Seattle AFL Convention Delegate Scores Beck Gangsterism
Seattle AFL Convention Delegate Scores Beck Gangsterism Read This Issue for FARMERS! Oregon Election The Voice of Action ~ News VOICE OF ACTION Is Your Paper 2 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, 12, FIVECENTS VOLUME TELEPHONE MAIN 1525 OCTOBER 1934 OFFICERREPORTSANTI-WARMOVEINARMY OFFICER REPORTS ANTI-WAR MOVE IN ARMY The Central Labor Correll Opens League Men FRONT Demands A.F.L - - ’Uniformed_S?pok_esmen BY Council Balks Campaign Catch Union - for LINE ALAN MAX '])allas~ Support General Strike AtGreen Edict Oregon Gov. Label Forger Chi. Congress Sensation SEATTLE, Oct. 10-The AF ‘ of L. Central Council here last SEATTLE, Oct. 10 Forgery - Continental . week unanimously refused to SALEM, Ore, Oet. 11-—-Runn- and fraudulent use of the Allied Committee on Rank and File, Regular Flour, Cereal Unionist act on a communication from ing on an independent ticket, en- Trades union printing label by a Anti-War Congress Is Guardsman Says Men To g president, . - William Green AFL dorsed by the Communist Party seab printing shop was unearthed Technocracy Conventions Are Introduces Militant calling for expulsion of all and the United Farmers League, Largest In U. §. Fight Shooting of ! carry- last week when Bill McHale and ‘ » - ~ - Communists and those which he is State Organizer, of Benditi, of the Printers’ ing on Communist activity Harry Correll, of Salem, opened William Technoeracy | Resolutions League (AFL). History ‘ Strikers Howard Scott is Contras ted or propaganda. his campaign in the Italian Fed- Label Promotion openly } forger, a Japanese, K. Sa- fascist. But what about bureaucratie command eration hall, 4th and Madison The the Continental Committee on By of Action Special By Voice of Action The ito, manager of the G.
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