Siamo sognatori, crediamo nei campi e nel sole, nella bontà del lavoro che trasforma. Siamo orgogliosi, affondiamo le mani nelle nostre farine dopo la macinatura e solleviamo una nuvola che diventerà pane di domani, torta di compleanno op i tajarin della domenica… Siamo testardi, contro ogni regola imprenditoriale abbiamo una fi liera in gran parte biologica (Biagricert), certi che il mondo possa cambiare iniziando dalle nostre tavole. Siamo tradizionalisti, lavoriamo solo con macine in pietra naturale. Siamo puristi, per non utilizzare sostanze chimiche conserviamo farine e altri prodotti in celle frigo a temperatura e umidità controllata. Ma soprattutto siamo liberi: scegliamo ogni giorno di proporvi solo l’eccellenza, senza compromessi.

We are dreamers, we believe in fi elds and sunshine, we believe in the genuine work that transforms basic things. We are proud. After the grinding, we plunge our hands into our fl our and we raise a cloud that will become the day after... We are stubborn, most of our production chain is biological (Biagricert) and we are sure that the world can change starting from our tables. We are traditionalists, we work using only volcanic millstones. We are purists, we want to avoid the use of chemical substances, therefore we keep our fl our and other products in the refrigeration cells where we constantly check the temperature and the humidity. But, above all, we are free: every day we offer you only the excellence. BIO-SOFIA LA NOSTRA VISIONE DI UN MONDO INTEGRALE

140% DI ENERGIA RINNOVABILE ⋅ RENEWABLE ENERGY Grazie all’impianto fotovoltaico installato sul tetto del mulino e la centrale idroelettrica azionata dall’acqua che un tempo lo alimentava produciamo più energia di quanta ne utilizziamo.

Thanks to the photovoltaic system installed on the roof of the mill and the hydroelectric power plant that once powered the mill we produce more energy than we use.

100% IN BIOEDILIZIA ⋅ GREEN BUILDING Tutto nel nostro mulino è pensato per rispettare l’ambiente e la natura, anche la struttura che ci ospita: legno naturale sulle superfi ci e muri in cartongesso isolati con fi bra di legno. Iluminazione esclusivamente a led.

Everything in our mill is designed to respect the environment and nature, including the structure that houses us: natural wood on the surfaces and plasterboard walls insulated with wood fi ber. LED lighting only.

100% SOSTENIBILE ⋅ SUSTAINABLE Confezioni in continua evoluzione per garantire un packaging con minor impatto ambientale possibile.

Packages in continuous evolution to guarantee a packaging with less environmental impact.

100% NATURALE ⋅ NATURAL La conservazione dei prodotti avviene in celle frigorifere interne per preservare le qualità organolettiche ed eliminare i trattamenti chimici.

The conservation of the products takes place in internal cold rooms to preserve the organoleptic qualities and eliminate chemical treatments. MACINAZIONE A PIETRA VULCANICA GRINDING WITH VOLCANIC STONE La produzione avviene esclusivamente con un mulino in legno Production takes place exclusively with an Austrian-made di fabbricazione austriaca dotato di macine in pietra vulcanica, wooden mill equipped with volcanic stone mills, turned by tornite da un blocco unico di roccia lavica, a single block of lava rock, without the addition of glues or senza aggiunta di colle o altri elementi chimici. other chemical elements.

90 FARINE INTROVABILI 90 UNFINDABLE Da quella di amaranto a quella di semi di zucca. From that of amaranth to that of pumpkin seeds. Farine adatte a qualunque tipo di cucina, dagli usi consueti alle Flours suitable for any type of cuisine, from the usual uses necessità dietetiche e culinarie più disparate. to the most varied dietary and culinary needs.

CORSI DI APPROFONDIMENTO TRAINING COURSES Direttamente nella nostra sede, presso il mulino, ogni mese In our premises, directly in our mill, every month we organizziamo corsi di panifi cazione, di pasticceria e corsi organize baking, pastry and special courses in vegan speciali di cucina vegan. cuisine.

SHOP INTERNO INSIDE SHOP Più di 5000 prodotti in vendita nello spaccio aziendale. More than 5000 products on sale in the company store.

VISITE GUIDATE GUIDED TOURS Visita il mulino osservando da vicino la produzione, lo Visit the mill closely observing the production, storage and stoccaggio e il confezionamento, in compagnia dei nostri packaging together with our master millers. mastri mugnai. Ospitiamo anche gruppi culturali e scuole. We also host cultural groups and schools.

SENZA GLUTINE FREE Produzione di farine senza glutine Production of gluten free fl ours by grinding using a con macinazione a pietra dedicata. dedicated stone. SENZA GLUTINE GLUTEN FREE


FRE TEN E LU Il Molino Bongiovanni ha una linea di produzione e macinazione dedicata G totalmente al gluten free: cereali, legumi, addensanti, amidi, ortaggi in polvere, fi bre, lieviti e soia. Le farine sono tutte rigorosamente macinate a pietra naturale, non utilizziamo sostante chimiche per la conservazione ma solo celle frigo a temperatura e umidità controllata. La scelta delle materie prime avviene secondo i più alti standard qualitativi e la fi liera è in gran parte biologica (Biagricert). Seguiamo le più antiche tecniche di selezione e lavorazione per garantire la qualità e la bontà di tutti i nostri prodotti.

Molino Bongiovanni has a production and grinding line dedicated entirely to gluten-free: cereals, legumes, thickeners, starches, vegetables in powder, fi bers, yeasts and soybeans. The fl ours are all strictly ground with natural stone, we do not use chemical substances for storage but only cold storage at controlled temperature and humidity. The choice of raw materials takes place according to the highest quality standards and the supply chain is largely organic (Biagricert). We follow the oldest selection and processing techniques to ensure the quality and goodness of all our products. GLUTEN FR E E FARINE BIO, MACINATE A PIETRA E SENZA GLUTINE



BONGIOBONGIOFRFROLOL BONGIOBONGIOBAR perper la preparazione ddii miscelamiscela pperer ppastaasta frolla veveganagana HEMUP barrettebarrette eneenergetichergetiche ai ccereali senza uova e llatticiniatticini fforor the preparationpreparation of mixture fforor vevegangan shortbreashortbreadd perper proprodottidotti da ffornoorno eenergynergy bars with cerealcerealss without eeggsggs and dairdairyy pproductsroducts allaalla canapacanapa BONGIOBONGIOCEREALCEREAL forfor hemp baked goodgoodss perper proprodottidotti da forfornono BONGIOBONGIOSOY con farine integrali e semi oleosi BARBABBONGIOONGIO per pane e alla soia for bakery products per pane, pizza e focaccia for soy bread and soy pizza with wholemeal and oilseed fl ours al rosso di Barbabietola for beetroot bread, pizza and focaccia 1 AMARANTH FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect for sweet and salted products with 30% of gluten flours. In purity can be used for sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 975 500g BIO 4257 500g BIO & NoGluten 976 1Kg BIO 3229 5Kg BIO 4276 20Kg BIO & NoGluten

The Amaranth is a food of plant origin which doesn’t take part in the cereals’ family, but has similar characteristics

CASHEW FLOUR FLOUR USE Gastronomic, dietary and sweet products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6855 100g 6881 1Kg 7152 10kg 7148 25kg

The cashew (called “almond or hazelnut of cashew nut” in Brazil). It has a smooth, thin and fragile surface, colored from yellow to red, with a pulpy and fibrous mass.

PEELED BITTER APRICOT KERNEL FLOUR FLOUR USE They are used to prepare any kind of product to which you want to give a typical bitter taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7324 10kg 7318 25kg

Flour extracted from apricot’s stone with a bitter taste. Used in small quantities, to prepare amaretto or other preparations where you want to put a typical bitter taste. 1 2 OAT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect for sweet and salted products with 30% of gluten flours. In purity can be used for sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3071 500g BIO 125 5Kg BIO 4918 25kg BIO

It is obtained from oatmeal’s stone milling.

RED AZUKI BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.


Red Adzuki

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6195 500g BIO 5377 1Kg BIO 5378 5Kg BIO 6708 25kg BIO

The red Azuki bean flour is got by processing red unhusked adzuki beans, by stone mill.

GREEN AZUKI BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6196 500g BIO 4708 1Kg BIO 4925 5Kg BIO 6709 25kg BIO

The green Azuki bean flour is got by processing green unhusked adzuki beans, by stone mill. 2 3 HEMP FLOUR FLOUR USE It must be used with flours that contain gluten.

INGREDIENTS Canapa seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4634 500g BIO 5373 1Kg BIO 4635 5Kg BIO 7391 25kg BIO

The hemp seed flour is an excellent raw material for the preparation of high nutritional profile products. The flour is so fine due to its nutritional composition.

CAROB PULP FLOUR FLOUR USE It is mainly used instead of cocoa to prepare creams and sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1254 500g BIO 1256 5Kg BIO 6703 25kg BIO

It is obtained by grinding carob pods pulp, an evergreen plant grown widely in Mediterranean areas.

CHESTNUT FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and any kind of baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1134 500g BIO & NoGluten 1136 5Kg BIO 6704 10Kg BIO 1132 20kg BIO & NoGluten

Flour got from peeled dried chestnuts processed by innovative cylinders systems. 3 4 GARESSIO CHESTNUT FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and any kind of baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1138 500g BIO & NoGluten 1137 5Kg BIO 4923 20kg BIO

Flour got by processing Garessine chestnuts, a really fine variety of chestnuts grown in Garessio (CN) that have an exceptional taste.

CYLINDER-MILLED CHICKPEA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great for the preparation of gruel and "panissa".



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1145 5Kg 1147 500g NoGluten 5530 10Kg NoGluten 4804 25kg NoGluten

It is a flour obtained from chickpeas using a cylinder mill, widely employed in Tuscany and Liguria. Cylinder mill makes this flour more unvaried but less savory than stone-ground flour.

STONE GROUND CHICKPEA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great for the preparation of gruel and "panissa".


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1142 500g BIO 5369 1Kg BIO 1144 5Kg BIO 1146 10Kg 4924 25kg BIO It is a flour obtained from chickpeas using a stone mill, widely employed in Tuscany and Liguria. Compared to the cylinder mill flour it is more savory but less unvaried. 4 5 RAW CHIA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect for breading and matches with food as snacks, muesli, yogurt and similar products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5291 200g BIO 5389 5Kg BIO 6928 20Kg BIO

Chia seeds are native of Central America and they are an important source of fiber, antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and minerals, but especially of Omega 3. The raw seeds flour is the richest of high quality fat but with a short-life conservation.

GRASS PEA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.


Wild pea

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6194 500g BIO 5987 1Kg BIO 6707 5Kg BIO This flour is extracted from natural wild peas processed by stone mill. 6706 25Kg BIO Chuckling vetches are seeds picked up from Lathyrus sativus, a legume coming from Asia; their shape is similar to chickpeas one, but flattened. In the past they were a really important food source for farmers in central south of Italy.

BORLOTTI BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.

INGREDIENTS Borlotti beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6197 500g BIO 821 1Kg 4927 1Kg BIO 822 5Kg 3205 5Kg BIO 6245 25kg It is obtained from Borlotti beans (dried and raw) by stone mill, 6710 25kg BIO deprived of impurities and foreign substances. 5 6 CANNELLINI BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.

INGREDIENTS Cannellini beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6198 500g BIO 5382 1Kg BIO 5381 5Kg BIO 5380 25kg BIO

It is obtained from Cannellini beans (dried and raw) by stone mill, deprived of impurities and foreign substances.

LIMA BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.


Lima beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6013 1Kg

It is obtained from Lima beans (dried and raw) by stone mill, deprived of impurities and foreign substances.

BLACK BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6221 500g BIO 5387 1Kg BIO 5386 5Kg BIO 6723 25kg BIO

It is obtained from black beans (dried and raw) by stone mill, deprived of impurities and foreign substances. 6 7 BLACK EYED BEANS FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the percentage of proteins contained in doughs, and also to make legumes creams and to enrich seitan.

INGREDIENTS Black Eye beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 823 1Kg 6199 500g BIO 5385 1Kg BIO 5383 5Kg BIO 6711 25kg BIO

It is obtained from black eye beans (dried and raw) by stone mill, deprived of impurities and foreign substances.

WHOLEMEAL FARRO FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products, in purity or blended with other flours.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1156 5Kg BIO 1153 25kg BIO

The Dicoccum spelt is really equivalent to , it comes up more castor and yellow.

SIFTED DICOCCUM FARRO FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products, in purity or blended with other flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4929 1Kg BIO 1167 5Kg BIO 1162 25kg BIO

The Dicoccum spelt is really equivalent to durum wheat, it comes up more castor and yellow. When mashed is comparable to whole-wheat. 7 8 WHOLEMEAL MONOCCUM FARRO FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products, in purity or blended with other flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1621 1Kg BIO 1622 5Kg BIO 1625 25kg BIO

The Monococcum spelt is a variety with characteristics between and durum wheat.

SIFTED MONOCCUM FARRO FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products, in purity or blended with other flours.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8695 1Kg BIO

The Monococcum spelt is a variety with characteristics between common wheat and durum wheat. When mashed is comparable to whole-wheat.

WHOLEMEAL SPELT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1150 1Kg BIO 1155 5Kg BIO 1152 25kg BIO

The Spelta spelt is the most similar variety to wheat, for this reason the flour looks like traditional durum wheat and its usage is the same. 8 9 CYLINDER-MILLED WHOLEMEAL SPELT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1215 1Kg BIO 6712 25kg BIO

The Spelta spelt is the most similar variety to wheat, for this reason the flour looks like traditional durum wheat and its usage is the same. Cylinder mill gives less flavour but proofing is better.

SIFTED SPELT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1159 1Kg BIO 1166 5Kg BIO 1163 25kg BIO

The Spelta spelt is the most similar variety to wheat, for this reason the flour looks like traditional durum wheat and its usage is the same.

SPELT FLOUR TYPE 0 STRONG W 160 FLOUR USE Mostly used in combination with gluten flours and gluten-free ones.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1613 5Kg BIO 1615 25kg BIO

The Spelta spelt is the most similar variety to wheat, for this reason the flour looks like traditional durum wheat and its usage is the same. The strongest version is a mix of varieties richer of proteins with a bigger strength index. 9 10 SPELT FLOUR TYPE 0 W 110 FLOUR USE Mostly used in combination with gluten flours and gluten-free ones.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1216 1Kg BIO 1171 5Kg BIO 1169 25kg BIO

The Spelta spelt is the most similar variety to wheat, for this reason the flour looks like traditional durum wheat and its usage is the same.

FAVA BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used mixed to wheat flour to increase the protein level and improve the taste.


Fava beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 984 500g 4930 500g BIO 6115 1Kg BIO 986 5Kg 4931 5Kg BIO 6246 25kg 6713 25kg BIO It is a flour extracted from peeled fava beans by stone mill.

SUNFLOWER SEED FLOUR FLOUR USE It could be added to food recipes.

INGREDIENTS Hulled sunflower

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4428 250g BIO

The sunflower seeds flour is an organic product, obtained by grinding seeds. 10 11 BURNT WHEAT FLOUR FLOUR USE Mainly used with baked products. It needs the usage of producing gluten flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1683 1Kg 1684 5Kg 1685 10Kg

The burnt wheat flour is an Apulian peculiarity ( green iars in dialect) obtained by grinding toasted durum wheat; it has an intense nuance and aroma.

TIMILLIA STONE GROUND WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR W 130 FLOUR USE Also used for breading and pizza, it is the top of the line product regarding the preparation of Castelvetrano black bread.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6119 1Kg 6263 25kg

The Tumminia flour is a Sicilian fine ancient durum wheat bran, with a low-gluten and high-protein value.

WHOLEMEAL BIANCOLILLA DURUM FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6121 1Kg 6247 25kg

This feed whole wheat is got from Sicilian Biancolilla fine organic durum wheat processed by ancient stone mill. Biancolilla wheat is an old variety which has been replaced years ago in order to cultivate more productive varieties, the extracted flour has a unique taste and scent. 11 12 WHOLEMEAL PERCIA DURUM FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6120 1Kg 6250 25kg

This feed whole wheat is produced from Percia fine durum wheat, also said punch sack or long spelt; an ancient variety of wheat (triticum percivalianu) processed by ancient stone mill.

LIGHT BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great for wheat or corn baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3491 1Kg BIO 8258 1Kg NoGluten 7363 5Kg BIO 4932 25kg BIO

Flour got from German buckwheat processed by stone mill, pale variation is partially mashed without the outer layer of the kernel.

WHOLEMEAL BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great for wheat or corn baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1521 500g BIO 79 1Kg BIO 2212 1Kg NoGluten 80 5Kg BIO 2213 5Kg 2116 25kg BIO 2215 25kg NoGluten Flour got from German buckwheat processed by stone mill. 12 13 STONE GROUND WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR W 140 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products, biscuits.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1102 1Kg BIO 1108 5Kg BIO 1103 25kg BIO

Flour got from a sapient blend of common wheat and semi-durum wheat. Compared to the variation produced by cylinder mill it is obtained from the whole grain, without mashing or blending.

CYLINDER-MILLED WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR W 180 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products, biscuits.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1105 1Kg 1109 5Kg 1104 25kg

Product obtained by grinding common wheat, deprived of impurities and foreign substances. Compared to the variation produced by stone mill it is obtained blending wheat flour and bran.

REINFORCED WHOLEMEAL GRAIN WHEAT FLOUR W 170 FLOUR USE Appropriate to processing long leavening products. Also perfect to prepare Chapati.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4640 1Kg 58 5Kg 60 25kg

It is a flour extracted from a type of hard wheat. Regardless of the type used, nowadays is called Manitoba any flour with a high-protein and a W level higher than 350. 13 14 BREAD AND PIZZA WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 0 W 240 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1096 1Kg BIO 1090 5Kg BIO 1094 25kg BIO

Flour obtained from a sapient blend of different types of common wheat and semi-durum wheat.




Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7633 25Kg

The flour of Bongiovanni’s pasta is characterized by the capacity that avoid the darkening of the pasta during conservation, thanks to the elimination of bran’s particles responsible for coloration.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 2 WITH GERM W 190 FLOUR USE It is perfect for preparing baked and salted goods.

INGREDIENTS Wheat, rice seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6125 5Kg

This flour is made by blending flour, rice germ. 14 15 WEAK WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 0 W 180 FLOUR USE It is perfect for mixing tough flours with a high W, increasing their extension.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1553 5Kg BIO 4933 25kg BIO 5302 25kg

This flour is made by processing, by an innovative cylinder mill, a blend of marked by a not hard gluten and really extendible.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 00 W 260 FLOUR USE It is perfect for preparing baked and salted goods.


Wheat, gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1086 1Kg 2128 1Kg BIO 1089 5Kg 2129 5Kg BIO 1087 25kg Product obtained from common wheat after being milled and 2130 25kg BIO unbolted, deprived of impurities and foreign substances. Adding gluten of soft wheat.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 00 STRONG W 340 FLOUR USE It is appropriate mainly for very long leavening products preparation.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1506 5Kg 1508 25kg

Flour got from a sapient blend of strong varieties as Manitoba, Taylor and Sagittarius. 15 16 WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 00 MEDIUM STRENGTH W180-200 FLOUR USE It is perfect for medium-long leavenings. For bread, pizza and focaccia bread.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28433 5Kg

Flour of national medium strength grains and good elasticity.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 1 W 210 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6532 1Kg 7387 5Kg BIO 4822 5Kg 5534 25kg 6901 25Kg BIO

Product made from common wheat after being partially milled and unbolted.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 1 STRONG W 390 FLOUR USE Great for long, very long leavenings.

INGREDIENTS Wheat, gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28803 1Kg 28802 5Kg 28804 25Kg

Stone-milled flour with high protein content. Partially refined. 16 17 WHEAT FLOUR MALLORCA TYPE 1 W 130 FLOUR USE It is great in purity and appropriate for any use.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6123 1Kg 6252 25kg

Sicilian common wheat flour exclusively produced by stone mill and grown in specific Sicilian areas. In old sweets recipes, Maiorca name, was synonymous with common wheat flour par excellence.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 2 W 210 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1097 1Kg BIO 1091 5Kg BIO 1095 25kg BIO

Flour got from a sapient blend of common wheat varieties and medium strength wheat ones processed by stone mill.

WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 2 WITH RICE AND SEED GERM W 190 FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Wheat, rice and sesame seeds, sunflower and flax

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6124 1Kg

This flour is made by blending common wheat flour type 2, rice germs and oily seeds. 17 18 TRITORDEUM WHOLEMEAL FLOUR FLOUR USE It is excellent for bread, pizza and focaccia bread with 100% or 50% of wheat.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28806 1Kg 28805 5Kg 28807 25Kg

Flour obtained from Tritoderum wheat processed by stone mill, this is a cereal of new conception made by wheat and wild barley.

RED LENTIL FLOUR FLOUR USE It is mainly used to prepare pureed soups and creams.


Red lentils

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6200 500g BIO&NoGluten 4707 1Kg BIO 4934 5Kg BIO 6714 25kg BIO

The Bongiovanni red lentils flour is obtained by processing (unhusked) lentils by stone mill.

GREEN LENTIL FLOUR FLOUR USE It is mainly used to prepare pureed soups and creams.

INGREDIENTS Green lentils

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6201 500g BIO 4673 1Kg BIO 7389 1Kg 4672 5Kg BIO 7385 5Kg 6715 25kg BIO 7390 25Kg Flour made by processing green lentils (unhusked) by stone mill. 18 19 GOLDEN FLAX FLOUR FLOUR USE Around 20-30% is used with wheat flour to prepare any sweet and salted baked product.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 817 1Kg BIO 4937 5Kg BIO 7289 15kg BIO

It is extracted from flax panel processed by stone mill, the solid part gets divided during the first mechanical pressing of the oil (so no solvent needed!)

RAW GOLDEN FLAX FLOUR FLOUR USE Around 20-30% is used with wheat flour to prepare baked product.


Golden flax

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4466 250g BIO 10000 10Kg BIO

The golden flax flour is made by grinding raw flax seeds, it is very oily and rich in high-fats, its conservation is slightly less long than traditional flour.

BROWN FLAX FLOUR FLOUR USE Around 20-30% is used with wheat flour to prepare any sweet and salted baked product.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5488 1Kg BIO 6716 5Kg BIO 6717 25kg BIO

It is extracted from flax panel processed by stone mill, the solid part gets divided during the first mechanical pressing of the oil (so no solvent needed!) 19 20 RAW BROWN FLAX FLOUR FLOUR USE Around 20-30% is used with wheat flour to prepare baked product.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4426 250g BIO

The dark flax flour is made by grinding whole flax, it is very rich in mono and polyunsaturated high-fats.

LUPINI BEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used for sweet and salted baked goods in variable quantity.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28594 500g NoGluten 28593 1Kg BIO&NoGluten 1246 1Kg BIO 1247 5Kg 4939 5Kg BIO 4275 25kg NoGluten Flour got from slightly toasted and dried lupins after being delicacy 6253 25kg BIO ground.

WHITE CORN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect to prepare Italian polenta.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6192 500g 149 1Kg 150 5Kg 4811 25kg

Flour obtained from hybrid white corn processed by cylinder mill, it is a particular variety of Veneto, marked with a marginal percentage of color pigments (carotenoid). 20 21 BRAMATA CORN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect to prepare Italian polenta.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1113 1Kg BIO 1114 1Kg NoGluten 1116 5Kg BIO 1117 5Kg NoGluten 2113 25kg NoGluten 6718 25kg BIO & NoGluten

Coarse-grained corn flour, for a homespun polenta.

FIORETTO CORN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect to prepare Italian polenta.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1115 1Kg 6580 1Kg BIO 1118 5Kg 5146 5Kg BIO 2114 25kg NoGluten 6719 25kg BIO

Fine-grained corn flour, for a delicate polenta.

INSTANT CORN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is perfect to prepare Italian polenta.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1526 500g Senza glutine 6581 500g BIO & NoGluten 5370 5Kg 5371 25kg NoGluten 6795 25Kg BIO & NoGluten

Fine-grained precooked corn flour, for a delicate polenta ready in 5 minutes. 21 22 POLENTA TARAGNA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is suggested to use some cheese in cubes during last minutes of cooking. Recommended cooking time is 60 minutes.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, buckwheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 12000 500g 3900 500g BIO & NoGluten 171 5Kg 4821 25kg 6735 25kg BIO & NoGluten Typical flour of Valtellina, Bergamo and Brescia. It is made by blending corn flour with a small part of buckwheat. The name Taragna comes from tarai or tarel, the traditional cane used to mix it.

SEMI WHOLE FINE CORN FLOUR FLOUR USE Usually it is recommended to use 100-120 g of corn flour per person.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1523 500g 6212 500g BIO 1123 1Kg 6211 1Kg BIO Flour got by grinding very ancient varieties of corn. This flour is 1121 5Kg produced with the best chrism of the Bongiovanni family’s milling 6213 5Kg BIO activity, it has an excellent taste and a sublime nutritional profile, due 6721 25kg BIO to a lacking refinement. 6781 25kg

SEMI WHOLE FINE CORN FLOUR (BOX) FLOUR USE Usually it is recommended to use 100-120 g of corn flour per person.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1739 1Kg

Flour got by grinding very ancient varieties of corn. This flour is produced with the best chrism of the Bongiovanni family’s milling activity, it has an excellent taste and a sublime nutritional profile, due to a lacking refinement. The chipboard packaging highlights the product’s value. 22 23 TORTILLAS CORN FLOUR (MASA HARINA) FLOUR USE It is perfect for products such as tortillas, pelones, polenta ans sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2020 500g 4814 5Kg 6255 25kg

Flour got by fine grinding of white corn, a particular type characterized by a minimal amount of colored pigments ( carotenoid).

PEELED BITTER ALMOND FLOUR FLOUR USE They are used to prepare any kind of product to which you want to give a typical bitter taste.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7090 1kg 7075 5kg 7060 25kg

Flour got from peeled bitter almond, it is a very aromatic flour that doesn’t add color to the dough.

PEELED ALMOND FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great to prepare sweets(biscuits, amaretto biscuits, almond doug).


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 627 250g BIO 1249 500g BIO 1250 1Kg BIO 7089 1kg BIO 1251 5Kg BIO 7074 5kg 7059 25kg It is obtained by grinding Sicilian hulled and divided to the peel. 23 24 MILLET FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used mixed with wheat flour from 15 to 30% in sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28585 500g NoGluten&BIO 174 1Kg BIO 175 5Kg BIO 4942 25kg BIO 6722 25kg BIO & NoGluten

It is made by stone grinding yellow hulled millet, an Asian very ancient cereal.

TOASTED HAZELNUT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is great to prepare sweets, creams and ice creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4703 250g BIO 3340 500g BIO 3347 5Kg BIO 7145 10kg 6724 15Kg BIO 7140 25kg

This flour is got by grinding toasted and peeled hazelnut.

SEMI WHOLE BARLEY FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect for baked products and fresh pasta.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 127 1Kg BIO 128 5Kg BIO 6725 25kg BIO

It is extracted from hulled barley processed by stone mill. 24 25 PEA FLOUR FLOUR USE It could be used mixed with wheat flour giving a delicious taste and a better smoothness.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4775 500g NoGluten 6202 500g BIO 1243 1Kg 4486 1Kg BIO 1244 5Kg 4949 5Kg BIO 6257 25kg Flour produced from dried green peas processed by stone mill. 6727 25kg BIO

UNSHELLED PISTACHIO FLOUR FLOUR USE It is really good to prepare baked products, creams and fish breading.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3435 100g BIO 3454 250g BIO 3436 500g BIO 7043 10kg 7029 18kg From a nutritional point of view they are a real high-profile nutritional 7015 25kg treasure: mono-unsaturates, poly-unsaturates, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and D.

WHOLEMEAL QUINOA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare any sweet and salted baked product.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 607 500g BIO 630 1Kg BIO 631 5Kg BIO 4952 25kg BIO 3411 500g Italiana It is got by stone grinding stone quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa), a 6073 1Kg Italiana South American plant, coming from the same family of spinaches and 6074 5Kg Italiana beetroots. 4816 25kg Italiana 25 26 BLACK QUINOA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare bread or similar products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5977 500g BIO 7519 25kg BIO

Black quinoa is a particular variety of Chenopodium quinoa in about 200 existing, it is a South American plant coming from the same family of spinaches and beetroots. Incas give it miracolous features, as defined it "the mother of all cereals".

RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used alone or adding 15-30% of wheat flour.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1175 1Kg NoGluten 1176 1Kg BIO & NoGluten 1183 5Kg 1185 5Kg BIO 1178 25kg NoGluten 1179 25kg BIO & NoGluten

It is obtained by cylinder grinding polished rice.

BASMATI WHOLEMEAL RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is excellent for baked products, in purity or mixed with 30% of wheat flour.

INGREDIENTS Basmati rice

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6220 500g BIO 4695 1Kg BIO 4956 5Kg BIO 6730 25kg BIO

Flour got by stone grinding Basmati rice. 26 27 FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare any sweet and salted product.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1610 1Kg BIO 1611 5Kg BIO 6728 25kg BIO

This flour is extracted from fine Asiatic rice processed by stone mill, also called sweet rice, waxy rice, botan rice, pearl rice or biroin rice.

WHOLEMEAL RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used for baked products, in purity or mixed with 15-30% of wheat flour.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3901 500g BIO & NoGluten 1435 5Kg BIO 6729 25kg BIO & NoGluten

It is obtained by stone grinding Italian organic rice. The rice whole flour is one of the best alternatives to the white one due to the high- fibers level, vitamins (B group) and mineral salts.

NERONE RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used for sweet and salted baked products, in purity or mixed with wheat flour.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1304 1Kg BIO 1305 5Kg BIO 6731 25kg BIO

It is extracted from fine Italian nerone rice processed by ancient stone mill. 27 28 FLOUR FLOUR USE To prepare sweet or salted products, blended with wheat flour.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8678 500g

It is made by stone-grinding red rice, it is a flour rich in stalins that help to keep a low-cholesterol.

HEAT-TREATED RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare pasta, or baked products, pure or mixed with 15- 30% of wheat flour.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1177 1Kg 1184 5Kg 1180 25kg NoGluten 4955 25kg BIO & NoGluten

It is made from rice processed by innovative cylinder mill. Heat- treated means be subjected to an industrial process of hot air roast, to modify the starch structure.

VENERE RICE FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet or salted baked products, pure or mixed with wheat flour.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5536 1Kg BIO 5537 5Kg BIO 6732 25kg BIO

It is obtained by ancient stone grinding fine venere rice. 28 29 WHITE RYE FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 100 1Kg BIO 101 5Kg BIO 103 25kg BIO

Rye is a cereal that has been taking place in the last years in a healthy conception of diet. The white rye flour is got by mashing whole rye.

WHOLEMEAL RYE FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare black bread or sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 94 1Kg BIO 95 5Kg BIO 97 20Kg BIO 6805 25kg BIO

Rye is a cereal that has been taking place in the last years in a healthy conception of diet. The white rye flour is got by mashing whole rye.

CARRUBE SEED FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare ice creams, as it gives a unifrom and velvety structure.

INGREDIENTS Carrube seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6042 100g 626 400g 2227 1Kg 4818 5Kg 6262 25kg NoGluten

It is made by grinding carob seeds, an evergreen plant widely grown in Mediterranean areas. 29 30 SESAME FLOUR (FROM RAW SEEDS) FLOUR USE It is excellent for baked products and to roll meatballs in breadcrumbs, also perfect to prepare crackers.

INGREDIENTS Sesame seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4429 250g BIO

Flour obtained by gently grinding raw sesame seeds, it is rich in calcium, high-fats and taste.

TOASTED DEFATTED SOYBEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the protein percentage contained in doughs, to prepare legumes creams, to enrich seitan.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1510 1Kg 2569 NoGluten 1511 5Kg 4820 25kg NoGluten

This flour is extracted from toasted cleaned soy by millstone: this process inhibits antitriptic elements (anti-nutriments), it deletes the "taste of bean" and raise the protein level.

TOASTED SOYBEAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to increase the protein percentage contained in doughs, to prepare legumes creams, to enrich seitan.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 135 1Kg 2160 1Kg BIO 136 5Kg 6733 5Kg BIO 2741 25kg BIO This flour is extracted from toasted soy by millstone: this process is 3024 25kg essencial to inhibit antitriptic elements (anti-nutrients), it deletes the "taste of bean". 30 31 WHOLEMEAL SORGHUM FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare both baked and salted goods.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2916 500g BIO&NoGluten 2917 5Kg BIO 6734 25kg BIO

Sorghum is a cereal really similar to corn, but smaller and completely round-shaped. In Africa it has been used since years alternatively to wheat to prepare bread. Even if, being gluten free, it is used for varieties of bread similiar to piadina.

TAPIOCA FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to thicken creams, sauces and for preparation with a high digestibility.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28583 500g NoGluten 7382 1kg 2567 1Kg NoGluten 826 5Kg 5945 25kg Tapioca flour is primarly made by starch, with part of proteins, fats, fibers and mineral salts (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnasium).

LIGHT TEFF FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare any sweet and salted product and shortcrust pastry.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2889 500g NoGluten 4277 20kg NoGluten

This fluor is obtained by processing of teff or tef, tipical cereal of Ethiopia or Eritrea, really similar to amaranth, but smaller in size. Principally there are two varieties of teff, a white one and a red one. From the first one you get soft flour (more delicate and fine) while from the other one a dark flour (less fine but with a stronger taste). 31 32 DARK TEFF FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6582 500g BIO 2890 500g NoGluten 6913 20Kg NoGluten This fluor is obtained by processing of teff or tef, tipical cereal of Ethiopia or Eritrea, really similar to amaranth, but smaller in size. Principally there are two varieties of teff, a white one and a red one. From the first one you get soft flour (more delicate and fine) while from the other one a dark flour (less fine but with a stronger taste).

PUMPKIN SEED FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be added in food preparations.


Pumpkin seeds.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4427 250g BIO 10001 10Kg BIO

Pumpkin seed flour is an organic product, low-carbohydrate level, obtained by stone grinding of seeds.

KAMUT FLOUR FLOUR USE It is suggested for bread, pizza, focaccia bread, sweets and other baked products.

INGREDIENTS Khorasan wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4630 1Kg BIO 4629 5Kg BIO 4631 25kg BIO

From Khorasan wheat is made a lower calories flour than the one made by durum wheat. Comparing same sizes, khorasan flour has more proteins and fats. 32 33 WHOLEMEAL KAMUT WHEAT KHORASAN FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used to prepare sweet or salted baked products, pure or mixed with wheat flour.

INGREDIENTS Kamut khorasan wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 83 1Kg BIO 84 5Kg BIO 86 25kg BIO

It is a flour obatained from khorasan kamut wheat processed by stone mill, an Egiptian type of wheat.

STONE GROUND KHORASAN KAMUT® FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Kamut wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 89 1Kg BIO 90 5Kg BIO 92 25kg BIO

It is a flour obatained from khorasan kamut wheat processed by stone mill, an Egiptian type of wheat.

CYLINDER-MILLED KHORASAN KAMUT® FLOUR FLOUR USE It can be used to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1214 1Kg BIO 1619 5Kg BIO 934 25kg BIO

It is a flour obatained from khorasan kamut wheat processed by cylinder mill, an Egiptian type of wheat. 33 34 MANITOBA FLOUR TYPE 0 FLOUR USE It is used to increase W and tenacity of weak and flexible flours.

INGREDIENTS Manitoba wheat, gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1079 1Kg BIO 6902 1Kg 1080 5Kg BIO 1081 25kg BIO 6903 25Kg

It is a blend of grains of strength (Taylor coming from Italy) adding three percent of gluten.

MANITOBA FLOUR TYPE 00 FLOUR USE It is used to increase W and tenacity of weak and flexible flours.


Manitoba, gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 161 1kg 162 5Kg 164 25kg

Independently from the type used, nowadays manitoba is any flour with an high-proteine level and a W higher than 350.

MULTI CEREAL FLOUR FLOUR USE It is used mixing any flours that generate gluten, for any sweet or salted productions.

INGREDIENTS Common wheat, durum, spelt, rice, kamut, barley, oats. Wheat flakes, spelt, oat, rye. Sesame seeds, sunflower, flax.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6193 500g 389 1Kg 4007 1Kg BIO 390 5Kg 392 25kg It is a blend of more than twenty types of flours/flakes/seeds, a combination of really expectional ingredients able to give to any preparation a very pleasant taste. 34 35 BLACK SICILIAN BREAD WHOLEMEAL WHEAT FLOUR FLOUR USE Perfect to prepare sweets and salted baked products. Needed dose of 10-50% of wheat flour.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6122 1Kg 6249 25kg

This whole flour is obtained by ancient stone grinding, of fine durum wheat of Percia, Russello, Timilia, Biancolilla, Nero madonita.

CORN WHEAT FLOUR USE To prepare biscuits, for example meliga pastries, or to roll in breadcrumbs.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1129 1Kg BIO 6209 1Kg 1130 5Kg 6214 5Kg BIO 1111 25Kg BIO Fumetto is the flour comes from the inner part of corn grain, it has a 4812 25kg NoGluten very small grain size: between the regrinded wheat and the common wheat.

8 FILE CORN WHEAT FLOUR USE To prepare biscuits, for example meliga pastries, or to roll in breadcrumbs.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1125 1Kg 6210 1Kg BIO 1122 5Kg 6215 5Kg BIO 6256 25kg Flour extracted from 8 file corn by millstone, a very prestigious variety 6720 25kg BIO grown in Piemonte. The union, between 8 file corn and the type of process, gives to this flour a very unique organoleptic quality. 35 36 BLUE CORN WHEAT FOR PIZZA AND SWEETS FLOUR USE To prepare biscuits, for example meliga pastries, or to roll in breadcrumbs.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28425 1Kg 28595 25Kg

Ancient Inca corn with a high concentration of anthocyanin and flavonoids.




Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1128 1Kg BIO 1131 5Kg BIO 2117 25kg BIO & NoGluten

Fumetto is the flour comes from the inner part of corn grain, it has a very small grain size: between the reground wheat and the common wheat. The heat treatment gives binding capacity to the flour.

WHEAT GRANULAR FLOUR SEMOLINA USE It is excellent to sprinkle and prepare trofie.

INGREDIENTS Common wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 336 1Kg 337 5Kg 4824 25kg

It is made by cylinder grinding and consequently calibration of wheat. 36 37 DURUM WHEAT FLOUR SEMOLINA USE It is great to prepare dry pasta, sweet semolina, bread and pizza.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1189 1Kg BIO 1195 5Kg BIO 1191 25kg BIO

Italian durum wheat obtained from a sapient mix of particular types of wheat.

CALIBRATED DURUM WHEAT FLOUR SEMOLINA USE It is great to prepare dry pasta, sweet semolina and as sprinkle in the preparation of bread and pizza.


Durum wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4807 500g 1190 1Kg 1196 5Kg 6248 25kg

Italian durum wheat obtained from a sapient mix of particulat types of wheat. The calibrated version is very rough and has a strong yellow coloration.

WHOLEMEAL GRANULATED DURUM WHEAT SEMOLINA USE It is perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products. It made a very tough dough.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 72 1Kg BIO 73 5Kg BIO 75 25kg BIO

Italian reground durum wheat, made by stone grinding wheat coming from Emilia Romagna. 37 38 SOYBEAN SEMOLINA SEMOLINA USE It is perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products and soy bread.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 833 1Kg 495 5Kg 6517 25kg

Wheat extracted from toasted soy by grinding.

SEMOLINA RIMAC. WHEAT SENATORE CAPPELLI SEMOLINA USE It is perfect to prepare pasta and sweet or salted baked products.


Cappelli wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1070 1Kg BIO 1071 5Kg BIO 4604 25kg BIO

Flour obtained by stone grinding ancient Cappelli wheat.

SEMOLINA RIMAC. WHEAT WHEAT SENATORE CAPPELLI SEMOLINA USE It is perfect to prepare pasta and sweet or salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Cappelli wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7386 25Kg BIO

Flour obtained by stone grinding ancient Cappelli wheat. 38 39 REGRINDED DURUM WHEAT SEMOLINA USE It is used to prepare baked products and pasta.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 67 1Kg 68 5Kg 70 25kg

Reground durum wheat made from a sapient blen of particular varieties of wheat.

RICE SEMOLINA SEMOLINA USE It is excellent as sprinkle to prepare bread, pizza, fillings and semolina.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 143 1Kg 144 5Kg 6259 25kg

It is made by cylinder grinding and consequently calibration of rice.

SOYBEAN SEMOLINA SEMOLINA USE To garnish bread or season biscuits.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8778 1Kg 8779 5Kg 8780 25Kg

It looks like a dark color wheat and pleasant toasted flavour. 39 40 #50SHADES – FLOUR BLEND W 250 MIX USE It is great to prepare cereals pizza, aswell as bread, focaccia bread and any other kind of baked preparation.

INGREDIENTS Spelt flour, Khorasan wheat, oat, corn, rye, durum wheat, sorghum, lentils, beans, fava beans, lupin, soy, millet, rice, almonds, chestnuts, coconut, hazelnuts, pistachio, amaranth, flax, Azuki, canapa,

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6218 500g 6171 1Kg 6169 5Kg 6172 10Kg #50shadesofcereals is a mixture of 50 ingredients made in 6170 25kg collaboration with , the pizza chef of in . #50shadesofcereals contains: 35 organic flours, 9 organic seeds, 6 organic flakes.Aldo Bongiovanni Fysis Pogliola BARBABONGIO - BEETROOT BLEND MIX USE Add 65% of water calculated on dough weight. After at least 6 hours of leavening, start cooking it.

INGREDIENTS Wheat flour, beetroot flour, dried sourdough, malt, integral raw salt.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7463 500g 7601 25Kg

BarbaBongio is a blend of type 1 flour processed by millstone and red beetroot in powder adding starter , integral rough salt, malty barley flour. With BarbaBongio you can prepare fabolous baked products, you just have to add a little of yeast.

BONGIOBAR - BLEND FOR ENERGY BARS MIX USE It is used just adding 1 spoonful of water and cooking it in a pan for 10 minutes.

INGREDIENTS Coconut sugar, cashews (11%), golden raisin, cocoa grains, cocoa butter, seeds (pumpkin, sesame, chia, sunflower), integral salt.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7395 250g

BongioBar is a mix of oily seeds (sesame, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, chia), cashew nuts, golden raisin, sugar of coconut's flowers, cocoa butter and integral rough salt. 40 41 BONGIOBARRETTA – BAR MIX USE It is perfect as natural snack.

INGREDIENTS Coconut sugar, cashews (11%), golden raisin, cocoa grains, cocoa butter, seeds (pumpkin, sesame, chia, sunflower), integral salt.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8719 40g

BongioBarretta is a snack of oily seeds (sesame, flax, sunflower, pumpkin, chia), cashew nuts, golden raisin, sugar of coconut's flowers, cocoa butter and integral rough salt.

BONGIOCEREAL - BLEND BREAD AND PIZZA WITH CEREALS MIX USE It is perfect to prepare cereals bread.

INGREDIENTS Flour type 2, sesame, dark flax, sunflower, pumpkin, durum wheat sourdough, fine salt, cocoa butter, toasted malt flour.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7479 1Kg 7456 25Kg

Bongiocereal is a mixture of type 2 flour, durum wheat sourdough enriched with a lot of seeds and toasted malt flour.

BONGIOFROLL - MIX FOR VEGAN PASTRY DOUGH MIX USE For vegan shortcrust pastry, just add water.

INGREDIENTS Flours (corn 8 lines, type 1), raw sugar, sunflower oil, cocoa butter, yeast, raw salt, essential lemon oil, vanilla powder and aroma

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7409 500g

Totally vegetal preparation for pastry. 41 42 BONGIOIMPANA - CORN FLAKES BREADING MIX USE It is perfect to roll in breadcrumbs fish steaks, meat or vegetables.

INGREDIENTS Corn flakes (75%), paprika (10%), cocoa butter, yeast, Breton sea salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28165 250g

Very crunchy blend of corn flakes and powder of paprika. So low in fat.

BONGIOSOY - BLEND FOR FOR SOYA BREAD AND PIZZA MIX USE Add 70% of water calculated in dough weight. After at least 6 hours of leavening, start cooking it.

INGREDIENTS Soy flour, wheat type 1 flour, manitoba type 00 flour, soy grains,

organic wheat sourdough, malted barley flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7396 1kg 7410 25Kg

Bongiosoy is a mix of type 0 flour, granella/ toasted soy flour enriched with starter and malty wheat flour.

DELIMIX - BLEND FOR BREAD MACHINE MIX USE Different types of bread with the bread-making machine. It is not necessary to add brewery's yeast (cause it is already in).

INGREDIENTS Type 1 flour, rye sourdough, malt extract, dry yeast, sunflower lecithin

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28623 1Kg

Blend of flours to prepare bread in bread maker. 42 43 GREEN- BREAD AND SPIRULINA PIZZA MIX MIX USE Perfect for bread, pizza and focaccia bread.

INGREDIENTS Organic type 2 wheat flour, organic starter powder, organic spirulina powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28429 1Kg

Green is a mixture of type 1 flour, powder of spiruline, sourdough and malty wheat flour.

HEMUP - HEMP MIXTURE FOR BREAD AND PIZZA MIX USE It is used to make bread and canapa pizza.


Stone mill type 1 wheat flour, hulled canapa seeds, integral sea salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7406 500g 7408 5kg 7407 25kg

HemUp is a mix of type 1 flour processed by millstone/ hemp seeds enriched with starter, integral rough salt and malty wheat flour. You can prepare fabolous baked products with all hemp types.

AFRICAN MIX - BLEND FOR AFRICANETTI MIX USE It is appropriate to prepare sponge fingers, "tette delle monache", africanetti, rolls and "teste di moro".

INGREDIENTS Wheat starch, sugar, acidifiers, gelling agents, thickeners, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4752 250g

African Mix is a complete preparation in powder to prepare africanetti: it is characterized with a soft and frothy whipped. 43 44 PALA ROMANA MIX "WHITE" MIX USE Used to make Roman shovel pizza.

INGREDIENTS Type 2 wheat flour,

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28617 25Kg

Blend of genuine and semi-whole flours with a high capacity of digestion and able to give a super crunchy crust.

PALA ROMANA MIX "WHOLE" MIX USE Used to make Roman shovel pizza.


Type 2 wheat flour, whole flour, wheat gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28618 25Kg

Blend of genuine and semi-whole flours with a high capacity of digestion and able to give a super crunchy crust.

PANKO - JAPANESE BREADING MIX USE It is perfect to roll in breadcrumbs fish steaks, meat or vegetables.

INGREDIENTS Wheat Flour, yeast, salt, glucose, vegetal palm tree oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6165 500g 6793 10Kg

Panko's peculiarity is its lightness compared to common breadcrumbs, it is also more "crumby" and super white. It is used in all the Japanese fried dishes, to whom gives crunchiness, gilding and taste. 44 45 PIZZAMADRE - BREAD AND PIZZA SOURDOUGH BLEND MIX USE Using PizzaMadre you can make not just delicious pizza (also with very long leavenings) but also bread and focaccia bread. Add 650 ml of water and 20g of salt, knead and cover.

INGREDIENTS Type 1 wheat flour, whole spelt flour, re-milled durum wheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7449 1kg 7562 25kg

PizzaMadre is a mixture of excellent ingredients: semi-whole wheat flour, spelt flour and senatore cappellini enriched with malt and sourdough.

PLUMPLUM - CHOCOLATE PLUMCAKE BLEND MIX USE Add 115 ml of water, mix and put in the mould provided. Cooking (30 min for 200°C).

INGREDIENTS Semi-whole type 1 flour, drops of dark chocolate, sunflower oil,

lemon essential oil, natural flavors

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7602 250g

PlumPlum is an exceptional mix of genuine ingredients for a healty tasty plumcake.

PROTEINMIX - PROTEIN OVEN PRODUCTS BLEND MIX USE Add 500 ml (max 550ml) of lukewarm water and 8-10g of sea salt. Knead till when dough is smooth and cover.

INGREDIENTS Gluten, legume flours, corn starch, oat bran, sunflower seeds, dry brewer's yeast, almonds flour, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28133 400g 28164 400g Senza sale

ProteinBread is a blend of high-protein genuine ingredients. ProteinMix contains low-carbohydrates and it is perfect to who wants to prepare baked yeast products with low-carbohydrates levels. 45 46 RUSTICA - FLOUR WITH ANCIENT WHEAT MIX USE It is great to make bread, pizza and focaccia bread.

INGREDIENTS Type 1 flour, ancient grains flour, wheat gluten, toasted rye sourdough

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28820 1Kg 28819 5Kg 28816 25Kg

Flour of ancient wheat with rye tosted sourdough. It has an exceptional taste and savour.

SEITANMIX PLUS - FERMENTED SEITAN BLEND MIX USE Add 300 ml of lukewarm water, 5g of salt and knead. Cover and let ferment at least for 12 hours.

INGREDIENTS Wheat gluten, beans flour, peas flour, wheat yeast powder, yeast,

curry, onion powder, pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28151 250g

Seitan Mix Bongiovanni plus is a mix with complete proteins made by gluten and legume flours enriched with spicies and starter, specifically studied for seitan. Thanks to a long fermentation, the final product is really digerable and savoury.

SPINACH - MIX FOR BREAD AND PIZZA WITH SPINACH MIX USE Perfect for bread, pizza and focaccia bread.

INGREDIENTS Flour type 2 of organic common wheat, organic powder yeast, organic spinaches in powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28428 1Kg

Spinach is a mixture of type 1 flour, powder of spinach, sourdough and malty wheat flour. 46 47 SU LLORI - 12 PIZZA CEREAL BLEND MIX USE 100% used for pizza and bread.

INGREDIENTS Whole durum wheat flour, barley flour, whole spelt flour, dark flax seeds, sesame seeds, gluten, manitoba flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28621 1Kg 28620 5Kg 28619 25Kg

A unique blend made by a Sardinian famous pizza chef, Alex Piras. Su llori is a mix of fine flours and oily seeds.

VEGANPASTRY - VEGAN PASTRY CREAM MIX MIX USE It is used to make vegan creme pat, just add water.

INGREDIENTS Brown sugar, sunflower oil, starch, vanilla aroma, lemon rind, raw

salt, turmeric, lemon essential oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8792 230g

Vegetal mixture for vegan pastry preparation.

YELLOW - CURCUMA PIZZA BREAD BLEND MIX USE Perfect for bread, pizza and focaccia bread.

INGREDIENTS Turmeric powder, type 2 semi-whole stone milled flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28427 1Kg

Yellow is a mix of type 1 flour, turmeric in powder, sourdough and malty wheat flour. 47 48 AMARANTH CEREALS USE It is suggested to mix it with other cereals or legumes, due to its inclination to create a jelly skin after cooking.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 367 500g BIO 1486 5Kg BIO 1487 10Kg BIO 6654 25kg BIO From a nutritional point of view the amaranth distinguishes itself thanks to a high-protein level, with a double lisine level (essential amino acid lacking in cereals). It also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium in abundance.

DECORTICATED OATS CEREALS USE It is great used in cereals soups. Water quantity/cereals: 3/5



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1047 500g BIO 183 1Kg BIO 184 5Kg BIO 185 10Kg BIO 6655 25kg BIO It is a cereal with elongated shape grain, of light color, with a pleasant sweet taste. In wild, it is "dressed", as the external skin of the grain is rich in fiber and perfectly tight.

CANIHUA CEREALS USE It is great for soups or as bread decoration.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28794 500g 28638 25Kg

Canihua is a Latin American plant growing in Bolivia and Perù and it is a famous quinoa's relative; the element that marks it, is mainly the lack of saponine, that generally gives a bitter taste to the food if not properly washed before the usage. 48 49 DECORTICATED FARRO CEREALS USE 6 hrs in the water, cooking time: 50 min, water quantity/cereal: 2:1.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1201 500g BIO 1199 1Kg BIO 1203 5Kg BIO 1197 10Kg BIO 1444 25kg BIO

Husked spelt just undergoes the detachment from the cortical external part lacking in nutritional values.

MONOCOCCUM FARRO CEREALS USE 6 hrs in the water, cooking time: 50 min, water quantity/cereal: 2:1.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3298 5Kg BIO 6909 25kg BIO

Ancient spelt with an exceptional taste, growing in Italy.

PEARL FARRO CEREALS USE Pearl version is cooked as rice. 6 hrs in the water. Cooking time: 50 min. Water quantity/cereal: 2:5


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1202 500g BIO 1200 1Kg BIO 1204 5Kg BIO 1198 10Kg BIO 6656 25kg BIO This variation of spelt is obtained detaching the external part of the grain and consecutive mechanical abrasion. It cookes in few minutes compared to the just hulled one. 49 50 DURUM WHEAT SENATORE CAPPELLI CEREALS USE It can be used alone, with cereals or legumes.

INGREDIENTS Cappelli wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6223 500g BIO 6207 1Kg BIO 2750 5Kg BIO 4841 10Kg BIO 4840 25kg BIO

This plantation has excellent characteristics: contains a high-protein level and easily stand to bad weather, especially to fungal attacks.

KHORASAN KAMUT WHEAT IN GRAINS CEREALS USE It can be used alone, with cereals or legumes to prepare soups.


Khorasan Kamut wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1049 500g BIO 186 1Kg BIO 187 5Kg BIO 188 10Kg BIO 932 25kg BIO

Egiptian ancient wheat, rich in selenium and vitamin E.

DECORTICATED BUCKWHEAT CEREALS USE It is perfect in cereals soups or in combination to the legumes ones.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2092 500g BIO 190 1Kg BIO 191 5Kg BIO 192 10Kg BIO 1446 25kg BIO Characterized by a really fine nutritional quality, buckwheat contains a high quality of vitamins B, E, P or rutina and amino acids lacking in cereals. 50 51 WHEAT BEANS CEREALS USE It can be used alone, with cereals or legumes. Cooking time: 45-50 min. Water quantity/cereal: 3:4

INGREDIENTS Common wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6190 500g BIO 320 1Kg BIO 322 5Kg BIO 323 10Kg BIO 324 25kg BIO

Calibrated and aired wheat.

POPCORN CORN CEREALS USE It can be cook in pan or microwave.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 621 500g BIO 203 5Kg BIO 204 10Kg BIO 6657 25kg BIO

Pop corn is a name composed of two English words: pop (jump) and corn.

DECORTICATED MILE CEREALS USE It is perfect in cereals soups or in combination to the legumes ones.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1050 500g BIO 193 1Kg BIO 194 5Kg BIO 195 10Kg BIO 1445 25kg BIO Very ancient Asian cereal. It had a wide distribution before wheat and rice, after that it has almost disappeared (its usage keeps the same just in some rural African areas). 51 52 DECORTICATED BARLEY CEREALS USE It can be cook alone, or in combination with other cereals or legumes.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3977 500g BIO 4168 1Kg BIO 1209 5Kg BIO 1205 10Kg BIO 1450 25kg BIO

Barley is a cereal rich in mineral salts: phosphorum (abundant), calcium, iron, potassium, silicium and vitamins A1, B1 and B2.

PEARL BARLEY CEREALS USE It can be cook with the rice chrisms theirselves, alone or in combination with legumes or other cereals.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4834 500g BIO 1208 1Kg BIO 1210 5Kg BIO 1206 10Kg BIO 1449 25kg BIO

Barley is a cereal rich in mineral salts: phosphorum (abundant), calcium, iron, potassium, silicium and vitamins A1, B1 and B2.

QUINOA CEREALS USE It is used in soups and broth in a 2 to 1 proportion of water and cereal.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 368 500g BIO 1051 1Kg BIO 1052 5Kg BIO 1053 10Kg BIO Quinoa mainly contains low-glycemic index carbihydrates and high-fat. 4835 25kg BIO In descending order, there are the following mineral salts: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, sodium, iron, zinc and copper. 52 53 BLACK QUINOA CEREALS USE It is used in soups and broth in a 2 to 1 proportion of water and cereal.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4313 500g BIO 4837 5Kg BIO 6658 25kg BIO

Quinoa mainly contains polyunsaturates and a high concentration of linoleic acid; also counting in minerals salts and important trace elements as iron, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The black version has a stronger taste than the white one.

RED QUINOA CEREALS USE It is used in soups and broth in a 2 to 1 proportion of water and cereal.


Red Quinoa

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4314 500g BIO 4839 5Kg BIO 6659 25kg BIO

Quinoa mainly contains polyunsaturates and a high concentration of linoleic acid; also counting in minerals salts and important trace elements as iron, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. The red version has a middle taste between the white and black one.

RYE BEANS CEREALS USE It is used in soups and broth in a 2 to 1 proportion of water and cereal.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 331 1Kg BIO 332 5Kg BIO 333 10Kg BIO 334 25kg BIO

Italian balanced aired rye. 53 54 DECORTICATED WHITE SORGHUM CEREALS USE It is used to make soups or flour. Great in bread, as long as previously baked.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2915 500g BIO 2914 5Kg BIO 4842 25kg BIO

It is a cereal very similar to corn as nutritional composition, while as taste is more neutral.

SUPERFINE RICE USE It is perfect to make rice and any other preparation in which it is wanted that the rice keeps dry. Cooking time: 14-16 min.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1319 1Kg BIO 1320 5Kg BIO 1321 10Kg BIO 6762 25kg BIO

It has a big pearl grain, that considerably raises during cooking, keeping al dente the central part, rich in starch.

WHITE BASMATI RICE RICE USE It is appropriate for recipes where it is needed that grains keep al dente. Cooking time: 20-25 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 638 500g BIO 639 1Kg BIO 640 5Kg BIO 641 10Kg BIO 4777 25kg BIO

Basmati in Hindi (spoken in Northern of India) means queen of scent. 54 55 BASMATI RICE RICE USE It is appropriate for recipes where it is needed that grains keep al dente. Cooking time: 20-25 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 450 500g BIO 451 1Kg BIO 452 5Kg BIO 453 10Kg BIO 6763 25kg BIO

Basmati in Hindi (spoken in Northern of India) means queen of scent.

SUPERFINE RICE RICE USE It is especially appropriate to prepare . Cooking time: 16-18 min.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1322 1Kg BIO 2225 5Kg BIO 2226 10Kg BIO 6764 25kg BIO

It owns to the superfine class, it is considered the most fine rice.

AROMATIC FRAGRANCE RICE RICE USE It is appropriate for recipes where it is needed that grains keep al dente. Cooking time: 12-14 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1324 1Kg BIO 3120 5Kg BIO 4795 10Kg BIO 6776 25kg BIO

It is an Italian rice characterized by a very intense scent, has an elongate shape that remind Basmati rice. 55 56 GLUTINOUS RICE RICE USE It is appropriate to cook it after leaving it in water; it is common to use two parts of water in relation to the amount of rice.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1606 1Kg BIO 1607 5Kg BIO 6765 10Kg BIO 6766 25kg BIO

The peculiarity of this rice is the high presence of amylopectin that gives a special viscosity.

THAIBONNET INDICA RICE RICE USE It is great in combination with boiled vegetables and legumes. Cooking time: 25 min.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 647 1Kg BIO 648 5Kg BIO 649 10Kg BIO 6773 25kg BIO

It is a long grains rice coming from Thailand (as in the name), it has a very delicate taste and smooth texture.

WHOLEMEAL THAIBONNET INDICA RICE RICE USE It is great in combination with boiled vegetables and legumes. Cooking time: 25 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 442 1Kg BIO 443 5Kg BIO 444 10Kg BIO 4792 25kg BIO

It is a long grains rice coming from Thailand (as in the name), it has a very delicate taste and smooth texture. 56 57 NERONE RICE USE Perfect for boiled rice, and in combination with crustaceans.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2216 500g BIO 3213 5Kg BIO 4783 10Kg BIO 6767 25kg BIO

It is an especially fine rice characterized by a strong black/brown pigmentation and a pleasant scent.

BLACK VENERE RICE RICE USE It is used with rice, especially with fishes and shrimps.


Venus Rice

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6801 500g BIO 6803 5Kg BIO 6802 25kg BIO

It is an especially fine rice characterized by a strong black/brown pigmentation and a pleasant scent.


INGREDIENTS Nishiki rice

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7462 500g 7509 20Kg

Rice with a high capacity of ligature, rich in amylopectin. The favorite rice by sushi chefs. 57 58 WHITE RIBE FINE RICE RICE USE it is appropriate to prepare fresh-baked products, croquettes and sweets. Cooking time: 15-17 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 643 1Kg BIO 644 5Kg BIO 645 10Kg BIO 6772 25kg BIO

It is an Italian rice. The grains of this rice, compared to other types, keep staying very separated after cooking.

WHOLEMEAL RIBE RICE RICE USE it is appropriate to prepare fresh-baked products, croquettes and sweets. Cooking time: 40 min.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 445 1Kg BIO 448 5Kg BIO 449 10Kg BIO 4790 25kg BIO

It is an Italian rice. The grains of this rice, compared to other types, keep staying very separated after cooking.

PARBOILED RIBE RICE RICE USE It doesn't overcook so not pulping, but cook also very quickly.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1315 1Kg BIO 4784 5Kg BIO 6768 10Kg BIO 6769 25kg BIO

Paraboiled is produced by steaming the tice under pressure, with the purpose to raise cookign resistance. 58 59 ROMA SUPERFINE RICE RICE USE It is suggested for risotto, rice with sauce and fresh-baked products. Cooking time: 13-15 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 750 1Kg BIO 1317 5Kg BIO 1318 10Kg BIO 6770 25kg BIO

Roma rice is obtained by cooking long, body and large texture grains; they perfectly absorb any dressing but keep staying compact and divided.

RED RICE RICE USE It is great with a dribble of extra virgin olive oil or in combination with very spicy dishes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2374 1Kg BIO 2375 5Kg BIO 2376 10Kg BIO 6771 25Kg BIO

It is a really fine variety with medium-long grains. The red rice is rich in statins, able to control cholesterol.

WHITE ROUND RICE RICE USE It is appropriate to prepare classical rice, croquettes and sweets. Cooking time: 25 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 655 1Kg BIO 656 5Kg BIO 657 10Kg BIO 6774 25kg BIO

It is an Italian rice especially smooth ans appropriate to winter menus. 59 60 ORIGINAL ROUND WHOLEMEAL RICE RICE USE It is appropriate to prepare classical rice, croquettes and sweets. Cooking time: 50 min.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 651 1Kg BIO 652 5Kg BIO 653 10Kg BIO 6775 25kg BIO

It is an Italian rice especially smooth ans appropriate to winter menus.

PUFFED AMARANTH PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6177 200g BIO 1488 5Kg BIO 4895 11Kg BIO

It is obtained by steming amaranth.

PUFFED FARRO PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6178 200g BIO 6040 8Kg BIO

It is obtained by steaming spelt. 60 61 PUFFED KHORASAN KAMUT WHEAT PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Khorasan Kamut Wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6182 200g BIO 4899 8Kg BIO

It is obtained by steaming khorasan Kamut wheat.

PUFFED BUCKWHEAT PUFFED CEREALS USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, soups, sweet and salted baked products or to decorate.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6176 200g BIO 6699 5Kg BIO 6114 8Kg BIO

It is obtained by steaming buckwheat.

PUFFED MILE PUFFED CEREALS USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, soups, sweet and salted baked products or to decorate.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6179 200g BIO 1490 5Kg BIO 4897 8Kg BIO

Puffed millet is produced with a simple industrial process: grains are put in a steam room that cause the swelling of the grain. 61 62 PUFFED BARLEY PUFFED CEREALS USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products or to decorate.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6180 200g BIO 3197 5Kg BIO 4898 8Kg BIO

Puffed barley in obtained by a simple and natural mechanical process that heat by steaming the cereal.

PUFFED QUINOA PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6181 200g BIO 1492 4Kg BIO 7297 15kg BIO

It is made by steaming quinoa, a high-protein cereal with a high- organic level and almost complete (contains lisine, an amino acid lacking in cereals).

PUFFED RICE PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6183 200g BIO 2951 5Kg BIO 4900 12Kg BIO

It is obtained by steaming rice. 62 63 SPELT FLAKES PUFFED CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS 96% spelt, 4% corn syrup

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7405 250g BIO 6808 10Kg BIO

Spelt grains sweetened with corn syrup.

BRAN FLAKES BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS 67% whole wheat flour, 26% wheat bran, 6% corn syrup ( sugar in

common ones), salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6697 5Kg BIO 5523 10Kg BIO 5524 10Kg

Bran flakes are very rich in fibers and really tasty, they are flakes of rice and wholewheat.

BRAN STICK BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Wheat bran (65%), wheat flour, corn syrup, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1225 500g 1227 5Kg 6698 5Kg BIO 1226 10Kg BIO 4801 10Kg

Bran stikes are rich in fibers and really tasty, they are hypocalorics with a high fullness index. 63 64 PUFFED CANIHUA BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28793 500g 28639 11Kg

Canihua is a Latin American plant growing in Bolivia and Perù and it is a famous quinoa's relative; the element that marks it, is mainly the lack of saponine, that generally gives a bitter taste to the food if not properly washed before the usage.

CHOKO SHELL BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Wheat flour, sugar, glucose syrup, cocoa powder, cocoa butter,


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5529 10Kg

Light and delicious cereal flakes enriched with yummy cacao, vitamins and iron. So crunchy!

GLAZED CORN FLAKES BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, sugar, barley malt extract, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6572 500g 5525 10Kg

They are obtained by rolling and steaming corn flour. 64 65 MUESLI WITH 5 CEREALS BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS 5 cereals flakes, raisin, corn flakes, apricot cubes, toasted entire hazelnuts, sunflower seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1427 500g BIO

Deliciuos, light, whole and organic. Let this cereals and fruits granola tempts you!

BASIC MUESLI BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Oat flakes, wheat flakes, barley flakes, golden raisin, corn flakes,

hazelnuts, puffed wheat, almonds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2121 5Kg BIO

Deliciuos, light, whole and organic. Let this cereals and fruits granola tempts you!

MUESLI WITH FRUIT BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Cereal flakes, golden raisin, corn flakes, candied orange, dried apple, hazelnut grains, sugar, aromas

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5526 15Kg

Made from the fusion of flaked cereals, dried fruit, dehydrating fruit. Delicious! 65 66 CRUNCHY HAZELNUTS AND HONEY MUESLI BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Oat flakes, wheat flakes, honey, dextrose, wheat seeds, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2039 500g 1222 5Kg 1223 10Kg

Made from the fusion of flaked cereals, dried fruit, dehydrating fruit. Delicious!it is a very rich nutritional product with an exceptional taste.

RED FRUITS MULTIGRAINS BREAKFAST CEREALS USE It is perfect for breakfast with milk or yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Rice, whole wheat, sugar, black cherry, strawberry, raspberry, rice,

gluten, seed, milk, starch, malt, salt, bicarbonate, mono and diglycerides

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5527 10Kg

Blend of puffed, rolled and toasted cereals for breakfast.

HONEY CORN BALL BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, sugar, glucose syrup, honey (2%), salt, flavorings

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1229 500g 1231 5Kg 4798 10Kg

Really good…perfect for a delicious, energetic and digerable breakfast. 66 67 PUFF HONEY BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Puffed durum wheat (51%), crystalline sugar, glucose syrup, honey (5%), vegetable oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1220 500g 4802 5Kg 4803 10Kg

Delicious puffed wheat with very sweet honey.

RICE CRISPIES BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.


Rice, sugar, barley malt extract, salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2075 500g 2076 5Kg 4799 10Kg

Delicious and crunchy: crispies rice is perfect for a light and yummy breakfast.

COCOA RICE CRISPIES BREAKFAST CEREALS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Rice flour, sugar, glucose syrup, cocoa powder, low fat cocoa powder, barley malt extract, emulsifiers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1237 500g 1239 5Kg 4800 10Kg

Delicious and crunchy: crispies rice is perfect for a light and yummy breakfast. 67 68 FARRO COUS COUS COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.

INGREDIENTS Whole flour of spelt and water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 233 500g BIO 454 5Kg BIO 4976 20kg BIO

It is a food preparation obtained by the fusion of whole spelt wheat and water.

WHOLEMEAL KAMUT® COUS COUS COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.


Khorasan Kamut whole flour, water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 419 500g BIO 1023 5Kg BIO 6741 20kg BIO

Cous cous comes from Maghreb district (Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria). It is obtained by the fusion of whole millstone khorasan Kamut and water.

DURUM WHEAT COUS COUS COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.

INGREDIENTS Whole stone-milled durum wheat, water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 566 500g BIO 567 1Kg BIO 568 5Kg BIO 6753 10Kg BIO 4977 20kg BIO Cous cous comes from Maghreb district. It is obtained by the fusion of stone-grounded durum wheat and water, consequently shaped till made granules (similar to millet) and finally dried with hot air. 68 69 CORN COUS COUS COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5552 500g BIO 6116 4Kg BIO

Cous cous comes from Maghreb district. It is obtained by the fusion of stone-grounded corn wheat and water, consequently shaped till made granules (similar to millet) and finally dried with hot air.

RICE COUS COUS COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.


Rice and water flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6203 500g BIO 6117 5Kg BIO

Cous cous comes from Maghreb district. It is obtained by the fusion of stone-grounded corn wheat and water, consequently shaped till made granules (similar to millet) and finally dried with hot air.

CORN COUS COUS AND RICE COUS COUS USE Perfect with vegetables and meat.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, rice flour and water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6230 500g BIO 6118 5Kg BIO

Cous cous comes from Maghreb district. It is obtained by the fusion of stone-grounded corn and rice wheat and water, consequently shaped till made granules (similar to millet) and finally dried with hot air. 69 70 BRAN OATS (GRANULAR GRINDING) BRAN USE It is used with milk, yogurt or to increase fiber level in too refined flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 180 500g BIO

This bran is made by stone grinding organic oat processed just by mechanical systems. Granulated milling confers a rustic appearance.

BRAN OATS GRINDING (WIDE AND LIGHT) BRAN USE It is used with milk, yogurt or to increase fiber level in too refined flours.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2946 500g BIO 181 5Kg BIO 1448 25kg BIO

This bran is made by stone grinding organic oat processed just by mechanical systems. Wide and light milling confers a more delicate taste.

VERY LARGE OAT BRAN BRAN USE It is used with milk, yogurt or to increase fiber level in too refined flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5890 1Kg 6920 25Kg

This bran is made bystone grinding oat and consequently lamination by steely rolls. 70 71 FARRO BRAN BRAN USE It is mostly used with salted and sweet baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1594 500g BIO

Bran produced by grinding spelt flour, it is obtained by sweeping whole spelt flour.

WHEAT BRAN BRAN USE It is used with milk, yogurt or to increase fiber level in too refined flours.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 177 400g BIO 178 5Kg BIO 179 10Kg BIO

It is used in milk and yogurt or to raise fiber in too much refined flours (indicatively around 10-20%).

FARRO SKIN BRAN USE It is used to make natural pillows.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7605 6Kg BIO

External skin of spelt, mechanically obtained. 71 72 CORN FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS Corn flour, corn malt, sea salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1734 250g BIO 489 5Kg BIO 490 10Kg BIO

They are produced by rolling and steaming corn flour, sweetened with malt.

FLAKES WITH 4 CEREALS FLAKES USE It is perfect for breakfast with milk or yogurt.


Oat, wheat, barley and rye flakes in equal proportions

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6585 500g

Natural steamed flakes.

FLAKES WITH 5 CEREALS FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS 20% rice flakes, 20% oat flakes, 20% wheat flakes, 20% barley flakes, 20% rye flakes.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 208 500g BIO 210 5Kg BIO 211 10Kg BIO 4873 25kg BIO

They are obtained by rolling (mechanical pressure between two rollers) and steaming a mixtureof cereals: wheat, oat, barley, rice and rye. 72 73 OATMEAL FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 212 500g BIO 214 5Kg BIO 215 10Kg BIO 4874 25kg BIO

They are produced by rolling and steaming oat, a cereal, froma nutritional point of view, really prestigious.

SMALL OAT FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7296 500g BIO 5531 5Kg BIO 5533 10Kg BIO 6685 25kg BIO

They are produced by rolling and steaming oat, a cereal, froma nutritional point of view, really prestigious. Small oat flakes are moredelicate and soluble.

AMARANTH FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6586 500g BIO 6783 5Kg BIO 6784 25kg BIO

They are made by rolling and steaming amaranth. 73 74 FARRO FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 216 500g BIO 218 5Kg BIO 219 10Kg BIO 4877 25kg BIO

They are obtained by rolling and steaming Italian spelt.

BUCKWHEAT FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3939 500g BIO 4879 5Kg BIO 6688 25kg BIO

They are made by steaming and mechanical rolling (pressure between two rollers)buckwheat.

WHEAT FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4220 500g BIO 206 5Kg BIO 6687 25kg BIO

They are produced by rolling and steaming Italian common wheat. This cereal, from a nutritional point of view, contains (in descendent order): potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron and copper. 74 75 KAMUT KHORASAN WHEAT FLAKES FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 220 500g BIO 222 5Kg BIO 4875 25kg BIO

They are obtained by rolling (mechanical pressure between two rollers) and steaming khorosan Kamut wheat, a cereal rich in protein, mineral salts (especially magnesium, zinc, selenium) and tocopherol(vitamin E).

CORN FLAKES FLAKES USE Corn flakes are delicious in soups after a quick cooking, when raw they are too hard to be eaten.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6587 500g BIO 6918 25Kg BIO

Corn flakes are got by rolling steamed corn grains.

MILE FLAKED FLAKES USE Great with milk, yogurt, soups, sweet and salted baked products, or to decorate.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3942 500g BIO 4881 5Kg BIO 6794 25kg BIO

Ancient Asian cereal. It had a wide diffusion before wheat and rice, then it has been almost abandoned (its usage keeps stable just in some rural African areas). 75 76 POTATO FLAKES FLAKES USE They are used to make mash, creams, cakes, sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Dried fresh potatoes , rosemary extract

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1437 500g BIO 1438 5Kg BIO 1439 20kg BIO

They are made by drying using hot air and grinding peeled fresh potatoes. This particular process improves conservation and practicality.

QUINOA FLAKES FLAKES USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 842 500g BIO 4884 5Kg BIO 4885 25kg BIO

It is obtained by steaming and consequently mechanical rolling (pressure between two rollers)quinoa seeds (Chenopodium quinoa), a South American plant, coming from the same family of spinaches and beetroots.

RICE FLAKES FLAKES USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 228 500g BIO 230 5Kg BIO 231 10Kg BIO 4886 25kg BIO

Rice flakes are made by steaming organic rice and consequent pressure under steel rollers. 76 77 RYE FLAKES FLAKES USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS 20% rice flakes, 20% oat flakes, 20% wheat flakes, 20% barley flakes, 20% rye flakes

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6927 500g BIO 1591 500g 491 5Kg 6925 5kg BIO 6242 25kg They are produced by rolling (mechanical pressure between two 6926 25Kg BIO rollers) and steaming a blend of cereals: wheat, oat, barley, rice and rye.

DECORTICATED SOY FLAKES FLAKES USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 32 500g BIO 752 500g 493 5Kg 4888 5Kg BIO 4887 25kg BIO 6243 25kg They are obtained by steaming and rolling hulled soy, an especially high-protein and lipid legume.

FLAKES OF BARLEY FLAKES USE Perfect with milk, yogurt, sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 224 500g BIO 226 5Kg BIO 227 10Kg BIO 6689 25kg BIO

They are made by steaming and rolling barley, a cereal rich in mineral salts (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and silicium) and vitamins (A1, B1 and B2). 77 78 MIXSEEDS (MIXTURE OF 7 SEEDS) SEEDS USE Perfect for bread, salads, crackers, yogurt or simply as a snack.

INGREDIENTS Sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8260 100g 8248 500g

it is a blend of oily seeds.

DECORTICATED HEMP SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be used with baked products, or muesli and cereals flakes.


Hemp seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2403 250g BIO 3730 500g BIO 28610 5Kg BIO 6677 10Kg BIO 6678 20kg BIO From a nutritional point of view, hemp seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fat, especially Omega 3 and Omega 6 extremely balanced.

WHOLE HEMP SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be used with baked products, or muesli and cereals flakes.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3665 500g BIO 4119 5Kg BIO 6676 20kg BIO

From a nutritional point of view, hemp seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fat, especially Omega 3 and Omega 6 extremely balanced. 78 79 CHIA SEEDS SEEDS USE Max. 5% used to make bread.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3664 250g BIO 4872 5Kg BIO 6684 25kg BIO

Chia seeds (Spanish sage) are small, oval-shaped and gray colored with dark spots.

CHIA SALBA SEEDS SEEDS USE Max. 5% used to make bread.


Light chia seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6546 250g 6924 25kg

Salba version has a lighter pigmentation and a more delicate taste than traditional dark chia seeds.

CORIANDER SEEDS SEEDS USE It can be used to give taste to drinks, roast, sauces, chargrilled meat and fish.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5555 250g BIO 6679 1Kg BIO

Coriander, also knows with the Spanish name of cilandro, is an annual herbaceous plant of Apiaceae family, the same of cumin, parsley, dill and fennel. 79 80 CUMIN SEEDS SEEDS USE Used to give taste to legumes, cabbages, potatoes, soups and sauerkraut.

INGREDIENTS Cumin whole seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5556 250g BIO 6112 500g BIO 6680 1Kg BIO

Cuminum cyminum dried seeds, a Mediterranean herbaceous plant of Apiaceae family, as parsley.

DECORTICATED SUNFLOWER SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be mainly used toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.


Sunflower seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 288 500g BIO 289 5Kg BIO 290 10Kg BIO 4864 25kg BIO

They contains polyunsaturated high-fat, protein, vitamins of group B, as B12, E, D, magnesium, cobalt, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.

GOLDEN FLAX SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be mainly used in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Golden flax seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 562 500g bIO 564 5Kg bIO 565 10Kg bIO 4866 25kg

Compared to the dark version they are characterized by a sweeter taste. 80 81 BROWN FLAX SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be mainly used in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Dark flax seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 294 500g BIO 295 5Kg BIO 296 10Kg BIO 4865 25kg BIO

Compared to the golden version they are characterized by a stronger taste.

POPPY SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be mainly used toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.


Poppy seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 676 250g BIO 1592 500g BIO 4870 5Kg BIO 4869 10Kg BIO 6682 25kg BIO

Especially rich in lecithin, a healthy ingredient that controls blood cholesterol.

YELLOW MUSTARD SEEDS SEEDS USE It is a mustard famous ingredient in Europe, also used in hot oil to give taste to vegetables.

INGREDIENTS Mustard seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6227 100g BIO 5563 150g BIO 18304 1Kg 6681 500g BIO

Mustard comes from a popular mountain herbaceous plant called Brassica nigra or sinapis that grown in a spontaneous way and it is really popular in Italy, India and Sri Lanka. 81 82 SESAME SEEDS SEEDS USE It can be add to alimentary preparations to makke snacks, muesli and breakfast preparations.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 291 500g BIO 292 5Kg BIO 293 10Kg BIO 4867 25kg BIO

Sesame seeds are riches in high-fat and has an exceptional taste, especially if toasted.

BLACK SESAME SEEDS SEEDS USE Baked products, general alimentary products. Great to garnish.


Dark sesame seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6852 250g 6877 5Kg 6876 25kg

Sesame seeds are riches in high-fat and has an exceptional taste, especially if toasted. The black type has a strong taste.

PUMPKIN SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be used raw or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Pumpkin seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 456 500g BIO 458 5Kg BIO 459 10Kg 6683 25kg

They contain a high protein amount, carbohydrates, high-fat and mineral salts. 82 83 DARK PUMPKIN SEEDS SEEDS USE They can be used raw or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Pumpkin seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5145 5Kg

They contain a high protein amount, carbohydrates, high-fat and mineral salts. The dark pumpkin seeds, compared to the light ones, are more tasty.

IVORY TEFF GRAIN SEEDS USE Great with milk, yogurt and sweet and salted baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 10002 500g

Teff or tef is a cereal coming from Eritra and Ethiopia. It is similar to amaranth but smaller: is not 1 millimeter of diameter. In fact, with just a bunch, it grows just a whole field.

RED AZUKI LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals to prepare soups.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 427 500g BIO 539 5Kg BIO 6660 25kg BIO

They are particularly diuretic, very rich in unsoluble and soluble fiber, including probiotic fiber: inulin and pectin (partly fermented from bacterial flora with the production of important fatty acid, propionic and butyric). 83 84 GREEN AZUKI LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals to prepare soups.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 701 500g BIO 542 5Kg BIO 6661 25kg BIO

They are particularly diuretic, very rich in unsoluble and soluble fiber, including probiotic fiber: inulin and pectin (partly fermented from bacterial flora with the production of important fatty acid, propionic and butyric).

CHICKPEAS LEGUMES USE The y can be used to make stews, alone or in combination with other legumes or cereals.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 300 500g BIO 302 5Kg BIO 303 10Kg BIO 6662 25kg BIO

Chickpeas are legumes among the most digerable, probably why they encourage stomach acid and pancreas. They are plenty of group B vitamines eand phosphorous (perfect to who do intelectual activities).

BLACK CHICKPEAS LEGUMES USE They can be used with soups, broth, main courses dressing, as side dish with your second course.

INGREDIENTS Black chickpeas

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4846 500g BIO 6663 5Kg BIO 6664 10Kg BIO 6665 25kg BIO

They are a Meditarrean type of chickpeas, growing in the Barese murgia. Their taste and nutritional characteristics are similar to those of common chickpeas but richer in iron. 84 85 DECORTICATED CHICKLING VETCH LEGUMES USE The y can be used to make stews, alone or in combination with other legumes or cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5376 500g BIO 3728 5Kg BIO 6666 25kg BIO

They are Lathyrus sativus seeds, an Asian leguminous.

ITALIAN BORLOTTI BEANS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Borlotti beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 365 500g BIO 557 5Kg BIO 558 10Kg BIO 6667 25kg BIO

They are common beans with more or less dappled red skin, it is a type always used in the North of Italy.

CANNELLINI BEANS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.

INGREDIENTS Cannellini beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 366 500g BIO 560 5Kg BIO 561 10Kg BIO 4849 25kg BIO

They are Tuscany beans, with an elounged shape and a shiny white color. 85 86 BLACK BEANS LEGUMES USE They are usually used combined to meat dishes, as well as to other legumes and cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 553 500g BIO 554 5Kg BIO 555 10Kg BIO 6668 25kg BIO

They are a South American (Mexico) variety, now growing all around the world. They are characterized by a delicate taste, almost sweet.

BLACK EYED BEANS LEGUMES USE They are usually used combined to meat dishes, as well as to other legumes and cereals.


Black Eye Beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 847 500g BIO 848 5Kg BIO 6669 25kg BIO

They are widely growing in Campania, Marche and Umbria; they have a delicious taste, perfectly keeping the cooking.

RED BEANS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 550 500g BIO 551 5Kg BIO 6670 25kg BIO

They are really energetics, rich in fiber and characterized by floury texture. 86 87 BROAD BEANS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2547 500g 5395 500g BIO 3031 5Kg 4437 5Kg BIO Beans are very delicious legumes and essentially rich in mineral salts: 6512 25kg potassium, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper and zinc. They 7306 25kg BIO containes also protein, vitamins and fiber. They are among the less calorics with a carbos level lower than the average.

BLACK BELUGA LENTILS LEGUMES USE They are great to prepare soups and broth.


Black lentils

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6208 500g BIO 5342 5Kg BIO 6671 10Kg BIO 6672 25kg BIO

Tasty and versatile, they are characterized by low-fat index and high- protein/fiber level. The name Beluga comes from the precious caviar which these lentils look like.

DECORTICATED RED LENTILS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 426 500g BIO 545 5Kg BIO 546 10Kg BIO 4855 25kg BIO

Hulled red lentils are the seed, without the peel, of an annual plant coming from Asia and Mediterranean, compared to common ones, they are more digerable and fast to cook. 87 88 SMALL GREEN LENTILS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals. Quantity water/legume: 2/1.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 429 500g BIO 661 5Kg BIO 662 10Kg BIO 6673 25kg BIO

They are essentially rich in sugar and protein, also iron, used to heal anemia and exhaustation; lentils are among the most digerable legumes.

LUPINO BEANS LEGUMES USE They must be consumed after being cooked.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4591 500g 4825 5Kg 4826 10Kg 4827 25kg

Lupins are high-energetic legumes, entirely used in the Mediterranean diet.

CHOPPED GREEN PEAS LEGUMES USE They can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 658 500g BIO 659 5Kg BIO 660 10Kg BIO 6674 25kg BIO

Like all legumes, also dried peas, added to cereals are a complete and balanced food. 88 89 DECORTICATED SOY LEGUMES USE It is great to prepare soups and tempeh.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2875 5Kg BIO 4859 25kg BIO

Yellow soy without its external tegument, is really protein and easier to cook.

YELLOW SOY LEGUMES USE It can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2091 500g BIO 547 1Kg BIO 548 5Kg BIO 549 10Kg BIO 4858 25kg BIO

Soy is the only legume to have an almost complete amino acid context.

TOFU YELLOW SOY LEGUMES USE It can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2572 5Kg BIO 4860 25kg BIO

Compared to the common soy, this type, is different cause to a higher protein level. 89 90 BLACK SOY LEGUMES USE It can be used alone or in combination with other legumes/cereals.

INGREDIENTS Black soybean

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3315 500g BIO 4862 5Kg BIO 6782 25kg BIO

Soy is the only legume to have an almost complete amino acid context. The black one is richer in protein.

DEGLUTENISED WHEAT STARCH STARTCH USE It is perfect to thicken sauces, soups, sweets, ice creams and compotes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6896 500g NoGluten 7523 25kg NoGluten

It is obtained from wheat without gluten.

CORNSTARCH STARTCH USE It is perfect to thicken sauces, soups, sweets, ice creams and compotes.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 678 250g BIO 5972 500g BIO 2560 1Kg BIO 2548 5Kg BIO 6736 25kg BIO 6511 25kg NoGluten

Complex carb which is the energetic subtance of corn. 90 91 MODIFIED CORN STARCH E1442 STARTCH USE It is perfect to cold thicken creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28129 1Kg

Waxy starch with high assimilation and blinding capacity.

RICE STARCH STARTCH USE It is perfect to thicken sauces, soups, sweets, ice creams and compotes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 679 250g BIO 2549 5Kg BIO 4965 20kg BIO

Complex carb which is the energetic subtance of rice.

POTATO FLOUR STARTCH USE It is perfect to thicken sauces, soups, sweets, ice creams and compotes. It is used to improve smoothness.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 989 500g BIO 4982 5Kg BIO 4983 25kg BIO

It is produced by cooking potatoes and cosequently mechanical division. 91 92 BULGUR STARTCH USE Put it in a small pan and pour boiling water, for a double volume compared to the bulgur quantity.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 460 500g BIO 461 1Kg BIO 462 5Kg BIO 463 10Kg BIO 6737 25kg BIO Bulgur is made from durum wheat, while in the USA is more usual produced from common wheat (but less quality). It is a Turkish speciality similar too cous cous.

WHOLE CASHEWS NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7150 10kg 7146 25kg

Cashews comes from Brasil, they are Western Anacardium seeds, plant from the Anacardiacee family.

CHOPPED CASHEWS NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving.

INGREDIENTS Raw cashew nuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4307 250g BIO 4889 5Kg BIO 6690 22.68Kg BIO

Cashews comes from Brasil, they are Western Anacardium seeds, plant from the Anacardiacee family. The name comes from their shape: similat to an upside down heart. 92 93 ROASTED SALTED CASHEWS NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving.

INGREDIENTS Toasted and salted cashews

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6844 250g 6864 1Kg 7153 10kg 7149 25kg Cashew has a smooth surface, thin and fragile, with a pigmentation from yellow to bright red, and a pulpy but fibrous mass. The " almond or cashew's hazelnut" (the real fruit) is a kidney-shaped walnut with an hard bran, containing an oily and edible seed.

NATURAL PEELED PEANUTS NUTS USE They are completely appropriate to be eaten alone, and also to prepare creams or peanuts tempeh.


Peeled raw peanuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4050 250g BIO 6787 5Kg BIO 6788 25kg BIO

Peanuts are fine oily seeds because they are rich in protein, vitamins E (tocopherol) but mostly high mono-unsaturates fats.

ROASTED SALTED PEANUTS NUTS USE They are completely appropriate to be eaten alone, and also to prepare creams or peanuts tempeh.

INGREDIENTS Toasted and salted peanuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6857 250g 6868 5Kg 6867 25kg

Peanuts are fine oily seeds because they are rich in protein, vitamins E (tocopherol) but mostly high mono-unsaturates fats. 93 94 RAW BITTER APRICOT KERNELS NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3012 100g 5001 500g 5002 1Kg 6244 5Kg 7322 10kg 6866 25kg Armelline are almonds coming from the apricot kernel. They are 7316 25kg Italiane characterized by amygdalin, a substance that gives a bitter taste.

BITTER PEELED APRICOT KERNELS NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7323 10kg 7317 25kg

Armelline are almonds coming from the apricot kernel. They are characterized by amygdalin, a substance that gives a bitter taste. Peeled version is more concentrated and doesn't leave unpleasant traces of protein in dough.

SWEET RAW WINGS NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7319 10kg

Armelline are almonds coming from the apricot kernel. 94 95 SWEET PEELED APRICOT KERNELS NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7320 10kg 7314 25kg

Armelline are almonds coming from the apricot kernel. Peeled version is more concentrated and doesn't leave unpleasant traces of protein in dough.

ALMOND GRAINS NUTS USE Almond grains is mainly used in pastry-making, but it is also appropriate with main courses and chicken second courses.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6593 250g BIO

This grain in obtained by husking and mechanical crushin of ripe almonds, without adding preservatives and tickeners.

PRALINED CHOPPED HAZELNUTS NUTS USE Perfect for sweets, alimentary and gastronomic products.

INGREDIENTS Hazelnuts, sugar

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6851 250g 6875 1Kg

Through pralination, an handicraft food processing, dried fruit is processed and covered with sugar and eventually cocoa. With this kind of technique you can obtain a ready to eat product or ready to use to prepare a lot of sweets. 95 96 PISTACHIO GRAINS 1-3MM NUTS USE It is perfect to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2143 250g BIO 7039 10kg 7025 18kg 7011 25kg

Grain obtained by processing raw pistachio.

PISTACHIO GRAINS 2-4MM NUTS USE It is perfect to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7040 10kg 7026 18kg 7012 25kg

Grain obtained by processing raw peeled pistachio.

PEELED PISTACHIO GRAINS 2-4MM NUTS USE It is perfect to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7041 10Kg 7027 18Kg 7013 25Kg

Grain obtained by processing raw pistachio. 96 97 WHOLE MACADAMIA NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving or to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7310 10kg

Macadamia walnuts are Australian dried fruit. These fruits are characterized by high-fat level and lots of vitamins (A and B group), mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus).

WHOLE TOASTED MECADAMIA NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving or to prepare sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7311 10kg

Macadamia walnuts are Australian dried fruit. These fruits are characterized by high-fat level and lots of vitamins (A and B group), mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus).

WHOLE SALTED ROASTED MACADAMIA NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving or to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7312 10Kg

Macadamia walnuts are Australian dried fruit. These fruits are characterized by high-fat level and lots of vitamins (A and B group), mineral salts (calcium and phosphorus). 97 98 SLICED ​​ALMONDS NUTS USE Used to decorate sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1536 250g BIO 7086 1kg 7071 5kg 7056 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

RAW AVOLA ALMONDS 34/36 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7076 1Kg 7061 5kg 7046 25Kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

ALMONDS STICKS NUTS USE They can be used raw or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 364 250g BIO 7087 1kg 7072 5kg 7057 25kg

Almonds are essentially energetics and mineralisers, they can be helpful in case of hypercholesterolemia and cough. 98 99 NATIONAL RAW ALMONDS 34/36 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7078 1kg 7063 5kg 7048 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

NATIONAL RAW ALMONDS 36/38 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7080 1kg 7065 5kg 7050 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

PEELED ALMONDS CALIFORNIA 27/30 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7083 1kg 7068 5kg 7053 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins. 99 100 PEELED ALMONDS D'AVOLA 34/36 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7077 1Kg 7062 5kg 7047 25Kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

PEELED ALMOND CRUMBS NUTS USE Used to decorate sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7088 1kg 7073 5kg 7058 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins. Almond's crumbs are obtained by processing whole almonds.

PEELED ALMONDS NATIONAL 34/36 NUTS USE They can be used raw or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Peeled almonds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1547 500g BIO 7079 1kg 2576 5Kg BIO 7064 5kg 7049 25kg

Almonds are essentially energetics and mineralisers, they can be helpful in case of hypercholesterolemia and cough. 100 101 PEELED ALMONDS NATIONAL 36/38 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7066 5kg 7051 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

SHELLED ALMONDS CALIFORNIA 27/30 NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7082 1kg 7067 5Kg 7052 25kg

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins.

ITALIAN SHELLED ALMONDS NUTS USE They can be used raw or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt.

INGREDIENTS Shelled almonds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 960 250g BIO 961 500g BIO 962 1Kg BIO 963 5Kg BIO

Almonds are natural and high-fiber delicacies, vitamins, mineral salts and proteins. 101 102 BITTER ALMOND BLEND NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.

INGREDIENTS Sweet almonds, bitter almonds (5%)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2147 250g

They are a type of almond rich in amygdalin, which cause the bitter taste.

BITTER ALMOND BLEND FLOUR NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.


Sweet almonds, bitter almonds (5%)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3122 250g

They are a type of almond rich in amygdalin, which cause the bitter taste.

PEELED ALMOND BLEND FLOUR NUTS USE They are used to make any kind of product giving a more bitter taste.

INGREDIENTS Peeled sweet almonds, peeled bitter almonds (5%)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3123 250g

They are a type of almond rich in amygdalin, which cause the bitter taste. 102 103 MIXNUT (MIX OF NUTS) NUTS USE Perfect for when you are starving.

INGREDIENTS Cashews, almomds, raisin, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, macadamia

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8259 100g 8249 1Kg

Blend of dried mixed fruit

HAZELNUTS GRAINS NUTS USE They can be used in soups, yogurt or to prepare sweet and salted baked products (5-10%).



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2782 250g BIO

It is obtained by toasting and consequently crushing hazelnuts.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 964 250g BIO 965 500g BIO 966 1Kg BIO 967 5Kg BIO 7143 10kg From a nutritional point of view they are low in carbos, rich in vitamin 7138 25kg A, PP, group B, mineral salts (zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus) and poly- unsaturated Omega 3 oils. 103 104 WHOLE RAW HAZELNUTS TGT NUTS USE Used to prepare sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7141 10kg 7136 25kg

From a nutritional point of view they are low in carbos, rich in vitamin A, PP, group B, mineral salts (zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus) and poly- unsaturated Omega 3 oils.




Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7142 10Kg 7137 25Kg

From a nutritional point of view they are low in carbos, rich in vitamin A, PP, group B, mineral salts (zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus) and poly- unsaturated Omega 3 oils.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7144 10Kg 7139 25Kg

Picked up from the kernel of an Asian plant. They are rich in vitamins A, C, E, of group B. You can use them natural or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt, or to prepare sweet or salted baked products. 104 105 TOASTED HAZELNUTS NUTS USE They can be used in soups, yogurt or to prepare sweet and salted baked products (5-10%).

INGREDIENTS Toasted hazelnuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1809 250g BIO 969 500g BIO 970 1Kg BIO 971 5Kg BIO

They are are picked up from the kernel (Corylus Avellana) and consequently toasted.

EASTERN EUROPEAN SHELLED NUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7132 1Kg Tipo C 7120 10Kg Tipo C

Walnut's fruits, come from an Armenian and Persian plant. They are used in nougats, chocolate, cakes, creams and ice creams. They are also used to produce a typical spirit, the nocino.

BRAZILIAN SHELLED WALNUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7135 1kg 7125 10Kg

Walnut's fruits, come from an Armenian and Persian plant. They are used in nougats, chocolate, cakes, creams and ice creams. They are also used to produce a typical spirit, the nocino. 105 106 CALIFORNIA SHELLED WALNUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7127 1Kg 7117 10Kg

Walnut's fruits, come from an Armenian and Persian plant. They are used in nougats, chocolate, cakes, creams and ice creams. They are also used to produce a typical spirit, the nocino.

CHILEAN SHELLED LIGHT WALNUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7126 1kg Tipo A 7114 10kg Tipo A 7115 10Kg Rottame grande 7116 10Kg Rottame piccolo

Walnut's fruits, come from an Armenian and Persian plant. They are used in nougats, chocolate, cakes, creams and ice creams. They are also used to produce a typical spirit, the nocino.

EASTERN EUROPEAN SHELLED WALNUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7128 1kg Tipo A 7131 1kg Tipo B 7118 10kg Tipo A 7119 10kg Tipo B

Walnut's fruits, come from an Armenian and Persian plant. They are used in nougats, chocolate, cakes, creams and ice creams. They are also used to produce a typical spirit, the nocino. 106 107 ITALIAN SHELLED NUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.

INGREDIENTS Shelled walnuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2094 250g BIO 7133 1kg Tipo B 4892 5Kg BIO 7121 10kg Tipo A 7122 10kg Tipo B From a nutritional point of view they are low in carbos, rich in vitamin A, PP, group B, mineral salts (zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus) and poly- unsaturated Omega 3 oils.

PECAN CALIFORNIA SHELLED WALNUTS NUTS USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7134 1kg 7123 10kg

Picked up from the kernel of an Asian plant. They are rich in vitamins A, C, E, of group B. You can use them natural or toasted in salads, soups and yogurt, or to prepare sweet or salted baked products.

ITALIAN PINE NUTS NUTS USE They are perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1986 100g BIO 7109 800g 4893 5Kg BIO 7097 25Kg

Delicious organic Italian (Sicily) pine nuts, are perfect to prepare sweet or salted baked products. 107 108 FIRST CHOICE MEDITERRANEAN PINE NUTS NUTS USE They are perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7108 800g 7096 25Kg

Pine nuts are edible seeds coming from some type of pine. With a high- protein level. Kept in a fresh and dry place, away from light and eventually in the fridge they are preserved till 34 months.

PINE NUTS SIBERIA CALIBER 950 NUTS USE They are perfect to prepare sweet and salted baked products.


Pine nuts

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7110 800g 7104 10Kg 7098 25kg

Pine nuts are edible seeds coming from some type of pine. With a high- protein level. Kept in a fresh and dry place, away from light and eventually in the fridge they are preserved till 34 months.

SLICED ​​PISTACHIO NUTS USE They are great to garnish cakes, cookies, creams and ice-creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 26 250g BIO

Shelled pistachio, peeled and naturally cut. 108 109 SALTED TOASTED SHELLED PISTACHIO 22-24 OPEN MECHANICALLY NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7045 10Kg 7031 18Kg 7017 25Kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams.

RAW SHELLED PISTACUI 22-24 OPEN MECHANICALLY NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7016 25kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams.

SHELLED PISTACHIO FROM ETNA NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7034 10kg 7020 18kg 7006 25Kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams. 109 110 GREEK SHELLED PISTACHIO NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7038 18kg 7010 25kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams.

ITLIAN WHOLE SHELLED PISTACHIO NUTS USE They are great to garnish cakes, cookies, creams and ice-creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2144 250g BIO 7005 25Kg

From a nutritionall point of view they are a real treasure of high- nutritional profile substances.

SHELLED PISTACHIO FROM MAWARDI NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7036 10kg 7022 18kg 7008 25kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams. 110 111 PEELED PISTACHIO FROM ETNA NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7035 10kg 7021 18kg 7007 25kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams.

SHELLED PEELED PISTACHIO FROM MAWARDI NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7037 10Kg 7023 18Kg 7009 25Kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams.

SHELLED PISTACHIO FIRST CHOICE NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7033 10kg 7019 18Kg

Pistachios are fruits coming from a Middle Eastern tree. They are used to decorate cakes, prepare honey brittles and, crushed, to made biscuits, creams and ice creams. 111 112 SHELLED PISTACHIO FIRST CHOICE IRAN NUTS USE They are great to garnish sweets, sauces and baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7032 10Kg 7018 18Kg 7004 25Kg

Shelled chosen pistachios of Iran.

ALMOND PASTE NUTS CREAM USE To make ice cream, creams and cakes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2145 500g BIO&Sicilia

It is obtained by processing Sicilian almonds with mechanical methods.

HAZELNUT PASTE NUTS CREAM USE To make ice cream, creams and cakes.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2146 500g BIO&Sicilia

It is obtained by processing Sicilian hazelnuts with mechanical methods. 112 113 NUTS PASTE NUTS CREAM USE They are used in the "torroni", chocolate, cakes, creams and ice- creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5181 500g BIO

It is obtained by processing Sicilian walnuts with mechanical methods.

SICILIAN PISTACHIO PASTE NUTS CREAM USE To make ice cream, creams and cakes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2148 500g BIO

It is obtained by processing Sicilian pistachios with mechanical methods.

DEHYDRATED BEETROOT POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is perfect to color doughs from 2 to 5% of flour weight. Using beetroot in powder you can make pizza doughs, bread, focaccia bread but also sweets.

INGREDIENTS Dried fresh beetroot

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3706 250g BIO 6066 500g 4761 1Kg BIO 8194 1Kg 7520 20kg 6789 25kg BIO

It is produced by low-temperature dehydrating fresh beetroot. 113 114 DEHYDRATED BASIL LEAVES VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great to prepare baked products, soups and creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6068 50g 7521 1kg

This product is made by simply drying the fresh fruit. Slow dessication with hot air mantains vitamins and enzymes that with a forced dessication should be deactivated.

DEHYDRATED BASIL POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great to give a long-preservation taste.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6067 50g 6525 250g BIO 6798 1Kg BIO 7522 1kg

This product is made by simply drying and consequently grinding the fresh fruit. Slow dessication with hot air mantains vitamins and enzymes that with a forced dessication should be deactivated.

CARROT POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great to prepare baked products, soups and creams at 5%.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3079 250g BIO 18328 1Kg 6070 1Kg BIO 4921 5Kg BIO 6751 25kg BIO

This flour is produced by drying and grinding of fresh organic carrots, without adding any other ingredient. 114 115 PURPLE CARROT POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great as baked products or creams natural colorant.

INGREDIENTS Fresh purple carrot

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28797 250g 28796 1Kg

Dryed and powdered fresh carrots. Purple carrot is rich in anthocyanins, natural antioxidative.

ONION POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great to give a long-preservation taste.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6537 100g BIO 6790 1Kg BIO

Natural onion without adding sugar, colorants and preservatives. A new product made thanks to the cold dehydration.

POTATOE POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is used to prepare baked products, soups, creams, fresh and dry pasta. Quantity needed 1-2%.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 377 500g BIO 379 5Kg BIO 6726 20kg BIO

It is a flour obtained by dessicating and grinding fresh organic potatoes. 115 116 DEHYDRATED PARSLEY POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is great to give a long-preservation taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6053 50g 7481 1kg

This powder is extracted by simply low-temperature dessicating fresh parsley.

DEHYDRATED SPINACH FLAKES VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is used to prepare creams, pasta, stuffings for tortellini and ravioli. Quantity needed just 25/30g each kg of flour.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6059 50g 7511 1kg

They are dehydrated spinaches without colorants, preservatives and sugar.

DEHYDRATED SPINACH POWDER VEGETABLES IN POWDER USE It is used to prepare creams, pasta, stuffings for tortellini and ravioli. Quantity needed just 25/30g each kg of flour.

INGREDIENTS Spinach powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1917 250g BIO 18333 500g 4960 5Kg BIO 6758 20kg BIO

It is a flour made by dessicating and grinding fresh Italian spinaches. 116 117 ANISE (SEEDS) SPICES USE They give a delicious taste to sauces, roasts, dips, salads and sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6225 100g BIO 6224 1Kg BIO

They are very aromatic seeds that stimulate digestion and diuresis.

STAR ANISE SPICES USE It gives a delicious taste to sauces, roasts, dips, salads and sweets.


Star anice seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6962 100g BIO 7094 500g BIO

Star anice seeds (illicium verum) come from an evergreen tropical tree in Oriental Asia.

CINNAMON POWDER SPICES USE It is used to prepare meat, baked products, chocolate and pastry creams.

INGREDIENTS Cinnamon powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6234 100g BIO 6235 1Kg BIO

Native of Sri Lanka, compared to other types of spicies, is extracted from the stem and twigs without bark. 117 118 CARDAMOM (AEEDS) SPICES USE They are used to improve the taste of legumes, cabbages, potatoes and soups.

INGREDIENTS Cardamom seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7300 100g 6154 150g 7301 1Kg

It is one of the finest existing spicies, after saffron and vanilla.

TURMERIC POWDER SPICES USE It can be used to make dishes with vegetables, legumes, cereals and sauces.


Turmeric powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6060 100g 5189 250g BIO 18292 500g 18293 500g Top Quality 3940 1Kg BIO 7512 1Kg Spice obtained by dessicating and grinding the turmeric rhizome 4980 5Kg BIO (longa turmeric). 4981 25kg BIO

WHOLE TURMERIC SPICES USE It is used in a lot of Oriental dishes to give taste and flavor.

INGREDIENTS Entire turmeric

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6159 100g 7302 1Kg

Spice obtained by dessicating and grinding the turmeric rhizome (longa turmeric). Compared to the powder version it has a strong taste and higher humidity. 118 119 SWEET CURRY POWDER SPICES USE It is used to give taste to rice, vegetables and meat.

INGREDIENTS Mustard seeds, coriander, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, salt, garlic, ginger, paprika, chilli

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6236 100g BIO 6237 1Kg BIO

Curry (or masale in the place of origin) is a blend of aromatic herbs widely popular in the Orient.

TONKA BEANS SPICES USE They are used in small quantities to spice creams, chocolate and ganache.


Tonka beans

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2301 5g

They are smooth and brown when fresh, but becoming black and wrinkled after dessicated. They have a pleasant exotic taste similar to vanilla when grated (flavour is determined by a substance called coumarine).

PAPUA MACIS WHOLE FLOWER SPICES USE Perfect as spice and also as decoration.

INGREDIENTS Papua Macis Flowers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7473 100g 7472 600g

Macis (also called mace or nutmeg flower) is a culinary spice, coming from Molucche Islands. 119 120 GOUND PAPUA MACIS FLOWER SPICES USE Use it to give taste to meat or fish preparations.

INGREDIENTS Papua Macis Flowers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7475 100g 7474 1kg

Macis (also called mace or nutmeg flower) is a culinary spice, coming from Molucche Islands.

SAFFLOWER FLOWERS SPICES USE Cartamo is used raw in salads or to give more texture to yogurt and creamy snacks.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7471 100g 7470 500g

Safflower is also known and commercialized with the name of zafferanone. Safflower powder taste is similar to saffron, but is surely less strong.

LICORICE LOGS SPICES USE As snack or to prepare drinks.

INGREDIENTS Natural licorice, brown sugar (10%)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6157 100g 7303 1Kg

Licorice-swirlies are delicious, entirely produced with concentrated licorice juice without aromas, colorants and preservatives. 120 121 LICORICE POWDER SPICES USE It is great to prepare cakes, ice creams, cookies, spirits, drinks, candies and sweets.

INGREDIENTS Natural licorice in powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2347 15g 6916 50g BIO 6917 1Kg BIO

So scented and delicious. With just 10% of sugar.

SPICE BLEND FOR GERMAN BREAD SPICES USE Lightly crumble the mixture with a mortar and blend with flour. 8g are enough for 1kg of flour.


Wild fennel, Kummel, coriander and anise

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7631 100g 7632 1Kg

Special blend of species perfect to produce a genuine German bread.

BLACK SEPIA POWDER SPICES USE Perfect as colorant and to improve the taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6061 100g 7513 1kg

It is extracted by dessicating squid ink. 121 122 DEHYDRATED OREGANO LEAVES SPICES USE Perfect to give taste to pizza, tomatoes, peperoni and courgettes.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6062 100g 6799 250g 6800 1Kg BIO 7514 1kg

It gives a pleasant fresh and balsamic aroma.

DEHYDRATED OREGANO POWDER SPICES USE Perfect to give taste to pizza, tomatoes, peperoni and courgettes.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6063 100g 7517 1kg

It gives a pleasant fresh and balsamic aroma.

DEHYDRATED NETTLE IN POWDER SPICES USE It is used to prepare salted baked products and give taste and color.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3663 250g BIO 6231 5Kg BIO 6756 15kg BIO

This unfindable flour is obtained by dessicating fresh nettles and consequent mill. 122 123 PAPRIKA POWDER SPICES USE It can be used as dressing for fish and meat, added to broth, pureed soups and soups.

INGREDIENTS Chili pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6064 100g 6238 100g BIO 6531 1Kg 7455 1Kg BIO

Paprika is a great spice coming from a particular kind of chili, that has been dessicated on valuable woods.

TIMUT PEPPER SPICES USE It is great with fish, artichokes, asparagus but also sweets.


Timut pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7477 100g 7476 1kg

Timut born in Nepal from a medium stem tree, with thorny branches ans small lemon-smelling leaves, aromatic basil and a little bit of mint.

LONG PEPPER SPICES USE It is great with desserts: chocolate, sweet milk and any fruit.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6160 100g 18219 500g 7308 1Kg

Little used to cook in Europe, but a lot in Asia and North Africa; it recalls black pepper, but has an hotter and aromatic taste. 123 124 BLACK PEPPER POWDER SPICES USE It is used to give taste to white and red meat, fish and sauces.

INGREDIENTS Black pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6065 100g 7518 1kg

A bit spicy and very strong.

PINK PEPPER SPICES USE It matches with white meat and fish.


Pink pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6158 100g 18222 500g 7362 1kg

This spice is improperly called pink pepper, even though it is not coming from the same pepper plant (Piper Nigrum), but picked up fromSchinus molle, an evergreen Amerivan tree.

DEHYDRATED TOMATO POWDER SPICES USE It is used to prepare soups, sauces, blend of aromatic spices, gravies and juices.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4270 100g BIO 6757 25kg BIO

Tomato powder is obtained from the fresh product, matured under the sun, has a very condensed taste: 1kg of flour correspond to about 13,6kg of fresh tomatoes. 124 125 DEHYDRATED RHUBARB SPICES USE Leaves use is not suggested due to their high level of oxalic acid.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6164 250g

Rhubarb is rich in mineral salts including calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium and selenium, in addition to viamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, K and J beta-carotene.

DEHYDRATED ROSEMARY LEAVES SPICES USE Perfect to prepare baked products, soups and creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6054 50g 7484 1kg

This flour is made by dessicating the fresh fruit and consequiently milled.

DEHYDRATED ARUGULA LEAVES SPICES USE Perfect to prepare baked products, soups and creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6056 50g 7498 1kg

This flour is made by dessicating the fresh fruit and consequiently milled. 125 126 DEHYDRATED ARUGULA POWDER SPICES USE Perfect to prepare baked products, soups and creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6055 200g 7499 1kg

This flour is made by dessicating the fresh fruit and consequiently milled.

SALVIA CONTUSA DEHYDRATED SPICES USE Perfect to prepare baked products, soups and creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6057 50g 7500 1kg

It is obtained by low-temperature dessicating the fresh vegetable.

DEHYDRATED SAGE POWDER SPICES USE Perfect to prepare baked products, soups and creams.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6058 50g 7510 1kg

It is obtained by low-temperature dessicating the fresh vegetable. 126 127 SPICES FOR WURSTEL SPICES USE Quantity needed: 40g for 10kg of dough. Perfect for vegetal wurstel.

INGREDIENTS Ground spices, natural aromas, dextrose

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3816 50g

Blend of spices and natural aromas.

BOURBON VANILLA IN BONES SPICES USE Perfect to prepare drinks and sweets.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2455 N.5

Vanilla grown in Madagascar with a strong and round taste.

NATURAL VANILLA POWDER SPICES USE Perfect to prepare drinks and sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2127 25g BIO 4988 1Kg BIO

Dessicated and crunched vanilla in hulls. 127 128 INDIAN VANILLA IN STICKS SPICES USE Perfect to prepare drinks and sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2466 N.5

Vanilla grown in India with a strong and round taste.

VANILLA TAHITENSIS STICKS SPICES USE It is great to give taste to baked products or to make creams.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2454 N.5

Tahitensis is the finest type of vanilla in the world, it is characterized by a stronger and more pleasant taste than other variaties (including Bourbon one). Despite the higher cost, the quantity that you need to use is smaller.


INGREDIENTS Ingredients. Ginger, fructose, traces of preservative: sulfur dioxide (E220)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6843 250g 7564 1kg 6887 5kg

Fresh ginger candied for long time and cut in small squares. 128 129 CANDIED GINGER IN CUBES (NO SUGAR SURFACE) SPICES USE Widely used to make sweet baked products.

INGREDIENTS 51,99% ginger, 48% brown sugar

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6161 250g 7563 1Kg

Ginger cuts in slices and parboiled in sugar syrup.

DEHYDRATED GINGER FILLETS (WITH CANE SUGAR) SPICES USE Widely used to make sweet baked products.


Ginger, brown sugar

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5561 250g BIO 18408 500g 6696 5Kg BIO

Ginger cuts in slices and parboiled in sugar syrup and passed in granulated sugar.

GINGER POWDER SPICES USE Legumes, fruit, sweets, vegetables, meat stews and cereals.

INGREDIENTS Ginger powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6911 100g BIO 18311 1Kg Premium 6912 1Kg BIO

Spice obtained by dessicating and grinding ginger (official Zingiber), an Oriental plant coming from the Zingiberaceae family (as cardamom). 129 130 DEHYDRATED PUMPKIN POWDER SPICES USE Widely used to make salted baked products, creams, filling and to garnish.

INGREDIENTS Pumpkin powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3077 250g BIO 6233 5Kg BIO 6759 20Kg BIO

It is a flour produced by dessicating and grinding fresh pumpkins.




Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6226 100g BIO 5366 250g BIO

Natural fennel seeds.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6232 250g BIO 5367 1Kg BIO

Dessicated rosemary in wild, very tasty and smelly. 130 131 DEXTROSE MONOHYDRATE SUGARS USE it is mainly used to make products softer and facilitate the growth of baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6023 500g 6914 10kg

It is a monosaccharide (simple sugar) obtained by division (enzymatic decomposition) of more complex sugar, as for example the starch.

DEXTROSE T25 SUGARS USE it is mainly used to make products softer and facilitate the growth of baked products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6036 500g 6915 25kg

It is a monosaccharide (simple sugar) obtained by division (enzymatic decomposition) of more complex sugar, as for example the starch.

ERYTHRITOL CRYSTALS SUGARS USE It is great as sweetener.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6240 500g 6509 25kg

Erythritol (a polyhydric alcohol like maltitol, mannitol and isomalt), is a chemical compound in between alcohol and a carbohydrate (sugar). 131 132 ICING FRUCTOSE SUGARS USE Used to garnish sweets.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7457 250g 7460 25Kg

Very subtle fructose is a natural different option to powdered sugar.

FRUCTOSE POWDER SUGARS USE It is used as sweetener.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6026 500g

It is a valuable substitute to the traditional sugar! Used in all the preparations that need sweetener.

ISOMALT SUGARS USE It can be used to sculpture sugar.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6921 500g 6020 25kg

Isomalt is a sweetener extracted from the sugar beetroot, with a different process compared to the sucrose one (traditional sugar). Chemically is a polyhydric alcohol, so an alcoholic sugar. It looks and taste like sugar. 132 133 MALTITOL SUGARS USE Natural sweetener with a low caloric level.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6029 500g 7603 25kg

Maltitol is a sweetener extracted from cereal malt by an industrial process; compared to sugar, it has a lower-calorific value (50% less) and a similar sweetness. Being a mass sweetener is used full or partial replacement of sugar.

GLUCOSE SYRUP IN POWDER SUGARS USE It is used to prepare ice creams, semifreddo, baked products and fondant.


Powdered glucose syrup

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6034 350g DE37 5473 500g DE29 6033 500g DE39 6825 25kg DE39 6826 25kg DE29

It is obtained from corn starch by an enzymatic treatment.

POWDERED SUGAR SUGARS USE It is perfect to garnish, decorate, frost and to prepare almond paste, meringue and shortcrust pastry.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3937 500g 2204 5Kg 6807 25kg

It is a sugar reduced to very fine powder. 133 134 SNOWDROP SNOWFLAKE SUGAR (WATER-REPELLENT) SUGARS USE It is perfect to garnish, decorate, frost and to prepare almond paste, meringue and shortcrust pastry.

INGREDIENTS Dextrose, wheat starch, vegetable fat (palmito, coconut), vanilla flavoring

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6022 250g 7789 1Kg

It is a powdered sugar fattened with cocoa butter, able not to melt if put on humid surfaces.

BEETROOT SUGAR SUGARS USE Granulated sugar is used to sweeten hot or cold coffee, the or infusions.


Beet sugar

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6175 500g BIO 6204 5Kg BIO 6745 25kg BIO

It is a sugar extracted from beetroot root.

DARK SUGAR SUGARS USE It is used to sweeten.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6811 25Kg BIO

Brown sugar with a high treacle substance. 134 135 INTEGRAL COCONUT SUGAR SUGARS USE Coconut sugar substitues granulated sugar, using the same proportion.

INGREDIENTS Coconut sugar

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5788 500g BIO 6108 1Kg BIO 6746 5Kg BIO 6747 20kg BIO

It is obtained by grinding nectar of coconut flowers.

GRAIN SUGAR SUGARS USE It is perfect to garnish sweets: croissants, cookies, cakes, brioches, sweet bread and sweet focaccia etc.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2211 500g 4990 10Kg

It is a white very raw sugar.

INVERTED SUGAR TASTE HONEY SUGARS USE It is used to give softness to baked products, or with ice cream to turn down the freezing point.

INGREDIENTS Powdered sugar, aroma

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6032 250g 7694 14kg

Invert sugar, compared to the traditional one has an higher sweetener power (about 1,2 times more) while, in comparison with the traditional inverted sugar, is enriched with a natural honey aroma. 135 136 INVERTED SUGAR SYRUP SUGARS USE This syrup is great to sweeten baked products giving them more softness.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6030 250g 6923 14L

It is a sugar subjected to a natural reversal process.

RAW PEARLY SUGAR SUGARS USE It is used to make Waffels.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4120 500g 5008 10kg

It is a very fine saccharose sugar with irregular crystals.

AGAR AGAR HIGH CONCENTRATION AND SOLUBILITY THICKENER USE It is great to get gelatinous jams, sauces, fruit juices and pudding.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6812 100g 5978 150g 6810 25kg

It is an hydrocolloid (jellylike substance that links water)with a neutral taste coming from gelidium seaweeds. 136 137 KONJAC FLOUR THICKENER USE It is used as thickener, or to make shirataki.

INGREDIENTS Glucomannan powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2823 1Kg

It is obtained by processing Konjac, an Oriental root rich in soluble fiber.

MONTERSINO POWDER JELLY - MONTGEL THICKENER USE To prepare panna cotta, gelatin and mousse.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8718 250g

MontGel Professional is a professional and instantaneous jelly in powder, it is the favorite of the chef Montersino Luca.

VEGETABLE KAPPA JELLY THICKENER USE To prepare pudding, creams, bavarese. Mix all the dried ingredients in the maximum quantity of 10kg/kg and bring them to the boil.

INGREDIENTS Carrageenan E-407, potassium chloride E508

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8244 40g

Vegetal jelly substituted for the animal one. 137 138 NEUTRAL GELATINE FOR COLD USE THICKENER USE MIx with dry ingredients and then boil it.

INGREDIENTS Sugar, water, glucose and fructose syrup, acidifiers: citric acid, trisodium citrate; thickener: fruit pectin; preservative: potassium sorbate

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8656 150g

Vegetal transparent jelly ready to use.

XANTHAN GUM THICKENER USE It is used to turn down the freezing point and improve ice creams texture.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6650 100g 6191 250g

It is a polysaccharide obtained by bacterial fermentation of corn starch.

SUNFLOWER LECITHIN THICKENER USE It is perfect for making bread, especially panettone, colomba, croissants and pan-brioches.

INGREDIENTS Sunflower Lecithin, wheat flour, tricalcium phosphate

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3971 250g 6514 5Kg 6515 25kg

Lecithin is a natural emulsifier extracted from sunflower seeds, it is made by phospholipids characterized by water-soluble polar head, that good melts in water, and by two saturates representing the two non- polar tails, not water-soluble but lipophilic. 138 139 FLUID SUNFLOWER LECITHIN THICKENER USE It is used to produce baked products, snacks and chocolate bars.

INGREDIENTS Sunflower seeds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7399 200g BIO 7400 20Kg BIO

From a chemical point of view, lecithin is a molecule made by phosphoric acid, choline, fatty acids, glycerol, glycolipids, triglyceride and phospholipids, the latter represent main components and determine the purity level.


INGREDIENTS Sugar, fiber, glucose syrup, palm fat, dextrose, maltodextrins, (E410,

E412), citric acid, E471, E472a, milk proteins

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8788 250g

Natural blend of thicketeners.


INGREDIENTS Sugar, fiber, glucose syrup, palm fat, dextrose, maltodextrins, (E410, E412), citric acid, E471, E472a, milk proteins

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8790 200g

Natural blend of thicketeners. 139 140 REFLEX PROFESSIONAL (NEUTRAL GELATINE) THICKENER USE It is used to protect sweets from oxidation, especially fresh fruit.

INGREDIENTS Sugar, gelling agent. Carrageenan, carob seeds flour, citric acid and sodium citrate (acidifiers), maltodextrin

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8791 100g

Natural blend of thicketeners and gelling agents.

COCOA BUTTER COCOA USE It is perfect to produce sweet baked and not baked products.


Cocoa butter

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6853 250g 6878 25Kg

This cocoa butter is an healthy alternative to animal fat, has comparable characteristics. It is perfect to who desires a substitute with a high-nutritional level and, at the same time, without sacrificing the taste.

COCOA BUTTER DROPS COCOA USE It is perfect to produce sweet baked and not baked products.

INGREDIENTS Cocoa butter

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4135 500g 2190 3Kg

This cocoa butter is an healthy alternative to animal fat, has comparable characteristics. It is perfect to who desires a substitute with a high-nutritional level and, at the same time, without sacrificing the taste. 140 141 COCOA BUTTER POWDER COCOA USE It is used to blend chocolate and prepare sweets.

INGREDIENTS Cocoa butter

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8243 100g

Finest powder of deodorised cocoa butter.

BITTER COCOA POWDER 20/22% FAT COCOA USE It is mostly used to produce chocolate.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6228 250g BIO 4967 5Kg BIO 6738 25kg BIO

There are two types of cocoa in powder, a common one and a defatted one. The first one contains about 20/22% of cocoa butter, while the defatted one just 10/12%(percentage that change according to the producer).

LOW FAT COCOA POWDER 1% FAT COCOA USE It is perfect to make any type of baked cake and for general to cook preparations, thanks to its natural dark color.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6239 100g 6043 250g

Low-fat cocoa and rich in protein and fiber, is the fat most used in protein and low-carbohydrate diets. 141 142 LEAN CACAO POWDER 10/12% FAT COCOA USE It is mostly used to produce chocolate.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6229 250g BIO 4970 5Kg BIO 6739 25kg BIO

There are two types of cocoa in powder, a common one and a defatted one. The first one contains about 20/22% of cocoa butter, while the defatted one just 10/12%(percentage that change according to the producer).

MILK CHOCOLATE (COVER) COCOA USE It is used to produce chocolate candies, Easter eggs and similar with great results.

INGREDIENTS Raw brown sugar, whole powder milk, cocoa butter, cocoa paste,


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2228 500g BIO 4973 4Kg BIO

This so delicious chocolate is obtained by mixing (conche) cocoa butter (mechanically extracted from cocoa beans), full-cream milk, raw brown sugar and natural vanilla.

WHITE CHOCOLATE (COVER) COCOA USE It is used to produce chocolate candies, Easter eggs and similar with great results.

INGREDIENTS Raw brown sugar, cocoa butter, whole powder milk, emulsifiers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2159 500g BIO 4974 4Kg BIO

This so delicious chocolate is obtained by mixing (conche) cocoa butter (mechanically extracted from cocoa beans), full-cream milk, raw brown sugar and natural vanilla. 142 143 DARK CHOCOLATE (COVER) COCOA USE It is used to produce chocolate candies, Easter eggs and similar with great results.

INGREDIENTS Cocoa paste (45,8%), raw brown sugar (49,5%), cocoa butter (9,9%), soy lecithin, natural vanille powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2118 500g BIO 4972 4Kg BIO

This very delicious chocolate is made by grinding cocoa beans, previously fermented, toasted and hulled.

CHOCOLATE CHIPS COCOA USE It is perfect to produce baked products like brioche, croissants, pain au chocolate, panettone and pandoro.

INGREDIENTS Brown sugar, cocoa paste, cocoa butter, soy lecithin (emulsifier),

natural vanille (extract)

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1652 250g BIO 2389 1Kg BIO 1654 5Kg BIO 4675 1Kg da Forno Enriched your sweets with delicious heat-resistant dark chocolate 6513 5Kg da Forno drops. They are perfect to prepare baked products as brioche, 7093 15kg BIO croissant, chocolate bread, panettone, pandoro. The "baked" version is more resistent during cooking and they don't melt.

COCOA MASS COCOA USE Used in pastry shop, ice cream shop, sweet and alimentary industry.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6859 250g 4136 500g 2605 4Kg

Cocoa mass is produced from breaked, shelled and toasted cocoa beans. Depending on the type of cocoa mass, it could be used a blend of cocoa beans with different origin. 143 144 100% FLAKED COCOA MASS COCOA USE It is used with great results for ganache and topping creams.

INGREDIENTS Cocoa paste 100%

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7576 250g 7577 25kg

Cocoa mass differs from traditional chocolate due to its ingredients; chocolate contains also sugar, added cocoa butter, aromas and lecithin, while cocoa mass is exclusively made from grinded beans.

100% ARABICA COFFEE GRAIN COFFEE USE It is perfect to decorate sweets or be home-made toasted at your house.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3322 1Kg BIO

It is a not toasted 100% arabica coffee, a special high-quality variety with a lower caffeine content than the strong variety.

SOLUBLE COFFEE COFFEE USE Used for sweets, creams and drinks.

INGREDIENTS Coffee soluble extract

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6856 100g 6882 500g

Coffee is a beverage obtained by grinding seeds of some kinds of tropical trees coming from Coffea species, part of the Rubiaceae botanical family, a group of angiosperms which includes more than 600 genres and 13.500 species. 144 145 100% ARABICA GREEN GRAIN COFFEE COFFEE USE It is perfect to decorate sweets or be home-made toasted at your house.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6222 250g 2978 350g 6266 5Kg

It is a not toasted 100% arabica coffee, a special high-quality variety with a lower caffeine content than the strong variety.


INGREDIENTS Dehydrated aloe, sugar, preservative: sulphure dioxide, acidity

regulator: citric acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6155 100g 7299 1kg

A real natural tastiness, known since centuries, has a pleasant sweet taste.


INGREDIENTS Powdered Pineapple

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7468 100g 7469 15kg

Pineapple fruit is rich in sugar, while the inner central part called "Gambo" is plenty of fiber and enzymes, of which bromeline is the most important because facilitates digestion. "Gambo" pineapple has also diuretics effects, recommended to who has fluid retention in subcutaneous tissue. 145 146 CANDIED ORANGE (CUBETTI) DRIED FRUITS USE It is essential to prepare some of the most famous Italian sweets.

INGREDIENTS Orange rind, glucose-fructose syrup of corn, brown sugar, lemon juice

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4308 250g BIO 6692 5Kg BIO 4890 10Kg BIO

Candied fruit is obtained by cooking peel for long time in a syrup made from sugar and glucose. The etymology of the verb candy has origin from the qandat Arab, that is sugar.

ORANGE POWDER (PEEL) DRIED FRUITS USE It is used as natural aroma or preservative.


Powdered orange

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8195 100g 8196 20kg

Bongiovanni powdered orange, is produced by simply dehydrating fresh oranges, without additives, colorants and preservatives.

BANANA IN CHIPS DRIED FRUITS USE They can be eaten alone, or in combination with yogurt, baked products or ice cream.

INGREDIENTS Bananas, sugar, coconut oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6845 250g 6869 6,8Kg BIO 7325 10kg

Banana chips are, apart from delicious, a great potassium source. 146 147 CHERRY POWDER DRIED FRUITS USE Great to prepare baked products, drinks, sweets, desserts and as sweetener.

INGREDIENTS Powdered cherry

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7466 100g 7467 15kg

The typical sweet cherry taste made it one of the most loved fruit also cause it contains few calories. With this powder you can let your creativity go preparing great sweets and desserts.

COCONUT CHIPS SLICED DRIED FRUITS USE Great to decorate orwith milk in the morning.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6846 250g 6870 1Kg 7342 10kg 7337 25kg

Dehydrated coconut and cut in small flakes.

COCONUT RAPE FINE LOW FAT (FAT <45%) DRIED FRUITS USE It is perfect to decorate sweets or to be used in a lot of ways such as with milk, yogurt and similar products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7354 200g 7350 400g 7346 1kg 7341 10kg 7336 25kg

Dried coconut in small flakes and low-fat. 147 148 COCONUT RAPE FINE FAT (FAT> 45%) DRIED FRUITS USE It is perfect to decorate sweets or to be used in a lot of ways such as with milk, yogurt and similar products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7352 200g 7348 400g 5549 500g BIO 7344 800g 7339 10kg

7334 25kg Dried coconut in small flakes and rich in fats.

COCONUT RAPE MEDIUM FAT (FAT> 45%) DRIED FRUITS USE It is perfect to decorate sweets or to be used in a lot of ways such as with milk, yogurt and similar products.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7353 200g 7349 400g 5550 500g BIO 7345 800g 7340 10kg 7335 25Kg

Dried coconut in medium flakes and rich in fats.

DEHYDRATED CRANBERRIES DRIED FRUITS USE Great ingredient for muesli, yogurt and sauces.

INGREDIENTS Cranberries, brown sugar, vegetal oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6102 250g BIO 6162 500g 7295 1kg 6905 11.34kg BIO

Cranberries comes from the same species, but are a different type, of red blueberries. 148 149 DEHYDRATED GOJI BERRIES DRIED FRUITS USE They are appropriate in sweet and salted preparations.

INGREDIENTS Goji berries

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6101 250g BIO 6791 18,16Kg BIO

Goji berries are Tibetan fruits very similar to an elongated cherry, plenty of vitamin C, vitamins of group B and antioxidants. They have a delicious taste that remembers blueberry and raspberry.

RASPBERRY POWDER DRIED FRUITS USE The dose is 15g of product for 500g of flour.


Fresh raspberries, maltodextrins

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28812 100g 28811 15Kg

Dryed and powdered fresh raspberries. Raspberries are rich in anthocyanins, natural antioxidants.

CANDIED LEMONS(CUBES) DRIED FRUITS USE Essential ingredient to prepare cassate or pastiere, also eaten as dessert.

INGREDIENTS Corn syrup, lemon rinds

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4309 250g BIO 4891 5Kg BIO 6695 10Kg BIO

Lemon candies are obtained by cooking peel for long time in corn syrup. 149 150 LEMON POWDER DRIED FRUITS USE Essential ingredient to prepare cassate or pastiere, also eaten as dessert.

INGREDIENTS Fresh lemon syrup

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7464 100g 7465 1kg

Bongiovanni powdered lemon, is produced by simply dehydrating fresh lemons, without additives, colorants and preservatives.

LEMON POWDER (JUICE) DRIED FRUITS USE It is used to give taste to sweets and extend preservation (in alternative to citric acid).


Lemon, maltodextrins

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8197 100g 8198 15Kg

Juice of natural dehydrated lemon.

DEHYDRATED WHITE MULBERRIES DRIED FRUITS USE They can be eaten as snack, mixed with muesli, blended or in the salad.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6156 250g

White mulberries are rich in iron, calcium and vitamin C! 150 151 MULBERRY MORE DRIED FRUITS USE Perfect as snack or to decorate.

INGREDIENTS Blackberries

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7427 250g BIO 7388 1kg

Mulberries are the fruit of the Moracee plant. Main varieties of this plant are the black mulberry and the white mulberry. They contain antioxidant properties and able to reduce free radicals activity.

PAPAYA DEHYDRATED IN CUBES DRIED FRUITS USE It is perfect when you're starving.


Papaya cubes, sugar, sulphites

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6149 250g 7307 1kg

Papaya is known and appreciated for its digestive properties and a high level of vitamin C.

NATURAL SLICED ​​PAPAYA DRIED FRUITS USE It is perfect when you're starving.

INGREDIENTS Papaya cubes, sugar, sulphites

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7788 250g 7787 1kg

Papaya is known and appreciated for its digestive properties and a high level of vitamin C. 151 152 POMELO CANDITO DRIED FRUITS USE Sweet, alimentary and gastronomic products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6883 250g 6884 5kg

Pomelo is very good eaten natural, a medium-size fruit normally corresponds to four portions, but it is often used as ingredient in salads or joining legumes.

CHILEAN JUMBO GRAPES DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.


Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7230 200g 7221 400g 7213 800g 7205 10kg

Totally genuine, rich in fiber and taste. It could be eaten as it is, with yogurt, in baked sweet products or ice cream.

GRAPE PASSOLINA CURRANT SULTANA DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7229 200g 6850 250g 7220 400g 7252 800g 7204 10kg 6874 12.5kg

It is subjected to a natural drying. 152 153 VINTAGE AUSTRALIAN SULTANINA GRAPES DRIED FRUITS USE Great for sweet, alimentary and gastronomic products.

INGREDIENTS Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7227 200g 6848 250g 7218 400g 7210 800g 7202 10kg Grape subjected to a natural drying, it is extracted from golden raisin, a 6872 14kg variety of vine used to produce raisin as, being without seeds and plenty of sugar.

GRAPE SULTANINA GOLD DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6849 250g 6873 10Kg

Raisin with a golden color and a round taste.

GRAPE SULTANINA GOLDEN IRAN DRIED FRUITS USE It can be used to make sweets, muesli or baked products.

INGREDIENTS Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7228 200g 7219 400g 7211 800g 7203 10kg

Raisin with a golden color and a round taste. 153 154 GRAPE SULTANINA IRAN PREMIUM QUALITY DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.

INGREDIENTS Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7262 200g 7254 400g 7246 800g 7198 10Kg

Raisin with a golden color and a round taste. It is bigger and tender.

GRAPE SULTANINA TURKISH 10 RTU DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.


Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7224 200g 7256 400g 7248 800g 7200 10kg

Raisin with a dark color and a round taste. It is tender and delicious.

GRAPE SULTANINA TURKISH 11 RTU DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.

INGREDIENTS Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7265 200g 2036 250g BIO 7217 400g 7249 800g 6095 1Kg BIO 7201 10kg 2442 12,5kg BIO Raisin with a dark color and a round taste. It is tender and delicious. 154 155 GRAPE SULTANINA TURKISH 9 RTU DRIED FRUITS USE It can be eaten raw, in combination with yogurt, in baked products or with ice-cream.

INGREDIENTS Golden raisin, sunflower oil

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7223 200g 7255 400g 7247 800g 7199 10kg

Raisin with a dark color and a round taste. It is tender and delicious.

BAKING FOR SWEETS YEAST USE It is great to prepare creams and general sweets.

INGREDIENTS Disodium diphosphate E450i, sodium hydrogen carbonate E500ii,


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6264 100g 4674 250g 6265 5Kg

If you produce a lot of sweets at home, this backing sweets package is perfect for you.

FREEZE-DRIED BEER YEAST YEAST USE Mix it with the flour with the desired quantity (bearing in midn that 7g of dry yeast corresponds to 25g of fres yeast).

INGREDIENTS Brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4639 100g BIO 3941 1kg BIO

Compared to fresh yeast, this type has been subjected to lyophilization that gives it a higher concentration, stability and durability. It has a shape of small uniform grains, easy to measure out. 155 156 ACTIVE MOTHER YEAST POWDER - MADREATTIVA YEAST USE It is used in replacement to brewer's yeast to prepare baked products.

INGREDIENTS Natural yeast powder (common wheat flour, culture starter), flour treatment agent: enzymes, ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8694 1Kg

It is a blend of dryed starter, alpha-amylase (enzyme naturally existing in wheat) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

SPELLED ACID PASTA (ACTIVE!) YEAST USE It is used in replacement to brewer's yeast to prepare risen products.


Natural yeast in spelt powder flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4166 250g BIO 4986 5Kg BIO 6755 10Kg BIO 4987 15kg BIO

With this product you can finally have your 100% natural spelt yeast without effort: no refresh, waiting days, preservation issues.

DRIED ACID DOUGH WHEAT BASE YEAST USE It is used in combination with brewer's yeast to prepare baked products.

INGREDIENTS Natural yeast powder, common wheat gluten, flour treatment agent: enzymes, ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 326 1Kg 319 5Kg 6516 25kg

It is a mix of dryed starter, malty wheat flour, alpha-amylase (enzyme naturally existing in wheat) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). 156 157 NATURAL YEAST OF WHEAT FOR BREAD YEAST USE It is used in replacement to brewer's yeast, at 50% to prepare bread and pizza.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 flour of common wheat

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7309 250g BIO 7360 5kg BIO 7361 15kg BIO

Natural yeast of type 0 wheat flour for bread. The process starts just with water and it is simply feed with the starch found in the mixture.

DURUM WHEAT PASTA YEAST USE It is used at 5% on flour weight in combination with brewer's yeast.


Natural yeast in durum wheat powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4211 250g 4828 5Kg

Sourdough obtain by drying a mixture made from durum wheat flour and water, fermented for long time.

FRESH MOTHER PASTA (LICOLI) YEAST USE It is used to give taste, scent and coloration to baked products (just 1- 3%).


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28823 250g 28822 5Kg 28821 25Kg

Rye dryed and toasted sourdough, rich in taste and scent. 157 158 FRESH MOTHER PASTA (LICOLI) YEAST USE It is used in replacement to brewer's yeast to prepare bread and pizza.

INGREDIENTS Grape must, flours

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4109 250g 28801 250ml Senza glutine

Fresh starter prepared home-made by Bongiovanni, it is a product with a conservation of 4-5 days in the fridge, then it has to be used or refreshed.

MALT EXTRACT POWDER MALT USE It is mainly used to improve rising and taste in baked products.


Malt extract (barley malt, water), malt wheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3957 250g 7568 5kg 6510 25kg

It is a flour produced by germination, drying, grinding and consequent collection of two-row barley. It is the most concentrated malt flour among the available ones.

WHEAT MALTATA FLOUR MALT USE It is mainly used to improve rising and taste in baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 159 1Kg 160 5Kg 6922 12.5Kg

It is a flour made by germination, drying, grinding of wheat. 158 159 MALTATA BARLEY FLOUR MALT USE It is mainly used to improve rising and taste in baked products.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1403 250g BIO 4945 5Kg BIO 4946 25kg BIO

It is a flour made by germination, drying, grinding of two-row barley.

ROASTED MALT FOR BREAD MAKING MALT USE The dose is from 2 to 5% on flour weight.


Toasted barley flour, malt extract

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3817 250g 28628 1Kg 28629 5Kg 7298 12.5kg

Strongly toasted malt flour, it is an aromatic and dark malt. It gives taste and a strong scent.

SOY STEAKS EXTRUDED SOY USE They are eaten raw or in combination with cereals and/or vegetables.

INGREDIENTS Partially degreased and regenerated soy flour, water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1259 1Kg 1260 5Kg 4823 12Kg

It is a vegetal food, very common and practical for who wants an alternative to meat, without cholesterol and low-fat. 159 160 GRANULAR SOYBEAN EXTRUDED SOY USE It is eaten raw with milk, yogurt and cereals soups. It doesn't need to soak.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1261 400g BIO 1263 5Kg BIO 4984 12Kg BIO

It is obtained by extruding a dough made from water and deffated soy flour.

SOY STEW EXTRUDED SOY USE It can be eaten raw or in combination with cereals and vegetables. (20 minutes cooking in boiling water).


Soy stew

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1265 400g BIO 1267 5Kg BIO 4985 12Kg BIO

It is an alternative food to animal protein.

ACACIA FIBER FIBER USE It is great in baked products, ice cream, creams or as fiber supplement.

INGREDIENTS Acacia fiber

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5553 250g BIO 6804 1Kg BIO

Bongiovanni acacia fiber is an hydrosoluble natural fiber, tasteless, with a strong influence on the gastrointestinal transit. 160 161 CHICORY FIBER (INULIN) FIBER USE It has to be used with moderation in alimentary preparations; it can be also put in ice creams to improve their texture.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2949 700g

It is a soluble fiber made by long chains of fructose, characterized by a low-calorical value (100kcal/100g).

PEA FIBER FIBER USE It is perfect to prepare baked products, sauces, soups and creams, extruded products, bars and dietetic food.


Pea flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7504 250g BIO 6815 20kg BIO

Product obtain from the pea plant seed, processed and refined with an industrial method.

BIOLOGICAL ADJUVANT COADJUVANT USE From 0-5% to 1% on flour to improve the rising of baked products.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 wheat flour, barley malt flour, wheat gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1556 250g BIO 6742 5Kg BIO 6743 12.5kg BIO

Bongiovanni organic coadjuvant is a mixture of wheat flour, dryed mechanically extracted gluten, malted barley , alpha-amylase enzyme and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). 161 162 COLORY - ENZYMATIC MIX COADJUVANT USE Used to color doughs in a natural way.

INGREDIENTS Maltodextrins, enzymes

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28818 250g

Blend of glucoamylase for baked products.

MULTIFUNCTIONAL ENZYMATIC COMPLEX COADJUVANT USE It is used at 2% in proportion to the quantity of flour in the recipe.


Type 0 wheat flour, enzymes

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7777 250g

Studied enzymatic mixture that acts on the rheology of flours improving in a consistent way the visco-extensibility. Quality and working standardization get better.


INGREDIENTS Flour, dextrose, natural emulsifiers: sunflower lecithins with a liposomal structure, amylolytic enzymes, L. ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6216 250g 6796 20kg

For the first time it is possible to substitute E471 and E472 emulsifiers with natural product coming from sunflower and soy during activities of planning, confectionery and biscuit. 162 163 NATURAL MULTILEVEL EMULSIFIER 2% PASTRY COADJUVANT USE 1-2% according to flour weight.

INGREDIENTS Flour, dextrose, natural emulsifiers: sunflower lecithins with a liposomal structure, amylolytic enzymes, L. ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6217 250g 6797 20kg

For the first time it is possible to substitute E471 and E472 emulsifiers with natural product coming from sunflower and soy during activities of planning, confectionery and biscuit.

COLORY - ENZYMATIC MIX COADJUVANT USE Used to raise leavening in a natural way.


Maltodextrins, enzymes

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28817 250g

Mixture of strenghten enzymes of gluten.

LEGAMI - TRANSGLUTAMINASI COADJUVANT USE It is used to tie meat or fish offal.

INGREDIENTS Transglutaminase, maltodextrins, sodium caseinate, dextrose

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28424 50g 28813 100g

Natural enzyme from bacteria that acts on proteins. 163 164 VERY GOOD MANAGER, MALZPERLE COADJUVANT USE 2-2.5% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, dextrose, wheat gluten, barley malt powder extract

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7558 250g 7586 5kg 7587 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with emulsifier and add of gluten and malted barley extract for bread and baked products. Very concentrated, the most concentrated.


INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, wheat gluten, flour treatment agent:

ascorbic acid, alpha amylase

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7549 250g 7573 5kg 7574 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with add of common wheat gluten for bread and baked products. Just based on enzymes.

ENZIMATIC ENZIMIT ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE 0.4-0.6% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, wheat gluten, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid, alpha amylase

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7550 250g 7578 5kg 7579 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with add of common wheat gluten for bread and baked products. 164 165 COOLEST IMPROVEER COADJUVANT USE 1.5%-3% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Wheat gluten, type 0 common wheat flour, malt wheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7548 250g 7569 5kg 7570 12.5Kg

Enzymatic improvement agent with add of common wheat gluten for bread and frozen baked products.

POLARIS CHILL ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE 1.5%-3% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Wheat gluten, type 0 common wheat flour, emulsifier: E 472e, malt

wheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7559 250g 7588 5kg 7589 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with emulsifier based on common wheat gluten for bread and frozen baked products.


INGREDIENTS Wheat gluten, pre-cooked common wheat flour, amylase, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7555 250g 7599 5kg 7600 12.5Kg

Improvement agent based on gluten with pre-cooked wheat flour for bread and baked products. 165 166 MIPLUS BASIC + ENCHANCER COADJUVANT USE 1% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, wheat gluten, emulsifier: E472e, alpha amylase, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7556 250g 7571 5kg 7572 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with add of gluten and emulsifier for bread and baked products.


INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, dextrose, wheat gluten, malt wheat

flour, emulsifiers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7557 250g 7584 5kg 7585 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with lecithin for bread and baked products.

SMART FERTIGBLE ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE 1-1.5% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, malt wheat flour, wheat gluten

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7551 250g 7580 5kg 7581 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with add of malt wheat flour and gluten for bread and baked products. 166 167 SOFTCROST SOFT ROLLS ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE 1-1.5% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, dextrose, emulsifiers: E 482, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids; stabilizers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7561 250g 7592 5kg 7593 25Kg

Improvement agent with emulsifier to prepare bread and soft baked products.



Wheat gluten, flour treatment agent: ascorbic acid; alpha amylase

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7553 250g 7595 5kg 7596 12.5Kg

Improvement agent based on common wheat gluten for bread and baked products.


INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, malt wheat flour, emulsifiers

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7560 250g 7590 5kg 7591 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with add of malt flour and emulsifier for bread and baked products. 167 168 TOSTUP TOAST BROT ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE 2-4% according to the flour.

INGREDIENTS Dried common wheat flour sourdough, type 0 common wheat flour, malt wheat flour

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7554 250g 7597 5kg 7598 12.5Kg

Semifinished product to prepare loaf, sandwiches, soft bread.

WHITEPERFECT ENHANCER COADJUVANT USE It is used with a lot of products such as flour, toast, hamburger, sandwich and risen baked products.

INGREDIENTS Type 0 common wheat flour, wheat gluten, malt wheat flour, dried

common wheat flour sourdough

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7552 250g 7582 5kg 7583 12.5Kg

Improvement agent with enzymatic base to produce soft bread.

RELAX - ENZYMATIC MIX COADJUVANT USE Used to reduce toughness of flour.

INGREDIENTS Maltodextrins, enzymes

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28815 250g

Natural enzyme from bacteria that acts on gluten. 168 169 SWEETENED CONCENTRATED MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS USE It is used to prepare general sweets, particularly to give texture to ice creams and get easier to use the spatula.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7458 500g 7461 5Kg

Sweetened concentrated milk obtained by a process of natural dehydration able to keep unchanged the taste of fresh milk.

DEHYDRATED COCONUT MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS USE Great for sweet, alimentary and gastronomic products.


Coconut milk, maltodextrin, sodium caseinate

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6847 500g 6871 250g 7343 10kg 7338 25kg

Coconut milk is a product made by drying the liquid inside coconut, that is the fruit of the coconut palm.

POWDERED MILK DAIRY PRODUCTS USE It is used to prepare drinks improving softness, color and preservation.

INGREDIENTS Powdered whole milk

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2237 1Kg BIO

It is obtained by low-temperature drying of skimmed cow's milk. 169 170 SKIMMED MILK POWDER DAIRY PRODUCTS USE It is used to prepare drinks, improve the duration/conservation, color and to make it softer.

INGREDIENTS Powdered skimmed milk

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2238 1Kg 6005 1Kg BIO

It is obtained by low-temperature drying of skimmed cow's milk.

SKIMMED MILK POWDER DELATOPED DAIRY PRODUCTS USE It is used to prepare drinks, improve the duration/conservation, color and to make it softer.


Whey powder of skimmed milk

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5430 1kg 7402 25Kg

It looks like a white powder made by proteins with a high-oranic value, low-fat and just a little trace of lactose (less than 0,3%).

HIGH EXTENSIBILITY WHEAT GLUTEN PROTEINS USE It is perfect to increase dough strenght and its extension.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7774 500g

Wheat gluten processed enzymatically. 170 171 WHEAT GLUTEN PROTEINS USE It is perfect to prepare seitan and protein-based baked products or to get stronger too weak flours.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2018 500g 2137 500g BIO 1578 5Kg 2136 5Kg BIO It is a powder obtained from common wheat flour making a dough 1549 25kg consequently washed with running water (to keep starch away and 2138 25kg BIO concentrate gluten). Finally it is dryed in order to transform it in powder and have a simple usage and a longer conservation.

MILK PROTEIN 80% PROTEINS USE They are used as protein supplement or to prepare ice cream.


Milk protein powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8775 1kg

This food powder is a supplement made by whey proteins.

MILK PROTEIN 90% PROTEINS USE They are used as protein supplement or to prepare ice cream.

INGREDIENTS Milk protein powder

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8774 1kg

This food powder is a supplement made by whey proteins. 171 172 SOY PROTEIN PROTEINS USE They can be used blended to drinks or to prepare sweet and salted baked products.

INGREDIENTS Concentrated soy proteins

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5779 400g 6792 20kg

Food supplement of soy proteins, used to enrich a lacking nutrition.

SOY PROTEIN PROTEINS USE To make legumes seitan, just add water.

INGREDIENTS Gluten, beans flour, lentils flour, peas flour, nutritional yeast,

Himalaya pink salt, curry, onion powder, pepper

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28140 250g

Blend made by legumes flour, gluten and Seitan species.

CITRIC ACID MONOHYDRATE VARIOUS USE Widely used to preserve food, giving a little bit more taste.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2232 1Kg

Citric acid is a mixture that naturally occurs in citrus fruit, it is sold in powder or grains. 172 173 BAOBAB VARIOUS USE It is used as supplement or as natural thicken for ice cream.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8245 200g

It is a really precious African plant.

MARRON GLACES CRUMBS VARIOUS USE Great to decorate sweets.


Chestnuts, sugar, glucose syrup, natural flavors

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7331 5kg

Smashed marron glaces, obtained by processing whole candied ones.

BROWN CRUMBS VARIOUS USE It is perfect as snack or decoration.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7333 5kg

Smashed marron glaces, obtained by processing whole ones. 173 174 VEGETABLE COAL (COAL FLOUR) VARIOUS USE Coloration needs a minimum quantity that doesn't affect the taste.

INGREDIENTS Powdered charcoal

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4633 100g 18327 500g 4797 1Kg

Charcoal, also called active carbon, is a powder extracted by using matrix rich in cellulose, subjected to a combustion without flame.

DRIED CHESTNUTS VARIOUS USE They are great to prepare sweets, or in combination with vegetables and meat.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1502 500g BIO 1504 5Kg BIO 6740 25kg BIO

These chestnuts are a precious variety grown in Piemonte from small local farmers.

MARRONI CREAM VARIOUS USE For baked products, also during cooking.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 7332 5,7Kg

It is a really pleasant chestnut cream. 174 175 FABIA - ACQUAFABA POWDER VARIOUS USE It is perfect for meringue, mousse, sponge cake replacing albumen.

INGREDIENTS Dried chickpeas cooking water

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28900 20g

Fabia is obtained by drying chickpeas cooking water, it has exceptional whipped features like albumen and it is completely vegetal.

WHEAT GERM VARIOUS USE It is used as supplement in different products including bread.



Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 468 250g BIO 2373 5Kg BIO 6744 25kg BIO

Wheat embryo contains all the substances responsible for the plant growth. It has a tasty flavour of hazelnut and flour.

CORN GERM VARIOUS USE It is perfect to give taste to biscuits and bread. The dose is 2-5% on flour weight.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 28825 500g BIO 28826 5Kg BIO 28824 20kg BIO

Corn embryo contains all the substances responsible for the plant growth. It has a tasty flavour of pop corn. 175 176 RICE GERM VARIOUS USE It can be used alone or combined.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 4627 500g 4628 5Kg

It is rich in gamma oryzanol, group B vitamins, vitamin C, but not only, it also contains fiber, essentials to guarantee a proper functioning of the digestive system and essential amino acids.

AMARETTO GRAIN VARIOUS USE Variegations and fillings for different sweet products.

INGREDIENTS Sugar, type 0 common wheat flour, powdered albumen, apricot

almonds, corn starch, aroma

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6860 250g 6885 1Kg

Amaretto biscuits of very high-quality, made as crumb and regulated.


INGREDIENTS Sugar, wheat starch, albumen, flavors

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6854 250g 6880 1Kg

Meringue grains used to decorate ice-creams, cakes, semifreddo etc. 176 177 OLIVE POWDER VARIOUS USE Oilves powder is used at 5-10% on flour weight, to prepare bread, focaccia, pizza and crackers.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5802 300g

This powder is obtained by mechanically processing fresh olives, it is very scented and concentrate.

BREADCRUMBS VARIOUS USE It is great to roll in breadcrumbs meat or vegetables.


Whole wheat flour, brewer's yeast, water, sea salt

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6910 500g BIO 6809 5Kg BIO 6814 25Kg BIO

Preparation made by crushing organic bread.

RAWETTA (RAW BAR) VARIOUS USE Used as raw snack.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 8787 40g

Rawetta is a snack made from dates, sunflower seeds and cashews. Every ingredient is raw and natural. It could contain traces of gluten, other types of nut, soy, fava beans, lupine, milk. It can be kept for a lot of months. 177 178 WRAPPING BAG ACCESSORIES USE It is perfect to wrap panettoni and colombe, providing a long preservation.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 5751 N.d (320x400) 2579 N.d (320x270)

Very resistant polypropylene bags.


Used to prepare muffins.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1669 N.d (5,5x4,5x2) 1339 N.d (7,5x6x4) 1673 N.d (7x5x4) 1676 N.d (9x8x2)

Ramekins are usefull wrappers in nonstick paper, perfect to prepare delicious muffins, cupcakes and small cakes.

MOLD FOR DOVE ACCESSORIES USE Used to prepare Colomba.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1581 N.d 100g (10 pezzi) 1341 N.d 500g (5 pezzi) 1340 N.d 750g (5 pezzi) 5287 N.d 1Kg (5 pezzi)

This wrapping is definitely what do you need to prepare a delicious colomba. 178 179 MOLD FOR PANDORO ACCESSORIES USE This packaging is definitely that it is needed to prepare a delicious colomba.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 2406 N.d 100g 2407 N.d 250g 1946 N.d 750g 1974 N.d 1Kg 2408 N.d 2Kg

Professional aluminium mold used to prepare pandoro, it is very strong.


Perfect to make panettone.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1529 N.d 500g (5 pezzi) 1530 N.d 750g (5 pezzi) 4545 N.d 1Kg (5 pezzi)

Ramekins are usefull wrappers in nonstick paper, perfect to prepare a short panettone.


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 1528 N.d 100g (10 pezzi) 3920 N.d 500g (5 pezzi) 3921 N.d 750g (5 pezzi) 3922 N.d 1000g (5 pezzi)

Ramekins are usefull wrappers in nonstick paper, perfect to prepare a high panettone. 179 180 FLEXIBLE FIBS MAT (ICE PADS) ACCESSORIES USE It is perfect to prepare flaky pastry, improving workability so the result.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 6166 N.d 52 X43 6167 N.d 125 X 43

Gel pads created by Luca Montersino.

LINEN TOWEL FOR BREAD ACCESSORIES USE It is perfect to prepare bread, to cover it during rising and keep the


Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3545 N.d 60 x 100 8192 N.d 45 x 200 3546 N.d 60 x 200

Exceptional high-hydration towel used to prepare bread.

MIXED-LINEN TOWEL FOR BREAD ACCESSORIES USE It is perfect to prepare bread, to cover it during rising and keep the shape.

Codice / Code Peso / Weight Note 3547 N.d 40 x 210 3292 N.d 45 x 220

Cotton towels used to prepare baguette and ciabatta bread, they keep shape (don't let them "sit") during leavening. 180 PUNTO VENDITA OLTRE 5.000 PRODOTTI SEMPRE DISPONIBILI OVER 5,000 PRODUCTS ALWAYS AVAILABLE

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