Vo1. 31 No. 4 Published by the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. May 2014 FFRF’s solid court victory ends prayer in Pismo Beach, Calif.

The Freedom From Religion Foun- dation has ended all prayer before the city council in Pismo Beach, Calif., with a settlement reached April 15. That victory has become all the sweeter following the Supreme Court’s unfor- tunate May 5 decision “blessing” sectar- ian governmental prayer. (See related story, this page.) FFRF’s victory will hold, since the lawsuit was brought in state court and It’s not in ‘His’ hands did not invoke federal law. Marni Huebner-Tiborsky, director of FFRF’s chapter the Northern Ohio Society, is pictured with Sam Following the filing of the lawsuit, Salerno, Sharon Woznicki, Mark Tiborsky, Suzy Wernet and Eric Tawney in front of Sharon’s billboard, one of 11 the Pismo Beach City Council, which featuring Cleveland-area FFRF members in its newest “Out of the Closet” campaign. The campaign got 5,000 likes in less had dug in its heels after locals com- than 24 hours after being posted on the Facebook page of the Foundation. FFRF’s Facebook page saw plained about its prayer practice, sur- similar approval. For more photos and images, see page 14. prised observers by totally capitulating to FFRF requests. The council voted to stop all prayers at official meetings and Announcing ‘Nothing fails like prayer’ award to abolish a city chaplain position that had anointed a Pentecostal preacher to intone long sermons to begin meet- ings. FFRF fights back against FFRF and Dr. Sari Dworkin, a Pismo Beach resident and FFRF member, sued the city Nov. 1, 2013, in Superior Court in San Luis Obispo, alleging the SCOTUS prayer ruling official prayers and chaplaincy violated the California Constitution. “If the Supreme Court won’t uphold need FFRF!” Before each council meeting, city the Constitution, it’s up to us — it’s up FFRF, the nation’s largest associa- Chaplain Paul Jones or one of his reli- to you” is the Freedom From Religion tion of freethinkers, with more than gious substitutes delivered a Christian Foundation’s homily in response to the 20,000 atheist and agnostic members Inside This Issue prayer. Prayers often included egre- high court’s May 5 ruling approving nationwide, has responded to the Papal visit gious factual mistakes, including man- sectarian prayer at official government hostile court ruling by announcing a effort raises ufactured theocratic quotes attributed meetings. The ruling is a personal blow Continued on page 3 constitutional to America’s founders. Jones’ prayers to the stature and rights of U.S. nonbe- violations pressured citizens to live a Christian or lievers and non-Christians, as well as to biblical lifestyle, to vote for “righteous” secular government. Page 6 leaders and make decisions that “hon- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in or” his god. Town of Greece v. Galloway that govern- FFRF, Minn. The city agreed to pay the plaintiffs ments can not only host prayers, those Atheists, nominal damages and attorney fees prayers can be pervasively sectarian: sponsor ‘Aints’ totaling about $47,500 and to end the “To hold that invocations must be non- game practice of praying at meetings and sectarian would force the legislatures abolish the chaplain position. The set- that sponsor prayers and the courts Page 17 tlement carries the force of law and will that are asked to decide these cases be accompanied by a court order. to act as supervisors and censors of “This is a significant victory that religious speech.” First Amendment FFRF intends to build on,” said FFRF champion Ellery Schempp, FFRF Life- Letters: Sweetie Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor. time Member from Massachusetts, who Hypatia is a Pismo Beach established an official began the protest that led to a land- state/church city chaplaincy in 2005 and appoint- mark 1963 U.S. Supreme Court ruling watch dog ed Jones to the post. He’s affiliated against recitation of the Lord’s Prayer with the International Church of the in public schools, emailed on the day Pages 20–21 of the ruling: “FFRF is vital after the Continued on page 3 awful Greece decision. This is why we Linda Stevens Page 2 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

Meet a Musical Trekkie Member

Name: Christine Eldridge. Person in history I admire: Roger Where I live: East Providence, R.I. Williams, founder of Rhode Island, for Where and when I was born: Woon- his staunch convictions about and ad- socket, R.I., 1969. vocacy for freedom of conscience and Family: My husband, Darryl, and I separation of church and state. share our home with a cat, Lola, and A quotation I like: “I’m an atheist, two dogs, Isabella and Kirk. I am child- and that’s it. I believe there’s nothing free by choice and love being an auntie we can know except that we should be to my nieces and nephews. kind to each other and do what we can Education: B.S. in music education, for each other.” (Katharine Hepburn). Rhode Island College. Clarinet is my “Heresy makes for progress.” (Hypa- main instrument, and I play with a tia Bradlaugh Bonner). “We must ques- chamber music ensemble. I also study tion the story logic of having an all- piano, having resumed lessons two knowing all-powerful God, who creates years ago after about a 20-year hiatus, faulty Humans, and then blames them and started playing the ukulele this for his own mistakes.” (Gene Rodden- year. berry). “The time to be happy is now. Occupation: Nonprofit arts admin- The place to be happy is here. The istration. way to be happy is to make others so.” Volunteer work: Humanists of (Robert Ingersoll). Rhode Island (vice president), Secular These are a few of my favorite Coalition for Rhode Island (co-chair), things: “Star Trek” (I’m a costume- Christine Eldridge works hard to get the word out about and active in community service as well as wearing, convention-attending, life- humanism. secular, social justice, arts advocacy and long Trekkie), (they’re such animal welfare causes. fascinating animals!), music, reading, God with the wrathful being portrayed ity for atheists, humanists and other How I got where I am today: Help stand-up paddleboarding, kayaking. in the bible, the problem of evil and nonbelievers. and support from family and friends, These are not: Cruelty, bigotry, the concept of hell. I identify openly as an atheist and random luck, various personal choices . Ways I promote freethought: With a humanist and hope to demonstrate and hard work. My doubts about religion started: I the Humanists of Rhode Island and by my words and actions that it is in- Where I’m headed: I plan to contin- was raised Catholic and attended Cath- the Secular Coalition for Rhode Island, deed possible to live a life that is ethi- ue to learn, to help others and to enjoy olic school. My first doubts came as a I am active in working to keep religion cal, happy and fulfilling without belief the journey. child, when I tried to reconcile a loving out of government and to raise visibil- in a deity.

Meet a Legal Intern Name: Alexis Palmer. I go by Lexi. gion. Where and when I was born: Burns- What I like best about it: Assisting ville, Minn., May 1992. people who turn to this organization Family: My parents still live in the as a source of hope when they feel dis- house that I grew up in back in cold criminated against. The first day I truly . I have a sister, Payton, who realized the impact of the work that is a year younger than I am. She goes FFRF does was the day a complainant to school in a much warmer state, Ari- responded to one of my emails thank- zona. ing me over and over again for the Education: I’m a senior at the Uni- work that we do and the difference versity of Wisconsin-Madison (and that we make for people like him. could not be prouder to be a Badger). My legal interests are: I don’t dream I’m completing my legal studies and of becoming famous. I just want to be- political majors. come a lawyer so I can help people who My religious upbringing was: I grew can’t help themselves and truly see the up as a Lutheran, so working for FFRF difference that I am making for them. has really opened my eyes to an entire- These three words sum me up: ly different side of law and different Charismatic, compassionate and deter- “You are here,” Lexi Palmer could be saying (but probably wasn’t) at the way of helping people. mined. Louvre in Paris. How I came to work as an FFRF le- Things I like: My favorite thing in gal intern: Naturally, I was looking for the world is my cat, Gucci, who lives unless it’s shopping for other people’s a week in each one before I die. I have some legal experience, and I became with my parents. I am definitely a cat gifts. I don’t make decisions very quick- traveled throughout much of Europe interested in the work that FFRF does. person. I also really love trying new ly, so shopping is not an easy task for and spent my last spring semester in What I do here: My day-to-day work and authentic food. Every member of me. Another thing that I smite is the Spain studying Spanish. The next con- usually differs depending on the week; my family is definitely a “foodie,” and show “Keeping Up With the Kardashi- tinent on my list is South America. generally I assist the staff attorneys with we love to go out and try all types of ans,” for hopefully obvious reasons. I strongly believe that everyone drafting letters of complaint or help restaurants. My loftiest goal: To travel to every should travel and see the rest of the research specific issues involving reli- Things I smite: Shopping of any sort, country in the world and spend at least world!

Freethought Today Notify Us of A Note to Members published by Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc. Your Address [email protected] • FFRF.org Your address label shows the expira- P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 Change Promptly! tion date of your membership in FFRF, (608)256-8900 • FAX (608)204-0422 Email: [email protected] which includes your subscription to Editor: Bill Dunn, [email protected] Don’t miss a single issue! If you Freethought Today and “Private Line.” If move, notify us directly and it says May 2014 or earlier please renew! Production Editor: Scott Colson promptly. The Post Office does Your prompt re­newal ($40-single mem­ Executive Editor: Annie Laurie Gaylor not forward third-class mail. ber­ship; $50-household; $100 gung-ho; Assistant Editor: Lauryn Seering FFRF cannot be responsible for re- $25-student) saves us time and post­ Contributors: Philip Appleman, Eric Jayne, Brent Nicastro, David Williamson age, and is tax-deductible. Free­thought­­ placing back issues if we have not May 2014 been notified prior to your move. Today is published 10 times a year, with The only freethought newspaper in the United States Back issues, while they last, may combined issues in Jan/Feb and June/ be ordered for $2 each. July. Send membership or renewal to FFRF, Box 750, Madison WI 53701, ffrf.org/donate May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 3

‘Nothing fails like prayer’ award FFRF fights back against SCOTUS prayer ruling

Continued from front page “Nothing Fails Like Prayer Award.” portunity to a would-be prayer giver. Its The award will be given to citizens leaders maintained that a minister or who succeed in delivering secular “in- layperson of any persuasion, including vocations” at government meetings. an atheist, could give the invocation.” The individual judged to give the “Freethinkers: It’s time to crash the “best” secular invocation will be invit- party, to ask for equal time to give our ed to open FFRF’s annual convention own atheist homilies and freethought with said “invocation,” receiving an invocations at local board meetings,” all-expenses-paid trip to FFRF’s 37th said Annie Laurie Gaylor, who, with annual convention at the Los Angeles Anne Nicol Gaylor, cofounded FFRF Biltmore and an honorarium of $500. in the late 1970s to successfully protest Linda Stephens, the atheist plain- prayers at their local governmental many of our nation’s most influential “Government officials need to get tiff in the Greece challenge brought by meetings. founders opposed governmental exer- off their knees and get to work,” said Americans United for Separation of Already, a member of FFRF in cises of religion, including revolution- Barker, adding, “Be a Paine in the gov- Church and State, is a longtime mem- Greece has received permission to give ary Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, ernment’s Mass.” ber of FFRF, who became a Lifetime an atheist homily before the city meet- who refused in his two terms to issue FFRF plans to make the contest an Member following the ruling. Both she ing in July. days of prayer, and James Madison, annual event until the Greece decision is and co-plaintiff Susan Galloway will be Government prayer remains one of fourth president and primary architect overturned. All eligible secular invok- named Freethinkers of the Year and the most common complaints FFRF re- of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. ers will receive a certificate suitable for accept the award at FFRF’s convention ceives from its members and members Secular invocations for the contest framing, and FFRF will post the invoca- Oct. 24-26. (See more, back page.) of the public. could be sincere and eloquent, such tion on its website. Justice Anthony Kennedy, consid- Gaylor noted that despite the ap- as state Rep. Juan Mendez’s invocation Read full contest rules at: ered the “swing vote,” not only voted proval of sectarian governmental before the Arizona House last year, ffrf.org/outreach/nothing-fails-like-prayer- in lockstep with his four ultra-conser- prayer by five Supreme Court justices, for which he won FFRF’s Emperor award-contest vative Catholic brethren but wrote the government bodies are not required to Has No Clothes Award. You may wish For “inspiration,” download a free Greece ruling. open with prayer. “We’d like to see secu- to “invoke”secular “founding fathers,” copy of Barker’s songs “Get Off Your “Once again, the lopsided conser- lar citizens flood government meetings your own life philosophy or take a Knees and Get to Work” (from FFRF vative majority has proudly announced with secular invocations that illustrate more facetious route (think Flying CD, “Adrift on a Star”) and “Nothing that it is on the wrong side of history,” why government prayers are unneces- Spaghetti Monster). The goal is to rep- Fails Like Prayer” (from FFRF CD, “Be- commented FFRF Co-President Dan sary, ineffective, divisive, embarrassing resent the nonreligious point of view ware of Dogma”) at FFRF’s website (se- Barker, quipping about Kennedy: “It and exclusionary of the 20-30 percent and show that government bodies have lect CD, then scroll play list to find free don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that of the U.S. population today that iden- no need of a prayer to imagined gods, downloads): ffrf.org/shop/music/. swing.” tifies as nonreligious, as well as of other or religion or superstition, to govern. Read various early May FFRF blogs The one silver lining in Kennedy’s non-Christians,” Gaylor said. The answers won’t come from above about the ruling, at ffrf.org/news/blog/. decision was this reference: “The town FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel, and government needs to be guided by at no point excluded or denied an op- who suggested the award, notes that reason.

Register for 25th annual Lake Hypatia July 4 confab Solid court

Join Pat Cleveland, director of the brunch Saturday, July 5. Alabama Freethought Society, and There are four inexpensive group victory FFRF’s Dan Barker and Annie Laurie meals (lunches and dinners) served on Gaylor for the 25th annual “Glorious the cool lakeside pavilion (plus a free Fourth” celebration put on by the lunch hosted by members on July 3). ends prayer chapter July 3-5 at Lake Hypatia, Ala. Your meal order must be received no (near Talladega). Events begin at 10 later than June 25. No meals may be Jerry DeWitt a.m. Thursday, July 3, and end after ordered at the door. Other events include Freethought Events take place in FFRF’s air-con- Jeopardy, hosted by Martin and Cheryl in Pismo ditioned southern Freethought Hall. Lewison, the “atheists vs. agnostics” Speakers include Jerry DeWitt, former volleyball match and “debaptisms” in Include FFRF Pentecostal minister and author of Lake Hypatia, abutting Talladega Na- Beach “Hope After Faith,” and Janet Heim- tional Forest. In Your Estate lich, award-winning journalist and See your spring Private Line for Continued from front page author of Breaking Their Will: Shedding details, or go to ffrf.org/outreach/lake- Planning Light on Religious Child Maltreatment. hypatia for full details, maps, lodgings, Foursquare Gospel, which emphasizes A panel of former religionists will be camping opportunities, schedule, costs “speaking in tongues.” Arrange a bequest in your will or moderated by chapter activist Anna and online registration. Credit cards Jones delivered 112 of the 126 trust, or make the Freedom From Aldrich. Michael Scott, director of the are accepted 9-5 Central weekdays via prayers scheduled by the council be- Religion Found­ation the benefi- new Metro Atlanta chapter, will speak. FFRF office at (608)256-8900. tween Jan. 1, 2008, and Oct. 15, 2013. ciary of an insurance policy, bank All but one of the 126 prayers was ad- account, or IRA. It’s easy to do. dressed to the Christian god. For related information Freedom From Religion Foundation FFRF warmly thanks local plaintiff (or to request a bequest P.O. Box 750 • Madison WI 53701 • (608) 256-8900 • ffrf.org Sari Dworkin, litigation attorney Pame- brochure), please phone la Koslyn and FFRF Staff Attorney An- Annie Laurie Gaylor at drew Seidel, who built the solid case. (608) 256-8900. What is the Freedom From Religion Foundation? Seidel transcribed many of the prayers FFRF and joked that such work was “cruel P.O. Box 750 Founded in 1978 as a national organization of freethinkers (atheists and agnostics), and inhumane” for an atheist attorney. Madison WI 53701 the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc., works to keep state and church separate Atheists United of San Luis Obispo and and to educate the public about the views of nontheists. its members helped initiate the lawsuit. The Foundation’s e-mail address is [email protected]. Please include your name and FFRF will receive $27,000 for Se- Freedom Depends physical mailing address with all e-mail correspondence. idel’s services and plans to recycle the Foundation members wishing to receive online news releases, “action alerts” and fees to go after other California gov- on Freethinkers “Freethought of the Day” should contact [email protected]. ernmental prayer. Page 4 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

Heads Up A Poetry Column by Philip Appleman

Sermons in Stones

Yesterday I saw them all: a pigeon limping here, pecking there, a maple tree dropping precious leaves, a squirrel risking one hop at a time, ivy clinging to a crumbling wall.

The storm blew in at noon and raged for hours, howling till after dark . . . Overheard This morning in the sunshine They’re back again: the pigeon, The tendency to promote the majority faiths and no faith. Atheism is one el- The balding maple, the squirrel, the ivy, faith is strong, and the court’s decision ement in religious orientation, and it all holding on, holding on, could be taken by some as an invitation shouldn’t be ignored just because athe- not feeling sorry to do only the minimum to respect oth- ists say there is no God. for themselves. er beliefs. And that’s too bad, because TK Barger, religion editor, defending such practices honor neither the Con- a news feature on Camp Quest, “Read- stitution nor the Golden Rule. ers criticize religion page story on athe- © Philip Appleman 2014 USA Today editorial board, disagree- ist camp” Freethought Today is honored to publish this new poem. ing with the Supreme Court’s 5-4 deci- Toledo Blade, 3-30-14 sion in Town of Greece v. Galloway that allows sectarian prayer Some of us feel some of these televan- Philip Appleman is Dis­tinguished Pro­fessor Emeri­ USA Today, 5-5-14 gelists have taken advantage of the fact tus at In­dia­na Uni­ver­si­ty. His published volumes of that churches have little regulation poetry in­clude Perfidious Proverbs and Other Poems: The East [High School] students I by government and few reporting re- A Satirical Look at the Bible (2012), Darwin’s Ark talked to couldn’t be distracted from quirements. (new 2009 edition) and Karma, Dharma, Pudding homework any longer, and this “non- Paul Streckfus, tax attorney and editor & Pie (2009). His nonfiction work in­cludes the widely troversy” did not interest them. But of the Exempt Organization Tax Jour- used Norton Critical Edition, Darwin, and the Nor­ one of my anonymous sources had this nal, “Can a Television Network Be a ton Critical Edition of Malthus’ Essay on Pop­ulation. to offer: “It’s not about patriotism; it’s Church? The IRS Says Yes” His poetry and fiction have won many awards, including a fellowship in about religion.” National Public Radio, 4-1-14 poetry from the Na­tional En­dow­ment for the Arts, the Castagnola Award Reporter Catherine Capellaro on two from the Poetry Society of America, the Humanist Arts Award from the students who allegedly substituted This is an attempt to reclaim a word American Humanist Association and the Friend of Darwin Award from the “peace” for “God” while saying the [atheist] that has been turned nega- National Center for Science Education. His work has ap­peared in Har­ Pledge of Allegiance over the intercom tive. per’s Magazine, The Nation, The New Republic, , in Madison, Wis. Julia Bruce, president, Harvard Col- The Paris Review, Partisan Review, Poetry, and The Yale Review.. Isthmus, 5-2-14 lege Humanists, Agnostics and Athe- ists, on “Atheist Coming Out Week” He and his playwright wife, Marjorie Appleman, are both “Afterlife” Members For many years the country had qui- Harvard Crimson, 4-2-14 of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. Phil’s books: ffrf.org/shop. eted down after the initial shock of the ruling . . . and people agreed [separa- The simple fact of the matter is that tion of church and state] was a good prayer belongs in churches and in thing and went on with their lives. homes. It does not belong in govern- Somehow, with the rise of the Religious ment meetings. Perhaps the Christians Right and evangelical Christians, the is- will show a little charity to those of us sue has bubbled back to the surface in who don’t agree with their views and a real way — a threatening way, in my separate their beliefs from the govern- opinion. ment business at hand. Ellery Schempp, plaintiff in Abington Roy Birk, Glen Burnie, Md., letter to Township v. Schempp, in which the Su- the editor, “An atheist’s view of public preme Court in 1963 banned prayers prayer” and bible reading in public schools Baltimore Sun, 4-13-14 Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 4-7-14 I just had to keep my mouth shut about Declare and share your nonbelief in FFRF’s online “Out of the Closet” campaign! For a lot of people, being an atheist at those meetings. I ffrf.org/out religion is the little lie felt dumped on when I mentioned it. that people believe so Like I wasn’t really a member of their they can believe the club. big lie of justice, mer- George S., participant in one of two YOUR WEEKLY ANTIDOTE TO THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT cy and fairness. secular 12-step programs delisted by Chris Kluwe, agnostic Alcoholics Anonymous for being God- and former Minnesota Vikings punt- free in Vancouver, B.C. TUNE IN TO er, who was basically forced out of Vancouver Sun, 4-3-14 pro football for supporting marriage FREETHOUGHT RADIO equality I know his beliefs. When he ran one of Salt Lake Tribune, 4-19-14 his commercials he said, “I need your produced by the prayers” and I asked, “When did you Freedom From Religion Rather than wrestling with ways to get religious?” He said, “When I need- Foundation Hosted by Dan Barker and make the invocations meet the letter ed votes.” He broke out the religious Annie Laurie Gaylor of the law, we strongly urge the council card, and he’s about the most nonreli- to discontinue the spoken invocations. gious person I know. Broadcasts and streams Saturdays at 11 a.m. Central, Progressive Talk The Mic Newspaper editorial, “Dropping pub- Heath Peacock, on U.S. Rep. Vance 92.1 FM, Madison, Wis., and over several other stations. lic prayer was right call,” on settlement McAllister, R-La., who was caught on iTunes or podcasts archived at: ffrf.org/news/radio of a lawsuit in FFRF’s favor against the tape passionately kissing Peacock’s city council in Pismo Beach, Calif. wife, a staffer for McAllister, who is Slightly irreverent views, San Luis Obispo Tribune, 4-18-14 married with five children news, music & interviews CNN, 4-8-14 Readers of The Blade come from many May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 5 In Daley Plaza — Chicago’s public square FFRF, Chicago chapter counter Catholic Easter display

displaying his famous advice to a neph- and hosted anti-abortion rallies in ew, “Question with boldness even the front of the Jesus painting. existence of a god.” The other side pro- FFRF additionally had two smaller claimed, “Keep State & Religion Sepa- posters affixed to each side of its dis- rate,” and pictured President John Ad- play, explaining its purpose, written ams, who signed the Treaty of Tripoli, by Tom Cara, Chicago chapter direc- which assured “. . . the government of tor: “Not looking to convert? Neither the United States is not in any sense, are we,” protesting use of govern- founded on the Christian religion.” ment property to endorse the beliefs The display countered religious of a specific religious group. Another displays and evangelism in Daley Plaza poster questioned the “divine mercy” by the Catholic Thomas More Society, of the bible, upon which Catholicism which has evangelized in the plaza ev- is predicated. ery Easter for several years. The group’s FFRF and its Chicago-area chapter aim, through its “Divine Mercy Proj- in December placed an 8-foot lighted ect,” is to seek the “conversion of Chi- “A” (for atheism and ) and cago, America and the Whole World.” banner celebrating the “birth of the Rather than place such displays on Bill of Rights” to counter a huge nativi- church grounds, the society explicitly ty display erected annually for decades. FFRF staff and Chicago chapter members gather in front of the educational seeks to take over public property for FFRF thanks Patrick Elliott, who ini- display its purposes, claiming that at Daley Pla- tiated the project, as well as Andrew Se- with the help of the FFRF Metropoli- za it encounters “militants, feminists, idel and Sam Grover for building the tan Chicago chapter and three FFRF Satanists, radical Muslims, just about display with Patrick, and Tom Cara and FFRF placed a patriotic red-white- staff attorneys — Patrick Elliott, An- everybody.” other chapter volunteers for their help and-blue secular display to counter an drew Seidel and Sam Grover. The trio The society placed a 10-foot-tall in erecting, dismantling and storing enormous Catholic Easter display at drove to Chicago from Madison, Wis., painting of Jesus that it claims was mi- the newsmaking displays. Daley Plaza in downtown Chicago in to install the display with chapter help raculously inspired, with the statement April. on a wooden structure they built for “Jesus, I trust in you,” as well as a 14- Two colorful 8-foot banners on a 12- the back-to-back banners. foot cross. In past years, supporters foot structure promoting the secular One banner reads: “In Reason We have also held 24-hour prayer vigils, views of founding fathers were placed Trust” and pictured Thomas Jefferson, distributed thousands of prayer cards Stop the press! Broadcast news!

Tom Cara shows Daley Plaza security the permit for the secular display

The new 30-second TV spot for FFRF recorded by Ron Reagan made a splash, airing May 22 on both Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report” on Comedy Central. If you missed the shows, view it here: Your tax-deductible donation (to ffrf. org/donate) will help us take this ad to other networks soon! Page 6 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014 Religion entrenched in Clemson football

The Freedom From Religion Foun- of Christian Athletes representative dation’s complaint to Clemson Uni- and as a football recruiting assistant. versity over serious entanglements be- A website lists him as campus director tween its football program and religion of ministry/life coach, and he refers to created a national firestorm in April. himself as a minister. FFRF’s administrative staff took abu- “Mr. Trapp’s legal duties and obliga- sive calls tying up the lines for a week tions as a state employee prohibit him and half after the complaint broke on from using state resources (i.e., his of- wire stories, sports news sites and Fox fice in the Jervey Athletic Center) and FFRF Co-President Annie Laurie Gaylor spoke April 18 about FFRF’s secular TV. his official position as a recruiting as- “Easter” display in Daley Plaza in Chicago, as well as FFRF’s complaint about “Christian worship seems interwo- sistant to proselytize.” entangling football and religion at Clemson University, on “Fox & Friends” ven into Clemson’s football program,” FFRF wants the school to direct on the Channel. She’s pictured with anchor Ainsley Earhardt and wrote Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott in Swinney and Trapp to immediately Virginia Galloway of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. On the same day, FFRF his letter to the general counsel of stop team prayers, sermons, bible stud- Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott defended FFRF’s Clemson University complaint Clemson University, a public university ies and “church days” for players and on Fox’s “The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson.” To watch videos while links in Clemson, S.C. train staff about their First Amend- remain live, visit ffrf.org/news/media and scroll to appropriate video links for Elliott warned of a “a culture of re- ment obligations and monitor compli- April 18. ligious coercion within the university’s ance. football program,” after reviewing evi- In 2012, FFRF sent a letter to Appa- dence gleaned from his open records lachian State University, Boone, N.C., request, showing: Jervey Athletic Center, displays bible and on other occasions for worship on alerting officials to similar violations • In 2011, coach William “Dabo” quotes on a whiteboard and has orga- “Church Day.” in its football program. The university Swinney personally invited James nized and led sessions on “being bap- • Swinney schedules team devo- agreed that the program’s religious en- Trapp to become “team chaplain” tized” in the athletic building. tionals. Records indicate that between tanglement was coercive and had no le- for the Tigers. This is in violation of • Swinney confirmed that the en- March 2012 and April 2013, approxi- gitimate place in the athletic program. the Constitution and even Clemson’s tire team would attend a Fellowship of mately 87 devotionals were organized A January 2014 Sports Illustrated own “misguided and legally dubious Christian Athletes breakfast Dec. 31, by Trapp, approved by Swinney and led story said Swinney had recently signed ‘Guidelines For Athletic Team Chap- 2011, wherein three players would “tes- by coaching staff. an eight-year contract for $27.15 mil- lains.’ ” tify.” “Mr. Trapp, as a paid employee of lion. • Trapp was regularly given access to • Three privately funded buses a state university, may not proselytize While denying wrongdoing, the uni- the entire team to conduct bible study (116-seat total capacity) were used to or promote religion and may not use versity has responded that it is investi- between drills. take the team and coaches to Valley his university office to do so,” Elliott gating the allegations. • The chaplain has an office at the Brook Baptist Church on Aug. 7, 2011, wrote. Trapp also serves as a Fellowship

FFRF blasts Hobby Lobby bible curriculum

FFRF is strongly criticizing Hobby only positive attributes (“Faithful and Lobby’s public school bible course good,” “gracious and compassion- approved April 14 by Mustang Public ate,” “orderly and disciplined,” “full Schools in Mustang, Okla. of love”) or theologically Christian at- FFRF has been eyeing the bible tributions, such as “ever-present help course since November, when Hobby in times of trouble” and “righteous Lobby’s billionaire owner Steve Green judge.” personally pitched it to the school The biblical deity’s negative aspects board. The board voted 4-0 with one go unmentioned, such as the injunc- absention to approve the curriculum tion in Exodus 20:5, “I the LORD thy entitled “The Book, the Bible’s Histo- God am a jealous God, visiting the in- City of Green Bay ry, Narrative and Impact of the World’s iquity of the fathers upon the children Best-selling Book” as an elective course. unto the third and fourth generation.” Board member Jeff Landrith ab- Ironically, the textbook criticizes the stained, saying “I think the public “historical half-truths” of Dan Brown’s staffers solicit pope should be able to look at this before we The Da Vinci Code, a work of fiction, yet vote on it.” fails to apply that same critical lens to “I am amazed that any school dis- the bible. The text states: “[W]e can on city time trict would think this is appropriate conclude that the Bible, especially for public schools,” said FFRF Staff At- when viewed alongside other histori- torney Andrew Seidel, who got a sneak cal information, is a reliable historical City documents received by FFRF tee” by the mayor), reviewed wording preview of the proposed text in April. source.” The text makes the absurd, through an open records request show on the popetogreenbay.com website and “This just confirms the suspicions we long-reputed claim that the writer of that Mayor Jim Schmitt and his staff created meeting agendas. had about the class. Hobby Lobby and Genesis is “thought to be Moses.” have planned and coordinated a cam- City Policy Chapter 24.4 requires “a the Greens are trying to convert chil- Hobby Lobby, a national chain paign on city time to bring the pope to distinction between sharing personal dren to their particular brand of Chris- store, is challenging the Affordable Green Bay, Wis. and official City views” and disclaimers tianity. There is nothing scholarly, fair Care Act’s contraceptive mandate, FFRF objected in March to Schmitt’s for personal views and opinions — that or balanced about the curriculum.” with a Supreme Court decision immi- invitation in his official capacity as were not employed by the mayor or his In its April 24 letter to the school nent. Green opposes the idea of his mayor sent on city letterhead to Pope staff. district, FFRF noted that the “the draft women employees using the IUD and Francis to “make a pilgrimage to the “Just as paid staff time may not be materials MPS intends to use unequiv- birth control pill, and says his corpora- Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help.” used for campaign activity, it’s equally ocally fail to meet the legal standards tion’s “religious freedom” is offended Emails reveal the mayor and his chief inappropriate and unseemly to pro- required by our Constitution. The ma- if workers have access to the contracep- of staff, Andy Rosendahl, coordinated mote Catholicism and this religious terials show a clear Christian bias, treat tion of their choice. the initiative and organized weekly pilgrimage on city time,” said Annie the bible as historically accurate and FFRF has combated Hobby Lobby’s “Pope to Green Bay Committee” meet- Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. true in all respects and make theologi- annual July 4 advertising blitz, in which ings throughout the workday. FFRF says the mayor and city staff cal claims.” the chain runs hundreds of full-page Emails by city staff show they must stop working on the papal visit Alarming entries include asking and “In God We Trust” newspaper ads pro- planned and scheduled meetings during city time while using city prop- answering such questions as, “What is moting religion in government. (dubbed “the Pope Mobile Commit- erty and follow its disclaimer policy. God like?” The Hobby Lobby text lists May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 7


I want us to be a community that really constitutional litigation often takes gives back. I don’t want it to be just a many years. I hope that the cross is re- big Sunday party, I also want it to be moved (not blown up) and moved to something outside of that. welcoming private property, where it Helen Stringer, atheist executive direc- belongs.” tor of Kansas City Oasis, a freethought Reader comment on “Crosses Spark a group that features live music and dis- Constitutional Fight” cussions every Sunday Wall Street Journal, 4-15-14 Religion News Service, 4-11-14 When the song ends, the congrega- The human wreckage he leaves behind tion sits. [Pastor Mike] Will prays, then him gets to file out of court. Where’s begins his children’s sermon, even their rehabilitation program? though not one of the dozen in church Australian Judge Frank Gucciardo, on this particular Sunday is younger than the victims of serial predator priest 50. Will, 53, is almost always the young- Frank Klep who walked out of Klep’s est in the room. “That doesn’t mean presentencing after he was convicted that the children aren’t here,” he tells of molesting 15 schoolboys from 1973- them. “They’re just not easy to see. We 84 all have a child inside of us.” Sydney Morning Herald, 4-3-14 News story, “Columbia pastor balances two Sturgeon churches with declining chor/reporter, “Teaching the Bible: A young man has been fatally crushed On the issue of religious symbols on memberships” Careful What You Pray For” after a statue erected in honor of Pope public property, Gaylord Dean Smith Columbia Missourian, 4-18-14 650keni.com, 4-24-14 John Paul II in northern Italy fell on of Wisconsin wrote: “I strongly believe top of him. Marco Gusmini, 21, died that religious freedom should be pro- What happens when a student asks, In a historic match-up of papacies past instantly and a second man was taken tected under the First Amendment, “Wait, how is salvation supposed to and present, Pope Francis and emeri- to hospital after the 100-foot sculpture but I don’t think that includes allow- work? God came to Earth to sacrifice tus Pope Benedict XVI will honor fell on top of him. ing religious symbols on government himself — to himself — to save hu- Popes John XXIII and John Paul II News story, “Pope statue collapse property. Violation of the separation manity from being punished — by in the first-ever canonization of two called bad omen” of church and state is a slippery slope. himself?” Pity the teachers stuck in this popes. Irish Times, 4-25-14 The Mount Soledad cross has been a impossible spot. Associated Press news story bone of contention for many years and Scott Rhode, Alaska radio news an- Time.com, 4-26-14 FFRFlashback

Peggy Porter Koenig, friend of ing to turn America into a theocracy, FFRF, writes: “While I was growing up, had donated the statue to the city in this statue, which we referred to as ‘Je- 1959. Losing the suit cost the city about sus on the Ball,’ was smack dab in the $60,000 in legal fees and fencing and middle of a public park [in Marshfield, sign costs. Wis.]. Then FFRF got him his own Reinders, an FFRF Life Member private park. Thank goodness for the who died in 2012, wrote at the time Freedom From Religion Foundation.” that leaving “the religious idol” in the FFRF and the late Clarence Reinders park and fencing it off was the best of Marshfield sued in 1998 over the dis- outcome, though he was initially disap- play with its “Christ Guide Us On Our pointed it was allowed to stay. “When- Way” wording and prevailed nearly ever anyone looks at the idol in its three years later when a federal appeals newly imprisoned setting, they will see court ordered U.S. District Judge John the fruits of our labors in defense of Shabaz to oversee erection of a wall or the First Amendment. With the fence fence with a prominent disclaimer in and disclaimer signs, we have left our the park. freethought mark of state/church sep- Shabaz initially dismissed FFRF’s aration for posterity.” suit after the city sold a parcel in the Go to ffrf.org/legal for more on park to a group formed to save the FFRF’s litigation and to ffrf.org/legal/ statue. The appeals court ruled Feb. 4, other-legal-successes for other legal victo- 2000, that the sale didn’t remedy the ries. constitutional violation. FFRF recently received a $17,000 The Catholic Knights of Colum- bequest for its legal work from the bus, a men’s group renowned for try- Reinders’ estate. Clarence lives! It’s pretty clear that Marshfield Jesus has a lot on the ball. (Photo: Peggy Porter Koenig)

Recruit a member:

Correction Send $2 with the name and ad- An April news brief on a Sal- dress of each person you wish vation Army settlement in New to receive a sample copy of Freethought Today to: York with former employees who alleged they were religiously pres- FFRF, P.O. Box 750, Madison WI sured wrongly called the case 53701 Lowe v. Salvation Army. It is Lown, not Lowe. (Lead plaintiff Anne Freedom depends Lown is an FFRF member.) upon freethinkers

Amazing, Grace (Please specify whether the indi- “This church is my local polling place,” says Ohio member Nancy Dollard. “I vidual is a freethinker.) find their sign very ironic.” Page 8 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

FFRF legal victories Legal staffers successfully resolve multiple violations

Proselytizing coach formed for at least 15 years. ends up resigning Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a Dec. 5 letter of complaint to the dis- FFRF has halted a pious coach’s trict, which acknowledged in an April practice of proselytizing students in reply that the complaint’s allegations Spokane, Wash. According to the com- were accurate. The district assured plainant, Rogers High School head FFRF that the religious icons and bi- football coach Matt Miethe and other bles were removed and that religious coaches had not only been baptizing conversations and activities have been players at Pentecostal churches, but eliminated from the classroom. “The the assistant coach was leading the Thanksgiving performance is being team in prayers during “chapel time” revisited for content, but rest assured and before games. that the crosses will be removed and The coaches reportedly also pres- the choral response will be reworded.” sured players to attend church. Ac- cording to news reports, Miethe “of- fered players three opportunities to Church graduations gather for church and encouraged will go secular them to attend.” Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent FFRF complaint letters led two Ohio Within an hour of receiving a letter of complaint April 16 from FFRF Senior a complaint letter to the school dis- school districts to drop churches as Staff Attorney Rebecca Markert, the public utility in Sun Prairie, Wis., removed trict Dec. 17: “Even if Miethe is sim- high school graduation venues. the “crown of thorns” imagery from its website. FFRF will pursue its complaint ply suggesting [church] attendance, Canton Local School District in that the utility illegally closed on Good Friday in violation of a federal court his position as head coach in charge Canton will no longer hold church ruling won by FFRF in 1996. The ruling overturned a law declaring Good Friday of playing time impregnates any sug- graduations starting in 2015. Canton a state holiday. gestion with force. Playing time leads South High School plans to hold this to scholarships and college; it should year’s ceremony May 27 at Canton Bap- be a question of merit only, not reli- tist Temple. in prayers. According to a local com- has agreed to apologize to your com- gion. No student should be deprived Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca Mark- plainant, the varsity football coach pro- plainant and has been instructed to of the opportunity of playing football ert sent a letter to the district Feb. 17 to vided food for players after practice, align his instruction with the Texas Es- because they, as a matter of personal explain that it’s illegal to force gradu- then told them to bow their heads be- sential Knowledge and Skills Standards conscience, feel unable to participate ates, families and friends to enter a fore leading them in prayer. established by the Texas Legislature for in a religious ritual or attend church.” church that might espouse an ideology The coach also is alleged to have en- the subjects he teaches.” On March 17, the district respond- or belief to which they might not ad- couraged players to attend his church ed: “Rogers High School principal here. and be “saved,” invited them to church Lori Wyborney spoke with the football The superintendent responded events during football practice and Wrestling team drops coach and confirmed activities that she April 8, “While it is not possible for the provided rides. religious endorsements had not been aware of. district to find an alternate location for Senior Staff Attorney Rebecca “Ms. Wyborney took immediate graduation [this year], I have spoken Markert’s letter to the superintendent The Parkersburg South High action to ensure that the activities to the board and they have agreed to explained the multiple reasons why School wrestling team in Parkersburg, described ceased. She reminds her find a secular site for the 2015 graduat- such proselytizing is illegal in a public W. Va., will no longer display the motto coaching and athletics staff as well as ing class.” school. “Philippians 4:13: I can do all things her administrative staff of the need Northwest High School in Canal Ful- On April 25, the district responded: through Christ which strengthens to separate the role of school and re- ton, part of Northwest Local Schools, “[The principal and athletic director] me.” The motto was adopted at least ligion. Additionally, and for unrelated made a similar response April 8 to a expressly informed [the coach] that 10 years ago and has appeared on the reasons, Coach Matt Miethe resigned Feb. 17 letter from Markert about its his actions had crossed the line and team’s website, on team T-shirts and in his position as head coach for Rogers graduation May 24 at Akron Baptist were impermissible. He was expressly the high school gym. High School.” Temple. informed that he was required to re- Staff Attorney Patrick Elliott sent a spect others’ religious beliefs, that his letter April 11 to Wood County Schools conduct could be viewed as a govern- to explain the constitutional violations. Rampant religiosity out ‘Religious value’ claim ment’s endorsement of religion, and He advised the school to end all en- at Arizona elementary out of handbook that he was not permitted to engage in dorsement of Christian messages. any of the conduct listed in your letter In response to the complaint, the Oakwood Elementary School in Poplarville School District in Poplar- (or similar conduct, for that matter).” bible verse that was posted inside the Peoria, Ariz., will no longer allow re- ville, Miss., will no longer use religious gym was painted over and the motto ligious icons, bibles and proselytizing rhetoric in its student handbooks. was taken off the website. “gifts.” This is not the first violation FFRF received a complaint that the School: Teacher owes from the Peoria School District that “Strategic Plan” section of the 2013-14 student an apology FFRF has acted on. handbook states that one of the dis- Coach-led prayer FFRF was informed that a kinder- trict’s beliefs is “[a] relationship with Atlanta High School in Atlanta, Tex- ended in Georgia garten teacher has been pressuring God is critical to a meaningful life.” as, will no longer allow episodes from families to attend a specific church and The statement of belief has report- the series “The Bible” to be played dur- A coach at Thomas County Cen- had decorated her classroom with reli- edly appeared in the handbook for ing class. A concerned student report- tral High School in Thomasville, Ga., gious iconography, bible verses, crosses many years. ed that an economics teacher aired will no longer lead a football team in and Christ Church of the Valley propa- Staff Attorney Elizabeth Cavell sent Episode 6 of the series, which depicts prayer before practice. The coach’s in- ganda such as “I love Jesus” clothing a letter to the superintendent Feb. 13: the “virgin” birth of Jesus, his baptism volvement was confirmed by a news sto- and mugs. She had also distributed in- “The value statement in the student by John the Baptist and the angel Ga- ry in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, appropriate religious gifts to students, handbook sends the message that the briel telling Mary she’s pregnant with which included a photo of the coach including bookmarks featuring the district not only prefers religion over “the Son of God.” praying with the team with heads duti- holy sites of Christianity. nonreligion, but the Christian god When the student told the teacher fully bowed. A parent alerted FFRF about an- over all deities.” that it was inappropriate to show “The Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent other violation: a Thanksgiving pro- The district responded May 6 that Bible” in economics class, the teacher the district a complaint letter Aug. 5. gram last year which included a call “the Board of Trustees voted to re- called the show “factual.” After con- On April 19, the school superin- and response in which teachers sang move the above-referenced language fronting the teacher a second time, the tendent responded: “I have carefully questions and kindergartners respond- from the strategic plan and handbook student was told he could go to anoth- considered your concern and have re- ed. At the teacher’s prompting, the beginning with the upcoming school er classroom during future showings. viewed the team’s practices regarding student “turkeys” would gobble, the year.” As a result, the student missed a week’s prayer. I plan to address your concern Native Americans would say “big and worth of economics classes. by taking steps to end any coach-led brave” and the preachers would say In FFRF’s letter to the superin- prayer that may be occurring during “praise the Lord.” Praying Ohio coach tendent, Staff Attorney Sam Grover football practices or games, while en- The student “preachers” wore ‘crossed the line’ strongly objected to such illegal and suring that religious students and staff school-owned costumes with Latin egregious behavior. may exercise their First Amendment crosses on them. According to a com- A high school in Middletown, Ohio, On April 22, Superintendent Roger rights to speak, associate and partici- plainant, this program has been per- will no longer let coaches lead athletes Hailey responded that “[The teacher] pate in religious activities.” May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 9 Photo: Lauryn Seering Tragedy doesn’t excuse begin. But such tragedies are not an ex- cuse to violate the Constitution. Public trampling Constitution school employees cannot tell students E.C. Reems School of Technology that, if only they pray hard enough to and Arts in Oakland, Calif., has con- a particular god, their classmate will cluded an investigation into a religious come back to life. Public school em- assembly and agrees with FFRF that it ployees cannot force their personal re- was “inappropriate.” ligious beliefs on students.” A complainant contacted FFRF On March 14, the district responded about the assembly, which included that “the statements made by Ms. Blair kindergartners as young as 4. It was were inappropriate and the decision intended to honor Jahi McMath, a by administration to distribute shirts 13-year-old schoolmate declared brain- to the school was inappropriate.” Ad- dead after surgical complications in ministrators “will receive training re- December 2013. She remains on a ven- garding requirements for compliance tilator. regarding religion in public schools.” At the assembly, about 250 students were given purple T-shirts emblazoned with “#TeamJahi” and “Keep Calm and School scratches Pray On.” Mormon museum trip According to a local news report, “The academy’s chief operating officer When Westvale Elementary School, Lisa Blair said she has tried to honor West Jordan, Utah, sent permission Jahi’s family’s wishes by telling students slips home April 24 for a fourth-grade that their classmate may still be alive, field trip to the Church History Mu- even though doctors say she is legally seum, which is run by the Church of and clinically dead.” Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, some Blair is also on record as saying, parents parents were immediately “Most kids are Christian here, and wary. West Jordan is just south of Salt they believe that if you continue pray- Lake City, headquarters for the LDS ing there’s always a possibility. The stu- Church. dents understand the debate. They’re The slip told parents the trip would just choosing spirituality over science.” “supplement regular curriculum pro- In a letter to the school board, Staff grams and [would] take place during Attorney Andrew Seidel said, “What the regular school day.” FFRF Staff At- happened to Jahi is a terrible tragedy torney Andrew Seidel, on behalf of sev- and all hearts go out to her suffering eral district parents, sent a letter May relatives and friends. No child’s life 1 to Superintendent Patrice Johnson. should be cut short before it can truly Seidel pointed out that the museum

Legal hands that help are so much better than lips that pray. FFRF’s current It really can pay to complain valuable crop of legal interns, pictured at the Wisconsin Capitol, includes (back, left) Aaron Loudenslager, Maddy Ziegler, (front) Olivia Mote and Lexi Palmer. This is a letter to FFRF Staff Attorney first time I felt that the venue was a Pictured below is Jarvis Idowu.

Andrew Seidel that the local complainant neutral space that showed respect Seidel Photo: Andrew agreed to share (with identifying informa- for all parents and students in atten- tion removed to preserve anonymity) af- dance. This is huge! ter FFRF legal staff successfully resolved The progress shown in that area, several state/church violations. A teacher and the fact that [the teacher] will “presents an unscholarly, uncritical, was disciplined and the school adopted a be held accountable and disciplined nonobjective view of the LDS Church” policy requiring staff to sign an acknowl- for his actions, speaks volumes to and noted that the New York Times has edgment that they must remain neutral parents who have become discour- described the museum as “created by toward religion at work. aged and simply numb to the pre- believers, for believers.” FFRF really relies on its members and vailing culture at [the school]. Our One section of the museum section supportive nonmembers to keep us in the school community has lost many called “Learn Truths” depicts the “sto- loop about potential violations. families who have given up on seeing ries of ancient prophets found in the any change or who were ultimately Book of Mormon.” Another named Dear Mr. Seidel: worn down from a continual battle “The Gospel Blesses My Life” displays You can’t imagine how excited and that got them nowhere ([my friend artwork from children who share “how relieved I am to read your email! I and her] family among them). knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ don’t think I can truly express it in I hope what you have accom- blesses their lives.” words, but I’m going to try. plished on our behalf will stop other After taking a personal tour, Grego- Being one ordinary parent at a good families from walking out the ry Clark, a associate small school in a conservative state, I door. When issues are addressed professor of bioengineering, described Principal’s ‘witnessing’ didn’t have much hope initially that swiftly and decisively, parents can how one museum docent “claimed to students banned your group would take on our cause. feel confident that their concerns that black skin was a curse from God.” To my knowledge, this is the very first will be heard and the rights of their Clark writes that the museum “is re- An administrator at Andalusia Mid- time in [this school’s] history that a children respected. plete with religion, not history. It’s the dle School in Andalusia, Ala., will no staff member has been disciplined This whole issue forced me to Utahn equivalent of Ken Ham’s Cre- longer be allowed to “witness” to stu- for foisting religious beliefs on stu- become more outspoken and more ation Museum.” dents. dents. You are correct that victory is involved than I ever planned or In response to mounting evidence FFRF received a complaint that the only word that fits! wanted to be at my kids’ school. It that the museum was much less about the assistant principal regularly pros- This victory is one that I hope will forced me to fight against the urge Utah history and more about proph- elytized students in his office and used send a message loud and clear — to to be a “pleaser” and avoid making ecy and church doctrine, Kayleen Whi- social networking to advertise the mes- those on staff and in our parent com- waves. It illustrated to me that avoid- telock, a member of the Jordan School sage that the school allows sectarian munity who feel they have tacit per- ing conflict at the expense of doing District Board of Education, said on prayer before sporting events. mission to violate the rights of others the right thing is not a strategy I can May 6 that “students will no longer be Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel sent a because they suffer no consequences accept. attending this field trip.” March 4 letter to Superintendent Ted for doing so — that [the school] will I have long been resigned to “go- Seidel commented, “We hope that Watson to detail the constitutional vio- not tolerate the violation of the law ing down swinging” for this cause. the Board of Education uses this op- lations. and the rights of students. You can’t imagine how good it feels portunity to pick a more appropriate, Watson responded on March 24: I am happy to report that I at- to experience a win for a change. educational location for a field trip. No “[T]hank you for making us aware of tended a school music program on Although the words are inadequate, one needs to play the martyr here.” this situation,” and added, “[Your let- Tuesday night held in [the audito- on behalf of many other parents who He added, “The Board of Education ter] has facilitated a review of the law as rium now owned by a church], and I shared my concern, we give you our should have realized that this was an it pertains to the Establishment Clause saw that it was prepared in the man- most sincere thanks. You are awe- inappropriate location for a field trip within our school system. We strive to ner it should have been prepared some! from the beginning. If any Westvale teach our students to be law-abiding all along. All religious images were Best regards, fourth graders are disappointed, that’s citizens and it starts with the example covered, all religious signs and lit- [Satisfied complainant] on the board.” we as adults set.” erature were out of sight, and for the Page 10 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014 FFRF welcomes new ‘After-Lifer,’ 38 Lifetime Members

The Freedom From Religion Foun- Brenda Germain, J. Edward Golay, Become an individual Lifetime all of his time thinking of ways to dation is grateful to announce that its Richard Gradkowski, Roy Heron, Lar- Member for $1,000, and never receive help FFRF, is our newest “Immor- newest After-Life Member is fittingly ry Holland, Sue Kocher, Arthur Lauer, another renewal notice! All dues and tal” — meaning a member who has Wayne Hensler, who generously spon- John D. Long, Sandy Lynn, Martin J. donations to FFRF are deductible for made provision for FFRF in his estate sors an annual FFRF billboard that says Marvinny, J. Frank Mercer, Mary Ann income-tax purposes. planning. Chuck runs FFRF’s Nittany “Enjoy Life Now: There Is No After- Meyers, James Miller, James Newkirk, After-Life Memberships are $5,000, Freethought chapter in State College, life.” Victor Nicolescu, Douglas Parfait, Jon- and are a tongue-in-cheek way of offer- Pa., and is also in the “top 18” catego- FFRF is also delighted to welcome as athan Phillips, Jay Slupesky, Tamara ing membership support that will live ry as a benefactor of FFRF’s ongoing new Lifetime Members: Smith, Linda Stephens (yes, the atheist on. building project. Chris Bayley, John and Mary Boen- plaintiff in the Town of Greece Supreme Our warmest thanks to all these The category was suggested by a ke, Hypatia “Sweetie” Boyko (beloved Court case), Janet Thew, Robert Rich- generous FFRF supporters! California couple as a way to encour- companion of Gene Boyko, already ard Walter and Jeffrey Wooldridge. age others to plan for “FFRF Forever!” a “Lifer” — see Gene’s touching let- Twenty states are represented: Ala- Announcing new FFRF will only name such benefactors ter, page 21), Scott Chellberg, Philip bama, California, Colorado, Connecti- ‘Immortal’ if express permission is given. Colburn, Dan Courtney, Alberto De cut, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Michi- Sincerest thanks to Chuck for every- La Torre, Jennifer DeBoodt (gift from gan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, Chuck Berry, who seems to spend thing he does. Trey Reed), William Dougherty, James New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Or- L. Ehernberger, Paul Ellcessor, Da- egon, South Carolina, Virginia, Wash- vid Farber, John Fayant, Bob Fischer, ington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. In Memoriam Linda M. Dunse, 1947–2013

Linda Margaret (Siemers) Dunse, Girl dolls and left her collection to the 66, Windsor, Wis., died surrounded by DeForest Library. her family at home Nov. 29, 2013, from She was preceded in death by her complications of amyotrophic lateral husband Ray, her parents, a sister, a sclerosis. granddaughter, and Terry Schultz, the She was born in Marshfield, Wis., father of her children. and graduated from Columbus High Survivors include two children, School. She worked at Gateway Truck- Kimberly Daley of Austin, Texas, and ing Co. in Madison and retired from Clinton Schultz (Kelly) of Wausau; FedEx after many years of employ- four grandchildren; a sister and four ment. brothers. Linda loved reading, gardening, fol- A celebration of Linda’s life was lowing politics and was a proud mem- held at Obrich Gardens in Madison. ber of the Freedom from Religion FFRF offers its sincerest condolences. Foundation. She collected American

State/Church Bulletin

Judge’s bible handout In an April 15 letter to Marshall, Fouts claimed FFRF isn’t protected brings rebuke by the Establishment Clause because Osceola County Judge Hal Epper- atheism is not a religion. “Also, I be- son Jr. will no longer be allowed to dis- lieve it is your group’s intention to tribute Gideon bibles from a table in disrupt those who participate in the his courtroom in Kissimmee, Fla. After Prayer Station which would also be a an attorney complained anonymously, violation of the freedom of religion Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin amendment.” Perry told the Orlando Sentinel on “I do view this as a violation of my April 25 that he’d spoken to Epperson free speech rights,” Marshall told the Art Naebig’s Ford Escape is clearly beyond belief. and the practice “is no longer in exis- Detroit Free Press. “It seems to me that tence.” the mayor allows free speech in the “To, in open court, offer criminal atrium as long as he agrees with the defendants who, at his will, could serve speech.” Meet a ‘No BS’ B. Ed. years in jail any endorsement of any FFRF is monitoring the situation. religion . . . erodes the trust of the jus- Name: Arthur J. Naebig Jr. it so that its professors are obliged to tice system that those of differing faiths Born: 1937, Chicago, Ill. call for help of the civil power, ’tis a have,” the attorney’s comment said. Church in school loses Currently living in: La Valle, Wis. sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad Perry told the reporter, “As you another appeal [about 25 miles west of Wisconsin one.” — Benjamin Franklin know, we have a separation of church Dells]. I moved here for the bicycle A few of my favorite things: Science, and state in this country.” Giving out A panel of the 2nd Circuit U.S. trails. the natural world, good food. non-court-related literature, “whether Court of Appeals in New York City Education: Sacred Heart Gram- These are not: Fast food, climate it’s the bible or Sports Illustrated, is ruled 2-1 on April 3 against the Bronx mar School, Chicago Vocational High change deniers, religion and other something that we don’t do,” Perry Household of Faith, a congregation School, Woodrow Wilson Jr. College, kinds of scams. added. that has been battling since 1994 over Chicago Teachers College (B. Ed.). My doubts about religion started: At its efforts to hold weekend services in a Occupation: Retired from teaching age 8 or 9 when the nuns were telling public school. automotive technology for 21 years at us outrageous things we were supposed Mayor rejects reason The decision said the First Amend- Kennedy-King College in Chicago. to believe. but accepts prayer ment’s “free exercise clause does not How I got where I am today: Thanks Before I die: I hope the Fountain of entitle Bronx Household to a grant to a free college education available to Youth will finally be discovered. Mayor Jim Fouts of Warren, Mich., from the [school district] of a subsi- residents of Chicago back when corpo- Ways I promote freethought: I write rejected local atheist Douglas Mar- dized place to hold religious worship rations and the rich actually paid taxes. letters to newspapers to refute lies and shall’s proposed Reason Station in the services.” Where I’m headed: Who knows? misinformation in letters they have City Hall atrium to counter a Prayer It’s the sixth opinion on the case Person in history I admire: Ben printed from other readers — usually, Station because of his FFRF member- by the 2nd Circuit, reported Educa- Franklin, a genius who knew how to but not always, of a religious nature. ship. The Reason Station was meant to tion Week. In his dissent, Judge John enjoy life. I wish you’d have asked me: “What promote separation of church and state Walker Jr. invited the Supreme Court A quotation I like: “When religion is would you tell young people?” Don’t and inform people about freethought to take the case, which it has twice de- good, I conceive it will support itself; believe anything you’re told unless you and logic. FFRF has contested govern- clined to do, in 1998 and 2011. and when it does not support itself, have checked it out for yourself. Don’t mental religious entanglement several and God does not take care to support be afraid to call bullshit what it is. times in Warren. May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 11 Photo: Andrew Seidel Photo: Andrew Meet a Legal Intern Photo: Andrew Seidel Photo: Andrew

That’s Dan Barker with his trademark gesture. Freethought Hall addition

Olivia Mote hails from Indiana. Ruby is named after a Rolling Stone’s song. makes progress, thanks to you Name: Olivia Mote. about advocacy, and from a different Where and when I was born: Indi- perspective than I get in class. This listing reports donations received Anonymous, ID, $100 ana (the Land of Casseroles), 1986. Something funny that’s happened from March 28 to May 11. It’s not cumula- Anonymous, CA, $100 Family: Two lovely, doting parents at work: Every day has its entertaining tive except for the total. Donations received Robert Kerr, TX, $50 and two equally lovely siblings. moments! before May 11 were listed in previous issues. Anonymous, NJ, $50 Education: DePauw University, Gre- My legal interests are: Constitution- Freethought Today will list subsequent do- Anonymous, FL, $50 encastle, Ind., B.A., religious studies al law, state/church separation, busi- nations in future issues. Contributors aren’t Anonymous, NY, $50 and political science; Miami University, ness and nonprofits, education policy, named unless they give express permission. Oxford, Ohio, M.A., comparative reli- comparative law and probably other gion; University of Wisconsin-Madison, areas to be determined. $10,000+ Subtotal: $22,530.98 J.D. candidate. My legal heroes are: Attorneys who Betsy and Chuck Berry, PA, $12,105.98 New Cumulative Total: My religious upbringing was: United think empathy is important in the Methodist. practice of law. $1,000–$9,999 $1,770,654.64 How I came to work as an FFRF le- These three words sum me up: En- Mr. Douglas Walty, MA, $5,000 Goal: $2,000,000 gal intern: I learned about FFRF at a thusiastic, curious, freckled. Anonymous, NY, $2,000 law school event, found the organiza- Things I like: School (still!), cook- Anonymous, AK, $1,000 tion’s mission compelling, attended its ing, making lists of all the places I want As yet unnamed: “No Hell Below Us” fall convention, sent an “I’d like to par- to eat in Madison, playing outdoors, my $200–$999 Administrative/Mailing Wing, Editorial ticipate” email — and here I am. fluffy dog Ruby (her name’s a tribute Anonymous, MN, $750 Wing and courtyard fountain. Names of What I do here: Draft/edit letters to the Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday”), NPR Edward Lainsbury, AL, $275 the 18 most generous donors will be etched for staff attorneys and absorb as much (especially “The Diane Rehm Show”). Rich and Coral W Powers, WA, $200 on a wall of honor. Those giving $5,000 or First Amendment “stuff” as possible. I Things I smite: Meanness. Anonymous, MO, $200 more will be named on a plaque in the lobby. also try not to upset the copy machine. My loftiest goal: I’m not good at Handmade tiles bearing names (or names What I like best about it: Even picking favorites. One of them — grad- $1–$199 in memoriam) are still available for $2,500. though I’m still learning the ropes, I uate from law school with (some kind Stefanie Moritz and Vince Jenkins, WI, Paving stones with names or messages are feel like the projects I work on here of) honors. $100 available for $1,000 (6x12-inch) or $2,000 truly matter. I’m also learning a lot Linda Jackson, MN, $100 (12x12). Visit ffrf.org/donate/ for details Art Naebig, WI, $100 or phone Dan or Annie Laurie about nam- Dr. Christopher M Swan III, VA, $100 ing rights at 1-800-335-4021. Thank you Anonymous, ID, $100 to all! Anonymous, CA, $100 Museum posts warning about evolution Nah, not worth the bother The CuriOdyssey science museum tweeted a picture of the sign and wrote, in San Mateo, Calif., removed a dis- “Apparently evolution is something claimer from a poster for one of its they warn you about now, like smoke presentations after public outcry. The effects in the theater.” poster for the Animal Connections A museum spokesperson said some show, which featured live animals, con- religious visitors had earlier expressed tained this line: “This program may surprise that evolution was mentioned “I found this in my hotel room nightstand in Kennewick instead of the Gideon,” discuss the topic of evolution.” because it didn’t “align with their per- writes Washington member Frank Mercer, calling it a sign of progress. Adam Rogers, an editor at Wired, sonal beliefs.” Page 12 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014 Noah

By Philip Appleman

This classic poem from Philip Appleman’s collection “Let There Be Light (The Bible Retold for Grownups)” is being reprinted by Freethought Today in response to the Dar- ren Aronofsky Hollywood movie starring Russell Crowe as Noah. Phil and his wife Margie, a playwright, recorded a not-to-be-missed audio version of this poem, which includes musical accompaniment, for FFRF’s music CD “Beware of Dogma,” which features Dan Barker and friends. (Go to ffrf.org/shop/.)

Seed of Methuselah, already six hundred years old, more than a little weary from all that virtuous living—then a finger out of the clouds pokes down at him, and a Voice full of blood and bones bullies the stony hillsides: “Make thee an ark of gopher wood . . .” Details follow, in that same bossy baritone: “The boat shall be four hundred fifty feet long seventy—five feet wide three decks one window one door.”

And then the Voice tells him why.

His sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, just cannot handle this news. “He’s going to drown them all?” Japheth whispers, “Every last woman and child? What for?” Noah’s mind is not what it used to be; lately it strays like a lost lamb, his ancient voice a bleat: “Ahh— wickedness, I think that’s what He said—yes, wickedness.” Too vague for Japheth: “But wicked how? I mean, what are the charges?” The old brow wrinkles again. “Evil, that’s and God says, “Good work, Noah, now howler monkeys, spider monkeys, squirrel monkeys, what He said. Corruption. Violence.” get the animals—clean beasts, seven of a kind, capuchins, mandrills, tamarins . . . “Violence! What do you call unclean, just two, but make sure this killer flood? He’s going to murder they’re male and female, you got that straight? And Shem, dutiful Shem, in charge the lot of them, just And hurry it up, so I can get of the other mammals—the giraffes, for making a few mistakes? For being—human?” the drowning started.” the horses, zebras, quaggas, tapirs, bison, Now Japheth is really riled. Being the youngest, Noah was hoping the animals the pumas, bears, shrews, raccoons, weasels, he still has a lot of drinking pals around— would be easy, but Japheth skunks, mink, badgers, otters, hyenas, Enos and Jared, and sexy Adah knows better. “Dad, the rats, bats, rabbits, chipmunks, beavers— and his pretty young neighbor, did He say every animal?” thousands of species of mammals . . . Zillah—together they’d put away “Every animal,” Noah repeats, And Japheth out there on the cliffs and treetops many a goatskin of red wine quoting Authority. “Every living thing trying to snare the birds—the eagles, under the big desert stars. Besides, of all flesh—fowl, condors, hawks, buzzards, vultures, and every being a kid, a mere ninety years old, cattle, creeping things. Plus winged beauty in the rain forests—and bring them he still likes to stump his father food enough for a year.” back, with embarrassing questions. “Listen, chattering, twittering, fluttering around Dad, I thought you said He Think of it—they’re living out there on the top deck, thousands upon thousands was omniscient—well, then, in that gritty wilderness, and all of a sudden of hyperkinetic birds . . . wouldn’t He have foreseen all this? And if He did, they’re supposed to come up with two elephants. why did He make us the way we are Or is it more? Two by two in the first place?” “Shem,” Japheth calls. “Is the elephant they come strolling through: a clean or an unclean animal? antelope, buffalo, camel, dog, “Ours not to reason why,” says Shem, the firstborn If it’s clean, that means seven of them egret, ferret, gopher, frog, and something of a prig. “Ours but to build the ark.” and the ark is in trouble. And how quail and wombat, sheep and goose, “That’s another thing,” Japheth scowls. “Just about rhinos? And hippos? What do we do turtle, nuthatch, ostrich, moose, what is an ark? I mean, about the dinosaurs? How do we get a brontosaurus ibex, jackal, kiwi, lark, we’re desert people, after all—nomads, up the gangplank?” Japheth two by two they board the ark. living out here in this miserable dry scrub loves raising problems that Noah with our smelly goats and camels— hasn’t thought of at all. “Pandas—kids Well, it’s pretty clear, isn’t it, 1 never saw a boat in my life.” love pandas, we can’t let them die out, that there’s a space problem here: a boat “I saw one once,” Noah quavers, but how do we get two of them here only four hundred fifty feet long, already “but I don’t remember it very well, in a hurry, all the way from China? buzzing and bleating and squeaking and mooing that was four hundred years ago— And, oh, by the way, Dad, and grunting and mewing and hissing and cooing or was it five, let’s see . . .” how are we going to keep the lions and croaking and roaring and peeping and howling “It can’t be that hard,” says Ham, away from the lambs?” and chirping and snarling and clucking and growl- always the practical one. “An ordinary boat, ing— we’ll mock one up. You need a keel, that’s it, It’s not just a headache; it’s a nightmare. and the crocodiles aren’t back from the Nile you begin with a keel of gopher wood, Just think of poor Ham, after all of his angst yet, or the iguanas from the islands, and the rest is easy—ribs, then planks, and sweat getting the ark assembled, and then or the kangaroos or koalas, or pitch, decking. Don’t worry, Dad, having to trudge off to the Congo and the Amazon the pythons or boas or cotton-mouth moccasins I’ll handle it.” to round up all those tricky or the thirty different species of rattlesnake long-tailed leapers, there in the jungle greenery— or the tortoises, salamanders, centipedes, toads . . . So finally they have themselves an ark, gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, baboons, chimps, May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 13

It takes some doing, all that, of hay for the elephants, a year’s bananas but Ham comes back with them. for the monkeys, and so on. And wouldn’t you know, “Well, that’s that,” Japheth says, it’s Japheth who opens up, so to speak, “but you still haven’t answered my question— the can of worms. “Dad, there are thousands what will the meat-eaters eat?” of species of worms! Who’s “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” going digging for them? And oh, yes, Noah replies, in history’s how about the insects?” least appropriate trope, “Insects!” Shem rebels at last, “All aboard, now, it’s starting “Dad, do we have to save insects?” Noah, to sprinkle.” faithful servant, quotes the Word: “Every living thing.” So the fountains of the great deep “But Dad, the cockroaches?” were broken up, and the windows of heaven opened, Noah has all the best instincts and the rain was upon the earth of a minor bureaucrat—he forty days and forty nights, is only following orders—the roaches and the ark was lifted up go aboard. and went upon the face of the waters— and the drowning began. Japheth ticks away at his roster. “So far Noah pretended not to know, we’ve got dragonflies, damselflies, locusts, and and so did Shem and Ham, so aphids, it was only Japheth who keened grasshoppers, mantises, crickets, and termites . . . for Enos and Jared, still out there Wait a minute—termites? somewhere, and for Adah and beautiful Zillah. We’re going to save termites, in a wooden boat?” He was the first to peek But Japheth knows that arguing with Noah out of the one small window, and yes, is like driving a nail into chicken soup. He shrugs there it was, just the way fear and carries on. “We’ve got lice, had been painting it on his eyelids ever since beetles—God knows how many beetles. that divine command: people fighting We’ve got bedbugs, cooties, gnats, and midges, for high ground, crazed beasts goring horseflies, sawflies, bottleflies, fireflies. and gnashing, serpents dangling from trees. Margie and Philip Appleman doing a reading of We’ve got ants, bees, wasps, hornets— Finally, Shem, Ham, and Noah Phil’s poem, “Noah,” at a past FFRF convention. can you imagine what it’s going to be like and the four nameless wives (Photo by Brent Nicastro) cooped up with them for a whole year? couldn’t resist—they looked out the window, too, But Dad, we haven’t even scratched the surface. and watched their friends They all turned away from the window, Noah There must be a million species hugging in love and panic until and his sons and the weeping women, of insects out there. they all went under. Japheth caught and no one would look into anyone’s eyes for many Even if we unload all the other animals, one final glimpse, and of course it had to be Zillah, days. the insects alone will sink the ark!” holding her baby over her head Twelve hard months that strange menagerie lived till the water rolled over her in the ark, the sixteen thousand hungry birds Ah, but the ark was not floating on fact, and she sank, and the baby lusting for the two million insects, it was floating on faith—that is to say, splashed a little, and then and the twelve thousand snakes and lizards on fiction. And in fiction, the insects there was silence upon the waters, nipping at the seven thousand mammals, went aboard—and a year’s supply and God was well pleased. and everyone slipping and sliding around on the sixty-four thousand worms and the one hundred thousand spiders— and Noah driving everyone buggy, repeating every morning, as if he’d just thought of it, “Well, we’re all in the same boat.” It was a long, long year for those weary men and their bedraggled wives, feeding the gerbils and hamsters, cleaning the thousands of cages, keeping the jaguars away from the gazelles, the grizzlies away from the cottontails—everything aboard, after all, was an endangered species. But finally the waters subsided, the dove fluttered off and never returned, the gangplank slid down to Ararat, and the animals scrambled out to the muddy, corpse-ridden earth.

And Noah, burning a lamb on his altar under that mocking rainbow, cannot forget that he rescued the snakes and spiders, but he let Enoch and Jubal and Cainan and Lamech and their wives and innocent children go to a soggy grave. And Noah knows, in his tired bones, that now he will have to be fruitful once more, and multiply, and replenish the earth with a pure new race of people who would never, never sin again, for if they did, all that killing would be for nothing, a terrible embarrassment to God.

“Noah” can be read in New and Selected Poems, 1956- 1996, along with the collection it’s part of, “Let There Be Light,” by Philip Appleman (University of Arkansas Press). Appleman, a distinguished poet recently featured on “Moy- ers & Company” hosted by Bill Moyers, is also a Darwin scholar and editor of Darwin: A Norton Critical Edition. Appleman’s currently available books of poetry are all ir- reverent: Darwin’s Ark (illustrated by Rudy Pozzatti, Uni- versity of Indiana Press); Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie (Quantuck Lane Press, 2009); and Perfidious Prov­ erbs and Other Poems: A Satirical Look at the Bible (Pro- metheus Books, 2011). All can be purchased through ffrf. org/shop/. Page 14 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014 FFRF mounts Cleveland-area billboard blitz

Eleven friendly and thought-provoking lief, know they’re not alone and that FFRF debuted the “Out of the Clos- ‘Come out of the closet.’ ” billboards featuring members of the the local nontheist community is both et” campaign in Madison in 2010 and FFRF Co-President Dan Barker said, Freedom From Religion Foundation welcoming and growing.” has taken the campaign to Columbus, “The thoughtful, positive viewpoints and its chapter, the Northern Ohio Roni and Elliot Berenson, who are Tulsa, Raleigh, Phoenix, Nashville, expressed by Cleveland-area FFRF’ers Freethought Society, went up in early octogenarians, describe themselves Portland, Spokane and Sacramento. — and their willingness to speak up so May around Cleveland and Akron in modestly as “Grandparents . . . Athe- “Research shows that atheists and publicly — makes me so proud of FFRF a month-long campaign to introduce ists.” Roni is well-known in the area and other nonbelievers are still at the bot- members, the best advertisement there area atheists and agnostics to their nationally as an activist for social jus- tom of the totem pole when it comes to is for freethought.” communities. tice, world peace and secular human- social acceptance. One reason is that It’s easy and fun to make your own The billboards feature their faces ist causes. She became a freethinker at even though at least 20% of the popu- “virtual billboard,” useable for Face- and personal freethought “testimoni- age 16 after escaping the Holocaust in lation today is nonreligious in the Unit- book image, at ffrf.org/day/. Watch for als.” her native Germany. ed States, many Americans have never launching soon of FFRF’s latest “speak Mark Tiborsky, who is pictured with Students with the University of Ak- knowingly met an atheist,” said Annie up for freethought” video campaign. his wife, Marni Heubner-Tiborsky, ron are fea- Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president. Find locations for the billboards, in chapter director, commented: “We just tured on two billboards in Akron. “Taking a cue from the gay pride case you’re passing through the area, want to let other nonbelievers, or those FFRF, with more than 20,000 mem- movement, our campaign invites other at: ffrf.org/news/news-releases/. Scroll to on the fence about their religious be- bers, has about 550 members in Ohio. nonbelievers to share their views and the to the May 8 release.

Members of the Northern Ohio Freethought Society, a chapter of FFRF, pay homage to the secular women — (top billboard row) Suzy Wernet, Lisa Mosham, Mardell Ward, (bottom row on billboard) Sharon Woznicki and Marni Huebner-Tiborsky — featured on the chapter’s billboard in Cleveland. The gentlemen free”thinkers” of the chapter pictured are (left) Eric Tawney, Mark Tiborsky, Randy Pelton, Ray Valenti and Sam Salerno. FFRF chapter members Sam Salerno, Suzy Wernet, Sharon Woznicki, Mark Tiborsy, Marni Huebner-Tiborsky, Eric Tawney each give two thumbs up to this billboard in Cleveland featuring Joanna Polisena with her little boys, Willie and Channing, comprising a lovely and “loving atheist family.” May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 15

Sacramento Easter blasphemy The Greater Sacramento Chapter of FFRF held a party Easter morning near downtown Sacramento. A spaghetti-themed potluck followed the fun and games, at which FFRF Co-President Dan Barker was a guest of honor. Pictured (back, left) are John Lucas, Tom Ikelman, Judy Saint UC-Davis (chapter president), Dan Barker, Andrea Griffith, Barri Babow, Mike Kirkland, (front) Ken Nahigian and Ruth Rezos. The Agnostic and Atheist Student Association at the University of California- An earlier Easter “Rise & Shine Extravaganza” in Folsom featured comedian Davis hosted Dan Barker on April 17 to speak about “How to be good without Keith Lowell Jensen, The Mockingbirds (an atheist choir led by Andrea “Andi” God.” Griffith) and Dan entertaining on a Steinway grand piano. FFRF on the Road Photos: Ingrid Laas

Darwin on the Palouse Atheists, Humanists & Agnostics, an official student club at the University Dan Barker was part of the annual freethought event held Feb. 7-8 at the of Wisconsin-Madison, held its third annual Freethought Festival on campus University of Idaho in Moscow and Washington State University in Pullman. April 29-30. The event was kicked off Friday night with a talk by sex advice Dan spoke on “How Darwinism helps us be moral.” columnist and atheist Dan Savage. Pictured are speakers and student activists gathered for the all-day Saturday event. BACK, LEFT are students Mark Pan, Mendel Mayr, Nate Woods, Amanda Supak, Calli Miller (2013 FFRF student activist award recipient), Tyler Centers and Chris Calvey (who won FFRF’s 2013 graduate student essay competition); FRONT, LEFT are students Darcy Davis, Elle Russel, Sam Erickson, speakers Friendly Atheist blogger Hemant Mehta, FFRF Co-Presidents Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker and “God Is Not on Trial Here Today” filmmaker Jay Rosenstein. Jay’s documentary is about the landmark Supreme Court challenge taken and won in 1948 by Vashti McCollum which stopped public school religious instruction.

Shot a myth in Reno FFRF Co-President Dan Barker talked about his preacher-to-atheist life and the alleged resurrection of Jesus to a crowd of more than 150 students and community members April 21 at the University of Nevada-Reno. The event was sponsored by the Secular Student Alliance. From left are Anthony Gonzalez (member), Adriana Charles (secretary), Peter Blair (member), Bernard Drumm (outreach coordinator), Aine O’Reilly (member), Dan Barker, Darren Griswold (faulty sponsor), Lara Shaylor (graduate president), Dan Mayes (graduate The Freethought Festival ended with a debate “Does God Exist?” between organizer), Anthony Ponticello (undergraduate president), Gennadiy Gurariy Matt Slick (left) and FFRF Co-President Dan Barker (second from right). Also (graduate organizer) and Jonathan West (member). pictured are debate moderator Kris Babe and AHA President Sam Erickson. Page 16 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

They Said What? So this Easter Week, of course we rec- hibit Jonathan from using the word ognize that there’s a lot of pain and a “Mormon” to promote, market, or oth- lot of sin and a lot of tragedy in this erwise advertise the dating website. world, but we’re also overwhelmed by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day the grace of an awesome God. We’re Saints’ lawsuit against Jonathan Eller, reminded how He loves us, so deeply, who owns dateamormon.com that He gave his only begotten Son so Courthouse News Service, 4-10-14 that we might live through Him. President Barack Obama, remarks, I ask myself how I can sit at dinner and White House Easter prayer breakfast laugh at my husband’s jokes, when, whitehouse.gov, 4-14-14 right at that very same moment, in- nocent babies are being aborted in Now I am here in America all these droves? I read today that a 5-day-old years, and I am terribly disappointed baby was abducted from her home in religion is being interfered with. If Wisconsin, and now I can barely func- they want me to go to jail, I will go to tion. I want to remain on my knees jail. permanently in supplication and beg Rabbi Avrohom Cohn, 85, American the Lord to reunite her safely with her prop of being a new grandma while faith” Board of Ritual Circumcision chair- family. she runs for president. It just warms rightwingwatch.org, 4-28-14 man, on his refusal to stop performing Question to columnist Mark Shea on the heart, it brings a tear to my eye. It metzitzah b’peh (orally sucking blood how to relax when someone else some- really does. The Creator will not hold us guiltless if from the circumcision wound) despite where is suffering Newsmax host Steve Malzberg, specu- we turn a deaf ear to the cries of his in- documented health risks to the boy National Catholic Register, 4-11-14 lating on Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy nocent babies. So come and get me if Haaretz, 3-30-14 “The Steve Malzberg Show,” 4-17-14 you must, Mr. President. I will not bow Activists like Mahatma Gandhi or Mar- before your wicked regulation. These toys can have a negative effect tin Luther King Jr. used nonviolent Why do we freak out? We’re human. Rev. James Dobson, calling Barack on children. They can destroy their methods having nothing to do with We forget about the miracles. Obama “the abortion president” at a souls and lead them to the dark side. guns. Jesus is calling us to take it up a Richard “Stick” Williams, Duke Energy National Day of Prayer event in the Fr. Slawomir Kostrzewa, news story, notch to the spiritual world. vice president, speaking at the YMCA Cannon House Office Building “Lego is a tool of Satan, warns Polish Rev. Kenneth V.F. Blanchard, nonde- Community Prayer Breakfast at the World Net Daily, 5-1-14 priest” nominational Christian pastor and NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, The Telegraph, 4-1-14 creator of the “Black Man with a Gun” N.C. America, as did Israel in its blessing, blog and podcast Charlotte Observer, 4-24-14 has been turning away from God, driv- Calling for atheist thought in any form, Human Events, 4-13-14 ing him out of its public squares, bring- or calling into question the fundamen- Well, if I were in charge, they would ing in idols in his place and calling tals of the Islamic religion on which If my stupidity brings one person to know that waterboarding is how we what is evil good and what is good evil. this country is based. the love of Jesus Christ, then I have baptize terrorists. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, speaking at the Provision in a new Saudi Arabian law served a greater purpose and the con- Former vice presidential candidate National Day of Prayer event defining atheism as terrorism sequences are well worth it. Sarah Palin, speaking at the NRA con- World Net Daily, 5-2-14 Human Rights Watch, 4-2-14 Luke Emory Oyler, 29, charged with vention in Indianapolis defiant trespass for running shirtless CBS News, 4-27-14 I believe there are certain qualities Fascism, Minnesota style. HF826 is sim- around the infield after crashing the that may be worthy of rape. If a woman ply another attack on the bible and pierogi race at a Pittsburgh Pirates- As long as they have [a biblical] world- dresses proactively[sic], gets blackout conservative Christians. Chicago Cubs baseball game view, then they’ll be a good judge. If drunk and is wearing really revealing State Rep. Mary Franson, R–Alexan- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 4-8-14 they have a secular worldview, where clothing, then I would say that she is dria, debating a bill to toughen bully- this is all we have here on Earth, then partially responsible for the rape. ing laws I don’t mean that they’re making up I’m going to be very concerned about Arizona evangelical preacher Dean Sax- WCCO, 4-8-14 she’s pregnant. But what great timing! how they judge. ton, aka Brother Dean Samuel, shout- I mean purely accidental, purely an act Matt Whitaker, GOP U.S. Senate can- ing “Yoga pants are sin” and holding a [The church] has asserted and contin- of nature, purely just left up to God. didate, telling a Family Forum audi- sign saying “You deserve rape” ues to assert that trademark law and And God answered Hillary Clinton’s ence in Ankeny, Iowa, he would insist The Raw Story, 5-6-14 other intellectual property laws pro- prayers and she’s going to have the that judicial nominees “be people of

Sharing the Crank Mail

This month’s most annoying theme (a recurring one posting a bible verse on their twitter ac- group of Consitution Nazis and let the men han- Pack your bags and get on One. I could care one) is why doesn’t FFRF go after the Muslims count offends you . If so don’t fuckin read it . It’s dle a man’s job. Snooty, uptight, narrow-minded less whether you believe in God or not. You all more? Of course the cranks answer it for us: be- people like you that make this country a bunch women like you should stay in the kitchen. — make me want to PUKE! — Robert Michel cause only Jesus turns the other cheek! It’s also of cry baby pussys ! The way I see it you get- Ken Adams, Tennessee [Editor’s note to Robert: If you could care less, common for sexist cranks who mention FFRF ting offended by the bible verse offends me so why don’t you?] staff they’ve seen on TV to almost always attack should I be able to file a law suite against your Clemson tigers: This little organization is f__n women’s looks but not men’s. crack pot cult ? — d. janak trash just another liberal, atheist group of people Freedom from environmentalism: When is that discount God. You know when you in hell FFRF going to undertake Freedom From Envi- Y’all are idiots! I don’t understand how anyone Gov. Walker: I totally understand not wanting forever burning and nashing of teeth you stuck. ronmentalism? Environmentalism is as much a can look at this world and not realize it was by religion shoved down your throat, but I don’t Hey why don’t you and the gay loving ACLU go religion as Christianity or Judaism, except that design. Look at the intricities of the human body think Gov. Walker is trying to rape anyone with have alittle meet me in hell party. — shane york, we are subject to Environmentalism 24/7/365. alone! 2 miles closer to the sun and we burn Jesus. Thank you. — Laurie Anne Ayers, Florida clayton, georgia — Arthur Needham, Fitchburg, Mass. up, two miles away from the sun and we freeze. Eveything goes from array to disarray. If you re- Insulting billboard: Hey Christophobics, why how do I join: A group like this that wastes Clemson - right to prayer: Today is Good Fri- ally think there was a big bang and everything don’t you cowards attack the Islamists? Afraid everyones time is something I like. Now I can day, when Jesus Christ was crucified for our was perfect after that, I want you to take a stick they’ll cut your heads off? Or what about the collect money from Obama for doing nothing, sins (yours and mine) over 200 years ago. But of dynamite to a pile of scrap metal and blow Jews, they’re very powerful people in this coun- and join you , and harass people who are mind- the Good News is that He arose from the dead me up a perfectly running Cadillac! GET REAL try, just look at what happened to poor Mel Gib- ing their own business. what a fucking joke you 3 days later. I pray organization will awake from people! — Scott Parrish, Butler, Mo. son. Got to go now, enjoy your wonderful, God- people are. — Juan castenda the tunnel of darkness! — Frank Lucas, Loui- less lifes and say hi to Lucifer when you see siana your atheist attitude: you will find much resis- him! — Jo M Why Don’t You Attach Islam: Why don’t you tance here in small town america. sandpoint pussies attach Mohammad? I know why! You Donation: Your donation is in my toilet. — Da- idaho will not be intimidated by you. this country Affiliation: Dear brethren, Greetings in Jesus are afraid they will cut your fucking heads off! vid Richie was founded in god we trust. we dont trust the name! We are so much delighted to visits your I want to see some “Fuck Islam” ads from you! likes of you. this is only the first in many emails website and we are so much touched for what How about Mohammad is a myth! You don’t Jesus is NOT a myth: TAKE DOWN THAT you will recieve from me. — kraig lewis, idaho you are doing to bring many to have hope and have the fucking balls for that! Fuck you and SIGN WITH THE FALSE STATEMENT YOU many to understand on how she /he can be your useless organization! — Mitchell Hahn, PUT UP IN Wisconsin and quit false advertising What ever: I’m fucking getting tired of having grow from dust to be an important person. We Bolingbrook, Ill. LEARN YOUR FACTS BEFORE YOU TRY TO to give up my beliefs because you and groups are a group of Christians here in Kenya who are ADVERTISE STATEMENTS LIKE THAT. This is like yours don’t like or support them. You fuck- devoted for the Lord God’s work. We shall be atheism: I am a biblical student who was an an argument that you don’t want to TRY to win. ing people are so anti AMERICAN it’s sickening. happy to be numbered in your prayers and in atheist growning up. Now I am religious and — Jesus’s Attorney, Jerrin Duane Snyder There’s a place called North Korea or perhaps your church. — Pastor Charles Onduso working on my Doctorate in Theology. Can you China who will gladly support your moronic be- please explain to me why my rights are not im- Freedom: I know you could care less about liefs, go there! Go over to Iran or Syria where You’re Wrong About Clemson: To Annie Lau- portant to you? Please do not try to force me to God, or being a Christian. But mark my words, they are no beheading non Muslims and preach rie Gaylor, I say, who are you? No one cares live the way you want me to. — Lisa Dempsey, you, me and all of us when we die, will be on our your bullshit and let me know how that works what your opinion or that of your little “foun- RN, BA, MA, soon to be PhD, Summerville, S.C. knee’s before our creator and he will judge us. out for you. — GARY GUSTIN dation” is. YOU need to keep YOUR liberal, Man’s Law means nothing. — Keith Pope feminist-agenda opinions to yourself. Quit trying Clemson University: There’s a plane flight [Editor’s note to Keith: If we could possibly care Fuck You Dumbasses: I don’t see how some to make a name for yourself and your silly little Leaving this country on the hour every hour. less we would.] May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 17 FFRF, Minn. Atheists, sponsors ‘Aints’ game

Last year, ‘Doubting Thomas’ was ejected by the umpire for arguing a call.

first win when they face the Kansas City T-Bones. There will be pregame tailgating, postgame fireworks, atheist- themed antics and even atheist-themed jerseys that will be worn by the home team players. The specially designed jerseys (fea- turing a big red “A”) will be auctioned off during the game. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Family Place shelter, which serves area families with- out permanent housing. The front of- fice staff will also cover the “S” in the Saints signage and hang banners pro- Eric Jayne outside Midway Stadium in moting and FFRF Saint Paul. throughout Midway Stadium. Some of the atheist “antics” are An Aints player at the plate during last year’s game. By Eric Jayne still being developed for this year’s game, but I know for certain that fans ment in a dog fighting ring. 4 p.m. in the stadium parking lot. The can expect an even louder and more Besides topical humor, there’s gen- first pitch will be at 7 p.m. If you’re in- skeptical “Doubting Thomas” in July. uine tolerance and an open attitude terested in winning the opportunity to There’s a lot of excitement in Min- That very same character was quickly within the Saints organization that falls toss out the first ceremonial pitch from neapolis about the 2014 Major League ejected last year after he demanded directly in line with freethinking val- the pitcher’s mound, visit Minnesota- Baseball All-Star game coming to town more evidence from the umpire after ues. Mike Veeck, another part owner Atheists.org/FirstPitch/. in July, but perhaps an even better an inning-ending call. of the Saints, was heavily influential in Game tickets are available at Saints- (and far more affordable) game will At a time when athletes continue to the team’s signing of the first woman Groups.com/. After you get through the be played four days earlier at the other publicly invoke their religious beliefs, to play in minor league professional Captcha screen you’ll need to enter the Minnesota Twin City across the river. and with the relatively recent injection baseball. group password “Atheists” with an up- On Friday, July 11, the city of Saint of “God Bless America” replacing “buy In 1997, 50 years after Veeck’s fa- percase A. You might want to consider Paul will be unofficially rebranded me some peanuts and Crackerjacks” ther (Bill Veeck) helped bring racial staying in town the next day and join as “Mister Paul” as it hosts an atheist- during MLB’s seventh-inning stretch, a integration to the American League other friendly heathens for a regional, themed minor league baseball game. brief introduction to this baseball team by signing Larry Doby to the Cleveland one-day conference in downtown Saint The Saint Paul Saints minor league boldly choosing to partner with orga- Indians, Ila Borders made her first Paul on Saturday, July 12. team will change its name to the sec- nized atheism might be in order. appearance with the Saints as a relief Speakers include Susan Jacoby, ular-friendly Mister Paul Aints for the Partly owned by comedian/actor pitcher. Although she only played a few Debbie Goddard, PZ Myers, Rebecca third year in a row in what is being Bill Murray, the Saints have gained na- games with the Saints, she found suc- “Skepchick” Watson and others. For billed as a “Night of Unbelievable Fun: tional attention for their promotions cess with two other teams in the league more details about the baseball game The Third Strike.” It’s sponsored by and for the theatrics during the game. before retiring. and conference, visit MinnesotaAtheists. the Minnesota Atheists and Freedom One of my favorite promotions was the I refuse to make up some corny org/conference/. from Religion Foundation. Michael Vick dog chew toy that was giv- baseball metaphor about atheism, but FFRF member Eric Jayne is president of After losing the first two years, the en away during the NFL quarterback’s I will say that the combo will be unbe- Minnesota Atheists. Mr. Paul Aints will be going for their federal investigation for his involve- lievably fun. The tailgating will start at


Humanists now Army quest. On a section of MAAF’s website ‘religious’ option titled “Atheists in Foxholes, in Cock- pits, and on Ships,” Bradley says this: Lt. Col. Sunset Belinsky, a U.S. Army “It never bothers me to keep my head spokeswoman, said April 22 that the up in formation while others are pray- “preference code for humanist” as a ing. And I’ve noticed over the years religious preference became effective that more soldiers do the same. I April 12 for all members of the Army. doubt there are that many more athe- According to Religion News Service, ists today. Most likely, fewer feel afraid that means fewer hurdles for seculars to reveal they are not Christian. And trying to organize. It could also lay the though religion is strong and apparent groundwork to add humanist chap- among many in the military, I believe Seriously, we didn’t know! lains. it is the unbowed heads in the forma- Jason Torpy, president of the Mili- tion that remind the world that we are “Hoping we never need ‘healing’ in Oriental, N.C.,” write Barb and Roy tary Association of Atheists and Free- united by freedom above all else.” Masinton. “We cover a lot of miles in our corner of the world and are thinkers, has been pushing for greater frequently amazed by the countless proclamations made by the countless recognition of humanists in the armed churches we drive by. “Here’s a church spending tax-free dollars on billboard services; in February, the American Arizona atheist tosses advertising. This is bad news for all our local doctors, surgeons and researchers Civil Liberties Union sent a letter to hat in ring working around the clock to find a cure for cancer. Or maybe it’s just plain the Pentagon on Bradley’s behalf. good news, as they can move on to other, more pressing matters.” “This is a big victory,” said Jason James Woods, an open atheist who Torpy, president of the Military Asso- is also blind, announced his candidacy ciation of Atheists and Freethinkers. April 27 to run as a Democrat against would be the only “out” atheist in Con- don’t need religion for that.” Reserve Maj. Ray Bradley, Fort U.S. Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., in a gress. He told Religion News Service, He lost his sight seven years ago at Bragg, N.C., who serves in the Medi- heavily Republican district. “I believe in human ingenuity. We can age 26 to a life-threatening staph infec- cal Service Corps, said it took the If elected, Woods, a member of the solve problems to improve our lives tion. Army two years to approve his re- Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix, and the lives of people around us. You Page 18 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

Black Collar Crime Blotter he was drunk and did not feel the test was nec- Compiled by Bill Dunn essary,” the report said). Asked if he had any weapons, Thomson Arrested / Charged mentioned a .357 in the back seat but neglected Stanley Brittain, 39, Albany, OR: 25 counts to mention a 9 mm handgun in his back pocket, each of 1st-degree encouraging child sex abuse the report said. He also had a small amount of and 2nd-degree encouraging child sex abuse. marijuana in his pocket. Source: News-Miner, Brittain, pastor at St. Anne Greek Orthodox 3-26-14 Church in Corvallis, was arrested after a search Robert L. Harris, 54, Gastonia, NC: Sexual of his home allegedly turned up child pornogra- battery. Harris, pastor at Harriett Memorial Free- phy on a computer. will Baptist Church, is accused of knocking on a “Each photo or depiction is in and of itself woman’s door at a Super 8 motel and asking her a charge,” said Albany Police Capt. Eric Carter. for sex. He said he’d been at the motel about 10 Source: Gazette-Times, 4-19-14 years ago to counsel a couple, the affidavit said. Xiu Hui “Joseph” Jiang, 30, St. Louis: 2 The alleged victim said she told Harris she counts of 1st-degree statutory sodomy involving didn’t want to “have some fun” after he asked a boy younger than 14. Jiang, associate pastor and then called 911. “[He] tried to push himself at the Catholic Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, in on me. Threw me a $20 bill and said, ‘There is is accused of having sexual contact twice in a more where that came from. Just let me in for a bathroom at Cathedral School between July 1, few minutes,’ knowing my 12-month-old daugh- 2011, and Aug. 1, 2012. ter was right there with me,” the woman said. Jiang, a native of China, was charged in The 911 dispatcher said he heard Harris 2013 with sexually abusing a minor and witness making vulgar requests. tampering for allegedly molesting a teen girl 4 Channel 9 spoke to Harris by phone. “I times in Old Monroe, MO, in 2013. Authorities al- should never have been in that place, period.” leged he tried to pay the victim’s family $20,000 He said he hadn’t told his family and wanted to in hush money. Charges were dismissed with- go to God in prayer first. Source: WSOC, 3-26- out comment by the prosecutor in November. influence” to convince 2 others to undergo exor- School officials believe a librarian, now 14 At the time, Deborah Lee, 48, a recent Cath- cisms. The women alleged he used a broom, suspended, knew about the alleged abuse for Richard St. John Cattell, 73, Robina, Aus- olic convert, told a reporter Jiang had made a toothbrush and scissors during his assaults. several weeks before reporting it. Source: Balti- tralia: 3 counts of aggravated indecent acts. name for himself as being particularly holy. “If he The society, with about 600,000 followers in more Sun, 4-6-14 Cattell, who served as a Catholic priest from is a manipulator, a liar, then he is the best one in 62 nations, was founded in 1970 by notorious Paul Gotta, 55, Bridgeport, CT: 5 counts of 1964-94, is accused of molesting an altar boy the world,” she said. anti-Semite Marcel Lefebvre, who died in 1991. 4th-degree sexual assault and 2 counts of 2nd- from 1984-87. Nicole Gorovsky, the family’s attorney in a Source: AFP, 4-10-14 degree sexual assault. Gotta was administrator He was convicted in 1994 and served pris- civil suit, alleged Jiang used his influence to William R. Best Jr., 47, Valley Grande, of St. Philip and St. Catherine Catholic churches on time for molesting a boy in 1973. The vic- gain access to the devout family. “He groomed AL: 2nd-degree sodomy, 2nd-degree rape and when the Archdiocese of Hartford suspended tim didn’t report the abuse until 20 years later. the whole family, expertly.” Source: KMOV/Post- incest. Best, pastor at Living Waters Worship him last year after 2012 sexual assault allega- Source: The Telegraph/Broken Rites, 3-25-14 Dispatch, 4-17-14 Center, was arrested after the alleged victim’s tions of a minor surfaced. Nicholas Henshaw, 38, Ft. Collins, CO: Roger C. Kissel, 66, Sidney, IA: 2nd-degree mother brought her to authorities. He also was arrested on federal charges in Sex assault by one in a position of trust. Hen- sexual abuse, lascivious acts and indecent ex- Dallas County Sheriff Harris Huffman said 2013 for illegally transferring a gun, ammunition shaw was youth pastor at Capo Beach Church posure. Kissel, pastor at the nondenominational incidents of alleged abuse go back 3 years to and explosive material to a juvenile. That trial is in Dana Point in the early 2000s, when he’s ac- Sidney Cowboy Church, is accused of molesting when the girl was 14. Best allegedly had sex scheduled for May. Source: NBC, 4-1-14 cused of molesting his neighbor’s son. a 5-year-old girl over several months in 2013. with her at his home and in the church office Matthew T. Boos, 24, St. Louis Park, MN: “This is a dangerous man. My son is in dan- Police said alleged victims aren’t connected “dozens of times.” Soliciting a child or a person believed to be a ger,” the [then] 8-year-old boy’s father said in to the church. Source: Omaha World-Herald, Huffman said the department has “solid DNA child through electronic communication to en- court. 4-16-14 evidence.” Best was fired by unanimous vote gage in sexual conduct and engaging in elec- In an affidavit, police said Henshaw’s own Gary Petersen, 62, Grandville, MI: 2 counts of the church directors. Source: Selma Times- tronic communication relating or describing sex- family members said he has a history of mo- of embezzlement involving less than $20,000. Journal, 4-9-14 ual conduct with a child. Boos, a married youth lesting young boys but was never previously Petersen, pastor of The Rock Church, is ac- Okono Joseph, Owerri, Nigeria: Child traf- pastor at River Valley Church in Savage, alleg- charged. His ex-wife alleged she once found cused of stealing money from Wellspring Com- ficking. Okono, pastor at St. Peter’s Catholic edly told police he posed online as a 15-year-old pictures of naked boys on his computer. Source: munity Church, which he founded 18 years ago Parish, was among 20 people charged. Fubara girl to solicit photos from girls ages 13-15. Coloradoan/Orange County Register, 3-24-14 and resigned from in September. Duke, State Security Service deputy director, The complaint said the mother of a girl Russell Thompson Jr., 55, Pearland, TX: Court documents allege he used a church said 8 children have been recovered. showed police a message to her daughter in Felony theft. Thompson is accused of stealing credit card, which the financial committee didn’t Duke told journalists that Joseph bought 2 which Boos asked if she was “bi-curious, what $284,000 from City of Refuge Evangelical Pres- know he had, to charge about $3,000 for a boys, ages 3 and 4, for about $2,800 each. kind of panties she wears and then expressed a byterian Church, where he served as associate Mediterranean cruise and a Colorado vacation. Joseph told a reporter that women unable to desire to exchange nude photos.” pastor. Source: mlive.com, 4-16-14 conceive come to him. “I direct them to moth- Boos allegedly admitted he knew the girls Police said Thompson created a personal Philip Altavilla, 48, Scranton, PA: Indecent erless babies’ homes, after which they will from his pastoral work. Source: Star Tribune, account into which he deposited money in- assault, attempted indecent assault and corrup- come back and give me [a gift of money]. That 3-30-14 tended for the church over a two-year period. tion of minors. Atavilla, pastor of the Cathedral was how I was arrested.” Source: Leadership/ An unidentified Hindu priest, 73, Salem, Source: Fox Houston, 3-24-14 Church of St. Peter, is accused of giving alcohol spyghana.com, 4-8-14 India, was charged with sexual harassment of Mark A. Huberty, 43, Maplewood, MN: 5th- to a 13-year-old girl he drove home after Christ- Kevin Harrison Jr., 34, Hahira, GA: Child an 8-year-old yoga student at his temple. Po- degree and 4th-degree criminal sexual conduct. mas Eve Mass in 1998 and then fondling her. molestation, statutory rape and enticing a child lice said the priest has allegedly touched other Huberty, former pastor of Church of the Presen- Detectives said in an affidavit Altavilla alleg- for indecent purposes. Harris, pastor at Life young girls inappropriately during classes. tation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is accused of edly admitted taking photos of the feet of the Power and Praise Apostolic Faith Church, alleg- Source: Zee News, 3-28-14 sexually touching a woman and being touched victim and other teen girls. The affidavit alleged edly molested several children from the church. Tod A. Barnard, 53, Independence, MO: by her during a visit to her home in 2013. he acknowledged “that he uses the Internet to A warrant was issued after he failed to turn 2 counts each of 2nd-degree child molesta- The complaint alleges he was the woman’s research videos and images depicting women himself in. “We feel like he’s on the run,” said tion and 3rd-degree assault. Barnard, assistant “spiritual adviser.” Over 400 emails obtained by being strangulated, given chloroform and then Steve Turner, Georgia Bureau of Investigation. band teacher at St. Thomas More Catholic El- search warrant led police to believe “that a sex- sexually assaulted.” Harrison surrendered 4 days later. Source: ementary School, Kansas City, is charged with ual relationship did occur and at the time they Scranton Bishop Joseph Bambera removed Times-Enterprise, 4-9-14 molesting an 11-year-old female student. were continuing to meet and discuss religious Altavilla from his duties and said in a statement, Juan D. Ferreras, 43, Cicero, IL: Battery, “While getting instruments ready, he would and Catholic faith issues.” Source: Pioneer “I am both angry and demoralized to think that, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, sexual ex- pretend to fall and touch her in places that made Press, 3-24-14 yet again, a priest has been involved in such ploitation of a child, indecent solicitation of a her uncomfortable,” court records said. The stu- Michael M. Switalski, 50, Wausau, WI: 8 inappropriate, immoral and illegal behavior.” child, 2 counts of criminal sexual assault and 4 dent said Barnard would pretend to trip and then counts of possession of child pornography. He Source: Citizens Voice, 4-15-14 counts of distribution of harmful material. Fer- steady himself by grabbing her breast. teaches history, law and religion at Newman A Catholic priest, name withheld, 79, Perth, reras, a youth minister and teacher at Sonido Another unidentified band teacher at the Catholic High School, coached the varsity boys Australia: 6 counts of indecent dealing with a de Alabanza Church, is accused of molesting 6 school hasn’t been charged criminally but a di- soccer team for 20 years and was director of child under 13. Police allege he molested a girl boys ranging in age from 9 to 17 at the church, ocesan review board recommended terminating campus ministry. between the ages 10 to 12 when he was pastor at his apartment and at 2 church camps. He’s his employment due to his alleged “admitted He was in possession when arrested of 12 at St. Aloysius Church in 1980 and a girl age the son of the church founder and the pastor’s violation of diocesan standards of behavior,” a “hours-long” explicit DVDs and 95 photos de- 6 or 7 when he worked at Holy Name Church brother. letter sent to parents said. Source: Kansas City picting children as young as 8, the complaint in 1969. Police said someone tipped off a child wel- Star/WCTV, 3-28-14 said. The videos are believed to be from a Ca- Offenses allegedly occurred in the rectory. fare agency after several boys stopped par- Gerald L. Clark, 51, Westminster, CO: 2 nadian firm raided in 2011. Source: WA Today, 4-13-14 ticipating in church events. Source: CBS Local, counts of sexual assault on a child by one in One of the videos was in Switalski’s DVD Michael Thayanandan Patrick, 57, Scap- 4-9-14 a position of trust and involving a pattern of player when investigators searched his home, poose, WA: Luring. Patrick, pastor at St. Wen- Francisco Rios, 44, Brandon, FL: 3 counts abuse. Clark, pastor of Jericho Ministries Inter- Assistant District Attorney Elisabeth Gramer ceslaus Catholic Church, is accused of trying to of lewd and lascivious molestation. Rios, pastor national, allegedly molested a girl over a 3-year said. lure a 14-year-old girl into his car in Vancouver. of Casa de Amore Church, is accused of molest- period starting when she was 13. He’s a retired U.S. Naval Reserve lieutenant At one point, the girl told police, the man said ing 3 female parishioners ages 12, 17 and 43. “Gerald began escalating things little by commander and was a judge advocate officer. “Come on, cutie.” She remembered the license The 12-year-old alleges Rios touched her little,” the girl told police. He allegedly told her, Source: Daily Herald, 3-16-14 number and her mother called police. sexually about twice a week during the past “Why don’t we come up with a code word if you Julio Dautrich, 19, Corona, CA: 4 counts of She allegedly identified Patrick at his home year. The older girl told a detective he touched feel uncomfortable. What about ‘guacamole?’ ” having unlawful sexual intercourse. Dautrich, a and when asked if he was the man who talked to her about 15 times starting in 2011. Rios alleg- He also texted “You’re so sexy” and “I miss your youth group volunteer at Crossroads Church, is her, on a scale of 1 to 10, she said “11.” edly touched the woman inappropriately in April body,” an affidavit said. accused of impregnating a 15-year-old he met Patrick studied at Our Lady of Lanka Na- 2013, convincing her “it was a way to cure a Police said 3 other potential victims have at the church. tional Seminary in Sri Lanka. Source: The Or- medical condition,” the sheriff’s office said. come forward. Source: 7News Denver, 3-28-14 The girl’s mother said she thinks the church egonian, 4-12-14 He’s married with 2 teen children. Source: Sean P. Thomson, 52, Fairbanks, AK: DUI, ignored or tried to conceal the relationship. “We An unidentified French priest, 40, Ver- Bay News 9, 4-6-14 refusal to take a chemical alcohol test, drugs dropped off our kids at Crossroads Church, sailles: Aggravated rape, torture and commit- Lynette N. Trotta, 33, Baltimore: Sexual misconduct and 2 counts of weapons miscon- thinking they were being supervised at youth ting barbarous acts. Prosecutor Vincent Les- abuse of a minor. Trotta, a science teacher at duct (possessing a firearm while intoxicated group. When I found out my daughter was preg- clous said the Catholic priest belongs to the all-male Archbishop Curley High School, is ac- and failing to immediately inform troopers he nant, I was shocked, because she’s not allowed ultra-conservative Society of St. Pius X and is cused of sexual activity with a student. was carrying a firearm). Thomson, a Catholic to have a boyfriend.” Source: Press-Enterprise, accused of assaults on 3 teachers at the soci- The boy, 17, allegedly told police Trotta priest employed by the University of Alaska- 3-13-14 ety’s Notre-Dame de la Sablonniere school in would pull him out of class to spend time in her Fairbanks, was put on leave after being stopped Pleaded / Convicted Goussonville in 2010. classroom, where the activity progressed over for speeding and crossing the center line. His It’s alleged he first raped a teacher during an James Schook, 66, Louisville, KY: Guilty by time from kissing to him performing a sex act preliminary blood-alcohol content was 0.247 (he jury of indecent or immoral practice with another exorcism to purge her of the “evil” from a previ- on her. refused a more accurate test because “[he] said ous sexual assault and then used his “spiritual and 3 counts of sodomy. Schook, a defrocked May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 19

Francis P. Cullen, 85, Tenerife: 15 years basis, each time until after 4 a.m.,” Woodward der-suicide. Sex with me will in prison after pleading guilty to attempted bug- alleges. He claims he gave $600,000 all told to The new details were revealed in a state- gery, 15 counts of indecent assault and 5 counts the church and its affiliates.Source: Courthouse ment by the archdiocese linked to a lawsuit cure your medical of indecency with a child while he was a Catho- News Service, 3-25-14 ordering Archbishop John Nienstedt to testify lic priest in the UK. The abuse of 7 boys and under oath. About 40 priests have been cred- girls aged 6 to 16 took place from 1957-91 at Civil Lawsuits Settled ibly accused of abusing children from 1970 to condition. — Pastor A Phoenix federal jury awarded a couple liv- various parishes. the present. ing in an area controlled by the Fundamentalist He was arrested in 1991 but skipped bail Included were details about Paul Palmites- to woman victim Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and fled to the Canary Islands. He was extra- sa, a priest accused in 1982 of making sexual $5.2 million for years of religious discrimination. dited to the UK in 2013. advances to a 15-year-old boy who killed him- Ronald and Jinjer Cooke, who have lived Judge Jonathan Gosling said at sentencing, self and his wife in 1999. Palmitessa was trans- since 2008 in the border towns of Colorado City, “To say that you were a disgrace to your cloth ferred to California but was never criminally AZ, and Hildale, UT, alleged they were denied understates your activity. This was gross hypoc- charged. He retired in 1998. utilities because they aren’t FLDS and church risy. In a sentence, your entire life was a lie.” New details were included about Kenneth Catholic priest, was on trial for molesting 2 teen leaders wanted to drive away outsiders. As a re- Source: The Guardian, 3-24-14 LaVan, whose first alleged abuses were against boys in the 1970s. The jury recommended a sult, they claimed, they and their 3 children were Ahmed Moussa Ahmed, Pazardzhik, 2 girls between 1958 and 1970. The church sentence of 15 years, but the judge isn’t bound forced to live in a 35-foot travel trailer. Source: Bulgaria: 4 years in prison for spreading an settled suits brought by them in 1989 and 1992. by that. Salt Lake Tribune, 3-20-14 Schook’s lawyer claimed what happened to anti-democratic ideology, inciting hatred, par- LaVan, who retired in December, also has victim Michael Stansbury, in court to hear the ticipating in an unregistered organization and a Legal Developments been accused of sexually abusing a woman verdict, wasn’t a crime because he was 16 at probation violation linked to a 2003 sentence for A Dane County, WI, circuit judge threw out who suffered from “mental illness and a brain the time and legally a consenting adult. “May 6, spreading “radical” Islam. Ahmed and 12 other field sobriety tests given to former Lutheran injury,” the archdiocese said. Source: Star Tri- 1976. Anything after that is legal,” said attorney Muslim leaders were accused of ties to the ultra- bishop Bruce Burnside, 60, Madison, who bune, 4-2-14 David Lambertus. Schook claimed victims were conservative Al-Waqf Al-Islami group, which has goes on trial May 12 for homicide by drunken been linked to al-Qaida. driving. Burnside, who lost his job after his car Removed / Resigned out for money. Bob Coy, 58, Coral Springs, FL, resigned Many Muslims have accused the Christian killed a woman jogger in Sun Prairie in April Stansbury, who alleged only a single inci- as senior pastor of the 20,000-member Calvary majority of wrongly calling them radical. Bul- 2013, argued the arresting officer didn’t have dent, stayed silent until his parents died. Rich- Chapel in Ft. Lauderdale, which he founded in garia, with 7.4 million people, is 80% Christian reasonable suspicion he’d been drinking. ard Whitfield, now in his 50s, testified heand 1985. Outreach Pastor Chet Lowe told church Orthodox and 13% Muslim. Source: The Sun Judge Nicholas McNamara said crash cir- Schook had a sexual relationship for years start- members that “Our former pastor was caught in Daily, 3-20-14 cumstances gave the officer probable cause to ing when he was 13. Source: WLKY/AP, 4-17-14 sin. He committed adultery with more than one Richard Rudman, 43, Stow, OH: 59 months believe Burnside had been driving negligently Kevin Sutherland, 46, Miami: Guilty by jury woman. Our pastor committed sexual immoral- in prison after pleading guilty to pandering ob- but not that he was impaired. He said prosecu- of 2nd-degree attempted grand larceny. Suther- ity, habitually, through pornography.” scenity and pandering sexually oriented mate- tors can introduce a blood test taken later which land, pastor of Mosaic Church, was convicted Coy is married with 2 teen children. rial involving a minor. Rudman, a teacher at St. showed his blood alcohol was 0.128%. The limit of trying to sell 5 counterfeit Damien Hirst paint- Church leaders are as prone as any powerful Mary Catholic Elementary in Akron, was found is 0.08%. Source: State Journal, 4-19-14 ings and prints to an undercover officer in New man to temptation, said John Vaughan, director in possession of nude photos of his 12-year-old A judge in Jacksonville, FL, eased proba- York for $185,000. Hirst received Great Britain’s of the Megachurch Research Center in Spring- student and other child pornography. tion terms for Darrell Gilyard, former pastor at prestigious Turner Prize art award in 1995. field, MO. “There are a lot of beautiful Christian The victim’s mother had noticed inappropri- Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, who spent Source: AP, 4-8-14 women. A pastor, as a man, would have the ate online conversations in 2013 between her 3 years in prison after being arrested in 2008 John Irwin, 72, Dungiven, N. Ireland: same kind of temptation as a man anywhere adopted daughter and Rudman, who is mar- for lewd and lascivious acts with 2 girls. After Pleaded guilty to theft of about $3,000 from St. else would.” Source: Sun Sentinel, 4-29-14 ried with 2 daughters. “He was one of her best Gilyard got out of prison, he started preaching Patrick’s Catholic Church and from the Derry Dominican nun Jane Dominic Laurel is tak- teachers and he wooed her and he groomed at Christ Missionary Tabernacle Baptist Church, Diocesan Fund between May 2011 and Octo- ing a sabbatical from teaching at Aquinas Col- her,” the mother said. which held an egg hunt Easter Sunday. ber 2012. Irwin is a retired priest. Source: BBC, lege in Nashville, TN, after controversial com- Rudman requested “private area” photos The judge modified the probation so Gilyard 4-7-14 ments to students at Charlotte [NC] Catholic from the girl during a game of “truth or dare.” could “minister to children under the age of 18 High School. Sentenced Because the sentence is less than 5 as long as the children are supervised by an Students said Laurel cited studies she said James Napier, 61, Alfred, ME: 2 concur- years, he can seek early release from prison adult other than the defendant.” The State At- showed gays and lesbians are not born with rent 5-year terms in prison (suspended) with 12 in 6 months, which worries the victim’s family. torney’s Office didn’t object. Source: 4jax.com, same-sex attractions and suggested that mas- years’ probation, submitting to random search Source: ABC-5/Beacon Journal, 3-18-14 4-18-14 turbation and homosexuality are linked. and testing, no contact with children under age Jonathan H. Smith, 59, Ocean Springs, Sr. Mary Sarah, Aquinas president, said in 16, no serving in a church capacity and no In- Civil Lawsuits Filed MS, was arraigned and pleaded not guilty in Sa- Lourdes Torres-Manteufel, 29, is suing Tex- a statement that Laurel’s “deviation into realms ternet or social media access. Napier, who re- lem, NJ, to aggravated sexual assault, sexual as pastor Douglas Phillips and his Vision Fo- of sociology and anthropology was beyond the signed as pastor of New Beginnings Christian assault of a minor under the age of 13 and en- rum Ministries Inc. of San Antonio, alleging he scope of her expertise.” Source: Charlotte Ob- Mission after his 2012 arrest, pleaded guilty to dangering the welfare of a child stemming from “methodically groomed” her into “a personal sex server, 4-9-14 10 counts of possession of sexually explicit ma- his November arrest. Smith resigned suddenly object” over 5 years while she worked as a nan- An unidentified Catholic priest from Fel- terials of a minor under 12. as pastor at First Presbyterian Church Salem ny for Phillips and his wife, who have 8 children. tre, Italy, lost his pastorate for allegedly paying Police found more than 100 child porn imag- in September, citing “personal and medical is- Phillips was a leading advocate of “bibli- a Moroccan man for sex with cash he got from a es on his home computer during a raid. Source: sues.” cal patriarchy” before resigning last year from nearby convent. Il Gazzettino reported the pair WMTV, 4-17-14 Prosecutor Lisa Rastelli told the court the Vision Forum and Boerne Christian Assembly, had a “long-standing relationship.” Source: The William R. Dowel, 88, Melbourne, Austra- alleged victim was a minor male relative who a Baptist church where he was an elder and Local, 4-7-14 lia: 3 years in prison suspended and sex offend- spent time at Smith’s home last summer and preacher. George F. Bailey, 76, whereabouts un- er registration for life. Dowel, a retired Anglican was molested 5 to 10 times, including while Torres-Manteufel alleges she got threaten- known: Bailey, who resigned in 1989 as pastor priest, was convicted for molesting 3 boys aged sleeping and showering. ing emails last August from Phillips’ wife Beall of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish in Medina, 12 to 16 between 1973-77 at the vicarage. Smith has until June 23 to accept a plea deal about the need to “keep her mouth shut.” She OH, has essentially been defrocked by the Prosecutor David Cordy told the judge that that includes 5 years in prison. Source: South says she met the couple at a homeschooling Vatican, according to a memo from Cleveland Dowel kissed, fondled and performed oral sex Jersey Times, 4-14-14 conference in 1999 when she was 15. bishop Richard Lennon. on a victim and then said, “Oh my conscience.” A state court in Nuremberg, Germany, up- The sex started in 2007, the plaintiff alleges, Lennon wote, “In response to credible accu- Judge Liz Gaynor told Dowel she “would held the 2013 conviction of ultraconservative after she’d moved in with the family. Phillips en- sations of sexual misconduct involving a minor, not hesitate to jail you” if he were younger, as British bishop Richard Williamson for incite- tered her room one night and started touching George Bailey requested a dispensation from the community “pays a very high price in ruined ment for Holocaust denial. He was fined $2,500 her, she alleges. Although she started crying the clerical state for the good of the church. lives, dashed hopes and psychological dysfunc- for telling a Swedish TV station during a 2008 and asked him to stop, he “masturbated and Dispensation from the clerical state means that tion.” Source: The Age, 4-17-14 interview in Regensburg that he didn’t believe ejaculated on her,” the suit says. in accordance with Canon Law, George Bailey Leo C. Koppala, 48, Blue Earth, MN: 31 Jews were killed in gas chambers. Phillips’ attorney Jason Jakobs called the al- is unable to function in any capacity as a priest days in jail after pleading guilty to 2nd-degree It’s the second appeal lost by Williamson in legations “false, defamatory and made with ma- anywhere, with the exception of offering absolu- criminal sexual conduct, with stay of imposition the case. Source: Epoch Times, 4-10-14 licious intent to destroy Doug Phillips, his family tion to those in danger of death.” due to serving that much jail time already, 25 Eliezer Berland, 77, a Hasidic rabbi who and his ministry.” Bishopaccountability.org said at least 10 years’ probation, sex offender registration, res- fled Israel 18 months ago after being accused Jakobs claimed the relationship was consen- women have accused Bailey of molesting them titution and no contact with with anyone under of sexual abuse, has turned up in South Africa sual: “While it may be true that Mr. Phillips had when they were elementary students. Source: 18. Koppala, pastor at 2 Catholic parishes, was after being deported from Zimbabwe and Mo- an intermittent relationship with Mrs. Lourdes ohio.com, 3-27-14 accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl in June rocco. He’s accused of assaulting several fe- Torres-Manteufel, they never had the physical The Vatican removed Franz-Peter Tebartz- 2013 at her grandmother’s house, where he males, including a 15-year-old girl. intimacy of touching and/or the exposure of van Elst as bishop of Limburg, Germany, after was a supper guest. After sentencing he was South African Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein genitalia, nor did the intermittent relationship his new $43-million residence complex caused taken into custody by the Department of Home- said in an email: “Our community [must] not be escalate to sexual intercourse.” Source: wnd. an uproar. A statement said Tebartz-van Elst land Security and will likely be deported to his involved with sheltering or supporting Berland com, 4-15-14 would get a new job “at the opportune time.” native India. and his followers. Berland must return to Israel “J. Christ,” Breese, IL, is suing the Belleville Source: AP, 3-26-14 The Dioceses of Winona and Nellore, India, to face the criminal justice system.” Catholic Diocese, alleging former priest Rob- Brian S. Suntken, Hudson, OH, who re- will work together to assess Koppala’s future Shortly after he fled Israel, his son, grandson ert J. Vonnahmen molested him at summer signed as pastor of Christ Church Hudson in as a priest, said Winona Bishop John Quinn. and several followers were arrested on suspi- church camps in 1970-71. In the early 1990s, 2012, was “deposed and his ordained ministry Source: WCCO, 4-2-14 cion of fraud and money laundering involving Vonnahmen was among 14 priests and a dea- in the Episcopal Church ended,” according to a Ryan M. McKelvey, 27, Des Moines, IA: the sect’s finances. Source: Haaretz/Jerusalem con the diocese removed for alleged child sex- church document dated Dec. 7, 2013. 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to 3rd- Post, 4-9-14 ual abuse. The document, mailed anonymously to degree sexual abuse and 2 counts of sexual Gleb Grozovsky, 34, an Orthodox priest Vonnahmen was removed as camp director a newspaper, was signed by 3 members of a exploitation by clergy. McKelvey, youth pastor at based in Israel, is expected to be extradited to in 1985 and from the ministry in 1993. The Vati- hearing panel of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio, Heritage Assembly Church, is a “predator” and his native Russia to face charges he sexually can defrocked him in 2007 at age 76. He was which found Suntken guilty of 8 of 9 allegations a “manipulator” who used his pastoral status to assaulted 2 girls ages 9 and 12 at a summer never criminally charged. against him, including misuse of church funds abuse 2 minor females from the church, District camp last year on the Greek island of Cos. The The suit alleges the diocese failed to protect and dishonesty. Judge Karen Romano said at sentencing. Russian Diocese of Gatchina has suspended the plaintiff and failed to investigate abuse com- Suntken called the hearing “a one-sided One girl told police last August McKelvey Grosovsky from the ministry. Source: JTA, 4-9- plaints by other minors. Source: News-Demo- deal” and said he’s now pastor of the nonde- made her touch his genitals. Then another girl 14 crat, 4-1-14 nominational Community of St. John in Hudson. came forward. He allegedly told a victim’s moth- The Minnesota Court of Appeals overturned San Francisco attorney Vance Woodward According to the document, “It is now clear to er he could be a “father figure” to her daughter. the 2011 conviction of Christopher Wenthe for is suing the Church of Scientology and half the Hearing Panel that [Suntken] committed nu- When McKelvey’s wife was in labor last 3rd-degree criminal sexual conduct and ordered a dozen affiliates, alleging he paid nearly merous offenses against the Episcopal Church. June, he sneaked into the family’s house at 4 a new trial. Wenthe was pastor of Nativity of Our $200,000 for counseling services he never He turned the rector’s discretionary fund into a.m. to see the girl, the mother alleged. His wife Lord Catholic Parish in St. Paul when he was used. He claims the church has ignored multiple his own personal piggy bank, and did this at not has filed for divorce. Source: Des Moines Reg- charged for having a sexual relationship with an written requests to return his money. one but two different parishes. He was utterly ister, 3-25-14 adult woman who came to him for counseling. Woodward says in 2007 he sought psycho- heedless of the impact his reckless and self- Keith W. Denford, 78, Shoreham-by-Sea, A 3-judge panel ruled the trial judge failed to logical and spiritual services and was offered indulgent spending, and his later attempts to UK: 18 months in jail for indecent assault. Den- properly instruct jurors and wrongly barred de- one-on-one counseling called “auditing” and conceal it, would have on his parishioners. He ford, a retired Church of England priest, was fense evidence about the woman’s sexual his- courses based on Scientology founder L. Ron plagiarized, disobeyed the orders of his bishop, found guilty of molesting 2 teen boys between tory after allowing the state to elicit testimony Hubbard’s books. attempted to intimidate a witness, lied to a spe- 1987-90 while he was vicar at St. John the about her sexual inexperience. Source: Pioneer “[O]n multiple occasions, Vance was physi- cialist appointed to evaluate his mental health, Evangelist Church. He once got in a bath while Press, 4-7-14 cally and psychologically manipulated into re- and committed other offenses. His selfish and sexually aroused, a victim testified. Documents released by the Archdiocese maining in a small room with Scientology fund- his authoritarian leadership style caused terrible Police were alerted in 2012 when a victim of St. Paul and describe a priest raisers, including representatives of defendant’s harm which has still not entirely healed.” found out Denford was still in contact with chil- allegedly sexually abusing a brain-damaged SF Church, who hounded him for hundreds of The panel suggested the parish consider dren. The Diocese of Chichester has suspended woman and another molesting a teen boy who thousands of dollars for more than six hours at him from the ministry for life. Denford maintains killed himself and his wife years later in a mur- he’s innocent. Source: BBC, 3-25-14 a stretch, each time on a tandem and tag-team Continued on page 22 Page 20 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

ments and done the homework. It is wholly specious to imagine, as Letterbox Justice Kennedy does, that prayer is not subtly coercive. It should be obvi- Prayerful Clemson eral manager “Tex” Simone responded ous that such prayers create an atmo- with a series of incomprehensible mes- sphere that a certain god has to be coach out of bounds sages that completely missed the point. prayed to in order to win its favor. And When I was in fifth grade in Minne- In the end, the Chiefs agreed to surely such prayers promote the idea apolis, we had “church of your choice stop the promotion but actually only that the government favors some reli- day” once each month. Every student switched it to “The Promotion Former- gions or some gods over others. took 90 minutes off to go to his or her ly Known As Church Bulletin Night.” The decision wholly ignores non- church — every student, that is, except The update is that, over the past off- believers, nontheists and atheists who for me and a girl who was also Jewish. season, the team’s community share- have no use for prayer. It is even an af- No one was mean; the teachers holders finally got fed up with Tex and front to the Founding Fathers, many of made no snide comments. But each his family’s running of the team (yes, whom were deists, who rejected the no- time, Michelle and I sat there in the he and his family members held most tion that God would intervene in hu- classroom feeling painfully different. of the senior positions) and replaced man affairs as a result of supplication We weren’t them. Our families be- them. The team is trying out lots of and worship. Washington, Madison, longed to no synagogue or temple. If new promotional ideas, including Mul- Jefferson, Franklin, even Adams, would we had belonged, we couldn’t have let Night and a funeral give-away, but be appalled at the decision, which is a gone because the only ones were all no more Church Bulletin Night, or the major attack on a memorable phrase the way across town. Promotion Formerly Known As. from Engel v. Vitale (1962): “It is no I just now joined FRFF after reading Thank you again for all of your part of the business of government to Reid Schoonover, Wisconsin, saw this about your efforts to rein in the Clem- great work! be composing prayers. . .” The idea of on a Facebook page and reposted it on son football coach. Sixty years later, Kris and Ross Rubenstein a government body paying obeisance is his. “Thank god (ha ha) I’m free from same problem. Freedom of religion New York anathema to the legacy of Roger Wil- the bible.” can’t exist without freedom from reli- liams. gion. The decision will do no good for one wants to take it as Cosmo Topper, Theodore Rosen Prayer decision appalls public policies, no good for good the old film and TV character played Kansas government, no good for welcoming by Leo G. Carroll, who consorted with • • • high court victor minority participation in community a couple of swell ghosts no one else I just read in our newspaper (The I am extremely Brent Nicastro government, and will only reinforce could see or hear, that’s OK too. State in Columbia, S.C,) about your disappointed in the various power structures that buy into Joan Reisman-Brill effort to get Clemson University to Supreme Court’s the majority religion. New York comply with the Establishment Clause decision in Town of Ellery Schemmp of the Constitution. The coverage in- Greece v. Galloway, Massachusetts dicated that you have approximately affirming that sec- Ellery Schempp was a successful stu- Readers’ different ideas 20,000 members and 155 in South tarian prayers at dent plaintiff in Abington School District Carolina. You’ll soon have 156 and city council meet- v. Schempp, in which the Supreme Court on mealtime prayers perhaps other South Carolinians will ings do not violate ruled in 1963 that bible recitations and the I am a member-in-waiting. May is be inspired to join along with me. the Establishment Ellery Schemmp Lord’s Prayer were illegal in public schools. starting to look like a good month, I’ve been a longtime member of Clause of the First Amendment. The because I made the last payment on Americans United for Separation of 5-4 decision severely diminishes the my car loan this month. In the mean- Church and State, but I’d like to be a non-establishment principle and effec- Why not swear ‘so help time, I have been enjoying the sample member of FFRF as well. Thank you for tively endorses majoritarian displays of Freethought Today issues tremendous- your good work. public piety. me Cos’ instead? ly. Gene Fulton The notion of public prayer at meet- I enjoyed James Davis’ “Atheist Activ- My suggestion to J.R. Dreyer of a South Carolina ings is itself rather weird, a notion that ist in a Foxhole” [April14]. It’s wonder- “gentler” response to “Let’s say grace!” • • • praying somehow leads to better gov- ful what he’s accomplishing, and how is “Oh no, please excuse me! As an Thank you for taking on Coach ernment, or that some supernatural he’s doing it with reason, openness atheist, I would be a hypocrite if I par- Dabo Swinney at Clemson. That place entity will show favoritism to get better and charm (all honey, no vinegar). ticipated.” Then leave the room. is thick with unconstitutional uses of roads in communities that pray. This As for his impulse to fiddle with the Elke Mikaelian my state tax money to promote the is naked superstition, a bow to witch- Oaths of Enlistment he must take, I New Mexico worst kind of religious proselytizing: craft and acceptance of magical think- suggest “So help me Cos.” I’m thinking • • • taking advantage of young people over ing. Like school kids praying before an cosmos, as in the universe, Carl Sagan Religious skeptics do have a dilem- whom one has authority to brainwash exam — better to have read the assign- and Neil deGrasse Tyson, but if any- ma when dinner hosts ask them to pray. (not persuade reasonably) them to ac- How can they satisfy the host without cept as truth religious propaganda. compromising their own views? I think Here’s my membership renewal and they can succeed by giving a secular gratitude for all the good work FFRF “blessing.” does. Using no religious jargon, the Julia Whitsitt speaker can publicly thank the host, South Carolina state the importance of the occasion • • • or in some other way express genuine Lions and [Clemson] Tigers and secular values we all share. Perhaps Bears, oh my. First it was a “war” on genuine secular values like generosity, Christmas. Now it’s one on on Easter, family ties and friendship outweigh ab- and the propaganda of the Christian stract religious beliefs. Reich continues in the ol’ “Onward, Some hosts who want religious bless- Christian Soldiers” and “trampling out ings might be too polite to complain. the vintage where the grapes of wrath Others might think they can’t have are stored” traditions. everything so they accept positive, but Truly amazing that they don’t want secular, statements. Many social gath- to see, my distant cousin, Tommy Jef- erings, even religious ones, gain richer ferson, or Johnny Adams in Chicago. meaning from the public sanction of Faithlessly yours. secular values. I hope we don’t leave Bob Allen this challenge to religious monopolies. Minnesota John McCall Illinois Church discounter gets the heave-ho Correction: Baltimore [Addressed to Senior Staff Attorney Re- not part of Carroll becca Markert]: Allow me to point out a minor er- I don’t know if you remember this ror in the April issue in a story about case from four years ago regarding the opening meetings with prayer. “Carroll Syracuse Chiefs baseball team and their County commissioners in Baltimore” is Church Bulletin Night promotion, but not correct. Maryland is divided into I wanted to give you a quick update. Ross and Kris Rubenstein got the “church discount” in 2010 after alerting FFRF 24 subdivisions: 23 counties and Bal- The gist of the story was that when you to a constitutional violation. timore City, which is not part of any contacted the Chiefs requesting that county. they stop the promotion, the team gen- Baltimore County is adjacent to the May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 21

Attorney Seidel credit his actions, he has obviously proven that he is not a constitutional scholar, to FFRF, freethought never was and never will be! I attended a talk given in Sacramen- This short note is to transmit to to by FFRF Staff Attorney Andrew Se- you my modest contribution to the idel. It was titled “The Greatest Story Freethought Hall expansion as an Ever Sold: America’s Judeo-Christian anonymous contribution, along with Heritage.” I learned a lot from his ex- my annual renewal membership. Keep cellent presentation. We are very fortu- up the reeducation of the U.S. popula- nate to have such an individual on the tion. legal staff. Name withheld by request At the conclusion, Andrew made a Minnesota very good pitch in regard to becom- ing a member of FFRF and the im- portance of such membership to the Hotel will keep Gideons freethought movement and protecting the Establishment Clause. out of your drawers John D. Dunn California Pete Kwaak writes, “I’m an FFRF member and just signed up my daughter as well. Living in Knoxville, Tenn., provides me with many thought-provoking • • • photographic opportunities, since there is a church every quarter mile. I will Enclosed is my check for Lifetime attach one of myself and my license plate, which elicits comments wherever I Membership. I’ve wanted to do this for go.” a long time. You do an important job of keeping us from being ruled by reli- city, but they are separate jurisdictions. It’s taken decades of education and gious doctrine. Carroll County is adjacent to Baltimore public dialogue, but now those who Saying that, I am amazed at the County but is not adjacent to or part of discriminate against and malign gays hundreds, if not thousands, of gods Baltimore City. and racial minorities are publicly con- and goddesses people have worshiped David M. Shea demned as homophobes and racists. and continue to worship around the Maryland What might those who discriminate world. Most are now out of favor and against and malign atheists be called? considered mythological. But they’re For Gene’s Sweetie, This has encouraged some interest- no different from the ones they wor- ing comments on FFRF/KY’s Facebook ship today. it’s a dog’s Life site. I suggest it’s time for this to be- John Fayant come serious public discourse. Missouri Spirit menus typically have gin, but Gary McIntyre • • • where is the humanist philosophy? Kentucky I am weary of the increasing dogma Who do you call for ghostbusters? of the Religious Right and I’ve decided We attended a to become a “Lifer.” I am now able to summit in Tacoma, Wash., last fall and Story on Baptist weapon receive your podcasts and find them noticed the enclosed card in the hotel informative and entertaining. Kudos room. As you have convinced others to giveaway was anti-gun from the South. Carry on. stop taking the Gideon bible, I thought Regarding “Seek salvation, take J. Edward Golay you might find this interesting. It cer- home a weapon” [April14], I didn’t South Carolina tainly covers all the bases. know you had to be anti-Second • • • I like the idea because it wrests Amendment to be a fighter for the Enclosed is our check for $250 to some of the power and authority that First Amendment. This article had an support FFRF and renew our member- the Gideons assume by foisting bibles anti-gun agenda running through it. ship. The Atheists and Agnostics of in public and private places. Maybe The NRA has 5 million dues-paying Rossmoor value your work. Our mem- if someone lobbied them to broaden members, FFRF has 20,000. bers really enjoy reading the stories their outlook, it would have a national Don’t isolate FFRF. It’s hard enough and editorials in Freethought Today. effect. I also think it shows people that to win people over to the FFRF view Susan De Carlo there are other religions and opinions without adding gun control to the California out there! membership requirements. • • • Betty Inman (aka White Crow) James Duffy This $1,000 is a “mini-sponsorship” Virginia State/church watchdog Hypatia New York for Andrew Seidel, whom I met in Port- “Sweetie” Boyko. Editor’s note: There is no such require- land, Ore. He’s knowledgeable, pas- The cartoon [dog in the pulpit] on ment, Mr. Duffy. sionate, “mediagenic” and an excellent Thanks for conference page 16 of the March issue has had me spokesperson for FFRF — the kind of in stitches from the first moment I read person we want representing atheists in Raleigh, podcasts it. It has inspired me to give my faithful Church: ‘Women and to the rest of the country. Thank you for the mini-convention companion a Lifetime Membership. Robert Aughenbaugh in Raleigh this past weekend. It was re- Her name is Hypatia (but she answers children be damned’ Oregon freshing to hear about clergy coming to “Sweetie”) Boyko. Green Bay Mayor Schmitt’s invita- • • • out as atheists and also to meet other I am sure she would write the check tion to the pope to visit Wisconsin in Keep up the good work! We got a people who are passionate about sepa- herself, but lacking opposable thumbs, 2015 is certainly ambitious. Is he be- little extra money and want to share it ration of church and state. it is a difficult task, so please find my ing invited as a great man, a humble with you. Many are so grateful for the I listen to your podcast and appreci- check for $1,000 enclosed. Please en- man, as the head of a major religion, work you do. Cheers to FFRF in 2014. ate all the hard work that you do for roll her as a Lifetime member. Sweetie as Time’s Person of the Year or just as Laura and Jes Pedersen this cause. is a good girl, very smart and a free- a dignitary? California Ramiro Rodriguez thinker, and will be very proud to be a Do we see this pope endorsing wom- North Carolina Lifetime Member. You guys do a Her- en any more than the last 10 popes? culean job. Keep it up. Women as clergy? How about just be- Thoughts on building, Gene and Sweetie Boyko ing considered equal to their male Connecticut counterparts? Is this pope endorsing Obama, educating Editor’s note: Thank you, Gene, and major prison time for his male priests public faithful but faithless Sweetie! who rape young girls and boys? Until he’s willing to be an active leader in I am thoroughly impressed with the punishing his priests and have them building expansion progress that FFRF What Is a In a word, sum up serve time for their crimes, I’m not im- is making. I am equally, if not more, pressed with his humility. impressed with the fundraising that Freethinker? atheist discrimination So why the mayor would want to has accompanied this effort, and it is FFRF Kentucky [an official FFRF invite a dignitary who is so lacking in a tribute to your mission as well as to free-think-er chapter] has the goal of improving the essentials to bring the Catholic re- the members that you have attracted to n. A person who communication between members ligion into the 21st century? It would your ideals and goals. forms opinions within the commonwealth. Priorities seem business as usual, and women Yes, we do need to reassert and about religion include state/church separation, prop- and children be damned. Maybe that’s claim our national godless U.S. Con- on the basis er science education and promotion of where the mayor is as well. stitution, no matter what the current of reason, independently atheism and agnosticism. Jeanne Owers White House resident wishes to claim, of tradition, authority, or Recent U.S. surveys show that athe- Bedford TX in light of his misunderstanding of the established belief. ists are generally viewed unfavorably. Constitution and its amendments. By Page 22 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014

State/Church Bulletin Virginia gov’s veto on their support for 14 bills related to church-state separation issues and on prayer upheld discrimination against nontheistic and secular Americans. Senators were grad- Gov. Terry McAuliffe, D-Va., vetoed ed based on their support for five bills a bill April 4, saying it could lead to relating to similar issues, a coalition “coercive prayer” or “religious messag- press release said. ing” at school events. HOUSE: 8% received an “A”, 7% re- High schools already let students or- ceived a “B”, 21% received a “C”, 2% ganize religious clubs, discuss religious received a “D” and 62% got F’s. themes and participate in voluntary SENATE: 7% A’s, 45% B’s, 5% C’s, prayer or other “nondisruptive expres- 43% F’s. sions of belief,” he said. Seven Democratic senators got The Lynchburg News & Advance perfect scores: Richard Blumenthal, editorial board wrote, “There was not Conn.; Mazie Hirono, Hawaii; Dick much new in this unnecessary legisla- Durbin, Ill.; Elizabeth Warren, Mass.; tion that could be only a step away from Al Franken, Minn.; and Frank Lauten- state-sanctioned prayer in the public berg and Robert Menendez, N.J. Three sage about marriage — by, for exam- Mt. Soledad cross schools. Lawmakers in the House and Democratic representatives were per- ple, telling the story of a polygamous gets Obama backing Senate should recognize that and up- fect: Eleanor Holmes Norton, D.C.; wedding ceremony — they would be hold McAuliffe’s veto.” Rush Holt, N.J.; and Louise Slaughter, disobeying God.” Obama administration lawyers have The Senate refused to override the N.Y. Three GOP senators received B’s: told the Supreme Court they will de- veto April 23. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska; Paul Kirk, Ill.; fend the 29-foot-tall cross atop Mount and Susan Collins, Maine. Bill lets humanists be Soledad in San Diego as a war memo- Three GOP House members tied wedding officiants rial and not unconstitutional govern- Sponsor pulls bible for the lowest score of 5%: Reps. Doug ment promotion of Christianity, the as state book bill LaMalfa, Mich.; Tim Walberg, Mich.; Minnesota state Sen. John Marty, Los Angeles Times reported April 10. and Walter B. Jones, N.C. D-Roseville, introduced a bill April 4 The cross was erected in 1954, but it Rep. Thomas Carmody, R-Shreve- to allow atheists and humanists to pre- has been under legal attack since 1989. port, withdrew his bill to make the side over wedding ceremonies. The bill FFRF members and foxhole atheists bible Louisiana’s official state book Georgia parents sue would grant “solemnization authoriza- Phil Paulson, now deceased, and Steve before it could go to a full vote of the over school funding tion” to secular celebrants appointed Trunk have led the legal challenges. state House on April 21. The bill had by atheist or humanist groups. “The United States remains fully become a distraction, he said. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Current law allows only “ministers committed to preserving the Mount Legislators had amended Carmo- reported that a lawsuit was filed April of any religious denomination” to of- Soledad cross as an appropriate memo- dy’s bill two weeks earlier to make any 2 by parents challenging Georgia’s ficiate. rial to our nation’s veterans,” said U.S. copy of the “Holy Bible” the official student scholarship organization tax A House version of the bill was in- Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. state book instead of just the “historic” credit program which lets individuals troduced in late March and awaits a one in the State Museum. That drew and businesses deduct contributions to hearing by the Civil Law Committee. even more criticism from opponents, groups that give scholarships to private The Senate bill was referred to the Ju- Board member sits reported the Times-Picayune. school students, most of whom attend diciary Committee. out Hindu prayer parochial schools. Steve Suitts, Southern Education Roanoke [Va.] County Board Super- Gay discrimination Foundation vice president, said since Obama hosts Holy visor Al Bedrosian stayed seated in pro- now legal in Mississippi the program started in 2008, more Week prayer breakfast test May 13 because a non-Christian than $280 million has been “diverted” prayer was given to open the board Mississippi Republican Gov. Phil to an “unregulated system of support President Barack Obama kicked meeting. Maharaj Sharma of the India Bryant signed a “turn away the gays” for private schools” with no oversight off Holy Week at the White House on Heritage Society chanted a blessing of- bill April 3 in a private ceremony from the state Department of Educa- April 14 with 150 Christian leaders at fering goodwill and peace as an invo- joined by a few lawmakers, lobbyists for tion. More than 13,000 scholarships the fifth annual Easter Prayer Break- cation, the Roanoke Times reported. the Southern Baptist Convention and were given in 2012. fast. Three other board members stood. the president of the Family Research “The tradition was started by the Bedrosian recently has said that Council. Obama administration in 2010 to spe- only Christians should give the open- The Religious Freedom Restoration SCOTUS denies cert cifically celebrate the life and death of ing prayer because he believes America Act lets businesses and individuals re- for N.M. wedding case Christ,” the New York Daily News re- is a Christian nation. fuse services to LGBT people on reli- ported. gious grounds. The House approved it The Supreme Court declined April On April 11, Obama announced a FFRF legal complaint 78-43. The Senate vote was 38-14. 7 to take the case of New Mexico wed- presidential delegation to attend the The bill also adds “In God We Trust” ding photographers who refused to Mass on April 27 at which Popes John to the state seal. work at a same-sex ceremony for reli- XXIII and John Paul II were declared gious reasons. saints. The case featured Elaine Huguenin White House counselor John Pod- Secular group rates and her husband Jonathan, whose Al- esta led the delegation. Members were Congress; many fail buquerque studio informed Vanessa Rep. Xavier Becerra, D-Calif., chair- Willock and Misti Collinsworth in 2006 man of the House Democratic Caucus; The Secular Coalition for America that it only worked “traditional wed- and Katie Beirne Fallon, assistant to released its 2013 Congressional Report dings,” reported USA Today. the president and director of legisla- Cards for the U.S. House and Senate “Of particular relevance here is the tive affairs. on March 31. A majority of House Huguenins’ sincere religious belief members earned an “F,” while a major- that marriage is the union of a man FFRF sent a letter of complaint ity of senators earned a grade of “B” or and a woman,” their Supreme Court Jersey atheist sues about government entanglement with above. petition said. “They believe that if they over license plate religion related to this April 8 post by Representatives were graded based were to communicate a contrary mes- the Galax Police Department, Galax A federal lawsuit was filed April Va.: “2014 ‘On Target for Christ’ will 17 by Americans United on behalf of be held May 10, 2014. Our goal is to Shannon Morgan, a Leesburg, N.J., build relationships with young people Black Collar Crime Blotter atheist who applied in November for ages 8-16. The event will be held at the an “8THEIST” license plate in Novem- Galax Police Department firing range Continued from page 19 appropriate sexual misconduct with non-parish- ber on the New Jersey Motor Vehicle beginning at 10:00 am. Space is limited filing a police report. Source: Beacon Journal, ioner adult females, which was over a decade Commission’s website. It was rejected to the first 50 registered. Safety is our 3-22-14 ago. I acknowledge how wrong I was, have as “considered objectionable.” She primary focus and those attending will repented, received help, and now I ask your for- Other then entered “BAPTIST” as a proposed be taught the safe handling of firearms David Barrett, 49, New Prague, MN, has giveness. Source: Pioneer Press, 4-17-14 returned to public ministry after taking a leave German customs officials at a Leipzig air- plate, which was accepted. and an opportunity to demonstrate of absence in November as regional associate port intercepted a parcel addressed to the Vati- Attempts by Morgan to get approval skill with .22 rifles. The goal of the pastor for New Prague-area Catholic churches. can’s main post office containing 14 condoms for her plate were ignored, the suit al- event is to build relationships with filled with liquid cocaine. In a statement, Barrett said, “I want to fully leges. The suit seeks a policy “that re- young people from both a ministry acknowledge my past inappropriate behavior A spokesman said the 340 grams (12 oz.) and ask forgiveness from everyone who was had a street value of about $55,000. The pack- quires any restriction of expression on and law enforcement view. Please negatively affected by what I have done. In the age came from an undisclosed South American personalized license plates to be based call Barry for more information or past, I have used the behaviors of angry out- country. No one claimed it. Source: The Guard- on subjective, objective, viewpoint-neu- to register 276.233.1590. The event is ian, 3-23-14 Email: [email protected] bursts, inappropriate staring at women, and in- tral criteria.” free and lunch is provided.” May 2014 Madison, Wisconsin Freethought Today Page 23 Ohio members protest Day of Prayer

Ohio FFRF members Nancy Dol- read: ‘Prayer Never Works/There’s no lard and Tom Reke, joined by free- God.’ ” thinkers Charles Wright and Andreas Nancy notes that Tom’s god was Avente, protested the National Day of lower-cased, unlike the newspaper’s. Prayer on Thursday, May 1 at the Sum- Freethought Today tried to purchase mit County Courthouse in Akron. The reprint rights to the photo but was told Beacon Journal story said the event “we will not be able to grant permis- marked the end of a marathon read- sion to use one of our photos for your ing of the bible that started the previ- publication” by Kimberly Barth, direc- ‘Sweat the small stuff’ ous Sunday. Pastor Mike Radebaugh tor of photography and graphics. Does it really matter if the president says “So help me God?” Absolutely it does, sang the national anthem and “What a The Akron Day of Prayer had a says Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel (at podium). “We must defend the wall of Friend We Have in Jesus.” “much lower turnout this year,” Nan- separation against all incursions.” He addressed a crowd March 31 at Lewis and The paper added, “Tom Reke from cy said. “Also, we got to talk to some Clark Law School at an event hosted by FFRF’s Portland, Ore., chapter. Cheryl Akron was among local atheists to young students who were part of the lo- Kolbe, chapter president is at left, top. carry signs on the sidewalk below the cal Secular Student Alliance chapter.” courthouse steps. Reke’s two-line sign

FFRF attorneys contest Day of Prayer events Andrew Seidel also addressed the “small stuff” topic in early April at Denver’s Secular Hub and the Christian nation myth at a humanist gathering in Colorado Springs. A shout-out goes to Claudette St. Pierre, FFRF Metro Denver chapter president (and her elves) for all their help in facilitating the events. Claudette notes that about a hundred people attended the presentations. FFRF on the Road

‘SASS-y’ seculars host FFRF in Deland, Fla. SASS, the aptly named student club whose acronym stands for Stetson Ten protesters, from FFRF’s chapter the Northern Ohio Freethought Society Alliance of Secular Students (affiliated and from Cleveland Freethinkers, counterpicketed the annual National Day with the Secular Student Alliance), of Prayer rally May 1 on Public Square in Cleveland. “We camped on the hosted an April 24 dinner party perimeter of the prayer rally with signs, and handed out some nontracts to on the Stetson University campus, interested passersby,” reports FFRF’er Mark Tiborsky. DeLand, Fla. Guest speaker Annie Laurie Gaylor, FFRF co-president, was honored to be the club’s first outside Every year, the Freedom From Re- for could be bought through the city speaker. The university, which has a ligion Foundation handles multiple secretary and listed her phone number very pretty campus, was founded in complaints about local government at City Hall. 1883 by Henry A. DeLand as DeLand officials inserting themselves into Na- FFRF contacted the previous mayor Academy. It was renamed Stetson tional Day of Prayer events, not as pri- in 2012 about spending several thou- University to honor its benefactor, John B. Stetson, of Stetson hat fame. LEFT: vate citizens but in their roles as public sand dollars of tax money on the lun- (bottom, left) SASS faculty adviser Christopher Bell and student founder employees or appointees. cheon and using city staff to coordi- Jake Smith and (middle, left), co-founder Rachel Filson and Stefani Yee, club FFRF, a national state-church watch- nate it. Guin promoted its event on the director, a major from Jamaica. (Photos: David Williamson) dog based in Madison, Wis., so far city’s website and Facebook page. this year has sent letters of complaint Staff Attorney Andrew Seidel wrote Meet student activist to Bulloch County (Statesboro, Ga.); April 30 to Bulloch County Attorney the cities of Mandeville, La.; Guin and Jeff Atkins, and included a photo of Daniel Koster Summerdale, Ala.; and Fort Lauder- a sign on the courthouse lawn. “It ap- Daniel Koster, who received a $1,000 dale, Fla.; Polk County Public Schools, pears that the county is hosting the student activist award from FFRF last Bartow, Fla. (event at Lake Wales Se- event since there is no indication of a year for helping FFRF and Central nior High); and the cities of Odessa, private sponsor.” Florida Freethought Community Texas, and Barron, Wis. FFRF also filed an open records re- challenge bible distribution at his Complaints about Nampa, Idaho, quest for county policies on advertising Orlando-area high school, is now Jeffersonville, Ind., and other locales and putting up displays on government a Florida college freshman. Daniel were pending at press time. property. attended the April 24 SASS event and Staff Attorney Sam Grover wrote This year’s National Day of Prayer is pictured with Annie Laurie Gaylor. Mandeville Mayor Donald Villere on theme was “One Voice, United in April 29 about the rally on the front Prayer.” The featured bible verse was Youth not believing bible divinely inspired steps of City Hall, which was promi- Romans 15:6: “So that with one mind nently displayed on the city’s website and one voice, you may glorify the God under the section titled “Mayor’s Mes- and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” The fourth annual State of the Bible view the bible as the word of God, an sage.” Secularists and even some Christians survey conducted in early 2014 by the equal number doubt its authority. An April 16 letter from Grover went have long noted that the day “has been Barna Group for the American Bible That’s almost twice the percentage of to Odessa Mayor David Turner and taken over by evangelicals,” as one man Society found “a sharp increase” in the doubters in 2011. City Manager Richard Morition about put it. The NDP Task Force, based in percentage of those who think it’s less The greatest increase in indiffer- the May 1 Mayor’s Prayer Luncheon Colorado Springs, is top-heavy with so- than divinely inspired. The Associated ence was among those between the held annually in conjunction with the cial conservatives, many of whom are Press reported on the survey April 9. ages of 18 and 29. NDP. A city press release said tickets homophobic and anti-choice. While about one in five Americans Page 24 Freethought Today Madison, Wisconsin May 2014 FFRF’s 37th national conference, Los Angeles, Oct. 24-26 Supreme Court plaintiffs join convention lineup

Carroll Galloway Rodgers Chemerinsky Hamilton Johansen Pinn Stevens The latest honorees joining the dis- zo School of Law, Yeshiva University, York-based photog- The annual membership meeting tinguished lineup at FFRF’s 37th annu- who’ll receive a Freethought Heroine rapher Christopher and meeting of FFRF state representa- al national convention in Los Angeles Award. Johnson will give tives is Sunday morning, with the state the weekend of Oct. 24-26 are the two Hamilton, a constitutional scholar, an uplifting pre- rep meeting concluding by noon. co-plaintiffs who courageously battled is the author of God and the Gavel: The sentation based on FFRF registration. Registration is governmental prayer in the Supreme Perils of Extreme Religious Liberty, and his fascinating new $65 for individual FFRF member, $70 Court case Town of Greece v. Galloway. wrote FFRF’s amicus brief against the photo book A Bet- for nonmember/spouse accompany- Linda Stephens, an atheist, long- Hobby Lobby Supreme Court appeal. ter Life: 100 Atheists ing member, $110 for nonmember (or time FFRF Member and new Lifetime Anthony Pinn, the first African- Speak Out on Joy & join for $40 and save five bucks!). Stu- Member, and Susan Galloway, who American to hold an endowed chair Meaning in a World dent registration is only $10. identifies as a cultural Jew, will both at Rice University, is professor of hu- Without God. Johnson Meals. Two optional Saturday meals receive Freethinker of the Year awards. manities and religious studies. His lat- Other speakers and honorees will are offered: The Non-Prayer Breakfast The conference takes place at the est book is Writing God’s Obituary: How be announced in future issues and on- and the Saturday Banquet Dinner. The luxury Biltmore Hotel, 506 S. Grand a Good Methodist Became a Better Atheist. line at ffrf.org/convention/. full breakfast ($30 including 23% ser- Ave. Rates of $169 single or double, Two distinguished scientists will ac- The conference begins Friday after- vice charge and 9% sales tax) is freshly $199 triple and $229 quad are being cept FFRF’s Emperor Has No Clothes noon with workshops featuring FFRF squeezed orange juice, muffin and held for FFRF through Sept. 23 (or as Award, reserved for public figures who staff attorneys and an appetizer recep- Danish basket, fresh-cracked country long as availability lasts). “tell it like it is” about religion: paleo- tion from 3-5. Registration opens up at scrambled eggs, thick-cut applewood Phone 1-800-245-8673 and identify anthropologist Donald C. Johanson, 2 p.m. and continues through the con- bacon, herb-roasted red potatoes, yourself as part of the Freedom From discoverer of “Lucy,” author of many vention. freshly brewed regular and decaffein- Religion Foundation. You can reserve books and director of the Institute of The program begins formally at 7 ated coffee and Harney & Son teas. online by going to ffrf.org/outreach/con- Human Origins at Arizona State Uni- p.m. Friday, including speakers, hon- Vegetarian is all of the above, but to- vention/. Click on the link under “37th versity in Tempe; and physicist Sean orees and a complimentary dessert re- mato slice is substituted for bacon. Annual National Convention – 2014” Carroll, senior research associate in ception. Saturday starts with the non- Dinner ($55 including 23% service to reach the Biltmore’s registration the Department of Physics at the Cali- traditional Non-Prayer Breakfast. An charge and 9% sales tax) is a choice of page. fornia Institute of Technology. Carroll all-day program concludes after the chicken or halibut with potato, vegeta- Other state/church honorees in- is author of The Particle at the End of the evening keynote speech. ble and dessert (or chef’s choice veg- clude Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the Universe: How the Hunt for the Higgs Bo- Convention highlights include the etarian). Vegan and gluten-free meal University of California-Irvine School son Leads Us to the Edge of a New World. drawing for “clean” (pre-“In God We options are available. of Law and author of The Conservative Secular Coalition for America direc- Trust”) currency and irreverent en- You may also register online: Assault on the Constitution, accepting tor Edwina Rogers, who oversees the tertainment at the piano by FFRF Co- ffrf.org/outreach/convention/2014- a Champion of the First Amendment coalition to which FFRF belongs, and President Dan (“The Singing Atheist”) convention Award, and Marci Hamilton, Cardo- has a law degree, will be on hand. New Barker.

Return with payment to: FFRF, Attn: Convention, P.O. Box 750, Madison, WI 53701 Don’t miss the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s next issue 37th Annual National Convention October 24–26, 2014 Los Angeles, California Make checks payable to “FFRF”

Number registering _____ FFRF member registration(s) @ $65 per person ...... $______Non-member spouse or companion accompanying member @ $70...... $______Non-member registration(s) @ $110...... $______(Save $5 by becoming an FFRF Member) _____ Student registration(s) @ $10 ...... $______Saturday Non-Prayer Breakfast @ $30* per person ...... $______Classic ____ Vegetarian ____ Vegan ____ Check if gluten-free _____ Saturday Night Dinner @ $55* per person ...... $______Chicken ____ Halibut ____ Vegetarian ____ Vegan ____ Check if gluten-free * Meal prices include 23% gratuity & 9% sales tax Total: $______(to find out what this photo is all Name(s) Please include names of all registrants for nametags about) Reminder: Address June/July is a City/State/ZIP Please include phone/email (in case we have a question about your registration) combined issue