APUS Commencement Program 2020
COMMENCEMENT 2020 CONGRATULATIONSto the Class of 2020! You have successfully completed the requirements of your respective degree programs and now join the ranks of over 93,000 other American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU) alumni. You should be very proud of this accomplishment! This year’s graduating class comprises more than 11,000 graduates. The paths that each of you took to reach this accomplishment are quite diferent. Many of you studied while serving our country, domestically and abroad. Some of you studied between shifs at your local fre and rescue departments. Others studied while at home, raising your families and/or working full-time. Regardless of the route you took, you persevered; you earned your degree. At American Public University System (APUS), we appreciate your trust in us to provide you with a quality education relevant to your careers and lives afer graduation. With feedback from each of you during your time spent as students, we have been able to continuously improve our courses, programs, processes, and practices. From our beginnings nearly 30 years ago when we ofered a single master’s degree to today where we ofer more than 200 associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees, our decisions resulted from listening to you, our students and alumni. We understand the challenges of balancing work, family, and college and are aware of the sacrifces made in order to reach your academic goal. Cherish this moment and celebrate this occasion with your family, friends, and classmates. Recognize your achievement for the major milestone this accomplishment represents.
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