Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongelap Marshallese, and United States .Xuciex Weapons Testing in the Marshall Islands
\ UCRL-ID--105719 -ISV. : DE91 014111 . Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongelap Marshallese, and United States .XucIeX Weapons Testing in the Marshall Islands A Bibliography Vincent Schultz Professor Emeritus Washington State Uni\7ersity . Susan C. Schultz International Studies Program University of Oregon 1989 Edited and Published by Dr. William L. Robison, Lawrence Livermore .National Laborator=,- Livermore, CA Mav 1991 “ . ,,. Table of Contents . Introduction ...................................................................................................................... Ackno~vledgments ............................................................................. .................... Cultural Impact, General Introductory, and Miscellaneous References ..............-l .- Congressional !?epor’ .,.,,,,. ,,,,,, . ,,, . Annual Report of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands .................................2O Radiation Ecology and Related Subje~s ....................................................................2 Radiation Expo:Jre of the Rongelap and Utirik Marshallese ..............................-i!l i . Introduction A considerable literature exists on the Bikini, Enewetak, and Rongela~ \farshallese and their atolls; however, this literature consists of a larSe nu~. ber c: governmental documents that are relatively unknown and difficult to locate. This is particularly true of the documents of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and those related to nuclear weapons testing in the \4arsha11 Is!ands. Bec2xse : comprehensive bibliography
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