 2 building and planning service. J Only $40 If. you come. nnd get It eggs and eating chickens, ,Au. :.~: Dalton & Moran · $900 down and $100 a ..month ; • · • · · 27w2 FISHERMAN-Get your summer now. Inghnm County News, gust Bnlzer, phone Aurelius 1403; Checll our low prices. Tt·I·Count~ Phone OR~7·2691 or OR·7·2693 . supply of red worms. Postpaid phone OR·7·9011. 28w1 --'269 Sem·ls Rd., Web!Jet·vlJJe 25wU Farm Servlre Co., 4020 N. Eas: Rober· t'·f. Br:ow,·n · · 28w1 7 PUPPIES-Spaniels, 6 weeks $4.50 per 1,000, feeding lnstruc· SI\I<'ES - All maKes, types and. RABBITS.:..S weeks ald. Harry_. Phone 4F11 or 4Fl~ · •- . ------,.----..,.."-·,....._ . old. Ready to wean now. Th1·ee tlons Included. Paynble ln ad· 1 'B ht. ld p d d . Johnston,. 234 I{Jpp r.oad,·.· fifth ' . · 13wtf street, CUS·27l98 Dept. B,. Lansing. . MOVING Walnut dining bob·talled. Norman Weldon, 334· s zes. aug ' so , o ene an , Phone IV-7-1 5. Gwtf 233 N. Main St. 1 1 i vance. Williamston Worms, 415 repaired. Vault doors, money house west of Pontiac Sales~.' Leslie room set,. u I . s ze table, 6 :Ann street, Mason, · phone OR· High street, Wllllamstcin. · 26w8 chests, steel desks, filing cab!· Route 1, Mason. . 2Bw.l l"ARMALL H" tractor on rubber Phon'e JU 9·4841 . · chairs and buffet, $60. Also l'C· ·7-4422. ·28W1P nets, ten1• gas and comblna· LINE OF Kasco ·and ~ frlgerator and. · electric range, · BOATS-New ·and used Pioneer PULLETS, , ·White Rock. : Carl Ro•we~ta feeds, hay_, straw, seed In very good condition and · . 2Swl both 7 years old; Phone Lansing :PUPPIES - Part Cocl,er and ·metal boats. W." R. ·Dudley at tlon service. Murphy Safe Co,, Hlle, phone Stockbridge 4·F·12. ,]ICitaloes ,and baby cltlclls. Also t1Urecultlvl\tm• spreader, for $500.,also Olivergood, rna·on' COMBINE-·, , . 9 ·ft,, 1953· .MM. ,un.l IV~2·9274. . ·. _ 27wt_f ·.would part makebird dog,good 8pets weelts or goodold, ,Doble __ lake. ,. 18wtf One-quat•ter2622 Cedar road,mlle. Lansing,. south Mich.ol , . , . . :... 2SW,JI ""'''"'"'l'u: 66 ·gas and oil. Tomlin· rubber·, $75. ·Charles Price, 3414 .. farmor, and .1954 plcker:sheller FREEZER;.-:-ls;to!lt.. Bls~op, good 'hunting dogs. Cheap. John Me· PAINT.,:...Rev -Satin< Bet'I'Y Bros. Pennsylvanlh Intersection on us. ··,Store, ·· Halt, phone W. I

1 I 4t COLLTCGE . POTN'l'll: SUB,..:.Of- WANTED-Yo~ng mrin' to w~rl~' PLAS:r'EnlJifG-'-Allldnds Of p)nli· WANTED - Rospon~lhln pnl'l~i I .. Big Savings fers completo plat restrlntlnna In gru11go washing lln LHIInsteln, phoniJ- Stake nwll, g1md condition. the best of cnr•o. Save hundreds cottllges, $7,000, $1,500 down, wlth and cnrc for elderly widow Wllll!lm I-I, Willis, 306 m. Ash, 2-,J6l0.' uHWI Mll:illll lllt-7·707:1. '28WJ:" Howard Bonis, Allri!JIUs Center, of clollam on this une. $50 pet• month, and bn~:helor son In farm home Mason, 51wtf ------.. ------...... , 80 ACRES, 7·room house, !urge near Hpslctt, For lnformntton ro· RL!•:fi:PlNC 1100M fm• rent. AlsO' seventh howw west of the comers burn, rrenlt ar:nllls fnrm, run· f s . on north side, Cull after 6 p, m. FORD 1954 'I'uclor· cadet hluo wllh ply to Box 276 Williamston before CHARD'S phmibtng and pumpd. dining l'llfllll llXIPiltllon tublc fot. Ivory top, Fordomntlc, mrllo, 6·ROOM HOUSE, 3 beorooms, nt· nlng spring neur buildings. arm erv1ces week duys. 2Gwtf taehed garnge, automatic. oil Could ensll.v mnlte )l!'lvate lnl N I r· ''I I I •It . tl aJ' ('njoy yourHelf In one of our· . thut· Cooper phone Lansing l~D· wup '-· o .Ill<} Ill lt. OJ 1 '· our deal before you buy. Farly acJ•es wllh nir-e house, good OX-45581 or OX·42151. 27w2p _ ' ll ~ ~unw npnrlnH•nl K und muclt OK user! eurs. Fully recomll­ locution, good Janel, good every­ 7 7811 2 '.. Ww clwu}wr. Must furnish references-.· tioned--Jully guaruntecd.--- FORD 1952 custom 8 cyl. I-'ordor IN MASON-One. of the best 7· thing, price $10,000 with $3,000 WANTED - Are weldors 11nd Photog. 1aphs ·· Fordomntlc with mdio, heal· room homes with attached ga­ down. Phone nl once Carl .Jewell, trud' mechanics. Apply; Du· COMBINING WANTED, wllh l'hl~. 211:i l'nrlt t.lrent. Inquire finish. W us former poll co cur, . High-Art Lambert & Son have Old photographs coped1 nnd re- 1 urla J -1 · · ~s 1 Tru'cl·'-g Buying 111 11 '51 CHEVROLET •1·door, Power· has special engine, runs goocll IN EATON RAPIDS - 5-room COTTAGE at Pleasant lake, fur- the oxperhince and lmow-how stored. Cotnmerclal und pass- w• ~.II:> " all PI' Jl. m. u w P glide. 1 ' Have yam· stock lrtlcked to the ; and only $249.00 full prlee. mo~ern . hous~; , full , pasement, nished, near Hunlto ·finis ing BUII,.DING TRE;NCHES, .sepllc,l .' 12wH CJIVi-!ll!ll, ur rl'llll'll to lla\ey's x 16 6-ply tires, wllh only Grand. Call George Hill, Lansing tanlts nl'ld tile .flelcls, dug wllli ------Log t'ahi11 in 1\I:JSIIII. 28w1 AI Rice Chevrolet about 5,000 mlles. It's the TO SETTLE an estate we offer ED-2-3820. 28w•l • One-Day Developing' • power digger. fc)r a good job a't W A'N TED - Custom potllll'Y · ------·----- sharpest 51 we have seen any­ you a very good 200·acrc farm, • Expert Service • 11 ··right, price pall L. K. Zimme'r·- dressing. Will dress up ami I .OST -- Swarm ot bres, may be Opl!n Friday Nlghta where.. extra heavy lund, approxlmatt- Large-Size Prints • man, phone ~_ . wtf pack ready for your freezer .• . hanglnr~ In n hush In yoUJ' bac:lc Pl10ne OR-7-3061 • 9 92194 24 1110 ly 130 acres tillable, also some Trat" ers • Deluxe Qualify • ~----..,..-..,..-·----.:..·- Poultry Marlcet, % mile ca~t u[ yard. II' Sri r•all .Jolin Hldgley, Mason 1911 GMC PANEL %-ton with good timber. A 32x64 hlproof 1 Ch D St ' liolt traffic light. Phone Lansing phnJW Olt-Lil!l7:i oJ' Clare Ray- beater and 55 plates. Runs I ' barn unci other farm buildings, eS ey S JUQ Ore , IV- 7_0183_ 27 wll' rnond, phnllf! Oll-7g.111. 25w4p TRUCK-19Ci3 Chevrolet 1-ton good. A bargain! large . modern home. Evening~ BOAT TRAILERS-See oul' com· Phone Mason OR-7-6131 : • w t ·· d truck. Has covered raclt with call Robert Kirby, Mason OR· plete line. Boats am~ motors, • .. · 16~tf an e . - , :· . NO'I'!CI~- All stray rlogs plcl{od doors. Dual wheels. Phone Leslie Roy Christensen 7-4985. new and used. Accessol'Jes, guns, . ; . '' - ' ,'I LIVestock Trucking up hy !lie lngham County Hu- JU·9·53Gl ur Mason OR-7·0331. . scopes, sights, Polycholtcs, Hem· ... ;; mmw Sol'iroly ur hy Clayton Hu- 28w2 Your Friendly Ford Dealer 160 ACRES,-130 acres worlt land, ming1on 740, Winchester 77, , W{\NTE;D Tq_ .. BUY-20 to ,2., I Detroit _ Monday and •ruesday I<'! I, l'ollnl\' dog w:m\cn, are held 210 State Stt·eet, Mason good bilildlngs,,. on blaclctop Luger single six and others. We Soft. Wat' er s',e·. rv,.C..·_e. .acres. of stapdlng clover or .-al· 'I qmrlotte - Monday Afternoon 1 a full 7 d:;ys at !he Animal Shel: MOTORCYCLE-1950 Iowa, 250 Phone Mason OR·7-96ll road·, $31,000, terms. trade. Island Marine water sofl- f11lfa hay. Qave Beatty, p~one ·. Battle Crel!k - Wednesday tl'r !Jl'fnrl' lll'lng oi'l'pred fot• sale: c. e.. Just overhauled and in ·Evenings Till 9 ·Sat. Till ll 1 eners. Leonard's Sport _Simp, 1500 Inland Iylnrlnc Corppration ' Wllllnm~to?· ~79-.J,' or_. conta9t at I_. Also general local trucl(lng This giws oWJH!rx n chance tp. excellent condition. Has buddy , , 117 ACRES, 96 acres worlt land, Cavanaugh road, Lansmg. Phone Phone OR-6-4786" 3061. E. Dennis wad.. Dave • Ilal racing en- each. 2/8x6/8 comblnnllon door down. Route 1, Holt. Phone OX-9-2194. and Cull noon and evening son and Dansville. Call L:mslpg gine, dun ls,. leaded fenders. $15.15 each. Vinyl floor tile ~x9, 23wtf 24-hour Wrecker Serylco WANTED-We lilte Mason, won't or ·anytlme Salurday or Sunday lV-2-mm:J for inlerview with man· Over $1200 mvestment. Malee 13c·eadJ. 9"x12" 4-llte bam sash, WE HAVE several other house,s Phone Holt OX-4-1261 someone rent us a 2-bedroom ager. 25w4 nn offer. $2.09 each. 9' Berry garage door, ~~dt~:~s that ca}l be bought CUSTOM BALING wllh No. 77 ' Holt house so we can .stay here. BaJ·t· $64.60. 8' door $58.90. 2·1lte steel New Holland baler, 10 and 11 lett E. Smith. Phone OR-64744'. MILK llOU'm ft'OR SALE-Mu- JAGUAR 130 mph Sports Cnr basement sash $3.09. 2'x8' sheath· cents a !]ale. Butler Bros., phone 17wtf nith, Sloel\britlge, Fltr!hbur¢ Coupe. New paint, only 23,1JOO lng, $114.00· per M. 15 or 30 lb OR-7-1786. 23wtf nnd Dansville area, hauling io mlles. Wyeth, Inc., Mason. L954 Chevro· felt, $3.09. Y..'' plywood, $4.42 per Phone· WANTED-Ctlstom b 11 It! sheet. %x8 Cedar siding, $152.00 .OR. 6·1161· a ng w 1 lei lrurl\ with nearly new MH· ;; . : -, perM. Pattern 106 garage siding, . . an I -Inlernatlonal 5011· baler. linglon body, both in excellent .ooks. Eng~lne~e· rl'ng $17100 M 3 I 1 II I . . . . . Large neat bales. Lawrence Fich- conillllon. Gross ; [lr~fit,. nrouqd Br ' per · n s 1 ng es, HOU~E IN WE;BBERV~LLE with ler, phone OR-7-4935. 23wtf 5026 N. Grand Hlver, Lansing $7.32 per sq. We have a few flush seven ro'oms, plumbing, large $!lllfl pe1· mohlh. Priecd at $8,50Q. doors. from $5 to $6. We carry a Jot. Convenient Jo~;atliin' close ln. WAI\{TED- Managerial opening, Abbot 1 l•':mn llgency, Stock· Phone IV D-'1568 complete line. of windows. Build· May be seeri by app6lnt!llerit.. In· excellent business opportnni- hridge, plwne 1•17. 27w2 28w1 ers ·Hardware, everything for quire of ¥elvin Oesterle, 4705 Ues for cultural woman In Ing· .-19_4_9_C_I_i_E_V_R_O_L_E_•_T--c-lu-b--co...,u-p-e, that. new home. Our terms are Howell road. Phone Webberville ham county. Pleasing personality strictly cash. Open week days till F .. · and ablllty to meet and teach radio, heater, good paint, tlt•es 5 30 Satu 1 y til 4 ' 1 I 81 111 . : • · rca un ° c oc '• other women, more important and general condition, $195. WI:1 Suiulay morning 8 to 9 a.m. Will- PAINT PE'E.LING~..· M·'-nyb;. we tl t · · t t Cards of Thanks liam Fountain, 2% miles west of son Bros., Rives .Junction, Mlch- " Jan pus exportences, m eres · ------~------Mason on Columbia rand, phone !gail. Phone 23 _ 1~. 13 Rives .June- can help you. We wtll checlt Jng tmlnlng and flexable hours. ___....:....;.:._,--;-....:....;...... :;....;c.._..:...:...,-L-:- lester L. Johnson lULLS-- 1 would lilnll!P\d exlcnslon group, or pick up .at your place. I buy SHOES for farmers aod geneml Phone 671·W Reasonable Rates Ingham counly road commission, Goodwill Used Cars worl,men. Also matched work 50wtf by scale weight. .. James Whl~ta· 20wtf the D. A. v.. Rev. Hoy Mumau I ------~----- ker,1738 Murray,Road, Dansville, ami the Nazarene church for 1954 PONTIAC sedan 2·door. Hy­ suits, gloves. All avallable at the store that specializes In flttlng pho_ne MA-33414~ 45wtr cnrd~, flowers, fruit and gifts dramatlc, power steering, heat· sent to me while I was In the hos: er and radio. the needs of the farmer and other working men. Come Into the Mn· Well Drilling NEW PLACE:OF BUSIN]j:SS- For Rent pilal and while convalescing· at Want 500 .Junk cars and trucks, 1953 PONTIAC sedan 4-door. son P. X. We don't have the 2 nnd 3 Inch Wells home. Special lhanl(s to Mrs. Heater and radio. 2·tone pnlnt. glitter of the big shopping cen· ------­ old house ttbllers; top· prices Paul MLuTny, a new friend ·I Pump Repair paid. Stanley's Auto Parts, Pot· FLOOR SANDERS for rent. ters but you don't pay for it Perkins Hardwat·e, phone Ma- made while in the hospital. Mrs. 1952 PONTIAC sedan 4-door. Hy· either. . 28wtf tervllle. Phone Mitchell· 5·0661. Rpy Hills. 28wl dmmatic, heater and radio. Matt Krokker · 15Wtf son OR-6·4311. Bwtf Good tlres. MAN'S LIGHT CHECKED Sult, Phone TUrmn· 2·2766 .JOHNSON-I would lil'e In this worn 3 times, size 42, $10. W. 5673 Ferley Lans!J'Jg WANTED-Ridif to vicinity of FOR RENT-Wnllpaper steamer way 1o exprc~s my sincere 1953 FORD sedan Tudor.. Heater, A. Bergin, 215 w. Ash street, Mn· SwU Duo-Tiierm 'plan~ In South and ftoor sander. Inquil·e at lhanlcs to Mason General hos­ , 2-tone paint and low mileage. son. · 28wlp ------'---...:..--' .. - Lansing 8·5 shift. Phone Mason Shnfer Decorating Supply, <125 S. pital, the staff of wo11derful CUSTOM SAWING. Also ~lab OR-6·1721. 26wtf Jefferson. Phone Mason OR-73101. nurses, Dr. Geo~gc Clinton. and­ 1951 BUICK Super 4·door. Dyna· WOMEN'S, CLOTHING · size · 9 wood for sole. F'raniE Word, . · , . . 45wtf aU who wr,re so very kind to me flow, he(\ter nnd radio. and 11. Dresses, skirt~. blouses, first farm south of Harper school WANTED TO RENT :._ A goOd --- there. Also A. W . .Jewett, Dr•. l\. 1950 PONTIAC sedan 2-door. 'shorts, coats, formals, sults. All on US·l27 at Butler's -Restaurant. farm for· next yeor. Good cnpl· J"OR RENT-Office space, 'fwo V. Smith and also to the wonder. Heater and radio. In good· condition; reason for Phone IVanhoe 4·9291. · ··42wtf tal and gpod re~erence. Write de· !llOdern rooms wltlt private en· ful neighbors, the relatives· an!l selling, owner ·requires larger tails ns :to location, number of trance and 2-plece private bath. friends who came In and helped size. See at 224 South Jefferson acres, etc., to ·farm In care. of Ott furnace heal. Excellent loca- so mt1ch in every way after I Howard Pontiac street, Mason, back downstairs Michlgnn Climate Conditioned' Box 300; Ingh~m County News. tlon foi• any type office locntetl came home. And lo all who sent Mason· Phone OR·7·1801 apartment, phone Mason OR· - ·-· · 26w4 above_ Mason Shoe store In Ma· me cards and !lowers. Thanks. _tq 28w1 7·0565. 28w2 ·G · '- son. Alsu space about 20x30 ft. George's Food Market for the B0 ttl ed as · '. WAN:J'ED-i\berdeen·Angus bull Suitable for ·any ldnd or small lovely basket or fruit. I. cnpnot Installation, conversion and: a~ .of t~ervlceable age. Lloyd Leon· business, repnlr shop .or stomge. express in \irords my sincere pllances. County-wide 'dellvecy. !lrd; phone -ED-7·:7724.' ~gw2 Hqs bollt' side and alley en- t hn nks but u million thanks to . .. : · · · · trances. Located at rem· of Mason you. all. I'll never. forget · H'll : · ·. WANTED TO.·BUY...:..Used: baby -8hoe Store In Mason. Mrs. Burl Mrs. Clayton Johnson. DOn I - ·.~ . · bassinet In · · ~ood · ?Ondltlo.n. Whlttolt'er, phone Leslie 3543. Phone .OR.·7·~961. ·· · 28W1 · 2lw1ptf Ingham County News 1 I Weall1er Report 1 Mnrclfl nnf1 Mnrlcne Hudkins Legal Notices arr. Vllllllng their COUIIIIlll, DPIJ 1SP. Ingham Farmer Showers on F'ilclny And $11tur Chief of Police Stockbridge News nnf1 Dannls flreerlon, Jncltnoh July 14, 1954 Page 8 I 11t day totaling 77 of 1\n Inch Mr nnd M1s Usher Lewis ot Ends His Life brought relief from the heat of Nips Pfomotion Mrs. Helen Beeman Arlington I\':cntur.lty were TIICS• • nat woe I< Temp !!I ntu1 dropped I cs dny guests of their niece, Mr~ L Despondent nnd depressed over to n comfortahlo level tho tore Mason Pdllce Chief Harry 1'hoso nttenrllng frorn StocltiHirlge G Keepe1 nncl family, Want Ads pom ?.ealth, Lester RJ ott 67 PI\Il of tho wcnlt llslng 1at her Chandler Induced 6 self styled wme Mr nnd Mrs L G Keepm, Cm oil Hm cit spent lnst we cit nt hnngetj hlm~olf In tho barn at hiE 1t on rilly to 11 swoltorlng morning college students nnrl wounrlccl Rites Conducted Drm Darnmrl nnd fnmlly nnrl Cu1 tis roflll lnrm In Inghnm Thut sclay Korean veterans to lenvc town Hownrd Wnrd and fnmlly tho home of hm aunt M1s Max IIOBARI We wiHIJ to cxp1es, township cru Jy I hu1srlny morn Saturday Dott nncl fnmlly of Rives JUhe Average temperature for the Joyce Hardt returned home tlon ou1 lwntfclt lh1nllndmss messtgeH or runeral services were con less horly of her hushnnd at 6 30 Temperatures repnrlcd at Ma on Mason la~t weclt Tiley pruc Warner nt Jacltson nnrl Mrullyn of Rives Junction sympathy and he ltt\lful llmnl of dueled Wednesday nt 2 p m at Dr A V Smllh of Mason tnrl ~on sewage disposal plant tlcally forcj!d their way Into called on M1s C E ARhmore ferlngs : my sic It ness Tolm Potter hrot her I eon of Algonac and 1 Ill! H Lrmu Johnson !ilrcet $1430, Ilowarcl Lee Allen 28w1p h,tlf h1 other Mn1lt, of St Louis but he could matte them stlcl< to Wr and Mrs IIarolcl Ward anrl Stockbridge drunlt md disorder Ml and Mrs Robert Glover nrc There were 50 who attended the t1 uth In their repiCsent ttlons family Jer1y Armstrong Phyllis Jy 20 days In jail ancl $27 In de v tcntlonlng In the Upper Penln RECPO!l-Wf' Wlsl In cxtcn I rut the Sunday school picnic at That they dldn l wrmt so they Wilde and Ms anrl tpplcrlntlon for nil Pie tsant lallvc gas he ttlng per Mr anrl MrH Floyd Donal"ng Crul"se Mrs Mlnn [\( ssler ·llld children Sammie Stone• Stockbridge ncr Sunday hono1lng the 14th Rev Pollr r 11 f '' hl' WOI cis o( mlls H pic sent plnns of Con Mrs Henrietta Wnrner and find Mt H Helen Bnlowllz 111d drunk and dlsorrlerly 20 days mel bh lhrlay anniversary of the!, comffll the hr 11 tllltl llmnl o[ slunt 1s Power company are car Mts Emma Leach a1e attending B • M d daughter or Saginaw visited the $27 In default 20 more rlnys son Terry at the home of Mr fCIIngH theW S c S .tnd the Itc cl out I he Lansing a1 en hns !he school of missions In Adrian egms on ay formers brothel Hnrold Ward Trnfflc violations settled In and Mrn Emory Runciman men that hPipcrl \\lth the !trm lcnttllvcly been allocated 3 000 this wee It nncl family Tucsd 1y justice court arc George Mntvc Vlctm Wlnlcrs nnd fnmlly also WO!It 1 he I tmlly of L ul A Roc OJ1Ciltngs for new customers ac Mr and Mrs Em ton Johnson The navy s third summer mid rhosc nttendmg the golden cult Detroit speeding $12, Rich uttendcd tor 28w1 corcllng to Glen Coon Mason tnd Jeanie were Sunday evening shipmen halnlng ctUise ls sco cu wedding nnnlvcrsory of M1 nnd arcl Johnson Flint speeding $10 Mrs Rolland II trdt entertained mantgc 1 Some of those will be guests of Mr nnd Mrs Asn ulccl to depart from the N01 !ollt Mrs J B Hubert nt Birmingham II C Arnett Stocltbrldge rlls /a g1 oup or girls Saturday after given lo M tson Greenman and family and viewed naval bnse Monday mormng SunrJay were Mr nnd Mrs C E obeyed stop sign $'i Robel t Le noon honoring Lois 12th birthday colored sllclcs of northern Mlch Mme than 1,300 midshipmen o1 1Field Mrs David Collins and Prncl Chesnnlnr, disobeyed stop annlversa1y Icc croam and CIJ.Itc lgan and family pictures the Naval Reserve Offlce1 s e hllclrcn Mc a net Mrs W T Os sign $5 Edison Barlter Sloclt were served David Greenman gave the Training C01ps from 52 colleges trander Mr nnd Mrs Sumner bridge double paikecl $3 Irving Mrs W For Home Talent W S I:: S meets Thursday I Crulse "CI)arllc" wlll be con Litchfield Mrs Arline Esler of July 21 with Mrs Dm a Bird at ductccl In the Western Atlantic Georglt and Mr and Mrs Edson 11 30 P m with worship by Mrs and Caribbean visiting port8 In Price of St Petersburg Florida Wallace Johnson, lesson Emma Panama and Cuba before retu1 n spent Sunday at the Clare Riggs Annual School Meeting Leach nnd serving committee is lng to Norfolk August 26 Pwc• home Marie Gregg Inez Weaver and tJce crulsr.s ar.c the major opera Rev Jamf!s E Lombard Is one Connie Wolf t tiona! training phase of under of the counselors at the Baptist Ingham Town ship Agricultural School Olflce1 s tralnlng day Is at Mu Igraduate naval education They camp at Lalext mcctln~r of the llourd Cnr Wheat $ 182 grandpfllents Mr and Mrs Paul u t te an am Y a en e e a 7a. s~ ••" Oats 54 Strouse 40 et 8 picnic at Clifford lake * II 8 318 on Barley 81 near Stanto11 Sunday G u. 80 Rye 82 Philip Spry and family of Jaclt 107!7 Soybeans 2 22 Olds Road son were supper guests of Mr 84 ou Navy beans 10 00 and Mrs Albert Maiello Sunday ~1358.16 Eggs Mrs. Elmer Otis The Friendly Bible class will 608 f)) A large 36 meet Monday night at the Meth I I 50 oo A medium 31 rhe Clark school district had its odlst church with a potluck sup 454 II A small 22 annual school meeting Monday per at 6 :lO 5 616 30 Heavy hens 26 Alfred Tit tier was re clecterl Mrs William •rerrel left Frl Toto I Cn1lt I 0 thy $ 7 81~ 41 Light hens 18 moderator after the business day for her home at Roseville SUtl htmentnl Dlsbur11umentH Trnn•fcr• to Bulldln~e & Slto Fund Fryers 28 meeting Icc cream and cake were California, after spending the Lunch nro~rum 1 oodtt & 8HJlh~H ., .... , ...... , ...... $ nt1 oo Caponcttes 35 served past month with her daughter Lunch 1 rogrum W ugcs of Cooks g~ ~:: Douglas Otis youngest son of Mrs Bill Dancer and family Mr and Mrs Bernard Otis who Annunl Frlnlde reunion was Churches was struclt with a hay hook In sunday at Northlawn park ncar the palm of the left hand had the Jackson North Aurcll••s Community, 4 stitches removed Saturdny MI and Mrs Harold Rose are Rev John E Pruden, pastor Mr and Mrs Elmer Otis were vacationing In the north Sunday school 10 15 a m , morn Friday evening guests at a birth A reunion v. as s.taged Sunday lng worship, 11 15 n m Young day dlnne1 honoring Diane Me k 1 1 M d Peoples meeting 7 p m , evening Farren's tenth birthday annlver at Portage In e tonor ng r an evangelistic service 8 p m , Mon sary given by Mr and Mrs Mrs Usher Lewis of Arlington, clay evening, Young Peoples Bible Gerald Martin of Onondagn Ar Kentuclty Fourty eight attended class 7 30 p m Wednesday eve thur McFarren Edyth Buxton f1om Jackson and Stockbridge nlng, choir practice 7 p m , mtd and Mrs Ruby Cole of Okemos week prayer meeting 8 p m were guests SIOO 706 4f Mr and Mrs Elmer Otis were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Everett of Wheat field Sunday evening guests of Mr and Mrs Bernard Otis and sons were Mr nnd Mrs Gerald Mar tin and sons of Onondaga and Mr and Mrs El Otis ¥r and Mrs Wyllls Adems and family attended the Frinkel re union Sunday at North Lawn park at JacltMon The Lamplighter extension group will have a meeting t~ make plans tor the Ingham coun ty talr and the dinner for the month of July Julv 14. 1954 The Ingham County News Part 2

I rLibrarian Sets Michigan Men and Heifers Meridian No. 7 Supervisors Study Petitions Asking ookmobile Rou~te Leave U.S. for Germany Re-elects Two Helfm•s unrl lhclt' atlcmrlants I papnrs. No doubt. they will go To ·the Summer that left Mnson .Tuly 3 were fl· Inter and the hcneflts will he School Board Annexation of Five Areas· to Lansing nnlly schcdulccl to leavo New just ns great, hut It docs sort of Meridian school district No, 7 20 dnyH ol operation, Ing· y 01•11 aboard the ss Jmporlet· mnt· the fun. When ail was com· staged its annual meeting Mon· Lansing· annexation petitions suit if the 5 annexation proposals Lansing thai Lansing mc11 ought nty lihrnry's booltmohilc July 8 and hy now should he pleleci, 'OI' Sidwell said th!! that have been painted in Mason , The hooltmobilc will continue farm between Mason and Les· etc. hut completely forgot to Donald Wright; treasurer, .Lloyd Department of .Toumalism, snys golf course anrl another area on Wilcox motion was· out of order this summer. . . Its summer schedule through the lie. have Jhe doctor fill nul proper Fulton; and trustees, Ray Briggs Sioll'e will teach a cout·se in wot•lcl which the Olrlsmohilc i•'orge because under· stnle Jaw culling I Mrs. Paul Bmvdt·e returned to third weel1 in August. Il wlll!itop Follmving is a hulietin fmm pnpet·s. A telephone call and an and Gerald Ide. niTait•s, open to any sludenl, noel plnnt is located, of an election on annexation Is her .lob at lite Ingham County wcel had an· lions Including a new tile floor reneGrove Chu school, 9:30·10:30,·l Sunday, Wtth an attr.ndnncc nf llltcly have much more advice has been bulging at the outer office, explained County Cieri\ c. an injunction and chsmiss~d the ticipaterl n demand for an opln· arc still to be hlsta,Ilcd. Gus !{can, rch on Plcnsnnt Grove about 200I persons.l I l1 I However,I I to.t hand out ft•ce wher1 we re· seams is beginning to bulge at Ross Hllliarcl. J bill of complaint. The 7 carned,an ion on the annexation issue anrl owner of the store, said he also1 road, 10:45·11 :45. some of t lc wa I c wrts tar u~·n. Inner seams. Tuesday the board , . . appeal to the supreme court. 'I he had come prepared. Questioned intends to install air conclit.ion n:;: '' 'Parents are reminded that chi!· not been . entirely completecl. 'Mom lmnortant thottgh, I '1 he county clerlt assl!led SU· high court found the pelilions to by Supervisor Wilcox on the equipment. dren should he allowed to enJoy That mad~ tl necc~sary to make hope we'll he able to see how of supervisors authorized con· pervlsors that the mezzanine will be in order, and Hilliard pre· complexity of the petitions and their reading during the summer, several tnps to .state and fcclemi some ~~f out· l~ss fol·tunate neigh· struction of a mezzanine over the not detract ft·om the county se ted them to· the board Tuesday the cumbersome wording of pmp· -----... ·-- -· ---- tl librarian cicclared. The booJ,. veterinarians. 'lwn I1Cifct·s were bot·s live. rt ls to that end that front entrance! tl~ abccomlkmod~te building's appearance. The cast m~rnlng. , crty descriptions, Chamberlain Install Johns-Manville ~~bile carries a variety of books unable to go beC'fluse of lar•k of I his I rip is being cledicatcd." the county c er { s oo t ecpmg I sid~ will bC! of g!ass a.nd. with Supervisor Wilcox contonderl declared that: complexity is no for adults, too. Special requests department. wamscotlng, he Said. Butldmg the that the chief reasnn for reject· issue, not• clocs the cumbersome T E R R A F L E x/01\ may be brought from the head· Letters to tlze Editor On ~uly 22 the county buildings mezzanine will. utilize. was~c ing the petitions is that the des· wording affect the situation. The ·o,e.~ quarters library the following commtttec and the ways and Ispac~, Hilliard exp.lalned, an~ Will criptlon of the lands is cumber· law requires only that the peti· v· I Fl I week. means committee will have a proVIde room whtch couldn ~ he some and that people would not lions conform to the act, he said. any oor Ti • People Pay for Ow. n G ··fts joint meeting to discuss further i secured for less than $25,000 111 a lmow what· they were voting for. He explained that supervisors rC!Iief for court house offices. The separate building. Voters would 'be confused over hold only delegated power from your&e(f Public Notice Most follts nrc scnsillle enough meeting has been specifically Supervisor John Patriarche of the 5 ballots, he said. the legislature in annexation mat· cost, and also let them discover called to provide quarters In Lan· East Lansing, n member of the The Lansing township super· ters·. The law provides, said the to limit their spending to their in· that handouts from the federal 1 f th L · f'flce f the t b 'ldl itt d 1 d h to come. They know hankruptey will s ng or e ansmg o · o coun y u1 ngs comm ee, C· visor also dec arc t at upon a prosecutor, remedies following an l&esldents ami I'I'OJif!rty Owlwrs incvllahly result if they con· treasury really come out of their county health department. That clared he had not seen the plans. clear cut .annexation proposal of election. He also said that it is a of tlnuously spend more than they own pocl~ets. has now become the main office He also questioned the wisdom most of the township to Lansing safe assumption that opponents receive. Of course, this would ruin the with the Mason office merely a of remodeling the building with· the issue was defeated 2 to 1. of annexation will help delineate . Onondaga '1'111\'nshlt•. Ingham During the last congress, I sug· campaign methods of some poll· branch. Before health department out consulting an architect, He "I have no reason to believe," the boundaries of the areas pro. ·\ County gestcd that we siwuld have a ticians. Whenever they arose to space Is decided, the Mason office finally agreed to go along on the Supervisor Wilcox sairl, "that posed for annexation. 't · At a reguhLr meeting of Uw constitutional amendment that tell their constituents how much may be shifted. Being considered proposition. Supervisor Bement township residents have reversed On motion of Supervisor Sid· OnondagJL Townshitl Bmu'tl, held would compel the government tr1 "bacon" they had brought home, now is a shift between the coun· said the reason Supervisor Patri· their thinking on annexation. The well to have a special committee July 5, 19511, the following reso- live within its income. With H it would only serve to rcmlnrl ty board of education offices on arche had not seen the plans, boundaries of the 5 areas pro· study the annexation petitions lutlun WILS Jlassml: dellt of mm·c than 275 hiliions, people of the increased tax the third floor of the court drawn by the Capitol Roofing posed for annexation are lrregu· Supervisor Wilcox cast the only 'l'lud Onomlngn 'l'ownshitJ dtl· and with the interest on that rlcht money they would have to shell house and the health . · deJ>art· foL·eman, was that the East Lan· Jar.. If. annexation carried, several ..dissenting .vot·e., , .... elares Us'lnkmt to·t•roceetl iuulm· much more than' whnt it mst to out. People would then be acute· mcnt offices :·In ~tho' .south>\Vmg Tng·'supervisor ·was dn ·vacation ·township ·areas would be isolated: · ·pi'Osecutor Chainhel'htht ' ·I the Jll'oVllllous or Act 181, IIH:{, as run the whole federal govern· ly conscious' of the fact that there of the first fJOOl'· of the. court whcn..the plans were presented to IBoundaries' listed· in the petitions Supervisor Fred L. Kircher of amentletl JLntl eMtabllsh 1~ Zoning ment a few years ago, I thought is nothing free In this world. It house.. the committee chairman. cut across ·prcclnc~ lines, malting Lansing was first named on the Ortllnnnce In Onondagn Town- it time to ca11 a halt. would serve to hold down the Alton J. Stroud, county school · S~pervisor Patriarche also it vir,tu[!.·liy imp,ossi_ble to 'segr,e,. sb~.·eial com. mittec. On suggestion wild spending ideas. of politicians d 1 · c f ld b 1 ~hip, and that notice of such in· My suggestion was a oimplc because the people would !mow superintendent, aslte supcrv sors questioned the arrange me 11 t gate voters. on 'rlslDn wou · re· of Supervtsor Ro crt I(loc { of tentlon be Jlllbllshed in n news· one-mal~e it necessary for every thC! "gifts" from Washington Tuesday for more room. His of· whereunder Capitol Roofing and ,, -'" ..... '. ' . .... ·, 11 Jlii)HJr of gmwml clrculutlon In spending bill to incluclc an equiva· j 1 d flee now uses one of the jury Insulating Co. has continued do· D · : .,, · &.'~ "' H' · p f •· ,;nld TownshiJl. lent tax. In ollwr words, icl the w~~cs~~/su~~tid~~~~s~o/~~~~ rooms. When court Is In session ing pairting and roof repair at anSVI e:: man· ' as ar In adopted, Jhe present huge govern· the jury room is not ·available for the court house after the original ·. • .. ·· ·· • UOBEit'l' C. NOJIU~, people know exactly how much Cieri'/ every spending mcnsurc would ment debt will grow even .larger the school office, he pointed out. contract was completed. Super· o"' ge ·:Bernard s· add 11\c Interest alone will be· The board of supervisors au· visor,.Beinen't' · defeni:le{L the .ar· Ge' . r· ·:' haw' Play corrie to.o··heavy' to carry. At pres· thorized the county buildings tangement, claiming the' Lansing ent, 'evC!ry' pressure group can sell committee to contract with Capi· firm, with Its equipment on the James Young, Dansville,,. will war. It was first produced in The new standard gau1e ··:;: ...••; •• :,,,, its demands for more and bigger to I Roofing and Insulating Co. to job, has been able to give the play the part of Captain· Shot· 1919 under the sponsot:ship of Terraflex is a Vinyl Tile feclcral gifts because people hear build the mezzanine. The esti· county a bargain price on work . kerS ove1· in the University of- Mich' the Theatre Guild. · .which you can cut and fit 'Rear Seat Spea only the propaganda favoring the mated cost was reported by the which had previously been lgan speech department pt•oduc·. . · . .. · .. · ·. . handout and don't completely un·1 committee chairman, S. A. Be· neglected. lion of George Bernard .·Shaw's Prof. W,l,lllam ,: P: .J~~!.slllad I~ ' with scissors. Just chooi!e:'the dcrstand that the money to pay I mcnt, Mason, as $1,835. It will The county clerk told super· "Heartllreak House" J·ttW·20:23~ dlr"tlcting Hcartbrcdk . H?use, . colorful tiles you want from $1 Q 95 for the treasury raid is coming provide a room 12 11:! x 14 feet visors of crowded conditions in 'l'he play uses a retired sea and the unusual scenc1y. 1s ~e· our complete stocks and start. Installed • straight out of their own pocltcts. above the front entrance and will his office and how the mechanical captain's house as a sort of signed by Jack E .. Bendel, ~tth giving your home new charm, Noah's A1·1< into which each spe. costumes by Phyllrs Pletche1. The Hoover commission sug. boold{ceplng machine recently In· utility and value. · $16.95 Value gestcd ways to cut government stalled should be Isolated from cies has come before the deluge. Tickets arc on sale at the expenses. balance the budget and SCS Cooperators the front olfice whc1·e it is now A sea captain, his family and Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box reduce taxes. Their Ideas ought located. Noise of the machine and week end guC!sts are the char· office at $1.50, $1.10 and 75 cents. ·THORBURN aeter·s Shaw has created in this Young is an instructor in to be adopted. But it wlll taltc a the handling of public business Auto Radio constitutional amendment along Bul"lt Ingham S·ol"l plus telephone calls all add up to ironic comedy about a dt·ifting speech classes at Asbury col­ Lumber & Coal Co.· the lines I have suggested If we distraction, he stated. society on the eve of a gt·eat lege, Wilmore, l{entuc!

'.."' Geriild Hawley w~rc Sunday ntt- 1 ', Aurelius Center ernoon cullers of M1·, 1111d Mra, Opul IG, Smlelmalct• Holt. Kiwllnlnns met tor tholr Charles .Men1•lng. Holt Begins on w~cldy meeting 'Puosdny avenlng Ray Wolfe nttentled tho Wolfe ut the Holl hnl1ery nnd grill, A The unnuul picnic of the Am·e· reunion nt Lnlm Odessn Sunduy, llu.s Baptist· Larlles Aid will he ut Mr. and Mrs. Austin guest !rom the Williamston I{l· '['homa~ cluh Ruynct· In Mason July 30 and ·Mr.· nncl Mrs, Calvin "'Allen Sewer-Water wanls Hpolm and llhQWed purl~ pictures of dnlry farm!ng 1)1 fm• supper nt 6 p, m. They will aml family pf Eaton Rapids were Di·strict ·Plans western ·stfltes, Pt·ogmm ·"Ciulfl·. meet nt 3 p. rn. sunday llfternoon and evonlr]g man !or the evening wus Hat•old Mr. und Mrs. Alvin Halllfnx of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hohm·t .Jnclu;on culled on her brother·, Bush nnd duughtel's, AltiJmtgh ttnlnuop[)lJrtlt'cd, -n6u Laycocl~. M. E. Brlnlnstool, Wednesday nfl· Mrs. Hurry Shaw and son of people now ln'tcnrl to do solllo· The iinppy Loset·~ club 2rnoun, Callers In tho 0, A. Bunk· Rising, Ohio, spent Sunday wlth lhlng ahout n sowel' unci wntcr 1neet every WP.dnesday · or home Sundny wem Mr·. and her· sister, Mrs, Ray Wolfe, and system. On llle arc ·pelt ltlojts the town htlll 'durlng·tbe· Mrs, Robert Lcrlergerher, Mz·. and family, which eull for the estubllshme)Jt months. o( It sewez· nntl water dlstrl~l. Mrs. J. m. Disbrow and Elmor Mz·, ·und 'Mt•s, I?Joyd Lyke were Tile urcn Is ubout 1% ll'lllos cast ''fhy Htntutt•s · httVH hec~n my son~s in th11 house of my l~laug11er uf Eaton Rnplds. Sunday evening callers or Mz·, :md west und 1 \It n'llles north 'Jlll~rhn·agn, 'I· havn l'lllll't'mlwrt~d thy nanw, 0 Lor'd, In tlw Mz·. und Mt·s. Leroy Slmtl sprnt nnd Mrs. Ruel1en Cz·ltes, Sr., of and south, said Supervisor• ·John .W,ebberville the week end with hat• parents, Hustings, night. ( l'sahu ll!J:M-55,) Ht~ad Psalm 11H:49-5fi or Acts 13, l~ny of 1 Delhi. Within lts -'Mt'!l.' Myi•J Grat1lun Mr·. und Mrs. Guy Bateman, whll<.> Mr. und 'Mrs. Rohet·t Noble 17:2,l-2R. lmundat•les dwell 'between 11,000 A' furrowell party the Slwtts' daughter, B'llllo Gue,' "((lslted Mr. and M1·s. Donald nnd 4,500 pCO]>Io, he 'stated. and .. Mrs. Iru Hnsldll. The Old Tcstam

Dennlq gnt' him ou\. ThnY, ton)~ .Tnhn, .T11dy nn4 Nell Ann wen! Culver Corners him tn SL. L~wrem:e hospllul night and M, Y, F. meettnh Frl· 11ovtvillc gue~ts ot rllnner Ins! Sunrlny nt rlny night. nt tho ohua·c!h, M·ason.I . Police 1\tt·s. n. 11r, owm1 whero he wns ~lvcn. first 1\lcl ClllOJ'gill A. l'IJJ'(JOIJ the Lee Gcrhordsteln homo, treatment for c•u!s nnd lwitlsos Mr, nnd Ml's, Hownr·d Town· Mr. nnd MI'B, Donald Brethnuer Mr. nncl Mrs, Don Mnc[{cnzl!! and relcuscd. Born· to A/2r! and Mrs. Bruce send and Guerclon Usher toolt cnlled on Mr. nncl Mrs, Dnnlel nttended funeral services for the Ymllh Fellowship group to· Follow New Masella of Perry Sunday, Mrs, Cr;rstnl Sl(lnnor nnrl iJCI' Eastmnn at St, L£rwrcncc has· It,. . . Anne McQuire In Fowlervlll!! last pltnl, .July n daughter Terry Plcnsnnt lnlte for n wiener roast, Holen nnd Lenin, anr] 6 Snt urrlny, Slw rllcrl in Lansing Mr. and Mrs, Cnrl Gnrdnl!r nncl Lee, Mrs, Enstmnn the former Sunday evening •. Mr. nnd Mrs. nicl1ard Lc~;cncy Is lnst Wt'· \\'Crl' OVCI'Iligill Lntils Sommf!rs of Williamston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer · ! ucaretul Driver d : Clarl\ were in Toledo Sunday. Ed Conpcr and Mrs. Linnic llolt guests nf their grandparents, Mr. Hamlin Sunday evening. • d·\y1 injurY an • The 3 children of Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday "dinner· guests of anri. Mrs. Howard Wainright, : for bo liabilitY coverall• ; George Glover.· was re-elected Ed Croley of Lansing ~pent last Mr. and 1\1 rs. DeLancey Cooper Sundny, : opertY damage • as treasurer of Herriclt dis! rlci weelt with their gmndpnrcnts, and family. •t pr I a I I I I I •••••••• SQVC'I'fll nwmhcr~ of tile White Monday night. Mr. ancr Mrs. Franlt Clarlt, and Onl\ •l·ll d11h are attending camp . :············ ., ...... Leone Johnston. Rev. and Mrs. Carfon Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Archie 1-Inuse and : ...... nrmr I!a HI i nus 111 is week.· Mrs. William Comstoelt enter­ and Jon called on thr> DeLancey Mr. and Mrs. Elrlrcrl House and Cooper famity·sunrlay. Mr. nnrl chlldren were present at a family The workmdn fall, but tho proporty ownor made • tained· at a Stanley party at her Mr. flni"J Mrs. Rex Balwr and Mrs. Philip Hague 11nrl Lind;1 dinner at Walled lalte last Sun· ·":i .. G 1 Dennis home Sunday Qif ...... 1orious slip, too, if ho failed to protect himsoll home July l. There were !l pres· ent. Lunch was server!. were also afternoon callers. after spending tile wer.l\ with his day. with liabilifv insur•nce. Employees, delivery mon, Mr. and Mrs. George Glover • 8tap. Mr. and Mrs. A. .J. Rapp of parents, Mr. ;md Mrs. Ora 13ak(!!'. 00 2 , visitors injured on your proporty may hold you and children were dinner guest~ Ann Arbor were breakfast gue~tR Mr. anrl Mrs. Chnrlr.s McCul· : . wn Plan" : of Mr. and Mr~. John Young at : for eompreb . : rosponsiblc. Check your liability insurance neods, logil of Lr111sing were callers Sun· Whitedog District of Mr. and Mr~. Louis Swobod

Armour Star ~ ~-~\ '··- _.. HAM Sh.ank lb Portion 1 49c J

Butt ' lb Portion } 59c

Open Shop Spare Ribs lb49c 9a.m.-9p.m. ·In This Week's Handbill Where Your . Every Day ·Money Veal Chops lb 49c You Always Save at Goes· Farther 1-lb p~ckage

\ tb ' .Sliced. ./Bacon . 39c. · ...... ~· .·E. . ·.. [),· .. ·... ,OlE'S -: ... 1i""' ) 1 At Algonq~i~ 4-11 ers' Are io~~~~~u~.r~;t~:!~ID'of . . : W~hueryllle will ohset·ve . theh· Sh~'wers Ho~dr ano :l5th we


This Message Is Brought to You This Message Is Brought to You as a ·Public Service by the as a Public Service by the 1Follawing· Firms ·and ·Individuals Following Fi1·m~ and lndividual5 • ..... The· farmers Bank Thorburn J.umher & Coal Co . Mason Mason

Perkins Hardware l.indy's Drive·ln •Mason Mason

B~II-Dunn funeral Home· Mamn City Halcery Mason George's fond Marlcet The Dancer Company Mason of Mason

Van's Service - Sindiiir VmJt funeral !lome Mason Dansville

fir:ment feed &·Supply $mice Ledie Coffee Shop Ma5on Loslie

Dick's Sunoco Service Comumer' s Power Co. Mason Mnson

The Ferris Company Gambles - I·Jolt Mason 2419 N. Cedar

J. A. Dart Co . Mason Dairy • Mason Milson

-~~-~ "~-·~-~ .. : . .. ~~-\lx~z-·.- Dart National 'Bank t n.a&:.o;s ·~·. ·,_.. r Jewett Funeral Homt. ~ i, .. ~-.;1·; ' •J Mason Mason · ~ ~::\. ~ave·e~ough gas £6~.where you're going, Mister? ' .· .• ... • ' • .J•• Well, little matter._:.You can always get more at some· .;r,~~·­ Corner Gift & Bible Shop ~nd ·;>< ~.;~1,~-~ r:llis Grocery service station. t' H& M Drive·ln Cleaner~ . THE CHURCH FOR A r,, ... ~~.·-~~} Dansville Holt The same goes if u;1expected guests drop in at home. You· . ALL FOR THE L'"' ••• can buy bread, meat, or eggs at a nearby store • _•• or you · The Church i• t! • CHURCH th~ buiiclinc r" le greatest fac'or can· borrow from a neighbor. it I• .I 0 chawctor oncl · on ~arth lor Eden Elevat nr ·• a slorehou• 1 . . good f'il' . Ware's Drug strong Chu•· ·! ''0. 0 "Pifl/lla/ va/u~· ·w':-"nc.Jup . Eden . But this is not possible when a ser.ious emergency strikes. c l, MO!/hor de· "• 1//iaut Milson. can sulvivfr Tl . mocracy nor c· •'!· . a strength Pver . ,Jert.· ore foLJr... HJ J7.afJon You have to be prepared beforehand. You can't buy ~nd ~ person should aiiGnc/~llnr! rco"on" why of spirit. Nor cal!- you borrow it. It grows within you, little own ;uj.por/ the Church ..The .• -orvi~C'c; regulor/y Cutler Oil Co. soko IJis childmn·:. .ar:· (!) }'or his 0~ ·~·.,_!?.)For 1 Dart Manufacturinq Co. at a 'time. 1·' comrnunit .. a · 10 • (3) Forth 119 E. Michigan - Lansing sake of the Chu I . y ond nn/ion. (4) P e Mason and mat . rc' rlsdl, wJ, lch or tho . So be prepared when· disappointment, discouragement;· larlv ena! ·'UPport. Pion Ia. c n,oclo his rnoro) . and read Your Biblo do'! go to church regu. trouble, or grief strike. 1 y, D ny francis Platt Sunday Roolc Through worship at Church fortify yourself with faith · Ch.1ptcr Wolverine Engineering Co. ·. Mondt~y'_"''' '' '' • • • • • • · i\f,lt thew Vcr~es Mason Tuesday.·.·.·''···· • • · • .1.-rarlc 25 and courage. Get acquainted with God's love and wisdom .. IJ 1·1 J Mason ~cdnesday''' ·' ··'····Ephesian!'; 28-37 F ,u rsday,,: ·••·••· · · · ,fl1Jdippj,,; 1 ~ G ,fl(o1Y1 ..• ,,,···········1 TJnlOih .4 1-IJ Come what may, you'll be ready for any I 1-)J Saturd,1y '· · • · · · · ·. I Tin 10 th~ 12-20 - ,. '~····~·········l!Tirnothy fi Mickehon·Daker l.umber Co. 6·21 ·'· ·:..: .. ,~,,~;~·~~srtea~r~~~;~:'hQ~H;~~"'· ~.:·.~~· \ !• ~·/ .. l·IJ Mason ·Holt-lansing

What· the Churches Are- Doing' \

l\fason Clnlrcll·of the Na21uene, Wllllalnston St. 1\fnry's Cnlh· Nm•th Aurelius Community, I.tmsing Zion Lul.itet'lm, Rev. Whenltleld !Wel.lwllis(., 11ev, C. Willinmston Wesleyan 1\lethotl· l~tlen Unil~tl Brethren, H.ev. Rov Mumau, pastor.. Sunday olle, Rev. Fr. Francis Mm·tin, pas· Rev. John E. Prudtm, paslot'. F. P. Zimmerman, pastor. One E. Pollock, pastor. Morning wu1·· lsi, "uwley, Rev. Carl Coffey, Herberl Cherry, pastor. Sunday Sunday school, 10:1.5 a. m.; morn­ block north of Cavanaugh road sc,.ool, 10 o'clock;· preacl\ln'g ·~ei'v· tor. Confessions and devotions ship, 9::~0 a. m.; Sunday sc!Joo\, pasloJ', Church school, 10:00 a. school, 10 a. m.; morning wor· lee, 11 o'clock;· N. Y.: P. · S. ·'sei'v· Ing worship, 11:15 a. m.; young on South Pennsylvania· Avenue. 10:30 a. m.; Sunday evening .serv­ m.; worsllip service, 11:30 a. rn.; Saturday 7:30 p. m. Sunday ship, 11 a. m.; Christian Endeav­ Ice, 6:45 o'clock, ·Song and: praise. peoples meeting, 7 p. rn.; evening Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; church Ice of song and Bible slur\y at. young people'~· meeting, 7:30 p. or, young people and adult, 7:45 masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m. service, 8 p. m.; Wednesday eve· servic~, 10:30 a. m. · 7:30p.m.; mid-week pt·a);er ~erv­ m. p.m.; evening service, 8:15 p, m.; Williamston St. ·Kathlll'lnii's ·Fowlerville, Rev. Fr. Wall

Freeze out problems of loo much shopping and too lillie food I

WITH AN \ 1·EieCftJc Food F1eeze1 Never helore, a value like this! .~, ... ~ -P'~,~~.J.,.~" ,.J.~~~" .~- .~·· -GE- 1il Cu. Ji'L JUJ I 5L Upright ,Freezer

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You got tho bost of USE I' fllEE!ER all tho Food Plan VIS\1 yOU. Bono/its from Foigh· · ILIC1RIC • • • nor Salos.

5-Yoor Froozor Worranly, Plus 5-yoor Food Protection Pion A·12 ·Cu. Ft.· $264.95 Nothing Do~o delivers our FREET-BONE ·sTEAKS· A-20 ·Cu. Ft. $364.95 ·to the first ,25 ·people who let us· :Amana, . .: ; full' of food for. AV-19 Cu. Ft.· UPRIGHT $394.95 .360 meals I e~plain our Ama·na~Food Plan _in your ' I home or. our office! ~International. Harve·ster Co. · .. and

' . --~ . wa,ne a. Feighner .Sales I .207 ·Park StrQ,ot. ·, ~ . I " _·!:I .. '. Mtuon . ·Phone OR-7-7031 . \': ...... 'lmple,l11erit I · · OR-7-0593 . . ,_ · '· ... ' . .Silsby ca. 412!1'J BcJrnes Street,. t¥1cJion . . . " ' '. · · · 214 State'· Street, ·Mason . · · · · · · · · · · · ··· · Phone ·· ::7.:0141\ '"' . . . ~ . ' . • . • •·. ,. '.'.,I,.: • . ,: ; ' . ) July 14, 1955 The Ingham County News Part 3

unci them'~ little cauHe for ''elf!· Social Security Advice I.Jrutlon nt. getting wl111t we ric· Presidential and, State Ballots I Politicians Woo Labor Hcrvf!," said one stwlent, W. S<'ott !Inmliu, n11rnngm· ol • • • tlw Lansing ofrler! of the Soclul Auditor Geneml VIctor 'l'at'gllll· Seellrlty ArlmlniHit'lltion, sn\d Combined UnderiCha nge in law sld ,l11sl rceeiverl an UlllH'eee· that his orrlr•· polities 1111d Jaws topsy·ttu·v:,· In dress, includilrg- oil'l'!'l IIIHI num· the cnntmvcrsy an! the wori' said Democratic plans news this wee Ill X sale were the l11nd wrillen applications frnm a vntcr would have given workers--nil wclcom£~ II. ca1wr~IIPd, CA~II'Eit~ HWI'UHN uo~m for a ballot. Previously, com· WOI'itel's--50 pet• cent of their reg· The Michlr{nn Tourist Council wnuld revert to tlw stall~. tlw Jtl!v, l'aui·Arnold anrl Clwrlr~s munltles of Jess than 5,000 popu· A & P Executive ular earnings during Idle perinrls. told legislators It would usc the trcnsUI'Cr and his bondsman Swartout dt'OV!~ to Whltbar:i( lnll(l lation were not required tn use Republicans say theit• plan al· full $•1•1,000 lncrcnse In Its 19:J£i. would be llnhle for· tlw cost of m•:tr Greenville Mnndny morning :J7 pm· I wrillen applications. ready dor~;; t ltn t. hudgr~t (ot· advertising anrl rc·nrlv!!rtlslng he subsequent s111L• to rl'tun1 Mason campr~rs to thr~lr motional activities. and for till! interest wlticil the lwnws. 'l'bl! y ntng- JH'ople hnd nt.· A ma,lm·Jty of the members of Will Take Over Heallsls ami those wltil nrldin;: 1 Ralph W. Budd, president uf state lost by the delay, !tended l'reshytel'iun synod enmp litr. election board must. he prPs· machlrws say both are rig-ht. ex· ent. at all timeS', compared with As College Head ccpt tltat Williams is refcnlng lo Great Lalws GrcyhoLIIHI lines and As n emwning opinion, 1\av.r· for 11 weelc Those 111 tenrlin~-: wepe lite p1·cvious requirement t.hut :J t alw·home pay and Repu blieans a·tlme dwil·m11n of tile coundl, nagh said that if trensurcrH failed Kathy and Man::aret . Brown, be present..' Stanley F. Dole, t n•astll'!~l' of to gmss wages. snid "Wr• want In assure till' leg-· to follow the Jette!' of till! tax Mlll'Y Al'llolrl, Suzy Swartout, islatLtre the money will he spent sale law, a petition would Jw Vaughn Snook, Brian Ragnn and Election inspectors must sub· A & P Fond Stores' <'Plllrnl west· Hepuhlleans ~ay 1 he hrmef'lt In· I ern division, will ret in~ AtlgUsl ·1 ns we pl'omi~Nl wlwn the Increase started foJ' their removal. II larry Swartout.. mit 11 written application before crl!ase gives Michigan the "best was granted." nppointmcnt, stating pnlltl!·al af· after 3•1 years of SPI'Vil'e wit !1 tlw unemplnymcn t cnmpenHa t ion Iaw filiation, education, experience, fond elwin and liPt'OifiP vi1'C presi· In nny industrial state." Williams and nllwr Information. dent. of Olivet co!Jegr•. r!alls it " pitiful" anrl says the Willie worldng- on the general summer tourist !'Cason at the nor· Challengers must now be regis· Dole bas hcr'n for nl'arly a average boost. Is 71 cents. m:il concr~ntrntlon, the council 1ered electors of the city or town· qual'lcl' o[ a century trPasun•r of Tbat pai'L of tile arg-ument is the division whil'i1 :otiate peace, and thouglt it is second to Maey's in pens at ion from otherwise receiv· of the new un~verslty, has or· us will get your clothes elections. chapter and member of the a served with a group that reported l!oor spnec I only •W acresl, Hud· ing income while idle. Republl· dered ~lwt. statiOnery HUpplles, picked up, cleaned and State party conventions can be Little Hoover commission of In President Wilson on its mis· son's goes ahead of Mncy's in cans are in favor of the changes. cufet.ena dishes and other Items ~ion to South Hussia to observe dollar volume of sllles, Hudson's Williams hinted at the possi· bearing the nlcl name he used up pressed to perfection and the civil Will' between the Bol· tal,es in lls much as a million and biiity of Republicans· raising- before the n~\~·;ramc replnce· delivered to you in jig shevii

·them.have £ales' of more.than a at.the-Fowlerv1lle fair;'· ., · · ~.k~~·~~~Th~~~~oo~~oo~~6~~~-~~~-~-~~~-~~~~;~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~I ' ' ' ' ' ' ,,-' .' • •'. '·' ' ':: ' ;' '• ~ ·~ ' Yonngslnt·~ A1•e nl. Ohm·ch Camp l;'lomnPe nnd Lloyll Suplmn, Gathering Honors Don Anrhwson of Ann Arbot• Dansville Relatives Attend ! s1wnt 'rhm·sduy und Friday with MnJ'In Cm·lnml,Jimmy nnrll\oith Janet Briggs MA 3-2372 Monr·u ucr:ornpnnled l~ev, !IIlli Mrs, Melvin Batl"ige Mrs. Hosa Audorl!on, Final Rites for Mt•s. lflu•t•y Moorl! lo l~llnl In the Mt•rJ. Mr.lvln Bnlllgu wnR hnn· Mr. uud Mrs, Paul Coi't'mnn and Chl'lstlnn Youth Crusndnrs unmp. omcl 111 a hlrlhduy pm·t,v l•'rillny ErhJ oJ' Dl!trult, Mt·s. Lum·n Buch· nnvfll Jlnlii•J'H i\J'tl Huuorml Tlw Yllllltg pcuplo Will !Je l"lilinrJ ntt nrl<. Family Reunion Wl'l'r> Stlllliuy cullers of Mr. and llChool·Mondny David Dil•hl, borml Funet•nl };erl'lr•os werr. helcl :;undny.. July 3, Mr. nnrl Mt·s. Mr. nnrl Mr•s ..lnitn Ctll'l'illl anrl Mrs. A. ,J. Miller. . prl'sidont for llw PIIRI. :i yonrs, Church Youths Werlnesclay at I :DO p. rn. at lito Aellwn Wilt rmlerlulrwrl at tlwlr· boys ~pent 'l'UPHdn>• Htrrl IV••dn~r.· was re·oleclorl lo liw llrmnl ol' Hurpm··Mulllclnn funeml hom1! In Eusr C11lumhln home! :H mc:rnbers duy with .Mr. nnrl Mrs. A.·B. A friend who doesn't 11dur.nrlon. Only .I !l vorns wr:n: Highland Pnrlc or the Will family. Braman. ' 1Hlllltelltlrtg· Is really 11 friend. cast, nil going fm· Diehl. Attend Game The GrcetroughR nnrl Mrs. Guesls wem Mr·. and MnJ. llow· The new horml of l!fiur•ntlon Hex, l•:vr•lyn nnrl Hnymond Lnughlln plan to slny until lite nnl Will nnrl family nurl David wns org-nnlzed with Dnve Dildll, end of I he wrJr!ll. 'l'own~enrl, Mr. r11ul Mrs. Acllwn Stevens ol' DeWit 1, Mr. am! Mr·~. July 14, 1954 prcslrlant; Hurol•l Wing, rr·coas· Will, Owron Baehmnn, Clifford Olen Witt rtnrl family of Sl. urer; .Jet•t·y Mc:Cahe, Hl!l!t"l!lnry; and .Jnel< Allen, Mr. 1111d Mrs. Mt•. unci Mt·s. Ernest fileller .Johns, Mr·. nnd Mrs. Howard of and Rex 'l'ownseml nml Clwrlt!H D11vlrl Dh!hl 1111d ,John, ami Rob· were Sunday I'Vrmlng guPsl:t Burge~·s 1111ri sons uml Mt•. nml Weeks, trustees. err 'l'hompsott aer:ornpnnied 22 Mt'. nnd Mrs. Vl'rrr Slrtl<'t' nnd Mt·s. Rodm·icl; Clark of Mason, nwmbct·s qf tlw .Junior· depart· son, Nile, who was dlsd1argerl Mr. 111111 Mrs. I·lnl'l'y Stonr and ment o[ llw Methodist dmt·ch lo from lire army .July 2. sons and Mt·. lltHI Mrs. Puul Coff· Delmlt Sarut·duy. .Jess·fc Mullin and Mrs. Hilln mun uud l~r·Je of Dnlrolt, Lc:onurrl Boosters Plan 'l'lw gmup had a plr•nlc lunch Rog-e1·s were• Wednesday visitors Cuffmnn nf Llvnnln rmrl Mr. and al Kensington metmpolllnn pnr·l<, of Mrs. Bessie 'l'ttrnbull. Mt·s. Paris Witt and family. nc•ar· Novl. Tc:r. crenm wns served Mrs. C!nrenrr! Kemler and ehll· Annual Auction tire group by Mr·. and Mrs. Diehl. cirrn of Wehlwrvlllr. we:·e fo'rldny Mr. ami Mrs. Wllllnm Nlswong· Sixty memhers of . Dansville Following llw Jurwh lhey at· vlsltot•s of Mrs. Blmsle •rurnbull. rr and son, Lloyd, nnd Mr. nnrl Mrs. Nnthan . Lantis. of Muson FRIDAY-SATURDAY JULY 15-16 Methodist BrHJ~Ir!I'S duh had a tended lite Dell"flil·l\ansas City Mrs. Henry Mltdwlliind daugh· spent sevet•al ."LfiiYll' ill· noithern pli:nic "dinner ut McCormil:k park, !Jail game at Bl"lggs sladium. lers, .Judy and Sue, ami .Joyl'e · Williamston, Wednesday evcming. Sherwood or Paltersrm lal;e were Mldtigun last, .wee!<. · . . . . FREE! Delu~e· Bicycle_ FREEl The· meeting was callr•d lo ordl•r Mbs Evelyn 'l'ulherl of DL'Irnlt 'J'hursday ILtlJChi!OII i~Lresls of Mr·. Wnni.Chnsrdrorn N~rlh,.'l'.q;w· Givon •way Qvery FRIDAY "NIGHT!·, Got your.JR(E tir.Lch from· your m•r· by Preslcil!nl Dorn Dlelrl. and Miss Lul'ilh! Wheeler were uml Mrs. Curl .Nelson. The Nel· wanda, New .Yorl<~ l~.cmnlng ·!:ial· "chonls. Oo orl han.dovory. Frid11y night •• YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY WIN· N(RI II costs nothlirg to win. ' · Carol Wing rrnd Mnrilyn Bur· SLilHiay visirnrs of Evelyn Town· sons were Sunday visilors of Mr.lurrlay to vistr his hrnlhr•r··ln·Jaw 1 semi. and Mrs ..Ttl SOli Clarl< of Wil· ami sister, Mr: and. Mrs. Ray gess from the junior dc!J><~r·tment TRIPLE FEATURE PROGRAM of the Methocllst church loid of Mr. and Mrs. A.. T. Miller were HE PLAYS A SWIMMINC CAME-Alft·cd Huber o! Austriu linrnston. Mid we! Nelson, who j Hartshorn. · · their week at Judson Collins Tuesday dinnct· gue:-;ls u[ Mt·. and Jooi(S more like an enthusiastic swimmer than a hard-playing had been with lite Clnrl! Haven Sunc~uy. lng. M1·. and Mr~. David Balwr and club will meet at Dansville town Mr. nnd Mrs. Hai•o!d Wing and Smilh. Ueunlon l\1-eets FLYING ·TIGERS Mrs. Judson F'elton called on Mrs. . I hall Friday, July 15, at 8:00 p. m. family wcr·e guests of Mr. Ulld Plans for the auction sale were 0 The Smith reunion met at John .Wayne;; John ·Carroll discussed and the following com· Rudy Huschke of Webherville Free Met h dISts Mrs. J{enneth Bibbins will Rhow Mrs. Raymond Hnd1latz· and fam· Sa rurclay. . Dansville lawn hall Sunday. Flfly. mit tee was named: genera( chait·· • !two guests were present from slide~ of her day lilies. ily of Wllliarriston· last Monday. man,.Dorn Diehl; rummage, Mr·s. Duvid Baker eelelwaled his 85th El ec t OffICers i Freesoil, Ludington, Lansing, DIAL M FOR MURDER David Diehl unrl Mrs. Eugene birthday anniversary Friday, Byron, Flint, Sunfield and Dans· ·Ray Mill and· Grace Kelly Manning; balwd goods, Mr·s. .July 8. The annual soc!ely meeting of ville . ------Aethen Wilt and Mrs. Donal the Dansville Free Methodist .SUNDAY-MONDAY JULY 17-18 Parl(s; Jlick-up, Hex 'l'oWIISC!llrl Mrs. Bes~il' Oiso~ spenl scvct:al church met Wednesday evening Roy Ilrant of l~rcesoll and hi~ and Merle Swan. The M. Y. f.'. days last weel; With her· son·tn· and elected officers lo sr.t·vo Jot· son, 'Lafayertr Brant of Ltuiing· THE FAR COUNTRY will have a food ~tanrl. Jaw and claughtet·, Mr. and MrB. I he next year. /ton, spent the wel'il end with James Stewart . Ruth · Roman lhcit· son-in-law and daughter, Tr·m;lpes arc Emery Frer.r, Wil· llwit• brother-in-law and sistet•, ROIIPT CI.OII!ICO Irvin Clements of Holl. l !lam Freiermuth ancl Leland uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. CAlL, WIU'f.ll oa Ul Youth Groups Join Mr. nnd Mr·s. Jr•lm Richards of Peninr., ~rewards are Mrs. E. D. Hohcrl Smillr. KISS ME .DEADLY Yo11ng, Mrs. Emery F'reer· ami William Smilh relumPd home A Mickey Spillane Time Bomb Delroit Rpenl rill! wr!el< end with -·-·------·-·--·------For Vesper Service Mr. and Mrs .•Tames Cr·umhalsnrt and· Mrs. Arthur· nnd Gnvin nud Mrs. Duris Os· Mr. nnrl Mn:. Slewart Gnble and Get.Our "leadership durihg our Sunday afternoon gut>sls of 1\11'. Bmoks ami Diane spent Saturday ' ' brn·m· spc•ol Su11day in Orlonl'iliP' family of Ypsil:lnli wrorro Sunday N.OWl '.. ·.:·. deal'~.· . and· M1·s. Paul I fcrlglen. h::ttlly anrl Sunday wilb Mrs. Brook's visiling Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Crn~s· giiPsls of Mr. :rnd 1\'fr·s. G. E. ~~- Hedgleu Wl'nl home with tlte par·ents. Mr. and Mrs. E:al"i Doug. mnn. M:rnnin:,:. Millhouse~ for sew:r·al cl:1ys. lim; of .Montague. Willi:rm Ainslie will :;ing :t solo ------Mr. and Mrs. Ken CLJIIly 11'1'1'1' P:rlly Crurnbaket· Is spr.nding Sundlly m. orning ar rile DansvilleJ1 Mr. and Mrs. William Nis· Salurday t!Vening guests of Mr·. IIH! wrPk al F'a·llu·Lo pari(, As· Mr:iiHrdisl ehun:lr. Wtlllgl't" und son. Lloyd, altrnrlell an!l Mrs. Hobert Hess. j sembly nf Gnd girl:-: camp at Mr. and Mt·:-:. David Winl

', j' 1,:'' Is substantial, except tor luu· ·l State Farm Firm hands- nge 21·24 Jiving • with spm1se, 'rha age of famnlo )Jrln· Vevay Township Zoning Ordinance clpal operators cloes not affect Lowers Some Rates rates, · New low Hlltn lnsllrnnce ralcs, An nnllnnncr. Iu PHiuhllsh ~Ditfng rlfstrfciH nnd rr.gulnlfons gov· (b) Stntclurcs for the sheller, care and p1 otcclfon of fowl~. appmverl by Mlchlgnn cnmmls· James P. Warfield ernlng lht! unfnr·orporntcd portions of Vcvny 'l'ownshlp, Inghnrn horses nncl pels uwncrl and used hy uccupants nf tlw ltremlses sinner of Insurnt]cc ,Joseph A, only. County, Mkhlgun, In nccrmlnncc with llw provisions or Ar.t 181 Nnvnrl·a, startl'd Monday for of the Public APIS n! 1!113, ns nmcndcrl to provide !or thn rogulnllon (l'J Fowl nnd smull unfmuls muy be lwpt ot• raiser! as un Dies of Heart Attack accessory 11sr•. most pollr•yholdoi'H of one lending of non-confotmlng uses, to pmvlrlc building rcf(ufrcmr.nts for the nuto lnsurnnce Pompany, Mleltl· ,Jumes P, Wnrllald, 4!1, riled nt various zones, lo rcgulalc land uses In the various ~ones, to provide Section il.3- "C" COMM811C!AL ZONES gnn motorists Insurer! by S!nlc IIIgfrlnnrl Parlt Sunrlny cnroute tor the Issuance, usc nnd lapsing o[ hu!lrllng permits uno the collcc· (1) "C" Commerclul Zones shall he suh.IPcl lo lite sumo l•'nrm Mutunl Automobile Insur· to II!gfrland Park Gcncr·nl hos· tlon of !ccs therefor, to provide pennlti!Js nml remedies for violation reslrlctlons n~ to usc, height nnd nrcn ns "B" fleHI!lentfnl Zones and, uncc company will :-;hnra savings 1 1 o! this Ordinance, to provide for the ndmlnlstratlon of this Ordl· In arlrfllfon, lite foflowln!( shall be pcrmlttad: of $670,000 yearly, comps, or such as mny hnve an unsightly nppenr· sure ems with no mnle opcmtor years. He belonged to Hlghlnnd ha ancc or cause any nu !sa nee to adJoining properties. under aga 23 nnr\ In olrle1· modal P.trk Prcshytcrlnn church and st, TIJE 1'0WNSHII' JIOAitn 01•' VIWAl' 'J'OWNSIIJI', INGHAM (1) Adequate ptovlslon for off street parlllnr: of motor cars, Wilson nrlrlod. llatt•s for was a member of the Masonic 1, COUN'I'\', JIIWIIIGAN, OltnAINS: vehicles shall he provided. liahlltty r·nwr.tge will now he lodge. Alt'riCUC I th1 Any l1lnrl of manu!nclme or trcatm<•nl of prorltwts figured under a new 4-group plan, lie Is su1·vivcd hy the widow, ciPIII"iY lnclrlcnlnl lo llw l'otHiuet of a rPtnll huslncss conrlucled 1 'l'I'l'LI~ ANn l'I:Jrtl'OSg :~~~~:~~~~/, ~~l'h~t~l~:~~ ~:~~ve~·~ ~.~;~ !Jelen Laughlin Warllclrl, daugh· on lhP prcmlsPs, provided lhnt the manufrwturc and trentm·cnl Is , ter of Mrs. Ralph M. Lnughlln of Section 1.1 -TITLE nol unsightly, noisy, odorous to parsons In adjacant ynrds, st reels or buildings. A new stC'p dnwn plan for com· Mason, Mr. Warfield was a This Ordlnnncc shnll he lwown and ciled as Vevny Township prehcnslve and ('()lllslnn lnsur·· hrothcr-ln·faw of MrH. A. Q, Zoning Ordlnnncc No. l. nnce sets tlpr,tles thai rfrnp twice Gr·ecnough D.msvllle, Section 1.2- PURPOSE Section :J.4- INDUSTHIAL AND MANUFACTUHING ZONE or The funrlarnentnl pm·pose or I his QrrlluaiH'C Is to Pstnhllsh zones, (1 l Industrial and Manufacturing Zones shall he suhjeC'I to all as the r•ar gets older, once when l~uncral services wore at Har· zoning regula! ions and gencl'lll hulldlng tPstrfrotlons, as authorizer! by l'estt·lctlonH as to constr·ucllon nnd occupancy of rcsldencPs lml such tlw rm· Is 2 moriPI yeats old nnrl [H!r·Mulllgan funet·ai home, High· 1 Act 181, Puhllr· A<'ls r1f 1!11:! as amended, ftJI' lite pn!scrvntlon of llw mstrlct Ions shall no! be enforced against llw erect ion, ope rat ion, use GIANTS' TOOLS-That's what the huge spiltc, at lcCt, and the ngaln when It Is 1 nwriPI ycnrs lanrl Parlt, Wcrlnesday at 1:00 p. ~nd malntcnnnce of sll"Ltl'lut·eK ref(uirf'd hy the owner In lhUI 11< mgs e10c 1cc 1 tn or u <1 mgs move 111 1o . • · • 1-Day · be made and approve< am petmt tssucc e ore res ora Of"! Is V T . · . • II . f . th · . I tit· more than $100 00, or by both such tine and impt·isonment and we still give you · begun. Any such building damaged to the extent of Jess than s1xty _cvay owns 111 P s 1ta con Ol m 10 c reqmremcnts o 1 s or< 1I· Section G. __ REMEDJE:S 2 ((10% J per cent of its appraised value may he restore!] upon the n,Jnce. I A 1· r f 11 . . r 1 . 11 1 1, 1 . . ! anr'<' of" hllllding permil by the Board o! Appeals. The extent ~21 Ptlhl_ic shows, meeting~. cntctlainmen_ts, exhi\Jitions or sc anr~~h~"~·~,::;:: ~l•ow:;:h7 ~< ~~;:,r;~r ~~-~·~n/~n~i~·~~~e~,;;z~t~11 ~~~~e!~l~~ 11 111 1 Service or the damnge as hct cin contemplated shall he rletermmed by thai re 1gtous se~VIces rna~ n~t hen he! b fi~h~ o~eln air ?; unr ~r canva~ · ~r.l Ion in ·tny cr;t·trt of !'r;mpetPn; jurisrl;et ion to 'l'"tusc t j,·P •til"; iem,cnt Boarrl of Appeals and its decision shall be fi~al, suhj~ct only to unless ~ wrtllhen abPlJ. Clltl onl .~,rsft e s' ~de w 1: t 1.e owh 11 6 !ll Clcr ~f sndt vlnlntinn Thts remedy shall· he availahl; it; adrltt;m; to ju!licial review m the event of abuse of thscretwn by sat!l Board. anr a 1 1ccnsa e o tamec I tare or. Ill app 1tcatton s a1 I state the . . S,, . . • No lost film or mixups name or· names of the applicant or applicants, the nature of the set forth 111 cellOn G. 1 1wrcm;, , , activity and the proposed site, together with a statement signed by AHI ICLJo, VII AHTICU~ III TRY IT TODAY- SEE FOR YOURSELF the owners or occupants of stxry-five (65%) per cent of the Janel TO\VNSIIII' INSl'gc·ron USE, lJJ~IGII'l' AND AlmA m:GULA'l'ION:S Within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the boundanes of the Scclion 7.1 --APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES ::icclion 3.1- "A" RESIDENTIAL ZONES proposed site, imlicating their willingness to have such activity con· The Board of Vevay Township shall : tlte filing of the decisiOn of said Board with lhr least fifty (50%) )ler" cent of the floor area of the second and Vevfly Township Clerk, appeal such decision to tile Circuit Court other Iloors. hereof: ~I for the CountJ' of Ingbam. Such appeals may be on questions of law (bl Have windows with glass area equal to not less than TheN y,, of Section 25 and the S % of Section 24, also all of that 1 and fact. len (]0% l per cent of the floor araa of each room. part of Section 24 lying E of the 4 line and S of Dexter Trail. Also the N 'h of Section 21. (c) Have a mintmum area Included within Its outside Alt'I'ICU~ IX dimensions . of six .hundred (6001 square feet on the first Seetlon 4 3 - "C" COMMERCIAL ZONE AMJ~NDJIU:N'l'S floor, exclusive of lillY attached garage, porcll or breezeway; The followmg lands shall be included In the "C" Commercial Section n I -- i\MI~NDMJ~NT 01~ ORDINANCE provided, however, that any dwelling having more than one Zone, as Indicated on the map attached hereto and· made a part Tlus Onltnance may be .tmcnded in ac'Corrlancc with floor above the ground may have a minimum area of five hun· the provl drcd (500) squqre feet on the fi1·st lloOI', hereof: slons of Act 181, Public Acts of 1!143, as amended. YOU'LL SAY THIS TOO, Northeast one-fourth of Section 6. (d) Be equipped with udequatc water-carrted sewage dis· AR'fiCU~ X when you try the WD-45 on PTO-driven harvesters. posal facilities to comply with all Ingham County Sanitary Section 4.4 - INPUSTHIAL AND MANUFACTURING ZONE l'ii\VImANCI~ CLAUSI~ With the hand clutch, you can ease through rough Regulations In effect. at the of erection of said d_welllng. The follpwlng land shall be included In the Industrial and Manu· tim~ Scclion 10.1 -INVALID SECTIONS spots or heavy tangled growth with smooth-as-oil con• ( 5) The installation; of all electrical work, Including equip· facturing zone: The north 660 feat of that part of the north one· Should rmy section, clnttsc or provision of this Ordinance lw half (% l of Section 16 lying east of the rlght·of·way of the New declat·ed hy !he Court to be invalid, the same shall not affect the trol. And your harvester is constantly under full ment, shall In every case be done In a safe and workmanlike man· Yorlc Central railways, . ' power from the PTO. ner. The regulations of the National Electrical Code, 1953 Edition· . vahrllty o( the OrditMncc as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so

Faraner Pede's Wife

leo Cl'lllllll lim ultl·l'uahlouCII way.

nunty hu8lne~s lu lhrlvlug,

Sully'fl leM~un lu Clllllllll~slou,

Mnybt> doing anything onee to snv!! Jlwm. I had told her 'doesn't pro1•e anything! Rut twl~e tiH!t'C were babies In them.... ~his weelt·wr!'Ve done it. Now we t•vt•n thou~-:h I did 1101 lmow If Jtnow lt can be rlonP. 1111d Wt!'ll IH! they wew alive! or not. That WIIH doing It ngnln. It's nwnufact Ill'· enough for IH.'I'. Slim ropes of 0 lng our own Jcr! to mnlnY. for first hal~ LB, to leun upon to suppurt my an· coaxed ;; more chlclts to life until of 1955. Since. the tnx money Is cai'II.inrl.lcd for tlls!rii.Jutiim to "tlUb!ic' LB. 49c Hque frame ... and h!!lp hide tlw every egg but one tiny marble schools !hroughout.l\IIchlgun, cash wus used Instead of llic,usunl cliccl' Frying Chickens Smoked Picnics 43c grin. lwd p1•oduced a chick. to dmmalize (he rallrouds'·lliK coti!rl~litioti to. school supjto~t. · ,, . · a.oz;. 29c SUPER RIGHT BEEF, , Pete sulci we'd he• mnl.· ~~. ·15c .Frankfurters SKINLESS All MEAT LB. 47c a perfectionist. .. o1· rwtH!xpel'i· Tlwse 5 chlcl