A list of works of art, scientific and technical drawings, photographs , and prints and pictorial works for which renewal registrations were made du ring the period covered by this issue. Arrangement is alphabetical under the name of the claimant of renewal copyright. Information relating to both the original and the renewal registration is included in each entry. References from the names of joint claimants and authors and from variant forms of names are interfiled.

BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE) INC . Mortal tournament . Release: A Tarzan . App l . author: Edgar Rice Bur - ­ Sep t . 26, 1943. © 23Sep43 ' K92293. roughs, Inc . , employer for hire of 24Feb71; R504766 . ' AMICK , ROBERT W. Burne Hogarth . © Edgar Rice Bur ­ Mysterious jewel . Release : Feb . 28 roughs, Inc . (PWH) 1943 . © 25Feb43; K92284 18Feb7~ ' Man O'War . See NEW YORK GRAPHIC R504785 . . ..., SOCIETY , LTD . An ally rejected. Release : Aug. 29, Whirlaway. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC 1943. © 26Aug43 ; K92275 . 24Feb7~ A new assault . Release: May 2, 1943. SOC IETY , LTD . R504793 . © 29Apr43; K92287 . 18Feb71' The Amazons . Release : June 2T, R504716 . ' 1943. © 24Jun43 ; K92268 . 1 9F e b7~ Peri l ahead . Release : Oct. 24, 1943. AS HLEY (AARON) INC. R504786 . © 210ct43;K92269. 24Feb71; Daffodi ls by Paul J . Immel . Beasts of battle . Release : Apr . 25, R504787 . © 30Dec43 ; H2644 . Aaron Ashley, 1943 . © 22Apr43; K92286 . 1 8 F e b7 ~ Inc . (PWH) ; 8Feb71 ; R500695 . The pirates . Release: JUly 4, 1943 . R504775 · © IJu143; K92297 . 24Feb71' Hea rt of the Smokies, by Ruthven H. Bold tactics . Release : Aug. 15, R504770 . Byrum. © 30Dec43 ; H2648 . Aaron 24Feb7~ Ashley , Inc . (PWH); 8Feb71 ; 1943. © 12Aug43 ; K92288 . Plan for action . Release : Dec. 19, R500699 . R504777 . 1943 . ~ 16Dec43; K92302. 24Feb7~ Conflict . Release : Dec . 12, 1943 . R504757 . Helenium and Coriopsis, by Paul J . © 9Dec43; K92304 . 24Feb71 ; Immel . © 30Dec43 ; H2645. Aaron Plan for combat . Release: Sept . 5, Ashley , Inc . (PWH); 8Feb71; R504759 . 1943. © 2Sep43; K92299. 24Feb71; R500696 . Couriers of evil. Release : Nov. 28, R504772 . Indi ana , morning sun on Lake Wawasee, 1943. © 25Nov43; K92.3 06 . 24Feb7 ~ Reward for evil . Release : Dec. 26, by Ruthven H. Byrum. © 31Dec 43 ; R504761 . 1943 . © 23Dec43 ; K92279. 24Feb7~ H26 92 . Aaron Ashley, Inc . ( PWH) ; Day of battle . Release : Sept . 19, R504780 . 8Feb71 ; R500700 . 1943 . © 16Sep43; K92291 . 24Feb71; Secret champions . Release: Sept . 10 Marguerites , daisies , by Paul J . R504764 . 1943. © 9Sep43; K92276. 24Feb71; Immel . © 20Dec43; H2646 . Aaron Defiance . Release : Oct . 17, 1943. R504794 . Ashley, Inc . (PWH); 8Feb71; © 140c t 43; K92280. 24Feb71 ' Sharing his fate. Release : May 23, R500697 . R504781 . ' 1943. © 20May43 ; K92272. 19Feb71; Single camellia, by Paul J . Immel . Drums of doom. Release : Dec . 5, R504790 . © 30Dec43 ; H2647 . Aaron Ashley, 1943 . © 2Dec43 ;K92278 . 24Feb71 ' Sinking. Release : Apr. 11, 1943 . Inc . ( PWH) ; 8Feb71 ; R500698 . R504779 . ' © 8Apr43; K92283. 18Feb71; Tenne s see by Ruthven H. Byrum. Fatal jewel. Release : June 13 , 1943. R504784 . © 22Nov43 ; H2619 . Aaron Ashley, © 10Jun43; K92305 . 19Feb71; Strange safari . Release : Oct . 31, Inc . ( PWH) ; 8Feb71; R500694 . R504760 . 1943 . e 280ct43; K92300. 24Feb7~ Fateful pact . Release : July 11, R504773 . 1943 . © 8Ju143 ; K92277. 24Feb71; Struck down. Release: June 20, R504778 . 1943. © 17 Jun43; K92273. 19Feb7~ Friendly f oe . Release : Aug. 1, 1943. R50479l. B © 29Ju143 ; K92294 . 24Feb71 ; BAPTI STE, JEAN . R504767 . The Sult an's court . Release: Aug. 22, 1943 . © 19Aug43; K92289. The dance . See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Hour of doom. Release : May 30, 1943. 24Feb71; R504762 . SOCIETY , LTD . © 27May43; K92281 . 19Feb71; R504782 . A tricky foe . Release : Apr . 18, 18Feb7~ BEC HER, ARTHUR. Invitation to capture . Release : 1943 . © 15Apr43; K92285. Champi on of l i be r t y . See MURPHY Aug. 8 , 1943 . © 5Aug43 ; K92290 . R504774 . (THOMAS D.) CO . 24Feb71 ; R504763 . Trouble brewing. Release: Nov. 7, Jungle kinsman . Release : Apr . 4 , 1943. © 4Nov43; K92271. 24Feb71; BERTHOUD . 1943 . © l Ap r43; K92282 . 18Feb71; R504789 . 19th century French clock. See R504783 . Ultimatum. Rel ease: Nov. 14, 1943 . FRICK COLLECTION , NEW YORK . The marauders return . Release : © IlNov43; K92270. 24Feb71; May 9, 1943 . © 6May43; K92274 . R504788 . 19Feb71; R504792 . Under attack . Release : Oct . 10, BONELLI, DANI EL LEONARD . Mij el's deceit. Release : J uly 25, 1943. © 70ct43 ; K92292. 24Feb71; Constel lation finder. Pt . l . 24Fe b7 ~ R504765 . © 20Ju143; 1- 33024. Daniel Leonard 1943 . © 22Ju143 ; K92295 . 8 R504768 . Unexpected f riends . Release : Oct. ~ Bonelli (AJ ; 22Apr71; R50571 . 1943 . © 30Sep43 ; K92298. 24Feb7~ R5 04771.

17'9 Jan.-June 180 WORKS OF ART

19th century French cl ock . [Gilt BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE) INC . -Con . bronze group surmounting case ] Tarz an . -Con . c By Lieutaud (?) - Berthoud ­ Vanquished . Release : May 16, 1943. CAFFI ERI , PHILIPPE, III . Caf f i er i ; 2 of f horses by Phil­ e 13May43; K92301. 19Feb71; 19t h ce ntury French clock . See lippe III Caf f ier i . © 14May43; Rs047S6. FRI CK COLLECTION, NEW YORK . J3 5425. Frick Col l e ct i on ( PWH) ' Warning . Release : Ju ly 18, 1943 . 29Apr7l; R5065 56. ' © lSJu143 ; K92296. 24Feb71 ; Pi et r o Arp.tino ; detail, he ad and RSo!i769 . CECE RE, GAETANO . chain . By Ti-t ian. © 14May 43; Tarzan. Appl. author : Edgar Rice The Coope r Union , fo ~~ ded 18'j9 . Port . of Pete r Coope r . © 27Apr .'+3; H2569. Frick Col lection (PWH); Burroughs , I nc . , employer f or hire 29Apr71; R505352 . of Rex Maxon. © Edgar Rice Bur ­ 041783. Gaetano Cece re (A) ; 2Apr71; R504939. st . Jerome; detai l , hands and book. r oughs , I nc . (PWH ) By El Greco . © l4May43; H2 566. No . Frick Col l ect i on ( PW H) ; 29Apr7l; 1063-1068 . Jan. 18, 1943 - J an . 23 , CHR IST I AN SCIENC EPUB. SOC IETY. R505349 . 1943. © l SJ an 43; K91S78. Portrait of Mary Baker Eddy, by Henry Sal i sbu ry Cat he dral from t he bis hop' S 14J an71; RS01233 · Stanley Todd. © 3Aug43 ; H2582 . ga rden ; detail, transept. By 1069-1074. Jan . 2S, 1943 - Jan. 30 , Chr ist i an Science Pub. Soc iety Cons table . © 14May43' H2 570. 1943. © 22J an43 ; K91S80 . Fr ick Col l ec tion (PWH); 29Apr71 ; 14J an71; RS01234. (PWH); 25Jan7 1; R499186. 1081-1086. Feb. 8, 1943 - Feb. 13 , R5053 53. CONSTABLE, JOHN . Temp t a t ion of Chr ist ; detail 4, city 1943. © SFeb43 ; K91S7S · 4Feb7 1; Salisbury Cathedral from the bish op' s at l ower l eft. By Duccio. RS01229 . © 14May43; H2571 . Frick Col lection 1087-1092. Feb. IS, 1943 -Feb. 20 , garden. See FRICK COLLECTI ON, 1943. © 12Fe b43; K91S76 . 4Feb7 1; NEW YORK . ( PWH) ; 29Apr71; R505354 . Wisdom and strength' detail, Cupid. RS01230 . By Veronese . © 14 May43; H2563. 1093-1098. Feb. 22 , 1943 - Feb . 27 , Frick Col lection (PWH); 29Apr71; 1943. © 19Fe b43; K91S77 · 4Feb7 1; 46 RS01231 . D R5053 . 1099-1104. Mar. 1, 1943 - Ma r . 6 , Wisdom and strength; deta i l , ha lf 1943. © 26Feb43 ; K91S66 . 4Feb7 1 ; DISNEY (WALT) PRODUCTIONS. l engt h. By Ver onese . © 14May43; RS01220 . Do I wish you a me r ry Chr istmas? H2573 . Frick Col lection ( PWH); 110S-1110. Mar. 8, 1943 - Ma r . 13, Donal d Duck . © 3Feb44; K57043 . 29Apr71; R505355 . 1943. © SMa r43 ;K91S73. 4Feb7 1; Pr oduc tions (PWH ); RS01227 . IlMar71; RS02197 . 1111-1116. Mar. IS, 1943 - Ma r . 20, 1943. © 12Mar43; K91S72 . 4Feb7 1; DUCCIO, AGOSTINO DE . G RS01226 . Temptati on of Chr ist. See FRICK GIRARDON , FRANCOIS . 1117-1122 . Ma r . 22, 1943 - Mar. 27 , COLLECTION, NEW YORK . The grand dauphin. See FRICK COLLEC­ 1943 . e 19Mar43; K9 1S71. 4Feb71 ; TION , NEW YORK . RS0122S · DU PONT DE NEMOURS (E . I .) & CO . 1123-1128. Mar . 29 , 1943 - Apr. 3 , Tex~ s r anger. © INov43; K5 4082. GOYA , FRANCISCO JOSE DE . 1943· © 26Ma r 43 ; K91S70. 4Feb7 1; E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga. See RS01224 . (PWH ); 26Fe b71 ; RS 01958 . NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOC I ETY , LTD . 1129-1134. Apr. S, 1943 - Apr. 10, 1943. © 2Apr 43 ; K91S69. 4Feb7 1; EL GRE CO. RS01223. St . J erome . See FRICK COLLECTION, 113S-1140. Apr. 12, 1943 - Apr. 17, F NEW YORK . 1943. © 9Apr 43 ; K91S68 . 4Feb71; RS01222 . FIRLE, WALTER . GRIMM , PAUL . 1141-1146. Apr. 19, 1943 - Apr. 24 , The f ai~yt al e. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Desert domai n . See NEW YO RK GRAPHIC 1943. e 16Apr43; K91S67 . 4Feb7 1; SOCIETY , LTD. SOC IETY, LTD . RS01221 . 1147-11S2 . Apr. 26 , 1943 - May 1, FORB, LAWRENCE. GUION , MOLLY . 1943. ©23Apr 43 ; K91S79 . 4Feb71; Vignette: Three male figures. See Jade and china. See NEW YORK RS01232 . SECURITY-COLUMBIAN BANKNOTE CO. GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . 1297-1302. Oct . 18, 1943 - Oct . 23 , 1943. e l S0ct43; K91S74. 4Feb7 1; FRAGONARD, JEAN HONORE . RS01228 . The lover crowned. See FRI CK 13 03-13 0~. Oct. 2S, 1943 - Oct. 30 , COLLECTION, NEW YORK . H 1943. © 220ct43; K93221. 24Fe b71; RS07818. FREUND ,ROBERT. HANKEY , W. LEE . 1309-1314. Nov . 1, 1943 - Nov . 6, The r ed boats. See NEW YORK Summer in Devonshire. See NEW YORK 1943. © 290ct43; K93220. GRAPHIC SOCIETY, LTD. GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . 24Feb71 ; RS07817. , Dogana and Sa n Gi orgi o mag­ 131S-1320. Nov. 8, 1943 - Nov. 13, gi or e . See NEW YORK GRA PHIC HENRI , ROBERT. 1943. © SNov43; K93219. 24Feb71' SOC I ETY, LTD. Herself. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC RS07816 . ' SOCIETY , LTD . 1321-1326. Nov. I S, 1943 - No v. 20, FRICK COLLECTION, NEW YORK. HINTERME ISTER, HY . 1943 · © 12Nov43; K93218. Charles I I side chair , f ro nt view . The right of way. See MURPHY 24Feb71; RS0781S. © 14May43; J35424. Frick Col lec­ (THOMAS D.) CO . 1327-1332. Nov. 22, 1943 - No v. 27, tion (PWH); 29Apr71; R5053 56. 1943. © 19Nov43; K93217. The gr and dauphin, by Gi r a r don . HO FMANN ,HEINRICH. 24Feb71; RS 07814. © 11lMay43; H2561. Fri ck Collecti on Chr ist and the r i ch young ruler. 1333-1338. Nov. 29, 1943 - Dec . 4, (PWH); 29Apr71; R50:i344. See NEW YORK GRAPHI CSOC I ETY , LTD . 1943. © 26Nov43; K93216. 24Feb71; RS07813. Laoy Ski pwi t h; detail, head . By Chr ist in the gar den of Gethsemane. Reynolds. © 14May43; H256 8 . See NEW YORK GRAPHI C SO CI ETY , LTD . 1339-1344. Dec . 6, 1943 - Dec. 11, Frick Col lect i on (PWH) ' 29Apr71 ' 1943. © 3Dec43; K9321S. 24Feb71; R5053Sl. " HOGARTH, BURNE . RS 07812. 'The lover crowned; detail, right Tarzan. See BURRO UGHS ( EDGAR RI CE) 134S-13S0. Dec. 13, 1943 - Dec. 18, I NC. 1943. © 10Dec43; K93214. orange tree . By Fragonard. 24Feb71; RS07811. © 14May43; H2562. Frick Col l ec­ 13S1-13S6. Dec. 20, 1943 - Dec. 2S, tion (PWH ); 29Apr71; R505345 . HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON, INC. 1943. e 17Dec43; K93213 · The lover crowned; detail, the artist . The river of mat hemat ics , by A. Hoope~ 24Feb71; RS 0781 0. By Fragonard. © 14May43; H2§65. © 6Nov43 ; 1-33428 . Holt Rineha r t 13S7 -1362. Dec. 27, 1943 - Jan. 1, Frick Collection ( PWH) ; 29Apr71; & Winston, Inc . (PWH)' l8Mar71' 1944 . © 24Dec43; K93212. R505348 . R503086. " 24Feb71; RS07809. Mistress and maid; detail, mistress. By Vermeer. © 14May43; H2564. HOOPER , A. IBYRUM , RUTHVEN H. Frick Collection (PWH); 29Apr71; The river of mathematics . See Heart of the Smokies. See ASHLEY R505347 . HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON, INC. (AARON) TIlC. Mother and chi l dr en ; detail, doll . HOOPER , ARTHUR . Indiana, morning sun of Lake By Renoir. © 14May43; H2567. Wawasee. See ASHLEY (AARON) INC. For work s by Arthur Hooper See Frick Col l ection (PWH); 29Apr71; RINGLING BROS . & BARNUM & BAILEY Tenn essee. See ASHLEY (AARON) TIlC . R5053 50. COMBINED SHOWS , INC. 181 1971 RENEWAL REGISTRATIONS

MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK . Summer in Devonshire, by W. Lee HUFF , WILLIAM GORDON . Hankey . © 11 0ct43; H2607. Life through the ages is a story of Around the fish, by Paul Klee. New York Graphic Society, Ltd. change, by William Gor don Huf f & © 29Mar44; H2773. Museum of Modern 4 ( PW H) ; 25Jan71; R499597 . Ray Stanfor d Strong . © 15Apr 3; Art (PWH); 25Jun71; R')08048 . Sur la pointe, by Augus t von Munch­ 1-32565. William Gor don Huff & Green still life, by Pablo Picasso . Ray Stanfor d Strong (A) ; 22Feb71; © 14Apr44; H2772 . Museum of Modern hausen. © 19Mar43; H2557 . Art ( PWH) ; 25Jun71; R508047. New York Gr aphi c Society , Ltd . R500658 . ( PW H); 25Jan71; R499583 . Ven i ce, Dogana and San Giorgio mag~ gi ore ; by Joseph Mal lord Wi l liam I Turner ; author of the r ep r oduc t i on: N Robert Freund . © 8Nov43 ; H2630. IMMEL, pAUL J. NAFTZGER , M. C. New , York Graph ic Society, Ltd. (PWH); For works by Paul J . I mmel See Indian life, by Char les Marion RUS- l 24May71 ; R5 07604 . ASHLEY (AAR ON) INC. sell . © 2Jun44 ; G'13565 . M. C. Whirlaway, by Robe rt W. Amick. Naftzger (PPW) ; 7Jun71 ; R507147 . © 5Feb43 ; H2540 . New York Graphic Soc i e t y , Lt d . ( PW H); 25Jan71 ; NEW YORK GRAPHICSOC IETY, LTD . R49957 9. K Bali beauties, by Cosmo de Salvo. © 110ct43; H2600. New Yor k Grap hic NICHO LS, DALE . KLEE, PAUL . Societ y , Ltd. ( PWH ); 25J an71; End of t he hunt. See NEW YORK Around the f ish. See MUSEUM OF R499594 . GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD. MODERN ART, NEW YORK . Blossom time, by Fr ans Oe rder . © 110ct 43; H2606 . New York Graphic Societ~, Lt d . ( PW H) ; 25Jan71 ; R49959b . a L Chr ist and the r i ch young r ule r by Henr ich Hofmann . © 110ct43 : ' OERDER , FRANS . LANT Z, WALTER. H2585 . New York Graphic Society, Blossom time. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Buck Beaver. [ Nine sketches of a Ltd . ( PWH) ; 25Jan71; R499586 . SOCIETY, LTD . cartoon ch aracter of a beaver) Christ i n the ga rden of Get hsemane By Walt Lantz . © 6Dec43 ; G42560 . by Heinrich Hofmann . © 110ct 43; ' Wa lter Lantz (A); 25Jan71; R497884 . H2586 . New York Graphic Society, p LAURENCIN , MARIE . Ltd . (PWH) ; 25Jan71 ; R499587 . I n the park. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Cor ps du Ballet Russe , by August von PATER, JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH . SOCIETY , LTD . Munchhausen . © 110ct43; H2597. The dance . See NEW YORK GRAPHIC New York Graphic Society , Ltd . SOCIETY, LTD. LIEUTAUD . (PWH) ; 25Jan71 ; R499592 . 19th ce ntury French clock. See The dance by Jean Bapt i ste Pater . PICASSO ,PABLO. FRICK COLLECTION, NEW YORK . © 110ct43; H2605. New Yor k Gr aphic Green still life . See MUSEUM OF Soc iety , Lt d . ( PW H); 25Jan71; MODERN ART , NEW YORK . R499595 . The love r s. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Desert domain , by Paul Grimm. SOCIETY , LTD . M © 110ct43; H2618 . New York Gra phic Society, Ltd . ( PWH) ' 25Jan71' MARKEY , JOSEPH P. R499598 . ', PROVIDENCE LI TH OGRA PH CO . Bar-b-cuer stove . See TOUCHSTONE , Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga, by Goya . God careth for you . © 30Sep43; P. N. © 10J u143; H2581 . New York Graphic K53958 . Providence Lithograph Co. Soc iety , Ltd . ( PWH) ; 25J an71; (PWH ) ; 10J un71 ; R507250 . MAX ON, REX. R499585. God careth for you . (Little Samuel's Ta r zan. See BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE) En pres ent a t i on, by Augus t von Munch­ new coat) © 30Sep43 ; K53809 . I NC. hausen. © 19Mar43 ; H2556 . Providence Lithograph Co. (PWH); New York Graphic Society, Ltd . 10J un71; R507248 . MONET , CLAUDE . (PWH); 25Jan71; R499582 . How the wall was bu ilt. © 28May43; The red boats . See NEW YORK End of the hunt , by Dale Nichols. K53261 . Providence Lithograph Co. GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . © 2Dec43 ; H2623 . New York Graphic (PWH) ; 10J un71 ; R507246 . Society, Ltd . ( PWH) ; 25Jan71 ' In God's house . © 28May43; K53265. MUNCHHAUSEN , AUGUST VON . R499599 . ' Providence Lithograph Co. (PWH); Corps du Ballet Russe . See NEW The fairytale, by Walter Firle . 10Jun71; R507247 . YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . © 110ct43; H2557 . New York Graphic Jesus meets a woman of Samaria . En presentation. See NEW YORK Society, Ltd . (PWH) ; 25Jan71; © 30Sep43; K53915 . Providence Lith­ GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . R499588 . ograph Co. (PWH); 10Jun71; R507249 . Sur la pointe. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC Herself, by Robert Henri. © 110ct43; The Lord is good to all . © 30Sep43; SOCIETY , LTD . H2591 . New York Gr~phic Society, K53959 . Providence Lithograph Co. Ltd. (PWH) ; 25Jan71; R499591 . (PWH) ; 10Jun71; R507251. Peace, be still, by Elsie Anna Wood. MURPHY (THOMAS D.) CO . In the pa r k, by Marie Laurencin. © 110ct43; H2589 . New York Graphic © 29Dec43 ; H2637 . Providence Lith­ Be i t ever so humble, by Claude ograph Co. (PWH); 10Jun71; R507245 . Strachan . © 27Dec43 ; K54591 . Society, Ltd . (PWH) ; 25Jan71' Thomas D. Murphy Co. (PWH); 12Feb71; R499589 . ' R50104 1 . Jade and china, by Mo liy Guion . PUSHMAN , ARMAND . © 110ct43; H2598 . New York Graphic For works c laimed by Armand pushman Champion of l iberty, by Arthur Becher . See PUSHMAN , ARSENE . © 23Dec43; K54460 . Thomas D. Murphy Society, Ltd . ( PWH) ; 25Jan71 ; Co. (PWH) ; 12Feb71; R5 01039 · R499593 . PVSHMAN, ARSENE . Conquering hero~ by R. James Stuart. The lovers, by Pablo Picasso. © 1l0ct 43; H2590 . New York Graphic Com ing of the dawn . [Still life) © 27Dec43 ; K5~455 . Thomas D. Murphy Oi l paint i ng by Hovsep Pushman . Co. (PWH) ; 12Feb71; R501037 . Society, Ltd . ( PWH); 25Jan71' R499590 . ' © 260ct43 ; 042321. Arsene Pushman Future four -str iper , by R. James & Armand Pushman (C); 7Jun71; ~~4458 . Man O'War , by Robert W. Amick . Stuart . © 23Dec43 ; Thomas © 5Feb43 ; H2541. New York Graphic R507157 . D. Murphy Co. (PWH ) ; 12Feb71' Ever enchanting peace , no .2. [Still R501038 . ' Society , Ltd . ( PWH) ; 25Jan71; R499580 . lif e ) Oi l pa i nt i ng by Hovsep Push­ Proclaim libe r t y throughout the world, The red boats , by Claude Monet ; author man. © 260ct43; 042320. Arsene by Josef Svoboda. © 27Dec43 ' of the reproduction : Robert Freund . Pus hman & Armand Pushman (C) . K54450 . Thomas D. Murphy Co~ (PWH); © 22Dec43 ; H2624 . New York Graphic 7Jun71 ; R507156 . ' 12Feb71; R501036. Society, Ltd . (PWH); 24May71; Goddess of Mercy; oil painting by The r ight of way, by Hy Hintermeister . R5 07603 . Hovsep Pushman . © 17Sep43; 042220. © 27Dec43 ; K54445 . Thomas D. Murphy The small cowper madonna, by Raphael, Arsene Pushman & Armand Pushman (C); Co. (P ) ; 12Feb71; R501034 . pseud o of Raffaello Sanzio. 7Jun71 ; R507149 . Threshold of happiness, by Claude © 6Jun43 ; H2576 . New York Gra phic His golden days . [Still life) Oil Strachan . © 27Dec43 ; K54447. Socie~y, Ltd . (PWH) ; 25Jan71; pa i nting by Hovsep Pushman. Thomas D. Murphy Co. (PWH) ' 12Feb71 ' R499584 . © 260ct43; 042322. Arsene Pushman R501035 . " Spring landscape, by Grant Wood . & Armand Pushman (C) ; 7Jun71; Two of a ki nd win, by Charles Russell . © 26Mar43 ; H2553 . New York Graphic R507158 . © 27Dec43 ; K54462 . Thomas D. Murphy Society, Ltd. (PWH); 25Jan71; Co. (PWH) ; 12Feb71; R501040 . R499581. 182 WORKS OF ART

PUSHMAN , ARSENE.-Con. Ringling Bros . and Barnwn & Bailey Future four-striper. See MURP HY My yesterdays; oil painting by Hovsep Circus , let f reedom ring, by (THOMAS D.) CO. Pushman. © 2l J u143 ; 042032. Arsene Arthur Hopper. © 19Apr43; K530·7 0 . SVOBODA , JOSEF. Pus hman & Armand Pushman (C); Ringling Bros . & Barnum & Ba i l ey Combined Shows, Inc . (PWH); l2Apr71; Proclaim liberty t hroughout t he 7J un71 ; RS 07l 48 . world . See MURPHY (THOMAS D. ) CO . Princess . [Still life] Oi l painting R504923 . by Ho vs ep Pus hman. © 26Oct43 ; ROTHROCK, ~ILLLAN B. 042318. Arsene Pushman & Ar~and Hearts entwined wedding ring . Pushman (C) ; 7Jun7l; R507l55 . © 12Aug43; 1-33042. Lillian B. T Return to yesterdays. [Still life] Rothrock (A) ; l2MaY1l ; R505941. TALBOT, FREDERI C HUGH . Oi l painting by Hovsep Pushman. ~ar ration book folder holder. Folding houses , figs . 1-22. © 26Oct43; 042317. Arsene Pushman © 24May43; 1-32676. Lillian B. © 25Ma r 43 ; 1- 3231 8 . Frederic Hugh & Armand Pushman (C); 7Jun7l; Rothrock (A); 12May7l; R505940 . Talbot (A); 17Mar71 ; R503489 . R507l54. The Sacred Book ; oil painting by RUSSELL, CHARLES . TITIAN, VECELLI . Hovsep Pushman . © 24Sep43 ; 042230. Two of a kind win . See MURPHY Pietro Aretino. See FRICK COLLE C­ Ars ene Pushman & Armand Pushman (C); (THOMAS D.) CO . TI ON, NEW YORK . 7Jun7l; R507l50 . RUSSELL, CHARLES MARION. TODD, HENRY STANLEY . Sacred horse . [Still life] Oi l I ndi an life . See NAFTZGER , M. C. Portrait of Ma r y Baker Eddy . See painting by Hovsep Pushman . CHR ISTI AN SC IENCE PUB . SOC I ETY . © 260c t4 3 ; 042314 . Arsene Pushman & Armand Pushman (C) ; 7Jun7l; TOUCHSTONE, P. N. R5 07151. s Bar - b- cuer stove . Fig . 1-4. By Vanish ed glor ies . [S till life J Oil Joseph P. Mar key. © 9Apr43 ; painting by Hovs ep Pus hman. SALVO, CO SMO DE. 1-3237 2. P. N. Touchs tone ( PWH ); © 260c t43 ; 042315 . Ars ene Pushman Bal i beauties . See NEW YORK GRAPHIC 26J an71 ; R498791 . & Armand Pushman (C) ; 7Jun7l; SOC I ETY , LTD . RS 07152 . TOnNER , JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM . When evening co mes . [Still lif eJ SANFORD, CARL A. Venice, Dogana and San Giorgio Oi l painting by Hovsep Pus hman. Round, stone-decorated table . maggiore. See NEW YORK GRAPHIC © 260c t43 ; 042316 . Ars ene Pushman © 22May43; 1-33037 . Carl A. San­ SOCI ETY , LTD . & Ar mand Pus hman (C) ; 7J un7l; ford (A); 13MaY11; R506352 . R5 07l53 . SANZIO , RAFFAELLO. The smal l cowper madonna. See NEW u PUSHMAN, HOVSEP. YORK GRAPH IC SOC I ETY , LTD . UNITED STA~ES BANKNOTE CORP. SECURITY­ For works by Hovs ep Pushman See COLUMBIAN BANKNOTE CO . See SECURITY­ PUSHMAN, ARSENE. SECURITY - COLUMBI AN BANKNOTE CO . COLUMBIAN BANKNOTE CO . Vignett e : Three male figures , one holding a dr awing & 0nE' holding a s pade; backgr-ound of rutlroad R yard, bl ast furnace, city ;'~i lding . v By Lawrence For s . © 27 Ap r~4 ; RAPHAEL, pseudo See SANZIO, RAFFAELLO. G43343. Security-C .~ lumbian Bank­ VERMEER, JOHANNES . note Co. , di vision of Un ited States Mistress and maid . See FRICK RENOIR, PIERRE AUGUSTE . Banknote Cor p . (PWH); 10May'7l; COLLE CT I ON, NEW YORK . Mother and children. See FRICK R505589. COLLECTION , NEW YORK . VERONESE, PAOLO. SHOUMATOFF, ELIZABETH . Wi sdom and s t r engt h . See FRI CK REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Portrait of Frankl in D. Roosevelt. CO LLE CT I ON, NEW YORK . Lady Skipwith. See FRICK COLLECTION , © 12Jun43; 041909. El izabeth NEW YORK . Shouma toff (A) ; 26May7 l ; R506586 . STR ACHAN , CLAU DE. RINGLI NG BROS. & BARNUM & BAILEY Be it eve r so humble . See MURPHY w COMBI NED SHOWS , INC. (THOMAS D.) CO . WESLEY , WALTER ODELL. Ci rcus - Ringling Br os . Ba rn um & Threshol d of happi ness . See Confucius say. (I n J im Hog~ county Bail ey , by Arthur Hoppe r . MUR PHY (THOMAS D.) CO . enterpr ise , Apr . 22 , 1943) © l4Apr43; K53 071. Ringling Bros . © 22Apr43 ; K5)024 . Walter O. Wesiey & Ba rn um & Ba i ley Combined Shows, STRONG , RAY STANFORD . (A) ; llFeb7l; R500933 . Inc . ( PW H); l2Apr7l; R504924. Life through the ages is a s tory of Ringl i ng Bros . and Ba rnum & Bailey change . See HUFF, WILLIAM GORDON . WOOD , ELS IE ANNA . Band Wag on, by Art hur Hoppe r . Peace, be sti l l . See PROVIDENCE © l2Apr43; K53069 .Ringling Bros . STUART , R. JAMES . LITHOGRAP H CO . & Ba rnum & Bai l ey Combined Shows, Conque r i ng hero . See MURPHY WOOD, GRANT . I nc . ( PWH) ; l 2Apr7l; R504922. (THOMAS D.) CO . Spr i ng l an dsc ape . See NEW YORK GRAPHIC SOCIETY , LTD . RENEWAL REGISTRATIONS

A list of works of art, scientific and technical drawings, photographs, and prints and pictorial works for which renewal registrations were made during the period covered by this issue. Arrangement is alphabetical under the name of the claimant of renewal copyright. Information relating to both the original and the renewal registration is included in each entry. References from the names of joint claimants and authors and from variant forms of names are interfiled.

Dangerous foe. Release: Feb . 27 , A B 1944 . © 24Feb44; K95225 . 16NoV7l; R5l 9278. ALL IED CHEMICAL C ~RP . SEMET- SOLVAY BA I LEY, WI LFR ID. Deat h' s j ester . Relea se : June 6 DIVISION. Greylags . See AS HLEY (AARON) INC. 1943. © 3Jun43; K94833. 19Feb71 ' Semet - Sol vay coaL prc:J.:lcts t ree, by Mall ards (landing)See ASHLEY (AARON) R5l6460 . ' Wi l l i am Tiddy . © 19May44; 1-34772 . INC. Defiance . Rel ea s e : Apr. 9 , 1944 . Sern et - Sol vay Dd vis t on , Allied Chemi­ © 6Apr 44 ; K952l9. 16NoV71; cal Cor p . ( PW H) ; 6Auf.7l; R509694 . BAKER, GE ORGE . R519284. Sad Sack. ( In Yank, Mar . 24, 1944 ) Devilfish: Release: May 21 , 1944. © l7Mar4ll ; K55361. George Bake r © 18May44; K952l3. 16NoV7l; ASHLEY (AARON) INC. (A) ; 30Dec71; R519927 . The artist's window, by Ca r l e J . R5l 9290 . Blenne r ; author of the reproduc t i on: Sad Sack . (In Yank, Ma r . 31, 1944) Earth shock . Release : Feb. 20 , Arthur Jaffe He liochrome Co. © 24Ma r44; K55455 . George Baker 1944 . © 17Feb44; K95247 . © 23May44; H27 38 . Aaron Ashley, (A); 30Dec7 1; R519926. l 6NoV7 1; R5l9258. In c . (Plm) ; l Sep71; R511l57. Sad Sack. ( I n Yank, Apr . 7, 1944) Entangled. Relea se : Feb . 21, 1943. Cut t y Sa r k , by R. MacGregor; author © 31Ma r44; K55897 . George Baker © 18Feb43; K9483 2 . 4Feb7l; of the reproduction : Arthur J af f e (A); 30Dec71; R5l9928 . R516459. He l iochr ome Co. © IlSep44; H2776. Sad Sack . ( I n Yank, Apr . 14, 1944 ) Escape to danger . Release: May 7, 200c t 7l ; R515l8l . © 7Apr44 ; K55898 . George Baker 1944. © 4May44; K95215. 16NoV71; De rby view - Vermont , by Dean Fausett; (A) ; 30Dec71; R5l9929 . R5l9288 . author of the reproduction: Arthur Sad Sack . (In Yank, Apr. 21, 1944 ) Farewell . Release : Jul y 30, 1944. Jaffe Heliochrome Co . © l30ct44; © l4Apr44; K55899 . Geor ge Bake r © 27J u144; K95262. IDec7l; H27 83 . Aaron Ashley, I nc . ( PW H) ; (A) ; 30Dec7 l; R5l9930. R5l 930l . 290ct71; R515687 . Flaming barrier. Release: July 9 , Glouces t e r bouquet , by Ca r le J . BLENNER , CARLE J . 1944 . © 6Ju144; K95265 . IDe c71 ; Bl enne r ; author of t he reproduction: The artist 's window . See ASHLEY R5l9298 . Arthur Jaffe He liochrome Co. (AARON) INC . Flying death. Release: Feb . 13, © IlJ u144 ; H2764. Aaron Ashley Gloucester bouquet . See ASHLEY 1944. © 10Feb44; K95246 . Inc . ( PW H) ; l Sep71 ; R511l58 . ' (AARON) INC. 16NoV7l; R5l9257 . Grey l ag s (t a ki ng of f) , by Wilfrid The garden of death. Release: Bai l ey; author of the reproduction: BURROUGHS (EDGAR RI CE) INC. June 25, 1944 . © 22Jun44; Art hur Jaffe He l iochr ome Co. Tarzan. Appl. author: Edga r Ri ce Bur ­ K95267 . lDec7l; R519296 . © 12Dec44; H2802 . Aaron Ashley r oughs, Inc ., employer for hire of The guerrilla band. Release : Inc . ( PW H) ; 27Dec71; R520309 . ' Burne Hogarth. © Edga r Rice Bur ­ Dec . 10, 1944 . © 7Dec44 ; K95 l04 . Mall a r ds (l andi ng) , by Wilfrid Bailey; r ough s, Inc . ( PWH) 21Dec71; R518129. author of the r epr oduct i on: Arthur Beasts of Bakhi r . Release : Oct . 8, Hungry bea st s. Release : Oc t . 29, Jaf f e Heliochrome Co. © 12Dec44; 1944. © 50c t44; K952s4 . l Dec71 ; 1944 . © 260ct44; K95252 . H280l . Aaron Ashley, I nc . (PWH); R519308. lDec71; R5l 93l0. 27De c7l; R520308. Bold tactics . Release : Dec . 24, The intruder. Reiease: Ma r . 19, Re d jacket, by R. MacGregor; author 1944 . © 21Dec44; K9510g . 7Jan72; 1944 . © l 6Mar44; K95222 . of the r eproduct i on : Arthur Jaffe R5l 92s4 . 16NoV71; R5l 9281 . Heliochrome Co. © l lSep44; H2775. Bul ak 's cou r age . Release: Dec. 31, Intruders . Release: Aug. 20, 1944. Aaron As hl ey , Inc . (PWH ); 20Sep71; 1944. © 28Dec44 ; K95l07 . R515180 . © l7Aug44; K95260 . lDe c7l; 7Jan72 ; R5l9255. R5l9303 . AUGS BURG PUB . HOUSE . Cha l l enge . Relea s e: Aug. 27, 1944 . J ourney's end . Relea se : Ma r . 12, © 24Aug44 ; K95259. IDec71; 1944 . © 9Mar44; K95223. Christ t he Lor d is r i s en today ; 3 girls R5 19931 . in choir r obes singing by chancel 16NoV7 l ; R519280 . rail . Author of r enewable mat t e r : Ci rcus of Bakhi r . Release : Nov. 5, Korojak the hunter. Release : Augsburg Pub. House , emp loyer for 1944. © 2Nov44 ; K9525l . IDe c7l; Sept . 10, 1944. © 7Sep44; hire of Ma rga ret Ga rdne r . © 3Mar44; R5l931l. K95257 . lDec71; R5l 9305. G42989 . Augsburg Pub . Hous e (PWH); Combat . Release : De ~ . 3, 1944. Ma r t y r s . Release : Nov . 19, 1944. 6Dec71 ; R5 17922. © 30Nov44; K95l03 . 2l Dec71; © l6Nov44; K95250 . IDec71; R5 l8l28 . R5193l2.

399 400 WORKS OF ART July-Dec.

Tarzan . App1. aut nor : Edga r Rice Bur­ 1387-1392 . Release : Jan . 31, 1944 ­ BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE ) INC . -Con. r oughs, Inc . , employer for hire of Feb . 5, 1944 . © 28J an44 ; K95226. Tarzan .-Con. Re x Maxon . © Edgar Rice Bur roughs , 16Nov71; R519277 . Mysterious assailant. Re lease : Inc . ( PW H) 1393-1398 . Release : Feb . 7, 1944 ­ J ul y 23, 1944. © 20J u144; K95263. 1057-1 062. Re l ea se : J an . 11, 1943 ­ Feb . 12, 1944. © 4Feb44; K95227. 1DeC71; R519300 . Jan . 16, 1943 . © 11Jan43; K94 337 . 1 6N ~v71; R519276 . The outcast . Rele ase : Aug. 13, 11J an71; R516461 . 1399-1404 . Release: Feb . 14, 1944 _ 1944 . © 10A ug44; K95261. 115 3 -1158~ Release: May 3 , 1943 ­ Feb . 19, 1944 . © 11Feb44; K95228. 1Dec71; R519302. May 8, 1943. © 30Apr43; K93193. 16Nov71; R519275. Passage to ter ro r . Rele ase : 18Feb71 ; R508341 . 1405- 1410 . Release: Feb. 21, 1944 ­ Ma r . 26, 1944 . © 23Ma r44 ; K95221 . 1159-1164 . Release : May 10, 1943 ­ Feb . 26, 1944. © 18Feb44 ; K95229. 16Nov71; R519282 . May 15, 1943 . © 7May43; K93192 . 16Nov71; R519274 . Perilous crossi ng . Re l ease : Mar. 4, 18Feb71; R508340 . 1411 -i416: Re l ea se : Feb . 28, 1944 ­ 1944. © 2Mar44; K95224. 16Nov71; 1165 - 1170 . Release: May 17, 1943 ­ Ma r . 4, 1944 . © 25Feb44; K95239. R519279 . _ May 22 , 1943 . e 14May43 ; K93 191 . 16Nov71 ; R519264 . Pit of doom . Re l ea se : Apr . 16, 19Feb71; R508339 . 1417-1422. Release: Mar. 6 , 1944 ­ 1944 . © 13Apr44; K95218 . 1171-1176. Release : May 24 , 1943 ­ Ma r . 11 , 1944 . © 3Mar44; K95230. 16Nov71; R519285. May 29 , 1943. © 21May43 ; K93 190 . 16Nov71; R519273 . Procl amation . Release: Oc t . 22, 19Feb71; R508338 . 1423-i428: Re l ea se : Mar. 13, 1944 ­ 1944 . © 190ct44; K95253. 1177- 1182 . Release : May 31, 1943 ­ Ma r . 18, 1944. © 10Mar44; K95231. 1Dec71; R519309 . 16Nov71; R519272 . June 5 1943 . © 28May43 ; K93199 . 4 Psychological attack . Release : i 9Feb71z ; . R508347 . - 1429-1434. Rel ease : Mar. 20, 19 4 ­ J an . 16, 1944. © 13Jan44; K9318 2 . 1183-1188. Rel ease : June 7 , 1943 ­ Ma r . 25 , 1944 . © 17Mar44 ; K95233. 12Mar71; R5 08330 . Ju ne 12, 1943. © 4Jun43 ;K93200 . 16Nov71; R519271 . Pursuit . Re lease : Sept . 24, 1944. 19Feb71; RS 08348 . 143 5- 1440. Release: Mar. 27, 1944 ­ © 21Sep44; K95255 . 1Dec71; A2r . 1, 1944. © 24Ma r44 ; K95232. R519307. . 1189-il94 . Rel ea se : Ju ne 14, 1943 ­ 16Nov71; R519270 . Ju ne 19, 1943 . © 11Jun43; K93201. 1441-1446 . Rel ease: Apr . 3, 1944 • Reign of t er ro r . Rel ea se : De c . 17, 19Feb71; R5 08349. 1944 . © 14Dec44; K95 105 . Apr . 8, 1944 . ~ 31Mar44j K9 5234. 1195-1200 . Release : June 21 , 1943 ­ 16Nov71; R519269 . 21Dec71; R5 18130 . J une 26 , 1943 . © 18Jun43; K93202 . Reprisal . Rel ea se : June 4 , 1944. 19Feb71; R508350 . 1447-1452. Release: Ap r . 10, 1944 ­ © 1J un44; K95270. 1De c71; 1 201 -i 20 6~ Apr . 15, 1944 . © 7Apr44; K95235. R519293 . Rel eas e : June 28 , 1943 ­ Ju ly 3, 1943 . © 25Jun43 ; K93 203 . 16Nov71; R519268 . The rescue . Re lease : Feb . 6 , 1944 . 1453-1458. Release : Apr . 17, 1944 ­ © 3Feb44; K95245. 16Nov71; 19Feb71; R5 0835 1 . 1207-1212 . Rel ease : July 5 , 1943 . ­ Ap r . 22 , 1944 . © 14Apr44 ; K95236. R519256 . July 10, 1943 . © 2J u143 ; K93 204. 16Nov71; R519267 . Rescue . Re lease: J uly 16, 1944 . 1459- 1464 . Release : Apr . 24, 1944 ­ © 13Ju144 ; K95264 . 1Dec71; 24Feb71 ; R5 08352 . 1213-1218 . Release : JUly 12, 1943·­ Apr. 29, 1944. © 21Apr44 ; K95237 . R519299. 16Nov71; R519266 . Reuni on . Release: J an . 23 , 1944 . Ju ly 17, 1943. © 9Ju143 ; K93205 . 1465-1470. Rel ease : May 1, 1944 ­ © 20J an44 ; K93183. 12Mar71' 24Feb71; R5 08353 . 1219-1224 . Release : J ul y 19, 1943 ­ May 6 , 1944. © 28Apr44; K95238. R508331. ' 16Nov71; R519265. The rite of death. Release: J uly 24 , 1943. © 16J u143; K93206 . Sept . 17, 1944 . © 14Se244; 24Feb71 ; R5 08354 . 1471-1476: Relea se : May 8, 1944 ­ K95256 . IDec71 ; R519306. 1 2 25-i 23 0~ Release : J uly 26 , 1943 ­ May 13, 1 94L~. © 5May44 ; K95242. Road to f reedom. Release: May 14, Ju ly 31 , 1943. © 23J u143 ; K93207. 16Nov71; R519259 . 1944. © 11May44 ; K9 5214 . 24Feb71; R508355 . 1477 -1482. Re lease: May 15, 1944 ­ 16Nov71; R519289 . 1231- 1236 . Rel eas e : Aug. 2, 1943 ­ May 20 , 1944. © 12May4 4; K95240. Strange command . Release: Jan. 9, Au g . 1, 1943 . e 30J u143; K93184 . 16Nov71; R519263 . 1944. © 6Jan44; K93181 . 12Mar71; 24Feb71 ; R508332 . 1483-i488 : Re lease : May 22 , 1944 ­ R5 08329 . 1 23 7 -1 24 2~ Rel ea se : Au g . 9, 1943 ­ May 27, 1944 . e 19May44 ; K95241. Strategem [sic) Release : June 11, Aug . 14 , 1943 . © 6Aug43 ; K93185 . 16Nov71; R519262 . 1 9 ~ ~ . © 8 Jun~~ ; K95269. 1Dec71; 24Feb71 ; RS 08333 . 1489-1494 . Re lease : May 29, 1944 ­ R5 1929~ . 1243-1248 . Release : Aug . 16, 1943 ­ June 3 , 1944 . © 26May44 ; K95243 . Tantor the ter rible . Re lease : Aug. 21 , 1943 . © 13Aug43; K93 186 . 16Nov71; R519260 . 24Feb71 ; R5 08334 . 1495-1500 . Re lea se : June 5, 1944 ­ Nov . 26, 1944 . © 23Nov44 ; J une 10, 1944. © 2J un44 ; K95244 . K9 5249 . 1Dec71; R519313 . 1249-1254 . Release: Aug. 23 , 1943 ­ 16Nov71; R519261 . Tarzan's mystery. Re lease : Nov . 12, Aug . 28 , 1943 . © 20Aug43; K93 187 . 1501-1506. Release : J une 12, 1944 ­ 1944 . © 19Nov44; K9 5248 . 24Feb71 ; R5 08335 . June 17, 1944 . © 9Jun44; K94862. 1Dec71 ; R519314 . 1255-1260 . Release : Aug . 30 , 1943 ­ 18Nov71 ; R51643 5. Tarzan 's plight . Release: June 18, Sep t . 4 , 1943 . e 27Aug43; K93 188 . . 1507-1512 . Release : June 19, 1944 ­ 1944 . © 15J un44; K95268. 24Feb71 ; R5 08336 . J une 24 , 1944 . © 16J un44 ; K94861 . 1De c71 ; R519295. 1 261 -i 26 6~ Rel eas e : Sept . 6 , 1943 ­ 18Nov71; R516436 . Tarz an 's t rial . Re lea se : Apr . 23, Sept . 11, 1943. © 3Sep43; K93189. 1513-1518 . Release: June 26 1944 ­ 1944 . © 20Apr44 ; K95217 . 24Feb71 ; R508337 . JUl y 1, 1944 . © 23Jun44; K94860. 16Nov71; R519286 . 1267- 1272 . Rel ease : Sept . 13, 1943­ 18Nov71; R516437 . Thunde r stick . Release : Sept . 3 , Sept . 18 , 1943. © 10Sep43 ; K93198 1519-1524 . Relea se : J ul y 3 , 1944 ­ 1944. © 31Aug44; K95258 . 24Feb71; R508346 . J uly 8, 1944 . © 30Jun44; K94859. 1Dec71; R519304 . 1273-1278. Rel ease : Sept . 20 , 1943­ 18Nov71j R516438 . Tragic error. Release: July 2, Sept . 25 , 1943. © 17Sep43' K93197. 1525-1530. Release: J ul y 10, 1944 ­ 1944 . © 29Jun44; K95266. 24Feb71 ; R5 08345 . ' J uly 15, 1944. © 7J u144; K94858. 1Dec71 ; R519297 . 1279- 1284 . Release : Sept . 27 , 1943­ 18Nov71; R516439 . Oc t . 2, 1943 . © 24Sep43 ' K93196 . 1531-1536 . Release : July 17, 1944 ­ Treachery . Release : Jan. 31, 1943 . 24Feb71 ; R508344 . ' © 28Jan43; K95159 . 14Jan71 ' J uly 22 , 1944 . © 14Ju144; K94857. R5 17927 . ' 1285-1290. Release : Oct. 4, 1943 ­ 18Nov71; R516440 . Oc t . 9 , 1943. © 10c t 43; K93 195 . 1537 -1 542 . Release : J uly 24 1944 ­ The t ro phy . Re l ease : Apr . 2, 1944 . 24Feb71; R508343 . J Uly 29, 1944 . © 21Ju144;'K94856. © 30Mar44 ; K95220. 16Nov71; 1291-1296. Release : Oct . 11 , 1943 ­ 1 8N ~ v71; R516441 . R519283 . Oc t . 16 , 1943. e 80ct43 ; K93194. 1543-1548 . Rel ea se : J Uly 31 1944­ Victor and vanquished . Release : 24Feb71; R508342 . Aug . 5, 1944 . © 28Ju144 · K94855. Apr . 30, 1944 . © 27Apr44 · 13 63 - 13 68 ~ Release : Jan. 3, 1944 ­ 18Nov71; R516442 . ' K95216 . 16Nov71; R519287: Jan. 8 , 1944. © 31Dec43 ; K93 211 . 1549-i554 . Release : Aug . 7 , 1944 ­ Victory. Release : Jan . 30, 1944 12Mar71; R508359 . Aug. 12, 1944 . © 4Aug44; K948s4. ~ 27Jan44 ; K93 1BO . 12Mar71' . 1369- 1374 . Release : Jan. 10 , 1944 ­ 18Nov71; R516443 . R5083 28 . ' Jan . 15, 1944. © 7Jan44 ; K93 210 . 1555-1560 . Release : Aug . 14 , 1944 ­ Re l ease 12Mar71 ; R508358 . Aug . 19, 1944 . o llAug44; K94853. Jan . 17, 1943 . © 14Jan43' K95161 . 1375-1380. Release : Jan . 17, 1944 ­ 18Nov71; R516444 . 14Jan71; R5 17929 . ' Jan . 22 , 1944. © 14Jan44 ' K9 ~209 1561-1566: Release : Aug . 21, 1944 ­ Jan . 24, 1943. © 21Jan43 ' K95160 . 12Mar71 ; R508357 . ' . ' Aug . 26 , 1944 . © 18A ug44; K94852. 14Jan71; R517928. ' 1381-1386. Re lease : J an . 24 , 1944 ­ 18Nov71; R516445 . May 28, 1944 . © 25May44 ; K95271. Jan. 29, 1944. ~ 21Jan44 ; K93208 . 1567-1572 . Release :Aug . 28, 1944 ­ 1Dec71; R519292. 12Mar71; R508356 . Sept . 2, 1944 . © 25Aug44; K94851. 18Nov71; R516446 . 401 1971 RENEWAL REGISTRATIONS

Bub mit Herz : I hab di gern, by Berta 1573- 1578. Release : Sept . 4 , 1944 ­ Hummel . 5939 . © BFeb44; H308. Sept . 9, 1944 . © I Sep44; K94850. F Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Mueller (PWH) ; IBNov71; R516447 . 8Nov71 ; R516616 . 1579- 1584 . Release : Sept . 11 , 1944 ­ FAUSETT , DEAN. Derby view - Vermont .See ASHLEY Guck i n di e We lt, by Berta Hummel . Sept . 16 , 1944 . © 8Sep44 ; K94849 . 59 17 . © 8Jan44 ; H290. Ver l ag Ars 18Nov71; R516448. (AARON) I NC . Sacra Josef Mueller (PWH ); 8Nov71; R516606. 1585-1590 . Release : Sept . 18, 1944 ­ FRENCH (SAMUEL) INC. Sept . 23 , 1944 . © 15Sep44; K94948. Angel ch i ld . See REA CH, JAMES . Hirten l i ed , by Berta Hummel. 5967 . 18Nov71; R516449 . © 7Sep44 ; H304. Verlag Ars Sacra 1591-1596 . Release : Sept . 25, 1944 ­ Josef Mueller (PWH ); 8Nov71; R516620. Sept . 30 , 1944 . © 18Nov71; K94847. Die Jungbaeuerin , by Berta Hummel . 18Nov71; R516450 . G 5943. © 7Sep44 ; H315 . Ver lag Ars 1597- i602. Releas e: Oct . 2 , 1944 ­ Sacra Josef Mue ller (PWH ); 8Nov71; Oct . 7, 1944 . © 29Se p44 ; K94846 . GARDNER , MARGARET. R516613 . I BNov71; R5164 51 . Chr ist the Lor d is r i sen t oday . See Der Jungbauer, by Berta Hummel . 5942 . 1603- 1608. Release : Oct . 9~ 1944 ­ AUGSBURG PUB . HOUSE. © 7Sep44 ; H314 . Verlag Ars Sacra Oct . 14, 1944 . © 60c t 44 ; K94845 . Josef Mue ller (PWH ); 8Nov7l; R5166l4 . I BNov71 ; R516452 . GR OSSMAN, ELIAS M. Kin d mit Tauben by Berta Hummel . Wa i l ing wal l . See GROSSMAN, HE NRY. 1609 - i6 1 4 ~ Release: Oct. 16, 1944 ­ 59 15 . © BJan44 ; H293 . Ver l ag Ars Oct . 21 , 1944 . © 130ct44; K94844 . GROSSMAN , HENRY . Sacra Josef Mue ller (PWH ); BNov71; 18Nov71; R516453 . Wa iling wall, by Elia s M. Grossman . R5l6609. 1615- 1620 . Rel ea se : Oct . 23 , 1944 ­ © 27Dec43 ; G75854 . Henry Grossman Komm Hei liger Geist, by Berta Hummel . Oct . 28 , 1944. © 200ct44; K94843 . (C) ; l7Dec71; R5l7806 . 5916. © 8Jan44 ; H29l . Verlag Ars 18Nov71 ; R516454 . Sacra Josef Mueller (PWH); 8Nov71; 1621- 1026. Release : Oct . 30, 1944 ­ R516607. Nov. 4 , 1944. © 270ct44; K94842 . Lach mit ! By Berta Hummel . 5918. 18Nov71; R516455. H © 8Jan44 ; H292. Verlag Ars Sacra 1627-1632 . Release: Nov. 6, 1944 ­ Josef Mueller (PWH); 8Nov71; R5l6608. Nov. 11, 1 94~ © 3Nov44 ; K94841 . HOFFBAUER , CHARLES . Maedchen mit Blumenstock in Manschette, 18Nov71; R516456 . For works by Char les Hoffbauer See by Berta Hummel . 5969. © 7Sep44; 1633-1638 . Release: Nov. 13, 1944 ­ NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE I NSURANCE H302. Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Nov. 18 , 1944 . © 10Nov44; K94840 . CO . Mueller (PWH); 8Nov71; R5166ll . 18Nov71; R516457 . HOGARTH , BURNE . Maedchen mit Enzian u . Vogel , by Berta 1639-1644 . Release : Nov. 20, 1944 ­ Tarzan . See BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE) Hummel . 5938 . © BFeb44; H307. Ver ­ Nov. 25 , 1944 . © 17Nov44; K94839 . I NC. lag Ars Sacra Josef Mueller (PWH); 18Nov71; R516458. 8NoV71; R5l66l7 . 1645-1650 . Helease : Nov. 27 , 1944 ­ HUMMEL , BERTA . Maedchen mit Herz : I hab di gern, by Dec. 2, 1944 . ~ 24Nov44; K94838 . For works by Berta Humme l See . Berta Hummel . 5940. © 8Feb44; 21Dec71 ; R517924 . MUELLER (JOSEF) VERLAG ARS SACRA . H309. Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Muel ler 1651-1656 . Release : Dec . 4 , 1944 ­ (PWH ); 8NoV71; R5l66l5 . Dec. 9 , 1944. © IDec44 ; K94837 . Maedchen mit Lebkuchenherz, by Berta 21Dec71 ; R5 17925 . Hummel . 5968 . © 7Se p44 ; H303 . 1657-1662. Relea s e : De c . 11, 1944 ­ J Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Muel ler Dec . 16, 1944. © 8ne c44 ; K94836 . (PWH); 8Nov71 ; R5l662l . JAFFE (ARTHUR) HELIOCHROME CO . Musikanten . 59bb . © 7Sep44; H305. 21Dec71 ; R5179 26 . For wor ks wi t h Arthur Jaffe Helio­ 1669- 1674 . Release : Dec. 25 , l q44 ­ Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Muel ler chrome Co . as author of t he re­ (PWH ); 8Nov71; R5166 l9 . Dec. 30 , 1944 . © 22Dec44 ; K94834 . production See ASHLEY (AARON) I NC. 7Jan72; R519291 . Vie l Freud zum Fest, by Berta Humme l . J AQUES , FRANCIS LEE. 5944 . © 7Sep44 ; H316 . Ver l ag Ars For works by Francis Lee Jaques See Sacra J osef Mue l ler (PWH ); 8Nov7l; NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION, I NC. R5l66l2 . c 2 kinder am Berg, singend, floetend, by Berta Hummel . 5937 . © 8Feb44; CAMUS, ALBERT . H306. Verlag Ars Sacra Josef Le malentendu ; piece en 3 actes . Mueller (PWH ); 8Nov71; R5166l8 . Caligula; piece en 4 actes . K © 150c t44 ; D95418 . Franc i n e Faure KELLY, EMMETT LEO . Camus (W) ; 2Nov71 ; R5 15991. MUELLER , JUSTUS F. Emme tt Kel ly, no . l . © 19J un43; Mueller -Ward amoeba . © 15Dec43; J35537 . Emmett Leo Kel ly (A) ; 1-33874 . Justus F. Mue l ler (A) ; CAMUS , FRANCINE FAURE . 28May71 ; R508311 . 20Ju171; R509460 . 18 malentendu . See CAMUS , ALBERT . Mue l ler -Ward comparative zoology models . © 20Apr44; 1-34771 . CLEMENTS , COLIN . Justus F. Mueller (A) ; 20Ju171; Spring green . See CLEMENTS , L R509462 . RYERSON. LA NTZ, WA LTER . Mue l l e r -Ward nemat ode model and key Wa l ly Walrus . See LANTZ (WA LTER) ca r d . © 21Jan44; 1-33875. Justus CLEMENTS , FLORENCE RYERSON . PR ODUCT I ONS, INC. F. Mue l ler (A) ; 20Ju17l ; R50946l . Spring green; a comedy i n 3 acts by Florence Ryerson & Colin Clements . LANTZ(WALTER) PRODUCTIONS, INC. © 160c t 44; D9 1550 . Hal Ryerson (C); Wally Walrus. [ Cartoon walrus i n )Nov71 ; R5 16010 . va r ious pose s] By Walter Lantz . N © 12J u144; G437 56 . Walter Lantz Productions, I nc . ( PW H) ; I SeP71 ; NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION, I NC . [1 944 wildlife conservation stamps ) R5124 93 . © National Wildlife Fede r ation, D Inc . ( PW H) DISNEY , WALT . Barracuda by F. L. Jaque s . Panchi to. See DISNEY (WALT ) M © IFeb44; K55600 . 27Se p71; PROD UCTIONS . R514262. MACGREGO R, R. Beech , by F. L. J aq ue s , © I Feb44; DISNEY (WALT) PRODUCTIONS. Cutty Sark . See ASHLEY (AARON) INC . K55599. 27Se p7l ; R51426l . funchi t o; front , side & r ear view of Red jacket . See ASHLEY (AARON) INC . Bi r d ' s f oot violet, by Les l ie fanci f ul bird in s ombrero . By Walt Ragan . © l Feb44; K5563l . MAXON , REX . 27Sep7l; R5l4293 . Di sney . © 8J un44 ; GU43648. Walt Tarzan . See BURROUGHS (EDGAR RICE) Di sney Productions (PWH); 6Ju171 ; I NC . Black duck, by F. L. J aques . R50B957 . © I Feb44; K556l4 . 27Se p71 ; MILLER, LLOYD C. R5l 4276 . DUNN , HARVEY . Wint hrop loga rithmic - probit. See Bl ack-tailed Jack rabbi t , by F. L. Dakota woman . See DUNN , JOHANNE K. STERLING DRUG , I NC. J aques . © I Feb44 ; K55629. 27Se p71 ; R5l 429 l . DUNN , JOHANNE K. Jv.UE LLER (JOSEF) VERLAG AR SSACRA . Blood root, by Les lie Rag an . Dakot a woman , by Har vey Dunn . Bleibe t i n meiner Liebe, by Ber t a © lFeb44 ; K55617 . 27Se p71; ~ 10Aug43; G42122 . Johanne K. Hummel . 5906 . © 8Jan44 ; H295. R5l4279 . Dunn (W) ; 30 J ul71; R509244 . Verlag Ar s Sacr a Josef Mue l l er (PWH ); 8Nov71; R516610 . WORKS OF ART 402

Sycamore"by F. L. Jaques . RIPLEY, AIDEN LASSELL. NATIONAL WILDLIFE FEDERATION, INC . -Con. © IFeb~ ; K55598 . 27Feb71; For works by Aiden Lassell Ripley [ l g44 wildlife con servation R514260 . See RIPLEY, DORIS . s t amps] -Con . Cabbage palmetto, by F. L. Jaques . Tufted titmouse , by W. A. Weber . RIPLEY, DORIS. ~ IFeb44; K55596. 27Sep71; © IFeb44; K55620 . 27Sep71; After gr ous e ; dry point by Aid en R514258. R514282 . Lassell Ri pl ey . © 140ct44; G45 133 . Canada lily, by Leslie Ragan . Water arum, by Les lie Ragan . Doris Ripley (W); 22Nov71 ; R5 15980 . © IFeb44; K55630. 27Sep71; © IFeb44; K55609 . 27Sep71; R514271 . Duck shooting; dry point by Aid en R514292 . Lassell Ripley . © 140ct44; G45 135. Channel cat, by F. L. Jaques . Wild pink by Les l ie Ragan . © I Feb44 ; K55612 . 27Se p71; Doris Ripley (W); 22Nov71 ; R515982. © IFeb44; K55626. 27Sep71; Flight woodcock; dry point by Aiden R514288 . R514274 . WOl ve r i ne by W. A. Weber . Lassell Rip ley. ©50ct44; G45 137 . cutthroat trout, by W. A. Weber . Doris Ripley (W); 22Nov71 ;R515984. © IFeb44; K55623. 27Sep71; © IFeb44 ; K55633 . 27Se p71; 4285 4295 Snipe at dawn; dry point by Aid en R51 . R51 . Lassel l Ripley . © 50ct44; G4 5136. Diamond-backed terrapin, by F. L. Yel low birch, by F. L. Jacques . Doris Ri pl ey (W); 22Nov71 ; R515983. Jaques . © IFeb44; K55613. © IFeb44; K55605 . 27Sep71 ; 4275. Walking up ; dry point by Aid en Lassell 27Sep71; R51 R514267 . Ri pley. © 250c t44; G45134 . Doris Duck hawk by W. A. Weber. Ripley (W); 22Nov71; R515981 . © IFeb44; K55632. 27Sep71; NEW ENGLAND MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. R514294 . The Decl a r a t i on of Independence is RYERS ON, FLORENCE . See CLEMENTS, Eastern bluebir~ by W. A. Weber . hailed in Bos ton - 1776, by Charles FLORENCE RYERSON. © IFeb44; K55027. 27Sep71; Hoffbauer . © 15 Dec43; K55082 . New R514289 . England Mutual Life Insurance Co . RYERSON, HAL . Gila monster, by W. A. Weber . (PWH ) ; 15Nov71; R517 640 . Spring green. See CLEMENTS , © IFeb44; K55624. 27Sep71; The frigate Constitution is launched FLORENCE RYERSON . R514286 . at - 1797, by Cha r l es Go lden phea sant, by W. A. Weber . Hoffbauer . © 15Dec43; K55083 . New © IFeb44; K55607 . 27Sep71 ; England Mutual Life Insurance Co. R514269 . ( PWH); 15Nov71; R517641. s Ha r l e qui n duck, by W. A. Weber. Gene ra l Washingt on takes command at SAINT GERMAIN PRESS, INC. © IFeb44; K55625 . 27Sep71; Cambridge - 1775, by Cha r les Beloved Mary, .mother of J e sus . R514287 . Hoffbauer. © 15Dec43; K55081 . New © 240ct44; K56900 . Saint Germai n Horned grebe, by W. A. Webe r. England Mut ua l Life Insurance Co. Press, I nc . ( PW H) ; 290ct71; R5l5688. © IFeb44; K55028 . 27Sep71; (PWH ) ; 15Nov71; R517 639 . R514290 . Governor Shirley's expedition against SEMET-SOLVAY DIVISION, ALLIED CHEM I CAL Hudsonian godwit, by W. A. Weber . LOUisburg - 1745 , by Charles CORP. See ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP. © IFeb44; K55606 . 27Sep71; Hoffbauer. © 15Dec43; K55078 . New SEMET-SOLVAY DIVISION. R514268 . England Mutual Life I nsur ance Co. Ivory billed woodpecke r, by W. A. (PWH); 15Nov71; R517636 . SHOUMATOFF, ELIZABETH . Webe r . © IFeb44 ; K55611 . Governor Winthrop a r rives at Salem on Frankl in D.Roos evelt. © 18Nov43; 27Sep71; R514273 . the Arbella - 1630, by Charles K56406 . Elizabeth Shoumatoff (A); Kaibab squir r e l, by W. A. Weber . Hoffbauer . © 15Dec43; K55077 . New l2Aug7l; R510760 . © IFeb44 ; K55619. 27Sep71; England Mu t ua l Li fe Insurance Co. R51428 1. (PWH) ; 15Nov71 ; R517635 . STERLING DRUG ,I NC . Magnolia by F. L. J aque s . Paul Revere gives the alarm to the Winthrop logarithmic-probit, by Mauri CE © IFeb44; K55621 . 27Sep71 ; countryside - 1775, by Charles L. Tainter & Lloyd C. Miller. R514283 . Hoffbauer . © 15Dec43 ; K55 080 . New © 17Sep43 ; 1-34135. Sterling Drug, Magpie, by W. A. Weber . © IFeb44; England Mutual Life Insurance Co. I nc . ( PW H); 12Ju171; R508911. K55608. 27Sep71; R514270 . (PWH) ; 15Nov71; R5 17638 . Mountain quail , by W. A. Webe r . Samoset bids the pilgrims wel come a t © IFeb44; K55597. 27Sep71; Plymouth - 1621 , by Char les T R514259 . Hoffbauer. © 15Dec4 3; K55076 . New Persimmon, by F . L. Jaque s. England Mutual Life Insurance Co. TAINTER, MAU RICE L. © IFeb44; K5 5601 . 27Sep71 ; (PWH) ; 15Nov71 ; R517634 . Wi nt hr op loga r i t hmic-pr obi t. See R514 263. STERLING DRUG ,I NC. Pickerel weed , by Leslie Ragan . Tense meeting at Ol d Sout h leads to © IFeb44 ; K55616. 27Sep7 1' Boston Tea Party - 1773, by Charles THOMSON, ROBERT MILLER . R514278 . ' Hoffbauer. © 15Dec43; K55079 . New Star . © 12Nov43 ; G42382. Rober t England Mutual Life Insurance Co . Pitcher plant, by Les lie Ragan . Miller Thomson (A); 8Nov71 ; R5l 6603. © IFeb44; K55615. 27Se p71 ' (PWH) ; 15Nov71; R517637 . R514277 . ' TIDDY , WI LLIAM . Polar bear, by W. A. Weber . Semet -Solvay coal products tree. SeE © IFeb44; K55622 . 27Sep71 ' p ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP. SEMET-SOLVAI R514284 . ' DIVISIO N. Prothonota ry warb ler, by W. A. Webe ~ PRIESTLEY , J OHN BOYNTON . © I Feb44; K55610 . 27Se p71; Four plays . © 110c t 44; D90921 . John R514272 . Boynton Priestley (A) ; 3Nov71; w Rainbow t rout , by W. A. Web er. R5 16009 . © I Feb44; K55604 . 27Sep71 ' WEBER, W. A. R514266 . ' For wor ks by W. A. Weber See Silver maple, by F. L. Ja ques . NATI ONAL WI LDLIFE FEDERATION, INC. © IFeb44 ; K5561e . 27Sep71' R R514280 . ' WI LLEMS , HENRY JOSEPH . RAGAN , LESLIE . From Santa Claus ' he l per, Santa Claus Snowy eg ret , by F. L. Jaque s . For works by Leslie Ragan See © I Feb44; K55602 . 27Sep71' mai l . © 15Sep44 ; K56195 . Henry R514264 . ' NATIO NAL WI LDLI FE FEDERATION , I NC. Joseph Wi l lems (A); 22Nov71 ; R5172l2. Swamp r ose mall ow, by Le sli e Ragan . U.S . mai l from San t a Cl aus to you . © IFeb44; K55603. 27Se p71 ' REACH , JAMES . © 5Jun44 ; K55827 . Henry Joseph R514265. ' Angel child; a comedy in 1 act . © 2Sep44 ; 091551 . Samuel French, Wi l lems (A); 22Nov71 ; R5J7211 . Inc . (PWH) ; 3 Nov71; R5 160ll .