10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 1

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10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 1 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Alexandra alix@templ CST EES Geochemical Student will be completing a detailed geochemical Main Completed classes in Geology Juniors or Davatzes e.edu analysis of a analysis of a section of rock collected from an General chemistry Seniors Paleoarchean impact boundary. and Geochemistry or impact event. Petrology. Skilled in Excel; willing to work hard. - Gen Chem I, and Geochemistry or Petrology Allen anichol@te CST Biology Analysis of a Proteomic analyses of protein-protein interactions Main Interest in Biology, Sophomore, Nicholson mple.edu Gene-regulatory in the bacterium Escherichia coli suggest that two biochemistry and Biochemis Junior or Ribonuclease ribonucleases, RNase III and RNase II, as well as the molecular biology; try - Senior Complex protein YmdB, function as a complex to process strong foundation of Biology RNA molecules. We will investigate how RNase III basic 2112, and RNase II may work in concert to process RNA, biochemical/biologic Genetics, and how YmdB regulates the action of RNase III. al concepts, critical Chemistry These experiments will use purified recombinant thinking skills, proteins and RNA substrates to examine the attention to detail, activity of the protein complex and the individual willingness to tackle proteins. an early-stage research project. 10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 1 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Allen anichol@te CST Biology Understanding We apply biochemical and molecular genetic Main Strong performance Biochemis Sophomore, Nicholson mple.edu ribonuclease techniques to probe the mechanism of in biology and try, Junior or mechanism and ribonucleases and their function in gene chemistry courses Biology, Senior function in gene expression and RNA stability. Our primary system (including at least Chemistry regulation is the bacterial cell, and we seek to understand one semester of majors how bacterial cell motility, biofilm formation, and organic chemistry) response to stress are regulated by ribonucleases. Biology and Chemistry coursework through the sophomore year. Must have an eagerness to learn techniques, and be prepared to go the extra distance to complete occasionally challenging experiments 10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 2 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Amy amy.freest CST Biology Biogeographic Global patterns of biodiversity demonstrate that Main A strong academic Biology, Sophomore, Freestone one@templ variation in most of the species on earth occur in the tropics, record, a strong Environm Junior or e.edu interaction with strikingly fewer species occurring in higher- interest in ecology ental Senior strength and latitude regions. Biologists predict that this global and conservation, Science invasions at the pattern of species diversity is likely shaped by and a desire to apply ocean's ecological species interactions. Yet few detailed these interests in a nearshore experimental data exist that demonstrate how research setting. (BioVision). species interactions influence ecological Relevant coursework communities from the tropics to the arctic. (Principles of Therefore, a significant opportunity exists to Ecology, upper level transform our understanding of how these ecology and/or fundamental species interactions shape patterns of conservation biodiversity across the globe. Furthermore, these electives, statistics, species interactions have the strong potential to etc.) is helpful limit biological invasions by non-native species, but not required. which are often transported by human activities that breach historical dispersal barriers, such as ocean basins and continents. Biological invasions can cause undesired ecological and economic effects and are considered one of the primary drivers of global change. Through extensive field research on marine ecosystems along the Pacific Coast of North and Central America, from the tropics to the subarctic, this project is elucidating ecological factors that shape global patterns of diversity and limit biological invasions. 10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 3 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Ananias Ananias.Esc CST Biology Genetic diversity I am looking for highly motivated students who are Main Basic knowledge on Biology, Sophomore Escalante alante@te of vector borne interested in gaining research experience. A biology Natural or Junior, mple.edu pathogens/paras minimum of 3.7 GPA is required. Students should (transcription/transl Sciences, Freshman ites. interview with the PI. Our expectation is that the ation; DNA structure Math could be selected candidates will continue to work with us and replication) OR (applied) considered after the summer. Traditionally, undergraduate analytical/computati and students appear as co-authors in per-reviewed onal skills will be Computer publications. considered as Sciences - selection criteria. BIOL 2112 10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 4 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Ananias Ananias.Esc CST Biology Phylomedicine It is increasingly evident that genomic information, Main I am looking for Biology, Freshman or Escalante alante@te of vector-borne together with concepts from epidemiology and highly motivated Biochem, sophomore mple.edu pathogens evolutionary biology, allows for testing of students who are Applied hypotheses and exploration of scenarios that interested in gaining Mathemat otherwise could not be investigated by traditional research experience. ics, approaches. Our lab characterizes the processes A minimum of 3.7 Natural shaping the genetic variation of vector-borne GPA is required. Sciences parasites and viruses. In particular, we utilize Basic knowledge on genetic data to learn how pathogen populations biology respond to the selective pressures exerted by the (transcription/transl host immune system or antimicrobial drugs. By ation; DNA structure comparing genetic data derived from historical and replication) and samples and/or comparing pathogens genomes, analytical/computati we expect to provide information regarding which onal skills will be types of parasite populations/dynamics are most considered as prone to the emergence of drug resistance or how selection criteria. genes encoding antigens that are vaccine (or Programming at a diagnostic) targets change in time and space basic level is compromising the efficacy of those public health considered a plus, interventions/tools. We also utilize the parasite but it is not genetic information to ascertain ongoing required. Students epidemiological processes such as outbreaks or should interview disease transmission patterns in space. Our with the PI. Our approach involves a suite of methods and models expectation is that that include population genetics/genomics the selected analyses, phylogenetics, and experimental work. candidates will The students’ main role will be to assist in continue to work evolutionary genetic analyses. We are looking for 1 with us after the or 2 students interested in analyzing genetic data summer. (target gene and genomic data) of malarial Traditionally, parasites (protozoa from the genus Plasmodium) undergraduate 10/29/2018 Spring 2019 CST Facutly Reserch Projects 5 Faculty Email Faculty Faculty Project title Project Description Project Important selection Student Class Name Address School or Departmen Location criteria Majors Preference College t Desired Anduo adw@temp CST CIS A Consistent My research interests center around improving Main good math, computer seniors Wang le.edu SDN networked-systems with database techniques and programming with science Management formal methods. My current research projects Python, some Plane with Logic focus on software-defined networks (SDN). understanding of Reasoning networking and database Ang Sun angsun@te CST Biology Generate cell As a member of the retinoblastoma tumor Main Biology Freshman, mple.edu models by using suppressor gene family, RBL2, which encodes Sophomore, CRISPR-cas9 to pRb2/p130, has been investigated over 20 years. It Junior or knock out the is believed works as a tumor suppressor. Its Senior RBL2 gene in function in cell cycle regulation and histone normal and methylation has been widely reported. However, cancerous its potential role in epigenetics, in particular colorectal cell regulating DNA methylation, especially at the lines genome level, remains to be well studied. As a portion of a larger project, this project for undergraduates is going to focus on employing CRISPR-cas9, a revolutionary genome-editing tool being developed in recent years, to knockout RBL2 in a normal human colon epithelial cell line (FHC) as well as a few colorectal cancer cell lines. This will prepare good cell models for further investigating the role of RBL2 in
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