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International Association For Feminist Economics IAFFE Newsletter Volume 19, No. 1 May, 2009 Newsletter Highlights ____________________ President’s Report 1 IAFFE Conference Books 3 IAFFE Panel at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 4 Reflections on Research 6 Report from the Third Congress of Feminist Economics in Spain 8 A New Home at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln 10 Upcoming Workshops and Conferences 13 Message from the IAFFE President – One of IAFFE's goals is to foster a diversity of geographical representation and perspectives at IAFFE conferences. To Sue Himmelweit this end we are very grateful to the Swedish International De- velopment Agency for having provided an extremely generous “Engendering Economic Policy” is the exciting theme of this donation which has allowed us to fund the travel of over forty year’s annual conference. There will be two policy related participants from developing and transition countries to attend plenaries: an opening plenary on “Engendering Economic the conference. We look forward to welcoming these and policy: how can Feminist Economics improve Women’s Lives” other participants from around the world. Please join us! and a closing plenary on "Engendering policy responses to the current crisis". Confirmed speakers include Judith Kur- IAFFE Conference 2009 – Boston, M.A., land from the Office of the Mayor of Boston, Naila Kabeer from the University of Sussex, Heather Boushey from the USA – June 26-28 Center for American Progress, Dzodzi Tsikata from the Uni- versity of Ghana, Heidi Hartmann from the US Institute for The 2009 IAFFE annual conference will be held June 26 – Women's Policy Research, Stephanie Seguino, University of 28th at Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, Massa- Vermont, and past presidents of IAFFE, Bina Agarwal and chusetts – USA. There will be a pre-conference workshop on Edith Kuiper. June 25th as well. Conference registrations are being taken now until May 31st; after June 1, registration will need to be There will be panels and papers on a variety of policy rated made on-site at the conference. Dormitory rooms are avail- themes such as migration, sexuality, education, health, able on Simmons Campus if reservations are received prior to women's empowerment, domestic violence, care work, pre- May 31st, after June 1, dormitory rooms will not be avail- carious employment as well as global themes such as the able to reserve. For other lodging options, you will find a gender effects of restructuring and the current crisis. Other map on our website with lodging near the Simmons Campus. paper and panels explore a variety of theoretical and empiri- For conference registration and dormitory reservation forms cal issues of importance to feminist economics. We have had and information, please visit our website at: nearly 300 high quality submissions and over 200 people are (http://www.iaffe.org/conferences/annual/index.php). This already registered for the conference. conference will prove to be a wonderful opportunity to explore the many facets of IAFFE and its diverse scope. PAGE 2 IAFFE NEWSLETTER VOLUME 19, NO. 1 IAFFE Pre-Conference Workshop and Schedule The 2009 IAFFE conference organizing team in Boston (Carole Biewener and Randy Albelda) are busy working on IAFFE Pre-Conference Schedule conference arrangements. Simmons College is in a great location, with a lovely (and compact) campus. The class- Simmons College, June 25, 8 am-4:15 pm rooms are recently renovated with state of the art technology and comfortable seating. The dining and other meeting Session I A and B --Concurrent Workshops – Choose One only spaces are open and most have great views of Boston. IAFFE conferences always feature good food and we are Session I. A. 8:15-9:30 am Feminist Economics Dissertation Writ- planning to follow in that tradition. There will be internet ac- ing Workshop: Myra Strober, Stanford University. cess on campus (no printers, sorry). For those of you who This workshop is designed for those just beginning to work on a dis- want to get a feminist economic taste of Boston after the con- sertation proposal as well as those who are working on their disserta- ference, we are working on three different tours for Sunday tion but have questions about how to proceed. In preparation for the afternoon. One is a women’s history tour of Boston, part of workshop, participants should bring a short (one to two pages) writ- the Boston Women’s Heritage Trail. Another is a trip to the ten statement that includes their research questions, a paragraph Lowell (Massachusetts) Historic Park, run by the US Park summarizing the major existing work on the topic, and a paragraph Service, that features 19th century textiles mills (including on why you think answering your research question is important. We “Yankee farm girls” who were the first industrial labor force). will stress being clear about your research question, developing a The third is a community economic development tour of the theoretical framework, understanding how your question fits into feminist theory and scholarship, and linking your work to policy con- Fenway area of Boston (where Simmons is located), led by cerns. The workshop will be collegial and participants should be staff from the Fenway Community Development Corporation. prepared to support one another in answering their questions. Look for more details about the tours and how to sign up on the IAFFE conference website Session I. B. 8:15-9:30 am Writing for the Press: Susan Feiner, (http://www.iaffe.org/conferences/annual/index.php). University of Southern Maine IAFFE Pre-Conference Workshop: 9:30 - 9:45 am Registration June 25, 2009 Welcome and Session II: 9:45-11:00 am Introduction and History of Are you new to Feminist Economics? Would you like to learn IAFFE and Feminist Economics: Cecilia Conrad, Scripps College, Edith Kuiper, University of Amsterdam, and Sakuntala Narasimhan, more? You and your colleagues have an opportunity to partici- Bangalore, India pate in a workshop introducing you to Feminist Economic analysis. The IAFFE Pre-Conference is June 25, 2009, 8:00 Session III: 11:00-12:15 Applications of Feminist Economics am - 4:15 pm in Boston at Simmons College. The Pre- Conference is designed for scholars and students new to Towards a Post-Colonial Feminist Economics: Farida Khan, feminist economics but is open to all those who are interested. University of Wisconsin-Parkside You can register for the Pre-Conference at the same time as Queering Economic Modernism: Postcolonialism and Poststructural- you register for the Boston IAFFE conference. The fee is $20. ism in Feminist Economics: S Charusheela, University of Nevada- You can register at www.iaffe.org . Las Vegas The Program consists of senior feminist economists who will 12:15-1:30 pm Lunch Break present an overview of IAFFE and an introduction to their fields. They will also answer questions from participants. Session IV: 1:30-3:00 pm Applications of Feminist Economics There will be opportunities for networking and mentoring. This Gender and Caring Labor: Barbara Hopkins, Wright State University year we offer workshops on “Writing a Feminist Economics Dissertation” (Dr. Myra Strober) and “Writing for the Press” Environmental Economics: Stacey Sneeringer, Wellesley College (Dr. Susan Feiner) as well as talks and discussions on the History of IAFFE and Feminist Economics with Cecilia Con- Race and Feminist Economics: Nina Banks, Bucknell University rad, Edith Kuiper, and Sakuntala Narasimhan; Application of 3:00-3:15 pm Break Feminist Economics to Post Colonial studies with Farida Khan and S. Charusheela; Application of Feminist Economics to Session V: 3:15-4:15 pm Concluding Discussion Gender and Caring Labor (Barbara Hopkins), Environmental Economics (Stacey Sneeringer) and Race and Feminist Eco- The Future of Feminist Economics: Some Thoughts on Ways to Go nomics (Nina Banks). Julie Nelson will lead the concluding Forward: Julie Nelson, University of Massachusetts at Boston Discussion on the Way Forward. 4:15 ADJOURN If you want more information, contact Linda Lucas at: lu- casle@eckerd.edu; Tel: 01 727 866 7335 or any member of the Pre-Conference committee, Barbara Hopkins, Farida Khan, Linda Lucas (Chair) Karin Schoënpflug, and Rhonda Vonshay Sharpe. Continued Next Page VOLUME 19, NO. 1 IAFFE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Books by IAFFE Members bour Market Issues . Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009. Through an examination of the state, income security, and As has become customary, IAFFE will hold labour market issues, the essays in this volume provide an an Author Celebration as part of its annual conference, in-depth and wide-ranging perspective on public policy and being held next in Boston, USA, June 26-28, 2009. If you the changing roles of women. The twenty-four contributors are an IAFFE member and have recently published a book, are academics and social activists who have worked within please send the names of all the authors/editors, the pub- the feminist movement to advance more women-oriented lisher and the price, as well as a short paragraph providing public policy. The topics include some of the more contro- some information about the contents to Julie Nelson, versial policy issues of today, and in developing their at julie.nelson@umb.edu, Dept. of Economics, University analyses, the authors explore alternative strategies and of Massachusetts, Boston, 100 Morrissey Boule- policies to meet women’s needs. The book is organized vard, Boston, MA 02125 USA. into three sections: Restructuring Public Policy in the Ca- nadian State, Reimagining Income Security for the Most IAFFE Authors celebrated in San Francisco, USA, in Vulnerable, and Rethinking Labour Market and Employ- January 2009 ment Support Policy. An underlying theme in all the chap- For a description of the books, please see the website ters is the importance of designing income, labour, and www.iaffe.org service supports in a way that recognizes women’s dual responsibilities as income earners and caregivers over the Gunseli Berik, Yana Rodgers, and Ann Zammit (eds).