Bingoi Hartford, July 29 (4*>- Five EVERY SAT
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PA6B . SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1967 Ayerage Dtiily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended Fereeast at V. B. Weather BTarasa ^anrbfBtfr Sufttittg !|?ralb Jime 8. 1887 Chance of scattered abowera te> •eema to have a jinx on hla cars night. Low In mid 60s. Tueeday, About Tohpd on vacation tfipi. 12,540 scattered ahoiyera and thpnder- Several years, ago he had a nar Area Youths Member et the Andit ahowera In afternoon and evening. Heard Along Main Street High near 80. riremen of the 8th Dlitricf'Fire row escape in a colliaion. and this Bnrean of drcalatiea Pepartment will hold a-Depart year he tangled with a hurricane. THE ARMY aod NAVY Manchester— A City o f Village Charm ment meeting Monday at 7:30 p.m. And on Some of Manchester*» Side Streets, It aeema that he was driving In Win Awards southern Illlnoia when the tall end At the fire headquarters, Main and (Claaaifted Advertlaing en Pago 13) PRICE FIVE CENT» HlUlard SU. of Hurricane Audrey swept by. VOL. LXX V I, NO. 254 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 29. 1957 Nothing to Maintain the shear face of the hill carrying He and hla family were in a brand At 4*H Week There are four beautiful tennis Indian pumps. Tuesday eveninif's weighinf - in new car driving through the wide courts near E, Center 8 t. on the 1V-0 men stayed v^lth the truck open fields o f the Midwest which Storrs, July 27 (Special)—Twelve aession by Manchester WATES High School grounds. oh the highway. After about a will be followed by Bingo ior mem stretched vacantly to the horizon. area 4-H youths were top blue rib They are equipped with four half hour, the truck radio,belched The ikies opened up and dumped Showers Ahead bers only.vThe program committee lousy nets that drape lackadaisi out a .message fronv one of the bon winners yesterday in demon- Dulles could use a few more packs of an estimated nine inches of rain cally to the groiuid. firemen operating a walkie-talkie cards. fall In leas than tvk'o hours, atratlon contests during the first BINGOi Hartford, July 29 (4*>- Five EVERY SAT. NIGHT--NEW TIME 8:00 P.M. ^ Not one of the four nets can be at the site of the lire. There, was no place to turn off day of judging in the 4-H Wieh be day forecast, Tuesday through brought into proper position. At The man in the truck under Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hansen. the road; they could only drive on ing held at. the University of Con To Rescue Saturday; least two. maybe more, of the ca stood the message as directing him The outlook for Oonnectl- 31 Bremen Rd.. and sons, Howard to notify the State Forest and until they finally reached a place necticut. bles are broken. where the road was so flooded that ’ cut for the next five daya calls P. and Richard, will leave tomor • The erids of the nets are held Park Commission to send out a Sevan Winners wera from Ooven- row for a-tvacation trip West as state highway patrolmen had for temperatures' to average to the posU, if at all, by improvjs- fire-fighting crew, that "we've got tir and five from Rockville in the Arm s Talk near normal. Warm Tuesday, far as Denver, Oolo. They will ed and inadequate means. red wood.” stationed tractora to drag stalled competition which included home make stops at Niagara Falls and vehicles through the temporary somewhat cooler Wednesday Before long, if no repairs are So, no doubt thinking “Boy, this making akllla, food and nutriUon, and Thursday, a little warmer Detroit,’ Mich., where they will must be something." the radio pond. poultry and rabbit. raising, farm London, July 29 — Sec visit with relatives. At Derby, made, the nets, relatively new. will PLEASE NOTE! (IP) Friday and' Saturday, The have to be thrown away and re operator did as he was bid. Drive on they said, and driva on and home mechantca, electricity, near Denver, they Will be guests he did. The water reached more retary of State DuHes was normal mean temperature for placed at considerable expense. Turned out later the reference dairy and livestock, gardening and flying to London today to the Hartford area during this Of Jury Trial Of Mrs. Ame Peterson, formerly OUR OFHCE WILL BE It is obvious on observation that was to "Red" Wood, formally than six inches above the bottom conservation, forestry and safety ■period ia 7S. ranging from an o f Coventry, slater of Howard the damage is not caused by known as State Forest Ranger of his doors. dembnstrations. take a personal hand in the average low of 62 to aver Hansen. vandalism. Nor is it caused by poor Francis A. Wood of East Hamp Its a good thing he was headed Demonstration blue ribbon win CLOSED AT NOON stalled 5-power disarmament age high of 83. maintenance. There is nothing to ton who directs the firefighting for Texas. It took four days of ners In this area were: Junior talks. Dulles was coming at Precipitation will, on the crew in thig area. The ranger is a 104 degree heat to dry out hia jHerald Photo ■ average total around one half maintain. MIm Anna French clothing, home improvements and President Eisenhower’s re The net tightening equipment true, carrot-top red-head. soaked floor carpeting in the aun. crafts, Kathy Labrjs, Coventry and ON SATURDAYS Inch Occurring as . scattered DOROTHY GRAY 4 quest. \ showers Tuesday and Wednes GOP Chief WM too weak in the first place. Anna French, head of the Man Betty Ann Bock, f^ k v illf. , One prime purpose for 4 The courts are now virtually Ode to the Perry Caravaa Hbw to Make Friends Junior and senior foods and nu DURING JULY and AUGUST day and again about Fiiday. COSMETICS chester Public Libraries, has been retar.v’a dramatic trip reporteoly useless and they probably will re Manchester's self-styled poet A newcomer in town stopped at trition, Pam Jedrziewskl, Rock- was to work out a precise “open, **W* D«liv*r“ i main so for a while because soine- laureate hai written a summation a Main St. service station laat named chairman of the Committee vilje, and Marybell Leonard and akiea'' plan Xor Europe .which the Unafraid of iMdy's budget won't stand the of the exploits of the Perry tour- Punda.v afternoon with the hopes on Public Library Standards of the Kenny Barth, Coventry. EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE European Alliea would support. Farm and home mechanics and Arthur Drus Storts j strain of buying better cables and lita. He may not be a serious of meetinf a friend froip his former Connecticut Library Assn. PHONE Ml 9.4539 Dullea was to confer soon after State Employs cranks. threat to Ezra Pound, or T. S home town. electricity. Gordon Anderson, Cov Development of the standards arrival with Harold E. Staaiwii, Opposition Eliot, or Ogden Nash, for that Noting a “ 'Closed Until '5 p.m.” entry. chief U.S. delegate to the U.N. Non-Stop Haircut matter, but he'a OURS. sign on the station’s door, the new by the American Library Assn, Dairy and livestock, Martha Me- Disarmament subcommittee. He Big CD Pump A young man in the area ob Raymond R. Reid, the auc comer returned to hla car. But be is coniidered to be one of the moat Hutchinson, Frank Hepton and also was slafbd to 'meet Britain's Edith Bohme, Rockville. Fogarty Brothers, InCe Washington, uul.v 29 GENERAL jects very strenuously to having tioneer. wrote the following ode fore he could drive away, a man sit significant national library ai^ Prime Minister Macmillan and his mother cut his hair. and sent it to his son. Bob. who ting in a parked car in an adjoining Gardening, Betty Lou Leonard 319 BROAD STREET Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd. To Save Crops Sen." Knowland (R-Ualif) said wiu one of the youths to travel complishments in recent years. and Judy Fardal, Coventry. All boys hate to have their hair lot summoned him to hia side. They establish new criteria in all Cool . Cokt . Fuol O il. Oil Bumort British ilewapsperi described today supporters of the ad TV SERVICE cut, but this young man has ad with John Perry and Qil Hunt. GlI It seems that the man In the car Conservation, Forestry and Safe the Secretary's visit at a "major BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ministration's • Civil Rights forwarded It to the Herald. Read phases of llbrarj- work and com ty, Richard Barth. Coventry. Days Mi ttK A ditional objTCtiona. was an ardent baseball fan and was munity support. Miss French said, event in international affairs" and Conneftlcuf today pressed idle Bill are gaining strength in Nights « 2 s9 9 Plus Parts He doesn't question his mother's on. highly disturbed because hie favor More than ISO teenage boya and expressed hope it would provide a Civil Defense equipment into an Here'! to Mr. Perry and his travel but particularly they emphasize girls competed In both junior'and their efforts to ward off a TEL. m S-44S8 competence, but her availability. ite team had just been beaten in a turning point In the king effort; ayatem for bringing water to rain- ing class the conviction that today every senior classes. Also on the day's to end the East-West arms race. jury trial amendment.