Howard Park and Howard Garden, Letchworth Garden City, Herts Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews North Hertfordshire District Council Museums Service Archaeology Report 35 2008 Howard Park and Howard Garden, Letchworth Garden City, Herts Archaeological Desk Based Assessment Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews North Hertfordshire District Council Museums Service Archaeology Report 35 2008 Contents Metadata Title: Howard Park and Howard Garden, Letchworth Garden City, Herts: archaeological desk based assessment Author: Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews (Archaeology Officer, North Hertfordshire District Council,
[email protected]) Derivation: First revision Origination Date: 11 April 2008 Reviser(s): Keith J Fitzpatrick-Matthews Date of last revision: 8 May 2008 Version: 1.1 Status: Final version Summary of Changes: Illustrations added; corrections to errors in the text; additional text; spelling check Circulation: North Hertfordshire District Council, Hertfordshire County Council Historic Environment Record, Letchworth Library Required Action: Scan for errors File Name/Location: h:\kmatthew\My Documents\Parishes\Letchworth\Howard Park\Desk Based Assessment 2008.doc Approval: Not required Table of Contents Contents.............................................................................................................................................i Metadata.........................................................................................................................................i Table