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> Digitized bfJfJ^^JR^i^-^Vrciiive in 2010W]1t^tundi]ig/from National Library of

http://www.archive.org/details/butecountydirect188990rot RESTAURAUTEUR, Wilt uffii Sfirit ®$r«laiit,




Extensive Variety of Ladies' and Children's Requisites of First-Class Quality. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, ilccouutaiit ttiib ^ou8e=ilgeiit,

iluctioueer aiii) Valuator, 3 TOWER STREET, ROTHESAY.

Auction Sales conducted, Valuations efected, and Insurance Claims adjustea on every Description of Property— heritable and Move- able—on reasonable terms. THOMAS BEEX., SEED GROWIING MERCHANT & FLORIST,

(AdjoiniLg Messrs Adaroson & Sou's Studio), CHAPELHILL ROAD and BRIDGE STREET, ROTHESAY. Open to Visitors.

Bouquets. Fruit, ancfiCut Flowers in Season, H EATO N'S


Families and Visitors can have every confidence in being supplied with a First-Clasa Whisky, as it is tlioroughly Matured in Bond, Mellow with Age, and Guaranteed a Wliole Aome and Good Stimulant. Wines of the Finest Quality. BEER AND STOUT FROM THE BEST BREWERS, Always in Stock and Prime Condition for Use.


7 VICTORIA STREET. ROTHESAY. QUEEN'S^ HOTEL, WEST ®A¥, SI>THESA¥. Established a Quarter of a Century. FIVE MINUTES' WAI_K FROM PIER. On the Esplanade.

A /r R D. MACPHERSON (for 29 years Lessee of the ArgyllArms Hotel, Inveraray), /Vi begs to announce that he has succeeded in this Old-Established and First-Class / ^ * Family and Ciunmercial Hotel, which comprises magnificent Dining Saloon (one / of the finest in Scotland), Ladies' Drawing Room, elegant Sitting Rooms, Smoking and Billiard Rooms, Bathrooms, and over 40 Bedrooms, all furnished in the most modem style. Tourists will find the Queen's Hotel a most suitable and convenient resort for breaking their journey gomg eithwr North or South. Several Pleasure Excursions can be had from Rothesay at convenient hours every day by " ," "Lord of the Isles," " Ivanhoe," "Victoria," " .Sultana," and other steauiers for Arran, Cumbrae, Campbeltown, Inveraray, Ardrishaig, Ayr, Arrochar, Loch Lomond, and other places on the Frith of Clyde; return- ing to Rothesay in the afternoon. A variety of bcauteful Qrives can also be had to the various places of interest in the Island.

TABLE D'HOTE AT 6-30. BEADTIFUL CARDEMS AMD PLEASURE GROUNDS- — :letter8 and telexjxiams punctually attended to:— P^^¥IE^ Be^r^DED BY TJIE WEEK 0J^ JI0]yTp. BOOTMAKER, 55 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. o rPHOMPSON'S GOODS admittedly Combine •^ Ease with Elegance, Lightness with Dura- bility, and Thorough Protection from Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke Trade gets his ; Lasts made by the Best Makers ; and in all cases Guarantees a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation.

JSvery Novelty in the Trade Kept in Stock or Procured on the Shortest Notice.


ILBERT ^ac:KINNON Wagonett . • I Handsome Brake- Carriae-es I et bv the I ^ n -. t» i carry lo. Month Posting 111 all itS Branches. | to Week or I i/%/!ii



ROT H E S AY: All Books ELLEKs and News-agents, — Mils i^eioiiy General Draper, Clothier, etc.,


Rothesay and Glasgow Carrier, 47 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY- Glasgow Offices—22 Jackson Steet, and 90 Argyle Street o Parcels received from and forwarded to all Parts of the World.


Fish and Poultry dressed in any style, Ready for Table Use Agent for Annacker's Sausages.

ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. ^\ I, 71 MONTAGUE STREET, Begs to Intimate that he has added to his Trade of BOOT & SHOE MAKER, etc., a new Department, viz, ; INDIA RUBBER GOODS, COMPRISING

kdies' & Geut's. Waterproof Coats, Hot Water Bottles, Tennis Bats, Balls, (fee. L. M I LLOY,



1 John Street, Rothesay.

Horse-Shoeing and General Smith Wftrk,


Established over 30 Years.

MILLINE K,, 67 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

Established 1851.

Millinery, Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Laces, Ties, Scarfs, Velvets, Collars, Cuffs, Wools, Underclothing, &c., &c. iHT AGENT FOR P. & P. CAMPBELL, DYERS. PERTH. J. JtrUler 8f Souj S Ij .A. T E I^ S, 5 Oolumshill Street, Rothesay « M'CaHum d Marshall, Joiners and Funeral Undertakers, 50 High Street, Rothesay Jfohn Spenee, SLATER ANi> CEMENT WORKER, 15 Mill Street, Rothesay

Buchanan's Reslaurant^ }

27 Victoria St., ^^pPb^Jd stand.) Rothesay Breakfasts, Dinners, Teas.

^. & E. M'JXah, Joiners, Glaziers, and Paneral Undertakers, 5 J East Princes Street, Rothesay. House—29 Mill Street, Rothesay.

^ • *^' ^^ifCfi'f^, Successor of Robert Taylor,

Established, 1863. 5 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

ROBERT WATSON, CONTRACTOR, Lochfyne Steamboat Office, Rothesay Pier. —Furniture and other Goods carefully Removed. Parties Removing can depend on every care and attention being given to their Orders, TO LET"ALL SORTSTICKETSOF TO BE HAD AT Tl]e West Const J^ruiteri). — ROBERT M'GEE, FAMILY GHOCEE, and WINE MEECHAET, 1 AKOYLE STREET

Goods delivered by Van to iVscog and Port-Bannatyne.

Nurseryman, Florist, and Seedsman,


Shop East Princes Street.

pftTEfiSfflH & less,

Diapeiv,, iCiotljiers, aiiD ©eiicial Diitfittcrs,

39 VICrOEIA STREEr, ROTHESAY. (OPPOSITE THE BAND STAND.) PA.S SENDERS, Booked at Lowest Pvates to the CAPE, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, UNITED STATES, CANADA, AnJ every other part of the World, by any of the Principal Lines of Steamers and Sailing- Vessels. Full information given by Robert Orkney, Jnr., Albion House, West End Victoria Street., ROYAL HOTEL, R O T H E S^VY.

THIS NEW HOTEL has been opened by Mr KELLY, late of the Victoria), and was specially built for a Family, Tourist, and Commercial Hotel. The Rooms are Large and Airy, and havea commanding View of the Bay and surrounding Scenery.

Spacious Coffee Rooms. Private Sitting Rooms. Ladies Drawing Room. Bath Rooms and Lavatories on each Floor.

Table iVHoie at 6.30 diiring the Season.

Parties Boarded by the Week or jMonth. JOHN ORKNEY,

Clothier, Draper,

Hosier, Outfitter, &o, WEST END VICTORIA STREET,

I^ O T HC E S .A. ~^.


« « rt



3tlH O 5 Juao E-E* * (Lath Andrew M'Kirdy) Carriage-Hirer,

n rt.o 5 BISHOP ST., ROTHESAY, Begs to intimate to the Visitors to, and the Residenters of Rothesay and Surrounding Districts, that he has at the u « "- ROTHESAY LIVERY STABLES, 7 BISHOP STREET, >> .. ca « First-Class Horses, New Landuas, &c. . and Steady Drivers ; also Brakes suited for 10 and 15. '^(fl «, in Is First-Class Hearse and First-Class Mourning Coach. t3 M<4M c ao Orders Punctually Attended to. O *j §"3 8


Supplied at Cheapest Rate

and Best Workmanship.

Lettering, Cleaning, and Repairing —done Promptly and Moderately. A.LLAN GILCHI^IST•S MONUMENTAL WORKS, Comer of Union St. and High St., and Opposite CEMETERY GATE, ROTHESAY.

Batablished 1848. Robert Morrison, JOINER AND ARCHITECT, 35 Watergate Street, Rothesay

James Hunter, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 10 West Princes Street, Rothesay. Refreshment Rooms, Mrs BELL, 15 Watergate Street, Rothesay. Hot Victuals on the Shortest Notice. Fish and Tripe Suppers. Bryce McMillan, Joiner, Gartivrigiit, and Funeral Undertaffer, 6 Russell Street, Rothesay. Dcg- Carts, 'Chapel Carts, Waggonettes, Gigs, See always on hand.

Archibald Macintosh, (Established 1838,) P/iarmaceutical Chemist, 43 Victoria Street, Rothesay, And PORT-BANNATYNE,

jMeac. Bankin. Clothier and Outfitter,

25 Victoria St., ^^^xfocS^t'o St'office). Rothesay.

Braces, Scmfs, Shirts, Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Gloves, d:c.

Alexander R. Peacock, Registered Plumber, Gasfltter, and Zinc Wortier, 23 High Street, and 53 Arbbeg Road, Rothesay. Branch from 133 Great Western Road, Glasgow. House—43 Ardbeg Road, Rothesay. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bell-Hanging, Pumps, Rones, Ridges, &c.



Open Daily from 10 to 3 o'clock, and on Saturday Evenings from 7 to 9. CALEDONIAN RAILWAY. TOURS IN SCOTLAND. The Caledonian Railway Company have arranged a system of Tours—OTer Coach, compre- loo in number-by Rail, Steamer (on Sea, River and Loch), and associafaons hending almost every place of interest either for scenery or historical throughout Scotland, including- Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, luTerness, Greenock, Paisley. Dumfries. Moffat, Peebles, . Loch-Katrine, PertH. Crieff Dunkeld, Oban, Inveraray. tbeTrossachs Loch-Eok, Loch-Earn. Loch-Tay.Locl^Awe Caledonian Loch-Lomond. Bute, Canal. Glencoe, lona, Staffa, Skye, Balmoral, Braemar. Arran, the Firth of Clyde, the Falls of Clyde, &c„ &c. Rail- OS" TOURISTS are recommended to procure a copy of the Caledonian way Company's "Tourist Guide," which contains descriptive notices of the at any of the Districts embraced in the Tours, Maps, Plans, &c They can be had and Nortn- Company's Stations, and also at the chief stations on the London Hydro- Western Railway. They are also supplied gratis to the chief Hotels, pathics, Steamboats, &c., in Great Britain or Ireland. all the chief Tickets for these Tours are issued at the Company's Booking Offices at towns. The Tourist Season generally extends from June to September inclusive. The Caledonian Co. also issue Tourist Tickets to the Lake District Of *c. England, the Isle of Man, Connemara, The Lakes of Killarney,

The Caledonian Railvitay, in conjunction with the London and North- WESTWestern Railway,COASTforms what is knownROUTEas the between _^ SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND. Hours, LONDON (Euston) f EDINBURGH (Princes Street) _in 8i and 1 GLASGOW (Central) - within 9 Hours. DIRECT TRAINS RUN FROM AND TO Qlasgo-w, Edinburgh, Greenock. Paisley. Stranraer, Stirling. Oban, Perth, Dundee. Aberdeen. Inverness, and other places in Scotland, TO AND FROM London (Euston), Birmingham. Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, Penrith (for Lake District),Leeds,Bradford, & other places in England Sleeping and Day Saloon Carriages. Through Guards and Conductors.

The Caledonian Company's Trains from and to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Carlisle, &c., connect on the Clyde with the "Columba," "lona," "Lord of the Isles," " Ivanhoe," and other Steamers to and from Dunoon, Innellan, Rothesay, Largs, Millport, the Kyles of Bute, Arran. Campbeltown, Ardrishaig, Inveraray, &C., &C. LOCh-Goil, Loch-Long, „ . r^x ^r^r^•m An Improved Train Service is now run between EDINBURGH & GLASGOW —the journey being performed by Express Trains in 65 minutes. An Express service of Trains is also run from Edinburgh and Glasgow to Stirling, Oban, Perth, Dundee, Aberdeen, and the North, and vice versa. For particulars of Trains, Fares, &c., see the Caledonian Railway Company's Time Tables. The Extension of the Railway from Greenock to Gourock Pier will be opened in the beginning of Jnne. This route will be the best and most expeditious for Passengers to and from Dunoon, Kirn, Hunter's Quay, Holy Loch, Loch-Long, Loch-Goil, and the Watering Places in that District, from and to Glasgow. Edin- burgh, London, Liverpool, Manchester, and other places in England and Scotland.

The Caledonian Company's large and magnificent CENTRAL STATION HOTEL, GLASGOW, is under the Company's own management. Glasgow, 1889. JAMES THOMPSON, General Manager. £>^ l M E ^ G E N T S, STORE LANE, ROTHESAY.

Cargoes Contracted for with Bailders, Plasterers, Contractors, Farmers, (fee.

Note.—Supply always in Store. Shipped per Steamer when Wanted. JAMES GALLO^WA.Y, WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT, Guildford Square, Rothesay.


Life Association of Scotland, Founded 1838. For Life Assurance and Annuities. Funds in Hand, £3,310,793. Annual Revenue, £485,456. SPECIAL REDUCED RATES OF PREMIUM.

For Prospectuses and other Information^ apply to JOHN T. WILSON, Town Olerk

Scottish Union and National INSURANCE COMPANY. FIRE A.NI3 LIFE. Established, 1824. Capital, £6,000,000.

Distinguished Jor Prompt and Liberal Settlement of all Claims, Prospectuses and every Information from

JOHN T. WILSON, Town Clerk. North British and Mercantile

Established 1809. Incorporated by Rotal Charter. Capital £2,500,000. Reserve Fund, £1,788,112.




Joiners, Glaziers, Cabinetmakers, Funeral Undertakers, and House Agents 15 BRIDGE STREET, ROTHESAY. AUCTIONEER, 22 Bridge Street, IR O T H: E S uA. "Y-.

Sales Conducted in Town and Country at Moderate Terms. . Prompt Ciettlements. sy:

Kooftsellcr, 4^ 4^

Stationer, 4^ 4

4^ 4^ HiBrarimi, miO

4^ 3lett)8agent,


All the Leading PUBLICATIONS on Hand.

BOOKBINDING in all its Branches.

A Magnificent Variety of WHITEWOOD GOODS With Local Views.

Splendid Selection of I'HOTOGRAPHS of Scottish Scenery.

Msa-ning and Evening PAPERS Delivered on Arrival of Steamers. :

..vvvv%^^%/%%%%%%%%/^^%%%<><%^»»%%v»vwv^%%%%»v»%%'%y%v^ Bute County m

For 1889-90- i Docooooooooooo oooodooooooo^o^

I I I I I I I I I i MM I I I 11





ROTHESAY Compiled, Printed akd Published, By biggie & COMPANY. PRESS OPINIONS OF FORMER EDITIONS.

The Scottish Leader says> regrardingr the previous issue ot the Directory, " The information it contains is of a kind to be useful both to business men and to tourists."

The Glasgow Herald says—" The Directory will undoubtedly prove useful to those who have occasion to consult its pag-es, The lists of official persons and professional gentlemen for Bute, Arran and the Cumbraes are " carefully iven.

The Evening Citizen says— "The Directory is arranged m three parts embracing a mass of information which must prove useful both to stran ers and residents concerning the ."

T/w Greenock Telegraph says—" Higgie's Directory contains a mass of infor- mation. It will be found of great value as a reference book."

Ayrshire Weekly If«ws says—" This Directory will ijrove serviceable to many who do business on the West Coast Its blemishes, the result of haste, may be easily remedied in future issues,"

The Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald says— " The Directory got up by Mr George Hi ie, journalist, Rothesay, is an evidence of the enterprise and public spirit that abounds in Rothesay. It is one of the many little ways open to an enterprising man to push his own business, affording other tradesmen an opportunity of pushing theirs, and at the same time giving the general public a deal of information, 1;hat is indispensible to residents at fashionable watering-places."

The Oban Telegraph says—" The Directory is an honest shilling's worth, and will be found invaluable to merchants and traders in the West."

T?u Kirkcudbright Advertiser says—" This publicatiou should be in the hands of every one having business connections with the West Coast."

The Watchman sftys— " Higgie's Directory is a very comprehensive and methodically-arranged handbook. It merits the large circulation which it now obtains," PRE FAC E.

is again before the Public.

With this issue is introduced

Business Lists.

We have got all the different Lists thoroughly revised and corrected up to date.

/ Our best thanks are due to our many friends for their encouragement and support.


Rothesay, June, 1889.

« ;,

{ c o nTe iTt sT}

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY.—Rental, Fiars Prices, Assessments, Population, Toluntcer Officers Constituencies } Public Officials ; Mifitia and j Offlce-Bearers of Joint-Stock ClergymeM j Bankers j Lawyers ; Teachers ;

Fast Days } Fairs ; Valuation j Companies, Benefit, and other Societies ; — Communications ; Postal Arrangements ; &c., &g<: COUNTY OF BUTE, 1 ISLE OF BUTE, .. .. «. .. .i .. T

l>ARIStt OF RotffBSAT, ., ., .. .. .- • ' BUBOH OF BotHESAY, «4 4 .« .» >• ISLI or ARRAN,

KlLMORT, <4 tHE CUMBRAES. BvROH or Millport,


laLB or BUTE i RothbsaV, North Butb»..

KlI«OitRTH, .<




3F Am^ E'f. TABLES—Useful Mlscellaneotis Rbadt Reckoner, ,^ 9?

BRUEDgRs' Calendar, . 101 Weight ©r Cattle, . WlIQHT OF HAtj •» •> 1©3



3rd Ward. 5th Ward. 1st Ward. . Gallowgate, _^ High Street, Marine Place, ... Bridge-End Street, — Croft Lane, Wyndham Road, Ladeside, Minister's Brae, . Ardbeg Road, ... - Hillhouse Road, Mountpleasant Road, . Ardmory Road, Columshill Street,. Glenhead Place, — Serpentine Road,.. Westwood, Alma Terrace, . — Bishop Terrace, Argyle Place, __ Gowanfield Place, Place,. — Castle Street, M'Nab's Brae, ... _ Golumshill Ladeside, Watergate, M'Kinlay Street, ~ — Montague Street, Albert Place, Argyle Terrace, ... — Victoria Street, .. — Street, West Princes Street, . Landward, . Tower King Street, — Store Lane, CastlehiU Street, Bishop Street, 2nd Ward. Mill Street, - Barone Road, East Princes Street, .. Argyle Terrace, .. — John Stree, _ Bishop Terrace Brae, . Argyle Street, — M'AUisters Court, — Serpentine Road,

Chapelhill Road, . York Terrace, - 4th Ward, Bth Ward. Chapelhill, — — Montague Street.,. Bishop Terrace Brae, . Gallowgate, .. ~ GuUdford Square, East Princes Street, . Bridge Street, .. Victoria Street. .. z Street, — Battery Place Bridge-End Street, Tower Mill Street, — Mountstuart Road, HiUhouse Road, .. — Union Street, Albany Road Staffa Place,.. I Russell Street, . Columshill Street, — Craigmore Road, Alma Terrace, . — High Street, Orcadia, . Inkerman Terrace, Meadowcap, — , Havelock Terrace, Smart Street, — High Craigmore, . Ijilyoak Terrace, Watergate, Castle Street, — Crichton Road, Ballochgoy Terrace, Mountpleasant, East Burgh Lun^is. Westlan dRoad, - Landward, -




1884-5. 1885-6. 1886-7. 1887-8. 1 1888-9. Parish. ] £l,»2o £1,808 Rothesay (ex. burgh, £2414 £2234 £2206 10,698 10,745 11,033 9,837 9,739 12,575 12.508 12,314 11,264 11,110 Cumbrae 17,500 17,439 17,546 17,589 17,773 283 274 Lit. Cumbrae, (Ardrossan) 308 308 294 Kilbride, Arran, 10,401 10,412 10,471 11,337 12,124 TCilmnrv T)o 11,069 11.009 11,060 12,107 12,492

£64,955 £64,655 £64,92J £64,242 £65,306 57,03t Burgh of Eothesay,.. 55,265 56,633 57,285 56,786

Grand Total, £120,220 £121,288 £121,95. £121,527 £122,092 FIARS PRICES. 1885 1886 1887 1888 Wheat, per Quarter, £15 6 £1 104 £1 3 24 Bar:ey, „ £15 1 1 H

16 44 18 9 uats, „ 19 6 19 Oi 1 10. 8 1 10 u 1 4 7 1 4 5 Oatmeal, per 140 Lbs 16 6 16 3i 15 34 16 8 ASSESSMENTS which yields abaut £335 County. —General A sf-e sment, l^d per £1, 67 Registration of Voters • Oid „ „ 469 Lunacy, ... lid „ „ C int.igious Diseases (Animals), .Old „ „ 67 Courthouse, Oid „ „ 67 737 Polic3, ... 23d „ „

Tota\ 6 d per £1, which vieVls about £1742 The Conta?"ou8 Diseases (Animals) and Regfi ^tration of Voters Assessments and the Courthousa Assessment en the Burgh ot Rothesay will yield about £65. Road Rate for Arr„n 1888-89 Is Od per £1 Do., Bute aad Cumbrae, 7d „ Do., Cumbrae, l^d „ —

County of Official Directory. Bute.

in Population, 1871, 16,977 ; in 1881, 17,666—8109 males, and 9557| females. Increase in 10 years, 689. Parliamentary constituency,!

Lieutenancy.—Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriffs Lieut-Colonel James • Frederick Dudley Crichton Stuart. Vice-Lieutenant, General Chas. Stuart. Deputy-Lieutenants — Earl of Glasgow ; James Lamont

of Knockdhu ; Lord Mure, Edinburgh ; the Provost of Rothe-

say ; Thomas Russell of Ascog ; Herbert Crichton Stuart. Clerk, Adam Dick Macbeth, Eothesay.

Member of Parliament. —The Eight Hon. James Patrick Bannermani Robertson, m. a.,q.c., adv., Lord Advocate (Con). Votes polled, 1886 Robertson, 1364; Rev. Nigel McNeil (G.L.), 819. Parliamentary Constituency then, 2979.

Commissioners of Supply.— Convener, Thomas Russell, Esq,, of I Clerk Ascog. of Supply and Collector of County Rates, John T. . Wilson, writer, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor, and Assessor' under the County Voters Registration Act, John Muat, Greenock, Keeper of Court Houses, Angus McAlpine. Analyst, J. W, Biggart- Greenock. Auditor, Robert Mackirdy, Rothesay.

Sheriff Court. —The Court meets at Rothesay on Tuesdays and Thurs- days. Small Debt Courts, Thursdays, Circuit Small Debt Courts meet Quarterly pt Brodick and Millport. Sheriff, Sir Charles J. Pearson, advocate. Sheriffs-Substitute, Robert Orr. Hon. Sheriffs Sub., Arch. Mackirdy. Procurator- Fiscal,'W.Q.W. Maddever. Clerk, Daniel Macbeth; Clerks-Depute— Hothesscy, A. D. Macbeth. Brod-

ick, John Fuilarton ; jMillport, Jas. Ross. The Circuit Coart lor Buteshire meets six times a year at Glasgo"W.

Argyll and Bute Artillery Volunteers.— Hon-Col. Commandant, Fred. Campbell. CoL, Dugald MacLachlan. Majors, J. Cameron aud John Windsor Stuart. Adjutant, Rothesay. Surgeon Major, Wm, Hunter, M.D., Rothesay. Chaplain, Rev. J. F. M Pherson, Greenock.

No 8. Battery, Rothesay.^— Captain, Adam D. Macbeth. LJeutenant,

• Second-Lieutenant, D. Cunniugham. Drill, Lnstructor, Sergeant-Major George Madden, r.a. Band Master, Gourge B. Laidlaw.

No. 9 Battery, M.iia.vokt!.—Lieutenant, William Smilh. Drill- Instructor, Battery Sergeant-Major Thomas Henry, r.a.

6th Brigade Scottish Division Royal Artillery, (Argyll & Bute Militia.)- -Meets annually for Drill at Campbeltown). —i/o??. CoL S. M. Eddington. Lieut.- Col, W. J. Scarlett. Listructor of Ar- tillery, Capt. J. T. Nichol. Adjutant, R. W. Hauna, r.a. Medical Officer, W. Gibsor. Major, C. Lamont. Captains, J. M. Mut.er, 2 —

County of Oflftcial Directory. Bute,

F. A. Walker- Jones, J. T. Nichol. D. C. Burns Macpherson, a«id J. Buckle.

1st (Renfrewshire) Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's) Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. — Ron. Colonel, Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart. Lieutenant Colonel, William Ross, Hon. Col. Major, W. O. Leitch, Hon, Li^ut-Col. Adjutant, Captain Crosbiev Chaplain, Rev. Peter McFarlane, b.a.

:. Company (Bute)— Captain and Hon. Major, John T. Wilson. Lieutenant, John Mclsaac. Second- Lieutenant, Malcolm Buchanan. Drill Instructor, Col. Sergt. Alexander Allan.

Justices of the Peace. — Tsle of Bute—Chas. Dalrymple, m.p., Arden-

craig; Provost Thomson ; ex-Provosts M. Sharp, Arch. Mackirdy, and John Orkney, Ur Hunter, John Jamieson, Captain Hector Macfie, John Mackirdy, and J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay;

Thomas Russell, and William Spencer, Ascog ; Duncan Macrae, North Bute; and James Miller, Edinburgh.

Island of Arran. —Jas. Allan, Lamksh ; Patrick Murray, Brodick;

J. C. Spiers, Bennecarrigan ; Donald M'Allister, Tormore ; John

Morton, M'tuchrie : and Wm. Tod, Gleni-ee. CuMBRAK.—The Earl of Glasgow, James Brown, Robert Robertson,

Breakough ; Archibald Scott, Ardenlea ; and Alex. Smart, Clifton House, Millport.

Ex-Officiis, The Sherifi; and Sheriff-Substitute ; the Provost, Bailies

and Dean of Guild ot Rothesay ; the Baron Bailie uf Mountstuart, and the Chief Magistrate of Mi'lport. Procurator- Fiscal, Wm. C. W. Maddever. Clerk, Daniel Macbeth. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James McNab. Officers, Peter Campbell and Alexander Campbell. Property and Income Tax Commissioners.— Sheriff Orr, ex -Provosts Sharp, Mackirdy and Orkney, Provost Thomson, John Jamieson, and Captain Hector Macfie, Rothesay; Sir Cha-«. Dalrymple, Bart.,

M.P,, Ardencraig ; and Thomas Russell of Ascog. Cle7% W. C. W. Maddever.

County Licensing Committee. — Provost Thomson, Archibald Mackirdy, John Orkney, John Mackirdy, Dr William

Hunter, and Captain Hector Ma. fie, Rothesay ; James Allan,

Lamlash ; and Arch. Scott, and Robert Robertson, Millport.

Contagious Diseases (Animals) Board. —The Lord Lieutenant and Sheriff of the County, Provust Thomson, Bailie

Macbeth, Bailie Walker, and J. W. Stuart, Rothesay ; F.

Pitman, Edinburgh ; i horaas Russell of Ascog ; James Duncan, Mains; Duncan. McConechy, Bannatyne James Kilchattan ; John

Largivrechtan ; Thomas Stevenson, Ardmalei.sh ; J. C Stewart,

Upper Ardroscadale ; Charles Duncan, Kilmory, and Archbald Mackay, Bruchag. County of Official Directory. Bute.

Brodick Arran—Patrick Murray, ; John Wallace, Whiting Bay, John Brown, Shedog ; and William Tod, Glenree. CuMBRAE—Eobert Eobertson, Breakough.

Clerk^ John T. Wilson. Inspector, .John Mackay, Chief Constable, Vehrtiary Inspector, W. Moodie, m.r.c.v.s-

— Chairman, Sheriff County Police Committee. Orr ; the Lord Lieu- tenant, the Sheriff, Provost Thomson, Bailie Macbeth, Bailie Walk-

er, John W. Stuart, Rothesay ; Thomas Eussell, Ascog ; James

Duucan, Rhubodach ; Archibald Lamont, Port -Bannatyne; John Patrick Murray, Brodick; Gumming, KUchattan ; Arch. Scott ;,||jj Wm. Wishart, Millport. and | Clerk, John T. Wilson. C Uef Constahle, John Mackay.

The Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitute, County Valuation Committee.— %i the Provost and two senior Bailies of Pothesay, the Marquess of Bute's factor. Baron Bailie of Mountstuart, Duke of Hamilton's factor, the Baron Baillie of Arran, the Marquess of Bute, the Duke Russell, Esq. of oi Hamilton ; Thomas Ascog ; James Duncan,

Bannatyne Mains ; Chief Magistrate of MilJport, Archibald Scott, Wm. Wishart, Thos. Duncan, jun., and Wm. Paterson. Millport;

J. Gumming, ; and A. Lamont, Port-Banuatyne.

Committee on Claims and Objections. — Thomas Russell, James Duncan, J. Windsor Stuart, Wm. Wishart, the Provost and two senior Bailies of Rothesay, and the Chief Magistrate of Millport.

Finance Committee.— Sheriff Orr (convener), Thomas Russell, Patrick Murray, J. Windsor Stuart, James Duncan, John Gumming, Wm. Arch, Scott, Arch. Lamont, the Provost and two senior Bailies of Rothesay.

District Board of hnnsicy'— Chairman, John W. Stuart ; Sheriff

Orr ; Thomas Russell of Ascog ; and James Duncan, Bannatyne

Mains ; Pruvost Thomson, Bailies Macbeth and Walker. Clerk and Treasurer, William Auld Wilson.

County Road Board.— Chairman, Thomas Russell. District Road Committees— — Sheriff Orr, J. W. Stuart (chairman), D. Crawford, Kingarth Bute ;

J. Gumming, Kilchattan Bay ; Chas. Duncan, Kilmory ; Jamea Duncan, Bannatyne Mains; James Duncan, Meikle Kilchattan;

and Thomas Russell, Ascog ; Arch. Lamont and John Halliday, Poit-Banuatyue. Purveyor, Wm. Mclntyre.

Ahran— D. McAllister, Sannox ; Patrick Murray, Brodick (chair-

man) ; Jamea Allan, jun., Balnacoole ; Dan. Bannatyne, JNorth Peorliue; and John Davidson, Giensuerig. 4 —

County of Official Directory^ ^^ COMBRAE— John Windsor Stuart (cb airman), Wm. Pateraon, Arch. Scott, Wm. Wishart, Thomas Duncan, Millport; Kobert Eobert- son, Breakough; Duncan M'Dougall, and WiQiam Allan. County Road Clerk and Treasurer—Johw T. Wilsnn, Eothesay. Auditor— Wm. M'Intosh.

District Clerks and Treasurers— John T. Wilson, Bute ;

, Arran ; William Hunter, Cumbrae.

Prison Visiting Committee.— Provost Thomson, John Gumming, Kilchattan Bay, and James Heaton. ifaxes. Collector of County Rates, John T. "Wilson. Collector of Incomt Tax, Thos. H. Taylor, Greenock. Surveyor, John Muat, Greenock. Assessor, W. C W. Maddever, Eothesay.

Stamp OfH-Ce- -Sub- Distjibutor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of I axes, Eobert Mackirdy, Bank of Scotland, Eothesay.

"Szcise.— Supervisor, George Boyd, Bowling. Officer, J. L. Lawlor, Eothesay.

Fishery.— Officer, John Skinner Bute Insurance Company Limited.—Chairman, Provost Sharp Joint-Secys. and Trtas., Daniel Macbeth and Adam D. Macbeth.

Political Associations.—Buteshire Liberal Association, Estab- lished, 1879.— President, Archibald Mackirdy. Secretary, Edw. McNab. For Branches, see Districts. Buteshire Conservative Association— Established 1880. Presi- dent, J. W. Stuart. Secretary, Alex. Campbell. For Branches, see Districts.

Buteshire Wine, Spirit, and Beer Trade Association.— President, James Boyle. Secretary, George Thomson. Treasurer, Donald W. McQueen.

Buteshire Football Association.—President, D. Currie. Treasurer, A. Montgomerie. Secretary, Wm. Stewart.

J^or District Officials see District Lists.


Population.— 1881, 10,971 Parliamentary Constituency, 1868.

Lord of the Manor. — John Patrick Crichton Stuirt, Marquess of Bute, K.T. Factor on Bute Estate, John Windsor Stuart. Baron Bailie of Mountstuart; Fred. Pitman, w.s., Edinburgh.

Bute Farmers' Society.— Hon. President The Marquess of Bute, k.t. President, Lachlan Milloy. Vice-President, Charles Dancan, Little Kilraory. Hon. Treasurer. Robert Watson, steamboat agent Hon. Secretary, T, W Alexander, writer. Committee— Messrs

Archd M. M'Kay, Bruchauj ; James M'A lister. Meikle Kilmory; James Duncan, Bannatyue Mains; Robert M'A lister, Mid Ascog;

William P. Dickie, Cranslagvounty ; Robert Crawford, Little Kil-

chattan ; John M?trtiu. Kerrynienoch; John C. Crawford, Port-

Bannatyne; Robert M'Bnde, blacksmith, John Street ; Malcolm Buchanan, grocer, Montague Street; Thomas Gilchrist, spirit merchant. High Street; M ^tthew Duncan, plastf^rer, Columshill Street; and Dugald M'Killop, flesher, Montague Street.

Horticultural and Aparian Society of Bute,—Hon. Presidents, The Marquess of Bute; Earl of Glasgow. President, the Provost of Rothesay. Secret ry—Mr Chas. John Blue. Treasurer—Mr John Kidd. Annual exhibition on 9th August.

Ornithological Society. . . . . -

Archaeological and Physical Society of Bute.— (Museum,Chapelhill). —Hon. President, Marquess of Bute, k.t. President, Bailie Mac- beth. Secretary, A. M'Gaw, a.m. Treasurer, Wm. Mcintosh. Meteorologist, James Kay, Barone Cottage.

Eoyal Northern Yacht Club.—Club House, Argyle Street, West Bay —Commodore, J. Wingfield Malcolm, Esq., M.P. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, T. F. Donald, 146 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Club-Master, William Burton. Fixtures—Opening cruise, on 23rd

at on I5th June ; Annual May ; Handicap Regatta Rothesay Pegatta at Rothesay on 29th June and 1st July; and closing cruise on — September. isle of Official Directory BuU.

Bute Auxiliary to the National Bibb Society of Scotland.

Hou. Presidents, Eev. Dr Elder, West Free Church ; Eev. Petei Macfarlane, b.a., U. P. Church. President, Pev. Ur Wilhamson Ascog. Secretary, Eev. Jas, K. Hewison, m.a., b.d., Parish MaLse Treasurer, A. M. Burnie, Clydesdale Bank.

Bute Women's Temperance Prayer Union.—Meets in Norman StewHrt Institute every Thursday Afternoon at half past three o'clock. President, Mrs Eobertson Vice-Presidents, Mrs Mans- ; field and Mrs Wm. Hunter. Treasurer, Miss M'Lellan; Secretaries, Mrs Lowe and Miss Thomson ; and a Committee of 18 members.

Glasgow-Bute Benevolent Society.—President, Bailie Wilson, Glas- gow. Vice-President, Bryce Martin. Treasurer, James Lamont.

Coast Guard.—Three men at Eothesay. Head- Quarters, Seabank Buildings, West Bay.

Bute Omnibus Coy. — Managing Partners, William M'lutosb and George Thomson.

Golf Club.—President, John Windsor Stuart. Secretary, Eev. John Saunders. Treasurer, Eobert M'Laren. —


Duke of Eothesat—H. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales.

For Courts and Court Officials^ justices of the Peace and County Boards, see County List.

Parocllial Board.—Chairman, Daniel Macbeth, Inspector and CoHeo- tor, John Kidd. Medical Officer, Dr Lawson. Heritors Committee.—Provost Sharp, Ex- Provost Archd. Mackirdy, Ex-Pruvost Johu Orkney, John Windsor Stuart, and John Cruick- shanks. Clerk, Daniel Macbeth, writer.

Population in 1871, 7760 ; in 1881, 8291. Increase in ten years, 531. Parliamentary Constituency, 1376. S-'S-tion Clerk—John Kidd, Bishop Street. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriases— H. M'Kinnon, Victoria St


Assessments, &c.—Police, Street Lighting, &c., 4|d ; Public Health,4M; Public Parks, Id; Eoads and Streets, 5d;

Lunacy, l^d; Valuation, ^d ; Municipal Kegistration,

|d; ...... total, Is 6d per £1 One-half retainable by occupier from landlord. On Proprietors only—Land Tax, and Registration of

Births, &c. |d; County Voters Registration, |d, total, |d ., Water, 8d and lOd; Poor Rate, 8d; School Rate, 5d; „ Gas, 4s 2d per 1000 cubic feet. Wards.—The Burgh was in 1886, for municipal election purposes, divided

into Wards, as follows : No. L Ward—Ardbeg Road, Marine Place, Wyndham Koad, Ardmory Road, Argyle Place and Argyle Terrace, and north side of MacKinlay Street. This ward also includes Ardbeg, Craigaguail, Gartnakailly, and Westland Parms. Annual value, £7954 15s. Representatives — Bailie John G.

Johnston ; Dean of Guild James Anderson ; and Councillor John Mac- Alpine. No. II. —Argyle Street, Culevin House,, Mackinlay Street (East), Chapel- hill Road, Chapelhill House, York Terrace, Acad* my, Rosehill, Westland Road to road leading to Craigagual, Lark hall, Abercorn, Knock enreoch, Ballochgoy, Hillhouse Road (North), Bridge-end Street (West), Gallowgate (West), Bridge Street, and Ivy Bank. Annual value, £7524 16s Od. Representatives—Provost Thomson, Bailie Walker, and John Orkney. .

Parish of Offlcial Directory. Rothesay.

No, III.—East side of Gallowgate, the east side of Bridge-end Street. Columshill Street, Gowanaiid, Hillhou^e Road (South), '^Barone Road (North), Mill Street (West), King Street (We8t),Tower Street (We.t), Lade^ide Street (West), Cascle Street, Moatague Street, and Victoria Street, between Tower Street and Gallowgate, and Dean Hood Place. Annual value, £8573 15s Od. Representatives—Lachlan Miiloy, Th )ma8 Aitchison, and Robert Miller. No. IV.— rower Street (East), King Street (East), Mill Street (East), Barone Road (South), Castle Street, Stuart Street, Russell Street, Un on Street, High Street, both sides above Minister s Brae, all landward be- tween Barone Road and Loch Ascog, and Mr Kay's, Barone, Foley H >use, Braeside, Glebe, High Street, west from Minister's Brae to Castle Street, High Street (both sides below Castle Street), Montague Street and Victoria Street between Tower Street and Watergate, Guildford Square, County Buildings, Watergate (West), and all Harbour. Annual value, £10,312 7s lOd. Representatives— Chas. T. Hicks, Hector McKinnon, and Geo. Livingston No. v.—Watergate (East), Castle Street (except County Buildings), High Street (east from Castle Street to Minister's Brae, North), Mount Pleasant Road, Serpentine Road up to and including Mr Hugh Anderson's, Bishop Terrace, Bishop Street, Albert Place, West Princes Street, Store Lane, East Princes Street to Bishop Terrace Brae (West). Annual Rental, £9281 9s. Repreocntatives—Thomas M'Nab, Donald M'Millan, and Robert Bur.iess. No. VI. Bishop Terrace Brae (East), East Princes Street (beyond Bishop Terrace Brae), Batt ry Place, Mountstuart Road, Crichton Uoad, Craig- more, Ballintua, Leitc I's House, Bogany Farm. Annual rental, £13189 lis 2d. Representatives —Bailie Macbeth, Dr J. B. Lawson, and Captain M'Lean. Municipal Constituency, 1889 —1220 Males and 669 Females. Town Council.— Provost, John Eussell Thomson. Bailies, Adam Dick Macbeth, James A. Waker, and John G. Johnston. Dean of Guild, James Anderson. Treasurer, Wm. Brown. Councillors, Thomas Aitchison. Robert Burness, Charles T. Hicks, Geo. Living- stone, Dr James B. Lawson, Robert Miller, Lachlan Miiloy, John Mc Alpine, Hector McKiunou, Captain Alexander M'Lean, Donald McMillan, and John Orkney. Burgh Officials, &c.— Town Clerk, John T.Wilson. Procurator-Fiscal, W. C. W. Maddever. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor James 0. Sinclair. Master of Works, and Water Manager, Daniel McFie, C.E. Gas Manager, John Ballantyne. Police Officers—Mathew Waters, superintendent; William Baxter, ser- geant; John Baxter, Daniel Morrison, Malcolm M'Lean, Andrew- Clark, and Kenneth McKay, constables. Inspector under the Food and Drugs Act, Mathew Waters. Analyst, J. W. Biggart, Greenock. Sheriff-Oflicers, Peter Campbell, and Alex. Campbell. Inspector of Weights and Measures, James M'Nab, Barone Road. Town Weigher, Daniel Baxter. Town Crier, Robert Brown, King Street. Auditor. William Hardie, c.a., Greenock. Auditor, tor Police, D. Macbeth. Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Harbour Trust. —The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council along with the following four gentlemen elected by the shipowners, viz. Messrs John Duncan, John M Kirdy, Clerk, John T. Wilson. Collector, James C. Sinclair. Harbour master, Robert McFie. Mister of Works, Daniel McFie, C.E. Committees.—Burgh Lands—Councillor Burness (convener), L. Milloy

(sub-convener) ; Bailie Walker, Treas, Brown, Dean of Guild Anderson, Bailie Macbeth, and Councillors Livingston, Orkney, and Miller.

Harbour—Captain M'Lean (convener); Councillor D. M'Millan, (sub-

convener) ; Bailie Johnston, Dean of Guild Anierson, Coun-

cillors Hicks, and Orkney ; and Messrs Duncan and McKirdy.

Sas—Bailie Johnston (convener), Dean of Guild An lerson (sub-con- vener). Councillor D. M'Millan, Milloy, Livingston, McKinnon, Miller, and Burness.

Water— Bailie Macbeth (convener). Councillors Aitchison fsub-con" rener); Dean of Guild Andersoo, Councillors Milloy, Orkney) Burness and McLean.

Burgh Buildings—Provost Thomson (convener), Bailie Walker, Dean of Guild Anderson, Treasurer Brown, Councillors M'Millan, and Orkney.

Finance —Treasurer Brown (convener), Provost Thomson (sub-con- vener). Bailies Macbeth, Walker, and Johnston, Councillors Aitchi- son, McKinnon, Miller, and McLean.

Bills — Provost Thomson, (convener), Councillors Hicks (sub-con- vener); Bailie Walker and Johnston, and Councillors McKinnon and Livingston.

Police and Roads—Provost Thomson, (convener). Bailie Walker (sub- convener); Councillors M'Millan, Orkney, Hicks, Aitchison Lawson, Milloy, and McAlpine.

Public Health.— Bailie Walker (convener), Dr Lawson (sub -convener),* Bailies Macbeth and Johnston, Councillor Livingston, Aitchison, Hicks, Burness, and McAlpine.

Licensing Committee.—Provost Thomson, Bailies Walker and Mac- beth Dr Hunter, Capt. Macfie, and Archibald Mackirdy.

School Board.—Ex Provost Sharp, (Chairman). Miss Macdonell, Pro- vost Thomson, Wm. Hunter, Robt. M'Laren, Peter Stewart, and John W Stuart. Clerk and Treasurer, John T, Wilson. Officer, Robert M'Kinnell. n —

Burgh oj Oflacial Directory. Rothesay.

Churches.— Rothesay Parish, High St.—Hours of Worship, 11 am. and 2 p.m. Rev. J. K. Hewison,MA, b.d. Session Clerk, John Kidd. Superintendents of Sabbath Schools, Jas. Stewart and Robt. Kyfe. Precentor, James M'Arthur, Officer, R. M'Tntyre. President of Young Men's Guild, Robt. Fyfe. New Parish Church, Argyle Street — Hours of Worship, 11 and 6.30. Rev, J. B. Meek. Session-Clerk, Dugald Weir. Chairman of Managers, Rev. J. B. Meek. Clerk, James C. Sinclair. Treasurer, J. Anderson. Seat-Letter, John Gibson. Organist, J. M. Nisbet. Officer, Robert Brown. Established Gaelic Church ,Russell Street. Hours of Worship, (Gaelic) 11 and (English) 2. Sabbath Evening Sermons fortnightly. Rev. Dugald Mackay. Precentors, (Gaelic) Colin Carrie, and (English) Adam D. Martin. Officer. James Kirkland. St Brendane's Craigraore— Served from Parish Church.

Free Parish Church, Castle Street—Hours of Worship, 11 and 2. Rev. And. N. Sutherland, m.a. Missionary, Rev. C. D. Paton, m.a. Session-Clerk, J. R, Thomson. Clerk of Deacons' Court, John McKay. Treasurer, Arch. M. Burnie. Seat-Letter, Wm. Brown Superintendent of Sabbath School, John M'Kay. Conductor of Psalmody, A. Cunningham. Officer, Thomas Anderson. Temper- ance Society— President, Rev. Audw. N. Sutherland. Secy., A. M; Burnie. Band of Hope— Superintendent, A. M. Burnie. West Free Church, Argyle Street— Hours of Worship, 11 and 2. Evening Serruon, fourth Sabbath of month. Revs. Robert Elder, D.D., and Charles A. Salmond, m.a. Session-Clerk, Wm. Hunter. Clerk of Deacons' Court, A. Mackirdy. Treasurer, P. Stewart. Superintendents of Sabbath Schools, George Shiells and Wm. Stewart. Precentor, Edward M'Tavish. Officer, Robt. Duncan. Chapelhill Free Church.— Hours of Worship, (Gaelic) 11 and (English) 2. Evening Sermon, 2nd Sabbath of month. Rev. D. McCor- mick. Session-Clerk, E. Macnab. Seat-Letters, Messrs John- stone, McLachlan, Dewar, and J, Hunter, Superintendent of Sabbath School, E. Macnab. Precentors, (Gaelic) John Johnston, and (English) Edward M'Nab. Chairmen of Total Abstinence Societies, (English) Daniel Ferguson, (Gaelic) Colin M'Phail. Presi- dent of Band of Hope, E. Macnab. Officer, Duncan Dewar. High Street Mission Free Church (in connection with the Free Parish Church).—Hours of Worship, 11 and 6.30. Rev. C D. Paton M.A., missionary. Bridge -End Street Mission Hall (in connection with the New Parish Church) —Sabbath School at 5 p.m., Superintendent P. Vallance. Free Gaelic Church Mission Hall, Tower Street.— English services every Sabbath Forenoon at 11 o'clock. Ladeside Mission Hall (in connection with the West Free Church) Hours of Worship, at 6-30 p.m.. Sabbath School at 5 p.m. Mr Campbell, miasioaarj. Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

United Presbyterian Church, Bridge-EnrI Street, — Hours of Worship, 11 and 2. Commuuion Seasons in January, May, August, and October. Hevs. P. Macfarlane, b.a., and Wra. Galbraith. Session-Clerk, Chairman of Managers, Peter Leith. Cleric, William Cuthbertson. Treasurer, Robt. M'Laren. Seal- Letter, James M'Crone. Superintendent of Missionary Society, Peter Leith. Superintendent, of Sabbath School, President of Band of Hope and Band of Mercy, Eev. W. Galbraith. Harmoniumist, Geo. Dryden. Officer, Alex. Miller, Columshill Street. Craigmore Road U. P. Church.—Worship at 11 and 6.30. Rev. John Eutherfurd, MA.,B.D. Session-Glerk, James Hutton. Presi- dent of Managers, John Jamieson. Harmoniumist, Agnes M'Kinlay Officer, Donald Lamont. Baptist, Ardbeg Road.—Worship at 11 and 2. Rev Samuel Crtibb. Evening Sermon, lirst Sabbath of month. Superintendent, of Sab- bath School, Rev. Mr Crabb. Precentor, Thomas Fyfe. Officer, A. M'Kinlay, 4 Columshill street. St Paul's Episcopal Church, Victoria Street.— Hours of Worship, 11 and 7, and on Fasts and Festivals at 11.30. Rev. E. Gascoigne Weldon, m.a., Hon. Canon Ihere are Prayer Meetings in most of the Protestant Churches en Wednesday Evenings at Eight o'clock. St Andrew's Roman Catholic Church, Columshill Street, Yery Rev, Geo. J. Smith. Assistant, Rev. Mr Begley. Hours of Worship, 9;

12, and 7, Organist, Miss McCarthy. Mass on Holidays at 9, 12 ; on Week Days at 9. Instruction and benediction on Thursday Evenings.

There is a private chapel at Mountstuart served from Rothesay. Mass generally on Sundays and Holidays at 10. Christians meet in the name of the Lord Jesus in the Masonic Hall, Bishop Street, on Lord's Days at 11 a.m. and S and 7 p.m. The Evingf^lical LTniouists meet in the West End Hall. The Faith Mission meets in the Victoria Hall. Writers. —T. W. Alexander, n.p.. Castle Street. Robert Bowie, West

Princes Street. Daniel Macbeth n.p , Castle Street. Adam Dick Macbeth, Castle Street. W. C.W. Maddever, Watergatb. George Thomson, Bishop Street. John Thomas Wilson, N.p., Castle Street. William Auld Wil-on, n.p., Castle Street. Medical Practitioners. —Norman M'Leod Clerk, m.b., cm,, Battery Place, Anorew J. Hall, m.a., m d.. Battery Place. William Hunter. M.D., Battery Place. Wjlbam Phiip, l.r.c.s.e., Glenburn.

James B. Lawson, m.b.. cm , Battery Place. DanieJ Reid, l.r.cs.e. and L.M., East Princes Street. Yii-ThRiiSARY SuRoiio.N—'William Moodie, m.r.cv.s., Battery Place. 13 Burgh of Official Directory Rothesay.

Bank Agents. Bank of Scotland, Guild ford Square —Robert Mackirdy' Royal, V^ietoria Street —John F. Wil:30u and Robert MLaren. Clydesdale, Guildford Square—Peter Stewart. National Security Savinsrs Bank, High Street— Robert Mackirdy,

Treasurer • William Brown, A.ctuary, Post Office Savings Bank, Victoria Street— J. Mackinlay.

Publications.— The Buteman (Liberal), published every Saturday Morn- ing. W. A. Wilson, publisher. Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative), published every Saturday Morning, Harvey & Co., publishers. Rothesay Express (Independent), published every Wednesday Morning. M. Mackenzie, publisher.

Visitors'' List (Friday during Season), published by Harvey & Co.

West Coast Directory (Public Officials, Society Office-Bearers, House- holders, Business Lists, and Local Data.) Published Annually after Whitsunday by Higgle & Co., Rothesay. West Coast Diary (Postal and General Information.) Published Annually in December by Higgle & Co., Rothesay. Map of the West Coast, drawn from the Ordnance Survey. Published by George Higgle & Co. Map of Bate with Enlarged Plan of Rothesay, Drawn from th« Ord- nance Survey. Published by H'ggie & Co. Map 0/ Bute, Drawn from ihe Ordnance Survey. Published by W. A. Wilson.

Guide to Rothesay and the Island of Bute, Illustrated. Published by W. A. Wilson. Rothesay Academy Monthly, 2d. Published by Harvey & Co.

Newspaper Correspondents.— H. M'Kinnon, Victoria St. George Higgie, Bridge St. M. Mackenzie, Guildford Square, John May, Watergate, John C. ilarvey, Watergate.

Educational Institutions.— Rothesay Academy and Thomson In- stitute. — Classical Master and Rector, William Mackay, a.m. Mathematical Master, Alex. M'Gaw, M. a. English, AdaraPrimrose Assistant Classical, Francis W. Liack. Assistant English, John S. Young Drawing, Walter Yuill. Pianoforte, J. M. JSisbet. Junior and and Industrial Departments, Miss Brown and Miss Robertson. Janitor and Drill Instructor, Sergeant John Smith.

Public School.—Head Master, John M'Kay, f.e.ls. Assistants Alexander Cunningham, John Gibson, m,a., Miss Broutjh, Miss Hall, Miss M, MIntosh, Miss Taic, and Miss J. M'lntosh. 14 Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Industrial, Miss Duncan, Draw ng, Walter Yuill. Janitor, Robert M'Kinnell. Drill Instructor, iSergeaut Allan. Bote Certified Industrial School.—Chairman, Provost Thomson, Secretary, Archibald Mackirdy. Treasurer, John T. Wilson. S'lperinteudent, Owen Milne. Matron, Mrs Milne. Teacher, Frances Duncan.

EoMAN Catholic School, Mistress, Sister Colette.

Initiatory School, High Street. —Founders, Misses Macdonnell. Teacher,

Eothesay Tramways Co. (Ltd).— Chairman, Jas. Lindsay, Edinburgh, Secretary, John M. Cook, accountant, 37 Ceorge Street, Edmburgh, Manager, J. R. Penny cook.

Craigmore Pier Coy.— Piermaster, Archd. Turner.

Advertising, Band, and Improvement Trust.— Ex- Provost Sharp (couvener), ex Pn vost Mackirdy (sub-convener), Provost Thomson, secretarv aid treasurer; Bailie Walker, px-Bailie M'Kinlay, Treas. Brown, C')Uncillors Cruickshanks, D. W. M'Queen. and H.

M'Kinuon ; John T. Wilson, Wm. Hunter. Wm. M'Intosh, and .John M' Alpine.

The Robertson-Stewar' Hospital.— The subscribers towards the fund tor keeping the bosjiital open for non-infectious cases appointed the following committee for such cases :— Sheritf Orr, ex-Provosts Sharp and Mackirdy, Provost Thomson, John W. Stuart, John Kidd, John Cruickshanks D. W. M'Qi.een and D. M Taylor.

Daniel Macbeth, Secretary ; and Peter Stewart, Treasurer, Eliza tmith, Matron

The Norman Stewart Institute, erected by the Messrs Stewart of

America, at a cost of about £10,000, for the ben- Hi t 'he Working Men and Women ot tJ.is their native town. !i c iit iison the 1st and 2nd floors spacious Rea'-ing, Writing, Billiard, aud Recieation Rooms, with Lavatory accommodation, and the ground flat is entirely devoted to the purpose of upplying wh' lesome refresh- ments at low pric-s. Visitors are admiitt-d at (»ne penny per visit.

Working Men's Club and Institute.— The Club is in aleyance owing to the election of the Stewart Institut*^. The members appointed the following Ccnimittfe t) took altf r their proper' y and watch their interests: Pi ovost Sharp, John T. Wilson, Dean of Guild Anderson, Petei B. Ferguson, John Smith, Allan Gilchrist, John Paterson, Andrew Docids, John Crnichshanks, Hugh Morton, John G. Johns-t' n, John M'Cailum. Wm. Cuthbertson, J( hn M'Isaac, James M'Nab. Robt. M'Fie, George Shields, George Higgle, D. W. M'Queen, and John C. Harvey, 15 —

Bur^h of Oflacial Directory. Roihtsay.

Fraeand Acceptad Masons.—PROVINCIAL GEA.ND LODGE OF ARGYLE AND TEE ISLES.— P. G. M., Charles Dalrymple of Newhailes, m.p., Ardencraig. Bate. I). P. G. M., Henry Gerard F. Newall, Eilyer House, Bute. S. P. G. M., J. P. B. Robertson, Q.c, M.P., Lord Advocate. P. G. Secretary, Andrew Clark, Rothesay.

Lodge Rothesay St John, No. 292.—Meets in Lodge Room, Bishop street, on last Monday of everv Month from September till April. —R.W.M., Thus. Gilchrist. P.M.. D C.Murray.. S.M., Martin Inues. S.W., Andrew Milloy. J.W., Wm. Dillas. Treasurer, D. Lamont. Secretary, Angus Douglas. S.D., John Miller. J.D., M. M'Phail. I.G., Alexander .Anderson. Tyler, John Keith.

St Blane's Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163. — Dormant. The last office-bearers were as follows: — 1st Principal Z. George Innes. 2nd Principal H., Martin Innes. 3rd Principal J., D. C. Murray. P. P. Z,, Lachlan Milloy. Scribe E., James Heaton. Treasurer, D. Lamont. 1st Soj., JBryce Ferguson. 2nd Soj„ O wen Milne. 3rd Soj., J. C. Sharp.

Ancient Order of Foresters. — Rothesay Bute and Argyll District. —Meets half-yearly for business -last Friday in April and first Friday in October — in Foresters' Hall, Rothesay,— D. C. R., Wm. Jack, Lochgilphead. D.S.C.R., D. Campbell, Lochgilphead. D,S., Thomas Hogg, Rothesay. D.T., James Stewart, Rothesay.

Court Bute, No. 6630. —Meets in the East Free Ch'irch School-Room C. R., Mathew Cunlop. Treas., John Paterson. Secy., T. Hogg. Medical Officer, Dr Clerk.

Ancient Order of Shepherds. — Sanctuary Bute No. 5630. —Meets in the East Free Church School-Room, Castle street, every

second Monday, at 8 p.m. — Pastor, James A. Leckie ; Secretary,

T. Hogg ; Treasurer, D. Blair.

AsHTON Unity. -Lord Bute Lodge, No, 2091. Meets every alter, nate Wednesday in the Masonic Hall, Bishop Street. —Master James Fleming. Secretary, John May. Treasurer, Rotert M'Leish.

Loya^ Orange Society. Rotpesay Lodge No. 345. —Meets in the Victoria Hall, Store Lane, on the first Friiay evening of every Month.—R.W.M., J. M'Govern. C, Rev. J. Thomson. Sec, D. Beatiie. Treas., B. M'Millan. Tyler, John M'Clellan, sen.

Black Chapter of Ireland. —Rothesay " St Paul's" R. B. Pre- F.PTORY.—Meets on the Third Friday of every Month.— R. W. M,, John M'Govern. Sec},, D. Beattie. 16 Burgh oj OflBLcial Directory. Rothesay.

Sons of Temperance. — Eothesay's Effort Division, No. 467. — Meets in the Bute Temperance Hotel on alternate Monday even- ings at 8. p.m. W.P., James Hamilton. W. R. S., G. Fleming. W T., C. Muir. Independent Order of Good Templars.—^District Lodge of Bute AND Cow AL, No. 13. D.D., William Stewart. D.S., Jessie Hunter. D. S. J. L.j Catherine McKenzie, Dunoon. Gkorgb Stephenson Lodge, No. 122. — Meets in Good Templar Halb - Upper Tower Street, on Tuesday Evenings at 8 p.m. W.C.T.^ Duncan Dewar. W.E.S., John May. Eothesay's Freedom Lodge, No. 228. — Meets in Good Templar Hall,

Tower street, on Thursday Evenings at 8 p.m. W,C.T , William Hunter, W. R. S., John Simpson. Hope op Bute Juvenile Lodge, No. 252.— Meets in the Good Tem- plar Hall, Upper Tower street, on Saturday Evenings at 6 p.m. Superintendent, Edward Macnab, Freedom's Hope Jutenile Lodge No. 135.— Meets in the Templar Hall, Tower Straet, on Thursday evenings, at 7 p.m. Superin- tendent, Wm. Hunter.

*'Rawcliffe" Temperance Association.—In abeyance.

Band of Hope and Savings Bank.—Meets in the Mission Hall, Tower Street on Fridays at 7 p.m. Superintendent, E. Macnab.

Gospel Temperance Meeting. — Meets in the 'Mission Hall, Tower Street on Saturdays at 8 p.m. Chairman, Wm. Hunter.

Bute Abstainers' Union, (composed of representatives of all th© above). —Meets in Mission Hall on the First Monday of everv month. President, Eev. A. N. Sutherland. Secretary, Jas. Macaulay. Treasurer, D, Eobertson.

Temperance Hundred.—President. David Eobertson. Vice-Presidents, Hugh Black and Archibald M'Gilp. Secret-^rv, E. Macnab. Treasurer, William Stewart. Committee — William Hunter, James Carmichael, James Thompson, Daniel Reid, David Jackson, Michael Cuthbertson, Thomas Campbell, and Georg© Shiells.

Literary Association—Meets on Tuesday Evenings, from October till March, — Hon. President, John M'Kav, Esq. President, John

Ballantyne. Secretary, D. J. Miller. Treasurer, Davi i Ferrier.

Political Associations. — Eothesat Liberal Association. — Inau- gurated 1882—Hon. President, Eiyht Hon. Earl of Aberdeen. President, Bailie Walker. Secretaries, Arch Ewing and Joseph D Wilson. Treasurer, Hector Mackiuron. s 17 —

Burgh of Official Directory. Rothesay.

Bute Junior Conservative Association, —Founded 1882.—Hon. President, Lord - Advocate (J. P. B. Robertson); Hon. Vice- President, Sir Charles Dalrymple, M.P.; President, Andrew H. Milloy; Secretary, Thomas E. Wilson; Treasurer, James G. Jamieson. Primrose League. —Rothesay and Island of Bute Habitation, No. 1182, Ruling Councillor, Mrs J. P. B. Robertson, Treasurer, J. Windsor Stuart. Secretary, Wm. Lyle, Bute Estate Office.

Irish National liEAGUE.—" Sexton " Branch. —Meets in the Lesser Public Halls on alternate Monday Evenings. —President, Charles McDermid, Secretary, John Slaven.

Young Men's Christian Association.—Meets in the Reading Room* 9 Victoria Street, every Sabbath Morning at twenty minutes be- fore Ten o'clock. —Hon. President, Rev. W. Galbraith. President, W. B. Jamieson. Secy., A. M. Burnie. Treasurer, R. M, Rankin.

Shorthand Writers' Association.—President, R. A. Mackinlay.

Bute Burns Club. —President, Daniel Thompson. Secretary, Alex- ander Campbell. Treasurer, James Fisher,

Boys' and Grirls' Religious Society.— Meets in Public School, High street, and Music Hall Watergate street, every Sabbath Morning, at 11 o'clock.— Supported by voluntary contributions. President, James Thompson. Vice-President, Secy., Wm. M. Stew- art. Treas., Wm. Stewart. A staff of 18 workers connected with the various evangelical churches in town.

Permanent Funeral Society.—President, John Duncan. Secretary, Petei- Couper. Treasurer Peter M'Lel Ian. Collector, R. M'Lelsh.

Rothesay Dorcas Society.—Patronesses,Lady Bute and Lady Glasgow, President, Mrs Henry Stuart. Vice-President, Mrs Sheriff Orr. Treasurer, Mrs Dr Hunter. Secretary, Mrs John T. Wilson.

Rothesay Choral Society.— President, Alex. Cunningham. Vice- President, James Fisher. Secretary, George Thomson. Treasurer, Adam Primrose. Committee—-James M'Kirdy, John Smith, Alex. Campbell, Eben M'Millan, and John Cunningham, Conductor, J. M. Nisbet.

Rothesay Orchestral Union.—Conductor, W. G. Dearlove. Secretary, Alexander Eankin.

Curling Club.—Patron, Marquess of Bute, k. t. President, Sheriff Orr. Vice-Presidents, Messrs J. W. Stuart and Lachlan Milloy. Representative Members, John Gray. Treasurer, Dugald Weir. Secretary, John R. Thomson. 18 —

. Burgh oj Oflacial Directory. Rothesay

Craigmore Lawn Tennis and Bowling Club, Limited.—Secretary, A. D. Macbeth. Lessee of Grounds, Alexander Tran.

Rothesay Bowling Club (Liraited.)—Greens at Ballochgoy Terrace. President, Eobert Miller; Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. M'ln- tosh, 15 Bishop street.

Football Clubs. Association. — President, D. Currie. Secy., Wm. M, Smith. Treas,, Arch. Montgomerie. Bute Rangers.—Captain, John Stewart. Secy., Wm. Stewart. St Bla.ne's.—Captain, Hugh MiDonald. Secy., J. Slaven. Bbandanes.— Captain, Joseph D. Wilson. Secy., Neil McCallum, Thistle.—Captain, Daniel Macfarlane. Secy., Thos. Haig. George Stephenson.—Capt., J. Gillies. Secy., Gavin Fleming.

Fast Days.—Fridays before first Sabbaths in May and second in October. [Next year the Communions will probably be the first Sabbath in May and the third in October, and the Thursdays pre- ceding will be the Fast Days.]

Fairs. — Thursday before 27th May (hiring), third Wednesday and Thursday in July (Brux Day), Thursday before 23rd Novembej* (hiring), and Tuesday before Kilbarchan December Fair (horse.) [The first Wednesday in May, and last Wednesday in October used to he the dates of Fairs, but they are obsolete.]

Postal Arrangements. —(For Rates of Postage, &;c., see West Coasf Diary.)—Post Office, Victoria St. —Postmaster, John Maekinlay^ Despatches. Box Closes. Parcels. Glasgow, Edinburgh, and all partg. 6.30 a.m. 8 p.m. Local, Port Bannatyne, Ascog, (8*) 8.55 (8*) 8.45 a.m. Kingarth, Colmtraive, Tighnabruaich, Tarbert, Ardrishaig, and the West, 10 10 (Local in Summer), Glasgow, Edinburgh, &c.. 10.40 Do Do., (Ltd. Eng. Mail,) 2.20 p.m. , 2.15pm. Innellan, Dunoon, Kirn, Greenock, &c., 3.10 3.10 Glasgow, Greenock, &c., (Kng. Up Special), 4.20 4.15

Local, Port-Bannatyne and Ascog, , , 5.30 5.30 Extra Despatch during Summer Months 6 5.55

Deliveries from Glasg(»w, Edinburgh, and al parts, about 9.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Extra, delivt-ry iu June, July, August and Sef)tem- ber at 8.45 a.m.

Money Orders issued and paid daily from 9am till 6 p m— Saturdays till 8 pm.

Post Office Savings Bank open at same hours,

( *In Summer) 19 Burgh Of Oflacial Directory. Rothesay.

Postal Orders issued from 9 till 8 pm, and in Summer till 9 pm. „ Paid from 9 till 6, on Saturdays till 8 p.m. Telegraph Office open on week days from 7 a.m; till 8 p.m. (Open, in June, July, August, and September, till 9, and on Sundays from 9 till 10 a.m.) Messages can be sent at later hours by paying 2s extra.

Ardbeg.— Despatches, 10.15, 1.30, 3.30, and 8.30. Postal, Money Order, Savings Bank, and Telegraph Business.

Port-Bannattne. — Deliveries and despatches to suit Eothesay arrangements. (See North Bute.) Craigmore Pier Post Office and Port-Bannatyne Post 6>^ce.—Postal Telegraph, Money Order and Savings Bank, Telegraph—8 to 8' No Sunday attendance, ^sco^r.—Deliveries and despatches to suit Eothesay arrangements. Telegraph—8 to 8. Sunday attendance from June to September, 9 to 10 a m. KilchattanBay.—'Po&tal, Money Order, and Savings Bang Business. Deliveries and Despatches to suit Eothesay arrangements.

Oommunications.— Steamers to Gourock, Greenock, Glasgow, Wemysa Bay, and intermediate ports, and through the Kyles, several times a-day. In Summer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Campbeltown, and Helensburgh, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Tramway cars to Port-Bannatyne, and Omnibuses to Mountstuart and Kilcbattan Bay daily. HItSGUS MAP or BUTE ^ For mxTTg TTu^uite porttcw/- ^ Im^ 9m Eiggiels larger Maps


For Courts and Court Officials^ Justices of the Peace, and County Boards^ see County List.

Population 188 i, J 265. Parliamentary Constituency, 222. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriage?, Wm. L. Thomson.

Assessments.—School Eate, 6|d ; Poor Eate, 4d ; Eoad Rate. 7d per £.,

Churches.—Kingarth Parish Hour of Worship, 12 o'clock. Minister. Eev. John Saunders, M. A., b.d. Session-Clerk, Rev. J. Saunders. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Eev. J. Saunders. Precentor, Thomas Harvey. Church Officer, John Reid. Kingarth Free Church, Ascog- Hours of Worship—Summer, 11.15

and 2 : Winter, 12. Minister, Rev. Robert Williamson, d.d. Seat- Letter, John M'Callum. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Miss Smith. Precentor, John M'Intyre. Church Of&eer, Malcolm Mar- tin, Rothesay.

South Kingarth Free Church, Kilchattan Bay. Hours of Worship

Summer 12 and 6.30 : Winter 12. Minister and Session-Clerk, Rev. Benjamin J. Davidson. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, J. Hindshaw. Precentor, A. Morrison. Seat-Letter and Church Officer, John Morrison.

Parochial Board—David Thomson, chairman. Inspector and Collec- tor, William L- Thomson. Medical Officer, William Hunter, m.d, Sanitary Officer, John Reid.

School Board. — J. W. Stuart (Chairman) ; John Cumming, Kilchat"

tan Bay ; Alex. M'Farlane, Drumreoch ; Ft^rgus M'Fie, and Rev- John Saunders. Clerk and Treasurer — John T. Wilson, Roth«- ay. Officer—D. Ferguson, Kilchattan Butt. I^arish of OflScJal Directory. Kingarth.

Schools.— KiNGARTH PtJBLic ScHooL—William L. Thomson, master. Miss Eachel L. Mackirdy, mistress.

BiRQiDALE Public—Duncan C. Stewart Kbrrycroy Public—William Fulton.

Kilchattan Bay Pier Co.—Chairman, James Duncan, Meikle Kil- chattan. Secretaiy and Treasurer, W. L. Thomson, Khigarth, Piermaster, James Yuill.

Kilchattan Gospel Temperance Society and Band of Hope.—Meets in Free Church Hall, on Fri J ays at 7 p.m.— J. Hindshaw, conductor.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Bates of Postage, &c., see West Coas* Diary.) — Sub Postmaster— D. M'Fie, joiner, Kingarth ; Sub- Postmistress, Miss Janet Currie, Kilchattan Bay. Box closes at 8-20 a.m., and 2.15 p.m." during June, July, August and Sept. Despatches to all parts via Rothesay, about 8 a.m., and 2 p.m. during Summer. Deliveries from all parts via Eothesay, about 1 o'clock.

Fast Days. — Friday before first Sabbath in May and second in October.

Fair.—Thursday before Largs Fair. PARISH OF NORTH BUTE.

I^or Courts and Court Officials^ Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County List.

Population 1881, 1415. Parliamentary Constituency, 270. Rate, 7d per £. Assessments. — School Rate, 5d ; Poor 5d ; Road Rate Registrar of Births, Deaths^ and Marriages, James M'llraith.

Churches—North Bute Parish. Hours of Worship 12 noon. Min- ister, Rev. Peter Dewar, m.a. Session-Clerk, James M'llraith. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev. Peter Dewar, m.a. Precen- tor, (Gaelic) Donald M'Donald. Harmoniumist (English) Miss Rankin. Church Officer, John Lamont. North Bute Free Church, Port-Banna tyne. Hours of Worship, 11 and 1 in Winter, and 11 and 1.30 a.m. in Summer. Minister. Rev. John Dunlop. Session- Clerk, Chairman and Clerk of Deacons' Court, Rev. John Dunlop. Superintendent of Sab- bath School, Archibald Smith. Precentor, David Baird. Church Officer, James Lusk.

Parochial Board. — Chairman, John W. Stuart. Inspector of Poor and Collector of Rates, Archd. Brown. Medical Officer, Dr Reid, Rothesay. Sanitary-Officer, James Hyndman.

School Board. — (North Bute and Rothesay Landward.) John W. Peter Stuart, Rothesay (Chairman) ; Rev. Dewar ; m.a., James

Duncan, Bannatyne Mains ; James Malcom, Edinbeg; and James M'Alister, Meikle Kilmory. Clerk and Treasurer, John R. Thom- son, Rothesay. Officer, James Wilson, Port-Bannatyne.

Schools. — Public School, Port-Bannatyne, Peter White, master- Miss Craighead, assistant. Ballanlat School—James Duncan^ master. KiLDAVANNAN ScHOOL- Miss Regans, mistress. Parish of Official Directory. North Bute.

Kamesburgh Gas Light Co.—Chairman, James Duncan. Secretary, W. C. W. Maddever, Eothesay.

Swanstonhill Hydropathic Establishment.—Chairman, Bailie Dick- son. Secretary, D. Hill Jack. Ulasgow. Manager, Archibald Menzies. Medical Adviser, Dr Hall.

A.O.F.—Court North Bute, No. 6216.— Meets in the old Free Church School-Eoom, Port-Bannatyne, every alternate Tuesday.

I.O.G.T.—North Bute Lodge No. 649.— Meets in the old Free Church School-Eoom, Port-Bannatyne, on Saturday Evenings at 8 p.m. Port-Bannatyne Lifeboat Juvenile Lodge, No. 50.— Meets in Free Church Schoolroom, Port-Bannatyne, on Saturdays at 6.30. J. R. Hunter, superintendent.

Postal Arrangements. -(For Eates of Postage, &c., see West Coast Diary.) — Post Office, Port-Bannattne. — Sub-Postmistress, Miss M'Cunn. Despatches to all parts via Eothesay at (10 am.' extra during June, July, August, and September), 1.25 p.m., 3.25 p.m.; and 8.25 p.m. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay about (in June Ju)y, August, and September, 10 a.m.;) 12 Noon, and 8 p.m. In Winter at 11.30 and 8 p.m.

Fast Days.—Friday before first Sabbath in May and second in October. ISLE OF ARRAN.

Kilmory, 2279. Population 1881, 4673. Brodick, 928, Kilbride, 1276 , Lochranza, 101. Parliamentary Constituency, 739.

Lord of the Manor. — William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c. Factor—Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick. Arrau Farmers' Society.—President, Duke of Hamilton and Bran- don. Vice-President, Ebenezer M'Alister, of Carbeth Guthrie. Secretary and Treasurer, William Tod, Glenree.


For Courts and Court Officials^ Justices of the Peace and County Boards, see Cou?ity List.

Assessments.—School Rate, 7d; Poor Rate, 9d ; Road Rate, Is per £, Churches.—Established Chdrch.—Brodick— Rev. M. M'Lean, m.a., B.D. Kilbride—Rev. Peter Robertson, m.a. Ereb.—Kilbride— Whiting Bay—Rev. Angus Stewart. Robert School Board.—Patrick Murray, Strabane (Chairman) ;

Hamilton, Brodick ; and Rev. Angus Stewart, Whitiug Bay ; John Bannatyne, and Neil Eullarton, m.b., cm., Lamlash,

Parochial Board. —Chairman— James Allan, Inspector-John R. Thomson. Collector—James Macintosh, Bank Agent. Medical Officer—Dr Jamieson, Brodick.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Rates of Postage, &c., see West Coast i)mr?/.)—Brodick.—Sub -Postmaster— E. Rib bee. Lamlash.— Postmaster, Thos. M'Neish. Despatches at 6.15 a.m.

and 2.30 p.m., in Summer ; and at 2.30 p.m. on Mondays, Wednes- days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, in Winter. Deliveries in Summer at 1.40 and 7.10; in Winter, 11.40; on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Money Order and Savings Bank Office open from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Telegraph from 7.30 a.m. till 8 p.m. Isle of Ofacial Directory. Arran.

Fast Day.—First Thursday in May.

Fairs.—Brodick— First Tuesday after 20th June, Lamlash— Friday before Irvine May Fair,& Wednesday before Falkirk October Tryat.

PARISH OF KILMORY. For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards^ see County List.

Assessments.— School Eate, lOd; Poor Eate, Is ; Eoad Eate, la per £.

Churches. -Established.—High Kilmory—Eev. Duncan Black. Free.—Kilmory—Eev. Andrew Grant. Lochranza—Eev. James Johnston. Shisken—Eev. John W. M'Dougall.

School Board.—James Allan, jun., Balnacoole (chairman); Eev And.

Grant, F. C , Kildonan ; Jas. Dewar, Lagg Hotel ; Matthew C. Speirs, Clachaig ; Alexander MacBride, Shedog ; John Morton,

Mauchrie ; Alex. Miller, Lochranza.

Parochial Board.— Chairman—Patrick Murray, Brodick. Inspector John E. Thomson. Collector— Peter M'Kenzie, Tormore.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Eates of Postage &c., see West Coast Diary.)— Kilmory— Sub-Postmaster, D. Cook. Despatches daily in Summer, at 9 a.m. Deliveries at 4 p.m. In Winter on Mon- days, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at same hours. Pirn Mill—Sub-Postmistress, Miss Cook. Despatches in June, July, and August 10.20 a.m.; the rest of the year 9.30 p.m. Deliveries in Summer at —3 p.m.; the rest of the year 2 p.m. Lochranza Despatches twice daily in Summer, to Greenock and all parts.

Fast Day.—First Thursday in July. THE CUMBRAES.

For Courts and Court Officials^ Justices of the Peace^ and County Boards, see County List.

Population of Parish in 1871, 1636 ; in 1881, about 1900. Parliament-

ary Constituency of Parish, 487 ; Municipal Constituency, oyer 700. Assessments—Police, 9d; General Improvement, Id; General Sewers,! d.

Special Sewers, Id to 6d ; Registration, |d ; Poor Rgte, 2d ; School

Kate, 4d ; Road Rate, Id per £.

Lord of the Manor.— Marquess of Bute. Factor— J, W. Stuart, Rothesay.

Parochial Board. —Chairman—Archibald Scott. Inspector Jas. Rosa, Collector—Wm. Hunter. Registrar—James Ross. Wm. Crawford. J Session-Clerk—


Corporation.—Provost, R. Robertson. Magistrates, William Paterson, and Thomas Duncan. Commissioners, Wm. Allan, James Robertson, Wm. Templeton, Wm. Wishart, Duncan M'Dougall, and Ritchie Hunter.

Public Ofacials. — Procurator-Fiscal—W. C. W. Maddever, writer, Rothesay. Clerk to Commisioners— Patrick & Wood, writers, Larg«. Sanitary Inspector and Master of Works, Wm. M'Millan. Trea- surer, Jas. Ross, Union Bank. Collector, Wm. Hunter.

Sheriff Small Debt Courts held in March and September, Sherifl^ Clerk-Depute, James Ross. Burgh of Offlcial Directory. Millport.

Churches—Established—Hours of Worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Free—Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Eev. Alex. Walker.

United Presbyterian — Hours of worship, 11 a.m. and 2.15 p.m. Eev. James Frame, m.a., b.d. Scottish Fpiscopal. —This Collegiate Church was opened for Divin® service at Whitsuuday, 1851, was consecrated and declared to b® the Cathedral of the Isles on May 3rd, 1876. The College i* closed meantime. The hours of Sunday services were—8 a.m* (altered to 8 30 in Winter), 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Visitor. —The Eight Eev J. E. A. Chinery-Haldane, l l b, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles. Members of Chapter. —Provost— The Bishop. Vice-Provost —Canon Worlledge. Canons—Eev. J. A. Ewing, m.a.; Eev. H. Brown, m.a.; Eev. J. E. Dakers, t.c.g. Honorary Canons— Eev, G. C. White, M.A.; Hon. and Eev, H. Douglas, m.a.; Eev W. Bright, d.d.; Eev E. G. Weldon, ma.; Eev. W. Bell; Eev. H. Meynell, m.a.; Eer. H. M'Coll, TC.G.; Eev. A. M'Lean, m.a. St Andrew's Church— Hours of Sunday services, 11 a.m., and 6-30 p.m. Incumbent—Eev. John Eose Dakers, t.c.g. Baptist— 11 a.m, and 6.30 p.m. Eev. T. D. Cameron.

Cumbrae School Board.—Eev. James Frame (chairman), William Crawford, Wm. Martin, Duncan McDougall, and Allan Speirs. Clerk and Treasurer—James Eoss, Union Jiank.

Schools. — Cumbrae Public School. — Teachers—A. C. Steven, J as. Waddell, Robert Brown, Mrs Peckitt and assistants.

Surgeons.— John MacGow^an, m.d. Joseph Kerr, and Hugh Sinclair, l.f.p.s.g.

Bank.— Union, James Eoss, Stuart st.

" Masonic— Lodge Kelburne," No. 459.—Meets on the first Friday of each month in the new Masonic Hall, Crawford Street, at 8 pm. E.W.M., John Cunningham. P.M., W. B. Wallace. S. S., Thomas Somerville. Secy., Daniel Blair. Treasurer—James Eoss.

Gas Light Company.—Chairman, The Eight Hon. the Earl of Glas- gow. Vice-chairman, D/ M'Gowan. Secretary and Collector, Wm. Hunter. Manager of Works, Eobert Eae.

Glasgow Cumbrae Benevolent Society.—Patrons—The Most Noble the Marquess oc" Bute; the Eight Hon. the Earl of Glasgow; Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart., m.p. ; The Right Honourable J. P. B. Eobertson, m.a., q.c, m.p., adv., Lord-Advocate ; Niniau Craw- ford, Guildford, Surrey ; Thomas Eussell, Ascog, Bute ; and John Kennedy, Millport. 30 —

Burgh of Official Directory. Millport.

Co-Operative Society, Limited.— President, Hugh Eeid. Secretary, R. Caldwell. Treasurer, John Rae.

Penny Saving-S Bank. — Trustees ~ Rev. Alexander Walker, Archibald Scott, Andrew C. Malcolm, Niuian Craw- ford, James Robertson, John Thom, jun.; and James Grant, Glasgow. Cashier— W. Clark. Secretary—T. Somerville. Auditor—James Rosa.

Pier and Harbour Company.—Harbour Master and Treasurer, Alex. Cameron. Secretary, Wm. Allan. Chairman, Dr M'Gowan.

Keppel Pier Co. (Ltd.)— Chairman, Alex. Brown. Sesretary, Wm. ' Martin, Freeland. Lessee of Pier, Alex. Stewart.

Royal Western Yacht Club. — Commodore, Andrew Bain, cutter Bloodhound, 40 tons. Vice- Commodore, James Hamilton, Esq., sch. Sheila, 16 tons. Rtar Commodore, J. Stewart Clark, Esq. cutter Rona, 6 tous. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, John Thomson, jun., 56 West George St., Glasgow.

Cumbrae Sailing Club.—Commodore, Robert Robertson, J.P.; vice- commodore, ex-Bailie Wm. Allan; rear- commodore, Mr John

; treasurer, King Mr James Kennedy ; and hon. secy Mr Wm, Macfie.

Curling Club. — President jWm. Allan, Secretary and Treasurer James Paterson.

Cumbrae Bowling Club.— President— Thomas Russell. Vice-Pre- sident — John Scott, Treasurer — James Ross. Secretary — T. Train.

Cumbrae Branch of Buteshire Liberal Association. President, Wm. Crawtord. Vice-President, Jas. Allan. Secretary, Wm. Clark. Westwood.

Cumbrae Conservative Association — Hon. President, the Right Honourable the Earl ot Glasgow. Presideut, Prov. Robertson. Vice-President.>^, William Crawlurd, Garnock Villa, and J. W. Robertson, Belleview. Secretary, Robert Wood. General Council of 30 members, and a sub-council of seven.

Primrose League. "The Earl ot Glasgow Habitation," Cumbrae, No. 1793. Rulmg Councillor, Provost Kobertson, Breakough. Secre- tary and Treasurer, Robert Wood.

Millport Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Association.— President, Provost Robertson. Secretary, A, G. M'Farlane. Treasurer, James Ross. 31 Burgh of Oflacials. Millport.

Cumbrae Golf Club.— Captain— J. W. Stuart. Vice-Captain—Wm. Barclay. Joint Secretaries—James Morgan and Alex. Cameron, Treasurer, James Ross. Competitions monthly.

Victoria Football Club.—President, Wm. Martin, Freeland. Captain, Wm. Wishart. Vice-Captain—Arch. Houston.

Fast Days. —Thursdays before the first Sabbaths of May and Novem- ber.

Postal Arrangements.—(For Rates of Postage, &c., see West Coast Diary.) — Post Office, Guildford St. — Postmistress, M. Cun- ningham. Despatches in June, July, August, and September, at 7.20 a.m., and 2.15, and 5.55 p.m. The rest of the year at 7.20 and 2.15. Deliveries at 11 a.m.; and 6 p.m. Money Order Office and Savings Bank open from 10 a.m.; till 6 p.m. Telegraph Office open from 7.30 a.m., till 8 p.m. Sundays from 9 till 10 a.m.

Communications.—Steamers daily to Glasgow, Greenock, We^yss Bay, and Fairlie, during summer months, HOUSEHOLDERS ry

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O {r=I O C^ P£| O02 < o PL4 f*4 PART II. HOUSEHOTiBERS.


Allan, Misses Elizabeth and Mary Ann, 28 Ardbeg road Allan, Thos., ma3on7 110 nigh st Allen, J., coastguard, 21 Argyle st Acton, John, druggist, Lilyoak ter Alexander, Mrs Eliz., 69 Mount: Adam, Archd., gentlemao, Matuara Stuart rd Adam, Mrs Margaret, 10 Ardbeg rd Alexander, Miss Gray, 18 Battery pi Adams, John, cabinet-maker, Hill Alexander, Thomas W., writer, Foot, 22 Argyle st castle st: house 1 Bishop ter Adama, Mrs Sarah, 76 Montague st Anderson, Adair, clerk, 29 Baron« Adamson &, Son, J., photographers, Road chapelhill rd; showrooms, 11 Anderson, Alex, cabinetmaker, 2 Argyle st, ho. 16 Bridge st King st Argyle at ^KS> J-> hotel-keeper, woodneuk Anderson, Mrs Caroline, 13 crichton rd Anderson, Miss Elizabeth, striven Aitcheson, Mrs James, 12 colums- view, 22 Marine pi hillst Anderson, Mrs, Margaret, Argyle te» Aitcheson, Thomas, licensed grocer, Anderson, Hugh, sen., flesher, ser- 30 Mill st; ho. 12 columshill st pentina road Aitken, Miss Charlotte, 9 Ardbeg rd Anderson, jun., Hugh, gardener, Algio, William, spirit dealer, 3 serpentine rd King st Anderson. Jas., builder, 59 Barone Allan, Mrs Agnes H., 3 Marine pi Rd Allan, Alexander, drill instructor, Anderson, John, boot-maker, 15 39b High st Bridge -End st Allan, Arthur, ironmonger, 25 Anderson, Mrs, spirit-dealer, 8 & 9 marine pi K. Priices st Pari!^h of H^use''^olderH. Rothesay.

Anderson, Thos., tailor, 20 castle st Begg, Mrs Rebecca, 3^ crafgmore rd Andtrson, Wm., joiner, 103 High &t Beleh Mrs, 7 Bright :zi Ter Angus, Adam, joiner. 46 Moatague Beith, Hugh, flesher, 6 Rishop st at Bell, Archibald, mason, 27 Bridge- Angus, Gilbert, Gowanfield! p1 end street Angus, Mrs, 18 columshill st Bell Edmund, mllhead, serpentme Archaeological and Physical Society rd )*-'of Bute's Museum, chape hill Bell, Duncan, steamboat captain, 4 Archer, Mrs Catherine, 19 store In Mb'untpleasant Bell, Jas., labourer, 1 Stuart st Bell, John, porter, 8 Gallowgat®' B Bell, Mai., labourer, 1 Mill st Bell, Thos , florist,, chapelhill Ed Baillie, Mrs Ann, Llllyoak far Berry, Miss Jane, 25 Eridge-end st Baillie, Mrs Janet, 4 King st Berry, Wtn., carver, 8 Ardbeg road Baillie, John baker 25 columshill st Biggar, Miss Janet, 42 Argyle st Bain, John, labourer, 24 Ladeside st Bingham, Miss Jessie, 8 Ardbeg rd Balderston, Mrs Ann, 14 E. rrinces st Bingham, David, weaver, 32 Mill st Balfour, Mrs Agnes, 2 Hillhouse rd Binkp, Miss Hannah, 14 Argyle st Balfour, Jbn., commercial traveller, BinniC; Miss Stewart, 21 Battery pi Ardbeg rd 29 Binnie, Mrs Christina, wyndham rd Ballantyne, J., gas manager, liadeside Birrell, Mrs Elizabeth, 2 King st st Black, Miss, Agnes, 22 Argyle pi Ballard, Mrs Margt. 13 victoria gt Black, Miss Cath., 37 Bridge st Bannay, Edw., mcu'der, Li!yoak ter Black, Dun^. labourer, Meadoweap . Bannan, Mrs Mary N., 'i\ v ctoriast black, Dngald M'A., grocer, 2 cas- R.ibert, faim Bannatyne, servant, tle st 16 castlfchill st Black, Duncan, dealer, 16 stafTa pi Barber, Benjamin, mechanic, 22 Black, George, Aether, 5 Bridge st Argyle st Biaek, Hugh, bakerand provision Barr, John, hardware dealer, 46 merchant, 5 Argyle st ; house Ardbeg rd 88 columshill st Barr, John, joiner, 56 High st Blaek, Hugh, coachman, lilyer Lg., Barr, Mrs Jantt, 21 B. Princes st Ardbeg Barr, Mrs Mary, 8 Kontague st Black, Hugh, labourer, 4 croft In Barr, Mrs Sarah, 8 E. Piintes st Black Mi s Isa., 16 Argyle st plumber, 9 Barrie, Jhn., wyndham Black, John, grocer, 51 Montague rd St; ho Adelaide House, Muunt- Barton, Miss Helen, 27 Eridge-end stuart rd street , Black, John S., steamloat agent, Henry, waiter, 36 Ei&hop •Bfeshford, 15 Bishop st st Black, Mrs John, 7 Gallowg^.te Catherine, 40 Argyle st Baxter, Miss Black Keil, labourer, 4 croft tn Daniel, town Weigher, 14 Baxter, B'ack, Miss Mary, 7 oallowgate East jrinies st Black, Mrs Wltr., 33 Bridge st grave-digger, Baxter, Hugh, Towa- Black, Wm., carter and carriage- head hirer, 11 Watergate Baxter, Jas., carter, 161 Eigh st Black, Wm,, draper, 1 2 west princes Baxter, Jn.,police-officer,l 6 castle st st m., police-sergeant, 3 co- Baxter, W Blackstock, William, retired flesher, lumshill pi 8 Mountstuart road Bayne, John, clerk, 6 Hillhouse rd Blair, Andrew, gardener, 71 i Ard- Beattie, Dv., labourer, 19 Eussell st beg Road -

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Blair, Ann, 14 ca -tie st Browa, Alexander B. baker, 36 Blair, Dn., joiner, 16 Mountpleasant criohton r.l rd Brown, Aagu3, mason, 5 Minister's Bla'r, Jas., mason, 1 i Mountpleaant; Brae Bla'r, Jame?, tape manufacturdr, Brown, Miss Mary Ann, 12 Battery 3 craigmore rd Pl 'Blair, Mrs Eliz., 10 crichton rd Brown, Mrs Ann, 27 Battery pl Blue, Alex., joiner, 16 King st Brown. Aroh., derk, N. s. savings

Blue, John, gardener, 1 1 East Prin- Pank, 15 High st ce? st Brown, Arch., & Son, drapers, 31 Mon-

Blue, Neil, labourer, 24 Ladeside tague st, an 1 2 Albert p1 ; ho Blue, Neil, seaman, 29 victoria st 11 MouQtplyasant Blue, Mrs Robt., 7 Bishop st Brown, Mias Oath, Mountpleasant Rd Blue, Wm., sailmaker, 5 Castle st Brown, Miss Elizabeth, 22 Argyle pl Bogie, Normaa L., 16 Hillhoiss Rd Browa, Mrs Elizabeth, 19 Brid^^e st

Bone, Robert, mason, 18 Russell st B'Twn, Miss te^u3!ier, 1 9 Bridge St Boston, Miss Margt., 49 Ardbeg rd Br >wa Mr-! E;iz i,bet'i,l7 M

Bowman, Wm., joiner, Mill st ; ho Brown, Da/., mac anic, 22 Russell st

- wimble cottaje 'iiMwa, Mi-i-i K -l • 1, 1 A -gyle Place

Bowie, Malcolm, baker, w. Princes Brown, Mrs Jan j, 8 Marine pl Bt Brown, J.)hn, gardeaer, 8 Mount- Box, John A., labourer, 37 Bridge s'Guart rd st Brown, Ji>!vn, joiner, 4 w. castle St Boyle, Alexander S., joiner, 19 Brov/u, Miss LVI-irj;f-., 104 Montague st store In Brown. Mrs Margt., 45 Crichton rd ,' Boyli, Andrew, plasterer, staffa pi Brown, MM Mvrioa, confectioner, Boyle, Charles, steward, 20 w. Prin- 6 GallovvgatH ces st Brown, Miss Miry, Mountpleasant Boyle, James, spirit-dealer, Lorne road hotel, Guildford sq. Brown, Mrs Mary, 6 Ardbeg rd Boyle, James, porter, 17 Montague st Brown, Miss Mary, 13 M ;untstuar': rd Boyle, Hugh, labourer. 111 High st Brown, Matthew, van dris^er, 23 Boyd, Adam, st :amboat age,_it, 2 Staffa place King street Brown, Neil, house a.!:ent, pier

Boyd, John, tenter, 1 hI'IUous^ rd BrewD, Roliert, grocer, 17 King st - Bow e, Robt, writer, w. Ermces st; Brown, Robi:-, ironmonger, 43 ho inkeraian ter Montague st Bradley, Jas., sawyer, 18 Watergate Brown, Rob rt, teaciu r, Meadowcap Brady, Pat., labourer, Meadowcap Brown, Robt., tenter, 16 castlehillst Brand, Mrs Jane, 32 Ardbeg rd Brown, Robert, shoemaker aad town-

Britton, Josiah, jananner, 12 staffa (. rii r, 2 King st Pl Brown, Thomas, carpenter 97 Mon- Brogan, John, labourer, 4 John st tagu^' street '. Biodie, Rev. Neil, 66 Mountstuarfc rd Brown, Thomas, labourer, 1 Mill st Brodie, John, carpenter, 11 Hidhouse Brown, Wm., draper, Montague st Rd Browne, Samuel, gas inspector, 8 Brooks, Mrs Mary, 40 Bishop st ColumVuili pl Brooks, Mrs Mary, 21 Russ 11 ^t Erownlie, miss Helen, wyndham rd tiesher, Brooks, Wm., cabman, 5 High st Brownlie,Wm , 13 Albert pl; Brown, Mrs Agnea, 14 Mountpleasant ho ] 5 castle st rd Bryan, Jolm, gentleman, 5 Mount-

Brown, Alex., seaman, 1 Bi boo Ter ftu^Ft rd • Brae Parish of Householders. Kothesay.

Buchanan, Alexander, commercial Cameron, Geddes O., hairdresser, 53

traveller, 58 Ladeaide victoria st ; ho. 11 Argyle ter Buchanan, Mrs Anna, 23 Afdbeg Rd Cameron, Mrs Isabella, 16 castle st Buchanan, Chas., stoker, 24 Ruasell Cameron, James, L.D.S., Bt surgaon deatist, 33 victoJa st Buchanan, Donald., restau- Cameron, Jas., ploughman, 50 Lade-

rateer ; nd baker, 27 victoria st siJe

and 9 oallowgate ; ho 38 at- Cameron. Mrs Janet, Ada villa, gyle St 40 crichton Rd Buchanan, wiss Grace, 2 Ardbeg »d Cameron, John, gentleman, 14 BuchanaDjMiss Isabella, 4 Bishop Ter crichton rd Buchanan, Miss Jane B, 2 M'KiDlay s Cameron, John, stoker, 18 Water- Buchanan, Mrs Janet, spirit-dealer, gate 15 Argyle Bt Cameron, Miss Mary, 27 e. Princes st Buchanan John,- grocer, 2 Argyle Cameron, Mrs Robina, 2 Bishop Ter place Brae Buchanan.Mal., grooer, 59 Montague Campbell, capt. Alex., steamboat St; owner, Auchaaross, craigmore Buchanan, Mai., shoemaker, 13 Stu- Campbell, Alex., sher ff officer and art st auctioneer, 3 Tjwer st Buchanan, Mias Mary, 2 Ardbeg rd Campbell, Alex., painter, 3 Mill st Bunyan, James, plumber, 110 High Campbell, Miss Ann, 17 Russell st street Campbell, Arch., gentleman, chapel- Burgon, Jn., fisherman, 19 High st - hill Rd Burgon, Wm., fisherman, 20 w. Campbell, Mi'S, 18 Arjyle pl Princes st Campbell, Mrs Oath., 40 Argyle st Burness, Robert, saddler, 29 High st CampbelljMrs Cath., spirit- dealer, 18 ho. 23 Battery pi castlehiU st Burnett, William, fishmonger, 36 Campbell, Colin, House of Rest, Ar- Lade*ide st gyle Lodge Burnie Arch. M., clerk, 49 Barone Campbell, Colin, carter, 18 Bridge st rd Campbell, Rev David, 9 Argyle Ter Burnie, Miss Elizabeth, 21 Battery pi Campbell, Donald, ploughman,craig- Burnie, Mrs Thomas J., Barone Rd nagoul Bums, Miss Mary, 8 Montague st Campbell, Donald, gardener, 10 co<. Burns, Richard, rigger, 25 crichton Inmshill pl road Campb-11, Dn., labourer, 24 Ladeaide st Burns, Robert, seaman, Daisy cot., wyndham rd Campbell, Jas., labourer, M'Alister's Burton,Wm., club-master, R.N.Y,C court Campbell, Js, labourer, 24 Russell st 14 Argyle st ; ho 16 Carcpbell Miss, Eliz., Burridge,John, labourer,31 staflfa pi 18 Argyle pl Busby, Mrs Eliz., 71 victoria st C ampbell,Mr8 Jane, 17 Gallowgate Campbell, Mrs Jess, 35 Bridge st Campbell, John, seaman, 5 Mini- ster's brae Campbell, John, seaman, 7 west C Princes st Campbell, Ci,denhead, mibscs Jane and Mary Mias Margt., 9 Montague st Campbell, Mrs Margaret, 16 S., 7 Marine pi Mount' Cameron, Duncan, 8eamaD,10 water- Stuart rd gate Campbell, Mrs Margt,, grocer, De^n Hood pl *,

Campbell, Murdoch, carpenter, Clunas, James, clerk, 8 Tower st 35 Bridge st Clunas, Mrs Mary, 22 Argyle st Campbell, Niaian, joiner, 18 castle- Coats, Joseph, physician, crichton hill St roid Campbell. Peter, draper, 89 High at Cochrane, Jn., jun., plasterer, 1 Mill Campbell, Pr., sheriflf officer, 20 af- st gyle pI Cochrane, Mrs Elizab th, 1 Mill at Campbell, Ut.,bottle-blovrer, 48 Ard- Collins, Charles, seam^a, 20 Bussell bei; Kd st Campbell, Thos., labourer, 119 High Colville, Ths., grocer, 25 Mill st; h«. Bt 23 do. Cannin?, Dl., shoemaker, 12 Mill at Comrie, Mrs Ann S., Albany xer Cardell, Jas., steward, 19 Hiafh st Comrie, Wm., shopmaa, 103 Mon- Cardell, Joseph engine-driver, 30 tague at Ladeside st Connel, Peter, shoemaker and boat- Carlton, Jas, gardener, 27 High st hirer, 15 Argyle st Carlyon, Mrs Elizabeth, Ascog Connor, Hu^h, labourer, 105 High st Carmchae!, Alexander, fitter, 116 Continental Stores, 24 w. princes st High 8t Corrie, John H, bathman, clenbum Carmichael, Mrs Margaret, 104 Mon- cot tague st Corrigan, Dl., labourer, 22 Mill st Carnaghan, Mrs Euph., 11 Bridge st Cosgrove, Hugh, cartsr, 58 High st Carswell, And., ataman, 24 castle st C )stley. Win., misoii, 7 Uni n st Cars well, James, seamen, 11 Albert Cotes Miss Geor^^ina, 8 Battery p1 Pl Couper, Mrs Anne, 5 Argy'e st Carswell, John, seaman, 4 Mill st Couper, Peter, tailor, 2 King st Carson, Miss Agnes, 8 C .lumshill st Cowan, Dagald, farmer, Grenoch Cavill, Georgi H., seaman, 32 Crabu, Re ^ Samuel, Baptist church,

columshiil st ^rdbeg Rd ; ho ArJnory ri Cherry, Mrs, 4 Mill street Creith, Mrs Gto., Ill nigh st Chalmers, Alias Agnes, 26 Bishop st Craig, Rev. Hobt., 7 Bishop Terrace Chalmers!, John, joii er, 6 Argyle pl Craigton, Geo., spirit merchant, Cherry, Mrs Cath., 65 victoria i-t Guwanfield plice Chesaey, David, 11 Bridge- end st Crawford, Mrs Ag les, 41 crichtonrd Chishoim,Dn,,gardeaer, 45Ardbeg Rd Crawford. Arch., write.', 19 Ardbeg Chisholm, Roderick, gardener, 6 co- rd lumshill f1 Crawford, Alex., M'B., cammission Clark, Andrew, clerk, 65 victoria st agant, 77 Ardbeg Clark, Audrew, policeman, 27 High Crawf(»rd, Miss Catherine, 4 King st st Crawford, Mrs Christina, 7 Bishop st Clark, Misses Emma and Helen, 35 Crawford, Dun., flesher, 12 Mount- Argyli st pleasa it rd

Clark, Francis, cabman, 5 Bridge st Crawford, Js , brick-layer, i erguson Clark, Jn., aerated water manufac- Pl, 29 Mountstuart Rd

turer, 34 Bishop st ; ho. 20 do, Crawford, Miss Mary, 7 Bishop «t Clark, John, joiner, 22 Bridge end st Crawfurd, Alex., gardener, 5 Hill- Clark John, painter, 32 Bishop st house Rd Clark, John, porter, 2 columsnill pl Creighton, Mr^, Post office, Ascog Clark, Mrs Mary, union st p1 Cicrk, Normau M'Leod, M.B., 28 Cromb.George, gardener, 18 colum«- Battery pl hill st Cloggie, Matthew, gas-inspector, 22 Crown 'Cycla Co., Argyle pl Bridge end st Parish of Householders. J^othesay.

Cruickshanks, Jn.,pluuiber, 39b High Cuthbertson, Mrs Margaret, 22 St columshill st Cruickshauka, John, jun., 39 J High Cuthbertson, Michael, florist, st Ropework p], 114 High st Gumming, Krs Christinia, 29 Marine Cuthbertson, Wm., Springfield nur- sery, High st Gumming, James, cork-cutter, 3 Minister's Brae Gumming, Jas., porter, 105 H gh st D Gnnningham, Mrs Agnes, 24 castle st Bale, Jas., tinsmith, 15 H'gh st Cunningham, Alexander, cilenderer Dalrymple, M.P., Sir Charles, Arden- Lil} oak ter oraig Gunningham, A'ex, plumber, 11 Daly, W.T., spirit merchant, 8 castle CoiumshJl st st ; ho 6 do. Cunningham, Alex., teacher, Ba- Dalzell, Miss Jana, 30 E. princes st rone rd Dar.'och, Wm,, grocer, caaptihil Cunningham,Arch., joiner, 1 Bridgs- road Endst Davidson, Miss Isa., 36 Bishop st Cunningham, Dl., plumber, 102 Di,wson, Wm., tailor, 22 colums-

Montague st ; ho. 10 Bridge st hillst Cunningham, Js., gro er, 79^ wonta- Deariove, Walter Geo., musiciar

gue st ; ho 23 Bridge st A()uarium Cunningham, Mrs Jas,, 7^ Afgyle st Deas, John, fisherman, Ballycurriv^ Cunningham, JoLn, serated w ter shore manufacture'-, New Hall Bldgns Denny, Hugh, fisherman, 21 Mill st Cunningham.Montgomerie, pai>.ter, Denoon, Doaald M., coal merchant, 26 Kussell street 1 King st and west caStle so ; Cunningham Misses dressmakers, ho. 6 iridge st - 7^ Argyle st Derby, J vs., pain er, 7 Gallowgate Cunningham, Rt., farmer Meadow- Dcvine Jchn, spirit dealer, 11 Gal- cap lowgate Gunningham, Ts., stoker, 119 High st Dewar, Mrs Catherine, 145 nigh st Cunningham, Wm., grocer, 66 Dewar, Francis, c-irpenter, 16 Wa- High st tergate Cunningham, Wm., labourer, 12 Dick, Wm., TOr cattle, High craig- King st more Cunningham. Wm., painter, 73 Dickie, Mrs Ag-nes, grocer, ill Barone rd Montague st ; ho. 12 Bridge st Curran, Jas., labourer, 71 High st Dickfon, Samnel, lamplighter, 5 Curran, John.laboui er,30 Ladeade st Hillhouse rd Curran, Michael, labourei-, 62 High DoV.bie, Andrew, tailor, 25 Montague st st Currie, Alex., draper, 16 King st Dobbie, Jas., floiist, Mountplea int Currie, Alex., farmer, Ardheg rd Currie, Colin, labourer, 17 Eussell st Dobbie James, beam & scale maker, Currie, Dn., cab proprietor,? 4 , rdbeg Earone Rd Currie, Daniel, grocer, 30 Ardbeg Rd Dobbie, & Co., seedsmen & florists, Currie, Jolm, faimer, wt-tland High Srt Currie, John, shoem ker, 109 Dobbie, Mrs Wm., french polisher, Montague st 22 columshill st Cu^hbert, Miss Matilda, Argvle Ter Docherty, Jas., labourer, 17 imssel^ S8 st Rothesay. Parish of Householders.

Bocherby, John, labourer, 7 Mill st Duncan, Mrs Faniay M., 3 criehton. Docherty, John, eastle gate-keeper, rd 32 Mill St Duncan, Miss Frances, 11 colums-- Docherty, W., labourer, 5 Miuster^s bill st Br Duncan, James, joiner, Lillyoak Tsr Dodd, Misses Maaaune and Eobina, Duncan, Jas., mason, 10 columshill, 11 Battery pl l5odd% Andrew, joiner, Bridge-End Dancan,Mrs Jane, 53 Mountstuart rd Mrs Jane, 16 Store Lane Bt ; ho 29 victoria st Duncan, In Donald, ^5^3 Agnes, 34 Mountstuart Duncan, Miss Jessie. 16 store rd Duncan, John, baker, chapelhiU rd Donald, James T., m.d., serpentine Duncan, John, coal merchant? real 31 Watergate st Donald, Mrs Thirza, 24 Bridge st Duncan, John, gardener, 84 Mon- and 22 Argyle st tague st Donaldson, Miss Janet, 27 Bridge st Duncan, Jn., joiner. Dean Hood p1| Dougan, Martin, labourer, 4 ci'oft Ln ho. 23 & 2j Argyle Ter Douglas, Mrs Ann, 4 Hillhouse rd Duncan, John, joiner, 52 Montague Douglas, Malcolm, clerk, 29 Argyle st' ter Duncan, John, quarrier, 28 Ladeside- Dou^e, John, craig Arden, High Duncan, Jn., watchmaker, ^4 Gal- oraigmore lowgate Dov/, William, blacksmith, 4 Hill- Duncan, Ninian, grain dealer, house Rd 33 victoria st Downie, Mrs Agnes, 15 staffa pl Duncan, Miss Mar., 1 Bishop Ter Bras Downs, Jas., gardener, 41 Ardbeg rd Duncan, Miss Mary Ann, 5^ Dryden, Geo., 17 K. princes st B. Princes st Drysdale, Mrs Chris., 8 Ardbeg rd Duncan, Mitthew, plasterer, 11 Duff, James, 46 Mountstuart road columshill street Dunbar, Miss Robina, 15 crichton rd Duncan, Rt., shoemaker, 18 Argyle st Dunbar, Peter, artist, 38 Ardbeg rd Duncan, Kobt., farmer, Kilwhinleck Duncan, Alex., cartwri^ht, Ros^jhill Duncan, Robert C, farmer, Auchie- Duncan, Alex., mason, 121 High st more and 16 King st Duncan, Alexander, plasterer, 11 Duncan, R. M., confectioner, 8 Ar- st columshill st gyle st ; ho Argyle Duncan, Alex., sen., tailor and Duncan, Walter, gardener, 16 st clothier, 50 Montague st ; ho. Bridge- end Hawthorn park, 22 Argyle p1 Duncan, Wm., boatman, 18 Kusaell Duncan, Alex., jun., t-iilor, 50 Mon- st tague st Duncan, Wm., druggist, 13 East Prin- 1 Battery p1 Duncan, Alex., weaver, Bridge st ces st ; ho. Duncan, Mrs Anne, 19 Russell st Duncan, Wm., tailor, 16 stere Lana Duncan, Arch., potato merchant, 4 Dunlop, Mrs John, Ascug Hall cot, w. castle st Dunlop, Matthew, tinsmith, 66 Duncan, Mrs Archd., spirit dealer, Montagus St., ho. Gowanfield pl 8 Watergate Dunlop, Mrs Margaret, Gowanfield Duncan, Cs., farmer. Little Kilmory- pl, Hillhouse road Watergate st Duncan, Miss C., spirit dealer, Dunlop, Mrs Mar., 11 Watergate Dunsdale, John, ironmonger, 14 Duncan, Daniel, merchant, woodend staffa pl Duncan, Daniel, porter, 14 King st Diithie, James, spirit de.iler, 4 Hill- Duncan, Mrs Eliz., 76 Ardbeg rd house Rd Daacau, Mrs Eliz., wyndham road Parish of Householders. Rothesay,

Ferguson, Miss Sn., 29 E., Princes st E Ferguson, Miss Marg., 7 w princes st Ferguson, Eobt., labourer, 6 John st Eadicj Miss Jane, 6 colnmshill st Ftrguson, Rev. John T., 3 King'st Elder, Thom a, spirit dealer, 26 Fergruson & Son, joiners, &c. 15 Argyle st Bridge st Ellis, J rs Elis., 18 Watergate Ferrier, Mrs A., 22 Argyle st Ellis, Wm., H postman, Kyles ., view, F rrier, David, grocer, chapelhill rd Marine pi Ferrier, Mrs Caroline, 2o Mount* Ellison,Rt..v\ ine merchant, 27 Marino Stuart rd pl Ferrier, Mrs Georgina, 22 Argyle it Ewinp,"Mr8 Annie, 65 Mountstuart Feriisr, Mrs Isabella, 38 Ladesideit rd Finlay, Mrs Eliz.. grocer, 91 High st Ewing, Miss Janet, wyndham Ed Finlayson, Mrs Helen E., Auchamore Ewing, MisB Margaret, 2 orcadia house, Ardmoryrd Finnic, Jas., grocer, 72 Ardbeg Finnie. James G., commercial tra- veller, 70 Ardbeg road F Fisher Ja',, grain merchant, 4 .w st; Fairlie, castle ho 15 Bridge st , 17 Marine pl Fisher, John, photographer, Fairlie, Mrs Agnes. BaUochgoy 6 Argyle pi Falconer, Thos., clerk, 36 Columshill Fisher, Miss Jessie, 61 Barone Bt rd Fisher Mrs Mary, 73 victoria Farqubar, Alex,, gentleman, Eden st Fisher, Robt., tailor, place 1 chapelhill rd Fisher, Waltar, jeweller, 18 Mouut- Farrely, John, merchant, 7 Marine p'easant place rd Fisken, Jas. J., residender, west- Faulds, Jas., carter, 56 High st wood, Argyle st Faulds, Jn., jun., carter, 6 King st Flannigan Miss Bertha, 10 colums- Faulds, John, sen., carter, 3 stuaitst hill st Faulds, Wm., carter, 119 High st Fleming Miss Ag., 19 E. princes st * Ferguson, Alexander, painter, 4 Fleming, Mrs Agne«, 13,victoria st ^,i cr( ft In Fie ill. , Ga in, gardener, Brandane Ferguson, Archd., farmer, crossbeg Ter, Barone rd Ferguson, Bryce, stationer, 49 Fleming, Gilbtiit, sheriff officer, 14 Montague st; ho. 10 columsLiU Albert place pl Fleming, James, labourer, 149 Ferguson, Colin, carter, 17 Eussell High street Bt Fletcher, Jas., wood-turner, 6 Ferguson. farmer, craigberoch columshill pl rergu8on,D., auctioneer 22 Brid};e st Forfar, Jas., grocer, 117 High st Ferguson, Jae., labourer, 19 Mill st Forrest, Alex., earthenware dealer, Ferguson, James, Pomona House, 75 Ardbeg rd Marine Pl Forrester, Alexander M'K., labourer Ferguson, John, joiner, 13 & 15 89 High st Bridge st Forson, And., hatter, clenhead pl Ferguson, Jn., spirit dealcr,15 stuart Foulds, Matthew, preserve maker, Bt 9Ardtegrd Ferguson, Lachlan, joiner, 13 & 15 Fowlis. Robert, mason, 3 Mill st Bridge st Frail, Hugh, carter, 111 nigh st Fergupon, Miss Helen, 16 Mount- pkasant Eraser, Misses Catherine and Maiy, 40 20 Mouutstaart rd Rothesay. parish of Fouseholders. A^nes, Margt., and Fraser, Jn., watchmaker, 4 Bridge st Gemmill, Misses 18 or cUton road Fraser, Mrs, Burubank Ter, Ardoeg Mirtha, Bd Gemmell, William, joinef, 12 Fraser, Robert, manufacturer, 83 Argyle st Ardbeg rd Gentler, Mrs, 36 Bishop st gardener, mo tford Freel, Patr., labourer, 12 Kin? st G;bion, James, Christiana Frew, Mrs Margt., 4 King st Gibson, Misses Agnes, Fulton, Robt., surgeon-dentiat and Janet, Ardmory rd Gallowgate (of 16 scotia street, alasgjw), Gibson, John,fle3her, 17 p1 26 Argyle st st ; ho 3a Argyle Mon- Fulton, Mrs Eliz., 28 crichton road Gibson, Nicol, shopman, 28 Fyfe, Jam3s, ship carpenter, 7 tague st &c., Marine f1 Gilchrist, Mr8Sarah.,8tationer, Fyfe, John, boat-builder, 76 Ardbeg 52a Montague st rd Gilchrist, Mrs Sarah, 58 Montague si sculptor, nigh Fyfe, John, clerk, 16 Mountplea3ant GilchP.st, Allan, Rd st & Townhead; ho. 110 Hi^h st Gilchrist, Daniel, teacher, 12 Argyle Fyfe, Kobt., florist, 59 High st ; ho olenhead pl street st Fyfe, Thos., ship carpenter and boat Gilchrist, Miss My., 22 E. princes st hirer, 15 Argyle pl Gilchrisi, Mrs Jessie, 43 Argyle Gilchrist, Malcolm, auctioneer, Mill st Gilchrist, Mrs Margt., wyndham Bd Gilchrist, Moore, shipmaster, 21 Ar- G gyle st Gilchrist. Thomas, spirit-merchant, Galbraith, Alex., seaman^ 9 Hill- High st, ho inkerman ter house Kd 20 Gillan, Mrs Cath., 14 Bridge-end s% Galbraith, Alex., spirit dealer, 25 Gi e> Dani 1, farmer, Quogach High st ; ho. 12 o istle st Gillies, Dug., joiner, 6 Hillhouse rd Galbraith, Arch., yachts.nan, Mea- 1 Bridge- dowcap Gillies,John,lamp-iighter, 4 End st Galbraith, R..bt., grocer, 5 Hillhouse Gillies, Mrs Eliz., S., 37 Ardbeg rd rd Gillies, Miss Mary, Ballochgoy Galbia'th, Sam., metal merchant. 1 Gillies, Pet, fctoktr, 43 waterg.'ite crai^mora Rd Gillies, Wltr. r.,tfcacherot dancing, Galbraith, Rev. Wm., u. P. Manse, 52 Anibeg rd Bishop ter Gilaiour, John, grocer, 63 Ardbeg ri Qalloway, James, Fpi it merchant Girdwood, Miss Agnes, 62 Mount- Guildford sq , ho lishop s stuart id Gardiner, James, baiber 16 wast Glass, Miss Eliz., 3 Albany Ter (57 princes sc Mcuntstuart rd) Gardiner, Jas, baker, 7 w. irinces Glen, Jas., fisherman, 40 Bishop st st Glen, John, painter, 9 Marine pl Gardiner, Miss Isabella 41 Victoria Glen, Juhn, s'eaman, 12 w Princes st 8C Gleu; yiss Agnes M., 71 victoria st Gardiner, Miss Mary, toy dealer, 93 Glen, Pr., jun., tisherman, 4 croft Lc Montague st G n, Pr., Sen., fasherman, i cioft Ln Gardiner, Wm., engineer, 80 High st Go. win, John G., librarian, 43 Gay Mrs, 9 Argyle sc Hi h st Geddes, Geo., tailor, 21 Mount- e, i:rs Mary, 80 nigh st pleasano rd GoM Gemmell, Jas., labourer, 65 High st '

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Good .^ 11, Miss Marion, 1 Koyal Ter Hagijerty, Jos., barber, 21 High st; (45 Mountstuart rd) ho 84 High st Go jld, Jjisses, Christian, Jane, and Haig, Andrew, gard mer, 46 Mill St Jessie, craiglea, 33 Ardb 'g rd Haig, Thomas, 23 Roslin pl Goodwin, Mrs Janet, 23 Mount- Halbert, Jn., mason, 2 columshill pkaiant st Gordoa, Jas., grocer, 20 BJss^r sc Hall, And. J., M.A., M.D., 5 Battery r GarJou, Wm., mason, 19 Gallowgate Hall, John, spirit dealer, 4 Bridge- G.iujh, M:s Catherine, 16 castle st end st Gow. Mrs Oath., 18 Mountpleasant Halliday, Geo., wood merchant, Govvans, Geo., insurance agent, chapeleill Rd 6 Hillhouse rd Halliday, William, engineer, 18 Graham, Alexander, dairyman, 8 Argyle st columshill st Hamilton, Mrs Agnes, 20 Marine pl

Graham, Misses Agnes and Cuth., Hamilton,Jas., architect, .5 Marine pl 29 E„ Princes st Hamilton, Jas., labourer, 4 croft Ln Graham, Miss Ann, milliner, 75 Hamilton, Misses Jeanie and Mary, victoria st 33 crichton rd

.5 Graham, Archibald, bathro.an, CO e Hami t^n, mi-s Petar, crichton Rd . p inces st H imillon,' Robt., grocer, 89 High st Graham, i^rrg Cath., 5 Minisier'fi Brae Hamilton, Robt., wyndham Rd Graham, Jas., engineer. 2 Atgyle st Hamilton, Patrick, AScog Rank Grahim, Mro Margaret, tai.oreis, 7r Ham nond, Mrs Jane, 21 columshill victoria st St Graham, Mrs Mary, grocer; shop Hanuay Miss Mary, toy dealer, 113

5 Mill st ; ho 3 Mill st Moutai:ue st Graham, Peter, potter, Arg,le f:er Hannay, Mrs Mary, Barone rd Grainger,Mi3ses, Isabella an! Jessie, Hannigan, Joseph, brick-layer, 19 Marine pi 42 High st Gray, Mrs, New Halls Buildings Hansen, Rev. John, Ascog Gray, Miss Euphemia, 18 Bridge st Harkness, Misses Ann and Cath., Gray, Geo., blacksmith, 22 Argyle st Elysium (43 Mountstuart rd) Gray, Miss Isabella, 76 Montigue st Harkness, Miss, Helen 5^ E. princes Gray, Mrs Isa., 1 HiUhouse Rd st Gray, Jas., waiter, 109 Montacrue st Harkness, Mrs Helen, 22 Argyle pl

Gray, Mr -i Jean, 19 ciichton rd Harold, Misses Eliz. and Isa., book. (4iay, John, coachman, Ardmox-y rd seller, Albert pl ; ho. 26 crich- Gray, John, labourer, 17 e. princes ton rd st Hart, Miss Eliz., He. pinces st Gray, Mrs Margt., 77 Montag le st Hart, Jas., tenter, Argyle ter

Gray & Son, boot manufacturers, Hart, Miss Mary, 2 chapelhill rd ' 20 Montagus st Harvey, Jn., dyke-builder, 119 High Grierson, capt. Wm. Gowanfield pi st Guthrie, Mrs Isabella, westwood Harvey, John B., seaman, 3 Mini- Guthrie, John, stoker, 80 nigh st ster's Br Guthrie, P., grocer, wyndham rd Harvey, John T. restaurau!;eer, Gal-

Gutzmer, Mrs Jessie, 2-i crichton rd lowgate ; ho 7 Tower st Harvey, John C, (of Harvey & .|

Co., printers), 16 Montague st { H Harvey, & Co. printers, & insurance agents, Rothesay Chronicle office, Hagart, Richd. B., commsn. agent, 12 Watergate 61 Ardbeg Bd Grace 21 Argyle pl 42 Harvey, MfS C, -Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Havrey, Mrs, Janet, 15 castle st Higgle, G.D., reporter, correspondent Harvey, Robt., tailor, 121 High st an 1 ius'iraMca agant Sarvey, Satnuel, mason, 99 Hi^K st H gh^ate, Mrs Eliz., 12 King st Htivlin, Wm., blacksmith, 32 Mill st Hill, Chas., labourer, 40 ui^hDp st Hay, Colin C, oil merchant, wynd- Hill, Eban., 23 Mountstuart rJ .liam rd Hdl, Ceorge, teater and draper, 73 Heaney, Wm., enginesr, ll Bridge- Moafcagut) st end st Hill, Neil, seaman, 35 Bi-idge st Heaton, James, spirit-merchant Hodge, Mis5 Mirgb. C, 19 Moanfc-

7 victoria st ; ho 83 Barone Rd pleaont Heaton, Robert, spirit-dealer, 12 E. Hogg, Thoi., tobacconist an i joiner,

Princes st ; ho. serpentine Ro 27 Montague sfc ; ho 25 Heaton, Wm, SDirit-dealer,25 Barona Holmai, Miss E., Bycalla, araigmoro Kd Holms, And., grocer, 47 victoria st; Henderson, Archd., seaman, 30 ho 29 E. princ3s sfc Bridge st Hope, John, brass-founder, craig- Henderson, Dan., boatman, 7 Bishop more villa, crichfcon rI st Hope, M:-s Lily, 22 colam^hill st Henlerson, James, wood merchant, Hope, Mrs Sarah, 54 ArJbsg westwoud Howie, MISS, Janet, 2 colu.nihill pi Henderson, John F., gentleman, 53 H)wie, John, joiner, B'shop st Ardbeg Howifct, Arjh F., engiuicr, 4(3 Henderson, Miss Margaret, 11 Ladeside st columshill st Huater, Adam, groosr, 4 Mount- Henderson, Miss Margt. wesfcwool pleasant Hendry,James, carrier, 72 Moutagae Hunter, Mrs AnnieY., 6 slytiim (33 st Mounts'uart rd) Hendry, Mrs Agnes, 11 Bridge -End Hunter, James, grocer, 10 w. princes

st Sb ; ho 11 Arr^le pi Hendry, Miss Elizabeth, York Ter Hnnter John, builder, 11 castle st Hendry, Mrs Isa., 8 Hillh ius3 rd Hunter, Jn., joiner, 20 columshill st Hendry, Mrs Mary, 82 High st Hunter, Mrs Mar^t., 3 J B. princas sfc Hendry, Wm., labourer, 28 Mill st HUiltsr, Thorn 3,3, chimney Herbert, Miss Agnes, 31 E. princes st sweeper, 20 Watergate Herbert Mrs Helen,! Mountstuarb Rd Hunter, Wm., bnilder, staffa p1 loe Herbert & Maddever, writers Hunter, AVm. M.D., 7 Battery pi Watergate Hunter, William, druggist 64 MOU'

Heron, Jas., grocer, and wine mer- tague St ; ho 66 do chant, and artificial manure Hutchison, Mrs Georgiaa, 103 agent 19 E. princes st Montagu 3 st peron, John, bo wlmg-green keeper, Hutchison, Mrs Isa.,draper, 85 Monta- Ballocligoy gue st Heron, Miss Margt., 31 E. princes st Hutton, Jas., retired civil servant, Hetherington, Mrs, Margt., High 20 crichton r i craigmore Hutton, Mrs Jem, 9 Ardbeg Rd Hewison, Rev. J. K., Parish Manse Hyndman, Andrew, musician, 121 Hicks, Charles, (of George Hicks & High sfc son), druggist, 17 Mountpleasaut Hyndman, Miss Euphemia, 14 Argyle Road sfc Jlieks, Geo. & Son, druggists, Hyndman, Jas., slater, 2 Logie pi, 1 victoria st & 2 High st Bridge St Higgle & Coy-, printers and Hyndman, Peter, ploughman, Balli- publisherSj 22 Bridge st aalay 43 Parish of Householders. Rothesay,

Hyndman, Robt., Kerryfern, Meikle Jamieson, Neil, wood-cutter, 15 Cas- Kilmory tle st Jamieson, Wm.,gardener, serpentint Rd Jardine, Robt., boat builder, chapel- hill Rd ingleton, Mrs Agnes, Ferguson pi, 31 Jarman, Mrs Mary, Havelock Ter Mountstuart rd Jeffrey, Js. fisherman, 24 Watergate Inglis, MISS Eliz., 8 Montague st Jenkins, Miss Cath., 65 victoria st Inneg, Alex., gardener, High craig- Jenkins, Duncan, carriage -hirer, — more castle st InneS, Geo., house-furnisher, and Jenkins, Mrs Jane, 24 Bishop st

pawnbroker, 6 W. castle St ; ho Jennings, Joseph, carter, 14 Bridge- 22 Aroryle St end st Innes, Martin, pawnbroker, 4 Jessamine, Miss Eliz., 17 B.princes st west castle st Johnstone, Miss Flora, 9 castle st lunea, M. & J., furniture deal- Johnstone, John R., blacksmith, 65 ers, Moutague st Ardbeg rd Irvine, Samuel, shoemaker, 5^ K. Johnstone, Robt,, mason, 3 stuart st princes st Johnstone, Wm., fiesher, 8 Lade^ide

Irvine, Rev. Thos , 15 Bishop st st Irwin, John, penaioner, 107 ^Mon- Johnston, Mrs Eliz., 17 Battery pi tasrue st Johnston, Hugh, joiner, 11 columa- hill st Johnston, James, mason, 2 castlehill st Johnston, John, shoemaker, 9 Jack, Alex., 24 E. Prinoes st Castle st Jnck, James, grain merchant, castle- Johnston, Jn., shoemaker, 56 Lade-

hil st ; ho Hillside house side st Jack, Joseph, chemist, 27 cralgmore Johnston, John G., 54 Ardbeg rd rd Johnstone, Mrs Robert, Hlllhouse Bd Jack, Th., contractor, 20 Gallowgate Johnston. Thos., mason, 21 stuart Jackson, Mrs Campbell, sarone Rd st Jackson, David, Norman stowart Jones,Mrs Margt., 22 Mountstuart rd

institute ; ho 15 Bi.shop st Joule, B. St. J. B., 36 Mountstuart Jackson, Mrs Isabella, 5 oread ia rd Jacks n. Wm H., bank age ut, 43 Artib 'g rd Jamieson, Arch. & Son, florists and gardeners 7^ Argyla st K Jamieson, Miss Eliz., grocer, 8 w. Kay, Miss Agnes, confectioner, 49 Princes st High st Janieson, James G., gardener, 7 Kay, James, forester, Barone cot Argyle st Kay, Mrs Helen, Royal Ter (52 Jamieson, Miss Jane,8 Mouatpleasant Mountstuart road) rd Kean, Archd., labourer, 22 Mill st Jamieson, Miss Jane, 8 w. princes st Kean, William, ma<=on, 22 Mill st Jamieson, John, baker, 14 Albert p1 Kean, Wm.. coachman, Roslin pi (21 Jamieson, John, fishcurer, 63 Mount- Mountpleasant Rd stuart rd Keir, Alt x., eating-house keeper, 7 Jamieson, Jn. plasterer, C, 35 Mill st Bridge st Keith, Alex., joiner, 83 Montague 8t i

Parish or Householders. Rothesay.

Keith, Daniel, plasterer, 25 sarone Knox, John, boatman, 8 e. princes Rd Bt Keith, John, bottler, 2 mUhouae rd Keith, Miss Mary, 21 Btaffa p1 Kelly, Jas., painter, 13 Argyle pit Kelly Jo 111 t^, hotel-keeper, Laidlaw, Geo, B. grocer, 70 Ardbe^ Royal Hotel, 4 Albert pi rd

Kelly, Mi33 Mary, 11 Mounts tuart Rd Laidlaw, Jas , seaman, 7 Bishop st Kennedy, Angus labourer, 28 Mill st Laidlaw, Robt., manufacturer, Ar- Kennedy Mrs Ann, 50 Ladeside st gyle st Jame3,seaman,ll Albert pl Laird, Aadw., confectioner, 16 Gal- ; Kennedy, Kennedy, James, 25 Gallowgate lowgate Kenne ly Mrs Joan, 26 Ladeside st Laird, John, painter, 27 Bridge-End Kennedy, Wm., ploughman, Dun- st

all in cot. Lamb, , gardener, Ann's Lodge, Ker, Miss Agnes, 12 Marine pl ASCOg Ker, John, heritor, 12 Marine pl Lambie, Miss Jane, 2 1 E, Princes st Kerr, Andrew, labourer, 55 Mon- Lamont, Alex, carpentjr, serpen- tague st tine Rd Kerr, Andrew, mason, 34 Bridge st Lamont, Alex., joiner, 2 e. Prince Kerr, Miss Ann, 115 High st st Kerr, James, cabman, 7 w. princes st Lamont, Archd., tailor, 15 callow- Kerr, Jas., miller, 21 columshill st gate Kerr, James, heritor, 18 craitjmore Lamont, Daniel, ironmongar, 68 Kerr, John, joiner, 24 Bishop st Montague st Kerr, Mrs Euph., 25 Mountsiuart ad Lamont, Donald boat hirer, Mount- Kerr, Miss Flora, 11 columshill st stuart road Kerr, Mrs Jessie, 26 columshill st Lamont, Dun., joiner, 2 staffa pl Kerr, Mrs Mary, 20 Bridge-End st Lamont, John, jun,, baker, 19 Gal-. Kerr, Neil, mason, 14 E. princes st lowgate st Kerr, Robt., cabman, 36 Bishop st Lamont, John, sen., baker, 21 Kerr, Wm., teacher, 5 Argyle st Gallowgate Kidd, John, inspector of poor, 31 Lamont, Jn., fisherman, 30 e. 'princes

Bishop st ; ho 15 Mountstuart Rd st

King, , Knockdhu view, Marine Lamont, Mrs Margt., 33 victoria st

pl Lamont, Mra Margt , 29 victoria st King, John, farmer, wyndham rd Lamont, Mrs Margt., 46 Montague st Kinloch, Cs., gentleman 17 E. Prin- Lang, Mrs Agnes, 9 Ardbeer rd ces st Latimer, John, clerk, 3J victoria st Kinloch, Chas., jun„ photographer, Lauder, Hugh, jeweller, 8 Albert pi; Dean Hood Pl ho Linlen vil, crichton Rd Kinnear, Robt., gardener, 12 Bishop Lauder, Wm., joiner, 1 columshill Ter p Kirk, John, portioner, 4 Marine pl Law, Miss Mary Ann A., 13 Ardbeg Kirk, MisslMargt., 18 castle st Law, Thos., merchant, 38 Bishop st Klrkland, Js., labourer, 14 Ladeside Lawrie, Miss Mary E., 17 Bishop st st Lawrence, Mrs Cath., chapelliill rd Kirkpatrick, Wm., janitor, Norman Lawrie, Dan,, engineer, 84 High st Stewart Institute LaWSOn, David, baker, 87 Mou~ tague Bt e, Kirkwood, Mrs Isabella, 171 High st and princes st j ho Kirkwood, Mrs Janet, 34 Argyle st 89 Montague st Kirkwood,David, cartwright, y5 High Lawson, Miss Elizabeth, IS Mount-' * St ; ho %den p) pleasant ltd . 45 3

Parish of Householdera Rothesay.

I.awson J. B., m.d., 15 Battery place Love, Mrs Ann, 31 Gallowgate Lee, Mrs Catherine, 16 castle st Love, cattle dealer, Lee, Miss M ry, 77 MiiU'.aj^fu-i st Love, Jas., D. K., gamekeeper, 23 Leggatt, Mrs C, 17 callowgate Mountpleasant Rd Leckie, Jas. A., slater, SoBiiigo st Lovell, Jobn, labourer, 24 Ladeside

, Leckie, Miss Jessie, 7^ Argyle st st Leekie, Wm, M., slater, 31 Lowe Ja<.,sbip!na5ter, 55 Ardbeg rd Bridge st Lugton, Danl., baker, 121 High st Leijhtou, Jo3. E., farmer, 47 Barone Lugton, Mis3 Mary, 11 Bridge-End rd st Leisbman Miss Jane, 23 victoria st Lusk, Robt., yachtsman, 27 Bridge- Leitcb, Miss Agnes, 29 ArdbegEd End st Leitcb, Dugald, joiner, 52 Montague Lusk, Robt., labourer, 5 castle st st Lusk, Mrs Wm., 27 Bridge-End st Leitcb, Duncan, carpenter, Ettrick Lvla, Mr> Jessie, 16 Tjvver st Bank Lylej Mrs John, Townhead

Leitcb, Neil, gardener, Roslin Lyle, Rubt. , artist, 21 Mountpleasant Leith.,Pet, druggist, 4 Biibop Ter rd, (tioslyn pi) Le Neve, Miss Agnes, Hi-h ciaig- Lyle, Wm., druggist, 16 Tower st

more rd Lvneb, Mrs Mar^^t., 13 Marine pi . Lennox, Mrs Sarab, 2 Bridge st Lyon, Charles, prince of wales Liddle, Jobn, basket mak^r, 89 Lodge, Royal Terrace Higb st Lyon, Jas., heiitor, 48 Mountstuart Liddle, MifS Margt., 10 Argyle pi Kd Liddell^ Eobt., cook, 77 Montague st Lightbody, Miss Ani), 76 Higb st Lindsay, Wm., painter, John st ; M ho 84 Montague st Madden, George, Lister, iUex., fiorist, etc, 14 e. sergeant-major Argyle princes St, and Meadowbank and Bute Aitillery vo- and Gay field Nurseries lunteers, 21 Mountstuart Rd Maguire John, delf dealer, Litster, "VS m. H., spirit dealer, 81 52 High Ardbeg Rd st Maddiver, Little Mrs Mary, 73 victoria st Mrs Margt., 42 Mount- stuart Living'Stonia Temperance Hotel, Rd Guildford sq Maddever, WCW., procurator-fiscal, Watergate, Livingston, Edw., sbipuriaster, 31 ho 2 Battery pi cricb on Rd Maitland Donald, grocer, Eden placo tland, Livingstone, G., saddler, 14 castle- Ma John, labourer, union billst st Livingston, John, seaman, 11 Albert Maitland Mrs Janet, 27 Bishop st pi Mansfield, Mrs Mary, 55 Ardbeg Rd Livingston, Wnn,, labourer, 111 nigh Maltman, Mra Agnes, 10 Ladeside st st Marqutss of Bute's Estate oliice, 41 Higb st: Lochhead, Mrs Helen, 3 Eoyal Ter, John Windsor Stuart, (47 Mountstuart rd) factor Marsh, Mrs Lockbart, James, letter-carrier,'' Helen, 9 Mill st King st Marshall, David H., gentleman, 21 Lockie, Miss Margt., 24 Ladeside Ardbeg rd Logan, Miss Mary, 23 Ardbeg Ed Marshall, Jas, tailor, 4 Mountpleas- ant Lorrain, Miss Eliz., 36 Ladeside st Marshall, Mrs Louden, Wm., spirit dealer, Ard- Janet, 54 Ladeside mory rd Marshall, John, mason, 79 High st - Parish of Honseliolders. Rot

joiner, 27 Argyle pl Milloy, And., ironmonger, ! Marshall, Wm., 45 Mon- Martin, Bryce, cabinet-maker' tague sfc wyndham rd Miller, Miss Beckwith, 16 Hillhouse Martin, Miss Cath.. Bute Temperance Miller, Mrs Cath., 24 cohimshill st - Hotel, 7 Watergate Miller, Mrs Christina, 2 Argyle st Martin, Mai., tailor, 14 Albert pl Miller, I>aniel, groaer, 28 castle st Martin, Miss Mary, 98 Montague st Miller, Miss, 7 Ely.siura Martin, Miss Mary, confectioner, 1 Miller, Miss Eliz.li 31 oallowgata Watergate st Millei", Mrs George, 2 Argyle .st Martin, Mrs Isabella, 8 Tower st Miller, Jas.. slatar, 16 staffa p1 William, insurance agent, 29 Miller, John, labourer, 42 Ladeside i Martin, Argyle ter Miller, J. & Son, slaters, 5 co- Mason, Mrs Jane, 27 Barone rd lumshill St Mason, Thos., grocer, 65 Higb st Miller, John, flesher, 28 E. Princes st ho. Eden pl, 169 High st Miller, John, slater, 2 Hillhouse Rd Masonic Halls—"St John's," 12 Bi- Miller, Maxwell, merchant, High shop st craigmore Rd Masterton, Ths., bathman, olenburn; Miller, MISS Robina, wyndham rd ho. Ciicht )n rd Miller, Robt. C, draper, Alma Ter Matthewson, Alex., farmer, Ash- Millar, Samuel, spirit merchant, 3

field Bridge-End st ; ho Barone rd Maxwell,Jas., confectioner, 23 E prin- Miller, Wm., lab::)urer, 121 nigh st ces st Miller, Wm, slater, 5 coluiiishill st May, John., reporter, public Halls Miller, Wm. L., seaman, 28 East Buildings, 17 E. princes st princes st Mearns, Mrs Christina R.;, wvndham Miller, & Co., drapers, 57 Montague Rd st Meek, Rev. Jas. Brcdy, New parish Milloy, Andw., moulder, 71 victoria church Manse, ivy Bank, Bridge st st Milloy, Andw. H., ironmonger, 45 Meikle, Archd., clerk, 4 Mount- Montague st pleasant Rd Milloy, Lachlan, ironmonger, 45

Meikle, Mrs, 6 Mountpleasant Montague st ; ho Elmbank, Hill- Meik'ejohn, Mi's Isa., Argyle Ter house Rd Meiklejohn, Mrs Marion, 104 Mon- Milne,0 wen, superintendent,Bute tague st certiKed industrial school, 37 Melrose, Mrs Eleanor, 16 King st Mill st Menzies, David F.. insurance agent, Mitchell, Misses Agne? & Eliz.,

52 Ardbeg rd Mount view, 55 Oii.;hto \ rd .Menzies, Mrs Mary, union s.t Mitchell, David, gariener, 17 stuart Middleton, Mrs Anne G.,die3smaker, st

^ 7 Biihop st Mitchell, Jas., tailor, 46 Montague s-t Mi'l, Mrs Jtssie, 26 Argyle st Mitchell, Jn., shipmaster, 8 Mount- -Millar, W. J., civil engineer, 31 stuart Kd Marine p1 Mitchell, Mrs Mary and Miss Jessie, Miller, Misses Agnes, Elizabeth and 1 Mackinlay st Jane, 7 Elysium (39 Mcunt- Mitchdl Mrs Peter, 28 Argyle st - stuart id) Mitchell, Robert, manufacturer, Miller, Alex., chimney-sweeper, chapelhiil Rd 44 High st Mitchell, Samuel, grocer, 6 High st Miller, Alexander, joiner, 18 colums- Mitchell, Thos., & Son, uphd.

hill st terers, 81 victoria st ; works, Dean Hood pl 47 1

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Mitchell, Wm., gentleman, 9 Argyle Morrison, John, engineer, 31 oraig*; Bt more Mitchell, Wm. L., upholsterer, 21 Morrison, Mis", 11 columshill st Mill St Morrison, John, gardener, 72 mob- Moffat, Wm,, accountant, 171 nigh tague st St Morrison, miss, Margaret, 3 Bishop' Montgomery, Mrs Agnes, 11 £ast Ter

Princes fit Morrison, Neil, gardener, 9 HillhooMi Montgomerie. Archd., clerk, 1 Ard- Rd beg rd Mon'ison, B;obert, architect ftnd

Montgomerie, Francis, innkeeper, 3 joiner, 37 Watergate st ; be w. princes st Eden p1, 169 High »t Montgomerie, Miss Mary C, boot Morrison, Rode ick, shipmaster, 34 seller, 44 Montague st crichton Rd Montgomerie, Misses Jane & Margt., Morrison, Wm., carrier, 19 oolums 1 East Princes St, ho 12 west hiUst

Princes st Morton, hu., grocer, S2 Montague ift i Montgomery, Wm. B., baker, 10 K. ho Bar me rd

Princes st ; ho 15 Bishop st Morton, John H., draper, 29 Barone MontgomerieWm., heritor, 1 Ardbeg Rd Moodie, Archibald, blacksmith, 19 Mouat, Miss Jane El'za, retired High st schoolmistress, 12 Bridge st Moodie, Mrs Magdalene, Ballocbgoy Muir, Arch., farmer. Larkhall, west- Ter land Rd Moodie Wm., veterinary surgeon, 15 Muir, Chas., baker, 13 High st

store Lane ; ho 13 Battery pi and lie Argyle st Moodie &Wallace,carriage-hirer8, Muir, James, baker, 13 High st 15 store Lane Muir, Mrs Jane, Foley House, 155

Moore, William, P. , iron merchant, High at 17 Marine pi Muir, Miss Jessie, 9 Argyle st Moore, Jas., clerk, 20 Bishop st Muir, Thomai^, farmer, Mechnoch Moore, Jas., tailor, 7 Gallowgate Muir, Mrs Tbomasina, 13 Argyle pi Moore, Robt., grocer, 4 Mill st Muirhead, J., 57 crichton rd Morris, David L, baker, 107 Mullen, Peter, labourer, 24 Lade- Montague st; ho Barone Rd side st Morison, Hugh, gardener, 57 Munn, Miss Mary E[.,Mountpleasaat Ardbeg rd rd Morrison, Wm., farmer, Milton Munn, Wm., heritor, 31 Ardbeg Morison, Wm, M'lvor, heritor, 32 Muaro. Don., grocer, 6 Albert pi Marine pi Murdoch, Angus, shoemaker, 9 & 11 Morrison, A., milliner, 67 vic- Bridge-End st toria st ; ho 65 do Murdoch, Dugald, cabman, 19 cast'e Morrison, Arch., farmer, the Bush st Morrison, Brothers, builders, Barone Murdoch, John, plumber, 11 Bridge* rd End st Morrison, Daniel, police constable Murphy, Mrs Bridget, 68 High st 18 oastle st Murray, Arch., carrier, 47 Mon- Morrison, Donald, baker, 38 Lade- tague st side st Murray Mrs Cath., 20 w. princes st Morrison Donald, gardener, 29 Muray, Dan, el, manufacturer. Bal- Craigmore Rd luchgoy Morrison, Mrs Elizabeth, 3 Mill st Murray, Daniel S., plasterer, 3S 4S Lade ide Rothesay. Parish of Householders.

Donald, draper, 10 Afbert Murray, D. C, glazier and paint- McArthur, Alma Ter e , 86 Montague st; he Barone rd p1 ; ho Donald, gardener, staffa Murray, Mrs Elizabeth, Ferguson p1, McArthur 29 Mountstuart rd Pl blacksmith, 10 Murray, Mrs Mary, 84 Montague st McArthur, Duncan, Murray, Richard, shoemaker 20 Lade-iide Jane, milliner, 69 Bridge En.l st McArthur, Mrs Murray, Thomas, joiner, Barone Bd victoria st teacher of music, Murray, Wrr., carrier, 25 McArthur, Jas., 24 Bishop st Brids^e st ; ho 47 Montague st. D.,draper,pirwood, Mylne, Mies Margt, M., High craig- McArthur John more Bd Mouutstuart rd McArthur, Misi Isabella, Lilyoak ter McArthur, Mrs Marion, 75 Ardbeg Rd Mac. McArthur, Mrs Marion, 7 Colums- McAdam, Mrs Margaret, Ballochgoy hill st labourer, 21 Ter McArthur, Murdoch, McAdam, Peter, grocer, 17 East Mill st grocer, 74 Montague Princes st McArthur, Mrs, McAlaster, James, 56 nigh st st fisherman, 8t McAlister,j9.,farnier,MeikleKilmory McArthur, Robert, McAlister, Robert & John, farmers, Ninian's Bay 52 Ard- Mid-Ascog McAulay Chas., gardener, McAlister, Miss Grace, 27 Bishop st beg rd clerk, Barone Rd McAllister, Miss Margt., 28 colums- McAulay, Jas., Jas., designer, 14 E. hill st McAulay, McAllister, Miss Margt., 21 craig- Princes sb more Ed McAulay, Michael, labourer, 89 McAllister, Mrs Mary, 22 colums- High st eating-house hillst McAuslan, James, McAlpine, Mrs Agnes, Havplock ter keeper, 3 Mill st McAlpine, Miss Agnes, 7 Bishop st M'Barnet, Mrs Jane, 59 Ardbeg rd McAlpine, Ang., court-house keeper, McBean, Miss Margaret, 24 castle- 33 High st and 27 E, Frin es st hill st McAlpine, Dan., painter, 110 High Macbeth, Adam D., writer, castle st st ; ho Ard-Asoog McAlpine, John, confectioner, 63 Macbeth, Daniel, writer, castle st ; victoria st ; ho 8 Argyle p1 ho Ard-Ascog McAlpine Mrs Margaret, milliner, McBrayne, David, steamboat 103 Montague st owner, office on pier McAlpine, Miss Mary, 16 Argyle st McBrayne, Donald, seaman, 26 Rus- McAlpine, Robt., flesher, 115 sell st Montague st. ho 1 Bridge-end st McBride Hugh, labourer, 75 Ard- McAra, Mits Christina, la Battery pi beg rd McArthur mIss Agnes, 97 Montague McBride, Alex., engineer, 28 Bridge st McArthur, Arch., gardener, 70 joiner, John st Ardbeg Rd McBride, Jas., ; ho. 16 Mill st McArthur Archd. , carter, 50 Lade- McBride, Mrs Mary [Croil, 12 Ardbeg side McArthur, DL, slater, 26 Ladeside st V 49 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McBride Peter, farmer, High craig- McCord Mrs Jane, 17 E. princes st more McCord, John,mason,55 Montague st McBride, Peter, draper, 97 Mon- McCorkindale,Dugald, ir«nfounder, tague st Clydesdale House, Ascog McBride, Pr., labourer 10 Mill st McCormick, Mrs Alex., 23 victoria st McBride, Robt., blacksmith, McCormick, Rev. Dugald, Chapel- Johnst 16 Mi 1 ; ho st hill Free Gaelic Church, York McBride Roit,, farmer, Ard^calpsie ter McCormick, Edward, mason, 13 McCairney, Hugh, carter, 28 Gallowgate Mill st McCormick Mrs John, 3 Barone Rd McCall, Miss Mary, 50 crichton Rd McCra eke nWm.,joiner, 29 victoria McCall, Jn,, shoemaker, 26 castle st st McOallum Dan., fanner, Little McCrone, captain, Jas, 10a Mount- Greiiach Btuart rd M'Callum, Duncan, Adelaide p1 8 ; McCrone, Jas., jun., draper, 15 Mountstusrt Rd victoria st McCallum, Miss Jeanie, 27 Maiiuf^ pi McCrone, capt. Robt., 39b nigh st McCallum, Jn., joiner (of McCallum, McCulloch, Wm., hotel-keeper, 87 Marshall), & 98 Montague st victoria st McCallum, John, shopman,20 Bishop st McDade, John, labourer, 38 Lade- McCal um, Neil, grocer, 96 Mon- side st tague st McDermott, James, labourer, 28 Mill McCallum, Neil, cook, 103 Mon- st tague st McDermott, Samuel, labourer, 46 McCallum, Peter, gardener, 18 castle Mill st st McDiarmid Mrs Eliz., 35 Bridge st McCallum, Peter, farmer, Little McDonald Duncan, tea merdiant, Grenach High st McCallum, S., grocer, 96 Montague McDonald, Miss Agne& C.,25 Ardbeg st Rd McCallum & Marshall, joiners, 50 McDonald, Miss Catherine, 26 High st columshill st McCanu, Mrs Christina, 6 castle st McDonald, Fredk., boatman, 22 McCarthy, Wm., excise officer, 31 Mill st E. Princes st McDonald, Miss Helen, Havelock Tr McCartney, Mrs Helen, 50 Ardbeg rd McDonald, Hu., labourer, 18 Lade- McClellan, Jn., shoemaker and boat- side st man, 41 victoria st McDonald, Mrs Isabella, 35 Bridge McClure, Mrs Margt., 2 Argyle p1 6t McColl, Miss Christina, 9 Ardbeg rd McDonalg, James, Libourer, 17 MuColl, John, carter, 2 John st Bussell st McColl Mrs Elizabeth, Argyle Ter McDonald Jas. ,labourer,M*Allister'8 McCombe, Francis, labourer, 17 court Mill st McDonald John, labourer, 19 Mill st McCocechie, Arch., farmer, 119 McDonald John, labourer, 38 Lade- High st side st McConechie, Mrs Cath., 24 b. princes McDonald Mrs Margt., 56 nigh st st McDonald, Mrs Mary, 110 High st McCo nell, Miss Christioa, 23 Mon- McDonald, Mrs Marion, 10 Glenroea tague at Pl, Ardbeg Rd ;

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McDonald, Neil, seaman, 9 victoria McFarlane, James, joiner, 38 St columshill st McDonald, Mrs Sarah, 17 aallow- Macfarlane, Jas., sawyer, 38 colums- gate hill st l^acdonell, Miss Louisa C, March- McFarlane, Mrs Janet, "Westland rd mount villa, Moun pleasant Rd McFarlane, Jhn, grocer, 115 High st McDougald Alex., fisherman, Balli- McFarlane, John, f=pirit- dealer, 13 pi currie shore Tower st ; ho 14 Huntly McDougall, Arch., joiner, 19 Russell McFie, Archibald, teacher, wellpark St rd McDougall, Dugald, labourer, B. McFie Mrs Christina, 41 Barone Rd Burgh Lands M'Fie Daniel, C.E., master of works, McDougall, Miss Isabella, 43 Ardbeg castle st Bd Macfie, Donald, tailor, 27 Brldgj- McDougall John, hawker, 111 end st High st McFie Dug., painter, 38 High st ; ho McDougall, Miss Mary, 14 Argylest 12 castle st McDougall, Mrs Janet, 15 Bishop st McFie, Miss Eliz., 29 E. Princes st McDougall, Pr., engineer, prospecc McFie Misses Eliz. and Mary, mill- House, 1 Marine p1 workers, 16 Hillhouse Rd McDougall, Robt., farmer, Barnauld McFie, Hec, shipmaster, 12 Mount- stuart Rd McEwen, Alex., steward, 71 victoria McFie James, boatman, 20 water- st gate McEwen Archd., seaman, 11 East McFie, Mrs Jane, 16 Argyle st Princes st McFie, Mias Jane, 13 Bishop st McEwen, Mrs Helen, 10 Mount- McFie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie stuart rd McFie John, labourer, Ladehouse M'Ewen, Jan., letter-carrier, 97 McFie, John, tailor, 46 Montague st Montague sc Mc^'le, Malcolm, labourer, 20 Mill st McEvven Mrs Grace, 26 Argyle st McFie, Miss Mary, 24 castle st McEwen, Miss Mary, 36 Ladesidi McFie, Miss Mary Ann, 151 nigh st McEwen, John, seaman, Bishop ler- McFie, Miss Mary H., 2 Mount- racj Brae stuart rd McFie, Rt., joiner, 6 columshill p1 McEadyen Wm., gardener, 14 King McFie,Rt., harbour-master,4 Battery I st Pi McFadyen, "Wm., designer, 21 McFie Robt., grocer, 10 Argyle st Mount pleasant ho 14 Argyll p1 McFadzean,George,grocer, 21 water- MoFie, Mrs Thos., 7 castle st gate st McFie Wm., joiner, 18 Argyie pi McFarlane Adam, farmer, Lochend MoFarlane, Miss Ann, 9 Argyle at McGallagleyCorneilius, pawnbroker, McFarlane, Archibald, seaman, 98 70 Ardbeg Montague st McGaw Mrs Cath., 17 Argyle p1 McFailaiie Mrs Cath., 15 Mount- McGeaohy Mrs Mary, 43 Barone Rd pleasant Bd McGee, Robert, grocer, l Ar-

McFarlane, Mrs Cath 58 nigh st gyle st ; ho 2 do M'Farlane, Duncan, farmer, Kerry- M'Gee, Walter, engineer, 18 Marine cruisoch Pl McFarlane Jas., gentleman, 24 Ma- McGeorge Mrs Elizabeth, 1 orcadia rine p1 McGilivarv, Archibald Eaut bv i'l I

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

McGillivray, Mrs Margaret, B. Mcintosh, Mrs Steuart,22 craigmora

Burgh Lands R . McGilp, Alex., watchmaker, 16 Mcintosh, William, accountant, 30 High St Bisho 1 £t ; ho 32 crichton rd McGilp, Arch. J bootmaker, 18 East Mclntyre, Arch., carpenter, 19 vic- Princes st; 41 Montague st loria st McGilp, Daniel, crossbeg Mclntyre, Miss Charlotte, 76 nigh st Mrs Eliz., st McGilp, 103 Montague Mclntyre, : 'aniel, farmer, Dunalunt McGrilp, Arch., jeweller, 22 Mclntyre, Dugald, Rockbura cot- Montague st tage, ASCOg McGinty, Hugh, ham & egg Mcliityse, Miss Elizabeth, craig dealer, 54 Montague st point, 6 craigmore ri MoGlasiian, Mrs KHz., 10 Ardbeg rd MIontyre, Miss Elizabeth, green-

TilcGregor, , 17 Marine pi grccar, 34 Montague st McGregor, Mrs Eliz., 55 Montague st M( Intyre, Mrs Jessie E., 23 victoria McGovern, Jn., tailor,28 Montague st st McGovvan, James, painter, Logie p1, Mclntyre, John, cirpenter, 8 Mill st Bridge st Mclntyra, John, garJener, 66 Mon- MoGowan, Rt., seaman, 41 Argyle st tague st McGregor, Jn., labourer, Baramore Mclntyre John, surgeon, 58 crich- MiGuinness, Ross, spirit-dealer, 53 ton rd Barone Rd Mclntyre, Malcolm, labourer, 23 McGuire, John, hawker, 48 High st Ta Barone id Mclntyre, Peter, farmer, Ballanlay McHafEe, Dav., iron-merchant, 35 Mclntyre, Rt., farmer, serpentine Rd Ardbeg Rd Mclntyre, Robert, coaahraan, 39 calend^rer, McHaffie, Wm., 35 High st ArJbeir Rd Mcl8n,ac, Jn., 45 Argyle st McIIaffie, William, ironworker, 33 iV elver, Patrick, labjurar, 6 7 nigh st Bridge st 'v elver, Thos,, quarrier, 1-21 High st Mcllmoii Paul, labourer, 35 Bridge Mclvor, William, woodman, 8 Bt columshi 1 pi ^'elloon, Mrs 22 Bridge-EU'l st MoKay, Od., clothier, 26 Montague st M'lnall, Jas. draper, ^'\ Ardbeg rd McKay, Miss Flora, 23 Bridge-end st Mclndoe, Mrs Mary, 42 Argyle st iv^cKay, Jn., chief -constable, 37 High lir! clones, Mrs Isabella, 22 B. priaces st ; ho Clyde view, upper craig- st more Mcintosh Alex., mason, 1 Bridge- McKay, Jn., P.E.I.S., head master, end st Public school ; ho park Grove, Macintosh, Arch., druggist, 45 vic- 43 crichton Rd

toria st ; ho 1 7 Argyle xer M-ckay, Wm, ma., rector of Acad- Mcintosh, David, sawyer, 2 Hill? emy; ho 1 wimbleton (19 Moqr^t- house Ed Stuart rd Mcintosh, Jas., paiijter, 17 Argyle McKean, Wm., warehoussman, 65 ter victoria st Mackintosh, Ju. gentle man, Ardnaory McKechnie. Miss Ann, 3 Mount- rd Stuart rd R!cIntosh, visaMargt.,17 Argyle Tpr ^ c e hnie, Aln , labourer, 11 Mill at Mcintosh, Mis 5 Mary., salt-dealer, 20 Mc ealmife, Arch., porter, 8 HilK castlehill st bouse rd Mcintosh, ijrs Mary, niUaida House, McKachnie Dugald, ploughman, serpentine Kd Kerryfern McKechnie, Daniel, 52 79 Montague ati Parish of Householders. Rothesay,

McKeHar, Daniel, painter, 2 Hill- McKinlay, Mrs Jane, 56 crichton Bd house road MacKinlay, John, bookseller, McKee David, STwyer 10 Mill sb stationer, and postmaster, 21

McKellar Mrs Helen, 11 colums- victoria st ; ho 2 Bishop Ter hill St McKinlay, John, temperance hotel- McKellar Mrs Isabella, 41 vi?t )riast keeper, 4 High st McKellar, Jas. seaman, 48 Ladeside st McKinlay, Mrs Marion, 43 Argyle st McKellar, Mrs Martha, 6 Royal Ter, McKinlay, Robt., shoemaker, 11a

(50 Mountstuirt rd) Argyle st ; ho 2 chapelhill rd , McKelvie m s^ Eliz., 31 Ardbe.^rd MacKinlay, R. A., member of McKendrick, Jas., seaman, 22 water- phonetic society, shorthand gate writer and certified shorthand McKendrick Walter, fish rman, teacher, Post office, 21 victoria

Ballycurrie shore st ; ho 4 Barone rd McKenzie, Cln., seaman, 76 High st McKinnel, Rt., school board officer, McKenzie, Hector, seaman, 32 col- and janitor, public school, 86 umshill st High st McKenzie Mrs Hel., 25 Montague st McKinnon Alex., steamboat agent, McKenzie John, blacksmith,56 High 12 Tower st Bt M'Kinnon, Charles, boiler maker, 11 Mackenzie, John, baker, 38 Lade- Marine pi side McKinnon, Gilbert, carriage-hirer, Mackenzie, Thomas, baker, 90 Mon- 6 Bishop Ter Br tague st MeKinnon, H., bookseller, etc., McKenzie,Murdoch, shorthand writ- 11 victoria st ; ho. Baroce rd er and reporter, Rothesaif Ex- McKitinon, Js., labourer, 121 Hi^hst

press office, Guildford square ; McKinnon, Miss Margt., Beachgrore, ho union st 14^ Marine pl McKenzie, Richard, shipmaster, McKinnon, Mrs Margt., 5 Bishop sfc Gract field, 37 crichton Rd McKinnon Mrs Marion, 40 Argyle st McKillop, D., flesher, 103 Moiitague McKinnon, Mrs Mary, 16 High st sc McKintosh Mrs Annie, 21 crichton McKillop Dugald, farmer, Eden p1 Rd McKillop, James, grocer, Eden pi Mackirdy, A. & J., manufacturer* McKillop Neil Jamieson, farmer, Broadcroft, High sfc; ho Beech- Quien and scalp^ie wood McKim, John, sen, spirit -dealer, 32 McKirdy, Miss Ann, 97 nigh st Argyle st McKirdy, Misses Ann F,, and Cath., McKim, John, jun., photographer, 42 Mountstuart Rd 16 Argyle St. McKirdy Miss Christina, 18 Bridge- McKim Mrs, spirit dealer, 70 Mon- end st tague st McKirdy Misses Eliz. and Jane, 6 McKim, Mrs Margaret, 4 Hillhouse Marine p1 rd McKirdy, Miss Isabella, 5 B'shop st McKinlay, Miss Agnes, milliner, McKirdy, Jas., manufacturer, 169 2 chapellhill rd High st McKinlay Archd., seaman, 4 col- McKirdy, Hugh., cab-hirer, 7 Bishop umshill st st McKinlay, Misses Christina, Jessie, McKirdy, James A., blacksmith, 1 and Margt., Argyle Ter Hillhouse rd McKinlay Danl., tobacconist, 7 Ar- McKirdy, Jn., blacksmith, 32 Bridg* gyle Ter Bt McKinlay, Mrs Helen, 19 High st &3 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

M'KiPdy, J., contractor, 38Bishop McLea, Miss Janet, 22 Bridge st

St ; ho 23 do MoLea, Miss Margt-, dress- McKirdy, J., toy dealer, 77 victoria maker, 20 Bridge st St McLea, Miss Mary, 22 Bridge st McKirdy, Jn., druggist, 85 victoria st McLea, Robert, carpeoter, Havelock McKirdy John, blacksmith, 32 ter Bridge st McLean, Alex., steamboat owner McKirdy, Miss My., 30 E. Princes st Glendermott, 1 4 craigmore rd McKirdy, Mrs Mary, 24 Battery pi McLean,Allan, blacksmith, 10 staifa McKirdy, Rt'., blacksmith, straad Pl McKirdy, Robt., bank agent, ^ cLean, Miss Annie, 9 Ardbeg rd

Bank of Scotland, Guildford sq ; McLean Chas., carpenter, 98 Mon- ho 29 Battery pi tague st McKirdy, Thos., blacksmith, 97 nigh M'Lean, Dan., jun, flesher, 22 Bridge-End st McLachlan, Arch,, grocer, 6 Mon- McLean, Dan., sen,, shoemaker, 20 tague st ; ho 3 Battery p1 Bridge nd st McLachlan, Archibald, carpenter, McLean, Donald, stoker, 16Ladeside 32 ^ ill st McLean, Hu., porter, 4 King st McLachlan, captain Archibald, McLean, James, coal dealer, 71 Bogany rd Ardbeg Rd McLachlan, Dl., grocer, 14 colums- M'Lean, Mrs Jane, Java House, 38 hill st crichton Rd McLachlan, Duncan, labourer, 23 McLean, Miss Janet, 3 castle st Bridge-end st McLean, Mrs Jean, 24 Bridge st McLachlan, Donald, mason, 20 Mill McLean, John, clerk, chapelhill rd st McLean, Jn., labourer, 21 Russell st McLachlan, Hugh, baker, 2 John st McLean, Lachlan, slater, 32 Mill st McLachlan, Mrs Hugh, washer McLean, Mai., carter, 21 Russell st woman, Watergate McLean, Malcolm, police officer, 24 McLachlan Lachlin, flesher, 81| Bridge st Montague st ; ho 83 do. McLean Mrs Margt., 18 castle st McLachlan, Mrs Isabella, 26 East McLean, Neil, carter, 56 High st Princes st McLean, Nl., steamboat agent, Quay, McLachlan Mrs Jessie, 5 Barone Kd ho 12 castle st McLachlan, Mrs Margaret, 76 McLean, Peter, hairdresser, 3 Montague st Bridge st McLachlan, Miss Mary, 3 Minister's McLeish, Hector, taper, 90 Montague Brae st McLaren, Alexander, letter-carrier, McLeish John, gardener, 3 King st sea Bank Buildings, 20 Argyle st McLeish, Mrs Jean, 10 store Ln McLaren, James, cabinetmaker, 12 McLeish, Robert,sporter, callowgate Argyle st McLellan, Alexander, portei-. 20 McLiaren, Robt., agent, Royal Russell st Bank of Scotland, 37 victoria st; McLellan, Mrs Ann, 59 Ardbeg rd ho 1 Tower st McLellan, Miss Caroline, 24 Mount- McLay James, grocer, 13 Argyle st stuart rd McLay John, plumber, wellpark rd, McLellan Colin, steward, 26 Russell (32 Mountstuart rd) st M'Lea, A. S., law clerk, 20 Bridge St McLellan. Donald, boatman, 28 McLea, Miss Ann, dressmaker, 15 Bridge-end st High si; McLellan, Miss Helen, poulterer, 4 E. 54 princes st ; ho 27 Bishop st ;

Rothesay. I Parish of Householders.

McLellan, James, porter, 8 E princes McMurchy, Mrs Janet, Dalcraig, 35 I st crichton Rd labourer, 38 Mill McLpllan, . John, baatman, 41 McMurchy, John, victoria st st McLellan, John K., coachman, 11 McMurchy, John, gardener, S E. princea st Stuart st McLellan, Miss My., 26 E. Princes st \^cNab Alex, and Edw. joiners, 5i McLellan, Peter, cooper, 15 store Ln; E. Princes st ho 7 w. Princes st McNab, Alex., joiner, (of A., and E. McLellan, Miss Susan, 22 Ladeside McNab), Russell's Buildings, McLellan, Quintin B., blacksmith, 29 Mill st croft lane ; ho 20 Russell st McNab, Edward, joiner, (of A. and 29 Mill st Alex., flesher, E. McNab), i McLennan, Barone Rd McLennan Duncan, coachman, 25 McNab, Jas., tinsmith, 37 John, tinsmith, 5^ East Craig more Kd McNab, princes st; ho 25 aallowgate McLennan, Jas,, por^e^, Miss Jessie, 16 castle st McLellan, Peter, cooper, 7 B. McNab, Mrs Rebecca H., 16 craig- Princes st iVcNab, McLeod, Anj;u3, labourer, 6 castle more Thomas, tinsmith, 1 5 Mon- St McNab, ; ho 20 Battery p1 IV'cLeod, Donald, seaman, 14 Bridge- tague st Jn., labourer, 54 end st McNaughton, McLeod Mrs Eliz., 8 Hillhouse rd High st Robt. T„ collector, 5 McLeod, Neil, mason, 3 Minidter's McNaurht rd Brae Hillhouse McNeil Mrs Eliz., 46 Ladeside McMillan, Mrs Agnes, 36 Mill st Mc^^eill Miss Jane, 24 E. princes st McMillan, Alex., carter, 7 High st McNeill Thos., cabman, 7 Bishop st McMillan, Arch., carter, 21 store Ln McNicol, Archd., seaman, Greenoak McMillan Archd.,labourer,38 Mill st cottage, wyndham r ad McMillan, Bryce, ship joiner, 3U^ McNicol, Mrs Ann, 31 Gallowgate Argyle st McNicoli Archibald, seaman, 38 McMillan, Bryce, cartwright,Bus3ell Mi 1 st seaman, 29 Mill st st ; ho 52 Montague St McNicol, Donald, McMillan, Bryce, printer, 30 Argyle McNicol, Duncan, cab-driver, 97 st High st MiMillan, Mrs Cath., union st McNicol, Mrs Margaret, 3 King sfc McMillan, Donald, joiner, &c., 11 McNicol, John, spirit dealer, 52 Bishop st, ho Lenzie villa, 4 Ardbeg Rd crichton rd McNicol, Peter, 7 columshillpl McMillan, John, cab proprietor, — McPhail, D., woodside cottage, Eigh st Straad McMillan, John, scavenger, water* McPhee Malcolm, labourer, 20 Mill gate st McMillan, Mrs Jn., farmer, Knockan- McPhail, Colin, carter, 36 Bridge st reoch and Larkhall McPhail, Dugald. seaman, Bishop McMillan, John, labourer, 47 water- Terrace Brae gate McPhail, John, heritor, 7 union st McMillan Wm., cabman, 20 Mill st McPherson Alex., fisherman, 3 McMillan, William, joiner, Bal- Hillhouse Rd cottage, lochgoy ter McPherson, , wellpark McMurchy, Miss Ann, 38 Mill st craigmore /

Farish of Householders Rothesay. \

McPherson, And., gardener, well Neilson, Chas. E., ship's officer, 54 park rd crichton rd McPherson, Archd., farmer, cartna- Neilson, Misses Ann and Eliz., 54 keilly crichton road McPherson, Miss Catheiine, 5 Neilson, George, cartwiight, 84 Barcne rd High st McPherson, D., Queen's io';el, 40 Neilson George, seaman, 121 nigh st Argyle st Neilson, Mrs Janet, 38 Mill st McPherson, John, upholsterer, 8 Neilson, Miss Sarah, 16 Mill st Btaffa pi Nelson, Miss J. C, baker, 1 Gallow- McPherson John, farmer, Gartna- gate st keilly Nethercote, Geo., grocer, 22 Mill st McPherson, John, fisherman, 5 Neville, Mrs Mary'Ann, 25 Gallow- Bridge st gate McPherson, Walter N., clerk, 51 Newall, Henry, G. F., gentleman, High st Ardbeg rd Newton James, fisherman, 8 Mon- McQueen, Donald W., spiiit dealer tague st 27 Gallowgate st; ho 25 do Newton James, spirit dealer, 1\ Ar- McQueen, Mrs Janet, 73 victoria st gyle st McQueen, Mrs Margaret, 72 Monta- Nicholson, Armiger, letter-carrier, gue st 4 Hillhouse Rd McQuiBtan,Jas., sen,, plasterer,Minis- Nicholson, Alexander, mason, 11 Al- ter's Br bert p1 McQuistan, Jas., jun., plasterer, 10 Nicholson Miss Euphemia, 43 Argyle

johij st ; ho 114 High st st Nicholson,John.gentleman, 6 Ardbe^ McTaggart, Miss Eliz., 21 Mill st rd McTaggart, John, painter, 1 1 E.Prin- Nisbet, Alexander, carter, 6 Bridge st ces st Nisbet, John,carriage-hirer,6 Bridge McTaggart, John, labourer, 7 Mill st Nlsbet, J. M., professor of music McTaggart, Mrs Christina, 30 Craig- croft Lodge, 30 Argyll st more Rd Nisbet, Miss Maggie, Ascog Bank cot McTaggart, Murdoch, labourer, 10 Noble, Archd., gardener, 89 Ardbeg Mill st rd McTavish, Edward, tinsmith, 5 Min- Noble Miss Margt., 3^ victoria st ister's Erae

McVey, Miss Alison, 13 crichton Rd McVicar Francis, shoemaker, 27 Bishop st O Oatman Francis, McWhirter slate merchant, Misslsabella, 26 Argyle 91 Ardbeg Rd st O'Donald James, broker, union st McWilliam Andrew, olencoe villa Ogilvie, A. S., retired excise officer, Ardmory Rd 46 Ardbeg rd Oglivie, Miss Robina, 9 High st O'Neill, Hugh, fishmonger, 19 High s N Orkney, captain Alex., Fairfield, Napier, Mrs Janet, 8 Tower st 44 crichton Rd Napier, Mrs Mary, 8 nillhouse Rd Orkney, John, draper, 89 and 91 Neill Robt.,coal dealer, 7 w. princ victoria st ; ho Rosehill, York Ter Bt Orkney, Miss Janet, 4 Mountstuart R 66 Rothesay. Parish of Householders. creenan Orkney Robt.,jun.,draper, 4 Mount- Paton, Jas., farmer, factory, John st stuart Rd Paton, John, woollen farmer, Greenan Orkney, Robt., sen., draper, 4 Mount- Paton, Robert, staffa pl stuart'Rd Patrick, James, porter, mtchanic, 12 w. Ormond, James, 4 westland Rd Patrick, John, Ormsby, Hy.j Temperance Hotel, princes st 20 Ardbeg 25 Argyle st Patrick, Wm,, seaman, 23 nigh stj Ormsby, Thos,, shoemaker, 17 Mon- Peacock, Alex., plumber, 16 Mountpleasant rd tague st ho plumber, 53 Orr, Robert, sheriff-substitute, Tigh- Peacock Alex. R., ho 52 Ardbeg Rd na-Mara, Ardbeg Rd Ardbeg Rd ; Pendreigh, John, woodman, 147 High st Pepper, Robt. McK., clerk, 28 E. princes st Pepper, Walt. D., I'thographer, 28 Page, Miss Jessie, 7 west princes st E. princes st Pago, Samuel, tiesher, Galiowgate Percy Wm. McK. & Co,, bootmakers Patmore, Samuel, contractor, Hill- 42 Montague st side cottage, High craigmore Perry, Alexander, grocer, 14 Mill st Palumbo, John S., porter, 11 Perry, John, grocer, 14 Mill st Biidge st Perston James, painter, 31 Galiow- Park, James, Catherine villa, Argyle gate Ter carrier, 58 Monta- Park James, bleacher. Glen Rosa Perston,'Win.> gue st cottage, 8 Ardbeg Rd Petrie, Jas. A., shipping agent, 28 Park, Magnus, seaman, 9 Argyle st Marine place Parochial Board offices, 31 Bishop 8t Petrie, John, imperial Restaurant, —John Kidd, inspector and col- 24 Montague st ; ho 28 lector Pettigrew, John, H., house-factor, Paterson, Alexander, hamcurer, 69 45 Ardbeg rd Ardbeg rd Pettigrew, Wm., confectioner, 22 Paterson Alex,, printer, 8 Tower st crichton rd Paterson, Mrs Ann, 66 Montague st Philp, Andrew, alenburn Hydro- Paterson, Christina, 16lHighst pathic Bstablishmeat Paterson, Mrs Isa., Lilyoak Ter Philp, Dr, Glenburn Paterson, Mrs Ir^a., 16 Hi.lhouse Rd Phillips Jas., labourer, 36 Mill st Paterson, John, serpentine Rd Phillips Mrs Margt., 24 Ladeside Paterson, John, draper, 31 victoria Pinkertou Wm. billposter, 46 High st ; ho 12 Bridge st st Paterson,Messrs, drapers, 39 victoria Pollock, Miss ^rargaret, nigh craig- st more Paterson, John, slater, 15 castle st Poole Win., moulder, 19 castle st Paterson Robt., china dealer, Potts, Wm. shepherd, Meikle Kil- Albert pl ; ho 25 Galiowgate mon'- Patience, John, shoemaker. Dean Price, Mrs Elizabeth, olenhead pl H0«d pl ; ho 14 GaUowgate Primrose, Adam, teacher, Alexaudia Patience, Mrs J., greengrocer and Lodge, Koyal Ter poulterer, 12 Galiowgate Primrose, Alexander, craigmore Paton, Miss Agnes, 20 Ga lowgate Provan, Miss Jane, janetield, wynd- Mrs Agnes H., 30^ Argyle st Paton, hamrd Paton, George, dyer, 67 nigh st Purvis, John, mason, 6 castle at Paton, Jas., clerk, 7 w. princes st 57 -

Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Robertson, Colin, spirit-dealer, 22 R Bridge-end st Robertson, David, baker, 7 E. Princes

Eae, Alex. R., commercial traveller, st ; ho 1 4 Battery p1 Ballochgoy ter Robertson, Mrs Eliz,, 89 H'gh st Rae, Mrs Jearmie, 7 w. princes st Robertson Hector,carrier, 11 Albert Rae Mrs Mary, 74 Ardbeg rd Pi Rae, William, boathirer, Mount Robertson James, gentleman, 58

stuarfc rd ; ho 12 w. princes st crichton rd Rail ton, Mrs Jane, milliner, 3d Mon- Robertson James, Hotel keeper,

tague st ; ho 23 v ctoria st Guildford square Rankine, Alexander, fruiterer, 9 Al- Robertson, James, cartwright,

bert p1 ; ho 12 Argyle pi Greenan mill, Rankine, Alex., clothier, 25 vic'^oria Robertson, Jas., clenflermot cot st Robertson, Mrs Jean,116 High st Rankine Mrs Ann, 4 Mountpl asant Robertson, Miss Jessie, 4 Mill st Rankine, Miss Jane, Argyle ter Robertson, John, baker, 11 cohims- Rankine, Misses Jessie and Margt., hill st milliners, E. Princes st Robertson, Mrs R., 6 columshill p1 Rankine, John, fishmonger, 1 Dean Robertson, Jn., labourer, Macalister'a

Hood pi ; ho lOi MOii a jue st ct Raokiue John weaver, 27 b '.dge- Robertson, John, tailor, 109 Mon- End st tague st Rankine, William, clerk, 51 Ard >eg Robertson, Mrs Mary, 42 Ardbeg rd rd Robertson, Robt., ironfounder, 13 Rathie, W. W., baker and restaur- Argyle p1 ateer, 15 E. princes st, (vew Robertson, Miss Robina, 97 Mon- Hall Building--) tague st Reid, Dl., surgeon, 25 E, Princes st Robertson, Steven, heritor, 43 Reid, Misses Georginaani Jessie, 25 Ardbeg rd craigmore Rd Robertson Stewart Hospital, Town- Reid, Mrs Henrietta, 76 Arlbeg Rd head Reiil, Mts Jessie, 22 Argyle st Robertson William, joiner, 77 Mon- Reid, Jas., hatter, 6© Montague st tague st Rennie Mrs Agnes, Rice Bank, Ascog Robinson Mrs Margaret, 2 castle- Riesberg, Mrs, Elizabeth, 1 Bishop ir hill st Brae Robison, Dan., joiner, 5 columshill Rice, Mrs Agnes, 37 Bridge -t pl Richmond, Hugh, grocer, 80 High st Robison, Mrs Flora, grocer, 2 Gallow- Eiddell, James, draper,43 Ardbeg rd gate st ; ho 5 columshill st Riddle, , Ardmory Rd Rodger, Robt. , mason, 23 Bridge st Rippie, And., labourer, 4 John st Rodger, Thomas, gentleman, Elysium Rippie Samuel, labourer, M'ALster's (33 Mountstuart rd) court Ronald, Mrs Janet, 43 Argyle st J. Ro ^.bie, woodville, Ardmory Rd Ross, Miss Mary, westwood Roberts, Mrs Margt., 2 Argy.e st Ross, Wm., painter, 20 Bridge-End st Robertson, Alex., carter, 28 colums- Rowan James G., draper, 30 Marine hill st Pl Robtrtson Andrew, heritor, 16 Rowbotham, Misses Esther A. and Marine p1 Mary E., 5 Elysium, (37 Mount- Robertson Angus, upholsterer, 3 siuart rJ) Argyle St Royal Aquarium, Battery p1 58 Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Royal Northern Yacht Club House, Sharp, Mrs Jane, 8 Gallowgate Argyle st—W. Burton, club- Sharp, Miss Janet, 6 Hillhou^e rd master Sharp, J. 0. draper, 19 Montague 8t; Russell, Misses Agnes and Jessie, 3 ho 6 Battery pi orcadia Sharp, Mrs James, Gallowgate Russell, Miss Janet, 83 Ardbeg rd Sharp Miss Julia, 17 Montague st Russell, Thomas, of Ascog Sharp, Miss Margaret, 151 High st Rutherford, Adam, glazier, W. Prin- Sharp, Robert, mannfact'irer, Mary-

ces St ; ho 11 Montague st field, Mountstuart Rd Rutherford, John, dairyman, 93 High Shaw, Archibald, labourer, staffa p1 st Shaw, Dnl, blacksmith, 34 Bridge 8t Rutherfurd, Rev. John, m.a.,b.d., Shaw, .Tohn, porter. 19 viot ira t craigmore u, P. church Manse, Shaw, John, carter, 46 Ladeside st underwood, 6 criehton Ed Shaw, Miss Margt., 18 columshill st Shaw, Neil, ploughman, Lochly Shearer, Mrs Janet, 27 nigh st S Shearer, Mrs Margt., 5J Gallowgate Sheriff, Miss Mary, 1 Argyle Ter St John, R. S. T. J., spirit -dealer, 3 Shiella, Geo., gardener, T^wnhead victoria st Silver Andrew Y., tobacconist, 83 Salmond, Rev. C. A., west Free victoria st Manse, Argyle Ter Sim Daniel, fisherman, 107 Hi ,'h st Scott Mrs Ann, 3 Minister's Brae Simpson, Mrs Ann grocer, 7 High

Scott, Mrs Eliz., 2 John st st ; ho 24 castle st Scott, Miss Eliz., 7 Bishop st Simpson, Hugh,farmer, High Boganv Scott, Miss Grace, 2a Battery pi Simpson John, cab driver, 7 staffa Scott, Isaac, china dealer, 30 Mon- Pi tague st Simpson, John G., farmer, Bogany Scott Mrs Jane, 17 e. princes st Simpson, Thomas, sen., carter and Scott, Mrs Jane, 11 Ardbeg Rd carriage hirer, 20 Bridge-end st. Scott, Miss Janet, 7^ Argyle st Sinclair, Alex., flasher 22 Rissell St Scott, Jaa., painter, 6 Hillhou'se rd Sinclair, Dugald, flasher, Msad^wcap Scott Matthew, glazier, Barone Rd Sinclair. James C, Burgh cha iibar- Scott, Matth., eating house keeper, lain, 35 High st

29 and 31 Mill st ; ho 22 Rus- Skimming, Mrs Eliz , 70 High st sell st Skinner John, fishery officer Scoular, Miss Amelia F., chapelhill inkerman TEr Bd Slaven.Henry, fishmonger, 14 water- Sellars, Mrs Janet, 18 Argyle st gate st Service, Alex. S., joiner, , 31 Barone Slaven, James, labourer, 62 High Rd Slaven, John, slater and chimney Service Mrs Jane, 16 store Lane sweeper, 6 store Lane Service, Mrs Margaret, 31 Barone Rd Sloan, Samuel, physician, 46 Ardb 3g Service Misses Margt. and Marion, rd fruiterers, 72 victoria sb Small, Mrs Eliz., 30 criehton rd Shand, Joseph, coach-painter, Hill- Smellie., 'Wm-, tobacconist and st house Rd ; ho. west wood toy dealer, 80 Montague Sharp Mrs Agnes, 22 Argyle st Smillie, Wm., engineer, 13 Gallow- Sharp, Mrs Eliz., 26 Ladeside gate Sharp, Geo., mason, summerhill, Smith, Abx., coal merchant, 17

Ardmory Rd castle st ; ho 2 Bishop xr Br Sharp, Hugh, grocer, 22 High st; ho 15 Bridge-End at Parish of Householders. Rothesay, Smith Andrew, cabinet.maker, Stevenson, J A. W., barber, :-2 13 Monntstuarfc Rd Montague st Smith, Archd., carter, union st Stevenson, Thos , slater, 89 High st Smith, Archd., ploughman, 38 Stewart, Miss Abigail, 6 Mountstuart Bishop st Rd Smith Duncan, baker, 2 nillhouse Stewart, Miss Agnes, 24 Ardbeg rd Rd Stewart, Agnes, grocer, staffa pi Smith, Rev George J.,Roman catho- Stewart, Mrs Agnes, 22 Battery pi lic priest, 1 colunnshill st Stewart, Alex., clerk, 24 castlehill

Smith Henry M. , 27 Bridge st st Smith, JameSjbaker, 69 Montague st; Stewart, Alex, blacksmith, Ambris- ho 15 Bridge st beg Smith, Mrs Jaue, ] Ard'ieg rd Stewart, Miss Anne and Mary Smith, Mrs Jane M., 44 Ardbeg rd inkerman Ter Smith, John, janitor, 18 Arg}le st Stewart Alex, tailor, 20 GaHowgate Smith, John, fishmonger, 35 victoria Stewart, Alexander, grocer, 2J st Bishop st Smith, John, joiner, 13 Bishop st Stewart Arch, seaman, 14 Bridge- Smith E-obt., Bute Arms Hotel, Guild- End st ford square Ssewart, idiss Barbara R. C, 14 ma- Smith, Robert, shoemaker, 6 Albert rine . 1 p1 Stewart, Mrs Catherine, 9 Ardbeg rd Smith, Robt., lobourer, 20 Russell st Stewart, Miss Catherine K., 14 Ma- Smith, Mrs Sarah, 103 Montague st rine p1 Snodgrass John N., gentleman, 5 Stewart, Chas., mechanic, 2 John st 5 Argyle pi Stewart, miss Christina, Bogany rd Snodgrass Miss Margaret, 5 Argyle Stewart, David, shoe dealer, 38 pi Columshill st Soinmerville, Mrs Helen, chapelhill Stewart, Ebenezer, cork-cutter, 117 rd Montague st ; ho 2 Argyle il Somnierville, Mrs Isabella, Eden p1 Stewart Institute, Montague st Sowarby, Rev. Robt. C, 23 Moun.- Stewart, James, painter (of W. & J. Pleaeant rd Stewart), 22 W. Princes st ; ho. Spalding, Colin M., retired civil ser- Serpentine Rd Vcmt Abercorn cottage, west- Stewart Mrs Janet, 40 Argyle st land rd Stewart, Mrs A.,B , Ascog Hall Spiers Angus, tailor, 14 Gallowc.ate Stewart, John Craig, grocer, 17 nigh Spiers Miss Mary, 9 Battery f1 st ; ho Alma Ter Spiers Mrs Jean, 33 victcria st Stewart, John S., clerk, 8 Montague S^ence, Halliday, painter, Colums- st hid pi Stewart, Mrs Mary, York ter Spence, Mrs Jane, 85 Bridge st Stewart Misses Mary and Sarah, 22 Spence, John, slater, Mill st ; ho Battery pi 52 Montague st Stewart,Peter,agent,clydesdaleBank, Spencer, William, south park,Ascog Guildford sq Sj.ringett, Thomas, general dealei,l8 Stewart, Robt., grain dealer, Grosve- Russell st nor Lodge, 49 crichton Rd Sproul, John, joiner, Glen Rosa cot., Stewart, Mrs Sarah, 35 Bridge st 8 Ardbeg Kd Stewart, Thos., boatman, M'Alister's Squair, F, H., butcher, 5 Gallowgate Court Stark, John, painter, lib Argyle st Stewart, Wm., Kerrycroy Farm house 11 Argyle Ter Stewart, William, engineer, 51 Ba- rone rd Parish of Householders. Rothesav.

Stewart Wm., hawker, 18 Watergate Taylor, Thos., clerk, 7 Bishop st Stewart, William, painter (of W. & J Taylor, Thos., joiner, 22 columshill

Stewart, 22 w. Princes St) ; ho st Bishop St Taylor, Wm., seaman, 9 Argyle st Stewart, Win., seaman, 15 Argyle st Tees, KobjTt, clerk, 43 ArJbeg rd Stuart, Wm., policeman, 26 Russell Telford Wm. J., shepherd, Ardbran- St nan Stirling, Wm, P., piano tuner, 38 Thom, Jas., mechanic, 4 Mill st columshill st Thompson, D., bootmaker, 55

Stewart & Co., seed merchants, vic- victoria st ; ho 7 Tower st toria Hall Buildings, store Ln Thompson, Hu,, postman, 2 chapel- Stirling, Mrs Janet, 54 Ladeside hill rd Stirratt Alex., la ourer, 5 staffa p1 Thompson, Jas., bootmaker, 94

Stirton, James, joiner, 11 Albert pi Montague st ; ho 21 columshill Storer, Jas., pa n:er, 38 columshill -t st Stoddart, Alex., mechanic, 17 B. Thompson, Thomas, gentleman, 67 princes st Barone Rd Stuart, Gilbert, farmer. Little Barone Thomson Charles, manufacturer, Stuart, John Windsor, factor, Bute wyndham rd

Estate ; office, 43 High st ; ho Thomson, Miss Christina 10 co- Windsor Lodge, 48 crichton Rd lumshill st Stuart, Mrs Cecilia, Montford Thomson, Dun., farmer, 10 Sammers, Jas., joiner, 10 Mount- c )lumshill st stuart rd Thomson,Mi3se-s Elizabeth, Margaret, Sutherland, Rev. A. N. Free Parish and Mary Ann, 29 Ardbeg Manse, serpentine Rd Thomson, Mrs Mary, 16 Marine pi Sutherland, Mrs Mary,7 wyndham rd Thomson, Geo., writ r, 25 Bishop st S Yan Matthew, baker, 25 Battery p1 Thomson, Mrs Helen, 12 Bridge st Swan, Walter, wood-merchaut, 25 Thomson, Hugh, cabinetmaker, 84 Barone fid Montague st Swan, Rev. Walter D., Brandane Ter, Thomson, Miss Isabella, bootmaker, Barone Rd 8 Montague st Swanston, Arthur, grocer, 26 w. Prin- Thomson, James, draper, 19 craig-

ces st ; ho Mountpleasant Rd more Rd Sweenie, Jas., shoemaker,5 store Lne Thomson James, labourer, 109 Sweet & Kinloch, photograhpers. Montague sfc Dean Hood p1 Thomson Mrs Jessie, 32 Argyle st Thomson John, seaman, 7 Bishop st Thomson, Rev, John, Hawkestone T lodge, Ascog. Thomson, J.R., architect,5 nigh Ter. Taunoch Miss Janet, Bishop Br st ; ho Fairmont, Argyle Ter Taylor, Daniel M., wine-merchant, 4 Thomson Mrs, spirit dealer, 9 East & 6 Tower st ; ho Eaglesham, princes st Mount pleas mt; rd Thomson Mrs Mary, Adelaide pi Taylor, George, boatman, 46 High st Thomson, Miss Susan, 61 Ardbeg rd Taylor, Mrs Uli?., 4 Albany Ter, (58 Thomson, Thos., ironmonger, Moa«

Mountstua t rd) tague st ; ho 16 Battery pj Taylor, James, flesher, 2 Bridge st Thomson, Wm., draper, 13 Kon-' Taylor, James, gentleman, 15 Barone ta^ue st rd Thomson Wm., fisherman 18 ku9- Taylor Miss Ma^g^., 11 nillhouse rd fcell st Taylor Robt., flesher, 8 Bridge st 61 Parish of Householders. Rothesay,

Thomson, William, joiner, 1 Mill st Thorburn, Jas., engineer, 10 Mount- 8tuart rd Thorburn, John, fisherman, 5 L^non W Thorburn, Thomas, fisherman, Bos- W. Iker, Archibald, blacksmith. Mill lin p1 st ; ho do. Thorburn, William, fish merchant Walker, David, stoker, 9 Mill st Walker, Gallowgate ; ho chapelhili rd Gavin, grocer, 25 colums* Tickle, Mrs Marion, chapelhili hill st Tomiiiey And., tenter, 58 Hig'i st Walker,Mrs Isabella,2 columshill pi Towell John, seamao, 22 russ U st Walker, James A., grocer, 2 Bridge- st, Turnbull, Day., plumber, 54Ladeside End and 6 E. princes st j ho

TurnbuU, Mrs Jane, grocer, 60 High . Argyle Ter st Walker, Mrs Jessie, 9 Argyle pi Turnbull, Miss Jessie, 2 crichton rd, Walker, Mrs Margt., spirit-dealer, 3 E. princes Turnbull,Matth., gentleman, 39 Ard- st ; ho 11 Bishop st beg WalkerjMrs Margt.,27 Bridge-End st Turnbull, Misa Mary, 39 Ardbeg id Wallace, Charles, slater 16 Marine Turnbuil, Mrs Maria, 4 orcadia Pl Turner, Arch., pier-master, craig- Wallace, David, ^manufacturer, 23 more Marine pl Turner, Archd., seaman, 16 Hill- Wallace, Miss Helen, 11 w. princes st house Rd Wallace, Jas. cab owner (of Moodie

Turner, Colin B., purveyor, Fauld & Wallace) ; ho. Windsor pl, Trees, 7 crichton Rd 18 Mount pleasan rd Turner, Mrs Jane, 26Lade8ide Wallace, Thos., grocer, 14 Montague Turner, Ja^, li., wine-merchant, Al- bany rd Wallace, Mrs Mary, 169 nigh st Turner, John, innkeeper, Argyle Wallace, Mrs Mary Ann, 30 Bridge st Arras Hotel, 27 Watergate st Wallace Peter, weaver, 171 High Bt Tweedley John, boatman, 30 Lade- Wallington, Harry, bathman, crich- side ton rd Tyre, David, gentleman, 12 Mount Ward, Ed., saddler, 24 castlehill st pleasant rd Ward, Mrs Mary Ann, 79 Ardbeg Tyre Kobt., slater, 35 Bridge st rd Wardrop, Thos., grocer, — Gallow- gate Waters, Mathew, supt rintendent ol U police, 33 High st Watson, Dan. Unverzacht, Mrs Janet, 14 i , blacksmith, 13 castle princes st st; ho. 11 do Watson, Mrs Elizabeth, 25 Montague Watson, Miss Jane, 56 Mount- stuait rd V Watson,^Miss Mary, 26 Bridge st W atscn, Robt., agent for David Vallance, Peter, superintendent of Macbrayne's steamers. Quay ho insurance agents, New Public ; Mountpleasant rd Hall Buildings, 17 B. Princes st Watson, Robeit, gentleman, 28 Volunteers, Artillery and Rifles craigmore drill hall, croft Lane, High st Watson Robt., merchant, 14 Albert pI Parish of Householders. Rothesay.

Watson, William, mechanic, 38 co- Wilkie, Mrs Christina, 24 castlehill lumshill st st Watt David, accountant, 45 Ard- Williams, Lewis, slater, 11 Bridge st beg rd Williamson Alex., mason, 16 Wind- Waugh, Mrs Mary, Royal Ter, 51 sor p1 Mouuts'uart rd Williamson, Alex., steamboat-owner Weaver John T., Marchm' n v 1 a Rock villa, 5 Ardbeg Webster James C, merchant, Al- Williamson, Rev Robert, D.D., Ascog bany Rd Free church Manse

Webster Mrs Sophia H., dressmaker Wilson, , 6 Albany Ter 11 Bridge st Wilson, tobacconist, 45 victoria st Webster, John, bootmaker, Glen burn Wilson, Miss Ann, 10 Battery place cot Wilson Colin, gardener, 96 High st Webster, Mrs Mary, 65 Ardbeg rd Wilson, David, accountant,163 High Weir, Archibald, warehouseman, st 21 Maiine pi Wilson, Mrs Hugh, 24 Bridge st Weir, Dugald, shoemaker,71 Monta- Wilson Hugh, labour* r, Me dowcap

gue st ; ho 38 Bridge st Wilson Mrs Isa., spirit-dealer, 20

"WeirjDugald, spirit merchant. Eagle Gallowgate ; ho 15 Bridge st inn, 1 Montague st Wilson, John E., rigger, 58 Ardbeg Weir,Duncan, labourer, 149 High st Wilson, John T., writer, & town

Weir, Hugh, seaman, 4 Mountpleas- clerk, 3 castle st ; clerk of sup-

ant rd ply, 35 High st ; ho undercliflF, Weir John, seaman, 9 Argyle st craigmore Weir, Malcolm, ironmonger,65 Mon- Wilson, Mrs Margt., 5 Argyle st

tague st ; ho Ehulleden Ardbeg Wilson, Mrs Mary, chapelhill House Weir, Kobt gardener, union st Wilson, Mrs, Mary, 14 Bridge , 5 st Weldon, Rev. canon R, Gascoigne, Wilson, Peter, blacksmith, 19 High s Episcopal clergyman, 41 Mount- W ilson, Rt., law- erk, County-tjlerk'fl stuart rd office, 35 Highst; ho wyndham Wels!', Mrs Isabella, 6 Arj.:yle p1 road Welsh, Thos., labourer, 19 Mill st Wilson, Robt., painter, 62 nigh st White, Jas., vire worker, 1 Bridge- Wilson Thos. R., ccunty clerk's End st office White, John, club steward, 22 Wilson, Wm,, engraver, 22 col- Argyle st unishill st Whitecrc ss, Mrs Margaret, 4 Wi'SDn, Wm., tailor, 12 w. prii ces M'Nab's Brae ft Whitt field, Wm, M., railway agent, Wilson, WilliamA., printer, Buteman office, cattle 10 Mountstuart rd 10 tt ; ho 34 W^hitefordjKobert, hedger, calfward Mountpleasant Ed Whitson Miss Janet, 10 Battery Pi Wilson,Wm. Auld,writer, 3 castle si Whyte, Duncan gardener, 58 Wislon, Wm., shoemaker, 73 High et Montague at "Wilsons, & Co., fruit-growers, 17 vic-

Whyte Miss Helen, 23 Argyle pi toria st ; Nurseries, Eden pl Whyte, Miss Jes-tie, confectioner, Wiseman, Mrs Ann, 89 Montague st Eean Hood pl ; ho 2 chapelhill Woods Thos, F., miller, Mill st dr Wren, Alex., grocer, 11 Bridge at Whyte Mrs Margaret, 24 Watergate WrigV.t, Alex. R., 35 Mountsiu; rt rd Whyte, Robert, shoemaker, 44 mo. • Wright, Mrs Elizabeth, draper, fc8

St ; tague ho 19 Bishop st Montague st ; ho 71 victoria st

Wb^t , Thos., carter, 6 John st Wright, Mrs Margt., 4 King st

it?3 Rothesay. Parish 0/ Householders.

Wright, Ronald, engineer, 75 Barone rd Wyatt George, shopman, 4 Mill st WylUe, Adam J., labourer, 28 Mill st Yeata James, tailor, 45 Argyle st Wylle, Miss Agnes, 12 Argyle st Young, Mrs Euphemia, 16 Ardbeg Bd Young, Miss Grace, 104 Montagu© Young, Mrs Margt., 109 Montague sb Young, Miss Marion, 7 Barone rd Young, Miss Mary, 6 Hillhouse Bd Young, Robt., porb< r, 84 High st Younger, Wm., victoria Hotel, Gl victoria st Yuill Miss Eliz, 28 Mountstuart rd Yuill, Mrs Helen, 7 Tower st PARISH OF NORTH BUTE (PORT-RANNATYNE.) ,

Bodin, Wm., tailor. Front st Brodie, James, baker. Front st Brown, Archibald, fisherman, shore st Brown, jun., Arch., inspector of Adam, Mrs E. C, Ardentigh poor, Ebenezer place Aitken, Peter, retired jeweller, Brown, Jamea, shipmaster, Alpine castle St., Port-Bannatyne villa Alexander, John, yachtdman, castle Brown, Miss Elizabeth, Front st 6t Brown, Miss Margaret, shore st Alexander, Jas., boat-hirer, shore st Bruce, Alexander, fisherman, castle Anderson, Francis, boiler-maker, st Front st Bruce, George, fisherman, Lament's Anderson, George, groom, Eullie- land cheddan Buchan, Miss Chris., m'aIcoI's land Buchanan, James, portioner, Ard- gowan villa B

Baird, Arthur, gold-beater, Karnes Bank C Baird, David, shoemaker, Quay st Baird, Wm., ironmoulder, Front st Callan, John M'Connel, innkeeper, Bannatyne, Mrs Peter castle st Port-Bannatyne Barr, John, grocer. Front st Cameron, Miss, the Ferry, Kilmich- Barr, Mrs Janet; Eskechraggan ael Barr, Joseph, spirit dealer, Port- Cameron, John L., straad Bannatyne Caiiipbell, Jame.3, shepherd, Hilton Barr, Thomas, farmer,Eskechreggan Campbell, Mrs Annie, pier Tenac« Bell, Donald, yacht mas.er, Front st Campbell, Miss Margaret, victoria p1 Bell, Margaret, Front st Campbell, Neil, labourer, Hafton pi Black, Daniel, ship-wright, castle st Carmichael, Arch., engineer, ligh- Black, Hu., coachman, Eilyer lodge natraigh a 65 Parish of Householders. North Bute.

Carswell, Mrs, farmer, E st colmac Duncan Hugh, writer, victoria pl Chisholm John, painter, Hafton pi Duncan, James, farmer, Bannatynci Christie, Geo., sheriff ofl&cer, Front Mains st Duncan, James, teacher, Ballanlay Christie, John, druggist, castle st Duncan, John, farmer, Bhubodach Clacher, Alex., jeweller, Front st Duncan, Mrs Mary, ehalunt Clydesdale, Miss Christina, Hafton Duncan, Thomas, fencer, Cuilna- plac3 hambrag Cockb«m, Mrs Pier Terrace Dunlop Rev John, Free chi*chi Connel, James^ farmer, olenmore Coubrough, Jas., spirit-dealer, Lamont's pi Craighead, Miss Margaret, teacher, Lament's Land Crawford, David, farmer, victoria Pl F Crawford, Miss, crown H«tel, Front st Ferguson, Daniel, fisherman, Haftoni Crawford, John S.,Royal hotel, Front pl street Ferguson, Miss Margaret, Quay st Crawford, William, farmer, Acholter Ferguson, Mrs Elizabeth, Back st Cruden, Miss, Lament's pl Ferguson, James, spirit dealer, Cunningham,John, fireman, shore st roint House crescent Currie, Dun., ironmonger, oak Bank Fisher, Mrs Jane, victoria pl Currie, James, fisherman, Cuilnas- Fisher, John, photograper, cliften hambrag pl Currie, John, mason, castle st Fraser, Miss Isabella, Sardinia pl Currie, Jean, Back at Frame, D., ploughman, st colmac Currie, Robt., spirit-merchant, Front Fulton Wm., engineer, Kingston pl st Fyfe, James G., boatbuilder, Yard Ardmaleish and castle st

D Gibb, Dun. H., residenter, Port- Dallas, Wm., baker, Kingston pl Bannatyne Davidson, Thomas, Kingston Pl Gillies, Archibald, seaman, Hafton Dewar, Rev. Peter, the Manse Pl Dickie, Mia Agnes, farmer, cranslag- Graham, Thos., ta'lor, Sardinia pl vouiity Gray, Andrew, joiner, Ardlamont Dickie, Wm. P., farmer, cranslag- villa. vourity Gray, Gilbert, sailmaker, castle st Dietrickson, Fred. C. J,, residenter, Gray, James, joiner, Ardlamenfa; iir cliff villa Douglas, Mrs Betsy, victoria p1 Gray, Matthew, brass founder,- Duncan Don., retired ironfounder, castle st oastle st Parish of Householders. North Bute. H K HalUday, Duncan, grocer, shore st Kean, Quintin, metal dexler, ulva pl Halliday, Herbe t, joiner,cartwright Keith, Neil, roadman. Back st and sawmiller, Back st and Kennedy, Wm., farm servant, Dan- Karnes sawmill alunt HflUiday, James, merchant, Back st Kerr Finlay, polcemm, victoria pl Halliday, John, feuar, stoneBeld Hamilton, Mrs C, Kames cottage Hamilton, Robert, contractor, Front st Hardin, John K., Alpine vil'a Henderson, Matthew, joiner, Peir heritor, Lament's Terrace Lamont, Archd., place Hill, James, fisherman, castle st T-amont, Archibal 1, farmer, stack Hogarth, James, fisherman. Front st Lament, Coll, flesher, pmnt st Hogarth, James, fisherman, st Nin- Lamont, Jaues, bank agent, Fir cliff ian's point s, coach propriet >r, Hogarth, John, fisherman, st Nin- Lamont Jam> Lamont, James, fisherman, Front si ian's point Lamont, farmer, Lenniehall Hope, (leorge, plumber, Sardinia John, farmer, stuck placf Limont, John, fisherman. Quay st Holins, Johu. residenter, Sardinia pi Lamont, John, John, merchant, Quay st Howat, Hugh, seaman, ulva pi Lamunt, M., nt s pl Hunter, James, Lo ne pi Lamont, John Lam Miss Ann, shore t-t Hun'er, John, tailor, shore st Lamont, Andrew, carpenter and gro- Hunter, Mrs, Kingstoi: pi Lawson, Hunter, Mrs William, farmer, upper cer, victo-ia pi ya htsman, lorne pl. Ettrick Leitch, James, fisherman, shore st Hyndman, Alex., fisherman, straad Le'tch, John,

Leith, Peter, d ujyis , onkbank Hyndman, Edward, fisherman, vic- Livingston, Dun. .fisheririan. castle st toria pi Lo.;h, George, coal-raerC: ant, oak Hyndman, James, coal merchant, castle st ran Loch, Walte •. seaman, H»fton pl Hyndman, John, fisherman, castle <- L< ckh.nt J 'bn. tinsmith, sh > st st Logan, Chas., paw i broker, Ettrick Hyndman, John, fisherman, Hafton Bank Pl L -ve ArchiViald, retired ahoouiaker, Hyndman, Peter, fisherman, straa 1 btione v.ew Lusk, James wiijht castle i-t Lyle, Dalrymple, hou e-fac.or, shore

,st Ly^on, Dujald, ioiner, Eb^neztr pl Lyon, James, retired farmer, vic- tor a place Johnston, Mrs M., straad Lyon, James, jun., farmer, Drum- ^Johnston, Hugh, farmer, West St. achloy f colmac Lyon, Miss Rachel, Front st

67 Parish of Householders. North Bute.

M Mac McAdam, James, gardener, xames foreman, Front st Maitland, John, ca tie boat hirer, Malcolm, Archibald, McAlpinc!, George, blacksmith, castle st Salisbury place Gilbert, farmer Edhibeg Ml loom. McArthur, John, labourer, shore st farmer, Edinbeg and Makom', Mrs, Mc Arthur, Peter, ploughman, Edin- Hilton more P., farmer, Edinbeg Malcom, James McArthur," Wm., farm servant, Kil- and Hilton davannan Mary, Kingston p1 Malcolm, McAulay, Daniel, Front St Maltman, Charles, shopman, castle st McOalium, Colin, farmer, Kilmichael Marshall, Wm., groom, Eilyer McCa lum, John, fanner, Kilmichael Martin, Bryce, farmer, GlecknaVae McCallum, Peter, farmer, Kilmichael Marshall, Miss, Ardenlea McConechie, Jn., farmer, Largivrech- 3»leDiies Archd,, superintendent, tan hwatistonhill Hydropathic Es- McCrae, Duncan, residenter, Kames tablishment casile Meld um, David, fisherman, castle MCunn, Jas., coal merchant, castle st st Meldriim, John, game watcher, McCuun Miss, Post Office, Front st Edinmore Miller, Archibald, cab proprietor, McDonald, Dugald, farm servant, castle st Auchavoulig Miller, Miss Catherine, Back st McDonald, Miss Mary, Back st Milne,, George, iron merchant, clif- McDonald, Lug., farmer, Auchie- tou cottage VGulig Millie, C. S., merchant, stonefield^ McDonald, Donald, ploughman, st Monigomerie, John L. 0., farmer, colmac shalunt McDon.ld, Lachlan, plou^ghman. Montgomery, Alex., farmer, Ach^ Ardmr.Ieish enteerie McDonald, William, shalunt Montgomerie, W.E., farmer, "^halunt McDonald, William, woodman Morran, Gavin, rati, ed farmer, Kose- cuilnash mbrag bery pi McDo'jgall, Alex., firherman, straad Morrison, Alexander, vpcodcutter, McDou-all, Dua, fisherman, Front si Lorne plate McDougall, Thos., fisherman, Ltraad Moni^on Wm., farmer, Kilton Murfioih, Wm., tn^ineer, Hafton pi McFadyen, John, seaman, cuihraS' Murdoch, William, spirit-dtaler, h-.ml>rag shore st Mcl-arlane. John, shepherd, RhU' Murray, Angus, fisherman, Lorne p1 bo. ach ,John, retired butcher Murray, Archii aid, grie/. , Fort- McPariane, villa, Murray, Dugald, ti Sherman, casile st Eoselea Murray, Helen, Lack bt McFi-', Archibald, fencer, KildaV Murray. James, fisheiman, shore st annan Murray, William, ploughman, Dun- McFie, Chas,, farmer, Mid Park alnnt luchmarnock Fa?ish of Householders. Norih Bute.

McFie, Ku (h, farmer, Pallycaul McMillan, Archibald, ploughman, McB'ie, James, farmer, Mid-iaik, shalunt

, inchniarnock McMillan, John, contractor, Front st

McFie, John, jciner, Port-Bannoy le McMilla 1, Neil, labourer, castle st McFie, Robert, farmer,Lower Ettrick McNab. Miss Eliza^ eth, Lamout pi McGee, Daniel, labourer Fi^nt t McNicol, Catheiine, Back st

M'iGla^^^han, Krs Catherine, sho e^t McNioo , James, master mariner, Mc rag r, Chas., gardener, Point Port-Bannatyiie Hous McNicol, Jobn, fisherman, castle i-t McGre 0-, Duncan, nauticil instru- McPhail, Duncan, shoemaker, Bal- ment maker, Ettvickdale lanlay McG: egc, William, gardener, point- McPhail, Mrs Catherine, Kil ^avannan house McPhail, Dug., fenci-, Kildava- nan McPhail Jn., ploughm n, Barr s ^and Mcllrait'i, James, registrar, Doon McPhail, Malcolm, yacht master, Bank villa Barr's land Mc'ntve, Alex., farmer, Bunalunt McPhail, Peter, woodman, Stewart's ? cin'yre, Arch., farmer, Duna^unt land Mo ['tyre, Daniel, farmer, nunalunt McPhail, Robert, gard ner and Mclntyre, Daniel, boat hirer, port- grave-digger, Front st Eannatyne McQueen, Alexander, ploughman, McIntyie,John, farmer, Kildavannan La-gievrechtan Mclntyre, ijiss Catheiine, Back Kt McRae, Robert, rront st Mclntyre, I'iss grocer, Back st Mary, McTaggart, John, moulder, Ci s le st Mclntyre, Mrs Margaret, Front st McVicar, Aich., yacht master, shore st McKay, Alexander, engineer, Glad- stone place McKechnie, Miss Mary, Kingstone p1 Mc Keith. Mrs Margaret, shore st McKellar, Duncan, shepherd, Kil- michael McKe l-T, Jas, ploughman, straad McKellar, Mrs Mary, straad McKellar, John, fisherman, stnad N McKen/ie, Alex., Duntocher post- master, victoria pi Nelson, Wm., engineer, Ardlamont McKenzie, Thomas, dealer in anti- villa quities, chapel House Newall, H. G. F., Eilyer House McKinnon, Dug., roadman, castle McKinnon, Malcolm, gatakeeper, Karnes castle Lodge McKinnon, Sarah, Quay st McLean, Charles, roadman, straad McLean, Hector, labourer, straad McLean, Lach., farmer, translagloan O McLeish, Jas., grccer, slairmore, j Alexander, spirit manager, Front st Orme, Front Street i McLellan, N ., ploughman, st colmac

' McLeoJ, Mrs, Kingston p1

McMillan, Mrs Alex., McNicol's Land ;| —

North Bute. Parish of Householders.

S Sanderson, Richard, oakl-ank cot Paton, James farmer, Greenan Scoular, Mrs Thomas, Back st Pennycook, J. R., tramway mana- Sellar, Alexander, blacksmith, castle ger, pointhouse Pinkerton, Robert, coppersmith, st Semple, John W., clothier, Alpine Ardgowan villa villa Pollock, John T., teacher. Front st Shearer, Matthew, fisherman, Quay Porter, John, bui'der, Laurel villa sc Spearing, Charles, pensioner, Front street Sim, Alex., schoolmaster. Fern Bank cottage R Simons, Benj., fruit broker, Arden- tii^h Bedfern, Wm., shoemaker, castle st Simpson, J., Mrs farmer, south st

Began s. Miss, schoolmistress, Kil- colmac davann n Smith, Arch., retired builder, Omaha Eeid, Peter, ironmonger, castle st House Ei chie, Andre v\, farmer, Gortans Smith. Duncan, labourer. Front st and ArJmore Smith, Peter, blacksmith, Kttrick Ritchie, Andw. T., farmer, Gortans Smith, Wm., farm servant Kilda- and Ardmore vannan Ritchie, Jas. S., farmer, Gortans and Stevenson, Jas., farmer, Ardmaleish Ardmore Stevenson, John, farmer, Kiluride Robertson, Alexander, farmer, Stevenson, Thomas, farmer, Ardma- crandlagmoiy leish Robertson, Archd, farmer, south Stewarc, Alex., farmer. Nether Fark, Tn hmarncck Ardroscadale Robertson, Geo., joiner, Barr's 1 nd Stewart, Jn. C, farmer, Balluacrack Robertson, James, miller, Greenau (upper Ardroscadale) Robertson, Robt., farmer, cranslag- Stewart, Mrs Ann, Edina villa _ mory Stewart, Robert, farmer, Ballicrach Robertson, Thomas, Ardenlea (Nether Ardroscadale) Rodger, Wm., stewart, Kingston pi Stewart, Thomas, farmer, upper Rodgxrs, Wm., hepherd, castle st Ardroscadale Rork, John, sp rit merchant, Beech- Struthers, John, plasterer, victoria grove, Ma line pi Pl Rose, captain James, Rose cottage Sutherland, Alexander, fisherman, Rothesay Tramway Company—J. lona pl

R. Pennycook, manager ; a.ab- Sutherland, John, fisherman, les, POinthousj Quarry ulva pl Roxburgh, Jas., engineer, Front st Sutherland, Wm spirit dealer, Tighnacreoch Swanstonhill Sanatorium Co., Ltd. J, Hill Jack, accountant, Glasgow, secretary

70 Parish of Householders. North Bute. W Wallace Annie, victoria p1 T Wallace Archibald, gamekeeptr, Tighantuder Taylor, John, engineer, Ticteri* pI Walker, James, lona pl Taylor, Mrs A., lona p1 Wark, Mrs Mary, Fioafc and Back Thomson, Arch, blacksmifch, castle streets Bt Waters, James, labourer, shore st Thomson, Chas., blacksmith, castle Watson, John, stationer, pier Ter street Watt, John, residenter, Rosebery pl Thomson, Daniel, Ballanlay Weir, Malcolm, ironmonger Thomson, James, engineer, victoria Weir, Mrs Martin, shore street place White, Peter, gardener, STranston- Thomson, Matthew, coachman hiU castle st White, Peter, teacher, Front street Thomson, Miss, Lomont's Land, Wilson, James, quarryman, victoria Front st place Turner, Colin, carter, castle s4 Wilson, James, quarryman, oak Bank, Port-Bannatyne

Young, William, brassfounder, Rhm- bodach Yuill, William, merchant, Kamea Bank



Bell, Miss Jane. Kilchattan Bay Bird, D., Auchjntone, Kilchattan Bay Black, Daniel, joiupr, Kerrycroy Black, John, labourer, Kerrycroy Black, Mrs Jos., beaver attendant, Agnew, Peter, gardener, Ascog Kilchattan Butt Alexander, "Wm., coachman, Ascog Black, Mrs Jt., East Lodge, Mount- Anderson M., compositor, Kilchat- stuart tan Bay Black, Robt., roadman. Upper Stra- vannan Blair, John, carter, East Lodge, Mountstuart Boag, John Scott, fencer, Kilchat- tan Bay- B Boyle, Mrs William, Piperhall Bruce,James, coachman,Mid- Ascog Baillie, Geo., flesher, Kilchattan By Burns, Wm., blacksmith, Kilchattan Baillie, Hu., farmer Langalbiiinoch Bay Baillie, Ts., farmer, Langalbuinoch Bute, the Moat Honourable John Bain, teacher, John Flem., music Patrick Crichton Stuart, drd Kilchattan Bay Marquess of, Mountstuart Baird, Wm,, clerk, Kilchattan Bay Bannatyne, Bryce, joiner, Kilchat- tan Butts Bateman, Ed. L., The Hermitage, Ascog C Beattie, Adam, tile worker, Wee Caldwell, David, Kilchattan Bay Bay Campbell, Archd.,labourer,Piperhall Beith, Wm., Kilchattan Bay Campbell, Miss, tailoress, Kilchattan Bell, Duncan, Jn., mason, E'iperhall Bay Bell, Duncan, sen., Kelspoke, Kil- Campbell, Miss Jessie, Kilchattan chattan Bay Bay Bell, Gilb., grocer, Kilchattan Bay Collins, Robert, pensioner, Ascog Bell, Jas., blacksmith, Ascog Connelly, James, gardener, Mount- Bell, John, retired blacksmith, Kil- stuart. chattan Bay Cowie, John, forester, Kerrycroy Bell Mal„ mason, Kilchattan Mill Patish of Householders. Kingarth.

Crawford, David, Kingarth Hotel Crawford, Robt., farm^jr, Little Kilchattan Creighton, Wm.,post office, Ascog Crisp, Wm., buttler, Mountstuart F Cumming, John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay FeHdin, Dr L.*W., Kilchattan Bay Currie Miss Cath., Gatehouse Fergus, Jas.. groom, Ascog Currie, Miss Janet, grocer and ba- Ferguson, Arch., labourer, Kerry- ker, Kilchattan Bay croy Currie, Miss Mary, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson. Dun., labourer, Kilchat* tan Butts Ferguson, Js., carter, Kelspoke Ferguson, Ntil, labourer, Piperhall Fisher, Mrs Andw., Kerrylamon^ Cottage Fisher, James, fencer, Kerrylamont D Fisher, Peter, labourer, Kerry- lament Dales, John, rivetter, Kilchattan Fulton, Wm., schoolmaster, Kerry, Bay croy Davidson, Rev. B. J., m.a., b.d., Free Church, Kilchattan Bay Dean, Adam, roadman, Kilchattan Bay Dean, R., roadman, Kilchattan Bay Drewett Jas., newspaper agent, Kilchattan Bay Duncan, Alex., farmer, Birgidale, Knock Galbraith, John, carpenter, Kilchat* Duncan, Hugh, farmer.Langalchorad tan Bay | Duncan, James, farmer, Culevin and Geddes, Joho, gardener, Ascog. Meikle Kilchattan Gemmell, Daniel, farmer, Kerry- Duncan, John, seaman, Kilchattan tonlia Bay Gemmell, Robert, engineer, Kilchat- Duncan, Mrs John, Kilchattan Mill tan Bay Dean, John, carter. Upper Scoulag Gill, Hugh, tile works, Kilchattan Duncan, Robt. labourer, Kilchattan Bay Bay Gillies, Jas., coachman, Ascog Duncan, Robt. J,, carter, Kilchattan Gilmour, Thos., tilemaker, Kilchat- Bay tan Bay Duncan, Wm, shoemaker, Kilchat- Girvan, Archd., policeman, Kil- tan Bay chattan Bay. Glen, Allan, sen., tailor, Kilchattan Bay Glen, Donald, fisherman, Kilchattan Bay Glen, Mrs Joseph, coal merchant, E Kilchattan Bay Gow John, clerk, Kilchattan Bay Ewan, Mrs Captain, Kilchattan Bay Ewing, Mrs I. L.

74 -

Parish of Householders. Kingarth, H Hamilton, Geo., merchant, Ascog Bank Lamb, Alex., Ann's Lodge. Ascog Andrew, joiner, Newfarm Hamilton, Js., slater, Kitchattan By Lamont Jas., mole-catcher, Piper- Hamilton, Patr. Jb., Ascog Bank, Lament, Hamilton, Thomas, coachman, As- hall Lamont, Mai., farmer, Kilchattan C.'g Hastings, David, farmer, Plan Bay coachman, Mount- Hastings, ,Haddow, farmer, Plan Lane, Stephen, Hedderwick, the Retreat, Ascog stuart hedger, Birgidale Hendry, George Scott, Kilchattan Linden Jas., Bay Butts Hendry, Wm., plumber, Kilchattan Lockhead, Andrew, clerk, Kilchat- Bay tan Bay plumber, Kilchattan Henn, William, Lieut. E.N., Ann's Lockhart, Wm., Lodge Bay game-watcher, Birgidale Heron, Michael, gardener, Mount- Logan, Js., stuart Butt Luff, Chas., butler. Mid-Ascog

Jamieson, James, boatman, Kilchat- tan Bay M Jamieson, Jn., farmer, Ambrismore Jamieson, Robert, labourer, Piper Marshall, John, ironfounder, Kil- hall chattan Bay Jarrett, Richd., valet, Mountstuart Martin, Arch., farmer, Largizean Johnston, Alex., gardener, W nd- Martin, James, farmer, Stravannan sor Cottage, Mountstuart Martin, John, farmer, Kerrymenoch Johnston, William, labourer, Ascog AJ artin, Moses, engineer, Kilchattan Johnston, Wm., labourer, NewFaim Bay Meiklejihn, Jas., grocer, Kilchattan Bay Miller Mrs, fitter, Kilchattan Bay Middleton, Robert, watchman, New K Farm Middleton, Rodden, dyke-builder, Keith, Mrs Mary, Piperhall Kilchattan Butts Keith, Duncan, woodman, Piperhall Morrison, Jn., weaver, Kilchattan By Kelly, David, St Blane's Hotel Morrison, Mrs Janet, Kilchattan Klchattan ' Morrison, Miss Margt., Kilcha.tan Kelso, Mrs Janet, Kilchattan Bay Bay Kelso, Robt., boatman, Kilchattan Morrison, Robert, fisherman, Kil- Bay chattan Bay Kinnear, Bernard, brass founder, Morrison, Wm., builder, Kilchattan Kilchattan Bay Bay

75 Parish of Householders. Kingarth.

Muir, James, ploughman, Birgidale MTarlane, Alx., farmer, Drumreoch Butt M'Farlane, Dan., carpenter, Mount- Muir, John, builder, Kilchattan By stuart Muir, Peter, 'bus driver, Kilchattan M'Farlane, Dun., farmer, Barefield Bay M'Farlane, Duncan, farmer, Kerry- Mundy, John, ship smith, Kilchat- crusach tan Bay M'Farlane, Miss Ct., Kilchattan By Murdoch, Duncan, farm servant, M'Farlane, Donald, house factor, Mid As(?og Mountstuart Murray, Alex., joiner, Kilchattan M'Farlane, Wm., farmer, Kcrry- Bay cruisoch M'Fie, Alex, fencer, Kilchattan Butt M'Fie, Arch., contractor, Kilchat- tan Bay M'Fie, Daniel, boatman, Kilchattan Bay Mac M'Fie, Daniel, joiner, Kingarth M'Fie. Ferg., mason, Kilchattan By M'Alister, Johu, farmer, Ascog M'Fie, James, hedger, Gossan M'Alister., Robt,,farmer,Mid-Ascog M'Fie, John, farmer, Lubas M'Alister, Wm., labourer, Kilchat- M'Fie, Mrs John, Gosson tan Bay M'Fie, Miss Mary, Kilchattan Bay McAllister Wm., Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Mrs Mary, spirit dealer, Kilchattan Bay Macbeth, Daniel, writer, Ard- Ascog M'Fie, Robert, gardener, Kerrycroy Macbeth, Adam Dick; writer, Ard-Ascog M'Gechan, Andrevi', ship surveyor Kilchattan Bay M'Call, David, restaurateur, Kil- M'Gibbon, Rich. Forsyth, jeweller, chattan Bay Kilchattan Bay M 'Galium, Dugald, carpenter, Kil- M'Gilp, Gath., Kingarth Moor chattan Bay M'Gregor, Daniel, fencer, East M'Callum, John, Millhole, Ascog Lodge, Mountstuart M'Coll, Dun., ploughman, Culevin M'Cready, Nathaniel, coachman, M'Intosh, Jas., shepherd, Kilchat- Blair Lodge, Ascog tan Bay M'Intosh, Jn., tailor, Lilly Bank, M'Donald, Alex.,rabbit catcher, Kil- chattan Bay Kilchattan Bay M'Intyre, Dugald, labourer, Ascog M'Donald, Don., labourer, Kerry- tile worker, Kil- croy Mclntyre Dougal, chattan Bay M'Dougal, J., fisherman, Kilchattan Bay M'Intyre, John, gardener, Ascog M'Intyre, Mrs Alex,, Ascog Mill M'Dou all, Duncan, farmer, Bar- Wm.,grieve, Kerrylamont naul d M'Intyre, M'Dona'd. Hector, roadman, Soulag M'Kay, Arch., farmer, Bruchag Moor M'Kay, Miss, Kilchattan Bay M'Donald, Miss Jane, Birgidale M'Kay, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay M'Dougal John, d, farmer, Barnauld M'Kay,' John, farmer, Quochag M'Dougall, Robert, sen,, farmer, M'Kechnie, Donald, coachman, Barnauld Ascog Bank Parish of Householders, Kingarth.

M'Kinlay, Dugald, farmer, Dixon's Dam M'Kinlay, John, retired poli eman, Seoul ag Moor M'Kinnon, Daniel, carter, Upper N Scou'ag M'Kinnon, Mra Marg., Kilchattan Neeson, Andrew, spirit merchant, Bay Millburn, Ascog M'Kirdy, Mrs Ang., Kilchattan Bay Nugent, John, gardener, Millbank, M'Kirdy, James, jo ner, Ki.chattan Ascog Bay M'Kirdy, Mrs Jane, East Lodge, Mountstnart M'Kirdy, Miss Rachael, school- mistress, Kilchatt-.n O M'Kirdy, Thorn a-s, labourer, East Lodge, Mountstuart Orr, John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay M'Kirdy, Thomas, f ncer, Scoulag Moor

M'Lachlan, Wm., engraver, Kil- chattan Bay M'Lean, Hugh, farmer UpperAscog Paterson, James, ploughman. Mid M'Leau John, abourer, Ascog Ascog My,, Piperhall M'Lean, Mrs Patt e, Wm., residenter, Kilchattan M'Lean, Neil, labo rer. Ascog Hall Bay Kilchattan Bay M'Leish, Eobt., Perry, Alexander, sen., road con- M'Lellan, Mrs Dan., Ktrrycroy tractor, Kilchattan Bay M'Leod, Mai., ploughman, Mid Pottie, Michael, blacksmith, Kil- Afecog chattan Bay

M'Millan, Arch., plugohman, Kerry- t nla M'Millan, James, 'bus proprietor, Kichatban Bay M'Millan, Miss Janet, Kilchattan R Bay Reid, James, Kilchattan Bay Kilchat- M'Millan, Wm., boatman, Reid, John, postman, Kilchattan By tan Eay, Kfctson, Mrs Janet, Kilchattan Bay M'Millan, \Vm., jun., Kilchattan Robertson, James, Archibald, and Bay John farmers, Birgidale Crieff Rodger, James, joiner, Mount- M'Neil, Alex, traveller, Kilchattan stuart Kilchattan Bay Bay Roge.son, , M'Taggr.rt, Arch, ploughman. Piper- Rose, David, waterm.

77 Parish of Householders. Kingarth.

S W Saunders, Eev. John, M.A., B.D. Waddell, David, gardener. South Parish Manse Park Scott, Miss A., Kilchattan Bay Walker, J., Kilchattan Bay Scott, Thos., farmer, Gallachan Wallace, Dl., rabbit-catcher, Piper- Shaw, Angus, labourer, Kerrycroy hall SMelds, Jas., engineer, Mount- Watt, John, baker, Kilchattan Bay stuart Weir, Alex., farmer, Dunagoil Smith, Dav. Adam, Millbank, Ascog WestjDaniel, KilchattanBay Smith, Malcolm, ploughman, Kerry- Williamson, Rev. Robert, D.D., Pre© ton lie Church Manse, Ascog Spencer, Wm., South Park, Ascog Wilson, Hugh, g imekeeper, Mount- Spiers, John, ploughman, Birgidale stuart Butt Wilson, Jn., gamekeeper, East Steel, Robert, foreman, Tileworka Lodge, Mountstuart Stewart, Mrs A. B., Ascog Hall Wilson, John T. Millbrae, Ascog

Stewart, Alex., blacksmith. Ambush Wilson, , ploughman, Ambris- Stewart, Dun. C, teacher, Birgidale more Stewart, James, joiner, Kerrycroy Woods, Daniel D., labourer, Mount- Stewart, Wm., farmer, Kerrycroy stuart Strang, John, residenter, Kilchattan Wyllie, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Bay Strathern, Geo., labouier, Kilchat- tan Bay

Yu"ll James, Kilchattan Bay Thorn, Mrs Anna Maria, Millburn, Yuill,Tohn, hedger, Gatehouse Ascog Thomson, David, engineer, Kilchat- tan Bay Thomson, Rev. John, Hawkeston, L< dge, Ascog Thomson, John, Kilchattan Bay Thomson, Win. Lawrence, school master, Kingarth Thorburn, Jas., woodman, Kerry- croy Thorburn,Dd., fisherman, Kerrycroy Toole, Patrick, labourer, Mount- stuart o

The folloTfing Table, the reatilt of many years' careful observation, Trill be fotind useful in, ascertaining the probable Weather which may follow the vartons changes of the Moon :—

TIME OF CHANGE. In Summer. In Winter. Between midnight to and 2 a. m Mild and Fair Frost, unless Wind s. Snoif. „ 2&4 „ Wet and Cold , High Winds and ., 4 & 6 „ Wet Ditto. „ 6 & 8 „ Rain and High W!nd.... High Winds. „ 8& 10 „ Changeable Sleet, il Wind w., if e., „ 10 & 12 n'n Rainy Gal.-.s. [Snow '^1 „ 12 & 2 p.m. Very Wet Sleet. „ 2&4 „ Changeable Fair Weather,

,. 4&6 „ Fair and ilild bitto. n. or s T. — 1- to „ 6&8 „ Fair, if n. w. Wind, but Frost, if Wind Wet if s. or s.w Sleet and Snow if s.-o [3-''^ 55 O' » 8 & 10 „ Ditto Ditto. „ 10 & 12 „ Mild and Fair Dry Frosty Weather. ^w /^?







THl ' E 1lAWW IEl©IE©F/lIEc

ForK$HmaUns eVali^e 0/ xny Article by ihe Pound, Vard, &c.

Lbs., 1^. 2d. Sd. 4c/. 6c/. 7d. 9^. Yds.. id. 1 5d 1 Ud. &c.


s.d. d. 77. TTd. s. d. 5. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ' £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 2 0', 1 n 2 4 6 8 K 10 12 1 6 1 10 8 OJ n 2i 3 6 9 1 13 16 1 9 2 3 2 9 4 1 2 3 4 8 1 1 4 1 8 2 »• 2 4 1 3 3. 8 2" 6 U 2h 3| 5 10 1 3 1 8 ] 2 6 2 11.0 3 9 4.7 6 1^ 3 4A 6 I 1 6 2 2 6 300 3 6|0 46 6 6 7 lii 3^ 5i 7 1 2 1 9 2 4 2 11 (» 360 4 1|0 53 6.6 8 2 4 6 8 1 4 2 2 8 S 4 40 4 8i0 6 7 4 9 2J 4i 6? 9 1 6 2 3 3 3 9 • 4 6 5 3 0-6 9 83 10 2 5 7i 10 1 8 2 6 3 4 4 2 5 0|0 5 1(1 7 6 9 2 11 2: 5^ Silo 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 6 5 8 3 10 1 12 3 6 9 11 2 3 4 5 ( It 6 10 7 9 11 13 2 4 4 5 5 7 9 11 3i 6.i 9i 1 12 3 8 6 6,0 7 9 11 14 3: 7 lOi 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 & 5 10 7 Olo 8 2 10 6 12 10 15 3: n Hi 1 3 2 6 3 9 6 (1 6 3 7 6,0 8 9 H 3 13 9 16 4 11 4 2 8 4 5 4 6 8 solo 9 4 12 14 8 17 4i H O3I1 5 2 10 4 3 5 8 7 1 6 8 6 9 li;0 12 9 15 7 18 4i 9 1^ 1 6 3 4 6 6 (• 7 6 (1 "0 lo oiO ]3 6 16 6 19 4J 9J 2i 7,3 2 4 9 6 4 7 11 .1 9 6 U 10 14 3 17 5

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02 Hauom JO xiBQ Bu'e Coun'v Useful Tables. Direciory.

IM]liag[yi[M!15^ilKlir mm WiiKglHIT ©if ©i^TTlLl. o Take the Girth close behind the shoulders, and multiply it by itself: take the Length from the top of the shoulder to the extremity of the buttocks, which, multiplied by the above, «nd divided by 7344, will give the weiglit of a Fat Animal in Imperial Stones. Should thd

Animal be extra fat, add a twentieth ; and if infei-ior deduct about the same quantity. To find the Weiffht from the Table—liook in the column marked Girth for 35, and in th« column marked Length for 34, and then in the next column, in the same line with the length* 5 stones 91bs., being the Imperial Weight. '.' Note.—The Smifchfield Weight m«y be found by multiplying the Imperial Weight by 14an(l dividing by 8.

~"2 4 i i It i li'i 1^^ 5 1 3 ^ 11 2^ ^' % ! If 1^ if ill-

in in St. lb. I n in St. lb. I n in St. lb. in in St. lb. in in St. lb. I n m St. lb. 34 -24 3 11 4 1 41 9 5 4 8 43 13 7 54 36 14 4 58 54 24 10 62 59 30 12 1 45 14 2 1 26 9 61 13 26 4 42 31 7 6 38 15 56 1 31 28 4 6 33 7 13 47 14 10 40 15 12 53 27 8 63 41 22 % 30 4 10 35 8 6 4 9 35 11 6 42 16 10 59 40 18 13 43 23" 3 32 5 37 8 12 37 12 1 44 17 7 42 19 13 45 24 6 35 24 4 39 9 5 39 12 11 46 18 4 44 20 12 47 25 6 26 4 5 41 9 12 41 13 6 48 19 1 46 21 11 49 26 7 28 4 9 43 31 7 11 44 14 5 50 19 12 48 22 11 51 27 7 30 5 33 8 4 46 15 1 52 20 9 50 23 10 53 28 8 32 5 5 35 8 11 48 15 10 54 21 6 52 24 9 55 29 10 34 5 9 37 9 4 I 35 11 13 55 37 15 3 54 25 9 57 30 11 36 27 4 11 39 9 12 37 12 8 39 16 1 56 26 8 59 31 13 28 4 13 41 10 4 39 13 4 41 16 13 58 27 7 61 32 13 SO 5 4 43 10 11 41 13 13 43 17 10 60 39 19 2 6 4 40 22 4 32 5 9 A 4 32 8 6 43 14 9 45 18 8 41 20 1 42 23 6 34 6 34 8 13 45 15 4 47 19 6 43 21 1 44 24 8 36 6 511 36 9 6 47 16 49 20 3 45 22 1 46 25 9 37 28 5 3 38 10 49 16 10 51 21 47 23 1 48 26 11

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36 6 10 A15 34 9 5 41 14 7 42 17 13 55 27 56 31 3 38 29 5 10 36 9 13 43 15 3 44 18 11 57 27 13 58 32 6 30 5 13 38 10 7 45 15 13 46 19 9 59 28 13 60 33 7 32 6 4 40 11 1 47 16 9 48 20 7 61 39 19 11 t 5 40 23 34 6 10 4-2 11 8 49 17 5 50 21 5 41 20 11 42 24 2 36 7 1 44 12 2 51 18 1 52 22 3 43 21 11 44 25 4 38 7 6 16 33 9 7 52 37 13 9 54 23 1 45 22 11 46 26 7 39 29 6 35 10 1 39 14 5 56 23 12 47 23 11 48 27, 9 31 6 6 37 10 9 41 15 1 57 40 17 10 49 24 12 50 28 11 S3 6 12 39 11 3 43 15 11 42 18 8 51 25 12 52 29 13 35 7 3 41 11 11 45 16 8 44 19 7 52 26 6 54 31 1 37 7 9 43 12 5 47 17 4 46 20 5 54 27 6 56 32 3 39 8 1 45 13 49 18 48 21 3 56 28 5' 58 33 6 40 30 6 7 47 34 10 3 51 18 11 50 22 2 58 29 5 60 34 7 32 7 36 10 12 53 36 13 11 52 23 60 30 6 62 35 » 34 7 6 33 U 6 38 14 7 54 23 12 «2;4i 21 6 64 37 12 36 7 12 40 12 40 15 4 56 24 11 43 22 5 1 66 39 38 8 4 42 12 9 42 16 1 58 40 18 5 45 23 7 56 43 25 7

40 8 10 44 13 3 44 16 12 42 19 3 4T 24 8 1 45 26 10 1 31 7 1 46 13 12 46 17 8 44 20 2 4» 25 9 47 27 12 33 7 8 48 35 11 48 18 6 46 21 1 51 26 10 49 29 I 35 8 37 11 9 50 19 2 48 22 63 27 10 51 30. 3 37 8 7 39 12 4 52 19 12 50 22 13 55 28 11 53 31 « 6 89 ' « 13 12 11 12 54 9 23 11 57l29 12 11 55 32 t -ii. ia ^^Jl mmm Bute County Useful Tables. Directory.


' Is .a 2s- 1^ 1 X. It i |i i II 1 lit t 5 1^ o II O ! 5 II;

m St. lb. III lb. Bt. lb. St. lb. in m St lb. m in St. lb. in in St. i m in in m 66 57 33 11 71 46 31 8 75 65 49 11 80 57 49 9 85 58 57 1 89 76 82 59 35 48 32 13; 67 51 4 59 51 6 60 59 78 84 % 61 36 3 50 34 5 69 52 12 61 53 2 62 61 80 86 4 63 37 5 52 35 10 71 54 5 63 54 13 64 63 90 59 65 1 54 37 65 38 8| 1 73 55 13 65 56 9 66 64 13 61 67 4 43 26 4 66 38 6 75 57 6 67 58 5 68 66 13 63 69 6 45 27 7 58 39 111 76 53 41 10 69 60 2 70 68 12 65 71 10 47 28 10 60 41 3 55 43 4 71 61 12 72 70 12 67 73 13 49 30 62 42 8 57 44 12 73 63 9 74 72 12 69 76 1 64 61 31 3 44 13 59 46 6 75 65 5 76 74 11 71 78 4 66 45 53 32 6; 4 61 43 77 67 1 78 76 11 74 81 9 68 55 33 9, 46 9 63 49 8 81 58 51 11 80 78 10 76 83 12 57 34 12 70 43 65 61 2 60 53 8 86 59 59 6 78 86 48 33 12 59 36 1, 72 67 62 10 62 55 6 61 61 6 SO 88 3 61 37 4 5U 35 4 69 54 4 64 57 2 63 63 6 91 60 67 9 62 ii6 63 38 7 10 71 55 12 66 68 13 65 65 6 62 69 15 54 65 3'» lol 38 2 73 57 6 6S 60 11 67 67 7 64 72 2 66 39 68 44 27 ni 7 75 59 70 62 8 69 69 7 66 74 « 58 40 46 28 13, 13 77 54 43 S 72 64 5 71 71 7 68 76 9 48 30 3 60 42 5 56 45 3 74 66 2 73 73 7 70 78 13 62 50 31 7 43 11 68 46 12 76 67 13 75 75 7 73 81 3 64 52 32 11 45 S 60 48 6 78 69 10, i77 77 8 74 83 6 66 54 34 46 8 62 50 82 59 54 79 79 8 76 85 10 4' 68 48 56 35- 64 51 9 61 55 12 87 5S 59 11 78 87 13 70 49 58 36 7 6 66 53 4 63 57 10 60 61 12 80 90 3 50 36 60 37 11 73 4 68 54 12 65 59 7 62 63 13 92 61 70 4 52 37 62 39 1 10 70 50 7 67 61 5 64 65 13 63 73 9 54 39 64 40 4 3 72 68 2 60 63 2 66 68 65 74 13 56 40 66 41 8 9 74 59 10 71 65 68 70 I 67 77 3 58 68 42 12 42 1 76 61 5 73 66 12 70 73 2 69 79 7 60 19 45 29 2 43 8 78 65 45 8 75 68 10 72 74 3 71 81 11 62 45 47 30 6 57 47 3 77 70 7 74 76 4 73 84 2 64 46 49 31 11 6 59 48 12 83 58 54 6 76 78 4 75 86 66 47 51 33 1 13 61 50 60 56 4 78 80 5 77 88 10 68 49 53 34 5 6 63 52 2 62 58 2 80 82 6 79 91 1 70 50 55 35 9 11 65 53 12 64 60 88 59 62 3 81 |93 5 72 52 57 36 13 3 67 5.1 8 66 61 13 61 64 i 93 6*^ |70 9 52 38 59 38 3 74 11 69 57 2 6S 63 11 63 m 6 62 173 54 61 39 8 40 4 71 58 n 70 65 9 05 68 8 C4 75 6 56 41 63 40 12 11 73 60 7 72 67 8 67 70 9 66 77 10 58 43 65 42 2 3 75 62 2 74 69 6 69 72 11 63 SO 1 60 44 67 43 6 10 77 63 76 71 4 71 74 12 70 82 62 46 ro 44 29 5 3 79 55 46 10 78 73 2 73 77 72 84 11 64 46 30 10 47 11 57 48 6 84 58 55 10 75 73 1 74 87 3 66 48 32 1 49 3 59 50 2 60 57 9 77 81 3 76 89 r 68 50 50 33 5 10 61 51 12 62 59 8 79 83 4 78 91 18 70 52 52 34 1(1 3 63 53 7 64 61 7 89 58 62 8 80 94 S 53 54 36 7r 10 65 '55 3 66 63 6 60 64 10 04' 62 74 8 56 37 5 74 55 2 67 !66 13 68 65 5 62 66 12 64 40 68 38 10 75 53 8 69 |48 9 70 67 4 64 66 66 79 6 60 40 55 42 2 71 60 5 72 69 2 66 71 3 68 81 11 62 41 5 67 43 10 73 62 1 74 71 1 68 78 5 70 84 3 64 42 10 69; 45 Z 75 63 10 76 73 70 75 7 72 86 9 66 u- 1 61 46 10 76 64 8 78 74 IS 72 77 9 74 89^ 68 45 5 63 48 4 __ 1^ 77 65 6 79 75 13 74 79 11 76 91 •

Bute County Useful Tables. Directory.


To find the Weight from th* Table— Look for the length in the le^t hand column, on the right of it for the breadth and (mean) height, 0}>posite to which in the next column you will lind the weight.

• ^ ^• .• B ! .s j= 5 is i i t i Weight. 1 (5

• i ~^ ¥ rt Ft Kt Sts. rt Ft Ft stir vt "^T Ft Ft Ft Sts. 12 10 8 228 23 10 8 477 31 10 t 723 29 13 12 1577 11 9 308 11 9 590 11 1(.' 884 14 13 1840 1060 12 10 373 12 10 715 12 11 15 14 212.1 13 10 8 269 13 11 853 13 1'- 1253 16 15 2426 11 9 333 14 12 I'.M.l 14 13 1462 17 16 2750 12 10 412 15 13 116.' 15 u 1687 IS 17 3094 13 11 482 24 10 8 •i97 16 15 1928 19 18 3458 14 10 8 29' 11 9 616 17 If I'lSO 20 19 3920 11 9 359 12 10 746 18 17 2459 40 10 9 933 12 10 435 13 11 889 33 10 9 770 11 10 1140 13 11 519 14 12 1045 11 10 941 12 11 1368 14 12 609. 16 13 1213 12 11 1129 13 12 1617 15 10 8 311 16 14 i:;93 13 12 1334 14 13 1887 11 9 385 25 10 8 518 11 13 1567 15 14 2177 12 10 4«tf 11 «t 641 15 14 1796 16 15 2488 13 11 55e 12 10 777 16 16 2053 17 16 2820 14 12 653 13 11 y3() 17 16 2327 18 17 3173 •2618 17 10 8 352 14 12 1 8 18 17 19 18 3646 11 9 436 16 13 1163 31 l" 9 7<.»3 20 19 3940 12 1" 528 16 14 1461 11 10 96i» 21 20 4255 13 11 630 26 10 8 6S9 12 11 1163 42 10 9 980 14 12 740 11 9 •57 13 12 1375 11 10 1197 18 10 8 Kli 12 10 808 14 13 1604 12 11 1437

11 9 462 ; 13 11 9(33 15 14 1951 13 12 169S 12 10 56(t ^^ 12 1132 16 15 2115 14 13 1981 i 13 11 667 15 13 1314 17 16 23yr 15 14 2286 14 12 784 ! 16 \A 1509 18 17 2580 16 15 2613

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^Coa/^ Hedt^ GaSy Electricity^ and Short- hand., arepOTVcrs which have transformed the face of t/ie world" THE BEST SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND ia Mr Isaac Pitman's PHONOGRAPHY. It is easily acquired, is as legible as longhand^ and may be written six or eight times as fast. GEORaE HIGGIB. Certificated Teacher^ Member of the Phonetic SDoietjr, &c., Rothesay and Locugilphkad, Givet Instruction Personally or through th« Post. From

Ant Chemist,

or by Poat, 1/2,


Chemist, Carlukb^ HINKSMAISr'S ASTHMA RELIEVER Is confidently recommended as a most effective Remedy for Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. —never failing to give immediate relief. It has proved of immense benefit to nuiiibers of people in all parts of the country, and is certainly worth a fair trial.

The folloicing are examples of a large number of Testimonials (which the Asthma Proprittor—is constantly receiving) to the efficacy of Hinskman's Reliever : than any other I haYe tried, and my im- 50 Westfield Cottages, pression is that if used before the complaint Dalkieth, Feby. 9tli, 1889. becomes Chronic, it would cure. Sir, I think it is my duty to tell you that my wife has suffered from Bronchial Asthma The following is from a well-known Carluk« for 16 years. Being from home in July last, gentleman : High Street, she had a bad attack, and had to sit up in Carluke. 22nd July, 1886. bed two nights. I went to the Chemist in Mb JOHlf HlNKSMAN, searih of something to relieve her. I got a Dear Sir,— As is well known in this box of your Asthma Reliever: one trial of it locality, I have been a great sufferer from and she was able to go home, she has used that grievous malady Asthma. It is thirty it ever since, and I am happy to say she has years or more since it began, and indeed I not lost one hour's rest since. Anyone am not sure but it may have been hereditary. suffering from the same knows what that I have spent many pounds in trying to ob- means. I can heartily recommend your Re- tain relief, but never found anything from liever to all who suffer from Bronchitis or which I could say I experienced any great Asthma.—Tours etc., benefit, till I tried the Asthma Reliever as Gbokgk Cooper, prepared by you. I can confidently say I never fumigated with it without experience- Ilaugh of Kilmorick, ing great relief. I use it frequently, and Dec. 8th, 1886. would not dare to be a day without it. The Sir, I have suffered very much from that name is an honest one, stating that it re- fearful complaint Asthma. I have used lives, not cures. I do not believe anything cures at 4s 6d per box, but have used yours has yet been discovered that will cure ; for twelve months now. I recommend it to but by those who, like myself, have suffered others, and I find it relieves as well as the from this terrible disease, your preparation expensive kind. For the beiiefit of other will be hailed with sincere gratitude. —I am, pr)or sufferers, you can make any use of this dear sir, yours very truly, you please.— 1l ours sincerely. James Graham, Mary Douglas. Mrs M'CoNNKLL, Drumcruel Cottages, A Gentlemak writes fr m Tain on Feb.v. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire, whites on Oct- 5th, 1889: — I'lease forward me Is tin of your ober, 18th, 1.S86 :— Please send me another Asthma Reliever. A friend of mine who Box of your Asthma Reliever. I wish it suffers fnim Spasmodic Asthma has found were better known. It is the best cure I instant relief. The form that I have is much ever got, and I have tried all the Doctors in worse -Chronic Bronchial Asthma. 1 have the district. tried so many thing.s with little success and have been kept in the house since October Mr John Greenshikf.ds, writing on Dec. last. I trust your preparation will give me 10, 1885, from Tralee. Ireland, says:- It is at any rate some relief. two years s'nce I was first seized with The same Gentlkman writes on Feby. Asthuia. I have tried several of the expen- derived more aoth : — Pkase forward me three boxes Asthma sive so-called cur.js, but have Reliever.— I am pleased to state that I have benefit from your Asthma Reliever than found more benefit from your preparation from any one of them. One Shillk^^g per Tin, from


Special Entrance through the Nursery of Thomas Bell^ Florist^ 6^r., CHAPELHILL ROAD,


Lots of Plain and Fancy Type. All Shades of Paper and Ink. Ready and Willing Hands. Improved Machinery Extensive and Varied Practical Experience.

Books, Pamphlets, Programmes, Bills, Posters,

Circulars, Funeral Letters, Memorial Cards ; in lact, anything printable tastefully executed on the Shortest Notice, and in a style and at a price to suit the tastq and purse of anyone, THE DIRECTORY.


The Scottinh Leader says, regrarding: the previous Issue oi the Directory, " The information it contains is of a kind to be useful both to business men and to tourists."

The Glasgow Herald says— " The Directory will undoubtedly prove useful to those who have occasion to consult its pages. The lists of official persons and professional gentlemen for Bute, Arran and the Cumbraes are carefully given."

The Evening Citizen says— "The Directory is arranged in three part* embracing a mass of information which must prove useful both to strangers and residents concerning th© county of Bute,"

The Greenock Telegraph says—" Hjggie's Directory contains a mass of infor- mation. It will be found of great value as a reference book."

Ayrshire Weekly News says—" This Directory will prove serviceable to many who do business on the West Coast. Its blemishes, the result of haste, may be «asily remedied in future issues,"

The Ardrofsan and Saltcoats Herald says— " The Directory got up by Mr George Higgie, journalist, Rothesay, is an evidence of the enterprise and public spirit that abounds in Rothesay. It is one of the many little waya open to an enterprising man to push his own business, affording other tradesmen an opportunity of pushing theirs, and at the same time giving the general public a deal of information, that is indispensible to residents at fashionable waterii gsplaces."

The Ohan Telegraph says—" The Directory is an honest shilling's worth, and will be found invaluable to merchants and traders in the West."

The Kirkcudbright Advertiser says—" This publication should be in the hands of every one having business connections with the West Coast."

The Cowal Watchvian says— " Higgie's Directory is a very comprehensive and methodically-arranged handbook, It merits the large circulation which iJnow obtains," THE BEST VALUE IN TEAS, GBOCERIES, AND PROViSIOnS, TO BE HAD FROM (^JAMES CUNNINGHAMS Family Grocer, Tea and Provision Merchant, 81 MONTAGUE STREET. ROTHESAY. A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED. MISS liCtl4, DRESS AND MANTLE MAH.EB, 20 Bridge Street, Rothesay.

Trimmings, Furnishings, etc., kept in Stock.


Splendid Outlook from Sitting Room Windows.

S. JflcCallum, Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 96 Montague Street, Rothesay.

Mtaniel Cunningham^ Plumber and Zinc Worker, 102 Montague Street, Rothesay. ANDY ALFPENNY



ROT H E S AY: PAIHTKD 4NP PuBLiaHED BT GkO. HiQOO & C0< Pianoforte, Harmoniafn,

American Organ,

Singing and Theory of Mesic.

Harmoniamist and Clioirmaster, United Presbyterian Charcli,

Teaches above at his own or Pupil's Residence.

G. D. is now forming LIMITED CLASSES FOR


SOLO and CHORAL SINGING, and the Higher Branches of Music at REDUCED TERMS.



New Public Hall Buildings, EAST PRINCES STREET, ROTHESAY. _ ^.

For cheap, EXPEDITIOUa, and GOOD

Ul PlIlTIIl, \ Come to the

f rintiit0 §&a

Lots of Plain and Fancy Type, all Shades and Qualities of Inks and Papkrs, im- proved Machinery, willing Hands, and extensive and varied Experienck. Bills, Posters, Books. Circulars, Account Tops,

Bags, Labels, Cards ; in fact, everytlnng printable, on the siiortest notice, and in a style, and at a price, to suit the trade,

J inclination, and purse of anyone. &end

3 for particulars.



8VV^^a<%^<'»^^^^^^V^VW^^%%WWVW^^^^i%^»fc^%^'W^V^%%'W^>'%'%"^ ?s-



Size—17 by 13 Inches, Drawn from Ordnance Survey, 4 Miles to 1 Inch. PRICE-TWOPENCE. ROTHESAY: GEORGE HIGGIE, PRINTER, &c., 22 Beidge Stkekt. •^m Bookseller, Stationer, Newsagent, and Bookbinder 49 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY.

Orders for Books, Newspapers, Periodical^' abd Magazines, promptly attended to^

Views of Eothesay, and of the Castle, on Note Paper.

Books Bound Neatly to any Pattern Required.

All Articles in the StationeryDepartment at Moderate Prices and of GoodQtiality

Bibles, Testaments, and School Requisites.


Always on Hand a Carefully-Selected Stock of FANCY, COMMERCIAL, & GENERAL STATIONERY at Lowest Prices. A Large and Varied Assortment of WHITEWOOD GOODS with Local VieWB. Valentine's and Wilson's Photographs of Scotch Scenery. All kinds of School Books Required for Rothesay. Bookbinding in all its Branches. Periodicals and Morning and Evening Papers Delivered.


A'cici Door to Clydesdale Bank.

AU the DAILY and WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, PEEIODICALS, &c., Delivered with Promptitude. A Large and Varied Assortment of WHITE-WOOD BOXES, &c., with Local Views. PHOTOGRAPHS op LOCAL SCENERY and SOUVENIRS op thb WEST HIGHLANDS, CLYDE, &c. Agent for Messrs PATERSON, SONS, & CO., Music-Sellers, Glasgow and Edinburgh, ' ^.x.k,S. Pdblisker of the H ' i iii^^SA\ E-— WILSON'S MERCANTILE OFFICES.

X DIRECTORIES : X " Mercantile Directory of tha World, " 908. "Great Britain and Ireland." 86b. •^Continent of Euroi>e, " 86& •'Africa, America, Asia and Oceania," 353. COMMERCIAL INQUIRIES regarding the standing of any person or tirm answered en receipt of full name, trade, address and P.O. va ue 2s, DIST RECOVERY and collection of Outsanding Ac- counts undertaken 'jn receipt of instructions and

fee of 2s. Speciality : Foreign debts. MERCANTILE INFORMATION supplied, advio« tendered, and questions of all kinds aaswertd by experts. Enquiry Fee 53. ADVERTISING of all kiuds judiciously undertake*, and contracted for without charge. CIRCULARS printed, folded, addressed and de- spatched at hoi_3 and abroad. PRINTING and BOOK BINDING in all styl«a. AGENCIES undertaken or arraHged for the sale of mauufactures, patents and specialities in every country by personal applanation or othrtrwise. CONSIGNMENTS of every deseriplisn of goods sent to suitable markets, and sold for account. GOODS of everj kind supplied at wholesale prices. PATENTS procured, det'igns, trademarks and oo'pj- rights ragistei-ed at home and abroad. PrcispecLus free ou applioatioa to, WILLIAM WILFON & SONS, 8 Talbot Court, Eastchicap, lONDOX. E.G. BzaJidies and comieotioos in every {lart oS the worl4. C. Crawford, FAMILY BUTCHER, 3 Bishop Street, Rothesay.

Orders Punctually Attended to.

Builders' Clerk—Thomas Falconer, 36 Golarashill Street.

Coal Masters— Dixon & Coy., Limited, King Street.

Glass and Ohina Merchant — ROBERT PATERSON' 1 Albert Place.

Grain, Seed, Meal, and Hay Merchant — JAMES FISHER, 5 and 7 West Castle Street, Rothesay.

Family and Dispensing Chemist—Wm. Hanter, 64 Montague St.

Family Grocer and Agent for W. & A. Gilbey's Wines, etc.— Hugh Morton, 62 Montague Street. Try the Fine Old Whisky, " Ye Craigmore Blend."

Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant—Daniel M'Lachlan, 16 Columshill Street.

Family Grocer—Peter Guthrie, Ornatus Terrace, Ardbeg Post Ofl5ce. —Orders Punctually attended to.

Gardeners—A. Jamiesou and Son, 7 Argyle St., and Colavine Nurseries.

General Blacksmith and 'Cycle Repairer—Quintin B. McLellan, Successor to John Howard, Croft Lane, off High Street.

Licensed Grocer—Thomas Aitchison, 30 Mill Street, Rothesay,

Osborne Temperance Hotel—87 Victoria Street, Rothesay.

Poultry Merchant and Green-Grocer, John Patience, 12 Gallowgate,

Tailor—Angus Spiers, 14 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

Temperaiice Hotel—Ormeby's, 26 Argyle St. (Next New Parish Ch.)


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