SEPTEMBER 2013 VOLUME 23 The NUMBER 8 Atheist PZ Myers to Speak at September Meeting PZ Myers will be our featured speaker at the Sep­ tember Minnesota Atheists meeting. Myers is an associate professor of at the Morris. His research focuses on the evolutionary developmental biol­ ogy of zebrafish. He is an active critic of religion who makes no attempt to be courteous in his condemnation. Noting that Myers once “publicly desecrated a Communion wafer,” wrote, “Myers is way out of the closet as an atheist—proudly, outrageously so.” Myers began the weblog in 2002, which is now hosted by FreethoughtBlogs. com. In 2006, Nature ranked as the most popular blog by a scientist. Myers covers a wide variety of topics on Pharyngula, but the web­ log is primarily noted for its fierce opposition to and . At the September Minnesota Atheists meeting, Myers will talk about his newly released book The PZ Myers Happy Atheist, published by Pantheon. The Happy Atheist takes a humorous look at the absurdities of keeping the planets in their courses, deciding religious thought and addresses the very serious fates of nations, and spawning hurricanes and problems superstitious thinking can cause. Here’s a earthquakes, frets endlessly about the sex lives sample from the first chapter of the book: of his chosen people.... Lately he has become a devotee of football, and players and specta­ I’m an atheist swimming in a sea of super­ tors beg for his divine favor in helping to get a President’s Column 2 stition, surrounded by well-meaning, good ball from one side of the field to the other. His News and Notes 3 people with whom I share a culture and similar followers are offended at the thought that they Cryptogram 3 concerns, and there’s only one thing I can do. have distant relatives who are monkeys, but Book Review 4 I have to laugh. they feel ennobled by the myth that they were Billboard Response 5 Living in America at the beginning of the made from dirt.... Shelter Work 5 twenty-first century is like attending the circus I try to laugh, but I also feel the human Weekend of Fun 6 when the clowns are performing—it’s low suffering caused by these follies. But then, as Pride Festival 7 comedy, full of pratfalls and pies in the face Shakespeare knew, the best comedy has always Treasury Report 8 and silly costumes. It’s also hilarious. been born out of the truth of pain and has a Highway Cleanup 8 The people all around me seriously leavening of tragedy mixed in with it. Freethinking Families 8 believe most fervently in a god who briefly NIP Volunteers 8 became human and was tortured to death for The September Minnesota Atheists meeting Television Report 9 his trouble—and that this is the greatest story will be held in the meeting room of the Roseville Radio Report 10 ever told. The omnipotent Lord of the Cos­ Library, 2180 Hamline Avenue North, Roseville, on Upcoming Events 11 mos is a man-like entity who, in addition to September 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 2 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST

Eric Jayne, Minnesota Atheists President President's Column • Eric Jayne Why I’m an Atheist Activist

Now that our second annual regional confer­ we’re a bunch of nihilistic hedonists. ence and Mr. Paul Aints game weekend Our society is encumbered is behind us, I’ve been able to take a deep by the whims and authority of a breath and remind myself why I volunteer religious majority. It is incredibly so much of my time and energy toward the discouraging that many of our elected law­ cause of . I recognize that there are makers and popular media correspondents many self-identified atheists in the United invoke their God and their Bible to shape States who seem to be getting along just fine public policy in various domains like LGBT without actively supporting atheism. They equality, women’s reproductive health, take no interest in supporting atheist organi­ and embryonic stem cell research. Fortu­ zations and some even complain that atheist nately, we have a number of atheist-friendly that those who identified as “religious” went activism is an unfavorable endeavor on par organizations that work together to address down from 73 percent to 60 percent since with religious proselytizing. So then why do I the pernicious theocratic elements in our 2005. Moreover, the index found that self- and others do it? Why do I make myself vul­ lawmaking institutions and ethnocentric identified atheists went up from one percent nerable by publicly proclaiming my atheism? narratives manufactured throughout the to five percent. Having more people shake Is atheism really worth supporting? To put it media. off their religious identity while increas­ more simply, why am I an atheist activist? Atheism paves a path with ing the number of self-identified atheists In addressing these questions, I rewards of clarity and genuine shifts power away from those with a narrow, was compelled to first look back to my spirituality. Unlike my experience as religious-based agenda. Without atheist childhood, when I was brought up in an a Christian, as an atheist I have been able activism this kind of progress would likely evangelical Christian home. It was a fine to accurately understand a lot about the not have happened as quickly. childhood overall, but I remember getting universe and life on earth. Following the Neither atheist nor atheism are unsatisfactory answers to questions about evidence and learning about mind-blowing four-letter words. These are perfectly God’s origin, power, and goodness. I remem­ scientific discoveries, which are awesomely fine words that nicely explain non-belief in ber the mental anguish I had in trying to spiritual, is something that I no longer need God or gods. Through positive and friendly make sense of Sunday school lessons teach­ to square with Bible teachings. I don’t go atheist activism, I want to help make these ing about the promise of eternal damnation out of my way to “proselytize” atheism, but words more accepted and understood so for having incorrect beliefs. I remember the I don’t hesitate to explain how atheism has that everyone who is without theism (i.e. terrified feeling of thinking about my adult helped launch a more authentic and honest a-theism) can feel as free to claim an atheist brother—fourteen years older than me—go­ worldview. identity as a Bible-believer claims a Chris­ ing to hell since he didn’t join the rest of our Atheists are social creatures tian identity. This is not only important for family at church. just like people in religious sects. individual comfort and pride but also for Experiencing this intellectual dishon­ I feel honored that I have the opportunity continued progress on the secular front on a esty and fear-based indoctrination was a to help continue and build on the fantastic larger level. good reason to leave the church and even the work of the Minnesota Atheists organiza­ I could spend more time listing the religion altogether, but is that reason enough tion, which provides an important outlet for reasons for my atheist activism, but I should to become an atheist activist? Maybe, but freethinkers to talk without restraint and to really get back to the rest of my godless just to be sure here are a few more reasons I socialize with other friendly freethinkers in a tasks. I am proud and honored to have the considered. variety of ways. opportunity to funnel my activism through Atheists are marginalized in Progress is being made. At least Minnesota Atheists. My colleagues on the society. This marginalization is indicated it seems that way. As I pointed out earlier, board, Meetup leaders, and many other not only by copious amounts of anecdotal atheists are marginalized in our society, but members in the organization have been evidence, but also through polls and compre­ it seems as though it’s less so today than wonderful friends, teachers, and motiva­ hensive research findings that include studies even a couple years ago. I could share my tors. After helping lead the efforts for two from the University of Minnesota and the own positive experience of coming out as an billboard campaigns, two regional confer­ University of British Columbia. The Min­ atheist at work. Or I could point to the sig­ ences, two atheist-themed baseball games, nesota Atheists’ brand of positive atheism nificant decrease in complaints and threats several community-based volunteer events, in action—with philanthropic community related to this year’s conference and baseball many debaptisms, and numerous book club outreach events and our self-promoting Mr. game compared to last year’s. But these are discussions, I am certain, now more than Paul Aints baseball game—helps to educate just anecdotes. As noted in George Kane’s ever, of why I am an atheist activist: Because others about our high regard for happiness article on the opposite page, the recent Glob­ it is important, fun, rewarding, and mark­ and well-being while dispelling rumors that al Index of Religiosity and Atheism shows edly successful. september 2013 3

George Kane, Minnesota Atheists Director-at-Large News and Notes • George Kane Religiosity Declining in Worldwide Gallop Poll

At the end of July, Gallop International the government bans churches that are released its Global Index of Religiosity centrally controlled outside of China. That and Atheism 2012, which shows that the is why Catholic Bishops are appointed by atheist movement is advancing rapidly the Chinese government rather than by worldwide. The international survey the Pope. Perhaps most significantly, Chi­ asked respondents, “Irrespective of nese law forbids religious indoctrination whether you attend a place of worship of anyone younger than sixteen years old. or not, would you say you are a religious Here is a list of the top ten atheist person, not a religious persons [sic] or populations after China: 19%, but only 7% among those with no a convinced atheist?” The response to formal education. polls on religiosity and atheism is heav­ Not Convinced The decline of religiosity is surpris­ ily influenced by the way the question is Country Religious Atheist ingly rapid. Comparing 2012 results to worded. For example, a 1996 poll by Free responses to the same survey in 2005, Inquiry magazine asked people if there is Japan 31% 31% only seven years earlier, Gallop found a personal god who can answer prayer. Czech Republic 48% 30% that religiosity declined 23% in Vietnam, By selecting this wording they avoided France 34% 29% 22% in Ireland, 21% in both Switzerland counting as “religious” people who define South Korea 31% 15% and France, and 19% in South Africa. god, for example, as love or the laws of Germany 33% 15% Globally, there was a 9% decline during physics. As Gallop formulated the ques­ Netherlands 42% 14% those seven years, demonstrating a rapid tion, their “atheism index” counts only Austria 43% 10% cultural shift. self-described atheists, thereby excluding Iceland 31% 10% In the United States, only 5% describe people who prefer to call themselves, for Australia 48% 10% themselves as convinced atheists, while example, rationalists, materialists, free­ Ireland 44% 10% 30% call themselves not religious and 5% thinkers, humanists, skeptics, or secular. are undecided. The percent of Americans Gallop’s option of “convinced atheist” will Of these nations, the only ones with the self-identifying as religious declined from also be selected only by “strong” athe­ majority of the population reporting as 73% in 2005 to 60% in 2012. This reflects ists—people who believe that there are no religious are South Korea, 52%; Germany, the trend that we have seen in Minnesota, supernatural gods—and not by “weak” 51%; and Iceland, 57%. where we have experienced a surge in atheists, who have no opinion on the exis­ The ten most religious popula­ the numbers of people attending athe­ tence of gods, or believe that the question tions are Ghana, Nigeria, Armenia, Fiji, ist events. The Gallop survey does not of the existence of supernatural gods is Macedonia, Romania, Iraq, Kenya, Peru, provide demographic information, but unanswerable or meaningless. and Brazil. The data for all nations shows local experience suggests that the growth The country with the most atheistic an undeniable trend: the nations with the has come primarily among people twenty population is China, with 47% of re­ most religious population have the lowest to forty years old. Older people reached spondents calling themselves convinced annual per capita income, while countries their religious conclusions when athe­ atheists, and another 30% reporting with the highest per capita income have ism carried an enormous stigma. People themselves as not religious. This re­ the least religious populations. World­ who believed there were no gods kept sult probably reflects the influence of a wide, the highest income quintile is 19% their opinions to themselves; at the very government which exerts considerable atheist and the quintile below that 20%. least, they described their beliefs with control over potentially dissident orga­ The world’s lowest quintile of income a term other than atheism. Mainstream nizations. Although freedom of religion is only 7% atheist. The rate of atheists acceptance is a major cultural change that is guaranteed in China’s constitution, among people with a college education is promises continued growth.

George Kane Cryptogram

Qv qt dszotqylfro vm forqobo l gymgmtqvqms kios vioyo qt sm yoltms kilvtmoboy amy tdggmtqsu qv vm fo vydo.

—Foyvylsz Ydttorr. (Answer on page nine.) 4 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST

Book Review • Lewis Campbell An Atheist Guerrilla Debating Manual

Playing Chess with Pigeons: A Compen- home and discover an empty casket. dium of Fundamentalist Apologetics and Do you automatically assume that their Refutations by Chuck Hall. BMDO Aunt Esther has risen from the Publications. dead, or do you look for a more logical, reasonable and simpler Chuck Hall says he has been debating explanation? Maybe Aunt Esther’s fundamentalist Christians for over forty body was misplaced. Maybe in your years. Playing Chess with Pigeons certainly grief you got lost and you’re at the contains the largest arsenal of anti-funda­ wrong funeral home. Maybe necro­ mentalist debating points you are likely to philiacs stole the body. There are find anywhere. dozens of possible explanations that Hall provides a long list of typical need to be exhausted before leaping fundamentalist arguments, along with a to the illogical conclusion that Aunt detailed refutation for each one. He also Esther has risen from the dead and introduces some more unusual debat­ is now out dancing at the VFW club. ing points. He gives us a very long list of contradictions in the Bible, and notes And in arguing that only an immor­ merely providing support for those who that even this long list is only the begin­ al god would create a hell, he writes: already agree with him. ning. And in one especially interesting Playing Chess with Pigeons does not section, Hall cites numerous passages Suppose I tell my daughter to clean contain any obvious factual errors, but it from scripture to show that the writers her room, or I will punish her by does commit some sins of omission. For of the Bible almost certainly conceived taking her out in the back yard, example, Hall argues that far from being of the Earth as flat. dousing her with gasoline, and set­ an atheist, Hitler was a Catholic. What Playing Chess with Pigeons covers ting her on fire. Further suppose she Hall fails to tell us is that while Hitler the Omnipotence Paradox briefly, and disobeys me and doesn’t clean her was a member of the Catholic Church what a paradox it is. In Hall’s words: room, so I take her out into the back throughout his life, Hitler was strongly yard and make good on my threat. opposed to the Church hierarchy and re­ “Could God create a rock too big for When the police arrive and ask jected large parts of the Bible. Because of him to lift?” The purpose of this state­ what happened, I tell them, “Well, Hitler’s many contradictory statements ment is to illustrate the absurdity of she knew what the consequences and actions regarding religion, histori­ the argument of omnipotence. If God were if she disobeyed me. So it was ans disagree on Hitler’s actual beliefs. can create a rock too big for him to her choice. She set herself on fire!” Hall also cites Pygmalion in the lift, then is his strength really omnipo­ Classroom by Robert Rosenthal and tent? On the other hand, if he can’t Hall does not address some well- Lenore Jacobsen to support the idea create such a rock, does this mean known but relatively subtle arguments that people often act according to the that his powers of creation aren’t om­ for the , such as the expectations others have for them, and nipotent either? Argument from Degree of Thomas that theists often see evil in others be­ Aquinas or the Ontological Argument cause that’s what they expect. What Hall In one impressive section, Hall sur­ of Saint Anselm. But perhaps these doesn’t say is that numerous replications veys an extensive collection of research arguments are rarely used by fundamen­ of the research reported on in Pygmalion which demonstrates that fundamental­ talists. in the Classroom have failed to duplicate ists are less intelligent than atheists on Hall makes no attempt to keep its results, and the original research is average. Of course this is an ad hominem his arguments civil. He writes in a now considered invalid by many experts. argument which does not speak to the freewheeling style, with liberal use of Playing Chess with Pigeons provides merit of fundamentalist beliefs them­ expletives, sarcasm, and insults. For an extensive array of rebuttals to a wide selves, but it does confirm many atheists’ example, Hall argues that praying to a range of arguments in Christian apolo­ suspicions. toilet would be as effective as praying getics, and it has some rollicking good Hall uses analogy very effectively. In to God. This may be true, but it is not fun doing so. Its arguments are unlikely discussing the resurrection, he writes: an argument likely to win the hearts of to sway many theists, but if you favor many theists. However, Hall says at the a scorched-earth approach to debating For example, let’s say your Aunt Es­ outset of the book that he is not try­ fundamentalist Christians, this may be ther had died. You go to the funeral ing to win any converts to atheism but the perfect manual for you. september 2013 5

Eric Jayne Minnesota Atheists Responds to a Local Billboard

This article originally appeared in a slightly different from in the St, Cloud Times.

“With atheism there is no hope, only despair.” At least that’s what a billboard tells us on Stearns County Road 75 near Interstate Highway 94 in St. Joseph. Of course, a lot of billboards say things that aren’t true, and to be sure, this is one of those. It’s important to first point out that all people, regardless of religious beliefs or cultural affiliation, are susceptible to feelings of hopeless despair. If those feel­ ings negatively affect a person’s ability to successfully function in life, then it would likely be a good idea to seek help from This billboard appeared recently in St. Joseph. mental health professionals. Photography by Mary Carlson. Regarding atheism, many people have been empowered once they reach We find joy and genuine spirituality hind the misguided billboard message, to the atheist conclusion because it provides in learning how the vast universe works in learn more about how we practice positive clearer thinking and triggers a more and out of the blue speck we call Earth. atheism in action. focused approach to life here in the cor­ We celebrate our knowledge of life Minnesota Atheists and Central poreal world. that Darwin crystallized through his Minnesota Freethinkers offer a variety of Atheists exercise hope when we work theory of natural selection, which comple­ social gatherings and intellectually stimu­ to enhance the well-being of others, such ments our understanding of how the lating lectures happening throughout the as when we volunteer every month at a atoms that flow in and out of our bodies Twin Cities and St. Cloud area. local homeless shelter, donate holiday gifts zipped through the vacuum of space eons My hope is that atheists become to children in hospitals, and work with before our solar system formed and eons better understood and more accepted in our LGBT friends to bring equal opportu­ after Earth is swallowed up by our sun. Minnesota, but I will withhold despair if nities and justice under the law. I invite everyone, including those be­ that doesn’t happen as quickly as I’d like.

Bernadette Chlebeck and Phil Cunliffe Minnesota Atheists Meetup Group Continues Volunteer Work at Shelter For the last year a group of Minnesota Minnesota Atheists has been able to nesota on any given night, including more Atheists has been volunteering at The provide a healthy, home-cooked-style meal than 3,000 children. The Family Place is Family Place shelter to cook a meal for each month. We have prepared chicken a secular nonprofit homeless shelter that families facing homelessness and eat it Parmesan, jambalaya, chili, Asian stir fry, keeps families together and helps families with them. We are scheduled to serve and other recipes high in protein and fresh transitioning to a new home. Families stay dinner the third Saturday of each month. vegetables. Meals are served family style overnight in area churches and return We use the Minnesota Atheists group with Minnesota Atheists volunteers eat­ to The Family Place each morning for on to organize the event. A ing with the families being helped by The breakfast. menu with a list of ingredients is posted Family Place. If you are interested in volunteering or in the comment section. Each person that Wilder Research Center estimates donating food for the meal, please watch signs up brings what they choose from the that more than 10,000 people are homeless for events at the Minnesota Atheists group ingredient list. or transitioning to a new home in Min­ at 6 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST

The panel at the /Minnesota Atheists Regional Conference. From left to right: Hector Avalos, Stephanie Zvan (officiating), Amanda Knief, , Annie Laurie Gaylor, PZ Myers, and Kelli Clement.

Weekend of Unbelievable Fun a Success for the Second Year in a Row

We did it again! We pulled off another un­ advertised on the scoreboard as Karaoke sung , schools, and animal ethics. believably fun weekend this summer for the by a Real Japanese Guy. For what was billed After lunch we went back to one large second year in a row thanks to the help of a as “A Night of Unbelievable Fun: The Second room with our headline speakers. Greta lot of members and supporters of Minnesota Coming,” Seigo sang the 1991 pop song Unbe- Christina spoke on “Coming Out: How To Do Atheists! lievable by EMF. It, How to Help Each Other Do It, and Why”; The fun started in the late afternoon on In the middle of the sixth inning there Amanda Knief spoke on “Citizen Lobby­ Friday, August 9th, in the Midway Stadium was a Doubting Thomas who was “ejected” ist”; and Annie Laurie Gaylor spoke on “The parking lot, where we tailgated until a few from the stands by the umpire after loudly Religious War on Women.” minutes before our St. Paul Saints/Mr. Paul questioning his judgment of balls and strikes After dinner, we concluded with a panel Aints baseball game. At about 6:30 p.m. our from the previous at bats. The PA announcer discussion that included all of our main speak­ group began filtering into the stadium to narrated the kerfuffle so we could all be in on ers plus PZ Myers and Kelli Clement, a local watch Minnesota Atheists president Eric Jayne the joke. Unitarian Universalist and the Executive Di­ toss the ceremonial first pitch. He provided a The game ended with a loss, but the rector of the Minnesota Religious Coalition for little flair in his windup before pitching a per­ weather stayed dry despite a few gray clouds Reproductive Choice. The topic of discussion fect strike to the Mr. Paul Aints catcher behind hovering above us. We won in that na­ was “: Confrontation or home plate. ture played nice with the atheists. And the Accommodation?” It was a spirited discussion Unfortunately there wasn’t much to cheer postgame fireworks, which the Saints do that was both entertaining and enlightening. about during game play as the Mr. Paul Aints every Friday night, were a fun way to end the Many attendees stuck around for more lost to the Sioux City Explorers by a score of evening for the 6400 in attendance—which in­ socializing, appetizers, and cocktails. The party 3–1. There was, however, much to cheer about cluded the 200 ticket sales in our atheist portal. went until a few minutes after midnight. in between innings when the atheist-themed • • • • • • antics were performed. These antics included Our American Atheists/Minnesota Atheists The Minnesota Atheists would like to thank an “Atheist Race” where two contestants raced Regional Conference followed the next day at everyone who helped make this all happen. against each other by first running to a Slip the Ramada Plaza in . The confer­ Thank you to board member Phil Cun­ ‘N Slide, at the end of which they donned a ence began at 8:00 a.m., with check-ins leading liffe for renting the baseball game tailgating gorilla mask to represent the evolution of sea up to our 9:00 a.m. welcome. Thanks to walk- spot, table, and chairs. Thank you to Bill Lehto creatures to land creatures. The contestants in registrations we had over 200 people attend for donating food and drinks, bringing his kept running until the PA announcer told the conference! grill, and grilling all of the food. them that there was no finish because it was Iowa State professor Hector Avalos was Thank you to Jerry Rauser, Bob Salwasser, an atheist race. “You just keep going until you our lead-off speaker. His presentation “How and Richard Trombly for taking excellent vid­ can’t go any longer,” he said. Archeology Killed Biblical History” was an ex­ eos and pictures at the game and conference. After the fifth inning the crowd was traordinary lesson. This was followed with two Thank you to Paul Heffron and Jerry treated to Seigo, who is a recurring character sets of four simultaneous workshops dealing Rauser for writing and performing the Mr. at many St. Paul Saints games. His routine was with mental health, parenting, drug addiction, Paul Aints song to the tune of Take Me Out to september 2013 7

Minnesota Atheists takes part in the Pride Festival parade. the Ballgame. Thank you to Minnesota Atheists presi­ dent Eric Jayne for leading the efforts for the Mr. Paul Aints game. Thank you to the St. Paul Saints team—both on the field and in the front office. Thank you to the Conference Planning Committee of August Berkshire, Jill Carlson, Heather Hegi, Eric Jayne, and Stephanie Zvan for making all of the conference arrangements with the hotel, caterer, and speakers. Thank you to the Minnesota Atheists board of August Berkshire, Jill Carlson, Phil Cunliffe, Andy Flamm, Heather Hegi, Eric Jayne, George Kane, Chris Matthews, and Stephanie Zvan for their time spent discussing issues and concerns regarding the conference and baseball game. Each of their contributions shaped the baseball game and conference experience for the better. Thank you to all of our wonderful speak­ ers, including those who provided workshops. It was a genuine pleasure to work with you. Thank you to Minnesota Atheists trea­ Commentary • Heather Hegi surer Chris Matthews for all of his invaluable help setting up the online store for conference registration and Mr. Paul Aints merchandise 2013 Pride Festival (which is still available), and for keeping track of the finances. The Pride Festival is just about the best is a very bustling place both days, and Thank you to Steve Petersen and Shirley event Minnesota Atheists takes part in. many people stop at our booth to inquire Moll for creating the name tags and meal The highlight of the festival is the about Minnesota Atheists and atheism in cards for the conference. And thank you to parade, which was June 30th this year. Each general. This year, I met one gal who was them and Chris Matthews for keeping track year, Minnesota Atheists registers for a so overjoyed when she saw our booth that of registration and checking people in to the spot in the parade and provides signs for she broke into tears as she ran up and gave conference. marchers to carry. We have signs that read: me a hug. She’d had no idea that there was Thank you to Emily Matejcek for helping You Look Just Like an Atheist; Smile, there an organization which shared her atheistic with our press release. is no Hell; Gay Rights are Equal Rights; beliefs. I really enjoyed talking to her and Thank you to Clint Buhs for helping with and everyone’s favorite, Hug an Atheist, letting her know that she wasn’t alone. our website content for the conference and among others. These signs really convey The whole Pride Festival is a great way baseball game. our motto, Positive Atheism in Action. The for Minnesota Atheists to display our sup­ Thank you to Stephanie Zvan, Steve Pe­ cheering we receive as we march down port, increase our visibility, and welcome tersen, Eric Jayne, and the Atheists Talk radio Hennepin Avenue is just amazing. And non-believers to our community. I’ve show production team at KTNF – AM 950 for I have heard it isn’t just that the crowd participated in the Pride Festival for the covering the baseball game and conference. cheers for everyone; a person who has past three years, and I’ve always had a fun, Thank you to the Ramada Plaza and all of watched the parade has told me that the positive experience. its helpful staff. crowd cheers louder as our group marches Minnesota Atheists has long been Thank you to American Atheists and the by. It’s encouraging that we get such a an ally of the GLBT movement, in part Freedom From Religion Foundation for your positive response from the crowd, not to because most objections to GLBT rights support. mention all the hugs the marchers who are religious ones which don’t hold up to And finally, thank you to all of our lead­ carry the Hug an Atheist sign receive. secular scrutiny. For Minnesota Atheists’ ers, organizers, supporters, paid members, and For the whole weekend of the Pride official position on GLBT rights, please see donors. Without you and your resources none Festival, Minnesota Atheists also regis­ of this could have happened. We cannot thank ters for a booth in Loring Park, where all positions. you enough for helping us continue our efforts of the festivities take place. This year I to promote the positive contributions of athe­ volunteered to staff the booth on Saturday, Heather Hegi is chair of the Minnesota ists to our society. the day before the parade. The festival Atheists Board. 8 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST

Chris Matthews Steve Petersen June/July Highway Cleanup Treasury Welcomes Volunteers

Report Join us as we continue our long tradition Creamery Cafe, 405 Main Street in Rice, of helping beautify our highways and west of the stoplight on Highway 10. All Radio Fund recieving atheist recognition in the form participants are invited to stay for lunch Mark Nelson...... $200 of a Minnesota Atheists Adopt-A-Highway after the cleanup. George Francis Kane...... $100 road sign. To coordinate car pools from the Nancy Ruhland...... $50 On Sunday, October 6th, Minnesota Twin Cities, visit the Minnesota Athe­ James Barri...... $25 Atheists will be performing its Adopt-A- ists Meetup page at Rhonda LeSage...... $25 Highway cleanup. The work goes from minnesota-atheists. James Wright...... $25 10:00 a.m. to about noon on Highway 10 For more information contact Deb Wes Barnes...... $20 in Rice, Minnesota. Gloves and sturdy Doucette at 320-253-5422 or me at Shirley Rae Moll...... $20 footwear are recommended. [email protected]. Mark Paquette...... $20 We’ll meet at 9:45 a.m. at The Old Hope to see you there! Steve Petersen...... $20 Thomas Dooley...... $10 Jill Carlson Cash donations...... $125 New Freethinking Families Total Radio Fund...... $640 Meetup Group Organized General/Visibility Fund Valerie Gingras...... $190 Atheist parents are welcomed to join the have discussion groups at local libraries. Jerome Kelley...... $100 new Twin Cities Freethinking Fami­ High quality child care is always William Udseth...... $100 lies Meetup page and get plugged into provided if applicable. There is no fee to Donald Theis...... $75 the expanded programming offered in join our meetup. Dean Borghorst...... $50 the Twin Cities for children and their Twin Cities Freethinking Families Gail Peterson...... $50 adults. is also seeking group organizers and Michelle Tjernagel...... $42 Our secular kids deserve to have discussion leaders to help our efforts Sean Carstensen...... $40 the same kind of programming that to provide nurturing, intellectually rich Justine Hartz...... $28 churches are able to support, and a activities for kids. Richard Swenson...... $25 group has arrived to fill this gap. We Please check it out at www.meetup. Brainerd Atheists & Freethinkers...$20 host events at local museums and we com/Twin-Cities-Freethinking-Families. Sarah Gerold...... $18 Al Seever...... $5

Total General/Visibility Fund...... $743 Neighborhood Involvement

Building Fund Program of Minneapolis Erik Englebretson...... $200 Dean Borghorst...... $50 Seeks Volunteers Eleanor Rittenour...... $10 The Seniors Program of the Neigh­ and over are welcome. Only a one-time Total Building Fund...... $260 borhood Involvement Program of commitment is required, and the work Cumulative Total...... $131,615 Minneapolis (NIP) seeks volunteers to can be done on any day of the week from assist people ages sixty-five and over. The October through November. Total Income:...... $1,643 Seniors Program provides a variety of Other volunteer opportunities are services that help older people remain in available as well. Top Expenses for June and July their home or apartment. For more information, con­ Baseball Game...... $2,270 Presently the Seniors Program is tact Jeanne at srvolunteer@ Radio Show...... $1,845 looking for volunteers to help clean or 612-746- Printing (non-Newsletter)...... $1,060 house gutters for seniors. Individuals, 8549, or visit the NIP website at www. Newsletter Printing...... $949 groups, and families with children seven september 2013 9

Grant Steves on left and Jack Caravela on right at the August recording of Atheists Talk. Cable Television Schedule

Podcasts Atheists Talk is available via both iTunes and YouTube. For more information see the Minnesota Atheist website at ­ Podcasts are made pos­ sible by Grant Hermanson.

Cable Bloomington Community Access Televi­ sion, Channel 16. Sundays, 11:00 p.m. Sponsored by David and Joanne Beardsley. Cable Television Report • Steve Petersen Burnsville Community Television, Channel 14. Broadcast on an erratic A Diverse Nation schedule. Check www.­ index.aspx?NID=484 to see if any For our August recording of the Atheists and Bill of Rights. showtimes are scheduled. Sponsored Talk cable television show, Jack Car­ In the second program, The Diverse by Kevin Hardisty. avela interviewed Grant Steves for two Nation Struggles, Steves reviewed religion Eagan Community Television, Channel programs. The first, The Founding of a in contemporary America, noting that as 15. Broadcast on an erratic schedule. Diverse Nation, covered religion in the we become more diverse religiously and Check early years of America. Steves reviewed less religious overall, we create the need channels/channel-15 to see if any Colonial religious persecution by major­ for a more secular government. showtimes are scheduled. Sponsored ity Christian sects over minority sects, The Atheist Talk cable television by Kevin Hardisty. other minority religions, and non- show is created by George Kane, Brett Minneapolis Television Network, Channel believers. He then went on to discuss the Stembridge, Shirley Moll, Steve Petersen, 75. Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by dissimilar religious beliefs of our found­ Wendy Steinberg, Grant Hermanson, Steve Petersen. ers and their impact on our Constitution and Art Anderson. North Suburban Access Corporation, Channel 21, serving the Moundsview Steve Petersen area. Wednesdays, 10:30 p.m. Spon­ sored by Shirley Moll. Cable Television Ideas and Rochester Public Access, Channel 10. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs­ Sponsors Still Needed days, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Jim Salutz. If you have an idea for our Atheists Talk or 651-484-9277. We would Saint Cloud Public Access, Channel 12. cable television program, or if you have especially like to be back on in Duluth, Thursdays, 8:30. Sponsored by Tom a public access television station in your Mankato, and Moorehead. Sponsorship Stavros. community and would like to be a spon­ is easy to do and you will help bring the Saint Paul Neighborhood Network, sor, please contact me at spetersen175@ atheist voice to your community. Channel 15. Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. Sponsored by Jim Wright. Suburban Community Channels, Chan­ nel 15, serving the Maplewood area. Crpytogram Answer Saturdays 8:00 p.m. Sponsored by Michael Seliga. It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no reason whatsoever for Valley Access Channels, Channel 18, supposing it to be true. serving the Stillwater area. Check for show­ —Bertrand Russell times. Sponsored by Lee Salisbury. 10 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST

Radio Report Annie Laurie Gaylor, PZ Myers, and Jerry DeWitt Featured on Atheists Talk Radio This Past Summer

The Atheists Talk radio show is broad­ council, he faced a challenge based for people who have never lobbied and cast live every Sunday morning from in North Carolina’s religious test. He those who want to lobby more effec­ 9:00 to 10:00 on KTNF, 950 AM. A joined us to talk about the influence tively. live stream and podcasts are available of theism in North Carolina’s politics through the Minnesota Atheists website and about his new novel, She Walks on Annie Laurie Gaylor on Atheists Talk at­ Water. #231, August 11th, 2013 The shows for June, July, and Au­ Annie Laurie Gaylor is the co­ gust featured a number of nationally The Complete Heretic’s Guide to founder and current copresident of the known atheists as well as leaders from Western Religion Book One: The Mor- Freedom From Religion Foundation Minnesota Atheists. mons—David Fitzgerald on Atheists (FFRF), an organization devoted to Talk #228, July 21st, 2013 addressing violations of church-state Paleofantasy—Marlene Zuk on Athe- David Fitzgerald is an author, separation and educating the public in ists Talk #225, June 30th, 2013 atheist activist, and public speaker. His matters related to non-theism. In her new book, Paleofantasy: newest book is The Complete Heretic’s What Evolution Really Tells Us About Guide to Western Religion Book One: The Happy Atheist—PZ Myers on Sex, Diet, and How We Live, evolution­ The Mormons. It’s written for people Atheists Talk #232, August 18th, 2013 ary biologist and behavioral ecologist who are new to Mormon teachings as PZ Myers’ solo blog, Pharyngula, Marlene Zuk takes the stories we are well as ex-Mormons. Using history, and group blog, The Panda’s Thumb, told about how our deep ancestry de­ expose, and humor, the book explains helped to pioneer the genre of science termines the way we are and puts them the practices and ideas that drive the blogs. Through his commentary on the under the microscope. They frequently Mormon church and other creationist come up lacking, but along the way, organizations, he also helped to pioneer Zuk provides an entertaining education Hope After Faith—Jerry DeWitt on atheist blogging, eventually becoming about our Paleolithic and more recent Atheists Talk #229, July 28th, 2013 the cofounder of the most-read atheist pasts. When it became known that Jerry network, FreethoughtBlogs. DeWitt was an atheist, he lost his job, The Happy Atheist, Myers’ new Spillover: Animal Infections and his community, and his wife. But he book, collects some of his most-accessi­ the Next Human Pandemic—David gained his freedom and a new commu­ ble writing. Quammen on Atheists Talk #226, July nity of nonbelievers. In his book, Hope 7th, 2013 After Faith: An Ex-Pastor’s Journey From The Atheists Talk radio show is pro­ David Quammen is an author, es­ Belief to Atheism, DeWitt shares his duced by Minnesota Atheists. The June, sayist, and science writer. In his recently story with us. July, and August shows were created published book, Spillover: Animal Infec- This show also included a short by Brianne Bilyeu, August Berkshire, tions and the Next Human Pandemic, interview with Sunsara Taylor. Taylor is Carl Hancock, George Kane, Greg Quammen takes us along on his world a writer for Revolution Newspaper, an Laden, Scott Lohman, David Pacheco, travels as he explores where these initiator of Stop Patriarchy, and a proud and Stephanie Zvan. Original music emerging diseases come from, how and atheist. In the interview, she talked was composed and performed by Brent why they cross over to humans from about Stop Patriarchy’s Abortion Rights Michael Davids. their animal hosts, and what the next Freedom Ride, a country-wide caravan If you would like to participate in big human outbreak will be. opposing restrictions on abortion. the creation of the show, please contact us at [email protected]. Cecil Bothwell on Atheists Talk #227, The Citizen Lobbyist—Amanda Knief To learn more about Atheists Talk, July 14th, 2013 on Atheists Talk #230, August 4th, 2013 visit us on Facebook and at A large number of states in the U.S. American Atheists Managing Direc­ atheiststalk. have laws which prevent atheists from tor Amanda Knief has taken her years of Atheists Talk radio costs about $900 holding public office. Although these lobbying experience and distilled them per month to produce. Please con­ laws have been found to be unconstitu­ down for us. Her new book, The Citizen sider making a denotation by using the tional, they are sometimes still enforced. Lobbyist: A How-to Manual for Mak- coupon on page eleven or by visiting When Cecil Bothwell was elected ing Your Voice Heard in Government, is­ -and-donate/ to the Asheville, North Carolina, city full of practical, easy-to-follow advice radio-fund. september 2013 11

Upcoming Events

Atheist/Agnostic Alcoholics Freethought Dinner Social. Sec­ Lunch at the Dragon House Res- Anonymous. Sundays, 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 ond and fourth Mondays, 5:00 p.m. to taurant. Third Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. p.m., Men’s Center, 3249 Hennepin Ave­ 7:00 p.m., Davanni’s, 8605 Lyndale Av­ to 2:00 p.m., Dragon House Restau­ nue South, Suite 55, Minneapolis. Meets enue South, Bloomington. Contact Bob rant, 3970 Central Avenue, Columbia in the basement. Open to all genders. or Marilyn Neinkerk, 612-866-6200. Heights. Contact Bill Volna, 612-781- Atheists Talk television show Freethought Lunch. First Tuesday, 1420. recording. First Thursday, 6:00 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Old Coun­ Minnesota Atheists Board Meet- 9:00 p.m., MTN Studio A, 125 Southeast try Buffet, County Road B2 between ing. Third Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Main Street, Minneapolis. Contact Steve Fairview and Snelling. Contact Bob or Larpenteur Estates Party Room, 1276 Petersen, 651-484-9277. Marilyn Nienkirk, 612-866-6200. Larpenteur Avenue West, St. Paul. Open Burnsville Book Club. First Freethought Toastmasters. First to all members. Contact George Kane, Wednesday. Dinner 6:30 p.m., meeting and third Mondays, 6:00 p.m., Lar­ [email protected]. 7:00 p.m. to about 9:00 p.m. Davanni’s, penteur Estates Party Room, 1276 14639 County Road 11, Burnsville. Meet Larpenteur Avenue West, St. Paul. Con­ For all the latest meeting news, visit in the party room. tact George Kane, [email protected]. Dinner & A Book. Fourth Wednes­ Little Canada Book Club. Second and subscribe to Atheists’ Weekly Email day, 7:00 p.m. Davanni’s, 5937 Summit Sunday, 1:00 p.m., Caribou Coffee, 3354 (AWE) at Drive, Brooklyn Center. Rice Street, Little Canada. atheists-weekly/subscribe-to-awe.html We worship the Almighty. Send us some. Join Minnesota Atheists, renew your membership, or make a donation. o One-year student membership $10 o Life membership $600 o One-year individual membership $35 o Three-year individual membership $90 o General fund $ o One-year household membership $45 o Three-year household membership $115 o Building fund $ o One-year sustaining membership $75 o Three-year sustaining membership $200 o Radio fund $

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Minnesota Atheists is dedicated to building a positive atheist community that actively promotes secular values through educational programs, social activities, and participation in public affairs.


BOARD EMAIL EDITORIAL BOARD EMAIL The image on page one is re- Minnesota Atheists [email protected] [email protected] produced under the Creative practices positive, Commons Attribution-Share­ inclusive, active, friendly, PRESIDENT EDITORIAL BOARD Alike 3.0 Unported license neighborhood atheism in Eric Jayne George Kane ( order to provide a community [email protected] [email protected] ses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en). for atheists, educate the 651–488–8225 public about atheism, and ASSOCIATE PRESIDENT Shirley Moll promote separation of state Stephanie Zvan [email protected] MINNESOTA ATHEISTS and church. [email protected] Christopher Matthews MEDIA [email protected] CHAIR James Zimmerman PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR MINNESOTA ATHEISTS Heather Hegi [email protected] Emily Matejcek, AFFILIATIONS [email protected] [email protected] EDITOR Minnesota Atheists is an ASSOCIATE CHAIR Lewis Campbell ATHEISTS WEEKLY EMAIL affiliate of the Atheist Andy Flamm lfc-813@ (AWE) Alliance of America, Atheist [email protected] Christopher Matthews Alliance International, 507-645-5217 [email protected] American Atheists, the SECRETARY American Humanist Jill Carlson CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER CABLE TV CHAIR Association, the Council [email protected] Richard Trombley Steve Petersen, for , the [email protected], International Humanist TREASURER MEMBERSHIP/CHANGE OF 651–484–9277 and Ethical Union, and the Chris Matthews ADDRESS Secular Coalition for America. [email protected] Steve Petersen WEBMASTER 763–428–3424 [email protected] Grant Hermanson 651–484–9277 [email protected] MINNESOTA ATHEISTS DIRECTORS-AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP August Berkshire Submit material for the PODCASTS CHAIR [email protected] newsletter to editor@ Grant Hermanson Regular members: 208 612–338–4548 Submissions [email protected] Life members: 34 George Kane may be edited. Meetup members: 1,462 [email protected] 651–488–8225 THE MINNESOTA ATHEIST, Phil Cunliffe September 2013, Published MINNESOTA ATHEISTS [email protected] by Minnesota Atheists, PO HONORARY MEMBERS Box 120304, New Brighton, MN 55112, 612–588–7031, Hector Avalos, PhD [email protected], Dan Barker Copyright © Gerald Erickson, PhD 2013 by Minnesota Atheists. Annie Laurie Gaylor All rights reserved. Dick Hewetson Robert M. Price, PhD