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ENTERTAINMENTpage 19 Technique • Friday, February 16, 2001 • 19 Neal Boortz talks to GT Slow down, have a roll ENTERTAINMENT Staff writer David Reynolds talks to The Two Bits Man offers suggestions talk-show host Neal Boortz on issues of on making getting a speeding ticket a Technique • Friday, February 16, 2001 interest to Tech students. Page 23 more pleasant experience. Page 25 Hopkins offers a lot of bite for your buck in ‘Hannibal’ By Kit FitzSimons ling’s search for a serial killer. ured expatient of Lecter’s trying When brain food goes wrong Her only source of information to find the doctor and torture was a psychopathic psychologist, him to death. This sets in mo- MPAA Rating: R Dr. Hannibal “The Cannibal” tion events that bring Clarice Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Lecter. While helping Clarice, (now played by Julianne Moore) Julianne Moore, Ray Liotta Dr. Lecter delves into her psyche back onto the case and Hanni- Director: Ridley Scott and discovers she is not like oth- bal Lecter back into her life. Studio: Universal Pictures For those of you who have Running Time: 135 minutes seen Silence of the Lambs, Han- Rating: yyyy Hannibal is a nibal is sure to be just as en- grossing. However, it is also just There is only so far you can cinematic page- plain gross. There is scarcely an go into the mind of a serial killer turner that keeps organ not seen in one form or before starting to like him. There another being splashed onto the is also only so much monstrosi- you on the edge of ground or…um…mixed with ty you can see from this charac- your seat…or flava beans and a nice Chianti. ter you like without starting to For the weak of heart (or stom- gag. This seems to be the exper- huddling at the ach or liver or…whatever), this iment enacted by Hannibal, the back of it. is probably a movie to see with sequel to Silence of the Lambs. someone who has a strong shoul- Silence of the Lambs swept der to bury your face in every through the 1991 Academy once in a while. Awards, winning Best Picture, er so-called heroes. Though Cla- Notice I did not say you Director (Jonathan Demme), rice catches the serial killer at shouldn’t see it—just that you Screenplay, Actor (Anthony the end, Lecter escapes and dis- should avert your eyes wisely. Hopkins), and Actress (Jodie appears into the wide world. This movie is spectacular, stay- By Phil Bray / UNIVERSAL PICTURES Foster). The film told the story Hannibal picks up ten years Will Julianne Moore effectively fill the role of FBI Agent Clarice Starling? To see how of young FBI agent Clarice Star- later with a deranged and disfig- See Hannibal, page 25 she compares to Jodie Foster’s Academy Award-winning turn, check out Hannibal. DramaTech Measure for Measure Big Easy funk, shaken like mad By Alan Back them a chance to figure out where it. Vogel’s command of the Ham- Finally settled his pizza tab! they wanted to go. mond organ and Ellman’s abili- “It was in the process of do- ty to do shameless things to his There are plenty of cynics in ing that little recording that ev- horns go a long way toward es- the music business who will tell erybody started thinking about tablishing the groove. you that everything’s already been changing direction a little bit— The axe man came into the done. Nobody comes up with not having so much guitar, do- picture five years ago while the new ideas these days, they say, ing more of an instrumental band was doing a summer tour and nine-tenths of the people thing. That was kind of the end on the West Coast. “Ben came ripping off the old stuff just make of Galactic Prophylactic; our out and did half of it,” Vogel a mess of it. former lead singer and other gui- said. “We didn’t have a perma- Said cynics might change their tar player went on to other nent horn player at the time. tune if they dropped in on a gig For a little while we kind of tag- by the New Orleans six-piece teamed between a couple of play- Galactic. The worlds of rock and “Funky music that ers from New Orleans, Ben being jazz have been taking note of you can dance one of them. Then over time, he this funky crew, if for no other just became the guy, you know? reason than the fact that they to…is part of the It was just clear that he was the know how to make the old school fabric of life [in right person, musically and per- come alive all over again. sonality-wise.” The core of the band came New Orleans].” Ditto for singer Theryl de together in the early ’90s when Rich Vogel Clouet, who came in to do two high school buddies Robert Keyboards, Galactic tracks during the recording of Mercurio (bass) and Jeff Raines Coolin’ Off and started showing (guitar) moved to New Orleans up at the band’s gigs. Mercurio from Washington, D.C., to at- things.” The band dropped the has described him as their “per- tend college. By 1994, drum- second half of its moniker and manent special guest,” and ac- mer Stanton Moore and soon hit the studio again, re- cording to Vogel, he hasn’t missed keyboard man Rich Vogel had cording the debut album Coo- a show since that first session. signed on to play with the out- lin’ Off for Fog City in the De Clouet and his a cappella fit, which was going under the summer of 1995. group Hollygrove contribute name Galactic Prophylactic and Galactic has been on Capri- vocals to five cuts on Late, evok- working with various horn sec- corn Records since 1998, re-re- ing the Delta bluesman at times tions and a second guitarist. leasing Coolin’ Off that same year while jumping ahead to the soul- They caught the attention of and putting out two subsequent jazz era at others. Dan Prothero, founder of San discs. Their latest effort, last year’s Though the band as a whole By Robert Hill / STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Francisco’s independent Fog City Late for the Future, mixes to- is strongly rooted in Louisiana Valerie Peek and Kecia Rigsby prepare for todays’ DramaTech opening of record label, and were invited in gether a few stiff belts of jazz, funk, they don’t mind taking Measure for Measure. Performances will be held in the Dean Dull Theatre. to record a song for a jazz com- funk, and soul and lets the lot the occasional trip into deep left For a review of the show, please turn to page 22 of this week’s Technique. pilation he was planning. Vogel ferment in the swamp—and then explained that these sessions gave dares people not to get down to See Galactic, page 20 A cappella at UTC ‘November,’ ‘Earth’ at local theaters Under the Couch will host an evening of a Nelson Moss (Keanu Reeves, mak- Also opening today is Down to Earth, cappella performances from three different ing another attempt at romantic dra- a story of “premature reincarnation” groups next Thursday, February 22, begin- ma) and Sarah Deever (Charlize Theron) directed by Chris and Paul Weitz. Fun- ning at 8:00 p.m. have nothing in common except an nyman Chris Rock stars as a man who Georgia Tech groups Sympathetic Vibra- hour spent in the DMV in Sweet No- meets his untimely demise...only to find tions and Nothin’ But Treble will be joined by vember, opening today in theaters. Their out it wasn’t quite his time to go. As a Vocal Tonic. unconventional relationship brings re- result, he’s allowed back into the real The cost is $5.00, or only $3.00 with a sults neither could have ever anticipat- world—with the catch that he’s now in Tech student ID. ed. Pat O’Connor directs. a much older man’s body. 20 • Friday, February 16, 2001 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT or wondering if it was really going line music service opened shows for the first half of ence that recalled their early days in Galactic from page 19 to work at all, we were like, ‘Screw ARTISTdirect.com, the tour also the tour), make life on the road small clubs and bars. “You can get it. Let’s take it out, do whatever and features Primus bassist Les Clay- even more rewarding, he said. in front of a new audience and play field—so deep, in fact, that they see what happens.’” pool’s side project—the Frog Bri- At first glance, it’s an unlikely some music for them that they don’t end up climbing into the seats. Cue The end result caught everybody gade—and the New York trio Drums matchup. One group plays live but get to hear a lot of. I don’t think up “Two Clowns” at the end of Late by surprise: “I don’t know if we had & Tuba. sounds like a house DJ spinning they get too many New Orleans and you can hear them jump from really made it before it as a band, Vogel stated, “[ARTISTdirect away (Lake Trout). Another crosses funk bands there every day…They tight grooving into goofy free-form but we liked it—‘I don’t know what was] interested in having Les do it. old-time street bands with tripped- were very enthusiastic, so it was just experimentalism.