Todd Bentley ~ the cosmic Christ ~opening the star gates by ANGELIC prayer

A little child shall lead them!

Listen to the child! We pray for the children that are being captured and surround every child with the Holy Ghost Fire and the Blood of to protect them.

Derek Prince reveals this truth when he writes: “Today, by divine providence, the veils of convention and carnality are once again being drawn aside, and the church of Jesus Christ is being confronted by the same manifest opposition of demon power that confronted the church of the . In these circumstances, the church must once again explore the resources of authority and power made available to her through the truth of the Scripture, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.” i

Bentley’s star gate portal an open heaven Pillar of Fire (UFO-Aliens).


“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty,” (Rev 16:13-14). KJV Blaspheming the Holy Ghost God Sends Strong Delusion: “Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:’ (2 Thess. 2:9).


Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 1

“The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels . 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. 41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels , and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth,” (Matt. 13:39-42), KJV

Bentley’s trying revive the kundalinia spirit sleeping serpent coiled at the base of his spine; demons are rising up, trembling, screaming, out of control, fearfully, fanatically challenging the star gate portals to open and crying out for his New Age Angels, angels, angels and angels to come. “It’s not time for me to leave Florida,” he whined. “Come on,” erratically pumping his head and body up and down, flashing his famous el Diablo sign to the audience and cameras. “Angels, angels, angels and more angels… The Indian drums beating furiously, Todd and the people desperately trying to rekindle the spiritual wild fire, swaying, twitching and manifesting demonically at the sound of their tattooed leaders voice. It was surreal. “I heard God say . . . I heard God say in two voices. . . Oh, I hear the sound of the angels . . . “

When I go to Africa, this is discerned as demonic they say it is the Holy Ghost.. Someone’s right and someone’s wrong...I believe the Africa version because I have cast it out many times..

I have spent many hours in prayer and intercession but never have I seen anything like this! It was surreal.

BENTLEY is desperate because the intercessors are CLOSING THE STAR GATES TRHOUGH prayer for God’s mercy in Jesus’ Name.

“.... Thou shalt know that I am Lord: For they shall not be ashamed that wait on Me. Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith Yahweh, even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children,” (Isa. 49:23b-25).


“You may not be able to spiritually come back into your body. Think of the Star Gate as a hole, psychic doorway or portal the will take you into another realm from the earth’s sphere When your human spirit goes through the open mystical portal to the other side, there you will be met by demonic angels. The angels will capture your spirit, and cage your human spirit in the Third Heaven and your spirit will never return to your body. You will have been soul scalped, spiritually abducted. Demonic spirits known as “walk ins” will come from the unworldly realms and take over your physical body and your spirit will be captured; never returning to this earth until Jesus Christ returns! You will have earned for yourself the frightening words from the lips of Jesus, “Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you!”

DEPARTING FROM JESUS MEETING SPIRITUAL WALK INS • Trance Music is used to capture your mind and notice the heavy rock music playing constantly keeping the people in a "rock n roll" state of mind and body? Listen to the beat, it is not soothing or peaceful ungodly "anointed" music is! The music is soulish, worldly; sensual . . . It will put you into a new whimsical zombie consciousness. After playing an hour or more of hypnotic mind-controlling music to get you in a trance state, the minister will ask you let him or her to lead you through the star gate portal. Actually the “ministers” are called facilitators’ in the New Age. Taking your hands into theirs, asking you to close your eyes and have faith to go into the Third Heaven.” With a charming voice “I’m there,” the minister will say. “Are you there? What do you see? See the beautiful colors? Do you see the angels? I’m there,” the facilitator will say, “use your faith.” They must get enter in with your free will involved to guide you into this dangerous supernatural experience. They are being used by Satan to steal your souls. They are soul scalpers for the angels of destruction.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 2

• When they call them angels on the other s id e but how will you know if these spirit entities malevolent? Especially since there are the Father of the Bible’s Angels who are His heavenly host; and there are evil, fallen angels who are under the command of Satan.

• Portals are inter dimensional openings, doorways, mystical doorways, star gates, bridges, wormholes that transport entities from one reality to another. Some people say they can travel...” I agree with you that every time that Todd Bentley says BAM, that all the New Age demons will be bound and the portals closed to the Third Heavens in Jesus’ Name.


Quoting primarily from Ruth Montgomery in her book, "Herald of the New Age.” Montgomery writes entirely by "automatic writing,” which is defined as "writing produced when a person goes into an altered state of conscientiousness and a spirit entity takes over a person's arm and hand to communicate.” ii

(The New Age Dictionary). Of course, this spirit entity is assumed to be benevolent, and they certainly present themselves as such. Montgomery's spirit entity just so happens to be a committee, identified repeatedly in her books as "Lily, Art, and the Group.” Montgomery identifies them as "discarnate beings" who telepathically communicate to her about the coming New Age of peace and safety. While these Guides have communicated with her on many issues, we want to discuss one of their most interesting and relevant subjects, because the time of its impact is now upon us; once you understand what is occurring, you will make more sense out of current events.

According to Montgomery’s “discarnate beings” (devils- fallen angels), "Walk-Ins” are defined as "souls who have earned the right, through many lifetimes of spiritual growth, to return directly to the earth plane as adults" iiiIn other words, these souls in the reincarnation holding cycle want to return to earth in an adult body, rather than incarnating in the body of a baby. Montgomery's Guides reveal that these souls are "not yet perfected souls, but are high-minded beings intent on aiding their fellow humans, and tens of thousands of them are already here . . . " (Ibid.). These discarnate souls are desperately wanting to incarnate into an adult body at this moment in world history so they can help humanity successfully complete its journey into the New World Order. And, of course, the occult Spiritual Hierarchy of Shamballa is very supportive of this desire. (We need to stop here very briefly to remind our listeners that all this occulted mumbo jumbo is only describing demon possession in such a way as to make it palatable and believable to their American and Western audience. A Walk-in is merely a demon possessing a person who has spiritually opened themselves up through occulted meditations and other activities.)iv

The Walk-in story continues. Even though these "high-minded" discarnate souls desperately want to incarnate into an adult body rather than a baby, they have the problem of the spirit which is already inhabiting the adult body. That spirit must voluntarily leave the adult body so that the new, high-minded spirit can enter. Montgomery's Guides explain that this is no problem; the "soul transfer,” as it is called, usually occurs when the adult body is weak, or sick, or when the spirit inhabiting that body is thoroughly discouraged. At this moment, the Guides say, the old spirit "walks out" and the new spirit "walks in.” Very suddenly, the adult body receives a new burst of spiritual energy, a new sense of revitalization. This is a "Walk-in . ”

What is the purpose of these "Walk-ins?” As we tell you, remember that Montgomery's book, "Herald of A New Age,” was written in 1986. Montgomery's Guides told her that "they are coming in increasing numbers during the next decade to prepare us" for the coming New World Order. How would these Walk-ins be able to help? They would infiltrate the population of the world, from the mass of the people, to its leaders, to ensure that the right decisions were being made during the time of transition to the New World Order. They realize that the leaders of the people must make "correct" decisions, but they can do nothing if the mass of the population is deadest against them. Therefore, the Plan calls for a great many Walk-ins among the population, to aid the leadership in molding the opinions of the people.

Again, we must pause to explain the transition part of the Plan to the New World Order. The Guiding Spirits have taught that the "Great One will need 7 years of transition into the New World Order ("The Armageddon Script,” by Peter Lemesurier, page 235). Isn't it extremely interesting that they have chosen the number 7, the precise number of years of the Biblical Tribulation?

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This transition period will be a time of the greatest trouble the world has ever seen. In fact, these Guides repeatedly use the word "Tribulation" to describe these 7 transition years. During this time, the earth will be purified and cleansed of all the old, evil influences so that the Golden Age of peace, safety, and prosperity can begin on January 1, 2000 A.D. As Montgomery's Guides describe this cleansing action of the earth, it sounds very much like the events described in the book of Revelation. Millions of people will die from earthquakes, tidal floods, famine, and world war. In fact, this description of the coming cleansing action during the transition so clearly paralleled the book of Revelation, I suddenly understood a verse which had always puzzled me. In Revelation 6-9, God reveals that His judgment upon the earth will result in approximately two-thirds of mankind being killed. Yet, in chapter 9, verses 20-21, God states, "And the rest of humanity, who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not repent out of the worship of the works of their own hands, so as to cease paying homage to the demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood . . . And they did not repent out of their murders or their practice of magic sorceries or their sexual vice or their thefts."

I have always been staggered by this prophecy, because I have always felt that the people of the world would turn to God in repentance, understanding instinctively that only God could be causing all this natural disaster to occur. Not so. The demonic, lying spirit guides of the New Age leadership have prepared their deluded followers for just these types of natural disasters. Further, the guides have emphasized that the only preparation is an inner, spiritual preparation. People can only prepare by immersing themselves into their occultic practices. When God carries out His tremendous physical judgment upon the world, the people will have been prepared for it. They will simply say, "The Guiding Spirits were right about the Planetary Shift; these natural disasters are needed to move the world into the New World Order.” Therefore, because they will not recognize the hand of God in this physical judgment, they will not only not repent of their sorceries, they will redouble their efforts in it so that they will be able to endure it.

Satan is not called the "Great Deceiver" for nothing. This will be one of his best and most complete deceptions. And he will carry hundreds of millions of people into eternal Hell.

These Guiding Spirits further teach that this earth is a living being whom they call Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia will be so intent upon cleansing herself of all "evil" influences that she will dramatically change her angle of rotation. The Guides have described this as "the planetary shift.” This planetary shift will be the primary cause of all the natural disasters befalling the earth during this transition phase leading into the New World Order. This time will be so difficult, and will require the political leaders to make such difficult life-and-death decisions that the Hierarchy has decided to infiltrate these Walk-ins. At the time of Montgomery's book, there were "tens of thousands" of these Walk-ins; however, as the earth approaches the time of her planetary shift, this number is to grow to millions upon millions. This Walk-in infiltration was planned to occur in every level of society. Walk-ins were to be regular husbands and wives, doctors, lawyers, scientists, businessmen, political leaders, and clergy. Montgomery claimed she had met Walk-ins who were from every one of these professions, including a "metaphysical minister" and a "Baptist preacher from the Deep South.”

But, the revelations become even more interesting. These supernatural Guiding Spirits revealed information which paralleled Biblical prophecies to a startling degree, and we quote, "The Guides foresaw famine and war before the shift . . . Near the time of the shift, which the Guides claim is inevitable . . . the Antichrist will rise to power . . . " This is just one of many instances in which New Age writers foretell the appearance of the Anti-Christ. But, why should we be surprised, when the Apostle John wrote in (1 Jn. 2:18), " . . . it is the last hour, the end of this age. And as you have heard that Antichrist [he who will oppose Christ in the guise of Christ is coming . . . ” This definition of Anti-Christ as one who will oppose Christ by coming in the guise of Christ is precisely what these Guiding Spirits are foretelling. When Maitreya the Christ appears, he will claim to have the "Christ-consciousness spirit" which came upon Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and other christs throughout history. However, Maitreya will claim that the "Christ-consciousness" spirit inhabiting him is several degrees higher than those previous spirits.

You have gone over to th e esoteric tradition of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters and a false Christ who is not a person but a principle, a consciousness according to New Age philosophy and they look for His appearance on the world stage in the immediate future. You will go into the New World that will receive the Antichrist.


Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 4

What we will show you today is that the Plan for a New World Order has developed to the point where this demonic possession has reached a new level. We will share this new level with you today, quoting primarily from Ruth Montgomery in her book, "Herald of The New Age.” Montgomery writes entirely by "automatic writing,” which is defined as "writing produced when a person goes into an altered state and a spirit entity takes over a person's arm and hand to communicate.” (The New Age Dictionary). Of course, this spirit entity is assumed to be benevolent, and they certainly present themselves as such. Montgomery's spirit entity just so happens to be a committee, identified repeatedly in her books as "Lily, Art, and the Group.” Montgomery identifies them as "discarnate beings" who telepathically communicate to her about the coming New Age of peace and safety. While these Guides have communicated with her on many issues, we want to discuss one of their most interesting and relevant subjects, because the time of its impact is now upon us; once you understand what is occurring, you will make more sense out of current events.

There are two sources for a person to be able to achieve supernatural power, Jesus or Satan. Seeking power beyond the Word of God and beyond the authority of Jesus Christ finds a person stepping into the world of the Occult. The occult is very religious. Many are seeking hoping to find for themselves a reason for their life. They want to fill a void in their soul. Instead, they will move into a door that very few people come back. Once ensnared by the Devil, the person’s mind, body and spirit is totally bound by the powers of darkness. The only way out is through the grace of God and the Blood of Jesus.v


The author of the "Dictionary of the Bible" states that the demon which is possessing the individual begins the process whereby he effects "the complete or incomplete loss of the sufferer's reason or power of will; his action, his words, and almost his thoughts are mastered by the evil spirit, till his personality seems to be destroyed . . . or overborne as to produce the consciousness of a twofold will within him, like that sometimes felt in a dream."

This sentence captures the essence of what New Age doctrine calls "raising the level of one's consciousness.” Slowly, gradually, and benevolently, the demonic spirit takes complete control over the entire mind and personality of the possessed person. As long as it fulfills the plans of the demonic spirit, the victim will appear as normal and happy as you can imagine.

In today's Americans and Christians, millions of people have opened themselves up to demonic possession in just this way.

As you examine the writings of the New Age Movement, you discover a horrible truth -- the leaders of the New World Order are demon possessed, and their Guiding Spirits have revealed to them that the New World Order cannot be established until millions of people are similarly possessed. A good example of this possession is found in Alice Bailey's monumentally-important book, "The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” in which it is revealed that a demon by the name of "Master D. K." wrote this book through her. Many of the authors and leaders of the New Age Movement have admitted that they are in daily contact with their Guiding Spirits -- and nobody blinks an eye. The initiated accept this condition as benevolent and coveted. This possession is nothing more than Satan's counterfeit in-filling of God's Holy Spirit of a born-again believer. Make no mistake about the fact that demon possession is rampant in America today.

These The mystical discoveries are being directed by so-called Christians who are, in fact, suggests that we abandon any further quest for the "historical Jesus" and refocus our attention on a quest for the cosmic Christ. The most important definition of the cosmic Christ is "the pattern that connects." Christ is just pre runner for us all as we follow the path.

God tells us in 2 Peter 1:19, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” We are living in dark days: morally, spiritually, nationally, internationally, politically and economically. A prophecy gives light on the pathway that is set before us. The prophetic word is the only ray of light by which we can know the future. The coming outlook is pitch-dark but for Believers. It is bright.


Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 5

Many Christians are asking, Pat, do you think that these Christians know that they are practicing witchcraft?

My answer is, YES I DO.

Steve Shultz, The Elijah List, Jun 13, 2008 seems to support an entire stable full of Latter Rain Prophets and Prophetess’ that are “opening the Star Gate Portals that have extremely occult viewpoints.”Sadly, when people go through the magical portal to the Third Heaven, the Walk in demons will take over their bodies and unfortunately, these people will never be able to be delivered! That’s right, NEVER BE DELIVERED! Since their spirits are entrapped in the mysterious place called the “Third Heaven,” they are GONE! And the evil entity that has possession of the body is unredeemable! I know it sounds like a strange computer war game, but I believe it is true.

A human being can be redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ from any sin known to humankind, such as murder, sexual perversion, lying, adultery, drug abuse, etc., The person can become demonically possessed that is engaged in such sins. They can repent, be washed in the blood of the Lamb, delivered from devils, sanctified, filled with the Holy Spirit and born again. However, when they are led to other side of the demonic portal and if a spirit snatches their spirit and cages it, they will be gone until Judgment Day. I know it is hard to believe but I certainly would not take a change that this is not true.

I would be extremely careful following Shultz of the Elijah list who is running an ad which says, These are all very HOT items of course, including the newest 2-CD set by Bob Jones and Wesley Campbell on Angels.

But just as hot are our other QUANTUM PHYSICS, MUSIC, AND THE PROPHETIC (below) -- I decided to title it with sort of “all-of-the-above” stuff: so today . . . we’re offering you: "QUANTUM PROPHETIC; EXTREME ANGELS; SUDDEN PORTALS!"

What a time to be alive! All this amazing God-inspired stuff where Science meets the SUPERNATURAL! I mean, what a time to be alive! I hope you’ll get our newest set of two CDs by Bob Jones and


He neglected to tell you, what a time to be alive when we are marrying witchcraft with and introducing you to the Cosmic Christ and his hierarchy.

Todd is soul traveling, also called astral projection and remote viewing. bentley-on-lakeland-florida-outpouring-stage/

He can have IT, just knee him in the stomach. . . .

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 6

This is really nutty worse than crazy, insanity.


Todd Bentley, an apostle of Global Harvest preaches many strange teachings, such as astral travelling or those not familiar with the occult this is the practice of leaving your body and travelling about disembodied). Todd refers to these travels as third Heaven experiences, he recommends setting up booths at farmers markets or the like to give free "spiritual readings" to people, and "dream interpretation" booths, as new forms of evangelism. Check out his pages see if I am exaggerating or taking him out of context.vii

Those familiar the life of William Branham know that he was a heretic who denied the doctrine of the Trinity. Branham also taught that the Word of God was given in three forms: the zodiac, the Egyptian pyramids, and the written scripture.

Branham’s popularity was due mainly to his ability to discern people’s illnesses. Also, many healings took place at his meetings, but not as many as were claimed. While Branham’s services were powerful - “…a legend unparallels in the history of the charismatic movement” - some question the source of his healing power:

` Years ago (William Branham) told his interpreter, Pastor Ruff, “If my angel does not give the sign, I cannot heal.” Ruff noticed several features of spiritism in the work of Branham, and therefore stopped working with him. These “angels” of whom (Harry) Edwards and Branham spoke are evil spirits masquerading as angels of light. As in many areas of the occult, we are here reminded again that the devil appears as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14) Another evidence is the fact that neither Edwards nor Branham were able to perform cures when faced with born-again Christians who had committed themselves to the protection of Christ. In the case of Branham, I have experienced this myself. When he spoke in Karlsruhe and Lausanne, there were several believers among the audience — including myself — who prayed along these lines: “Lord, if this man’s powers are from You, then bless and use him, but if the healing gifts are not from You, then hinder him.” The result? On both occasions Branham said from the platform, “There are disturbing powers here. I can do nothing.” - Source: Kurt Koch, Occult ABC, 1978, p. 235

That doesn’t look good for Bentley’s angel. Trying to describe ‘his’ alleged angel by referring to Branham’s alleged angel is merely further proof of Bentley’s lack of discernment


God’s Word lifts the shroud of mystery from the phenomena of nature and their effects on man. God, who created the elements, uses them for deliverance, spiritual lessons and judgments. Satan also uses the elements—for destruction. Look at the Scriptures concerning wind, lightning, and earthquakes.

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 7

The Lord sent a strong east wind to part the Red Sea for Moses Exodus 14:21; Psalms 78:26, an east wind to bring locusts into Egypt Exodus 10:11-13 and a west wind to drive them out, verse 19. He sent a wind, which brought quails from the sea, Numbers 11:31.

The wind and the sea obey Christ Mark 4:39; Matthew 8:27. And the winds are held back by angels Revelation 7:1.

In the search for wisdom Job 28, the question is asked “Where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? The deep says, ‘it is not in me,’ And the seas says, ‘It is not with me.’ Abaddon and Death say, ‘With our ears we have heard a report of it.’ God understand its way [wisdom]; And He knows its place. For He looks to the ends of the earth, And sees everything under the heavens. When He imparted weight to the wind, and meted out the waters by measure, when He set a limit for the rain, and a course for the thunderbolt, Then He saw it and declared it; He established it and also searched it out,” (Job 28:14; 22-27).

Job finally finds wisdom and the “place of understanding” and to man He said, “Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding,” verse 28.

Since the “fear of the Lord is wisdom,” then it stands to reason that those in the nether world of departed spirits do not have wisdom (they are represented by the sea, “deep,” “Abaddon,” and “Death”).

Abaddon, is a supernatural being who personifies destruction, is currently in Sheol-Hades. He is the diabolical king of the demons centaurs that will be released during the fifth trumpet judgment of Revelation 9.

Job says God understands all about the wisdom of the elements of nature and that nothing happens by accident. He even sees a sparrow fall to the ground and knows the number of hairs on our heads Matthew 10:29:30. God weights the wind, measures the waters, limits the rain and sets the course for the thunderbolt.

The psalmist says whatever God pleases. He does; “In heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; who makes lightning for the rain; Who brings forth the wind from his treasuries?” Psalms 135: 5-7. viii


Hence it does not come as a surprise that — in relation to the so-called ‘revival’ at Lakeland, Florida — former Kansas City ‘prophet’ Bob Jones talks about angels, reportedly saying that an angel named ‘Winds of Change’ is bringing, well, change.

In fact, according to a ‘ministry report’ at The ElijahList — which shares alleged “prophetic words and prophecies”:

The “winds of change” angel appeared to Todd Bentley in Florida, and simultaneously to Bob Jones.

Todd Bentley called Bob Jones an elder prophet and talked with him for about an hour about the “Florida outpouring” here in Lakeland. Here are notes about their phone conversation:

On New Year’s Eve, for 2008, God told Bob Jones that “the third wave was coming.” Todd asked Bob what the third wave was. He said that Toronto was wave #1, Pensacola was wave #2, and the third wave is the “Winds of Change”–this move of God. This move will be a global move, traveling with signs and wonders all over the world! The third wave is here!

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 8

As a sign that this wave would be released from the Northwest, Bob shared that God said in the natural world, there would be extreme “winds and storms” out of Canada and the Northwest this year. (We had these storms in the Northwest this past winter and winds even now!) These natural winds would be followed by the winds of change. There would then be a move of the Holy Ghost, where entire towns would be shut down by the power of the Spirit. Revival will come as a Northwest wind.

It was also mentioned to “set up your sail”–the “Winds of Change” are blowing! - Source: Linda Dodson, Ministry report from Lakeland , Florida, Apr. 21, 2008 — Links added by AI.

The “Winds of Change” angel was mentioned in an article — by Bob Jones and Keith Davis — that appeared on Bob Jones’ website, and was archived in July, 2000 by the Internet Archive. The conference mentioned took place May 19-21 of that year:

In a visitation prior to this conference, a huge angel appeared to Bob stating his name - “Winds of Change”. This angelic being was accompanied with three other angels, we believe representing three churches and their leadership the Lord is desiring to join together in the bond of unity. This huge messenger stipulated he has now been released to bring the “winds of change” to the church aiding us in the transition imminently ahead. These winds will fill the sail of the church to transport her on this virtuous journey. Things are not going to continue as they have in the past within the church and the manner in which she is viewed. - Source: Bob Jones and Keith Davis, Spirit of the Nicolaitans

The angel was mentioned in a December, 2000, message by :

A prophetic friend, Bob Jones, was recently visited by an angel who was one of the largest he had ever seen. This angel said that his name was “The Winds of Change,” and that great changes were coming to the church. He said that until now we have known mostly the winds of adversity, but the winds of change that were coming would “fill our sails” as the church is about to move forward again. - Source: Rick Joyner, Mountain to Resting Place

It has been reported that “this is a high-ranking angel over all the ones assigned to healing, breakthrough and revival unto harvest.”

Rick Joyner on Todd Bentley: 'The History and Future of the Present Revival - Part 4' fr o m

According to Joiner, “I saw faith become a fist that punched a hole through an overcast of clouds. This was the demonic oppression over America. As the holes opened up, angels started pouring through them. The bigger the holes were, the more angels that were coming through them. They were carrying the resources of heaven that included everything we needed. Heaven is about to invade earth. This is going to cause a great distinction to develop between those who know and serve the Lord, and those who do not.”

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 9

Joiner says, “Todd Bentley did punch a hole through the darkness over Lakeland, and heaven has been pouring through the hole, and it is getting bigger. What is happening in Lakeland is stirring up the faith of many more. The 'faith barometer' has begun to rise all over the body of Christ. Now many others are reaching up to do the same thing. The sizes of the holes are dependent on the size of our faith. I pray that what is happening in Lakeland keeps going and keeps growing, but what is now being released will go on regardless of how long the revival goes on in Lakeland. A fire has been started that is already too big to stop. Joyner also participated in Bentley's 'Fresh Fire' prophetic conference in April 2005:”


Bob Jones: Kansas City prophetic ministry, and throughout the 1980s considered one of their most gifted prophets. He is credited with predicting the 'outbreak' of the 1994 Toronto 'blessing', ten years earlier. -to r onto-blessing-brownsville- lakeland-what-comes-next-c iv i l -war-in -the-church/]

In 2003, Jones introduced Todd Bentley to 'Emma', who they both say had fueled the Kansas City 'revival' as well. (See Bit No.6 above for Emma, see below for KC). He has gone on record proclaiming Bentley's ministry as a 'third wave' of revival.

Jones was removed from his prophetic post in 1991 after admitting to sexual misconduct.


Because of Jones' national visibility and ministry, the National Board for the Association of Vineyard Churches in Anaheim, led by John R. Wimber, issued a letter Tuesday to all of its churches explaining the incident.

'The sins for which Bob has been removed from ministry include using his gifts to manipulate people for his personal desires, sexual misconduct, rebelling against pastoral authority, slandering leaders and the promotion of bitterness within the body of Christ,' the letter stated.


The church is seeking private counseling for Jones, his wife and the two women, said Gulliksen, who will personally oversee the counseling.

'Bob will not be free to minister until he is fully recovered,' Gulliksen said. 'It's not like Jimmy Swaggert who overnight said, 'Now I've sinned and I am back in charge.' '

This is the 12th incident with similar accusations against a Vineyard church leader since 1974 when Gulliksen and his wife founded the church in Los Angeles, Gulliksen said. All 12 leaders were removed and counseling was provided, and frequently paid for, by the church for the leaders and the victims, he said. After years of counseling, six of those 12 have returned to ministry positions of lesser standing.

C 1991 The Olathe Daily News. November 13, 1991, p. 3A

Mrs. Penn-Lewis wrote, “. . . when the existence of evil spirits is recognized by the heathen, it is generally looked upon the missionary as “superstition’ and ignorance; whereas the ignorance is often on the

Pat Holliday, Ph.D., Cosmic Christ~ Opening Star Gate Portals ~ Walk Ins Page 10 part of the missionary, who is blinded by the prince of the power of the air to the revelation given in the Scriptures, concerning the satanic powers.” ix HEAVENS-


He's losing "It" because we have real true anointed Christians are binding and praying and he knows it, look at the fear on his face...lost without all those devils driving him. They are being bound up and caged. Thus says the L o r d : "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'" --Jeremiah 6:16

He's desperately calling out for demonic angels to come because without them, he's just an ugly fat man without his demonic power. He knows that it's all over without the angels...just like we bound up EMMA-O and put it in a cage and sent it to the feet of Jesus to be tormented before its time, IT had to obey...Then he removed all reference of it from his web site... But then, he called another angel to replace EMMA-O, the new angel he called "Liberty," which we now bind and command to go into the cage and lock it and send it to the feet of Jesus. We bind up all the reinforcing demons that he is trying to open the star gate portals to come and assist him. We bind all the portals and angels and forbid them to ever obey him again in Jesus' name.

He's calling for reinforcing devils, opening the heavens, calling angels, angels, angel....devil, devil, devil,..

We break his power to open the heavens and shut all portals, from him, all those latter rain leaders, and all the deceived Christians in the world... We release those devils that he is working with to torment him and all that are engaging in this demonic activity... In Jesus' name. We forbid the devils to be able to any miracles in Jesus' name... We forbid every spoken curse, hex, spell, blood sacrifice, animal or human to take any effect upon the army of prayer warriors who are living in Jesus Christ that are praying about this demonic revival. All demons must be released back to where they are coming from and we we place the fire of the Holy Spirit around every true believer in the world. We are all covered with the blood of Jesus. One person and God is a majority... I bind the party, ear tickling, false heeling's and miracles and ask you Father to bring every pastor that is participating and leading their sheep into the wolf's sheepfold to feel in the flesh what they are doing in the spirit to their sheep. We ask you Father that they will have no pleasure in their sin.

Lakeland Outpouring Must Go Through Native American Gatekeepers

I wondered why the native drums were constantly banging in this phone revival. . . . The following information will show you why this is NOT A CHRISTIAN, HOLY GHOST REVIVAL. We have never witnessed in the History of the Christian Church in America being moved into such a false, strange fire, false healings, false miracles, false gospel, another Jesus, another spirit, by a flaming false minister, being moved by false religious spirits as we see in Lakeland, Florida.

Geraldo June 14, 2008 seemed to blow Bentley off when he appeared on his television show but we have God TV promoting this counterfeit, soul stealing, so-called revival, giving it totally free airtime. May God have mercy? The information below should make you spirit burn with Godly anger.

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I have to tell you that ALL PATHWAYS DO NOT LEAD BACK TO GOD. . . Read and weep. Weep for those third generational pastors who grew up in the Pentecostal Churches whose grandfather’s stood against the occult-angelic driven Latter Rain Movement of the 50’s. The preachers whose fathers spent the time on their knees praying for God’s true “Outpouring of His Holy Ghost, to give our nation a true revival for souls.” For the preachers who have gone totally, spiritually blind and spiritually deaf as they went seeking after the demon called “Mammon,” to move their big mega churches, spiritually dead to the front highways. Pray for the people that they’ve taught that as long as they just give money to these successful confused ministries, God will bless them.



Bentley rushes on the stage to wage spiritual war and get his Third Heaven Star Gates open so that he can acquire his angels back. (True Christian’s intercessors are praying). “Oh, I hear the mighty warrior’s battle cries,” Bentley proclaims. The chanting and Indian drumming rose to a new pitch of spiritual warfare.

Notice the Indian chanting and the thrashing of Indian drums pounding, beating to summons to the Great White Spirit to come down from the Third Portals while Todd Bentley prays screaming angels, angels, angels and fire, fire and fire down from the heavens; a sensational lady doing a Britney Spears style, demonic Indian dance. Hey, Great! Ladies, now we can get our husbands and sons to go church. They no longer have to go to the go go bars with polls and poking dollar bills into the strange women garters. Bring the boys to the Church and poke the money into the pastor’s buckets. com/watch-video/OFCMIvU4SwU/groovygirl812/todd-bentleys-worship-leader-forgets- how-to-play-piano.htm

These spirits are very strong and powerful. Get away. Satan’s counterfeit will resemble a band of wild Indians and tribal warriors dancing shouting battle cries.

From the May 16th meeting at Lakeland, in Pastor Stephen Strader’s own words from here. x


They heard the word about this move of God… We have come to give an official welcome of this outpouring to America… GOD’S GOING TO HEAL THIS LAND AND

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REMOVE THIS CURSE…They give a gift of a shirt to Todd… and other gifts for his wife and gifts from other tribes… to say WELCOME and THANK YOU for bringing this outpouring…

There is a desperate cry to be set free from SUICIDE, DRUGS, and ALCOHOL…

They are GATE KEEPERS for this land… this is part of the healing for America… God told Bobby Conner that we had to COME THROUGH THEM INTO AMERICA!!!

One of the Indian leaders prays for REVIVAL to come to America and to all of the First Nation People…

Bob Jones comes up… the First Nation People are the keepers of the land… they have the ability to bless the land… they are a spiritual people… when they get saved; they naturally know how to flow in the Spirit.

Todd presents those gifts… and they place a FIRE NECKLACE around Todd’s neck… FIRE COMES ON EACH ONE OF THEM!!! BODIES ALL OVER THE STAGE!!!

Fire comes on them, but were these Native Americans even saved?

How anybody could at Lakeland, or any ‘armchair’ Todd Bentley supporter, listens to this garbage and be comfortable with it? Maybe they are so busy manifesting they don’t really hear what is really being said. But now you read it here, supporters, how can you possibly defend this, and the spirits Todd Bentley and his band of prophets speak by?

And Stephen Strader claims there has been nothing heretical going on at Lakeland apart from Paul Cain?! Come on, pull the other one (that is ‘the left leg ‘anointing)!

Bob Jones and Bobby Conner claim that the blessing/revival to America must go through the Native American Gatekeepers. You what, you gonna say that again?! That would be the case perhaps if you were shamans or other occultists and not Christians, as the Holy Spirit asks permission from no man to this extent. But of course these prophets at Lakeland are not really Christians, though they have the pretence of being so - and shamanism has more in common with these heretics anyway - except I dare say shamans show a lot bit more integrity than these guys do and are a lot less materialistic.

Notice not only the spiritual warfare/healing the land/gatekeepers apostasy touted here (popular with Cindy Jacobs and C Peter Wagner et al) but also the claim from Bob Jones that Native Americans ‘naturally know how to flow in the Spirit’. You what? But then this idea would tie in with the idea taught by this apostate lot, originating from Bob Jones again, no doubt, that psychics are only lost prophets, merely using their ’spiritual gifts’ given before birth for the wrong god. (See Lost Psychics and IHOP at a psychic fair). By the same reckoning, the same principle must apply to witches using their ’spiritual gifts’ to the wrong end, and to shamans and all sorts of other occultists. This also ties in with Bob Jones ‘testimony’ of going from seeing demons to seeing angels overnight when he converted with the famous line ‘Jesus told him he had to kill or forgive x many people to get his mind back’.

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How can anybody even listen to Bob Jones - he is a nut job as well as a proven sexual pervert and manipulator and elitist false prophet - don’t you guys who support this revival even care? He mentors and directs Todd Bentley. Doesn’t that make you concerned even a bit about what this revival is all about and what its true spiritual source is?

Index to all Todd Bentley and Lakeland articles here native-american-gatekeepers/

Our God reigns -- and we are on the winning side! "Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death Leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things?" (2 Cor. 2:14-16).

We praise you dear Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, In Jesus' Name

America, America, how our hearts bleed for thee. How we cry out in prayer before Almighty God to return our beloved country back to the "Old Paths" of the Bible. For therein will you find peace, rest, and favor with God. We all must daily pray that God will intervene in this horrible state of spiritual affairs, bringing a revival which will literally save America from His inevitable physical judgment.

Miracle Outreach Ministries

P. O. Box 56527

Jacksonville, FL 32241

(904) 733-8318

i Derek Prince, “They Shall Expel Demons, Chosen Books, A Division of Baker Book House Company, P. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, Mi 49516-6287 ii David Bey, Director of Cutting Edge Ministries iii (Ruth Montgomery, "Herald of a New Age,” page 202). iv Ruth Montgomery in her book, "Herald of the New Age.” v What is Occultism? Pat Holliday Tract, 9252 San Jose Blvd., 2804, Jacksonville, Fl. 32257. vi vii A. BEREAN LOCATION: BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA HTTP://WWW.TODDBENTLEY.ORG/ Abbotsford City Church

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viii Ibid ix Jesse Penn-Lewis, War on the Saints (Christian Literature Crusade), p. 21.


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