Fr/“ !Report Asks Big Hike Foreign
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' I' ^ ^ «■ WEDNESDAT, AUGUST It. iN t Average Daily Net PresaTthn The Wsathsr ^anrlrriilrr IttiPttitugi l|rrald For the Week Baded Ferodae* ef 0 . 8. Weatbar BaMSB May tSrd. I08S Fair, mIM tealght. Low bi SSa Mr. and Mra. Alanao roroman.. CUM NaMan Sly aaS win fastuM eamivikl night, eampflra, ~gho t 12,925 Friday coaUawed geacralty fair, North Coventry, and thalr aen, Area Scouts H e S n » pm Sty J »% U »H lEwmtng to a U i About Town Lewti Foreman, SO RlUiaid '8t, Board Still Says ‘No’ and an alaetton, with Iota Member ef the Aodlt he*. Hlgli acor SS. tlklng and a boilermakora' have juRt returned from a trip to Barean ef OIrenhitlea M anchaefar^A City o l Viltatfo Chorm tlw Knichta o( Oolumbtia' act* Oreenlleld. Iowa. Bn route, they Now at C^mp baJl, In omjtmetioiVfWlth boy’s daj^ PRINTED DISH TOWELS liaek touraaramt will atart Sapt. vMted Niagara Falla. on which ^ scouts assums the 11. niaaa wlahlag to partldpata On Yule Lights Issue operation of Camp Pioneer. With More than 200 Blackiedge Dle- tiUlBMlfUd AsurMHig ea Page l$l PRICE FIVE CENTS nagr nctatar at the X C Home. The netback tournament, apon* the most covetod posltlcm in camp, A ckNMout pattern. ^ a t ’s VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 273 (TWENTY PAGES) M ANCHESTER. CONN., ’THURSDAY, AlIGUSTT 20. 19.59 aorMl by the BUia, will atart on trlet scouts began their annual the chpf, filled boyF day will be able to sell these i^ d e rfu l qualltjrtweli nlgtitfcusslon of any subjects tinder^ the A ta v a ta aplaah pojrtjr wiU be Bept. S. Reglatratlona for the tour The Board of IHrtctors last summer encampment Monday at climaxed by an "Officers In ths at such a ridiculously low price. TWs is Dirsetora' Jurisdiction. - held at < o*eloGk Friday night at nament may be mada at the Blka stayed firm In Ita decision not to the Charter Oak Boy Scout Re lake" pai^y. Tha encampment will the last the Jobber had; so thfreU J* .2,“ Bennett said the Chamber's re the nUBCtoB RMca Country Club. Home. aid tha Chamber of Commerce In servation, Camp Pioneer, on West wind up with a council campfire more when thee# are gone. E a r a A AB quest had a "telfiah" motive— "to Hill lake in Winated. on Saturday night, Aug. 39, whwt SORBENT, AND IX»'0 WEARING. the Chrietmea etreet lighting pro make money." He said It wants Fliers Prepare M iu Gall Peaae of Jackman, Heading the Manchester contin scouts receive camp awards for Anthony T. SqulUacote. non of gram. Malil St. decorated at Christmas Steel Strike Rivals gent Is Troop 26—Charter Oak Mr. and Mra. Anthony Bqaillaeote. Maine, la vlaltlng with her alater, competitive scouting events. the DIrectorh remained certain time for "another eelflsh reason” CouncU's largest unit—under the m ‘W hite 8ti wdl Mtar the Behoof Wiliiam URlvtere of ISO 'This weekend. Troop 36 com Air Snatch of the town ehouid not contribute —to draw ahoppera. direction of Scoutmaster Harry of Mualc, at the llniveralty of Ml-(Maple 8t. "The townspeople are not obli mittee will hold .the annual out-, money toward the program in a Maldment. Two groups of Troop 26 ing at the Hessians In Cktsp Pio fr/“ !Report Asks Big Hike ami. Coral Oablea. Fla. next gated." he added, "to pick up the Senior Scouts are on separate Claim Fact Report Space Capsize month. He plana to major In voice. brief dlecuealon during last night's tab” for any Chamber projects. neer. They will attend the Cotincll TfwJWIUUeoM projeeta during the first week of o h n He la a graduate of Mancheater Custer Pays Visit meeting Ih the Municipal Building Mrs. FItxpstrick said Main St. catnpfirs Saturday iflght and M A N O fM T M i C * Thousands- camp. The 1946 are group; under church aervicea Siindi^ - morning Vsndenberg Air Force Bo m . High School. gfter John Wlet. .executive vice businessmen benefited themselves the leadership of Joe Marcln, (s priaeldent of the Chamber, urged with tha scouts. On Sunday, ths On Way to Spain by getting a sizable decrease In hiking the Appalachian Trail; Calif., Aug. 20 (JP)— From out By DBNZIL PEIRIH taoira A. Trudel. daughter of reconsideration. committee will attend a oookout Backs Their Stand assessed valuation last year and while the 1946 group, under the of the vast Pacific heavens, a Kandy, Ceylon, Aug. 20 (JP) Mr. and Mra. niomaa J. ^ a r a , 4S Wlet, aaking ttet the Board ap have been benefited by the town followed by the annual buslneas Arthur Cuater, hla wlff, and guidance of Karl Kelher and Fred small capsule dangling from a — A maddened temple ele Weaver Rd.; Harold P. Laraon, three.children of lodra City, Iowa, propriate $1,000 to match $5,0^ In the way'of extra parking space meeting and election of officers I •CHOOLBXClNj from the Chamber, aaid that In Morrison, Is on a canoe' trip in the for the coming season. Arrange parachute was expected to aon of Mr. and Mra. Bdward D. arc viaitlng with Cuateria father, and new street lights. Maine wilderness. Both groups Washington. Aug. 20 phant charged a crowd of Foreign Aid Rockvilla tha Chamber of Com ments for the committee campoiit the strike rests upon management drop slowly toward the (Kean Wllaon, U Main St, Talcottvllle; Lnuta H. Cuater of M Hawthorne will trek to Camp Pioneer next CALL THE Striking steelworkers and the 200,000 at a religioua fe.atival merce and town government give are under the supervlilon of troop and labor.” and Suaan H. Lovett daughter of St. weekend to Join the troop In the today. last night. Twenty person* $800 apiece for atrjMt lighting. stewiwd William Oess. steel industry both claimed However, he, made It Clear that Mr. and Mra. Howard W. Lovett Cuater haa been away from Currency Shower second p'eek's program. ' And waiting In Hawaii waa a Went Rd., Ellington, have been Earlier, the Mancheater Cham MONEY NUMBER today that a new government the public has an Interest In the team of fliers with a seemingly .were reported killed in the Mancheater alnee 1940. He grad ber had asked for $1,200 to help In First week activities will range named to the dean'a Hat at Baton Mitchell 3-4l68 report bolsters their positions. dispute which each week Is Cost impossible asalgnment — to go crush and thousands in.iured.) uated Mancheater High School In the $6,000 decorating program of For .Miss Brown from the waterfront to l4-mlle Mami« Ends Visit ing $300 million worth of produc Several persona were reported Ike’s Group College. Lewiaton, Maine, for the Uie.claar of 1940B, graduated the hikes in ths Bsrkshlres In quest of Maintaining Ita handa-off poliCy out and try to Catch It before It second aemeater of the 1SS8-59 new lighting and ornaments, In tion and $70 million in wages. missing. It was feared some had; Univeralty of Conneetleut In 1940, merit badge qualifications. First Denver, Aug. ip OP) _ Mrs. In the 37-day-old steel strike, the hit the water. college year. They are all members cluding 0-foot high candles. The A ctitrency bridal shov/er was F O R A N O K A Y L O A N I government yesterday released MitChell told several hundred fallen or jumped Into Kandy Lake ‘ and received hie master’t degree given recently In honor of Kath timers. Identified by their presence Mamie Elsenhower ended a 6-day . , __ I The capsule went aloft veater- of the claaa of I960. IHrectora last week refused on School bellt mean' tchool Wl/f • • • - figures showing that ateel profits, nearby. ! In muBlc from the Univeralty of grounds the money would gld bus!- ryn L. Brown. 12 Cheater Dr., at in a'"penned In” area of the water visit with her alUng mother, Mrs. <l*y. the nose of the Dis- Airs Urgent doGMs, books, tmtioo. Time for an Okay prices and wages have been going ferenCe that the effeCt of the strike Coverer VI satellite, which is The elephant was one of more j Redlanda in CaUfomla. He haa neaamen on Main St. rather than the home of her aunt, Mra. T. L^rle front, known as the Crib, will Bllvera Doud, last night and Loanl Just cell us . upon apptoval you so far has o°t been serioiui from a than 100 partiCipating w ith , Frank Bedell, IS-yaar old aon of spent the last seven yearn teach the whole town and might set a Brown, 1001 Tolland St., E ^ spend ths week trylng_fqr the 60-, headed back to Washington. Lohhi from up for years. flashing around tha earth once pick up your cash! Pay bade In small month SeCretary of Labor James P. national standpoint. dancers and drummers >!n an an-| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bedell. 44 ing music in the Midwest, most re precedent for glring public money Harl:ird. yard-distance which qualifies them Ths First Lady left aboard ^ $S5 to $609 everj' 96 minutes In an egg- ly installments you choose. MitCbell made public the 4,000- But a national emergenCy might nual Buddhist pageant Calle'd, Funds Plea Griswold St. has returned to the cently at the Univeralty of Ohaha, to other programs. Friends and relatives of the for swimming privileges. Old- Burlington train. She was to shaped, north-south orbit. Our monogar llkat to loy, '^oar loon Is okoyT. word background report on the result if the strike ia not settled Perahera.