![Ingham County News Hill Undt•IWI!Nl Surgery on Thurs· Leave Soon After Returning to He Streets by the Vlllage Beyond the Set at 180 Days](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Mason Band Will Entertai11 At Concert Friday Night Mnsop's hanrl will plqy Its first ' concert of the summer Ji'rlrlny •, nll{ht. The hand will piny on the court nousc lawn, stnrtlng at 7;30, Gr.orge Murthum, rllrccjor of News Index the. Mason school band, Inviter! Voters Choose Want 'ails, Pages 6, 7 and Deputies Agree: B, Part 1., Social news, Pages 4 and 5, 2 Schools Ask Bell to Serve Part 1 i Page 4, Pnl•t 2. To Go Slow on Editorials, P11ge 2, Part 4,, Consideration (?arm newll, Pages a, 4 and In School Post 5, Part 4. Salary Demand Legal news, Page S, Pnl'l i: To Join Mason Page 6, Part 3; Pug~ 6, PaJ•t Altlwugh llwy stIll l'l!luln <1. nwmher~hip In a CIO union, Directors of Nld10ls 8chool In ingltnm rlc!pltlles hiiVI! agreed Deihl . and Gretton In Aurelius nnl lo hurry sulary demandl'l appeared before Mason's school with the hoard of supet·vlsors. board Wedncsclny night to tnll1 Wheat :·Quality Thai's wlwt Deputy Rogm· MltSS· merger. Ralph Hurt of Nichols man, spnl\esmnn fo1' rleputlr-s, and Morytcle Snow of Gretton suld following a meeting of the asltcd tlult the Mason hoard con· Tops All P·revious hoard of SLIIWr\'IHOi'H Tuesday. slder annexation. Police Round Up And thnl wns the gist of what Nlcliols now has 37 pupils In ,;uta•! vi sot' I iuhm·t Bullen oC the first 5 grades and Grelton Ingham Harvests· Alii'C'lliiH I'CljlOrl erl IIH ellllll'mlln huH 35 In the first 6. Boys and Bombs of the wnys nnd m«:!nns c•ommll· Other schools which have rc· Mn~on polke and nheriff's ~Jf· Ice of the hoard. cently shown Interest In merging llccrs mumled up 7 lei hal <•fillltl Mus::;man ml•t with the salaries with Mason, sulci Supt. James II. IJOmbs and moJ'r! than Ihat many :111d wnys anrl mcnns commit· Vander Ven, are Walters, 40 In !Joys Wcrlncsrtay. !Pes. 11«! said thnt he and other first 6 'grades; Harper, 35 In The bombs were stolen from rleputiP~ have been Invited tu first 5; and Webb, 46 In first 5. the office of clw scr•r elary al llw llJliHlllr before the :.l committees . Faced with crowding within fairgrounds, used at fair mnc In ut the August !J mcr!tlng of the its own system, the Mason boarrl call allentlon to special nc•ts. hmll'fl. Supcr·vi~ot· Bullen said thnt recently decided to cut back by Harry S(Jcnn~· L!lscovcrcrl Ill!' one grade all ou tsldc pupils now snlr.rit·~ arc fixed at the llJlnual IJrcal<·ln at tlw scr·l·cl nry's oflir'c fall mct!llllg of the board, sched· being tal1cn at ~ason. Rural Wednesday moming nne! r.•alizerl schools which have been r.:!t!Uc· the dangm 1f Ihe !Joys wlw tool1 ulc•d to begin this year Septcm· IJcr t!l, All ~nlary mailers will lng their own load by sending the bombs at templed to sf' I llwm 6th, 7th anrl 81 h gmde pupils off. He callf'd In ol fieen;. They tw put over until thrm, he slated. He pointer! out that lnst October w111 be permitted to send only soon found iloys who k.H'W ~IJnut when the ~alnry scale was 7th and 8th pupils next year. To the homiJ,; nnrl talc in tiJr• nftcr· adupiPcl the ~herlfr's department handle all their own children, noon hart rounded L'P 1i of. I he many districts may have to pro· dcviPcs. The sPw!nl h was re· rarer! !Jetter than any other. vide addlllonal room and another ported late WrdtH!HriHy 11ighl. AI 1he morning session Tues· teacher, Vander Vcn said. rlay SupervlsnJ· Robert Klocl1 of 'l'hc bombs, callr.rt tor·pcrlons. Lansing 1old colleagues pollee ':At the Wednesday night board arc about as big ns tennis balls. offit'Cl's sltould not be under un· meellng a resolution was adopted They arc filled with TNT, C<~p· irm coni ml. offering to trade parcels of 3 lain Vcrsile 13al)('ock of IIJC slwr· "If the board of supervisors farm land with the Okemos dis· Iff's department said, containing .. provide~ living salaries and cases trlct. Mrs. Helen · Cooper, fa\' enough to blow off a leg or ann. worldng eondillrms, lnteJ·cst of north In Aluicdon, wants her Entry to the secretary's offil'c deputle::; in union organizntlons farm transferred to the Okemos was made by smashing a Will; . will drop," Supervisor Klnclt dlstl'lct. Basil Fruin and Fred dow, Captain Babcot'k sairt. YOUNG READERS usu~llr become good readers, according to said. Reading from a list pro· Wlcl1hnm on Doble road, on the vlrlcd by deputies, the Lansing tar south of the! Ol1emos district, Miss Lucile Pr.:~tt, bookmobile ibr.:~rian for the county library. Each week day, Miss Pr4tt loads up the bookmobile with popul4r and supervisor recited that deputies wnnt to be transfermd to Ma· Working Crews want salaries of between $4,000 son.· history books and stops at country schools and recreatio~. programs Air ··Force Sets throughout the county. In the picture, Miss Pratt is shown with some and $4,GOrl, instead of lhe $3,300 'l'om Ke1·ry of the stat£! d.:!· Near Finish of to $3,!100 they now r·eceive. They partmcnt of public Instruction of the children who met the bookmobile at Horsebrook school 'west alsn want worl<ing hours reduced conferred with Mason ' boat·d Third GOC Try of Lc:msing this week. Miss Pratt and her bookmobile travel hun. to, •10 IHJLII'S per week Ins tend member·s Wednesday night over clreds of 'miles e.:~ch week to meet children at the designated spots. Legion Building Undaunted by 2 previous fail· 1 of I he present 48 minimum posslblll tics of expanding the In some cases, it's the children's only encouragement to form good which they claim runs to 4,000 urcs, the air fon·e is going 1n Working parties of men and Smith-Hughes agricultural and rQ.:~ding h.:~ bits, Miss Pr.:~tt stated. (Ingham Co, News photo.) mnximum. The average deputy farm shop programs. make a third try to establish a women a1·e finishing tasl<s at ground observer corps at· Mason. the new American Legion build· wage is now $3,750, Supervisor lng north of town. Klrll'k said, which forces depu· Officers witt come frnm the uir lies to work part-time In other force GOC filler center at Grand Last Saturday ·and Sunrlny, and al other times throLJgh lhc .lobs. Rapids next Wednesday night to Tlw Lansing Sltpervisor, again .Birney District explain the need and help shape Welfare Load Climbs Up week, volunteer wot·kcJ·s have fJeen engaged with shovels, axes, rearli ng from a list provided by I j the program. Representatives ri<'puties, listed average family Debate.s Merger have been in Mason to map pas· sicl<les and ral<es <JUiside, with saws and haJTimcrs inside, and expenses as: Blue Cross, $120: slble sites, favoring one west of income tax, $360; retirement, · At the annual school meeting Cedar Street elementary school. Despite Full Employment with pain 1 bntshes both inside Monday night patrons of the and outside, reported Commnnd· $180; house payments, $720; Next Wednesday night's· meet:,. cleaning and pre!islng, $200: - Binney district In Bunker Hill ing will' be, In the' supervisors ·Even ··tltough· all -itidices sho·w supplem'ent ADC, old uge as~i:S· eJ' F'rank Schmidt. Aimlhel' Jull discussed merger with the Ing· fncreased employment, welfare tance and aid to the blind cases. schedule has been map'pcd out rood, $!100; heat, $200; ca1' pay: room on the third floor of the ment, $600; · gasoline for· car, ham Township Agrlt!ultural for Saturday and Su'nday llu~ court house, announced Scanley .costs this year are ahead of last, Minnis said he presented the $1'1'1; PJ'opcJ·ty taxes, $100; cloth· school district. Cornwell and Dr. 0. K. Pauley, Ingham supervisors learned report to keep supervisors posted week. With the Influx of famllles ·The hardwood floor Is to be ing for family, $50; gas and co·chalrmen. Tiley said that extra Tuesday. on welfare needs. Last October, lights, $120; car license, $10; working In mint and onions, the efforts have been marle to have laid in the main audilm·ium and Birney district now has between For' the first 6 months of 1955 Minnis said, the direct relief doctor and dentist bills, $25; representatives of civic, fraternal all the trim Is to be painted. Joy 40 and 50 pupils, and the build· Ingham county spent· $586,384.281 budget request of $210,000 was haircuts anrl beauty parlor trent· and church organizations present on direct t•ellef and sLC!al welfare. pared to $165,000 with the under· 0. Davis is chairman of lllC ing Is small. flool'ing committee. He is asking ments fot· family, $7B; and life at the meeting. · For the first 6 months last year standing that more money would insurance, $70. Those who attended Monday all men who know how to lay night's meeting said the senti· the total was $483,645.54. be available if ne'eded. With full flooring to lend a hand, wlwllu:!r The items added up to $.'3,877 ment expressed there ilppeared 'l'he bureau of social aid spent employment now taking effect, or not they are members of the nnrl Je[t deputies short of meet· to be about equally divided be· $821.,167.30 for the first 6 months Minnis- staled; the $165,000 may Legion post.
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