TThhee FFrriieennddllyy CCoommppaanniioonn “Hold up my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” (Psalm 17. 5) January 2015 2 Friendly Companion January 2015 Editor: Mr. G.D. Buss, “Bethany,” 7 Laines Head, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1PH. Tel: 01249 656910. Email:
[email protected] All correspondence (except that which relates to subscriptions) to be sent to the Editor. All correspondence concerning subscriptions should be addressed to Mr. D. Christian, 5, Roundwood Gardens, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 3AJ (Telephone 01582 762717) Cheques should be made out to Gospel Standard Publications. For United States and Canada, please send to Mr. G. Tenbroeke, 1725 Plainwood Drive, Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081, USA. Annual Subscriptions inc. postage: U.K. U.S.A. & Canada Australia Europe (Netherlands) £13.50 $36 A$40 €26.00 Volume 141 January 2015 CONTENTS Our Monthly Message 3 Our Front Cover Picture 4 The Big Weed 5 For the Very Little Ones: Saul Disobeys 6 Colouring Text: 1 Samuel 15. 22 7 Bible Lessons: A New Apostle Appointed 8 The Vengeance of the Indian (I) 10 Editor’s Postbag 13 The Twelve Disciples 14 The Holy Bible (I) 15 Smeaton’s Tower 16 “Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, and Today, and for Ever.” 18 Sarah: An Answered Prayer 19 Bible Study for the Older Ones: Christ in the Book of Genesis (I) 20 Bible Questions: Fighting 22 Seek Jesus and Never Give It Up 24 Poetry: Retrospect – Prospect – Trust 24 Friendly Companion January 2015 3 OUR MONTHLY MESSAGE Dear Children and Young People, It is the custom to wish each other a Happy New Year when January 1st arrives, and as your Editor, we heartily follow the tradition of wishing you all, happiness in 2015.