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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19697-0 - Staying Roman: Conquest and Identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439–700 Jonathan Conant Index More information INDEX cAbd Allah¯ ibn Saad, 335 Roman Achilles, 55 distinctive culture of, 8–9 Adeodatus (name), 115–27, 283 ‘Romanness’ of, 3–4, 7–8 administration, Byzantine social and political ties to Italy, 9–12 Africans in, 203–4, 211, 237 Vandal conquest of, 131–2 financial, 199, 235–6 Africa Proconsularis high officials Arian persecution in, 144, 164–5, 166, 181 court connections, 204–5, 220–3, 226 Byzantine administration of, 197, 207 regional origins, 202–4 Byzantine fortification of, 299 promotion within, 223–4 dating systems, 150–1 senior officers economy, 51, 91, 93–4, 334, 336 families of, 242–4 location of, 7 military background, 218–20 provincial church council of, 322, 348, prior service in Africa, 224–6 357 term of appointment, 233–5 Roman administration of, 9–10 ties to predecessors, 223 Vandal control of, 22 size, 240 Vandal settlement in, 47–50 structure of, 197–8 African red slip ware subordinate officers as economic evidence, 91, 333 court connections, 227–8 distribution in Africa, 98–9, 100–1, 287, recommendation of, 229, 230 288, 334 regional origins, 205–6, 207–11 exports, 92–4, 95, 336, 337 term of appointment, 236–9 production, 51, 91, 98, 140, 336 ties to superiors, 228–31 Agapetus (Pope), 172, 347 administration, Roman, 9–12 Agnellus (Ostrogothic ambassador), 39, 41 administration, Vandal, 46, 143–4 A¨ıgan (Byzantine officer), 207, 229–30, 232, Aegean, 92, 215, 337 300
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