A Typology of Organized Atheists and Secularists in Germany and The
Björn Mastiaux ATypologyofOrganized Atheists and Secularists in Germany and the United States 1Introduction The typologyproposed in this chapter is the resultofatransnationalstudythat was carriedout in the years from 2006 to 2013.Ithad been motivated by media reports on atheist activism in Germany, in particularthe stagingofso-called “re- ligion-freezones” during the Catholic WorldYouth Day festivalinCologne in 2005.Itwas reported that this activism was carried out by secularist organiza- tions, some of which had been in existencefor many years. Initial research made it clear that little was known about these organizations, their networks, ac- tivities, and supporters,despite the fact thatthey might qualify as asocial move- ment.Furthermore, the earlystages of the conception of this project coincided with the popularization of the term “new atheism” by Gary Wolf (2006) and the ensuing reports and debate on the authorsand books labeled as such. This, too, pointed to the existenceofasecularist movement,aninternational one at that,which seemed to be experiencing awaveofmobilization at the time. The aim of this research project,asitwas conceptualizedbackthen, was twofold. On the one hand,itwas conceivedtomap and delineatethe field of sec- ularist,humanist,atheist,and freethought (what the previous chapter called SHAF) organizations in parts of the Western world, and to arguefor its classifi- cation as asocial movement.Germanyand the United States, with their marked differences regarding private religiosity and church-state separation, werechos- en as representative cases from both sides of the secular/religious divide within the West.Onthe other hand, the aim was to investigate the motivesand biogra- phies of the members of acertain type of those organizations in both countries.
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