Thanksgiving Issue

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Thanksgiving Issue

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Volume 18 Number 10 November-December 2008 !"#$%&'()($'*+&&,-*!

November meeting Taking the “Fun” Out of Fundamentalism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

MNA Meeting on Sunday November 16, Roseville Library Hamline Ave. and County Road B 1:00-1:15 p.m. – Social time. 1:15-1:45 p.m. – Business Meeting. 1:45-2:00 p.m. – Break. 2:00-3:00 p.m. – Presentation. 3:00-3:30 p.m. – Social Time. 4:00 p.m. -- Panda Garden Buffet YT9\%%?% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L%

Minnesota Atheists !"#$%&''#()*+$,*"#&(*$$ In this issue… %

Board of Directors Y.E34)"'1%EA%]4((')0$#%T$"'4)$)B% Regular Columnists: E0#71`2(#$"'4)$)807<% Y8^8%W0e%P?P@B%]4(('#&034)B%][%aaMLP% % President's Column 3 Y7')41'($U%T.<.)$%W'7+)"47'% P@?CaNNCbLO@B%4(-0`2(#$"'4)$)807<% ***8]4((')0$#T$"'4)$)807<% &7')`2(#$"'4)$)807#73'A% Pa@CMNMCQ?bb% % October Meeting 5 147@`2(#$"'4)$)807#720(% Spaghetti Dinner 7 % F#E3'U%:$';'%Y'$'7)'(% Science & Theology 8 Building Fund: =#E3'`2(#$"'4)$)807'72#()0(% News & Notes 11 Honorary &01=#)$`2(#$"'4)$)807.2#(4)$% T))0=4#$40(B% F0.(=43% Twin Cities Book Fair 15 Gerald Erickson, PhD -07% :'=.3#7% >.2#(4)2B% #(1% G($'7(#$40(#3% Religulous Review 16 Annie Laurie Gaylor >.2#(4)$%#(1%\$"4=#3%_(40(8% % Advanced 17 Dick Hewetson :.E24$% 2#$'74#3% -07% $"'% ('*)3'$$'7% $0% '14C Robert M. Price, PhD $07`2(#$"'4)$)807<8% :.E24))40()% 2#A% E'% Cryptogram 17 '14$'18%Y.E34=#$40(%4)%(0$%<.#7#($''18% Placeb-X ® 18 MNA Meetup members: 332 Things to do 19 Life memberships: 31 Atheists practices positive, inclusive, active, friendly neighborhood atheism in order to: Minnesota Atheists Mission Statement ! " Provide!a community for Minnesota Atheists is dedicated to building a positive atheists; atheist community that actively promotes secular val- "!!Educate the public about ues through educational programs, social activities, atheism; and "!!Promote separation of and participation in public affairs. state and church. S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% YT9\%%O% President’s Column by August Berkshire% Meetups% ]''$.&)%#7'%0(C34('%*'E%=022.C =02&#))')% MN% <70.&)8%%T<(0)$4=)% #$% ]4((')0$#% :$#$'% _(4;'7C (4$4')%')$#E34)"'1%$0%-#=434$#$'%<'$C ^(3A% #% "#(1-.3% 0-% )4$A% 4(% ]#(+#$08% % [';'7$"'3'))B% $"'7'% $0<'$"'7)%#20(<%&'0&3'%*"0%"#;'% $"0)'% <70.&)j#33% 4(% #7'%2#(A%#$"'4)$)%*"0%34;'%4(%$"#$%#7'#8%% #%=0220(%4($'7')$%#(1%*"0%34;'%4(% 2.="% 3#7<'7% 2'$70C c07% $"#$% 7'#)0(B% 0(% ^=$0E'7% ?a$"% *'% #%)&'=4-4'1%<'0<7#&"4=%#7'#8%%D"'A% &034$#(%#7'#)j#7'%E4\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% Member Bios on the Web % !"#$%&'()&*+#,-& T7'%A0.%&70.1%0-%E'4(<%#(%#$"'4)$5%T7'%A0.%&70.1%0-%E'4(<%#%2'2E'7%0-% $"'%]4((')0$#%T$"'4)$)5%60%A0.%*4)"%$"'7'%*'7'%)02'$"4(<%A0.%=0.31%10% $0% 14)&'3% $"'% 2A$"030<4=#3% ;433#4(C42#<'% $"#$% 2#(A% T2'74=#()% #))0=4#$'% .+/%&0-&1"-2&'()3& *4$"% $"'% *071% ,#$"'4)$/5% ]4((')0$#% T$"'4)$)% (0*% "#;'% 2'2E'7% &70-43')% #;#43#E3'%0(%$"'%*'E)4$'B%]4((')0$#T$"'4)$)807

AAI Seeks Volunteers % T$"'4)$%T334#(='%G($'7(#$40(#3%ITTGR%4)%300+4(<%-07%#%-'*%;03.($''7)%$0%"'3&%*4$"%)'=7'$#74#3%$#)+)8%%D"')'%703')%#7'% )2#33%E.$%=74$4=#3%4(%+''&4(<%TTG%-.(=$40(4(<%&70&'73A8%%D"')'%$#)+)%#7'U% % D7#=+KX'=071%0(C34('%TTG%W0#71%;0$')%'#="%20($"% V''&%TTG%Y034=4')K^&'7#$40()%]#(.#3%.&1#$'1%#)%(''1'1% ]#4($#4(%1#$#E#)'%0-%TTG%647'=$07)B%^--4='7)B%#(1%T1;4)07A%W0#71% ]#4($#4(%1#$#E#)'%0-%T--434#$'%07<#(4h#$40(%=0($#=$%4(-072#$40(% F02&43'%#((.#3%TTG%T--434#$'%:.7;'A% :'7;'%#)%0--4=4#3%=077')&0(1'($%*4$"%TTG%#--434#$')% ]#4($#4(%#7="4;')%0-%TTG%#--434#$'%2'2E'7%#&&34=#$40()%g%EA3#*)% ]#4($#4(%TTG%1#$#E#)'%#7="4;')% ]#4($#4(KY.E34)"%TTG%c7''$"0.<"$%647'=$07A% ^;'7)''%#7="4;')%0-%#33%TTG%'e$'7(#3%=022.(4=#$40()% % c.7$"'7207'B%$"'%0--4='%0-%TTG%)'=7'$#7A%4)%=.77'($3A%;#=#($8%%G-%A0.%#7'%4($'7')$'1%4(%E'4(<%#&&04($'1B%07%4(%"'3&4(<% *4$"% #(A% 0-% $"'% )'=7'$#74#3% $#)+)% 34)$'1% #E0;'B% &3'#)'% =0($#=$% TTG% &7')41'($% :$.#7$% W'="2#(% #$% &7')4C 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New BrightonU%F"#(('3%@M8%% V#('B% J'#(('$$'% !#$3#(1B% #(1% Y01=#)$)% #7'% 2#1'% &0))4E3'% EA% !'1(')1#A% @LUOL% &828% % :&0()07U% J#2')%f422'72#(8%%D"'%14)=.))40(% 97#($%>'72#()0(8% :$';'%Y'$'7)'(8% ='($'7'1%0(%$"'%&.E34=H)%&'7='&$40(% St. CloudU%%F"#(('3%@?8%%D".7)1#A% 0-%$"'%*071%,#$"'4)2B/%#)%*'33%#)%0(% Cable schedule NUOL%&828%%:&0()07U%J#=+%X4="$'78% $"'% 2'#(4(<% 0-% 7'3#$'1% *071)% #(1% Burnsville/Eagan Community StillwaterU%%F"#(('3%@P8%%D.')1#A% 7'#)0()%*"A%&'0&3'%2#A%07%2#A%(0$% Television:% F"#(('3% @M8% % F"'=+% bULL% &828o% !'1(')1#A% QULL% #828%% ="00)'% $0% )'3-C1')=74E'% $"'2)'3;')% $"'47%*'E%)4$'%I***8E'=$8$;R%-07%1#A% :&0()07U%Z''%:#34)E.7A8% .)4(<%$"'%*071%,#$"'4)$8/% #(1% $42')8% :&0()07U% V';4(% >#71C South Washington CountyU%% %%%%%G-% A0.% "#;'% #(% 41'#% -07% #% &70C 4)$A8% F"#(('3% @M8% % D.')1#A% bULL% &828%% <7#2% &3'#)'% =0($#=$% 97#($% :$';')% Bloomington: F"#(('3%@P8%%]0(C :&0()07U%X#3'4<"%['3)0(8% #$U% #="#47`2(#$"'4)$)807<8% % G-% A0.% 1#A% QUOL% &828% % D.')1#A% aUOL% #828% White Bear Lake, Hugo, Lake *0.31%34+'%$0%"'3&%0(%$"'%=#E3'%&70C #(1%@UOL%&828%%:&0()07)U%6#;41%#(1% Elmo, Mahtomedi, Maplewood, <7#2% 07% )&0()07% $"'% &70<7#2% 0(% J0#(('%W'#71)3'A8 North St. Paul, Oakdale, Vadnais A0.7% =#E3'% #=='))% )$#$40(% &3'#)'% MinneapolisU% % F"#(('3% @b8% % :#$.7C HeightsU%%F"#(('3%@a8%%c741#A%NUOL% =0($#=$% 2'% #$% ="#47`2(#$"'4)$)8 1#A% NUOL% &828% % :&0()07U% :$';'% Y'C &828%%:&0()07U%]4="#'3%:'34<#8% 07<8% $'7)'(8% % RochesterU%%F"#(('3%@L8%%D.')1#AB% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% YT9\%%b% Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up

Twelve members of Minnesota Atheists and the Friends Free of Theism joined together to clean our section of Adopt-A-Highway in Rice, Minnesota on Oct. 5, 2008. (From left) Grant Hermanson, Rachel Wilson, Steve Petersen, D.J. Lommel, Stephanie Lommel, Rob Taylor, Deb Doucette (project leader), Tom Stavros, Shirley Moll, and Art Anderson. Not pictured: Jerry Lenz and August Berkshire (photographer).

November 30 – 5th Sunday Spaghetti Dinner – Only $6.66! % ^(%Sunday, Nov. 30, 2008, 4:00-7:00 p.m.B% *'%*433%"031%#%5th Sunday Radio Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner8% % k0.%=#(%#774;'%#(A%$42'%E'$*''(%MULL%#(1%bULL%&828% D"'%-001%*433%E'%)'7;'1%.($43%#$%3'#)$%bUOL%&828% D"'%&74='%4)%$6.66 for all you can eat!% % D"'7'%*433%E'%)&#<"'$$4B%#%)'3'=$40(%0-%)#.=')%*4$"%#(1%*4$"0.$%2'#$B% 2'#$E#33)B%<#734=%E7'#1B%)#3#1B%1'))'7$B%#(1%#%;#74'$A%0-%$"4(<)%$0%174(+8% % D"4)%4)%#%-.(B%4(-072#3B%-#243AC-74'(13A%)0=4#3%';'($%*4$"%#(%0&&07$.(4$A% -07%30$)%0-%4($'7')$4(<%=0(;'7)#$40(%#(1%=#2#7#1'74'8% % D"'%';'($%*433%$#+'%&3#='%4(%$"'%Party Room%#$%$"'%#$2'($%=02&3'e%#$% 1276 Larpenteur Ave. W., St. Paul, MN 55113. (See map on page 18) IY#7+%147'=$3A%4(%E#=+%#(1%-0330*%$"'%*#3+*#A%E'$*''(%$"'%$*0%E.4314(<)%$0%$"'%Y#7$A%X0028R% c07%207'%4(-072#$40(B%=0($#=$%9'07<'%V#('%#$%(.&`24((8('$%07%IPa@R%MNNCN??a8% YT9\%N% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw the Priest a Bone by Vic Tanner )#A% 1.74(<% #% )=4'(='% =0(-'7C %%%%%D"'% &70&0)#3% "'% 141% 2#+'% 7'3#C % '(='8% >'% *#)(s$B% #-$'7% #33B% $4;'3A% =3'#7B% #)% "'% 7'4$'7#$'1% -07% $"'% ]A%-4#(=r'%#(1%G%7'='($3A% )&'#+4(<% $0% 2'8% >'% *#)% -.33% "0.7B% *#)% $"#$% )=4'(='% )"0.31% #$$'(1'1% $"'% [0E'3% F0(C )&'#+4(<%$0%$"'%-#4$"-.3U%$"0)'% 4(;03;'% 7'34<40(% EA% 4(;4$4(<% 4$% 4($0% -'7'(='%#$%9.)$#;.)%T103C 4(%$"'%#.14'(='%$"#$%2#A%"#;'% $"'% 14)=.))40(8% % W.$% "'% (';'7% 'eC &".)% _(4;'7)4$A% 4(% :#4($% -0.(1% $"'2)'3;')% 0--'(1'1% #$% &3#4('1%*"A%07%'3#E07#$'1%0(%*"#$%4$% Y'$'78%D"'%$4$3'%0-%$"'%=0(C )02'% 0-% $"'% 0$"'7% )&''="')% 4)%"'% $"4(+)% "'%07%0$"'7% $"'030<4#()% -'7'(='% $"4)% A'#7% *#)% 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time presenting facts-in-hand to the #<7''1% *4$"% 0(% 20)$% $"4(<)% 7'34C Re: Review of Did Man blind. <40.)8% D"'% -47)$% $42'% G% 'e&'74'(='1% % Create God Thank you, $"4)B%G%*'($%E#=+%#(1%$7#='1%$"70.<"% Folks, *"A% G% =0.31%(0$% 7'$.7(% #(1% E'34';'% I understand the review piece by Rick Calissi *"#$% G% "#1% E''(% $#.<"$% -702% '#73A% Grant Steves (Vol. 18 Number 9), NYC Atheists ="431"0018% X';4'*4(<% $"'% )$#<')% G% was a worthy addition to your $00+% $0% 3'#;'% "'3&'1% $0% )$7'(<$"'(% monthly magazine, but freethinkers Grant Steves’ reply to Mr. Cal- 2A% 1'=4)40(% #E0.$% E'4(<% #(% #$"'4)$% locally and nationally should be issi: #(1%d04(4(<%][T8% asking ourselves, why a book was X'='($3AB% G% "#;'% "#1% =0(;'7)#$40()% %%%%%!"'(% G% *#)% #% &'7)0(% 0-% -#4$"B% G% even written. #E0.$% "0*% )02'% #$"'4)$)% )$433% 14)C 7'#1%#%E00+B%On the Stages of FaithB% The author, Dr. David E. Com- =.))%#(1%7'"#)"%$"'%4)).')%0-%7'340*';'7B% 2#(A% "#;'% d.)$% #7C 4)2% #(1% #(% .(1'7)$#(14(<% $"#$% "4)% their time bickering with people 74;'1%#$%#(%#$"'4)$%=0(=3.)40(8%D"'A% ='7$#4($A% 0-% -#4$"% 4)% (0% 30(<'7% #=C who have abandoned logic and rea- "#;'% 3'-$B% E.$% )02'% )$433% "#;'B% 4(% ='&$#E3'8% son? ;#7A4(<% 1'<7'')B% '20$40(#3% #(1% 4(C %%%%%D"0)'%0-%.)%*"0%#7'%#1.3$)%(''1% Folks, we’re down here but for a $'33'=$.#3% #$$#="2'($)% $0% $"'47% 7'34C '2&#$"A% -07% $"0)'% *"0% "#;'% (0$% very short time. Let’s follow Ken’s <40.)%&#)$8%% 7'#="'1% #$"'4)$% 2#$.74$A8% \2&#$"A% advice and move on. It’ll be better %%%%%G%+(0*%$"#$%$"'%#$"'4)$%&0)4$40(%4)% #(1% =02&#))40(#$'% .(1'7)$#(14(<% for all of us, better for our blood 74<"$% -07% 2'B% E.$% 0(% 0==#)40()% G% #7'%(0$%7'34<40.)%;#3.')B%E.$%$"'A%#7'% pressure, and we’ll have more time "#;'% "'#71% $"'% 7'34<40.)% 2.)4=% 0-% ".2#(%;#3.')8%% to spend together to face real issues 2A%&#)$B%#(1%4$%$#+')%2'%E#=+%$0%#% of Church and State separation $42'%*"'(%G%E'34';'1B%"#1%*0(1'7C rather than wasting more of our -.3% -74'(1)B% #(1% #% -#243A% $"#$% G% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% YT9\%%@O% Motion Pictures Crossword Puzzle The motion pictures forming the answers to this puzzle take on matters of reason, science, faith, or religion (for better or worse). Spaces are excluded for multiple word answers.

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Left: Reel & Meal attendees enjoy dinner before watching Religulous. S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% YT9\%%@b% Book Review: (0$%$"'%'A')%0-%-#4$"8% 2'#(%(0$"4(<%$0%2'%#$%#338/%%G$%4)%(0$% %%%%%\33'7%&7')'($)%$"'%=0(='&$%0-%14)=7'C d.)$% $"'% 2'#(4(<% 0-% $"'% 3#(<.#<'% 0-% Atheism Advanced 14)2%4(%$"'%3#)$%="#&$'7%0-%Atheism Ad- F"74)$4#(4$A%$"#$%*'%10%(0$%+(0*8%%G$%4)% by David Eller vanced8% % D"'% -47)$% OaL% &#<')% 'e&307'% #33%7'34<40()8%%D"#$%*"4="%4)%1';041%0-% American Atheist Press *"#$%#(%#$"'4)$%4)%4(%7'3#$40(%$0%$"'4)2B% 2'#(4(<% 4)% (0$% &0))4E3'% $0% 14)=.))8%% 468 pages $"'%3#(<.#<'%0-%7'34<40(B%"0*%7'34<40()% X'34<40(%4)%E#)'1%0(%E'34'-8%%W'34'-%=#(% "#;'% 7'C=7'#$'1% $"'2)'3;')B% #(1% $"'% 'e4)$%*4$"0.$%7'34<40(8%%>0*';'7B%#$"'C by Grant Steves% ('='))#7A%14;41'%E'$*''(%)=4'(='%#(1% 4)2% =#(% 34;'% *4$"0.$% '4$"'7% 0-% $"'28%% Y70-'))07% #(1% =.3$.7#3% #($"70&030<4)$% 7'34<40(8%%% T)%Z8%!4$$<'()$'4(%)#41B%,W'34';4(<%4)% 6#;41%\33'7s)%-47)$%E00+B%Natural Athe- %%%%%!4$"%$"'%'A')%0-%#(%#($"70&030<4)$B% (0$%$"4(+4(<8/% ism% 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Right: Map to Crossword Puzzle Answers Key from page 13 the 5th Sunday Spaghetti Din- ner on Sunday November 30 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at 1276 Larpenteur Ave. W. in the apartment com- plex party room.

Answer to Freethought Cryptogram from page 17 % G-%34<"$(4(<%4)%$"'%#(<'7%0-%$"'%<01)B%$"'(%$"'% <01)%#7'%=0(='7('1%20)$3A%*4$"%$7'')8%%j%Z#0%D)'% S^Z_]\%@N%[_]W\X%@L% D>\%]G[[\:^DT%TD>\G:D% YT9\%%@Q% Things to do, places to go: A calendar for atheists%

:.(1#A)B% PULLCbULL% &828% Atheist/ ?(1% #(1% M$"% ]0(1#AB% aCb% &828B% % Happy =#)"`=#)".2(807<8%% Agnostic AAB% O?MQ% >'(('&4(% T;'8% :8B% Hour South8%%6#;#((4H)%X')$#.7#($B%?O@?% %% |aa%I]'(H)%F'($'7B%4(%$"'%E#)'2'($R% !8%PP$"%%:$7''$%I=07('7%0-%Y'((%T;'8%#(1% @)$% D".7)1#AB% PCQ% &828B% “Atheists Talk” ]4(('#&034)B%^&'(%$0%2'(%#(1%*02'(8%% PP$"% :$8RB% X4="-4'31B% W0EK]#743A(% [4'(C TV taping8% % ]D[B% :$.140% TB% @?a% :\% ccGU%$=T<(0)$4=`<2#438=02% +'7+B%IP@?R%NPPCP?LL8% ]#4(% :$8B% ]4(('#&034)8% % :$';'% Y'$'7)'(B% % % IPa@R%MNMCQ?bb8% O71%:.(1#AB%@COUOL%&828B%%Minnesota @)$% D.')1#AB% @@UOL% #828B% % Lunch Social8% % Atheists monthly meeting8%% ^31% F0.($7A% W.--'$B% F08% X0#1% W?% E'C %?(1% D".7)1#AB% ';'(4(<8% % Rochester Area % $*''(% :('334(<% #(1% c#47;4'*B% X0)';433'8%%Freethinkers 20($"3A% <'$C$0<'$"'78% % W433% \;'7A%:.(1#AB%@LUOL%C%(00(B%% W0EK]#743A(%[4'(+'7+B%IP@?R%NPPCP?LL8% V#))B%"#*$"07(PM`"0$2#438=02%07%IaLbR% Brunch Social8%%q8F.2E'7)B%bMPa%c7#(='% % ?aQCM?Ob8% T;'(.'%:0.$"B}%\14(#8%%W74(<%A0.7%T!\% O71% !'1(')1#AB% @@UOL% #828B% % Lunch So- % -07%#%i?%14)=0.($8% cial8% % ['*% F"4(#% W.--'$B% @La% Na$"% T;'8% M$"% % D".7)1#AB% PUOL% &828B% Minnesota % [!B% F00(% X#&41)8% % W433% S03(#B% IP@?R% Atheists board meeting. Z0=#$40(% ;#7C a$"% :.(1#AB% Fundraiser Dinner for bN@CM?bO8% 4')8%%9'07<'%V#('B%IPa@R%MNNCN??a8% % % % Building Fund8%%Y74='U%iP8PP8%IJ.('B%T.C % $" % <.)$B%[0;'2E'7%?LLNR% M % !'1(')1#AB% % Meal and a ReelB% _&C % % % $0*(B% ]4(('#&034)% I>'(('&4(% T;'8% #(1% % )$ 71 % @ %#(1%O %]0(1#AB%%P%&828B%Freethought Z#+'% :$8R% P% &828% 2'#3B% b% &828% 20;4'8%%% Toastmasters Club8% % Z#7&'($'.7% \)$#$')% 9'07<'%V#('B%IPa@R%MNNCN??a8%%6'$#43)%4(% To sign up for Atheists Weekly #$2'($% =02&3'eB% @?NL% Z#7&'($'.7% T$"'4)$)%!''+3A%\C2#438% E-mail (AWE), send a request to T;'8%!8B%:$8%Y#.38%%IY#7+%147'=$3A%4(%E#=+% % [email protected]% #(1% -0330*% )41'*#3+% $0% Y#7$A% X0028R%% % D".7)1#A)B% b% &828B% Campus Atheists, To sign up for Minnesota Atheists X0<'7%W'3-#AB%IPa@R%???C?bN?%07%9'07<'% Skeptics and Humanists (CASH) <'(C V#('B%IPa@R%MNNCN??a8% '7#3%2''$4(<8%O1%-3007%F0--2#(%]'2074#3% Meetups, go to % _(40(B% OLL% !#)"4(<$0(% T;'8% :8\8B% ]4(C % ('#&034)B% ][% aaMaa8% % F0($#=$% % %&''#()*+% $ $ , * " # & ( * ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%% P.O. Box 6261, MN 55406


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% Y#A2'($%EAU%%F"'=+%I'(=30)'1R%-07%i%yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy%&#A#E3'%$0%Minnesota Atheists.% [#2'U%yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy%Y"0('%IyyyyyRyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy% T117'))U%yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy% ~~]4((')0$#%T$"'4)$)%"#)%GX:%aL@I=RIOR%)$#$.)8%%T33%=0($74E.$40()%#7'%$#eC1'1.=$4E3'8%••

“Atheists Talk” on Air America Minnesota radio! Sundays, 9-10 a.m. AM 950 radio 07%)$7'#2%34;'%#$

"Gay Muslim activists. That is a very rare job description." — Bill Maher in Religilous

[^[YX^cGD% ]4((')0$#%T$"'4)$)% ^X9T[GfTDG^[% Y8^8%W0e%P?P@% _8:8%Y0)$#<'% ]4(('#&034)B%]4((')0$#%aaMLPCL?P@% YTG6% % We’re on the Web! ]4(('#&034)%][% T66X\::%:\XSGF\%X\q_\:D\6% Y'724$%[08%@P@O% % 6TD\6%]TD\XGTZ!6^%[^D%6\ZTk%

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