2015 2 Friendly Companion January 2015

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2015 2 Friendly Companion January 2015 TThhee FFrriieennddllyy CCoommppaanniioonn “Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” (Psalm 17. 5) January 2015 2 Friendly Companion January 2015 Editor: Mr. G.D. Buss, “Bethany,” 7 Laines Head, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1PH. Tel: 01249 656910. Email: [email protected] All correspondence (except that which relates to subscriptions) to be sent to the Editor. All correspondence concerning subscriptions should be addressed to Mr. D. Christian, 5, Roundwood Gardens, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 3AJ (Telephone 01582 762717) Cheques should be made out to Gospel Standard Publications. For United States and Canada, please send to Mr. G. Tenbroeke, 1725 Plainwood Drive, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081, USA. Annual Subscriptions inc. postage: U.K. U.S.A. & Canada Australia Europe (Netherlands) £13.50 $36 A$40 €26.00 Volume 141 January 2015 CONTENTS Our Monthly Message 3 Our Front Cover Picture 4 The Big Weed 5 For the Very Little Ones: Saul Disobeys 6 Colouring Text: 1 Samuel 15. 22 7 Bible Lessons: A New Apostle Appointed 8 The Vengeance of the Indian (I) 10 Editor’s Postbag 13 The Twelve Disciples 14 The Holy Bible (I) 15 Smeaton’s Tower 16 “Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and for Ever.” 18 Sarah: An Answered Prayer 19 Bible Study for the Older Ones: Christ in the Book of Genesis (I) 20 Bible Questions: Fighting 22 Seek Jesus and Never Give It Up 24 Poetry: Retrospect – Prospect – Trust 24 Friendly Companion January 2015 3 OUR MONTHLY MESSAGE Dear Children and Young People, It is the custom to wish each other a Happy New Year when January 1st arrives, and as your Editor, we heartily follow the tradition of wishing you all, happiness in 2015. I wonder what you think would make us truly happy? If we answer really honestly, (i.e. not Just saying what others might expect us to say!) that answer would tell the true state of our heart before God. Many of you will know the story of the two brothers, Jacob and Esau. Sadly, when they were young they could not agree, and as is usually the case, there were faults on both sides. Jacob has to flee from Esau’s anger and threats, to live many miles away with his uncle, Laban. After many years Jacob was commanded by God, whom he now had learned to serve, to return to his homeland. This meant meeting his brother Esau again. However, Esau was not a God-fearing man. What reception would Jacob get? In answer to a night of prayer by Jacob, when they met, Esau had laid aside all anger and the two brothers kissed each other. Jacob kindly, trying to amend for past wrongs, offers Esau many sheep, camels and cows, which Esau at first declined saying “I have enough.” Jacob pressed him to take them, saying, “I have enough.” In the original Hebrew text, the word ‘enough’ which Esau used is different from the word ‘enough’ Jacob used. To Esau ‘enough’ meant having lots of cattle, camels and sheep. This was the wealth of his day. To Jacob ‘enough’ meant to have God’s favour and blessing. Jacob had been taught, through difficult times, what Solomon tells us: “The blessing of the LORD , it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10. 22). So what would make us happy in 2015? If we are truly wise, like Jacob, we shall be seeking the Lord’s blessing each day. It will be a truly happy year for us if we prove Psalm 146. 5 to be 4 Friendly Companion January 2015 true: “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the L ORD his God.” May this be the happiness we each desire and obtain. With best wishes from your sincere friend and Editor. ——— OUR FRONT COVER PICTURE PSALM 17. 5 There is hardly a prayer more important to us each, and especially to young people, than the words of Psalm 17. 5: “Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” There are many paths of which we could speak but here are four in which we should all be concerned to be held up. In each case we have the example of four godly men. The Word of God: When Moses died, Joshua, his successor must have greatly missed the counsel and advice of his spiritual father. Where was he to look now for wisdom in the great burden that had fallen upon him? He was to go to the Book of the Law, (the Scriptures as far as had then been revealed), meditate in them day and night, and follow their rule. In this way, God said his way would be made prosperous and then he would have good success. You can read in the Book of Joshua how this godly man was held up in this path; an example to us all. Prayer: When it was decreed by Darius that no man should ask a petition of any god (and Israel’s God was included), Daniel would not be deterred from the path of prayer. He continued his pattern of prayer, unashamed of being seen as a praying man, even though it meant that a den of lions awaited him. How wonderfully did God honour him, by shutting the lions’ mouths and delivering him from the malice of his enemies! God held him up in the path of prayer. Humility: Naaman wanted to be healed from his leprosy very sincerely, but at first he wanted it to be in such a way that would be for his own honour and glory and not God’s. How at first he despised the waters of Jordan in comparison with those Friendly Companion January 2015 5 of Abana and Pharpar! But when he humbled himself, and left behind his own way of pride, he proved the blessing of submission to God’s way. God taught him the path of humility, a lesson we each need to learn. Forgiveness: All of God’s people long to know the great blessing of forgiveness. But also we must never forget that a forgiven person ought also to be a forgiving person. When Onesimus ran away from Philemon, he stole some of Philemon’s money. In Rome he found that the Lord had other purposes for him: that of saving him by grace. But having been forgiven he now had to return and say sorry to Philemon, and Philemon was to forgive him unreservedly. This is a path that proud nature often shuns. Saying sorry on the one hand, and forgiving and forgetting the sins of those who have offended us, often goes against the grain of our proud nature. These are paths in which we each need to be held up. ——— THE BIG WEED Your article and picture of the big weed with its long roots (November 2014 issue), reminded me of something else about weeds. I once heard the late Mr. John Green say in one of his sermons that some big weeds grow so close to the plant and look so much like the real plant that they are almost imperceptible. He went on to say that this was like some professors, who look so much like the Christians, but are only hypocrites. Should not this make us each pray to be made real Christians? “Pause, my soul! and ask the question, Art thou ready to meet God? Am I made a real Christian, Washed in the Redeemer’s blood? Have I union To the church’s living Head?” W. Gadsby An older reader 6 Friendly Companion January 2015 FOR THE VERY LITTLE ONES SAUL DISOBEYS The L ORD sent Samuel with a command for King Saul: “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have.” Saul went with his army and smote the people of Amalek. But he kept the king of Amalek alive. Saul and the people also saved the best sheep and oxen. Then the L ORD told Samuel that Saul had not obeyed His command. How this grieved Samuel! He cried unto the L ORD all night for Saul. In the morning he went to meet him. When Samuel heard bleating of sheep and lowing of oxen, he asked Saul what it meant. Saul said the people had saved the best sheep and oxen to sacrifice unto the L ORD . He blamed the people and tried to excuse his own sin by saying that he “feared the people.” Samuel said that to obey the L ORD was better than offering sacrifices. He told Saul: “Because thou hast rejected the word of the L ORD , He hath also rejected thee from being king.” Samuel rent or tore his garment to show that the LORD had taken the kingdom of Israel from Saul and given it to another. Samuel mourned for Saul but never came to see him again. QUESTIONS: 1. With what did the L ORD send Samuel to King Saul? 2. What did Saul and the people save to sacrifice to the L ORD ? 3. What did Samuel say was better than offering sacrifices? Please send your answers to the Editor either by post or by e-mail. (See page 2 for the address). Remember to give your name and address and to write the word ANSWERS on the envelope. ANSWERS TO DECEMBER QUESTIONS 1. Jonathan. 2. Tremble. Quake. 3. Each other. Contributed Friendly Companion January 2015 7 8 Friendly Companion January 2015 BIBLE LESSONS A NEW APOSTLE APPOINTED The Bible tells us that when Jesus ascended to heaven : “..
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